2012-07-01 23:36:09 +04:00
< ? php
//Prerendering for iCalendar file
$file = OC_Filesystem :: file_get_contents ( $_ [ 'path' ] . '/' . $_ [ 'filename' ]);
if ( ! $file ){
OCP\JSON :: error ( array ( 'error' => '404' ));
$import = new OC_Calendar_Import ( $file );
$newcalendarname = strip_tags ( $import -> createCalendarName ());
$guessedcalendarname = $import -> guessCalendarName ();
2012-07-03 15:43:18 +04:00
//loading calendars for select box
2012-05-01 20:50:31 +04:00
$calendar_options = OC_Calendar_Calendar :: allCalendars ( OCP\USER :: getUser ());
2012-01-13 16:57:46 +04:00
$calendar_options [] = array ( 'id' => 'newcal' , 'displayname' => $l -> t ( 'create a new calendar' ));
2011-10-04 00:50:10 +04:00
2012-07-03 15:43:18 +04:00
< div id = " calendar_import_dialog " title = " <?php echo $l->t ( " Import a calendar file " );?> " >
< div id = " calendar_import_form " >
< form >
< input type = " hidden " id = " calendar_import_filename " value = " <?php echo $_['filename'] ;?> " >
< input type = " hidden " id = " calendar_import_path " value = " <?php echo $_['path'] ;?> " >
< input type = " hidden " id = " calendar_import_progresskey " value = " <?php echo rand() ?> " >
< span id = " calendar_import_form_message " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Please choose a calendar' ); ?> </span>
< select style = " width:100%; " id = " calendar_import_calendar " name = " calendar_import_calendar " >
< ? php
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $calendar_options ); $i ++ ){
$calendar_options [ $i ][ 'displayname' ] = $calendar_options [ $i ][ 'displayname' ];
echo OCP\html_select_options ( $calendar_options , $calendar_options [ 0 ][ 'id' ], array ( 'value' => 'id' , 'label' => 'displayname' ));
</ select >
< div id = " calendar_import_newcalform " >
< input id = " calendar_import_newcalendar " type = " text " placeholder = " <?php echo $l->t ('Name of new calendar'); ?> " value = " <?php echo $newcalendarname ?> " >< br >
<!--< input id = " calendar_import_generatename " type = " button " class = " button " value = " <?php echo $l->t ('Take an available name!'); ?> " >< br >-->
< span id = " calendar_import_mergewarning " class = " hint " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'A Calendar with this name already exists. If you continue anyhow, these calendars will be merged.' ); ?> </span>
</ div >
< input id = " calendar_import_submit " type = " button " class = " button " value = " » <?php echo $l->t ('Import'); ?> » " id = " startimport " >
< form >
2012-01-14 17:22:30 +04:00
</ div >
2012-07-03 15:43:18 +04:00
< div id = " calendar_import_process " >
< span id = " calendar_import_process_message " ></ span >
< div id = " calendar_import_progressbar " ></ div >
< br >
< div id = " calendar_import_status " class = " hint " ></ div >
< br >
< input id = " calendar_import_done " type = " button " value = " <?php echo $l->t ('Close Dialog'); ?> " >
2012-01-14 17:22:30 +04:00
</ div >
2012-01-13 16:57:46 +04:00
</ div >