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2020-10-18 05:18:01 +03:00
2021-01-19 05:21:06 +03:00
"Shared with %1$s" : "V skupni rabi prek %1$s",
"Shared with {email}" : "V skupni rabi prek {email}",
"Shared with %1$s by %2$s" : "%2$s omogoči souporabo prek %1$s",
"Shared with {email} by {actor}" : "{actor} omogoči souporabo prek {email}",
2020-11-25 05:19:13 +03:00
"Unshared from %1$s" : "Souporaba z %1$s je prekinjena",
"Unshared from {email}" : "Souporaba z naslovom {email} je prekinjena",
"Unshared from %1$s by %2$s" : "%2$s onemogoči souporabo z naslovom %1$s",
"Unshared from {email} by {actor}" : "{actor} onemogoči souporabo z naslovom {email}",
2020-10-18 05:18:01 +03:00
"Password for mail share sent to %1$s" : "Geslo za dostop je bilo poslano na %1$s",
"Password for mail share sent to {email}" : "Geslo za dostop je bilo poslano na {email}.",
2020-11-25 05:19:13 +03:00
"Password for mail share sent to you" : "Poslano vam je bilo geslo za dostop",
2020-11-03 05:19:38 +03:00
"You shared %1$s with %2$s by mail" : "Omogočite souporabo datoteke %1$sprek elektronskega naslova %2$s.",
"You shared {file} with {email} by mail" : "Omogočite souporabo datoteke {file} prek elektronskega naslova {email}.",
"%3$s shared %1$s with %2$s by mail" : "%3$s omogoči souporabo datoteke %1$s prek elektronskega naslova %2$s.",
"{actor} shared {file} with {email} by mail" : "{actor} omogoči souporabo datoteke {file} prek elektronskega naslova {email}.",
"You unshared %1$s from %2$s by mail" : "Onemogočite souporabo datoteke %1$sprek elektronskega naslova %2$s.",
"You unshared {file} from {email} by mail" : "Onemogočite souporabo datoteke {file} prek elektronskega naslova {email}.",
"%3$s unshared %1$s from %2$s by mail" : "%3$s onemogoči souporabo datoteke %1$s prek elektronskega naslova %2$s.",
"{actor} unshared {file} from {email} by mail" : "{actor} onemogoči souporabo datoteke {file} prek elektronskega naslova {email}.",
2020-10-18 05:18:01 +03:00
"Password to access %1$s was sent to %2s" : "Geslo za dostop do datoteke %1$s je bilo poslano na %2s.",
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Geslo za dostop do datoteke {file} je bilo poslano na {email}.",
"Password to access %1$s was sent to you" : "Geslo za dostop do datoteke %1$s je bilo poslano vaš elektronski naslov.",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Geslo za dostop do datoteke {file} je bilo poslano vaš elektronski naslov.",
2020-12-30 05:19:28 +03:00
"Sharing %1$s failed, this item is already shared with %2$s" : "Souporaba %1$s je spodletela, ker je predmet že v souporabi pri %2$s",
2020-11-25 05:19:13 +03:00
"We can't send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Samodejno ustvarjenega gesla ni mogoče poslati. Nastaviti je treba veljavni elektronski naslov med osebnimi nastavitvami.",
2020-10-18 05:18:01 +03:00
"Failed to send share by email" : "Pošiljanje povezave po elektronski pošti je spodletelo.",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«.",
"Click the button below to open it." : "Kliknite na gumb za odpiranje.",
"Open »%s«" : "Odpri »%s«",
"%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s prek %2$s",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you.\nYou should have already received a separate mail with a link to access it.\n" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«.\nPo elektronski pošti bi morali prejeti tudi ločeno sporočilo s povezavo.\n",
2021-01-19 05:21:06 +03:00
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you. You should have already received a separate mail with a link to access it." : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«. Po elektronski pošti bi morali prejeti tudi sporočilo s povezavo.",
"Password to access »%1$s« shared to you by %2$s" : "%2$s vam pošilja geslo za dostop do datoteke »%1$s«.",
2020-10-18 05:18:01 +03:00
"Password to access »%s«" : "Geslo za dostop do »%s«",
"It is protected with the following password:" : "Zaščiten je z geslom:",
2020-12-30 05:19:28 +03:00
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s« in želi dodati:",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s« in želi dodati",
2020-10-18 05:18:01 +03:00
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« doda opombo k datoteki v souporabi",
2021-02-06 05:21:16 +03:00
"You just shared »%1$s« with %2$s. The share was already sent to the recipient. Due to the security policies defined by the administrator of %3$s each share needs to be protected by password and it is not allowed to send the password directly to the recipient. Therefore you need to forward the password manually to the recipient." : "Omogočili ste skupno rabo datoteke »%1$s« (%2$s). Souporaba je že dodeljena, vendar je treba zaradi varnostnih pravil, ki jih je določil skrbnik %3$s, vsako mesto v souporabi zaščititi z geslom. Gesla tudi ni dovoljeno poslati neposredno prejemniku. Pošljite ga prek drugega kanala.",
2021-01-19 05:21:06 +03:00
"Password to access »%1$s« shared by you with %2$s" : "%2$s vam pošilja geslo za dostop do datoteke »%1$s«.",
2020-10-18 05:18:01 +03:00
"This is the password:" : "Geslo:",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Geslo je mogoče kadarkoli spremeniti med nastavitvami souporabe.",
"Could not find share" : "Mape v souporabi ni mogoče najti",
"Share by mail" : "Souporaba prek elektronske pošte",
2021-01-19 05:21:06 +03:00
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Ponudnik souporabe, ki omogoča souporabo datotek prek elektronske pošte",
2020-10-18 05:18:01 +03:00
"Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Dovoli uporabnikom omogočanje souporabe prek osebne povezave na datoteko ali mapo z vpisom elektronskega naslova.",
"Send password by mail" : "Pošlji geslo po elektronski pošti",
"Enforce password protection" : "Vsili zaščito z geslom"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);");