"Invalid value supplied for %s"=>"Invalid value supplied for %s",
"test email settings"=>"test email settings",
"If you received this email, the settings seem to be correct."=>"If you received this email, the settings seem to be correct.",
"A problem occurred while sending the e-mail. Please revisit your settings."=>"A problem occurred whilst sending the e-mail. Please revisit your settings.",
"Email sent"=>"Email sent",
"You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails."=>"You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails.",
"Couldn't decrypt your files, please check your owncloud.log or ask your administrator"=>"Couldn't decrypt your files, please check your owncloud.log or ask your administrator",
"Couldn't decrypt your files, check your password and try again"=>"Couldn't decrypt your files, check your password and try again",
"Couldn't permanently delete your encryption keys, please check your owncloud.log or ask your administrator"=>"Couldn't permanently delete your encryption keys, please check your owncloud.log or ask your administrator",
"Couldn't restore your encryption keys, please check your owncloud.log or ask your administrator"=>"Couldn't restore your encryption keys, please check your owncloud.log or ask your administrator",
"Please provide an admin recovery password, otherwise all user data will be lost"=>"Please provide an admin recovery password, otherwise all user data will be lost",
"Wrong admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again."=>"Incorrect admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again.",
"Back-end doesn't support password change, but the users encryption key was successfully updated."=>"Back-end doesn't support password change, but the user's encryption key was successfully updated.",
"Unable to change password"=>"Unable to change password",
"You are accessing %s via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your server to require using HTTPS instead."=>"You are accessing %s via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your server to require using HTTPS instead.",
"Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your webserver in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the webserver document root."=>"Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your webserver in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the webserver document root.",
"Setup Warning"=>"Setup Warning",
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken."=>"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronisation because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken.",
"Please double check the <a href=\"%s\">installation guides</a>."=>"Please double check the <a href=\"%s\">installation guides</a>.",
"PHP is apparently setup to strip inline doc blocks. This will make several core apps inaccessible."=>"PHP is apparently setup to strip inline doc blocks. This will make several core apps inaccessible.",
"This is probably caused by a cache/accelerator such as Zend OPcache or eAccelerator."=>"This is probably caused by a cache/accelerator such as Zend OPcache or eAccelerator.",
"SQLite is used as database. For larger installations we recommend to change this. To migrate to another database use the command line tool: 'occ db:convert-type'"=>"SQLite is used as database. For larger installations we recommend changing this. To migrate to another database use the command line tool: 'occ db:convert-type'",
"The PHP module 'fileinfo' is missing. We strongly recommend to enable this module to get best results with mime-type detection."=>"The PHP module 'fileinfo' is missing. We strongly recommend enabling this module to get best results with mime-type detection.",
"Your PHP version is outdated"=>"Your PHP version is outdated",
"Your PHP version is outdated. We strongly recommend to update to 5.3.8 or newer because older versions are known to be broken. It is possible that this installation is not working correctly."=>"Your PHP version is outdated. We strongly recommend to update to 5.3.8 or newer because older versions are known to be broken. It is possible that this installation is not working correctly.",
"System locale can not be set to a one which supports UTF-8."=>"System locale can not be set to a one which supports UTF-8.",
"This means that there might be problems with certain characters in file names."=>"This means that there might be problems with certain characters in file names.",
"We strongly suggest to install the required packages on your system to support one of the following locales: %s."=>"We strongly suggest installing the required packages on your system to support one of the following locales: %s.",
"Internet connection not working"=>"Internet connection not working",
"This server has no working internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting of external storage, notifications about updates or installation of 3rd party apps don´t work. Accessing files from remote and sending of notification emails might also not work. We suggest to enable internet connection for this server if you want to have all features."=>"This server has no working internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting of external storage, notifications about updates or installation of 3rd party apps don't work. Accessing files from remote and sending of notification emails might also not work. We suggest to enable internet connection for this server if you want to have all features.",
"Last cron was executed at %s."=>"Last cron was executed at %s.",
"Last cron was executed at %s. This is more than an hour ago, something seems wrong."=>"Last cron was executed at %s. This is more than an hour ago, something seems wrong.",
"Cron was not executed yet!"=>"Cron was not executed yet!",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 15 minutes over http."=>"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 15 minutes over http.",
"Use systems cron service to call the cron.php file every 15 minutes."=>"Use system's cron service to call the cron.php file every 15 minutes.",
"Exclude groups from sharing"=>"Exclude groups from sharing",
"These groups will still be able to receive shares, but not to initiate them."=>"These groups will still be able to receive shares, but not to initiate them.",
"Forces the clients to connect to %s via an encrypted connection."=>"Forces the clients to connect to %s via an encrypted connection.",
"Please connect to your %s via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement."=>"Please connect to your %s via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement.",
"Developed by the <a href=\"http://ownCloud.org/contact\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a>, the <a href=\"https://github.com/owncloud\" target=\"_blank\">source code</a> is licensed under the <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html\" target=\"_blank\"><abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr></a>."=>"Developed by the <a href=\"http://ownCloud.org/contact\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a>, the <a href=\"https://github.com/owncloud\" target=\"_blank\">source code</a> is licensed under the <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html\" target=\"_blank\"><abbr title=\"Affero General Public Licence\">AGPL</abbr></a>.",
"<span class=\"licence\"></span>-licensed by <span class=\"author\"></span>"=>"<span class=\"licence\"></span>-licensed by <span class=\"author\"></span>",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"https://owncloud.org/contribute\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"https://owncloud.org/promote\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\">spread the word</a>!"=>"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"https://owncloud.org/contribute\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"https://owncloud.org/promote\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\">spread the word</a>!",
"Fill in an email address to enable password recovery and receive notifications"=>"Fill in an email address to enable password recovery and receive notifications",
"Your encryption keys are moved to a backup location. If something went wrong you can restore the keys. Only delete them permanently if you are sure that all files are decrypted correctly."=>"Your encryption keys are moved to a backup location. If something went wrong you can restore the keys. Only delete them permanently if you are sure that all files are decrypted correctly.",
"Enter the recovery password in order to recover the users files during password change"=>"Enter the recovery password in order to recover the user's files during password change",