Files shared via public links use a separate system user account called 'ownCloud'. All public files are shared to that user's public key, and the private key is used to access the files when the public link is used in browser.
This means that files shared via public links are accessible only to users who know the shared URL, or to admins who know the 'ownCloud' user password.
Lost password recovery
In order to enable users to read their encrypted files in the event of a password loss/reset scenario, administrators can choose to enable a 'recoveryAdmin' account. This is a user that all user files will automatically be shared to of the option is enabled. This allows the recoveryAdmin user to generate new keyfiles for the user. By default the UID of the recoveryAdmin is 'recoveryAdmin'.
files_encryption deals extensively with paths and the filesystem. In order to minimise bugs, it makes calls to filesystem methods in a consistent way: OC_FilesystemView{} objects always use '/' as their root, and specify paths each time particular methods are called. e.g. do this:
$view->file_exists( 'path/to/file' );
$view->chroot( 'path/to' );
$view->file_exists( 'file' );
Using this convention means that $view objects are more predictable and less likely to break. Problems with paths are the #1 cause of bugs in this app, and consistent $view handling is an important way to prevent them.