2011-08-24 16:36:03 +04:00
< input type = " hidden " id = " bookmarkFilterTag " value = " <?php if(isset( $_GET['tag'] )) echo htmlentities( $_GET['tag'] ); ?> " />
2011-10-01 13:14:43 +04:00
< h2 class = " bookmarks_headline " >< ? php echo isset ( $_GET [ " tag " ]) ? $l -> t ( 'Bookmarks with tag: ' ) . urldecode ( $_GET [ " tag " ]) : $l -> t ( 'All bookmarks' ); ?> </h2>
2011-08-16 00:05:07 +04:00
< div class = " bookmarks_menu " >
2011-10-01 13:14:43 +04:00
< input type = " button " class = " bookmarks_addBtn " value = " <?php echo $l->t ('Add bookmark'); ?> " />& nbsp ;
< a class = " bookmarks_addBml " href = " javascript:var url = encodeURIComponent(location.href);window.open('<?php echo OC_Helper::linkTo('bookmarks', 'addBm.php', null, true); ?>?url='+url, 'owncloud-bookmarks'); " title = " <?php echo $l->t ('Drag this to your browser bookmarks and click it, when you want to bookmark a webpage.'); ?> " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Add page to ownCloud' ); ?> </a>
2011-08-16 00:05:07 +04:00
</ div >
< div class = " bookmarks_add " >
2011-09-13 15:08:11 +04:00
< input type = " hidden " id = " bookmark_add_id " value = " 0 " />
2011-10-01 13:14:43 +04:00
< p >< label class = " bookmarks_label " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Address' ); ?> </label><input type="text" id="bookmark_add_url" class="bookmarks_input" /></p>
< p >< label class = " bookmarks_label " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Title' ); ?> </label><input type="text" id="bookmark_add_title" class="bookmarks_input" />
2011-09-06 16:43:03 +04:00
< img class = " loading_meta " src = " <?php echo OC_Helper::imagePath('core', 'loading.gif'); ?> " /></ p >
2011-10-01 13:14:43 +04:00
< p >< label class = " bookmarks_label " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Description' ); ?> </label><input type="text" id="bookmark_add_description" class="bookmarks_input" />
2011-09-06 16:43:03 +04:00
< img class = " loading_meta " src = " <?php echo OC_Helper::imagePath('core', 'loading.gif'); ?> " /></ p >
2011-10-01 13:14:43 +04:00
< p >< label class = " bookmarks_label " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Tags' ); ?> </label><input type="text" id="bookmark_add_tags" class="bookmarks_input" /></p>
< p >< label class = " bookmarks_label " > </ label >< label class = " bookmarks_hint " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Hint: Use space to separate tags.' ); ?> </label></p>
< p >< label class = " bookmarks_label " ></ label >< input type = " submit " value = " <?php echo $l->t ('Add bookmark'); ?> " id = " bookmark_add_submit " /></ p >
2011-08-16 00:05:07 +04:00
</ div >
2011-08-25 14:55:13 +04:00
< div class = " bookmarks_sorting pager " >
< ul >
2011-10-01 13:14:43 +04:00
< li class = " bookmarks_sorting_recent " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Recent Bookmarks' ); ?> </li>
< li class = " bookmarks_sorting_clicks " >< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'Most clicks' ); ?> </li>
2011-08-25 14:55:13 +04:00
</ ul >
</ div >
< div class = " clear " ></ div >
2011-08-16 00:05:07 +04:00
< div class = " bookmarks_list " >
2011-10-01 13:14:43 +04:00
< ? php echo $l -> t ( 'You have no bookmarks' ); ?>
2011-08-16 14:45:44 +04:00
</ div >