"Please provide an admin recovery password; otherwise, all user data will be lost.":"Eman berreskuratzeko administrazio pasahitza, bestela erabiltzaile datu guztiak galduko dira",
"Wrong admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again.":"Administratzailearen berreskuratze pasahitza ez egokia. Mesedez egiaztatu pasahitza eta saiatu berriz.",
"Backend doesn't support password change, but the user's encryption key was updated.":"Motorrak ez du onartzen pasahitza aldatzea, baina erabiltzailearen zifratze-gakoa eguneratu da.",
"installing and updating apps via the app store or Federated Cloud Sharing":"Aplikazioak aplikazio-biltegiaren edo federatutako hodei partekatzearen bidez instalatzen edo eguneratzen",
"cURL is using an outdated %s version (%s). Please update your operating system or features such as %s will not work reliably.":"cURL eguneratu gabeko %s bertsioa erabiltzen ari da (%s). Eguneratu zure sistema eragilea edo %s bezalako elementuek ez dute segurtasunez ibiliko.",
"If you received this email, the email configuration seems to be correct.":"E-posta mezu hau jaso baduzu, e-postaren ezarpenak egokiak direnaren seinale.",
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log":"E-posta mezua ezin izan da bidali. Begiratu zure posta-zerbitzariaren egunkaria",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)":"Arazo bat sortu da posta bidaltzerakoan. Berrikusi zure ezarpenak. (Error: %s)",
"Error while enabling user.":"Errorea izan da erabiltzailea gaitzerakoan",
"Error while disabling user.":"Errorea izan da erabiltzailea desgaitzerakoan",
"In order to verify your Twitter account, post the following tweet on Twitter (please make sure to post it without any line breaks):":"Zure Twitter kontua egiaztatzearren, bidali hurrengo txioa Twitter-era (egiaztatu zure mezuak ez duela lerro-jauzirik):",
"In order to verify your Website, store the following content in your web-root at '.well-known/CloudIdVerificationCode.txt' (please make sure that the complete text is in one line):":"Zure webgunea egiaztatzearren, gorde hurrengo edukia zure webgunearen sustraiko '.well-known/CloudIdVerificationCode.txt' (egiaztatu testu osoa lerro bakarrean dagoela):",
"Official apps are developed by and within the community. They offer central functionality and are ready for production use.":"Aplikazio ofizialak komunitateak eta komunitatean garatzen dira. Funtzionalak dira eta produkziorako gertu daude.",
"Approved apps are developed by trusted developers and have passed a cursory security check. They are actively maintained in an open code repository and their maintainers deem them to be stable for casual to normal use.":"Onartutako aplikazioak konfiantzazko garatzaileek eginak dira eta segurtasun proba gainditu dute. Kode irekiko biltegian eta era iraunkorrean mantentzen dira eta euren mantentzaileek uste dute egonkorrak direla noizbehinkako erabileran zein jarraiko erabileran.",
"This app is not checked for security issues and is new or known to be unstable. Install at your own risk.":"Apiikazio honen segurtasuna ez da probatu eta berria da edo jakina da ezegonkorra dela. Instalatu zure ardurapean.",
"Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable":"Errorea: aplikazioa hau ezin da gaitu zerbitzaria ezegonkor izatea egiten duelako",
"Error: Could not disable broken app":"Errorea: ezin da hondatutako aplikazioa desgaitu",
"Error while disabling broken app":"Errorea hondatutako aplikazioa desgaitzerakoan",
"Error while removing app":"Errorea izan da aplikazioa ezabatzean",
"The app has been enabled but needs to be updated. You will be redirected to the update page in 5 seconds.":"Aplikazioa gaitu da baina eguneratu behar da. Eguneratze orrira joango zara 5 segundotan.",
"An error occured while changing your language. Please reload the page and try again.":"Errore bat gertatu da zure hizkuntza aldatzean. Birkargatu orria eta saiatu berriro.",
"Changing the password will result in data loss, because data recovery is not available for this user":"Pasahitza aldatzeak datuen galera eragingo du, erabiltzaile honetarako datuen berreskuratzea eskuragarri ez dagoelako",
"This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.":"This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.",
"This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.":"This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.",
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:":"Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu hurrengo menpekotasunak betetzen ez direlako:",
"Server-side encryption":"Zerbitzariaren aldeko enkriptaketa",
"Enable server-side encryption":"Gaitu zerbitzariaren aldeko enkriptaketa",
"Please read carefully before activating server-side encryption: ":"Mesedez, irakurri arretaz zerbitzariaren aldeko enkriptaketa gaitu aurretik:",
"Once encryption is enabled, all files uploaded to the server from that point forward will be encrypted at rest on the server. It will only be possible to disable encryption at a later date if the active encryption module supports that function, and all pre-conditions (e.g. setting a recover key) are met.":"Once encryption is enabled, all files uploaded to the server from that point forward will be encrypted at rest on the server. It will only be possible to disable encryption at a later date if the active encryption module supports that function, and all pre-conditions (e.g. setting a recover key) are met.",
"Encryption alone does not guarantee security of the system. Please see documentation for more information about how the encryption app works, and the supported use cases.":"Encryption alone does not guarantee security of the system. Please see documentation for more information about how the encryption app works, and the supported use cases.",
"Be aware that encryption always increases the file size.":"Be aware that encryption always increases the file size.",
"It is always good to create regular backups of your data, in case of encryption make sure to backup the encryption keys along with your data.":"It is always good to create regular backups of your data, in case of encryption make sure to backup the encryption keys along with your data.",
"This is the final warning: Do you really want to enable encryption?":"This is the final warning: Do you really want to enable encryption?",
"Enable encryption":"Gaitu enkriptatzea",
"Security & setup warnings":"Segurtasun eta konfigurazio abisuak",
"The Read-Only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update.":"Bakarrik irakurtzeko konfigurazioa gaitu da. Honek web-interfazearen bidez konfigurazio batzuk aldatzea ekiditzen du. Are gehiago, fitxategia eskuz ezarri behar da idazteko moduan eguneraketa bakoitzerako.",
"This is probably caused by a cache/accelerator such as Zend OPcache or eAccelerator.":"Hau ziur aski cache/accelerator batek eragin du, hala nola Zend OPcache edo eAccelerator.",
"System locale can not be set to a one which supports UTF-8.":"Eskualdeko ezarpena ezin da UTF-8 onartzen duen batera ezarri.",
"All checks passed.":"Egiaztapen guztiak gaindituta.",
"Execute one task with each page loaded":"Exekutatu zeregin bat orri karga bakoitzean",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"%s\".":"Sistemako \"%s\" erabiltzaileak, cron.php exekutatu behar du.",
"Set default expiration date":"Ezarri muga data lehenetsia",
"Expire after ":"Iraungia honen ondoren",
"Enforce expiration date":"Muga data betearazi",
"Allow resharing":"Baimendu birpartekatzea",
"Allow sharing with groups":"Onartu taldeekin partekatzen",
"Restrict users to only share with users in their groups":"Mugatu partekatzeak taldeko erabiltzaileetara",
"Exclude groups from sharing":"Baztertu taldeak partekatzean",
"These groups will still be able to receive shares, but not to initiate them.":"Talde hauek oraindik jaso ahal izango dute partekatzeak, baina ezingo dute partekatu",
"Tips & tricks":"Aholkuak eta trikimailuak",
"To migrate to another database use the command line tool: 'occ db:convert-type', or see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation ↗</a>.":"To migrate to another database use the command line tool: 'occ db:convert-type', or see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation ↗</a>.",
"How to do backups":"Nola egin babes kopiak",
"Advanced monitoring":"Monitorizazio aurreratua",
"Performance tuning":"Errendimendu ezarpenak",
"Improving the config.php":"config.php hobetzen",
"Hardening and security guidance":"Gogortze eta segurtasun gida",
"Enter the recovery password in order to recover the users files during password change":"Berreskuratze pasahitza idatzi pasahitz aldaketan erabiltzaileen fitxategiak berreskuratzeko",
"Please provide an admin recovery password, otherwise all user data will be lost":"Mesedez eman berreskuratzeko administrazio pasahitza, bestela erabiltzaile datu guztiak galduko dira",
"Backend doesn't support password change, but the user's encryption key was successfully updated.":"Backend doesn't support password change, but the user's encryption key was successfully updated.",
"PHP is apparently setup to strip inline doc blocks. This will make several core apps inaccessible.":"Badirudi PHP konfiguratuta dagoela lineako dokumentu blokeak aldatzeko. Honek zenbait oinarrizko aplikazio eskuraezin bihurtuko ditu.",
"The PHP module 'fileinfo' is missing. We strongly recommend to enable this module to get best results with mime-type detection.":"PHP 'fileinfo' modulua falta da. Modulu hau gaitzea aholkatzen dizugu mime-type ezberdinak hobe detektatzeko.",
"This means that there might be problems with certain characters in file names.":"Honek esan nahi du fitxategien izenetako karaktere batzuekin arazoak egon daitezkeela.",
"We strongly suggest installing the required packages on your system to support one of the following locales: %s.":"Biziki gomendatzen dizugu beharrezkoak diren paketea zure sisteman instalatzea honi euskarria eman ahal izateko: %s.",
"If your installation is not installed in the root of the domain and uses system cron, there can be issues with the URL generation. To avoid these problems, please set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the webroot path of your installation (Suggested: \"%s\")":"Zure instalazioa ez badago domeinuaren sustraian egina eta erabiltzen badu sistemaren cron-a, arazoak izan daitezke URL sorreran. Arazo horiek saihesteko ezarri \"overwrite.cli.url\" opzioa zure config.php fitxategian zure instalazioaren webroot bidera (Proposatua: \"%s\")",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 15 minutes over http.":"cron.php webcron zerbitzu batean erregistratua dago cron.php 15 minuturo http bidez deitzeko.",
"Allow username autocompletion in share dialog. If this is disabled the full username needs to be entered.":"Onartu elkarbanatze elkarrizketan, erabiltzaile osatze automatikoa. Desgaituta badago, erabiltzaile izena osoa sartu behar da.",
"Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that you now have a %s account.\n\nYour username: %s\nAccess it: %s\n\n":"Kaixo,\n\nJakinarazi nahi dizugu, badaukazula %s kontua.\n\nZure erabiltzaile izena: %s \nSar zaitez: %s\n",
"Passcodes that give an app or device permissions to access your account.":"Zure kontuan sartzeko aplikazio edo gailuei baimena ematen dien pasahitzak.",
"You have now an %s account, you can add, protect, and share your data.":"Orain baduzu %s kontu bat, zure datuak gehitu, babestu eta parteka ditzakezu."