"Your client is not authorized to connect. Please inform the administrator of your client.":"Nameščen odjemalec ni overjen za vzpostavljanje povezave. Stopite v stik s skrbnikom odjemalca.",
"Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path":"Preusmeritveni naslov URL mora biti zapisan v polni obliki: https://domena.si/celotna-pot",
"OAuth 2.0":"OAuth 2.0",
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications.":"Dovoli skladno overitev OAuth2 prek drugih spletnih programov.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications.":"Program OAuth2 omogoča skrbnikom nastavitev vgrajenega sistema overitve za skladnost z drugimi spletnimi programi.",
"OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to {instanceName}.":"Program OAuth 2.0 omogoča zunanjim storitvam odobritev dostopa do {instanceName}.",