Update to jquery.multiselect 1.13
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/* jshint forin:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:true, boss:true, undef:true, curly:true, browser:true, jquery:true */
* jQuery MultiSelect UI Widget 1.11
* Copyright (c) 2011 Eric Hynds
* jQuery MultiSelect UI Widget 1.13
* Copyright (c) 2012 Eric Hynds
* http://www.erichynds.com/jquery/jquery-ui-multiselect-widget/
@ -34,8 +35,8 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
noneSelectedText: 'Select options',
selectedText: '# selected',
selectedList: 0,
show: '',
hide: '',
show: null,
hide: null,
autoOpen: false,
multiple: true,
position: {}
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
menu = (this.menu = $('<div />'))
.addClass('ui-multiselect-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all')
.addClass( o.classes )
.insertAfter( button ),
.appendTo( document.body ),
header = (this.header = $('<div />'))
.addClass('ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-multiselect-header ui-helper-clearfix')
@ -119,70 +120,72 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
menu = this.menu,
checkboxContainer = this.checkboxContainer,
optgroups = [],
html = [],
html = "",
id = el.attr('id') || multiselectID++; // unique ID for the label & option tags
// build items
this.element.find('option').each(function( i ){
el.find('option').each(function( i ){
var $this = $(this),
parent = this.parentNode,
title = this.innerHTML,
description = this.title,
value = this.value,
inputID = this.id || 'ui-multiselect-'+id+'-option-'+i,
inputID = 'ui-multiselect-' + (this.id || id + '-option-' + i),
isDisabled = this.disabled,
isSelected = this.selected,
labelClasses = ['ui-corner-all'],
labelClasses = [ 'ui-corner-all' ],
liClasses = (isDisabled ? 'ui-multiselect-disabled ' : ' ') + this.className,
// is this an optgroup?
if( parent.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'optgroup' ){
optLabel = parent.getAttribute('label');
if( parent.tagName === 'OPTGROUP' ){
optLabel = parent.getAttribute( 'label' );
// has this optgroup been added already?
if( $.inArray(optLabel, optgroups) === -1 ){
html.push('<li class="ui-multiselect-optgroup-label"><a href="#">' + optLabel + '</a></li>');
html += '<li class="ui-multiselect-optgroup-label ' + parent.className + '"><a href="#">' + optLabel + '</a></li>';
optgroups.push( optLabel );
if( isDisabled ){
labelClasses.push( 'ui-state-disabled' );
// browsers automatically select the first option
// by default with single selects
if( isSelected && !o.multiple ){
labelClasses.push( 'ui-state-active' );
html.push('<li class="' + (isDisabled ? 'ui-multiselect-disabled' : '') + '">');
html += '<li class="' + liClasses + '">';
// create the label
html.push('<label for="'+inputID+'" title="'+description+'" class="'+labelClasses.join(' ')+ '">');
html.push('<input id="'+inputID+'" name="multiselect_'+id+'" type="'+(o.multiple ? "checkbox" : "radio")+'" value="'+value+'" title="'+title+'"');
html += '<label for="' + inputID + '" title="' + description + '" class="' + labelClasses.join(' ') + '">';
html += '<input id="' + inputID + '" name="multiselect_' + id + '" type="' + (o.multiple ? "checkbox" : "radio") + '" value="' + value + '" title="' + title + '"';
// pre-selected?
if( isSelected ){
html.push(' checked="checked"');
html.push(' aria-selected="true"');
html += ' checked="checked"';
html += ' aria-selected="true"';
// disabled?
if( isDisabled ){
html.push(' disabled="disabled"');
html.push(' aria-disabled="true"');
html += ' disabled="disabled"';
html += ' aria-disabled="true"';
// add the title and close everything off
html.push(' /><span>' + title + '</span></label></li>');
html += ' /><span>' + title + '</span></label></li>';
// insert into the DOM
checkboxContainer.html( html.join('') );
checkboxContainer.html( html );
// cache some moar useful elements
this.labels = menu.find('label');
this.inputs = this.labels.children('input');
// set widths
@ -197,10 +200,10 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
// updates the button text. call refresh() to rebuild
// updates the button text. call refresh() to rebuild
update: function(){
var o = this.options,
$inputs = this.labels.find('input'),
$inputs = this.inputs,
$checked = $inputs.filter(':checked'),
numChecked = $checked.length,
@ -211,7 +214,7 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
if($.isFunction( o.selectedText )){
value = o.selectedText.call(this, numChecked, $inputs.length, $checked.get());
} else if( /\d/.test(o.selectedList) && o.selectedList > 0 && numChecked <= o.selectedList){
value = $checked.map(function(){ return this.title; }).get().join(', ');
value = $checked.map(function(){ return $(this).next().html(); }).get().join(', ');
} else {
value = o.selectedText.replace('#', numChecked).replace('#', $inputs.length);
@ -291,8 +294,8 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
var $this = $(this),
$inputs = $this.parent().nextUntil('li.ui-multiselect-optgroup-label').find('input:visible:not(:disabled)'),
nodes = $inputs.get(),
label = $this.parent().text();
nodes = $inputs.get(),
label = $this.parent().text();
// trigger event and bail if the return is false
if( self._trigger('beforeoptgrouptoggle', e, { inputs:nodes, label:label }) === false ){
@ -343,11 +346,15 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
tags = self.element.find('option');
// bail if this input is disabled or the event is cancelled
if( this.disabled || self._trigger('click', e, { value:val, text:this.title, checked:checked }) === false ){
if( this.disabled || self._trigger('click', e, { value: val, text: this.title, checked: checked }) === false ){
// make sure the input has focus. otherwise, the esc key
// won't close the menu after clicking an item.
// toggle aria state
$this.attr('aria-selected', checked);
@ -389,7 +396,7 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
// handler fires before the form is actually reset. delaying it a bit
// gives the form inputs time to clear.
$(this.element[0].form).bind('reset.multiselect', function(){
setTimeout(function(){ self.update(); }, 10);
setTimeout($.proxy(self.refresh, self), 10);
@ -428,7 +435,7 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
// if at the first/last element
if( !$next.length ){
var $container = this.menu.find('ul:last');
var $container = this.menu.find('ul').last();
// move to the first/last
this.menu.find('label')[ moveToLast ? 'last' : 'first' ]().trigger('mouseover');
@ -445,27 +452,29 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
// other related attributes of a checkbox.
// The context of this function should be a checkbox; do not proxy it.
_toggleCheckbox: function( prop, flag ){
_toggleState: function( prop, flag ){
return function(){
!this.disabled && (this[ prop ] = flag);
if( !this.disabled ) {
this[ prop ] = flag;
if( flag ){
this.setAttribute('aria-selected', true);
} else {
_toggleChecked: function( flag, group ){
var $inputs = (group && group.length) ?
group :
var $inputs = (group && group.length) ? group : this.inputs,
self = this;
// toggle state on inputs
$inputs.each(this._toggleCheckbox('checked', flag));
$inputs.each(this._toggleState('checked', flag));
// give the first input focus
// update button text
@ -480,7 +489,7 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
if( !this.disabled && $.inArray(this.value, values) > -1 ){
self._toggleCheckbox('selected', flag).call( this );
self._toggleState('selected', flag).call( this );
@ -494,9 +503,22 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
.attr({ 'disabled':flag, 'aria-disabled':flag })[ flag ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('ui-state-disabled');
.attr({ 'disabled':flag, 'aria-disabled':flag })
var inputs = this.menu.find('input');
var key = "ech-multiselect-disabled";
if(flag) {
// remember which elements this widget disabled (not pre-disabled)
// elements, so that they can be restored if the widget is re-enabled.
inputs = inputs.filter(':enabled')
.data(key, true)
} else {
inputs = inputs.filter(function() {
return $.data(this, key) === true;
.attr({ 'disabled':flag, 'arial-disabled':flag })
.parent()[ flag ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('ui-state-disabled');
@ -509,16 +531,17 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
button = this.button,
menu = this.menu,
speed = this.speed,
o = this.options;
o = this.options,
args = [];
// bail if the multiselectopen event returns false, this widget is disabled, or is already open
if( this._trigger('beforeopen') === false || button.hasClass('ui-state-disabled') || this._isOpen ){
var $container = menu.find('ul:last'),
var $container = menu.find('ul').last(),
effect = o.show,
pos = button.position();
pos = button.offset();
// figure out opening effects/speeds
if( $.isArray(o.show) ){
@ -526,6 +549,12 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
speed = o.show[1] || self.speed;
// if there's an effect, assume jQuery UI is in use
// build the arguments to pass to show()
if( effect ) {
args = [ effect, speed ];
// set the scroll of the checkbox container
@ -536,17 +565,19 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
.position( o.position )
.show( effect, speed );
// if position utility is not available...
} else {
top: pos.top+button.outerHeight(),
top: pos.top + button.outerHeight(),
left: pos.left
}).show( effect, speed );
// show the menu, maybe with a speed/effect combo
$.fn.show.apply(menu, args);
// select the first option
// triggering both mouseover and mouseover because 1.4.2+ has a bug where triggering mouseover
// will actually trigger mouseenter. the mouseenter trigger is there for when it's eventually fixed
@ -563,7 +594,10 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
var o = this.options, effect = o.hide, speed = this.speed;
var o = this.options,
effect = o.hide,
speed = this.speed,
args = [];
// figure out opening effects/speeds
if( $.isArray(o.hide) ){
@ -571,7 +605,11 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
speed = o.hide[1] || this.speed;
this.menu.hide(effect, speed);
if( effect ) {
args = [ effect, speed ];
$.fn.hide.apply(this.menu, args);
this._isOpen = false;
@ -618,6 +656,10 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
return this.menu;
getButton: function(){
return this.button;
// react to option changes after initialization
_setOption: function( key, value ){
var menu = this.menu;
@ -633,7 +675,7 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
menu.find('a.ui-multiselect-none span').eq(-1).text(value);
case 'height':
menu.find('ul:last').height( parseInt(value,10) );
menu.find('ul').last().height( parseInt(value,10) );
case 'minWidth':
this.options[ key ] = parseInt(value,10);
@ -649,6 +691,11 @@ $.widget("ech.multiselect", {
case 'classes':
case 'multiple':
menu.toggleClass('ui-multiselect-single', !value);
this.options.multiple = value;
this.element[0].multiple = value;
$.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply( this, arguments );
Reference in New Issue