
245 lines
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2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
{ "translations": {
2019-10-01 15:41:53 +03:00
"Migration in progress. Please wait until the migration is finished" : "Migración en cursu. Espera fasta que la migración fine, por favor.",
"Migration started …" : "Migración aniciada...",
"Saved" : "Guardóse",
"Not saved" : "Nun se guardó",
"Sending…" : "Unviando...",
"Email sent" : "Corréu-e unviáu",
"An error occurred. Please upload an ASCII-encoded PEM certificate." : "Asocedió un fallu. Xubi un certificáu PEM con codificación ASCII, por favor.",
"Valid until {date}" : "Válidu fasta {date}",
"Delete" : "Desaniciar",
"Local" : "Llocal",
"Only visible to local users" : "Namái visible pa usuarios llocales",
"Only visible to you" : "Namái visible pa ti",
"Contacts" : "Contautos",
"Visible to local users and to trusted servers" : "Visible pa usuarios llocales y sirvidores d'enfotu",
"Verify" : "Verificar",
"Verifying …" : "Verificando...",
"Unable to change password" : "Nun pue camudase la contraseña",
"Very weak password" : "Contraseña mui feble",
"Weak password" : "Contraseña feble",
"So-so password" : "Contraseña pasable",
"Good password" : "Contraseña bona",
"Strong password" : "Contraseña mui bona",
"Select a profile picture" : "Esbillar una imaxe de perfil",
"Groups" : "Grupos",
2020-05-02 05:16:32 +03:00
"Retry" : "Retentar",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"{actor} changed your password" : "{actor} camudó la to contraseña",
"You changed your password" : "Camudesti la to contraseña",
"Your password was reset by an administrator" : "La to contraseña reafitóla un alministrador",
"{actor} changed your email address" : "{actor} camudó la to direición de corréu",
"You changed your email address" : "Camudesti la to direición de corréu",
"Your email address was changed by an administrator" : "La to direición de corréu camudóla un alministrador",
"Security" : "Seguranza",
"You successfully logged in using two-factor authentication (%1$s)" : "Aniciesti sesión con ésitu usando l'autenticación en dos pasos (%1$s)",
"A login attempt using two-factor authentication failed (%1$s)" : "Falló un intentu d'aniciu de sesión usando l'autenticación en dos pasos (%1$s)",
"Your <strong>password</strong> or <strong>email</strong> was modified" : "Modificóse la to <strong>contraseña</strong> o <strong>corréu</strong>",
"Couldn't remove app." : "Nun pudo desaniciase l'aplicación.",
"Couldn't update app." : "Nun pudo anovase l'aplicación.",
"Wrong password" : "Contraseña incorreuta",
"No user supplied" : "Nun s'apurrieron usuarios",
"Authentication error" : "Fallu d'autenticación",
"Please provide an admin recovery password; otherwise, all user data will be lost." : "Apurri una contraseña de recuperación d'alministrador, d'otramiente perderánse tolos datos d'usuariu.",
"Wrong admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again." : "Contraseña de recuperación d'alministrador incorreuta. Comprueba la contraseña y volvi tentalo.",
"Backend doesn't support password change, but the user's encryption key was updated." : "El backend nun sofita'l cambéu de contraseña pero anovóse la clave del cifráu d'usuarios",
"installing and updating apps via the app store or Federated Cloud Sharing" : "instalando y anovando aplicaciones pela tienda d'aplicaciones o compartición de ñube federada",
"Federated Cloud Sharing" : "Compartición de ñube federada",
"Invalid SMTP password." : "Contraseña SMTP non válida",
"Well done, %s!" : "¡Bien fecho, %s!",
"If you received this email, the email configuration seems to be correct." : "Si recibes esti corréu, entós la configuración de corréu paez tar bien.",
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "Nun pudo unviase'l corréu. Comprueba'l rexistru del to sirvidor de corréu",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Asocedió un problema entrín s'unviaba'l corréu. Revisa los tos axustes por favor. (Fallu: %s)",
"You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails." : "Tienes de configurar la direición de corréu-e enantes de poder unviar mensaxes de prueba.",
"Invalid mail address" : "Direición non válida de corréu",
"Settings saved" : "Axustes guardaos",
"Unable to change full name" : "Nun pue camudase'l nome completu",
"Unable to change email address" : "Nun pue camudase la direición de corréu",
"In order to verify your Twitter account, post the following tweet on Twitter (please make sure to post it without any line breaks):" : "Pa verificar la to cuenta de Twitter, espubliza elllí'l tuit de darré (por favor asegúrate que lu espublices ensin saltos de llinia):",
"In order to verify your Website, store the following content in your web-root at '.well-known/CloudIdVerificationCode.txt' (please make sure that the complete text is in one line):" : "Pa verificar el to sitiu web, atroxa'l conteníu de darréu dientro'l raigañu'l sitiu en «.well-known/CloudIdVerificationCode.txt» (asegúrate que'l testu completu ta nuna llinia):",
"%1$s changed your password on %2$s." : "%1$s camudó la to contraseña en %2$s.",
"Your password on %s was changed." : "Camudóse la to contraseña en %s",
"Your password on %s was reset by an administrator." : "Un alministrador reanició la to contraseña en %s",
"Password for %1$s changed on %2$s" : "La contraseña pa %1$s camudó en %2$s",
"Password changed for %s" : "Camudóse la contraseña de %s",
"If you did not request this, please contact an administrator." : "Si nun solicitesti esto, por favor contautu con un alministrador.",
"Your email address on %s was changed." : "Camudóse la to direición de corréu en %s",
"Your email address on %s was changed by an administrator." : "Un alministrador camudó la to direción de corréu en %s",
"The new email address is %s" : "La nueva direición de corréu ye %s",
"Your %s account was created" : "Creóse la to cuenta %s",
"Welcome aboard" : "Afáyate en barcu",
"Welcome aboard %s" : "Afáyate en barcu %s",
"Your username is: %s" : "El to nome d'usuariu ye: %s",
"Set your password" : "Afita la to contraseña",
"Go to %s" : "Dir a %s",
"Install Client" : "Instalar veceru",
2020-01-30 05:18:12 +03:00
"Additional settings" : "Axustes adicionales",
"Basic settings" : "Axustes básicos",
"Sharing" : "Compartiendo",
2020-01-29 05:18:13 +03:00
"Personal info" : "Información personal",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"Create" : "Crear",
"Change" : "Camudar",
2019-06-14 05:14:26 +03:00
"Unlimited" : "Non llendáu",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"Verifying" : "Verificando",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Limit to groups" : "Llendar a grupos",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"Save changes" : "Guardar camudancies",
"Featured" : "Destacao",
"by" : "por",
2019-10-02 05:15:09 +03:00
"Remove" : "Desaniciar",
"Disable" : "Desactivar",
"All" : "Toos",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"No results" : "Ensin resultaos",
2019-10-02 05:15:09 +03:00
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Nun pue instalase esta aplicación porque nun se cumplen les dependencies de darréu:",
"View in store" : "Ver na tienda",
"Visit website" : "Visitar sitiu web",
"Report a bug" : "Informar un fallu",
"User documentation" : "Documentación d'usuariu",
"Developer documentation" : "Documentación de desendolcaores",
"No apps found for your version" : "Nun s'alcontraron anovamientos pa la to versión",
"Enable all" : "Habilitar too",
"Enable" : "Activar",
"The app will be downloaded from the app store" : "L'aplicación baxaráse dende la tienda d'aplicaciones",
2019-05-23 05:13:45 +03:00
"Allow filesystem access" : "Permitir accesu al sistema de ficheros",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"Rename" : "Renomar",
2019-05-23 05:13:45 +03:00
"Revoke" : "Revocar",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Internet Explorer" : "Internet Explorer",
"Edge" : "Edge",
"Firefox" : "Firefox",
"Google Chrome" : "Google Chrome",
"Safari" : "Safari",
"Google Chrome for Android" : "Google Chrome p'Android",
"This session" : "Esta sesión",
"Device" : "Preséu",
"Last activity" : "Actividá cabera",
"Web, desktop and mobile clients currently logged in to your account." : "Veceros web, d'escritoriu y móviles cola sesión aniciada anguaño na to cuenta.",
"Error while creating device token" : "Fallu entrín se creaba'l pase'l preséu",
"Error while deleting the token" : "Fallu entrín se desaniciaba'l pase",
"App name" : "Nome d'aplicación",
"For security reasons this password will only be shown once." : "Por razones de seguranza, esta contraseña namái s'amosará una vegada.",
"Username" : "Nome d'usuariu",
"Password" : "Contraseña",
"Done" : "Fecho",
"Copied!" : "¡Copióse!",
"Copy" : "Copiar",
2019-11-08 05:16:14 +03:00
"Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
2019-12-13 05:26:18 +03:00
"{size} used" : "{size} usaos",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"Display name" : "Nome",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Email" : "Corréu-e",
2020-01-17 05:17:46 +03:00
"Close" : "Zarrar",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Quota" : "Cuota",
"Language" : "Llingua",
"User backend" : "Backend d'usuarios",
2019-12-13 05:26:18 +03:00
"Storage location" : "Allugamientu d'almacenamientu",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Last login" : "Aniciu de sesión caberu",
"Default quota" : "Cuota por defeutu",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"All languages" : "Toles llingües",
2020-04-03 15:08:12 +03:00
"Add" : "Amestar",
"Unnamed device" : "Preséu ensin nomar",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Your apps" : "Les tos aplicaciones",
"Disabled apps" : "Aplicaciones deshabilitaes",
"Updates" : "Anovamientos",
"App bundles" : "Llotes d'aplicaciones",
2020-01-23 05:18:24 +03:00
"Add group" : "Amestar grupu",
"Everyone" : "Toos",
"Admins" : "Almins",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Show last login" : "Amosar aniciu de sesión caberu",
"Show user backend" : "Amosar backend d'usuarios",
2020-02-29 05:18:30 +03:00
"Send email to new user" : "Unviar corréu al usuariu nuevu",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"Never" : "Enxamás",
"The app has been enabled but needs to be updated. You will be redirected to the update page in 5 seconds." : "Habilitóse l'aplicación pero precisa anovase. Redirixirásete a la páxina d'anovamientu en 5 segundos.",
"App update" : "Paquetes d'aplicaciones",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Fallu: Esta aplicación nun pue activase porque fai inestable'l sirvidor",
"Common Name" : "Nome común",
"Valid until" : "Válidu hasta",
"Issued By" : "Emitíu por",
"Valid until %s" : "Válidu hasta'l %s",
"Import root certificate" : "Importar certificáu raigañu",
"Administrator documentation" : "Documentación d'alministrador",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"Documentation" : "Documentación",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Forum" : "Foru",
"None" : "Dengún",
"Login" : "Entamar sesión",
"Plain" : "Planu",
"NT LAN Manager" : "Xestor de NT LAN",
"Email server" : "Sirvidor de corréu",
"Open documentation" : "Abrir documentación",
"It is important to set up this server to be able to send emails, like for password reset and notifications." : "Nun ye importante configurar esti sirvidor pa que seya a unviar correos, como pa refitaminetos de contraseñes y avisos.",
"Send mode" : "Mou d'unviu",
"Encryption" : "Cifráu",
"From address" : "Dende la direición",
"mail" : "corréu",
"Authentication method" : "Métodu d'autenticación",
"Authentication required" : "Necesítase autenticación",
"Server address" : "Direición del sirvidor",
"Port" : "Puertu",
"Credentials" : "Credenciales",
"SMTP Username" : "Nome d'usuariu SMTP",
"SMTP Password" : "Contraseña SMTP",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"Save" : "Guardar",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Test email settings" : "Probar configuración de corréu electrónicu",
"Send email" : "Unviar mensaxe",
"Security & setup warnings" : "Alvertancies de seguranza y configuración",
"All checks passed." : "Pasáronse toles comprobaciones.",
"Version" : "Versión",
"Server-side encryption" : "Cifráu del llau del sirvidor",
"Enable server-side encryption" : "Activar cifráu nel sirvidor",
"Please read carefully before activating server-side encryption: " : "Llei con procuru enantes d'activar el cifráu nel sirvidor:",
"Be aware that encryption always increases the file size." : "Decátate que'l cifráu siempres aumenta'l tamañu de los ficheros.",
"This is the final warning: Do you really want to enable encryption?" : "Esta ye l'alvertencia final: ¿De xuru que quies activar el cifráu?",
"Enable encryption" : "Habilitar cifráu",
"No encryption module loaded, please enable an encryption module in the app menu." : "Nun se cargó dengún módulu de cifráu, activa un módulu de cifráu nel menú d'aplicaciones.",
"Select default encryption module:" : "Esbilla'l módulu predetermináu de cifráu:",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one." : "Precises migrar les claves de cifráu d'un cifráu vieyu (ownCloud <= 8.0) a unu nuevu.",
"Start migration" : "Aniciar migración",
"Background jobs" : "Trabayos de fondu",
"Background job didnt run yet!" : "¡Entá nun s'executó'l trabayu de fondu!",
"Execute one task with each page loaded" : "Executar una xera con cada páxina cargada",
"The cron.php needs to be executed by the system user \"%s\"." : "cron.php precisa executalu l'usuariu del sistema «%s».",
"Allow apps to use the Share API" : "Permitir a les aplicaciones usar la API de Compartición",
2019-11-29 05:16:53 +03:00
"Expire after " : "Caduca dempués de",
"days" : "díes",
"Enforce expiration date" : "Facer cumplir la data de caducidá",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Allow users to share via link" : "Permitir a los usuarios compartir vía enllaz",
"Allow public uploads" : "Permitir xubes públiques",
"Always ask for a password" : "Pidir siempres la contraseña",
"Enforce password protection" : "Ameyora la proteición por contraseña.",
"Allow resharing" : "Permitir re-compartición",
"Allow sharing with groups" : "Permiri compartición con grupos",
"Restrict users to only share with users in their groups" : "Restrinxir a los usuarios a compartir namái con otros usuarios nos sos grupos",
"Exclude groups from sharing" : "Esclúi grupos de compartir",
"These groups will still be able to receive shares, but not to initiate them." : "Estos grupos van poder siguir recibiendo conteníos compartíos, pero nun van poder anicialos",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"Personal" : "Personal",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Like our Facebook page" : "Da-y préstame a la nuesa páxina de Facebook",
"Follow us on Twitter" : "Síguimos en Twitter.",
"Check out our blog" : "Comprueba'l nuesu blogue",
"Subscribe to our newsletter" : "Soscríbite al nuesu boletín",
"Profile picture" : "Semeya de perfil",
"Upload new" : "Xubir otra",
"Remove image" : "Desaniciar imaxe",
"png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png o jpg, máximu 20 MB",
"Picture provided by original account" : "Semeya fornida pola cuenta orixinal",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"Details" : "Detalles",
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
"Full name" : "Nome completu",
"No display name set" : "Nun s'afitó'l nome p'amosar",
"Your email address" : "Direición de corréu-e",
"No email address set" : "Nun s'afitó denguna direición de corréu",
"For password reset and notifications" : "P'avisos y reaniciu de la contraseña",
"Phone number" : "Númberu de teléfonu",
"Your phone number" : "El to númberu de teléfonu",
"Address" : "Direición",
"Your postal address" : "La to direición postal",
"Website" : "Sitiu web",
"Link https://…" : "Enllaz https://…",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Help translate" : "Ayúdanos nes traducciones",
"Current password" : "Contraseña actual",
2019-12-13 05:26:18 +03:00
"New password" : "Contraseña nueva",
2019-09-05 05:16:14 +03:00
"Change password" : "Camudar contraseña",
2019-11-13 05:16:08 +03:00
"Official apps are developed by and within the community. They offer central functionality and are ready for production use." : "Les aplicaciones oficiales desendólquense dientro la comunidá. Ufren funcionalidá central y tán preparaes pal usu en producción.",
"Official" : "Oficial",
2019-11-29 05:16:53 +03:00
"Store credentials" : "Atroxar credenciales",
2019-12-22 05:28:34 +03:00
"Set default expiration date" : "Afitar la data d'espiración predeterminada",
"Share" : "Share"
2019-03-27 14:47:47 +03:00
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"