2014-06-02 18:29:03 +04:00
// this drops the keys below, because they aren't needed anymore
// core related
2014-06-02 20:31:43 +04:00
if (version_compare(\OCP\Config::getSystemValue('version', '0.0.0'), '7.0.0', '<')) {
2014-06-02 18:29:03 +04:00
2014-06-05 15:01:01 +04:00
2014-06-06 14:28:36 +04:00
if (version_compare(\OCP\Config::getAppValue('files', 'installed_version'), '1.1.9', '<')) {
2014-06-05 15:01:01 +04:00
// update wrong mimetypes
$wrongMimetypes = array(
'application/mspowerpoint' => 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint',
'application/msexcel' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel',
$stmt = OC_DB::prepare('
UPDATE `*PREFIX*mimetypes`
SET `mimetype` = ?
WHERE `mimetype` = ?
foreach ($wrongMimetypes as $wrong => $correct) {
OC_DB::executeAudited($stmt, array($wrong, $correct));
$updatedMimetypes = array(
'docx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document',
'xlsx' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel',
'pptx' => 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint',
// separate doc from docx etc
foreach ($updatedMimetypes as $extension => $mimetype ) {
$result = OC_DB::executeAudited('
SELECT count(`mimetype`)
FROM `*PREFIX*mimetypes`
WHERE `mimetype` = ?
', array($mimetype)
$exists = $result->fetchOne();
if ( ! $exists ) {
// insert mimetype
INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*mimetypes` ( `mimetype` )
VALUES ( ? )
', array($mimetype)
// change mimetype for files with x extension
UPDATE `*PREFIX*filecache`
SET `mimetype` = (
FROM `*PREFIX*mimetypes`
WHERE `mimetype` = ?
) WHERE `name` LIKE ?
', array($mimetype, '%.'.$extension)