"The given slogan is too long":"Emandako leloa luzeegia da",
"The given color is invalid":"Emandako kolorea ez du balio",
"The file was uploaded":"Fitxategia igo da",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini":"Kargatutako fitxategiak php.ini fitxategiko upload_max_filesize direktiban zehazturikoa gainditzen du",
"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form":"Kargatutako fitxategiak HTML formularioan ezarritako MAX_FILE_SIZE direktiban zehazturikoa gainditzen du",
"The file was only partially uploaded":"Fitxategia erdizka kargatu da",
"No file was uploaded":"Ez da fitxategirik igo",
"Missing a temporary folder":"Aldi baterako karpeta bat falta da",
"Could not write file to disk":"Ezin izan da fitxategia diskoan idatzi",
"A PHP extension stopped the file upload":"PHP hedapen batek fitxategiaren karga gelditu du",