2018-12-20 11:58:20 +03:00
! function ( t ) { function n ( n ) { for ( var r , o , i = n [ 0 ] , u = n [ 1 ] , c = 0 , a = [ ] ; c < i . length ; c ++ ) o = i [ c ] , e [ o ] && a . push ( e [ o ] [ 0 ] ) , e [ o ] = 0 ; for ( r in u ) Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( u , r ) && ( t [ r ] = u [ r ] ) ; for ( s && s ( n ) ; a . length ; ) a . shift ( ) ( ) } var r = { } , e = { 2 : 0 } ; function o ( n ) { if ( r [ n ] ) return r [ n ] . exports ; var e = r [ n ] = { i : n , l : ! 1 , exports : { } } ; return t [ n ] . call ( e . exports , e , e . exports , o ) , e . l = ! 0 , e . exports } o . e = function ( t ) { var n = [ ] , r = e [ t ] ; if ( 0 !== r ) if ( r ) n . push ( r [ 2 ] ) ; else { var i = new Promise ( function ( n , o ) { r = e [ t ] = [ n , o ] } ) ; n . push ( r [ 2 ] = i ) ; var u , c = document . createElement ( "script" ) ; c . charset = "utf-8" , c . timeout = 120 , o . nc && c . setAttribute ( "nonce" , o . nc ) , c . src = function ( t ) { return o . p + "" + ( { } [ t ] || t ) + ".js" } ( t ) , u = function ( n ) { c . onerror = c . onload = null , clearTimeout ( s ) ; var r = e [ t ] ; if ( 0 !== r ) { if ( r ) { var o = n && ( "load" === n . type ? "missing" : n . type ) , i = n && n . target && n . target . src , u = new Error ( "Loading chunk " + t + " failed.\n(" + o + ": " + i + ")" ) ; u . type = o , u . request = i , r [ 1 ] ( u ) } e [ t ] = void 0 } } ; var s = setTimeout ( function ( ) { u ( { type : "timeout" , target : c } ) } , 12e4 ) ; c . onerror = c . onload = u , document . head . appendChild ( c ) } return Promise . all ( n ) } , o . m = t , o . c = r , o . d = function ( t , n , r ) { o . o ( t , n ) || Object . defineProperty ( t , n , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : r } ) } , o . r = function ( t ) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol . toStringTag && Object . defineProperty ( t , Symbol . toStringTag , { value : "Module" } ) , Object . defineProperty ( t , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) } , o . t = function ( t , n ) { if ( 1 & n && ( t = o ( t ) ) , 8 & n ) return t ; if ( 4 & n && "object" == typeof t && t && t . _ _esModule ) return t ; var r = Object . create ( null ) ; if ( o . r ( r ) , Object . defineProperty ( r , "default" , { enumerable : ! 0 , value : t } ) , 2 & n && "string" != typeof t ) for ( var e in t ) o . d ( r , e , function ( n ) { return t [ n ] } . bind ( null , e ) ) ; return r } , o . n = function ( t ) { var n = t && t . _ _esModule ? function ( ) { return t . default } : function ( ) { return t } ; return o . d ( n , "a" , n ) , n } , o . o = function ( t , n ) { return Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( t , n ) } , o . p = "/" , o . oe = function ( t ) { throw console . error ( t ) , t } ; var i = window . webpackJsonp = window . webpackJsonp || [ ] , u = i . push . bind ( i ) ; i . push = n , i = i . slice ( ) ; for ( var c = 0 ; c < i . length ; c ++ ) n ( i [ c ] ) ; var s = u ; o ( o . s = 319 ) } ( [ function ( t , n , r ) { var e = r ( 3 ) , o = r ( 11 ) , i = r ( 16 ) , u = r ( 13 ) , c = r ( 25 ) , s = function ( t , n , r ) { var a , f , p , l , h = t & s . F , v = t & s . G , d = t & s . S , m = t & s . P , g = t & s . B , y = v ? e : d ? e [ n ] || ( e [ n ] = { } ) : ( e [ n ] || { } ) . prototype , w = v ? o : o [ n ] || ( o [ n ] = { } ) , b = w . prototype || ( w . prototype = { } ) ; for ( a in v && ( r = n ) , r ) p = ( ( f = ! h && y && void 0 !== y [ a ] ) ? y : r ) [ a ] , l = g && f ? c ( p , e ) : m && "function" == typeof p ? c ( Function . call , p ) : p , y && u ( y , a , p , t & s . U ) , w [ a ] != p && i ( w , a , l ) , m && b [ a ] != p && ( b [ a ] = p ) } ; e . core = o , s . F = 1 , s . G = 2 , s . S = 4 , s . P = 8 , s . B = 16 , s . W = 32 , s . U = 64 , s . R = 128 , t . exports = s } , function ( t , n , r ) { "use strict" ; var e = r ( 20 ) , o = r . n ( e ) , i = r ( 148 ) , u = r . n ( i ) , c = function ( t ) { return t . replace ( /\/$/ , "" ) } ; n . a = { requireAdmin : function ( ) { return u ( ) ( ) } , get : function ( t ) { return o . a . get ( c ( t ) ) } , post : function ( t , n ) { return o . a . post ( c ( t ) , n ) } , patch : function ( t , n ) { return o . a . patch ( c ( t ) , n ) } , put : function ( t , n ) { return o . a . put ( c ( t ) , n ) } , delete : function ( t , n ) { return o . a . delete ( c ( t ) , { data : n } ) } } } , function ( t , n ) { t . exports = function ( t ) { try { return ! ! t ( ) } catch ( t ) { return ! 0 } } } , function ( t , n ) { var r = t . exports = "undefined" != typeof window && window . Math == Math ? window : "undefined" != typeof self && self . Math == Math ? self : Function ( "return this" ) ( ) ; "number" == typeof _ _g && ( _ _g = r ) } , function ( t , n ) { t . exports = function ( t ) { return "object" == typeof t ? null !== t : "function" == typeof t } } , function ( t , n , r ) { var e = r ( 4 ) ; t . exports = function ( t ) { if ( ! e ( t ) ) throw TypeError ( t + " is not an object!" ) ; return t } } , function ( t , n , r ) { "use strict" ; var e = r ( 53 ) , o = r ( 100 ) , i = Object . prototype . toString ; function u ( t ) { return "[object Array]" === i . call ( t ) } function c ( t ) { return null !== t && "object" == typeof t } function s ( t ) { return "[object Function]" === i . call ( t ) } function a ( t , n ) { if ( null != t ) if ( "object" != typeof t && ( t = [ t ] ) , u ( t ) ) for ( var r = 0 , e = t . length ; r < e ; r ++ ) n . call ( null , t [ r ] , r , t ) ; else for ( var o in t ) Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( t , o ) && n . call ( null , t [ o ] , o , t ) } t . exports = { isArray : u , isArrayBuffer : function ( t ) { return "[object ArrayBuffer]" === i . call ( t ) } , isBuffer : o , isFormData : function ( t ) { return "undefined" != typeof FormData && t instanceof FormData } , isArrayBufferView : function ( t ) { return "undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer . isView ? ArrayBuffer . isView ( t ) : t && t . buffer && t . buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer } , isString : function ( t ) { return " strin
2018-12-10 17:10:26 +03:00
/ * !
2018-12-12 10:21:00 +03:00
* Vue . js v2 . 5.21
2018-12-10 17:10:26 +03:00
* ( c ) 2014 - 2018 Evan You
* Released under the MIT License .
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2018-12-20 11:58:20 +03:00
var e = Object . freeze ( { } ) ; function o ( t ) { return null == t } function i ( t ) { return null != t } function u ( t ) { return ! 0 === t } function c ( t ) { return "string" == typeof t || "number" == typeof t || "symbol" == typeof t || "boolean" == typeof t } function s ( t ) { return null !== t && "object" == typeof t } var a = Object . prototype . toString ; function f ( t ) { return "[object Object]" === a . call ( t ) } function p ( t ) { return "[object RegExp]" === a . call ( t ) } function l ( t ) { var n = parseFloat ( String ( t ) ) ; return n >= 0 && Math . floor ( n ) === n && isFinite ( t ) } function h ( t ) { return null == t ? "" : "object" == typeof t ? JSON . stringify ( t , null , 2 ) : String ( t ) } function v ( t ) { var n = parseFloat ( t ) ; return isNaN ( n ) ? t : n } function d ( t , n ) { for ( var r = Object . create ( null ) , e = t . split ( "," ) , o = 0 ; o < e . length ; o ++ ) r [ e [ o ] ] = ! 0 ; return n ? function ( t ) { return r [ t . toLowerCase ( ) ] } : function ( t ) { return r [ t ] } } d ( "slot,component" , ! 0 ) ; var m = d ( "key,ref,slot,slot-scope,is" ) ; function g ( t , n ) { if ( t . length ) { var r = t . indexOf ( n ) ; if ( r > - 1 ) return t . splice ( r , 1 ) } } var y = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ; function w ( t , n ) { return y . call ( t , n ) } function b ( t ) { var n = Object . create ( null ) ; return function ( r ) { return n [ r ] || ( n [ r ] = t ( r ) ) } } var _ = /-(\w)/g , x = b ( function ( t ) { return t . replace ( _ , function ( t , n ) { return n ? n . toUpperCase ( ) : "" } ) } ) , S = b ( function ( t ) { return t . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + t . slice ( 1 ) } ) , C = /\B([A-Z])/g , O = b ( function ( t ) { return t . replace ( C , "-$1" ) . toLowerCase ( ) } ) ; var j = Function . prototype . bind ? function ( t , n ) { return t . bind ( n ) } : function ( t , n ) { function r ( r ) { var e = arguments . length ; return e ? e > 1 ? t . apply ( n , arguments ) : t . call ( n , r ) : t . call ( n ) } return r . _length = t . length , r } ; function F ( t , n ) { n = n || 0 ; for ( var r = t . length - n , e = new Array ( r ) ; r -- ; ) e [ r ] = t [ r + n ] ; return e } function U ( t , n ) { for ( var r in n ) t [ r ] = n [ r ] ; return t } function M ( t ) { for ( var n = { } , r = 0 ; r < t . length ; r ++ ) t [ r ] && U ( n , t [ r ] ) ; return n } function I ( t , n , r ) { } var P = function ( t , n , r ) { return ! 1 } , L = function ( t ) { return t } ; function A ( t , n ) { if ( t === n ) return ! 0 ; var r = s ( t ) , e = s ( n ) ; if ( ! r || ! e ) return ! r && ! e && String ( t ) === String ( n ) ; try { var o = Array . isArray ( t ) , i = Array . isArray ( n ) ; if ( o && i ) return t . length === n . length && t . every ( function ( t , r ) { return A ( t , n [ r ] ) } ) ; if ( t instanceof Date && n instanceof Date ) return t . getTime ( ) === n . getTime ( ) ; if ( o || i ) return ! 1 ; var u = Object . keys ( t ) , c = Object . keys ( n ) ; return u . length === c . length && u . every ( function ( r ) { return A ( t [ r ] , n [ r ] ) } ) } catch ( t ) { return ! 1 } } function W ( t , n ) { for ( var r = 0 ; r < t . length ; r ++ ) if ( A ( t [ r ] , n ) ) return r ; return - 1 } function H ( t ) { var n = ! 1 ; return function ( ) { n || ( n = ! 0 , t . apply ( this , arguments ) ) } } var z = "data-server-rendered" , X = [ "component" , "directive" , "filter" ] , J = [ "beforeCreate" , "created" , "beforeMount" , "mounted" , "beforeUpdate" , "updated" , "beforeDestroy" , "destroyed" , "activated" , "deactivated" , "errorCaptured" ] , G = { optionMergeStrategies : Object . create ( null ) , silent : ! 1 , productionTip : ! 1 , devtools : ! 1 , performance : ! 1 , errorHandler : null , warnHandler : null , ignoredElements : [ ] , keyCodes : Object . create ( null ) , isReservedTag : P , isReservedAttr : P , isUnknownElement : P , getTagNamespace : I , parsePlatformTagName : L , mustUseProp : P , async : ! 0 , _lifecycleHooks : J } ; function q ( t , n , r , e ) { Object . defineProperty ( t , n , { value : r , enumerable : ! ! e , writable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 } ) } var N = /[^\w.$]/ ; var Z , V = "__proto__" in { } , K = "undefined" != typeof window , E = "undefined" != typeof WXEnvironment && ! ! WXEnvironment . platform , Q = E && WXEnvironment . platform . toLowerCase ( ) , D = K && window . navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) , k = D && /msie|trident/ . test ( D ) , B = D && D . indexOf ( "msie 9.0" ) > 0 , Y = D && D . indexOf ( "edge/" ) > 0 , R = ( D && D . indexOf ( "android" ) , D && /iphone|ipad|ipod|ios/ . test ( D ) || "ios" === Q ) , T = ( D && /chrome\/\d+/ . test ( D ) , { } . watch ) , $ = ! 1 ; if ( K ) try { var tt = { } ; Object . defineProperty ( tt , "passive" , { get : function ( ) { $ = ! 0 } } ) , window . addEventListener ( "test-passive" , null , tt ) } catch ( t ) { } var nt = function ( ) { return void 0 === Z && ( Z = ! K && ! E && void 0 !== t && ( t . process && "server" === t . process . env . VUE _ENV ) ) , Z } , rt = K && window . _ _VUE _DEVTOOLS _GLOBAL _HOOK _ _ ; function et ( t ) { return "function" == typeof t && /native code/ . test ( t . toString ( ) ) } var ot , it = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && et ( Symbol ) && "undefined" != typeof Reflect && et ( Reflect . ownKeys ) ; ot = "undefined" != typeof Set && et ( Set ) ? Set : function ( ) { function t ( ) { this . set = Object . create ( null ) } return t . prototype . has = function ( t ) { return ! 0 === this . set [ t ] } , t . prototype . add = function ( t ) { this . set [ t ] = ! 0 } , t . prototype
2018-12-10 17:10:26 +03:00
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* Determine if an object is a Buffer
* @ author Feross Aboukhadijeh < https : //feross.org>
* @ license MIT
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2018-12-20 11:58:20 +03:00
t . exports = function ( t ) { return null != t && ( r ( t ) || function ( t ) { return "function" == typeof t . readFloatLE && "function" == typeof t . slice && r ( t . slice ( 0 , 0 ) ) } ( t ) || ! ! t . _isBuffer ) } } , function ( t , n , r ) { "use strict" ; var e = r ( 41 ) , o = r ( 6 ) , i = r ( 110 ) , u = r ( 111 ) ; function c ( t ) { this . defaults = t , this . interceptors = { request : new i , response : new i } } c . prototype . request = function ( t ) { "string" == typeof t && ( t = o . merge ( { url : arguments [ 0 ] } , arguments [ 1 ] ) ) , ( t = o . merge ( e , { method : "get" } , this . defaults , t ) ) . method = t . method . toLowerCase ( ) ; var n = [ u , void 0 ] , r = Promise . resolve ( t ) ; for ( this . interceptors . request . forEach ( function ( t ) { n . unshift ( t . fulfilled , t . rejected ) } ) , this . interceptors . response . forEach ( function ( t ) { n . push ( t . fulfilled , t . rejected ) } ) ; n . length ; ) r = r . then ( n . shift ( ) , n . shift ( ) ) ; return r } , o . forEach ( [ "delete" , "get" , "head" , "options" ] , function ( t ) { c . prototype [ t ] = function ( n , r ) { return this . request ( o . merge ( r || { } , { method : t , url : n } ) ) } } ) , o . forEach ( [ "post" , "put" , "patch" ] , function ( t ) { c . prototype [ t ] = function ( n , r , e ) { return this . request ( o . merge ( e || { } , { method : t , url : n , data : r } ) ) } } ) , t . exports = c } , function ( t , n , r ) { "use strict" ; var e = r ( 6 ) ; t . exports = function ( t , n ) { e . forEach ( t , function ( r , e ) { e !== n && e . toUpperCase ( ) === n . toUpperCase ( ) && ( t [ n ] = r , delete t [ e ] ) } ) } } , function ( t , n , r ) { "use strict" ; var e = r ( 55 ) ; t . exports = function ( t , n , r ) { var o = r . config . validateStatus ; r . status && o && ! o ( r . status ) ? n ( e ( "Request failed with status code " + r . status , r . config , null , r . request , r ) ) : t ( r ) } } , function ( t , n , r ) { "use strict" ; t . exports = function ( t , n , r , e , o ) { return t . config = n , r && ( t . code = r ) , t . request = e , t . response = o , t } } , function ( t , n , r ) { "use strict" ; var e = r ( 6 ) ; function o ( t ) { return encodeURIComponent ( t ) . replace ( /%40/gi , "@" ) . replace ( /%3A/gi , ":" ) . replace ( /%24/g , "$" ) . replace ( /%2C/gi , "," ) . replace ( /%20/g , "+" ) . replace ( /%5B/gi , "[" ) . replace ( /%5D/gi , "]" ) } t . exports = function ( t , n , r ) { if ( ! n ) return t ; var i ; if ( r ) i = r ( n ) ; else if ( e . isURLSearchParams ( n ) ) i = n . toString ( ) ; else { var u = [ ] ; e . forEach ( n , function ( t , n ) { null != t && ( e . isArray ( t ) ? n += "[]" : t = [ t ] , e . forEach ( t , function ( t ) { e . isDate ( t ) ? t = t . toISOString ( ) : e . isObject ( t ) && ( t = JSON . stringify ( t ) ) , u . push ( o ( n ) + "=" + o ( t ) ) } ) ) } ) , i = u . join ( "&" ) } return i && ( t += ( - 1 === t . indexOf ( "?" ) ? "?" : "&" ) + i ) , t } } , function ( t , n , r ) { "use strict" ; var e = r ( 6 ) , o = [ "age" , "authorization" , "content-length" , "content-type" , "etag" , "expires" , "from" , "host" , "if-modified-since" , "if-unmodified-since" , "last-modified" , "location" , "max-forwards" , "proxy-authorization" , "referer" , "retry-after" , "user-agent" ] ; t . exports = function ( t ) { var n , r , i , u = { } ; return t ? ( e . forEach ( t . split ( "\n" ) , function ( t ) { if ( i = t . indexOf ( ":" ) , n = e . trim ( t . substr ( 0 , i ) ) . toLowerCase ( ) , r = e . trim ( t . substr ( i + 1 ) ) , n ) { if ( u [ n ] && o . indexOf ( n ) >= 0 ) return ; u [ n ] = "set-cookie" === n ? ( u [ n ] ? u [ n ] : [ ] ) . concat ( [ r ] ) : u [ n ] ? u [ n ] + ", " + r : r } } ) , u ) : u } } , function ( t , n , r ) { "use strict" ; var e = r ( 6 ) ; t . exports = e . isStandardBrowserEnv ( ) ? function ( ) { var t , n = /(msie|trident)/i . test ( navigator . userAgent ) , r = document . createElement ( "a" ) ; function o ( t ) { var e = t ; return n && ( r . setAttribute ( "href" , e ) , e = r . href ) , r . setAttribute ( "href" , e ) , { href : r . href , protocol : r . protocol ? r . protocol . replace ( /:$/ , "" ) : "" , host : r . host , search : r . search ? r . search . replace ( /^\?/ , "" ) : "" , hash : r . hash ? r . hash . replace ( /^#/ , "" ) : "" , hostname : r . hostname , port : r . port , pathname : "/" === r . pathname . charAt ( 0 ) ? r . pathname : "/" + r . pathname } } return t = o ( window . location . href ) , function ( n ) { var r = e . isString ( n ) ? o ( n ) : n ; return r . protocol === t . protocol && r . host === t . host } } ( ) : function ( ) { return ! 0 } } , function ( t , n , r ) { "use strict" ; var e = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" ; function o ( ) { this . message = "String contains an invalid character" } o . prototype = new Error , o . prototype . code = 5 , o . prototype . name = "InvalidCharacterError" , t . exports = function ( t ) { for ( var n , r , i = String ( t ) , u = "" , c = 0 , s = e ; i . charAt ( 0 | c ) || ( s = "=" , c % 1 ) ; u += s . charAt ( 63 & n >> 8 - c % 1 * 8 ) ) { if ( ( r = i . charCodeAt ( c += . 75 ) ) > 255 ) throw new o ; n = n << 8 | r } return u } } , function ( t , n , r ) { "use strict" ; var e = r ( 6 ) ; t . exports = e . isStandardBrowserEnv ( ) ? { write : function ( t , n , r , o , i , u ) { var c = [ ] ; c . push ( t + "=" + encodeURIComponent ( n ) ) , e . isNumber ( r ) && c . push ( "expires=" + new Date ( r ) . toGMTString ( ) ) , e . isString ( o ) && c . push ( "path=" + o ) , e . isString ( i ) && c . push ( "domain=" + i ) , ! 0 === u && c . push ( "secure" ) , document . cookie = c . join ( "; " ) } , read : function ( t ) { v
2018-12-10 17:10:26 +03:00
/ * !
* vue - router v3 . 0.2
* ( c ) 2018 Evan You
* @ license MIT
2018-12-20 11:58:20 +03:00
* /function p(t){return Object.prototype.toString.call(t).indexOf("Error")>-1}function l(t,n){for(var r in n)t[r]=n[r];return t}var h={name:"RouterView",functional:!0,props:{name:{type:String,default:"default"}},render:function(t,n){var r=n.props,e=n.children,o=n.parent,i=n.data;i.routerView=!0;for(var u=o.$createElement,c=r.name,s=o.$route,a=o._routerViewCache||(o._routerViewCache={}),f=0,p=!1;o&&o._routerRoot!==o;)o.$vnode&&o.$vnode.data.routerView&&f++,o._inactive&&(p=!0),o=o.$parent;if(i.routerViewDepth=f,p)return u(a[c],i,e);var h=s.matched[f];if(!h)return a[c]=null,u();var v=a[c]=h.components[c];i.registerRouteInstance=function(t,n){var r=h.instances[c];(n&&r!==t||!n&&r===t)&&(h.instances[c]=n)},(i.hook||(i.hook={})).prepatch=function(t,n){h.instances[c]=n.componentInstance};var d=i.props=function(t,n){switch(typeof n){case"undefined":return;case"object":return n;case"function":return n(t);case"boolean":return n?t.params:void 0;default:0}}(s,h.props&&h.props[c]);if(d){d=i.props=l({},d);var m=i.attrs=i.attrs||{};for(var g in d)v.props&&g in v.props||(m[g]=d[g],delete d[g])}return u(v,i,e)}};var v=/ [ ! ' ( ) * ] / g , d = function ( t ) { return "%" + t . charCodeAt ( 0 ) . toString ( 16 ) } , m = /%2C/g , g = function ( t ) { return encodeURIComponent ( t ) . replace ( v , d ) . replace ( m , "," ) } , y = decodeURIComponent ; function w ( t ) { var n = { } ; return ( t = t . trim ( ) . replace ( /^(\?|#|&)/ , "" ) ) ? ( t . split ( "&" ) . forEach ( function ( t ) { var r = t . replace ( /\+/g , " " ) . split ( "=" ) , e = y ( r . shift ( ) ) , o = r . length > 0 ? y ( r . join ( "=" ) ) : null ; void 0 === n [ e ] ? n [ e ] = o : Array . isArray ( n [ e ] ) ? n [ e ] . push ( o ) : n [ e ] = [ n [ e ] , o ] } ) , n ) : n } function b ( t ) { var n = t ? Object . keys ( t ) . map ( function ( n ) { var r = t [ n ] ; if ( void 0 === r ) return "" ; if ( null === r ) return g ( n ) ; if ( Array . isArray ( r ) ) { var e = [ ] ; return r . forEach ( function ( t ) { void 0 !== t && ( null === t ? e . push ( g ( n ) ) : e . push ( g ( n ) + "=" + g ( t ) ) ) } ) , e . join ( "&" ) } return g ( n ) + "=" + g ( r ) } ) . filter ( function ( t ) { return t . length > 0 } ) . join ( "&" ) : null ; return n ? "?" + n : "" } var _ = /\/?$/ ; function x ( t , n , r , e ) { var o = e && e . options . stringifyQuery , i = n . query || { } ; try { i = S ( i ) } catch ( t ) { } var u = { name : n . name || t && t . name , meta : t && t . meta || { } , path : n . path || "/" , hash : n . hash || "" , query : i , params : n . params || { } , fullPath : j ( n , o ) , matched : t ? O ( t ) : [ ] } ; return r && ( u . redirectedFrom = j ( r , o ) ) , Object . freeze ( u ) } function S ( t ) { if ( Array . isArray ( t ) ) return t . map ( S ) ; if ( t && "object" == typeof t ) { var n = { } ; for ( var r in t ) n [ r ] = S ( t [ r ] ) ; return n } return t } var C = x ( null , { path : "/" } ) ; function O ( t ) { for ( var n = [ ] ; t ; ) n . unshift ( t ) , t = t . parent ; return n } function j ( t , n ) { var r = t . path , e = t . query ; void 0 === e && ( e = { } ) ; var o = t . hash ; return void 0 === o && ( o = "" ) , ( r || "/" ) + ( n || b ) ( e ) + o } function F ( t , n ) { return n === C ? t === n : ! ! n && ( t . path && n . path ? t . path . replace ( _ , "" ) === n . path . replace ( _ , "" ) && t . hash === n . hash && U ( t . query , n . query ) : ! ( ! t . name || ! n . name ) && ( t . name === n . name && t . hash === n . hash && U ( t . query , n . query ) && U ( t . params , n . params ) ) ) } function U ( t , n ) { if ( void 0 === t && ( t = { } ) , void 0 === n && ( n = { } ) , ! t || ! n ) return t === n ; var r = Object . keys ( t ) , e = Object . keys ( n ) ; return r . length === e . length && r . every ( function ( r ) { var e = t [ r ] , o = n [ r ] ; return "object" == typeof e && "object" == typeof o ? U ( e , o ) : String ( e ) === String ( o ) } ) } var M , I = [ String , Object ] , P = [ String , Array ] , L = { name : "RouterLink" , props : { to : { type : I , required : ! 0 } , tag : { type : String , default : "a" } , exact : Boolean , append : Boolean , replace : Boolean , activeClass : String , exactActiveClass : String , event : { type : P , default : "click" } } , render : function ( t ) { var n = this , r = this . $router , e = this . $route , o = r . resolve ( this . to , e , this . append ) , i = o . location , u = o . route , c = o . href , s = { } , a = r . options . linkActiveClass , f = r . options . linkExactActiveClass , p = null == a ? "router-link-active" : a , h = null == f ? "router-link-exact-active" : f , v = null == this . activeClass ? p : this . activeClass , d = null == this . exactActiveClass ? h : this . exactActiveClass , m = i . path ? x ( null , i , null , r ) : u ; s [ d ] = F ( e , m ) , s [ v ] = this . exact ? s [ d ] : function ( t , n ) { return 0 === t . path . replace ( _ , "/" ) . indexOf ( n . path . replace ( _ , "/" ) ) && ( ! n . hash || t . hash === n . hash ) && function ( t , n ) { for ( var r in n ) if ( ! ( r in t ) ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } ( t . query , n . query ) } ( e , m ) ; var g = function ( t ) { A ( t ) && ( n . replace ? r . replace ( i ) : r . push ( i ) ) } , y = { click : A } ; Array . isArray ( this . event ) ? this . event . forEach ( function ( t ) { y [ t ] = g } ) : y [ this . event ] = g ; var w = { class : s } ; if ( "a" === this . tag ) w . on = y , w . attrs = { href : c } ; else { var b =
2018-12-10 17:10:26 +03:00
/ *
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2018 John Molakvoæ < skjnldsv @ protonmail . com >
* @ author John Molakvoæ < skjnldsv @ protonmail . com >
* @ author Julius Härtl < jus @ bitgrid . net >
* @ license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the
* License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2018-12-20 11:58:20 +03:00
* /o.a.use(Vt);var Qt=new Vt({mode:"history",base:OC.generateUrl(""),linkActiveClass:"active",routes:[{path:"/:index(index.php/)?settings/users",component:Kt,props:!0,name:"users",children:[{path:":selectedGroup(.*)",name:"group",component:Kt}]},{path:"/ : index ( index . php / ) ? settings / apps ",component:Et,props:!0,name:" apps ",children:[{path:" : category ",name:" apps - category ",component:Et,children:[{path:" : id ",name:" apps - details ",component:Et}]}]}]}),Dt=function(t){if(Number(t.version.split(" . ")[0])>=2)t.mixin({beforeCreate:r});else{var n=t.prototype._init;t.prototype._init=function(t){void 0===t&&(t={}),t.init=t.init?[r].concat(t.init):r,n.call(this,t)}}function r(){var t=this.$options;t.store?this.$store=" function "==typeof t.store?t.store():t.store:t.parent&&t.parent.$store&&(this.$store=t.parent.$store)}},kt=" undefined " != typeof window && window . _ _VUE _DEVTOOLS _GLOBAL _HOOK _ _ ;
2018-12-10 17:10:26 +03:00
/ * *
* vuex v3 . 0.1
* ( c ) 2017 Evan You
* @ license MIT
2018-12-20 11:58:20 +03:00
* /function Bt(t,n){Object.keys(t).forEach(function(r){return n(t[r],r)})}var Yt=function(t,n){this.runtime=n,this._children=Object.create(null),this._rawModule=t;var r=t.state;this.state=("function"==typeof r?r():r)||{}},Rt={namespaced:{configurable:!0}};Rt.namespaced.get=function(){return!!this._rawModule.namespaced},Yt.prototype.addChild=function(t,n){this._children[t]=n},Yt.prototype.removeChild=function(t){delete this._children[t]},Yt.prototype.getChild=function(t){return this._children[t]},Yt.prototype.update=function(t){this._rawModule.namespaced=t.namespaced,t.actions&&(this._rawModule.actions=t.actions),t.mutations&&(this._rawModule.mutations=t.mutations),t.getters&&(this._rawModule.getters=t.getters)},Yt.prototype.forEachChild=function(t){Bt(this._children,t)},Yt.prototype.forEachGetter=function(t){this._rawModule.getters&&Bt(this._rawModule.getters,t)},Yt.prototype.forEachAction=function(t){this._rawModule.actions&&Bt(this._rawModule.actions,t)},Yt.prototype.forEachMutation=function(t){this._rawModule.mutations&&Bt(this._rawModule.mutations,t)},Object.defineProperties(Yt.prototype,Rt);var Tt=function(t){this.register([],t,!1)};Tt.prototype.get=function(t){return t.reduce(function(t,n){return t.getChild(n)},this.root)},Tt.prototype.getNamespace=function(t){var n=this.root;return t.reduce(function(t,r){return t+((n=n.getChild(r)).namespaced?r+"/ ":" ")}," ")},Tt.prototype.update=function(t){!function t(n,r,e){0;r.update(e);if(e.modules)for(var o in e.modules){if(!r.getChild(o))return void 0;t(n.concat(o),r.getChild(o),e.modules[o])}}([],this.root,t)},Tt.prototype.register=function(t,n,r){var e=this;void 0===r&&(r=!0);var o=new Yt(n,r);0===t.length?this.root=o:this.get(t.slice(0,-1)).addChild(t[t.length-1],o);n.modules&&Bt(n.modules,function(n,o){e.register(t.concat(o),n,r)})},Tt.prototype.unregister=function(t){var n=this.get(t.slice(0,-1)),r=t[t.length-1];n.getChild(r).runtime&&n.removeChild(r)};var $t;var tn=function(t){var n=this;void 0===t&&(t={}),!$t&&" undefined "!=typeof window&&window.Vue&&an(window.Vue);var r=t.plugins;void 0===r&&(r=[]);var e=t.strict;void 0===e&&(e=!1);var o=t.state;void 0===o&&(o={})," function "==typeof o&&(o=o()||{}),this._committing=!1,this._actions=Object.create(null),this._actionSubscribers=[],this._mutations=Object.create(null),this._wrappedGetters=Object.create(null),this._modules=new Tt(t),this._modulesNamespaceMap=Object.create(null),this._subscribers=[],this._watcherVM=new $t;var i=this,u=this.dispatch,c=this.commit;this.dispatch=function(t,n){return u.call(i,t,n)},this.commit=function(t,n,r){return c.call(i,t,n,r)},this.strict=e,un(this,o,[],this._modules.root),on(this,o),r.forEach(function(t){return t(n)}),$t.config.devtools&&function(t){kt&&(t._devtoolHook=kt,kt.emit(" vuex : init ",t),kt.on(" vuex : travel - to - state ",function(n){t.replaceState(n)}),t.subscribe(function(t,n){kt.emit(" vuex : mutation ",t,n)}))}(this)},nn={state:{configurable:!0}};function rn(t,n){return n.indexOf(t)<0&&n.push(t),function(){var r=n.indexOf(t);r>-1&&n.splice(r,1)}}function en(t,n){t._actions=Object.create(null),t._mutations=Object.create(null),t._wrappedGetters=Object.create(null),t._modulesNamespaceMap=Object.create(null);var r=t.state;un(t,r,[],t._modules.root,!0),on(t,r,n)}function on(t,n,r){var e=t._vm;t.getters={};var o=t._wrappedGetters,i={};Bt(o,function(n,r){i[r]=function(){return n(t)},Object.defineProperty(t.getters,r,{get:function(){return t._vm[r]},enumerable:!0})});var u=$t.config.silent;$t.config.silent=!0,t._vm=new $t({data:{$$state:n},computed:i}),$t.config.silent=u,t.strict&&function(t){t._vm.$watch(function(){return this._data.$$state},function(){0},{deep:!0,sync:!0})}(t),e&&(r&&t._withCommit(function(){e._data.$$state=null}),$t.nextTick(function(){return e.$destroy()}))}function un(t,n,r,e,o){var i=!r.length,u=t._modules.getNamespace(r);if(e.namespaced&&(t._modulesNamespaceMap[u]=e),!i&&!o){var c=cn(n,r.slice(0,-1)),s=r[r.length-1];t._withCommit(function(){$t.set(c,s,e.state)})}var a=e.context=function(t,n,r){var e=" " === n , o = { dispatch : e ? t . dispatch : function ( r , e , o ) { var i = sn ( r , e , o ) , u = i . payloa
2018-12-10 17:10:26 +03:00
/ *
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2018 John Molakvoæ < skjnldsv @ protonmail . com >
* @ author John Molakvoæ < skjnldsv @ protonmail . com >
* @ author Julius Härtl < jus @ bitgrid . net >
* @ license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the
* License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
2018-12-20 11:58:20 +03:00
o . a . use ( gn ) ; var On = { API _FAILURE : function ( n , r ) { try { var e = r . error . response . data . ocs . meta . message ; OC . Notification . showHtml ( t ( "settings" , "An error occured during the request. Unable to proceed." ) + "<br>" + e , { timeout : 7 } ) } catch ( n ) { OC . Notification . showTemporary ( t ( "settings" , "An error occured during the request. Unable to proceed." ) ) } console . log ( n , r ) } } , jn = new gn . Store ( { modules : { users : _n , apps : xn , settings : Sn , oc : Cn } , strict : ! 1 , mutations : On } ) ; e . d ( r , "app" , function ( ) { return Fn } ) , e . d ( r , "router" , function ( ) { return Qt } ) , e . d ( r , "store" , function ( ) { return jn } ) ,
2018-12-10 17:10:26 +03:00
/ *
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2018 John Molakvoæ < skjnldsv @ protonmail . com >
* @ author John Molakvoæ < skjnldsv @ protonmail . com >
* @ license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the
* License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
2018-12-20 11:58:20 +03:00
Object ( i . sync ) ( jn , Qt ) , e . nc = btoa ( OC . requestToken ) , e . p = OC . linkTo ( "settings" , "js/" ) , o . a . prototype . t = t , o . a . prototype . OC = OC , o . a . prototype . OCA = OCA , o . a . prototype . oc _userconfig = oc _userconfig , o . a . prototype . oc _current _user = oc _current _user ; var Fn = new o . a ( { router : Qt , store : jn , render : function ( t ) { return t ( f ) } } ) . $mount ( "#content" ) } ] ) ;
2018-12-10 17:10:26 +03:00
//# sourceMappingURL=settings-vue.js.map