* The [**issue template can be found here**][template] but be aware of the different repositories! See list below. Please always use the issue template when reporting issues.
* This repository ([core](https://github.com/nextcloud/core/issues)) is *only* for issues within the Nextcloud Server code. This also includes the apps: files, encryption, external storage, sharing, deleted files, versions, LDAP, and WebDAV Auth
* __SECURITY__: Report any potential security bug to us via security@nextcloud.com following our [security policy](https://nextcloud.com/security/) instead of filing an issue in our bug tracker-
* The issues in other components should be reported in their respective repositories: You will find them in our [GitHub Organization](https://github.com/nextcloud/)
In order to constantly increase the quality of our software we can no longer accept pull request which submit un-tested code.
It is a must have that changed and added code segments are unit tested.
In some areas unit testing is hard (aka almost impossible) as of today - in these areas refactoring WHILE fixing a bug is encouraged to enable unit testing.