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2011-04-17 01:29:54 +04:00
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2013-03-03 16:57:20 +04:00
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<?php $defaults = new OC_Defaults(); // initialize themable default strings and urls ?>
2013-05-11 23:07:05 +04:00
<head data-user="<?php p($_['user_uid']); ?>" data-requesttoken="<?php p($_['requesttoken']); ?>">
<?php p(!empty($_['application'])?$_['application'].' | ':'');
p(trim($_['user_displayname']) != '' ?' ('.$_['user_displayname'].') ':'') ?>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=543672169">
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php print_unescaped(image_path('', 'favicon.png')); ?>" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="<?php print_unescaped(image_path('', 'favicon-touch.png')); ?>" />
<?php foreach($_['cssfiles'] as $cssfile): ?>
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php print_unescaped($cssfile); ?>" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach($_['jsfiles'] as $jsfile): ?>
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php print_unescaped($jsfile); ?>"></script>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach($_['headers'] as $header): ?>
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
print_unescaped('<'.$header['tag'].' ');
2012-09-07 17:22:01 +04:00
foreach($header['attributes'] as $name=>$value) {
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
print_unescaped("$name='$value' ");
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<?php endforeach; ?>
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<body id="<?php p($_['bodyid']);?>">
<div id="notification-container">
<div id="notification"></div>
<?php if ($_['updateAvailable']): ?>
<div id="update-notification" style="display: inline;"><a href="<?php print_unescaped($_['updateLink']); ?>"><?php p($l->t('%s is available. Get more information on how to update.', array($_['updateVersion']))); ?></a></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<header><div id="header">
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<a href="<?php print_unescaped(link_to('', 'index.php')); ?>" title="" id="owncloud"><img class="svg"
src="<?php print_unescaped(image_path('', 'logo-wide.svg')); ?>" alt="ownCloud" /></a>
<div id="logo-claim" style="display:none;"><?php p($defaults->getLogoClaim()); ?></div>
2012-10-27 20:58:16 +04:00
<ul id="settings" class="svg">
<span id="expand" tabindex="0" role="link">
<span id="expandDisplayName"><?php p(trim($_['user_displayname']) != '' ? $_['user_displayname'] : $_['user_uid']) ?></span>
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<img class="svg" src="<?php print_unescaped(image_path('', 'actions/caret.svg')); ?>" />
2012-10-27 20:58:16 +04:00
<div id="expanddiv">
2012-10-27 20:58:16 +04:00
<?php foreach($_['settingsnavigation'] as $entry):?>
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<a href="<?php print_unescaped($entry['href']); ?>" title=""
2013-02-15 02:19:12 +04:00
<?php if( $entry["active"] ): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?>>
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<img class="svg" alt="" src="<?php print_unescaped($entry['icon']); ?>">
<?php p($entry['name']) ?>
2012-10-27 20:58:16 +04:00
<?php endforeach; ?>
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<a id="logout" href="<?php print_unescaped(link_to('', 'index.php')); ?>?logout=true">
<img class="svg" alt="" src="<?php print_unescaped(image_path('', 'actions/logout.svg')); ?>" />
<?php p($l->t('Log out'));?>
2012-10-27 20:58:16 +04:00
<form class="searchbox" action="#" method="post">
2013-02-15 02:19:12 +04:00
<input id="searchbox" class="svg" type="search" name="query"
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
value="<?php if(isset($_POST['query'])) {p($_POST['query']);};?>"
2013-02-15 02:19:12 +04:00
autocomplete="off" x-webkit-speech />
2011-08-11 00:56:44 +04:00
<nav><div id="navigation">
<ul id="apps" class="svg">
2011-08-08 19:52:29 +04:00
<?php foreach($_['navigation'] as $entry): ?>
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<li data-id="<?php p($entry['id']); ?>">
<a href="<?php print_unescaped($entry['href']); ?>" title=""
2013-02-15 02:19:12 +04:00
<?php if( $entry['active'] ): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?>>
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<img class="icon svg" src="<?php print_unescaped($entry['icon']); ?>"/>
<?php p($entry['name']); ?>
2011-08-08 19:52:29 +04:00
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div id="content-wrapper">
<div id="content">
2013-02-28 01:55:39 +04:00
<?php print_unescaped($_['content']); ?>