Fix clicks on actions menu of non opaque file rows in acceptance tests
When a row is added to the file list the opacity of the file row is animated from transparent to fully opaque. As the file actions menu is a descendant of the row but overflows it when the row is not fully opaque clicks on the menu entries "fall-through" and are received instead by the rows behind. The opacity animation is a CSS animation, and it is not possible to know if a row is appearing or not except from its opacity (the row will have the "appear" CSS class even after the animation ended). Therefore it should be waited until the row of the file is fully opaque before using the menu. Signed-off-by: Daniel Calviño Sánchez <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ class FileListContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
* @Given I open the details view for :fileName
* @Given I open the details view for :fileName
public function iOpenTheDetailsViewFor($fileName) {
public function iOpenTheDetailsViewFor($fileName) {
$this->actor->find(self::fileActionsMenuButtonForFile($this->fileListAncestor, $fileName), 10)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::detailsMenuItem(), 2)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::detailsMenuItem(), 2)->click();
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ class FileListContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
* @Given I rename :fileName1 to :fileName2
* @Given I rename :fileName1 to :fileName2
public function iRenameTo($fileName1, $fileName2) {
public function iRenameTo($fileName1, $fileName2) {
$this->actor->find(self::fileActionsMenuButtonForFile($this->fileListAncestor, $fileName1), 10)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::renameMenuItem(), 2)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::renameMenuItem(), 2)->click();
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ class FileListContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
* @Given I start the move or copy operation for :fileName
* @Given I start the move or copy operation for :fileName
public function iStartTheMoveOrCopyOperationFor($fileName) {
public function iStartTheMoveOrCopyOperationFor($fileName) {
$this->actor->find(self::fileActionsMenuButtonForFile($this->fileListAncestor, $fileName), 10)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::moveOrCopyMenuItem(), 2)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::moveOrCopyMenuItem(), 2)->click();
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ class FileListContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
public function iMarkAsFavorite($fileName) {
public function iMarkAsFavorite($fileName) {
$this->actor->find(self::fileActionsMenuButtonForFile($this->fileListAncestor, $fileName), 10)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::addToFavoritesMenuItem(), 2)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::addToFavoritesMenuItem(), 2)->click();
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ class FileListContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
public function iUnmarkAsFavorite($fileName) {
public function iUnmarkAsFavorite($fileName) {
$this->actor->find(self::fileActionsMenuButtonForFile($this->fileListAncestor, $fileName), 10)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::removeFromFavoritesMenuItem(), 2)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::removeFromFavoritesMenuItem(), 2)->click();
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ class FileListContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
* @When I view :fileName in folder
* @When I view :fileName in folder
public function iViewInFolder($fileName) {
public function iViewInFolder($fileName) {
$this->actor->find(self::fileActionsMenuButtonForFile($this->fileListAncestor, $fileName), 10)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::viewFileInFolderMenuItem(), 2)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::viewFileInFolderMenuItem(), 2)->click();
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ class FileListContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
* @When I delete :fileName
* @When I delete :fileName
public function iDelete($fileName) {
public function iDelete($fileName) {
$this->actor->find(self::fileActionsMenuButtonForFile($this->fileListAncestor, $fileName), 10)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::deleteMenuItem(), 2)->click();
$this->actor->find(self::deleteMenuItem(), 2)->click();
@ -552,4 +552,34 @@ class FileListContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
public function iSeeThatHasUnreadComments($fileName) {
public function iSeeThatHasUnreadComments($fileName) {
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($this->actor->find(self::commentActionForFile($this->fileListAncestor, $fileName), 10)->isVisible());
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue($this->actor->find(self::commentActionForFile($this->fileListAncestor, $fileName), 10)->isVisible());
private function waitForRowForFileToBeFullyOpaque($fileName) {
$actor = $this->actor;
$fileRowXpathExpression = $this->actor->find(self::rowForFile($this->fileListAncestor, $fileName), 10)->getWrappedElement()->getXpath();
$fileRowIsFullyOpaqueCallback = function () use ($actor, $fileRowXpathExpression) {
$opacity = $actor->getSession()->evaluateScript("return window.getComputedStyle(document.evaluate(\"" . $fileRowXpathExpression . "\", document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue).opacity;");
if ($opacity === "1") {
return true;
return false;
if (!Utils::waitFor($fileRowIsFullyOpaqueCallback, $timeout = 2 * $this->actor->getFindTimeoutMultiplier(), $timeoutStep = 1)) {
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::fail("The row for file $fileName in file list is not fully opaque after $timeout seconds");
private function openFileActionsMenuForFile($fileName) {
// When a row is added to the file list the opacity of the file row is
// animated from transparent to fully opaque. As the file actions menu
// is a descendant of the row but overflows it when the row is not fully
// opaque clicks on the menu entries "fall-through" and are received
// instead by the rows behind. Therefore it should be waited until the
// row of the file is fully opaque before using the menu.
$this->actor->find(self::fileActionsMenuButtonForFile($this->fileListAncestor, $fileName), 10)->click();
Reference in New Issue