2013-09-27 20:30:59 +04:00
< fieldset id = " ldapWizard1 " >
< p >
< select id = " ldap_serverconfig_chooser " name = " ldap_serverconfig_chooser " >
< ? php if ( count ( $_ [ 'serverConfigurationPrefixes' ]) === 0 ) {
< option value = " " selected > 1. Server </ option > ' );
< ? php
} else {
$i = 1 ;
$sel = ' selected' ;
foreach ( $_ [ 'serverConfigurationPrefixes' ] as $prefix ) {
< option value = " <?php p( $prefix ); ?> " < ? php p ( $sel ); $sel = '' ; ?> ><?php p($i++); ?>. Server: <?php p($_['serverConfigurationHosts'][$prefix]); ?></option>
< ? php
< option value = " NEW " >< ? php p ( $l -> t ( 'Add Server Configuration' )); ?> </option>
</ select >
< button id = " ldap_action_delete_configuration "
name = " ldap_action_delete_configuration " > Delete Configuration </ button >
</ p >
< div class = " hostPortCombinator " >
< div class = " tablerow " >
< div class = " tablecell " >
< div class = " table " >
< input type = " text " class = " host tablecell lwautosave " id = " ldap_host "
name = " ldap_host "
placeholder = " <?php p( $l->t ('Host'));?> "
title = " <?php p( $l->t ('You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://'));?> "
< span >
< input type = " number " id = " ldap_port " name = " ldap_port "
2013-11-11 18:16:54 +04:00
class = " lwautosave "
2013-09-27 20:30:59 +04:00
placeholder = " <?php p( $l->t ('Port'));?> " />
</ span >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " tablerow " >
< input type = " text " id = " ldap_dn " name = " ldap_dn "
class = " tablecell lwautosave "
placeholder = " <?php p( $l->t ('User DN'));?> "
title = " <?php p( $l->t ('The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty.'));?> "
</ div >
< div class = " tablerow " >
< input type = " password " id = " ldap_agent_password "
class = " tablecell lwautosave " name = " ldap_agent_password "
placeholder = " <?php p( $l->t ('Password'));?> "
title = " <?php p( $l->t ('For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty.'));?> "
</ div >
< div class = " tablerow " >
< textarea id = " ldap_base " name = " ldap_base "
2013-11-08 20:48:29 +04:00
class = " tablecell lwautosave "
2013-09-27 20:30:59 +04:00
placeholder = " <?php p( $l->t ('One Base DN per line'));?> "
2013-10-10 01:04:06 +04:00
title = " <?php p( $l->t ('You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab'));?> " >
2013-09-27 20:30:59 +04:00
</ textarea >
</ div >
< div class = " tablerow " >
2013-10-04 18:33:37 +04:00
< div class = " tablecell ldapWizardInfo invisible " >& nbsp ;
2013-09-27 20:30:59 +04:00
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php print_unescaped ( $_ [ 'wizardControls' ]); ?>
</ fieldset >