Merge branch 'master' into mimeicons-svg
@ -9,8 +9,21 @@ OCP\JSON::callCheck();
// Get data
$dir = stripslashes($_POST["dir"]);
$files = isset($_POST["file"]) ? $_POST["file"] : $_POST["files"];
$allFiles = isset($_POST["allfiles"]) ? $_POST["allfiles"] : $_POST["allfiles"];
if ($allFiles === 'true') {
$allFiles = true;
$files = json_decode($files);
// delete all files in dir ?
if ($allFiles) {
$files = array();
$fileList = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getDirectoryContent($dir);
foreach ($fileList as $fileInfo) {
$files[] = $fileInfo['name'];
} else {
$files = json_decode($files);
$filesWithError = '';
$success = true;
@ -50,16 +50,22 @@ $l10n = \OC_L10n::get('files');
$result = array(
'success' => false,
'data' => NULL
$trimmedFileName = trim($filename);
if(trim($filename) === '') {
if($trimmedFileName === '') {
$result['data'] = array('message' => (string)$l10n->t('File name cannot be empty.'));
if($trimmedFileName === '.' || $trimmedFileName === '..') {
$result['data'] = array('message' => (string)$l10n->t('"%s" is an invalid file name.', $trimmedFileName));
if(strpos($filename, '/') !== false) {
$result['data'] = array('message' => (string)$l10n->t('File name must not contain "/". Please choose a different name.'));
if(!OCP\Util::isValidFileName($filename)) {
$result['data'] = array('message' => (string)$l10n->t("Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed."));
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ if(trim($foldername) === '') {
if(strpos($foldername, '/') !== false) {
$result['data'] = array('message' => $l10n->t('Folder name must not contain "/". Please choose a different name.'));
if(!OCP\Util::isValidFileName($foldername)) {
$result['data'] = array('message' => (string)$l10n->t("Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed."));
@ -582,30 +582,49 @@ window.FileList={
do_delete:function(files) {
if (files.substr) {
do_delete:function(files, dir) {
var params;
if (files && files.substr) {
for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
var deleteAction = FileList.findFileEl(files[i]).children("").children(".action.delete");
if (files) {
for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
var deleteAction = FileList.findFileEl(files[i]).children("").children(".action.delete");
// Finish any existing actions
if (FileList.lastAction) {
var fileNames = JSON.stringify(files);
var params = {
dir: dir || FileList.getCurrentDirectory()
if (files) {
params.files = JSON.stringify(files);
else {
// no files passed, delete all in current dir
params.allfiles = true;
$.post(OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'delete.php'),
function(result) {
if (result.status === 'success') {
$.each(files,function(index,file) {
var files = FileList.findFileEl(file);
if (params.allfiles) {
// clear whole list
$('#fileList tr').remove();
else {
$.each(files,function(index,file) {
var files = FileList.findFileEl(file);
@ -622,10 +641,17 @@ window.FileList={
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000);
$.each(files,function(index,file) {
var deleteAction = FileList.findFileEl(file).find('.action.delete');
if (params.allfiles) {
// reload the page as we don't know what files were deleted
// and which ones remain
else {
$.each(files,function(index,file) {
var deleteAction = FileList.findFileEl(file).find('.action.delete');
@ -794,6 +820,13 @@ window.FileList={
* Returns whether all files are selected
* @return true if all files are selected, false otherwise
isAllSelected: function() {
return $('#select_all').prop('checked');
* Returns the download URL of the given file
@ -801,10 +834,13 @@ window.FileList={
* @param dir optional directory in which the file name is, defaults to the current directory
getDownloadUrl: function(filename, dir) {
var files = filename;
if ($.isArray(filename)) {
files = JSON.stringify(filename);
var params = {
files: filename,
dir: dir || FileList.getCurrentDirectory(),
download: null
files: files
return OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'download.php') + '?' + OC.buildQueryString(params);
@ -364,23 +364,26 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$('.download').click('click',function(event) {
var files=getSelectedFilesTrash('name');
var fileslist = JSON.stringify(files);
var dir=$('#dir').val()||'/';
||||'files','Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big.'));
// use special download URL if provided, e.g. for public shared files
var downloadURL = document.getElementById("downloadURL");
if ( downloadURL ) {
window.location = downloadURL.value+"&download&files=" + encodeURIComponent(fileslist);
} else {
window.location = OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'download.php') + '?'+ $.param({ dir: dir, files: fileslist });
var files;
var dir = FileList.getCurrentDirectory();
if (FileList.isAllSelected()) {
files = OC.basename(dir);
dir = OC.dirname(dir) || '/';
else {
files = getSelectedFilesTrash('name');
||||'files','Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big.'));
OC.redirect(FileList.getDownloadUrl(files, dir));
return false;
$('.delete-selected').click(function(event) {
var files=getSelectedFilesTrash('name');
if (FileList.isAllSelected()) {
files = null;
return false;
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ describe('FileActions tests', function() {
expect(redirectStub.getCall(0).args[0]).toEqual(OC.webroot + '/index.php/apps/files/ajax/download.php?files=test%20download%20File.txt&dir=%2Fsubdir&download');
expect(redirectStub.getCall(0).args[0]).toEqual(OC.webroot + '/index.php/apps/files/ajax/download.php?dir=%2Fsubdir&files=test%20download%20File.txt');
@ -58,8 +58,15 @@ describe('FileList tests', function() {
it('returns correct download URL', function() {
expect(FileList.getDownloadUrl('some file.txt')).toEqual(OC.webroot + '/index.php/apps/files/ajax/download.php?files=some%20file.txt&dir=%2Fsubdir&download');
expect(FileList.getDownloadUrl('some file.txt', '/anotherpath/abc')).toEqual(OC.webroot + '/index.php/apps/files/ajax/download.php?files=some%20file.txt&dir=%2Fanotherpath%2Fabc&download');
describe('Download Url', function() {
it('returns correct download URL for single files', function() {
expect(FileList.getDownloadUrl('some file.txt')).toEqual(OC.webroot + '/index.php/apps/files/ajax/download.php?dir=%2Fsubdir&files=some%20file.txt');
expect(FileList.getDownloadUrl('some file.txt', '/anotherpath/abc')).toEqual(OC.webroot + '/index.php/apps/files/ajax/download.php?dir=%2Fanotherpath%2Fabc&files=some%20file.txt');
expect(FileList.getDownloadUrl('some file.txt')).toEqual(OC.webroot + '/index.php/apps/files/ajax/download.php?dir=%2F&files=some%20file.txt');
it('returns correct download URL for multiple files', function() {
expect(FileList.getDownloadUrl(['a b c.txt', 'd e f.txt'])).toEqual(OC.webroot + '/index.php/apps/files/ajax/download.php?dir=%2Fsubdir&files=%5B%22a%20b%20c.txt%22%2C%22d%20e%20f.txt%22%5D');
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ OCP\JSON::checkAppEnabled('files_external');
if ( ! ($filename = $_FILES['rootcert_import']['name']) ) {
header("Location: settings/personal.php");
header('Location:' . OCP\Util::linkToRoute( "settings_personal" ));
@ -352,9 +352,8 @@ class OC_Mount_Config {
$phpFile = OC_User::getHome(OCP\User::getUser()).'/mount.php';
$jsonFile = OC_User::getHome(OCP\User::getUser()).'/mount.json';
} else {
$datadir = \OC_Config::getValue("datadirectory", \OC::$SERVERROOT . "/data");
$phpFile = OC::$SERVERROOT.'/config/mount.php';
$jsonFile = $datadir . '/mount.json';
$jsonFile = \OC_Config::getValue("mount_file", \OC::$SERVERROOT . "/data/mount.json");
if (is_file($jsonFile)) {
$mountPoints = json_decode(file_get_contents($jsonFile), true);
@ -380,8 +379,7 @@ class OC_Mount_Config {
if ($isPersonal) {
$file = OC_User::getHome(OCP\User::getUser()).'/mount.json';
} else {
$datadir = \OC_Config::getValue("datadirectory", \OC::$SERVERROOT . "/data");
$file = $datadir . '/mount.json';
$file = \OC_Config::getValue("mount_file", \OC::$SERVERROOT . "/data/mount.json");
$content = json_encode($data);
@file_put_contents($file, $content);
@ -99,7 +99,9 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
public function rmdir($path) {
$path=$this->cleanPath($path) . '/';
// FIXME: some WebDAV impl return 403 when trying to DELETE
// a non-empty folder
return $this->simpleResponse('DELETE', $path, null, 204);
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
try {
$response=$this->client->propfind($path, array(), 1);
$response=$this->client->propfind($this->encodePath($path), array(), 1);
$content = array();
@ -127,8 +129,11 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
try {
$response=$this->client->propfind($path, array('{DAV:}resourcetype'));
$response=$this->client->propfind($this->encodePath($path), array('{DAV:}resourcetype'));
$responseType = array();
if (isset($response["{DAV:}resourcetype"])) {
return (count($responseType)>0 and $responseType[0]=="{DAV:}collection")?'dir':'file';
} catch(\Exception $e) {
@ -141,7 +146,7 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
try {
$this->client->propfind($path, array('{DAV:}resourcetype'));
$this->client->propfind($this->encodePath($path), array('{DAV:}resourcetype'));
return true;//no 404 exception
} catch(\Exception $e) {
return false;
@ -166,7 +171,7 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
$curl = curl_init();
$fp = fopen('php://temp', 'r+');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->user.':'.$this->password);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->createBaseUri().str_replace(' ', '%20', $path));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $this->createBaseUri().$this->encodePath($path));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
if ($this->secure === true) {
@ -178,6 +183,10 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
curl_exec ($curl);
$statusCode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($statusCode !== 200) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog("webdav client", 'curl GET ' . curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL) . ' returned status code ' . $statusCode, \OCP\Util::ERROR);
curl_close ($curl);
return $fp;
@ -220,7 +229,7 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
try {
$response=$this->client->propfind($path, array('{DAV:}quota-available-bytes'));
$response=$this->client->propfind($this->encodePath($path), array('{DAV:}quota-available-bytes'));
if (isset($response['{DAV:}quota-available-bytes'])) {
return (int)$response['{DAV:}quota-available-bytes'];
} else {
@ -240,7 +249,12 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
// if file exists, update the mtime, else create a new empty file
if ($this->file_exists($path)) {
$this->client->proppatch($path, array('{DAV:}lastmodified' => $mtime));
try {
$this->client->proppatch($this->encodePath($path), array('{DAV:}lastmodified' => $mtime));
catch (\Sabre_DAV_Exception_NotImplemented $e) {
return false;
} else {
$this->file_put_contents($path, '');
@ -276,13 +290,17 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
curl_exec ($curl);
$statusCode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($statusCode !== 200) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog("webdav client", 'curl GET ' . curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL) . ' returned status code ' . $statusCode, \OCP\Util::ERROR);
curl_close ($curl);
public function rename($path1, $path2) {
$path1 = $this->encodePath($this->cleanPath($path1));
$path2 = $this->createBaseUri().$this->encodePath($this->cleanPath($path2));
try {
$this->client->request('MOVE', $path1, null, array('Destination'=>$path2));
return true;
@ -293,8 +311,8 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
public function copy($path1, $path2) {
$path1 = $this->encodePath($this->cleanPath($path1));
$path2 = $this->createBaseUri().$this->encodePath($this->cleanPath($path2));
try {
$this->client->request('COPY', $path1, null, array('Destination'=>$path2));
return true;
@ -307,7 +325,7 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
try {
$response=$this->client->propfind($path, array('{DAV:}getlastmodified', '{DAV:}getcontentlength'));
$response = $this->client->propfind($this->encodePath($path), array('{DAV:}getlastmodified', '{DAV:}getcontentlength'));
return array(
'size'=>(int)isset($response['{DAV:}getcontentlength']) ? $response['{DAV:}getcontentlength'] : 0,
@ -321,8 +339,11 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
try {
$response=$this->client->propfind($path, array('{DAV:}getcontenttype', '{DAV:}resourcetype'));
$response=$this->client->propfind($this->encodePath($path), array('{DAV:}getcontenttype', '{DAV:}resourcetype'));
$responseType = array();
if (isset($response["{DAV:}resourcetype"])) {
$type=(count($responseType)>0 and $responseType[0]=="{DAV:}collection")?'dir':'file';
if ($type=='dir') {
return 'httpd/unix-directory';
@ -345,6 +366,16 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
return substr($path, 1);
* URL encodes the given path but keeps the slashes
* @param string $path to encode
* @return string encoded path
private function encodePath($path) {
// slashes need to stay
return str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($path));
* @param string $method
* @param string $path
@ -353,7 +384,7 @@ class DAV extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common{
private function simpleResponse($method, $path, $body, $expected) {
try {
$response=$this->client->request($method, $path, $body);
$response=$this->client->request($method, $this->encodePath($path), $body);
return $response['statusCode']==$expected;
} catch(\Exception $e) {
return false;
@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ return array(
// wait delay in seconds after write operations
// (only in tests)
// set to higher value for lighttpd webdav
'wait'=> 0
@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ class DAV extends Storage {
if ( ! is_array($this->config) or ! isset($this->config['webdav']) or ! $this->config['webdav']['run']) {
$this->markTestSkipped('WebDAV backend not configured');
if (isset($this->config['webdav']['wait'])) {
$this->waitDelay = $this->config['webdav']['wait'];
$this->config['webdav']['root'] .= '/' . $id; //make sure we have an new empty folder to work in
$this->instance = new \OC\Files\Storage\DAV($this->config['webdav']);
@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
* Copyright (c) 2014
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
* or later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
/* global OC, FileList, FileActions */
// Override download path to files_sharing/public.php
function fileDownloadPath(dir, file) {
var url = $('#downloadURL').val();
@ -28,12 +40,20 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
// override since the format is different
FileList.getDownloadUrl = function(filename, dir) {
// we use this because we need the service and token attributes
var tr = FileList.findFileEl(filename);
if (tr.length > 0) {
return $(tr).find('').attr('href') + '&download';
if ($.isArray(filename)) {
filename = JSON.stringify(filename);
return null;
var path = dir || FileList.getCurrentDirectory();
var params = {
service: 'files',
t: $('#sharingToken').val(),
path: path,
download: null
if (filename) {
params.files = filename;
return OC.filePath('', '', 'public.php') + '?' + OC.buildQueryString(params);
@ -2,42 +2,38 @@
$folder = isset($_POST['dir']) ? $_POST['dir'] : '/';
// "empty trash" command
if (isset($_POST['allfiles']) and $_POST['allfiles'] === 'true'){
$deleteAll = true;
$folder = isset($_POST['dir']) ? $_POST['dir'] : '/';
if ($folder === '/' || $folder === '') {
$list = array();
} else {
$dirname = dirname($folder);
if ( $dirname !== '/' && $dirname !== '.' ) {
$dirlisting = '1';
} else {
$dirlisting = '0';
$list[] = $folder;
$folder = dirname($folder);
else {
$deleteAll = false;
$files = $_POST['files'];
$dirlisting = $_POST['dirlisting'];
$list = json_decode($files);
$folder = rtrim($folder, '/') . '/';
$error = array();
$success = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($list as $file) {
if ( $dirlisting === '0') {
if ($folder === '/') {
$file = ltrim($file, '/');
$delimiter = strrpos($file, '.d');
$filename = substr($file, 0, $delimiter);
$timestamp = substr($file, $delimiter+2);
} else {
$filename = $file;
$filename = $folder . '/' . $file;
$timestamp = null;
@ -4,15 +4,36 @@ OCP\JSON::checkLoggedIn();
$files = $_POST['files'];
$dirlisting = $_POST['dirlisting'];
$list = json_decode($files);
$dir = '/';
if (isset($_POST['dir'])) {
$dir = rtrim($_POST['dir'], '/'). '/';
$allFiles = false;
if (isset($_POST['allfiles']) and $_POST['allfiles'] === 'true') {
$allFiles = true;
$list = array();
$dirListing = true;
if ($dir === '' || $dir === '/') {
$dirListing = false;
foreach (OCA\Files_Trashbin\Helper::getTrashFiles($dir) as $file) {
$fileName = $file['name'];
if (!$dirListing) {
$fileName .= '.d' . $file['timestamp'];
$list[] = $fileName;
} else {
$list = json_decode($files);
$error = array();
$success = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($list as $file) {
if ( $dirlisting === '0') {
$path = $dir . '/' . $file;
if ($dir === '/') {
$file = ltrim($file, '/');
$delimiter = strrpos($file, '.d');
$filename = substr($file, 0, $delimiter);
@ -23,9 +44,9 @@ foreach ($list as $file) {
$timestamp = null;
if ( !OCA\Files_Trashbin\Trashbin::restore($file, $filename, $timestamp) ) {
if ( !OCA\Files_Trashbin\Trashbin::restore($path, $filename, $timestamp) ) {
$error[] = $filename;
OC_Log::write('trashbin','can\'t restore ' . $filename, OC_Log::ERROR);
OC_Log::write('trashbin', 'can\'t restore ' . $filename, OC_Log::ERROR);
} else {
$success[$i]['filename'] = $file;
$success[$i]['timestamp'] = $timestamp;
@ -1,5 +1,29 @@
* Copyright (c) 2014
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
* or later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
/* global OC, t, FileList, FileActions */
$(document).ready(function() {
function removeCallback(result) {
if (result.status !== 'success') {
OC.dialogs.alert(, t('core', 'Error'));
var files =;
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (typeof FileActions !== 'undefined') {
FileActions.register('all', 'Restore', OC.PERMISSION_READ, OC.imagePath('core', 'actions/history'), function(filename) {
@ -7,22 +31,12 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
var deleteAction = tr.children("").children(".action.delete");
$.post(OC.filePath('files_trashbin', 'ajax', 'undelete.php'),
{files: JSON.stringify([$('#dir').val() + '/' + filename]), dirlisting: tr.attr('data-dirlisting')},
function(result) {
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var row = document.getElementById([i].filename);
if (result.status !== 'success') {
OC.dialogs.alert(, t('core', 'Error'));
$.post(OC.filePath('files_trashbin', 'ajax', 'undelete.php'), {
files: JSON.stringify([filename]),
dir: FileList.getCurrentDirectory()
@ -34,22 +48,12 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
var deleteAction = tr.children("").children(".action.delete");
$.post(OC.filePath('files_trashbin', 'ajax', 'delete.php'),
{files: JSON.stringify([$('#dir').val() + '/' +filename]), dirlisting: tr.attr('data-dirlisting')},
function(result) {
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var row = document.getElementById([i].filename);
if (result.status !== 'success') {
OC.dialogs.alert(, t('core', 'Error'));
$.post(OC.filePath('files_trashbin', 'ajax', 'delete.php'), {
files: JSON.stringify([filename]),
dir: FileList.getCurrentDirectory()
// Sets the select_all checkbox behaviour :
@ -68,29 +72,45 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$('.undelete').click('click', function(event) {
var files = getSelectedFiles('file');
var fileslist = JSON.stringify(files);
var dirlisting = getSelectedFiles('dirlisting')[0];
var allFiles = $('#select_all').is(':checked');
var files = [];
var params = {};
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var deleteAction = FileList.findFileEl(files[i]).children("").children(".action.delete");
if (allFiles) {
params = {
allfiles: true,
dir: FileList.getCurrentDirectory()
else {
files = getSelectedFiles('name');
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var deleteAction = FileList.findFileEl(files[i]).children("").children(".action.delete");
params = {
files: JSON.stringify(files),
dir: FileList.getCurrentDirectory()
$.post(OC.filePath('files_trashbin', 'ajax', 'undelete.php'),
{files: fileslist, dirlisting: dirlisting},
function(result) {
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var row = document.getElementById([i].filename);
function(result) {
if (allFiles) {
if (result.status !== 'success') {
OC.dialogs.alert(, t('core', 'Error'));
// simply remove all files
else {
@ -101,17 +121,17 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
var params = {};
if (allFiles) {
params = {
allfiles: true,
dir: $('#dir').val()
allfiles: true,
dir: FileList.getCurrentDirectory()
else {
files = getSelectedFiles('file');
files = getSelectedFiles('name');
params = {
files: JSON.stringify(files),
dirlisting: getSelectedFiles('dirlisting')[0]
dir: FileList.getCurrentDirectory()
if (allFiles) {
@ -128,22 +148,17 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
function(result) {
if (allFiles) {
if (result.status !== 'success') {
OC.dialogs.alert(, t('core', 'Error'));
// simply remove all files
else {
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var row = document.getElementById([i].filename);
if (result.status !== 'success') {
OC.dialogs.alert(, t('core', 'Error'));
@ -208,11 +223,9 @@ function getSelectedFiles(property){
var files=[];
var file={
file:$('#dir').val() + "/" + $(element).attr('data-file'),
@ -921,6 +921,17 @@ class Access extends LDAPUtility {
return $name;
* @brief escapes (user provided) parts for LDAP filter
* @param String $input, the provided value
* @returns the escaped string
public function escapeFilterPart($input) {
$search = array('*', '\\', '(', ')');
$replace = array('\\*', '\\\\', '\\(', '\\)');
return str_replace($search, $replace, $input);
* @brief combines the input filters with AND
* @param $filters array, the filters to connect
@ -118,10 +118,16 @@ class Helper {
return false;
$saveOtherConfigurations = '';
if(empty($prefix)) {
$saveOtherConfigurations = 'AND `Configkey` NOT LIKE \'s%\'';
$query = \OCP\DB::prepare('
FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig`
WHERE `configkey` LIKE ?
AND `appid` = \'user_ldap\'
AND `configkey` NOT IN (\'enabled\', \'installed_version\', \'types\', \'bgjUpdateGroupsLastRun\')
@ -163,6 +163,8 @@ class USER_LDAP extends BackendUtility implements \OCP\UserInterface {
* Check if the password is correct without logging in the user
public function checkPassword($uid, $password) {
$uid = $this->access->escapeFilterPart($uid);
//find out dn of the user name
$filter = \OCP\Util::mb_str_replace(
'%uid', $uid, $this->access->connection->ldapLoginFilter, 'UTF-8');
@ -203,6 +205,7 @@ class USER_LDAP extends BackendUtility implements \OCP\UserInterface {
* Get a list of all users.
public function getUsers($search = '', $limit = 10, $offset = 0) {
$search = $this->access->escapeFilterPart($search);
$cachekey = 'getUsers-'.$search.'-'.$limit.'-'.$offset;
//check if users are cached, if so return
@ -263,4 +263,7 @@ $CONFIG = array(
/* whether usage of the instance should be restricted to admin users only */
'singleuser' => false,
/* where mount.json file should be stored, defaults to data/mount.json */
'mount_file' => '',
@ -9,28 +9,43 @@ OC_Util::checkAdminUser();
if(isset($_POST['app']) || isset($_GET['app'])) {
// An admin should not be able to add remote and public services
// on its own. This should only be possible programmatically.
// This change is due the fact that an admin may not be expected
// to execute arbitrary code in every environment.
if($app === 'core' && isset($_POST['key']) &&(substr($_POST['key'],0,7) === 'remote_' || substr($_POST['key'],0,7) === 'public_')) {
OC_JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => 'Unexpected error!')));
switch($action) {
case 'getValue':
$result=OC_Appconfig::getValue($_GET['app'], $_GET['key'], $_GET['defaultValue']);
$result=OC_Appconfig::getValue($app, $_GET['key'], $_GET['defaultValue']);
case 'setValue':
$result=OC_Appconfig::setValue($_POST['app'], $_POST['key'], $_POST['value']);
$result=OC_Appconfig::setValue($app, $_POST['key'], $_POST['value']);
case 'getApps':
case 'getKeys':
case 'hasKey':
$result=OC_Appconfig::hasKey($_GET['app'], $_GET['key']);
$result=OC_Appconfig::hasKey($app, $_GET['key']);
case 'deleteKey':
$result=OC_Appconfig::deleteKey($_POST['app'], $_POST['key']);
$result=OC_Appconfig::deleteKey($app, $_POST['key']);
case 'deleteApp':
@ -85,93 +85,32 @@ if (isset($_POST['action']) && isset($_POST['itemType']) && isset($_POST['itemSo
case 'informRecipients':
$l = OC_L10N::get('core');
$shareType = (int) $_POST['shareType'];
$itemType = $_POST['itemType'];
$itemSource = $_POST['itemSource'];
$recipient = $_POST['recipient'];
$ownerDisplayName = \OCP\User::getDisplayName();
$from = \OCP\Util::getDefaultEmailAddress('sharing-noreply');
$noMail = array();
$recipientList = array();
if($shareType === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
$recipientList[] = $recipient;
} elseif ($shareType === \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
$recipientList = \OC_Group::usersInGroup($recipient);
// don't send a mail to the user who shared the file
$recipientList = array_diff($recipientList, array(\OCP\User::getUser()));
// send mail to all recipients with an email address
foreach ($recipientList as $recipient) {
//get correct target folder name
$email = OC_Preferences::getValue($recipient, 'settings', 'email', '');
if ($email !== '') {
$displayName = \OCP\User::getDisplayName($recipient);
$items = \OCP\Share::getItemSharedWithUser($itemType, $itemSource, $recipient);
$filename = trim($items[0]['file_target'], '/');
$subject = (string)$l->t('%s shared »%s« with you', array($ownerDisplayName, $filename));
$expiration = null;
if (isset($items[0]['expiration'])) {
try {
$date = new DateTime($items[0]['expiration']);
$expiration = $l->l('date', $date->getTimestamp());
} catch (Exception $e) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('sharing', "Couldn't read date: " . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
if ($itemType === 'folder') {
$foldername = "/Shared/" . $filename;
} else {
// if it is a file we can just link to the Shared folder,
// that's the place where the user will find the file
$foldername = "/Shared";
$link = \OCP\Util::linkToAbsolute('files', 'index.php', array("dir" => $foldername));
$content = new OC_Template("core", "mail", "");
$content->assign('link', $link);
$content->assign('user_displayname', $ownerDisplayName);
$content->assign('filename', $filename);
$content->assign('expiration', $expiration);
$text = $content->fetchPage();
$content = new OC_Template("core", "altmail", "");
$content->assign('link', $link);
$content->assign('user_displayname', $ownerDisplayName);
$content->assign('filename', $filename);
$content->assign('expiration', $expiration);
$alttext = $content->fetchPage();
$default_from = OCP\Util::getDefaultEmailAddress('sharing-noreply');
$from = OCP\Config::getUserValue(\OCP\User::getUser(), 'settings', 'email', $default_from);
// send it out now
try {
OCP\Util::sendMail($email, $displayName, $subject, $text, $from, $ownerDisplayName, 1, $alttext);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
$noMail[] = \OCP\User::getDisplayName($recipient);
$mailNotification = new OC\Share\MailNotifications();
$result = $mailNotification->sendInternalShareMail($recipientList, $itemSource, $itemType);
\OCP\Share::setSendMailStatus($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, true);
if (empty($noMail)) {
if (empty($result)) {
} else {
'data' => array(
'message' => $l->t("Couldn't send mail to following users: %s ",
implode(', ', $noMail)
implode(', ', $result)
@ -187,56 +126,31 @@ if (isset($_POST['action']) && isset($_POST['itemType']) && isset($_POST['itemSo
case 'email':
// enable l10n support
$l = OC_L10N::get('core');
// read post variables
$user = OCP\USER::getUser();
$displayName = OCP\User::getDisplayName();
$type = $_POST['itemType'];
$link = $_POST['link'];
$file = $_POST['file'];
$to_address = $_POST['toaddress'];
$mailNotification = new \OC\Share\MailNotifications();
$expiration = null;
if (isset($_POST['expiration']) && $_POST['expiration'] !== '') {
try {
$date = new DateTime($_POST['expiration']);
$expiration = $l->l('date', $date->getTimestamp());
$expiration = $date->getTimestamp();
} catch (Exception $e) {
\OCP\Util::writeLog('sharing', "Couldn't read date: " . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR);
// setup the email
$subject = (string)$l->t('%s shared »%s« with you', array($displayName, $file));
$content = new OC_Template("core", "mail", "");
$content->assign ('link', $link);
$content->assign ('type', $type);
$content->assign ('user_displayname', $displayName);
$content->assign ('filename', $file);
$content->assign('expiration', $expiration);
$text = $content->fetchPage();
$content = new OC_Template("core", "altmail", "");
$content->assign ('link', $link);
$content->assign ('type', $type);
$content->assign ('user_displayname', $displayName);
$content->assign ('filename', $file);
$content->assign('expiration', $expiration);
$alttext = $content->fetchPage();
$default_from = OCP\Util::getDefaultEmailAddress('sharing-noreply');
$from_address = OCP\Config::getUserValue($user, 'settings', 'email', $default_from );
// send it out now
try {
OCP\Util::sendMail($to_address, $to_address, $subject, $text, $from_address, $displayName, 1, $alttext);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => OC_Util::sanitizeHTML($exception->getMessage()))));
$result = $mailNotification->sendLinkShareMail($to_address, $file, $link, $expiration);
if($result === true) {
} else {
\OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => OC_Util::sanitizeHTML($result))));
} else if (isset($_GET['fetch'])) {
@ -54,11 +54,6 @@
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