"Failed to delete the server configuration":"D'Server-Konfiguratioun konnt net geläscht ginn",
"The configuration is invalid: anonymous bind is not allowed.":"Dës Konfiguratioun ass ongëlteg: eng anonym Bindung ass net erlaabt.",
"Action does not exist":"Dës Aktioun gëtt et net",
"Testing configuration…":"D'Konfiguratioun gëtt getest...",
"Configuration incorrect":"D'Konfiguratioun ass net korrekt",
"Configuration incomplete":"D'Konfiguratioun ass net komplett",
"Configuration OK":"Konfiguratioun OK",
"Select groups":"Wiel Gruppen äus",
"Saving failed. Please make sure the database is in Operation. Reload before continuing.":"D'Späicheren huet net geklappt. W.e.g. géi sécher dass Datebank an der Operatioun ass. Lued nach emol éiers de weider fiers.",
"Select attributes":"Wiel Attributer aus",
"User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command line validation): <br/>":"De Benotzer konnt net fonnt ginn. W.e.g. kuck deng Login Attributer a Benotzernumm no. \n ",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_":["%s Grupp fonnt","%s Gruppe fonnt"],
"_%s user found_::_%s users found_":["%s Benotzer fonnt","%s Benotzere fonnt"],
"Could not find the desired feature":"Déi gewënschte Funktioun konnt net fonnt ginn",