diff --git a/3rdparty/timepicker/GPL-LICENSE.txt b/3rdparty/timepicker/GPL-LICENSE.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..932f11115f --- /dev/null +++ b/3rdparty/timepicker/GPL-LICENSE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE +Version 2, June 1991 + +Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies +of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +Preamble + +The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by + the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + +When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for + this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + +To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + +For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + +We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, + distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain + that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free + software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we + want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so + that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original + authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software + patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free + program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the + program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any + patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and + modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains + a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed + under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, + refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" + means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: + that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, + either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another + language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in + the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not + covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of + running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program + is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the + Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). + Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's + source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you + conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate + copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the + notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; + and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License + along with the Program. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and + you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion + of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and + distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 + above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + + These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If + identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, + and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in + themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those + sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you + distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based + on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of + this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the + entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + + Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest + your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to + exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or + collective works based on the Program. + + In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program + with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of + a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under + the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, + under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of + Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + + The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for + making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source + code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any + associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to + control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a + special exception, the source code distributed need not include + anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary + form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the + operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component + itself accompanies the executable. + + If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering + access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent + access to copy the source code from the same place counts as + distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not + compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program + except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt + otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is + void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. + However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under + this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such + parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not + signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or + distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are + prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by + modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the + Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and + all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying + the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the + Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the + original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to + these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further + restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. + You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to + this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent + infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), + conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or + otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not + excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot + distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this + License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you + may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent + license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by + all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then + the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to + refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + + If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under + any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to + apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other + circumstances. + + It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any + patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any + such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the + integrity of the free software distribution system, which is + implemented by public license practices. Many people have made + generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed + through that system in reliance on consistent application of that + system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing + to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot + impose that choice. + + This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to + be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in + certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the + original copyright holder who places the Program under this License + may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding + those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among + countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates + the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions + of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will + be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to + address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program + specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any + later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions + either of that version or of any later version published by the Free + Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of + this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software + Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free + programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author + to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free + Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes + make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals + of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and + of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY + FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN + OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES + PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED + OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS + TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE + PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, + REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING + WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR + REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, + INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING + OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED + TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY + YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER + PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE + POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.""'''''' diff --git a/3rdparty/timepicker/MIT-LICENSE.txt b/3rdparty/timepicker/MIT-LICENSE.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..532704636b --- /dev/null +++ b/3rdparty/timepicker/MIT-LICENSE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +Copyright (c) 2011 John Resig, http://jquery.com/ + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/3rdparty/timepicker/css/include/images/ui-bg_diagonals-thick_18_b81900_40x40.png b/3rdparty/timepicker/css/include/images/ui-bg_diagonals-thick_18_b81900_40x40.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..954e22dbd9 Binary files /dev/null and b/3rdparty/timepicker/css/include/images/ui-bg_diagonals-thick_18_b81900_40x40.png differ diff --git a/3rdparty/timepicker/css/include/images/ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png b/3rdparty/timepicker/css/include/images/ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..64ece5707d Binary files /dev/null and b/3rdparty/timepicker/css/include/images/ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png differ diff --git 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} +.ui-icon-power { background-position: 0 -176px; } +.ui-icon-signal-diag { background-position: -16px -176px; } +.ui-icon-signal { background-position: -32px -176px; } +.ui-icon-battery-0 { background-position: -48px -176px; } +.ui-icon-battery-1 { background-position: -64px -176px; } +.ui-icon-battery-2 { background-position: -80px -176px; } +.ui-icon-battery-3 { background-position: -96px -176px; } +.ui-icon-circle-plus { background-position: 0 -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-minus { background-position: -16px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-close { background-position: -32px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-triangle-e { background-position: -48px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-triangle-s { background-position: -64px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-triangle-w { background-position: -80px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-triangle-n { background-position: -96px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-arrow-e { background-position: -112px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-arrow-s { background-position: -128px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-arrow-w { background-position: -144px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-arrow-n { background-position: -160px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-zoomin { background-position: -176px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-zoomout { background-position: -192px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circle-check { background-position: -208px -192px; } +.ui-icon-circlesmall-plus { background-position: 0 -208px; } +.ui-icon-circlesmall-minus { background-position: -16px -208px; } +.ui-icon-circlesmall-close { background-position: -32px -208px; } +.ui-icon-squaresmall-plus { background-position: -48px -208px; } +.ui-icon-squaresmall-minus { background-position: -64px -208px; } +.ui-icon-squaresmall-close { background-position: -80px -208px; } +.ui-icon-grip-dotted-vertical { background-position: 0 -224px; } +.ui-icon-grip-dotted-horizontal { background-position: -16px -224px; } +.ui-icon-grip-solid-vertical { background-position: -32px -224px; } +.ui-icon-grip-solid-horizontal { background-position: -48px -224px; } +.ui-icon-gripsmall-diagonal-se { background-position: -64px -224px; } +.ui-icon-grip-diagonal-se { background-position: -80px -224px; } + + +/* Misc visuals +----------------------------------*/ + +/* Corner radius */ +.ui-corner-all, .ui-corner-top, .ui-corner-left, .ui-corner-tl { -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px; -khtml-border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-top-left-radius: 4px; } +.ui-corner-all, .ui-corner-top, .ui-corner-right, .ui-corner-tr { -moz-border-radius-topright: 4px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px; -khtml-border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-top-right-radius: 4px; } +.ui-corner-all, .ui-corner-bottom, .ui-corner-left, .ui-corner-bl { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 4px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; -khtml-border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; } +.ui-corner-all, .ui-corner-bottom, .ui-corner-right, .ui-corner-br { -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 4px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; -khtml-border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; } + +/* Overlays */ +.ui-widget-overlay { background: #666666 url(images/ui-bg_diagonals-thick_20_666666_40x40.png) 50% 50% repeat; opacity: .50;filter:Alpha(Opacity=50); } +.ui-widget-shadow { margin: -5px 0 0 -5px; padding: 5px; background: #000000 url(images/ui-bg_flat_10_000000_40x100.png) 50% 50% repeat-x; opacity: .20;filter:Alpha(Opacity=20); -moz-border-radius: 5px; -khtml-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; }/* + * jQuery UI Resizable 1.8.14 + * + * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Resizable#theming + */ +.ui-resizable { position: relative;} +.ui-resizable-handle { position: absolute;font-size: 0.1px;z-index: 99999; display: block; } +.ui-resizable-disabled .ui-resizable-handle, .ui-resizable-autohide .ui-resizable-handle { display: none; } +.ui-resizable-n { cursor: n-resize; height: 7px; width: 100%; top: -5px; left: 0; } +.ui-resizable-s { cursor: s-resize; height: 7px; width: 100%; bottom: -5px; left: 0; } +.ui-resizable-e { cursor: e-resize; width: 7px; right: -5px; top: 0; height: 100%; } +.ui-resizable-w { cursor: w-resize; width: 7px; left: -5px; top: 0; height: 100%; } +.ui-resizable-se { cursor: se-resize; width: 12px; height: 12px; right: 1px; bottom: 1px; } +.ui-resizable-sw { cursor: sw-resize; width: 9px; height: 9px; left: -5px; bottom: -5px; } +.ui-resizable-nw { cursor: nw-resize; width: 9px; height: 9px; left: -5px; top: -5px; } +.ui-resizable-ne { cursor: ne-resize; width: 9px; height: 9px; right: -5px; top: -5px;}/* + * jQuery UI Selectable 1.8.14 + * + * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Selectable#theming + */ +.ui-selectable-helper { position: absolute; z-index: 100; border:1px dotted black; } +/* + * jQuery UI Accordion 1.8.14 + * + * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Accordion#theming + */ +/* IE/Win - Fix animation bug - #4615 */ +.ui-accordion { width: 100%; } +.ui-accordion .ui-accordion-header { cursor: pointer; position: relative; margin-top: 1px; zoom: 1; } +.ui-accordion .ui-accordion-li-fix { display: inline; } +.ui-accordion .ui-accordion-header-active { border-bottom: 0 !important; } +.ui-accordion .ui-accordion-header a { display: block; font-size: 1em; padding: .5em .5em .5em .7em; } +.ui-accordion-icons .ui-accordion-header a { padding-left: 2.2em; } +.ui-accordion .ui-accordion-header .ui-icon { position: absolute; left: .5em; top: 50%; margin-top: -8px; } +.ui-accordion .ui-accordion-content { padding: 1em 2.2em; border-top: 0; margin-top: -2px; position: relative; top: 1px; margin-bottom: 2px; overflow: auto; display: none; zoom: 1; } +.ui-accordion .ui-accordion-content-active { display: block; } +/* + * jQuery UI Autocomplete 1.8.14 + * + * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Autocomplete#theming + */ +.ui-autocomplete { position: absolute; cursor: default; } + +/* workarounds */ +* html .ui-autocomplete { width:1px; } /* without this, the menu expands to 100% in IE6 */ + +/* + * jQuery UI Menu 1.8.14 + * + * Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Menu#theming + */ +.ui-menu { + list-style:none; + padding: 2px; + margin: 0; + display:block; + float: left; +} +.ui-menu .ui-menu { + margin-top: -3px; +} +.ui-menu .ui-menu-item { + margin:0; + padding: 0; + zoom: 1; + float: left; + clear: left; + width: 100%; +} +.ui-menu .ui-menu-item a { + text-decoration:none; + display:block; + padding:.2em .4em; + line-height:1.5; + zoom:1; +} +.ui-menu .ui-menu-item a.ui-state-hover, +.ui-menu .ui-menu-item a.ui-state-active { + font-weight: normal; + margin: -1px; +} +/* + * jQuery UI Button 1.8.14 + * + * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Button#theming + */ +.ui-button { display: inline-block; position: relative; padding: 0; margin-right: .1em; text-decoration: none !important; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; zoom: 1; overflow: visible; } /* the overflow property removes extra width in IE */ +.ui-button-icon-only { width: 2.2em; } /* to make room for the icon, a width needs to be set here */ +button.ui-button-icon-only { width: 2.4em; } /* button elements seem to need a little more width */ +.ui-button-icons-only { width: 3.4em; } +button.ui-button-icons-only { width: 3.7em; } + +/*button text element */ +.ui-button .ui-button-text { display: block; line-height: 1.4; } +.ui-button-text-only .ui-button-text { padding: .4em 1em; } +.ui-button-icon-only .ui-button-text, .ui-button-icons-only .ui-button-text { padding: .4em; text-indent: -9999999px; } +.ui-button-text-icon-primary .ui-button-text, .ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-text { padding: .4em 1em .4em 2.1em; } +.ui-button-text-icon-secondary .ui-button-text, .ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-text { padding: .4em 2.1em .4em 1em; } +.ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-text { padding-left: 2.1em; padding-right: 2.1em; } +/* no icon support for input elements, provide padding by default */ +input.ui-button { padding: .4em 1em; } + +/*button icon element(s) */ +.ui-button-icon-only .ui-icon, .ui-button-text-icon-primary .ui-icon, .ui-button-text-icon-secondary .ui-icon, .ui-button-text-icons .ui-icon, .ui-button-icons-only .ui-icon { position: absolute; top: 50%; margin-top: -8px; } +.ui-button-icon-only .ui-icon { left: 50%; margin-left: -8px; } +.ui-button-text-icon-primary .ui-button-icon-primary, .ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-icon-primary, .ui-button-icons-only .ui-button-icon-primary { left: .5em; } +.ui-button-text-icon-secondary .ui-button-icon-secondary, .ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-icon-secondary, .ui-button-icons-only .ui-button-icon-secondary { right: .5em; } +.ui-button-text-icons .ui-button-icon-secondary, .ui-button-icons-only .ui-button-icon-secondary { right: .5em; } + +/*button sets*/ +.ui-buttonset { margin-right: 7px; } +.ui-buttonset .ui-button { margin-left: 0; margin-right: -.3em; } + +/* workarounds */ +button.ui-button::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; padding: 0; } /* reset extra padding in Firefox */ +/* + * jQuery UI Dialog 1.8.14 + * + * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Dialog#theming + */ +.ui-dialog { position: absolute; padding: .2em; width: 300px; overflow: hidden; } +.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { padding: .4em 1em; position: relative; } +.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-title { float: left; margin: .1em 16px .1em 0; } +.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close { position: absolute; right: .3em; top: 50%; width: 19px; margin: -10px 0 0 0; padding: 1px; height: 18px; } +.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close span { display: block; margin: 1px; } +.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close:hover, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close:focus { padding: 0; } +.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content { position: relative; border: 0; padding: .5em 1em; background: none; overflow: auto; zoom: 1; } +.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane { text-align: left; border-width: 1px 0 0 0; background-image: none; margin: .5em 0 0 0; padding: .3em 1em .5em .4em; } +.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-dialog-buttonset { float: right; } +.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button { margin: .5em .4em .5em 0; cursor: pointer; } +.ui-dialog .ui-resizable-se { width: 14px; height: 14px; right: 3px; bottom: 3px; } +.ui-draggable .ui-dialog-titlebar { cursor: move; } +/* + * jQuery UI Slider 1.8.14 + * + * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Slider#theming + */ +.ui-slider { position: relative; text-align: left; } +.ui-slider .ui-slider-handle { position: absolute; z-index: 2; width: 1.2em; height: 1.2em; cursor: default; } +.ui-slider .ui-slider-range { position: absolute; z-index: 1; font-size: .7em; display: block; border: 0; background-position: 0 0; } + +.ui-slider-horizontal { height: .8em; } +.ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-handle { top: -.3em; margin-left: -.6em; } +.ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-range { top: 0; height: 100%; } +.ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-range-min { left: 0; } +.ui-slider-horizontal .ui-slider-range-max { right: 0; } + +.ui-slider-vertical { width: .8em; height: 100px; } +.ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-handle { left: -.3em; margin-left: 0; margin-bottom: -.6em; } +.ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-range { left: 0; width: 100%; } +.ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-range-min { bottom: 0; } +.ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-range-max { top: 0; }/* + * jQuery UI Tabs 1.8.14 + * + * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Tabs#theming + */ +.ui-tabs { position: relative; padding: .2em; zoom: 1; } /* position: relative prevents IE scroll bug (element with position: relative inside container with overflow: auto appear as "fixed") */ +.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav { margin: 0; padding: .2em .2em 0; } +.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li { list-style: none; float: left; position: relative; top: 1px; margin: 0 .2em 1px 0; border-bottom: 0 !important; padding: 0; white-space: nowrap; } +.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li a { float: left; padding: .5em 1em; text-decoration: none; } +.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-tabs-selected { margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 1px; } +.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-tabs-selected a, .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-state-disabled a, .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-state-processing a { cursor: text; } +.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li a, .ui-tabs.ui-tabs-collapsible .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-tabs-selected a { cursor: pointer; } /* first selector in group seems obsolete, but required to overcome bug in Opera applying cursor: text overall if defined elsewhere... */ +.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel { display: block; border-width: 0; padding: 1em 1.4em; background: none; } +.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-hide { display: none !important; } +/* + * jQuery UI Datepicker 1.8.14 + * + * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Datepicker#theming + */ +.ui-datepicker { width: 17em; padding: .2em .2em 0; display: none; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-header { position:relative; padding:.2em 0; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next { position:absolute; top: 2px; width: 1.8em; height: 1.8em; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev-hover, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next-hover { top: 1px; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev { left:2px; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next { right:2px; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev-hover { left:1px; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next-hover { right:1px; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-prev span, .ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-next span { display: block; position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -8px; top: 50%; margin-top: -8px; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-title { margin: 0 2.3em; line-height: 1.8em; text-align: center; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-title select { font-size:1em; margin:1px 0; } +.ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-month-year {width: 100%;} +.ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-month, +.ui-datepicker select.ui-datepicker-year { width: 49%;} +.ui-datepicker table {width: 100%; font-size: .9em; border-collapse: collapse; margin:0 0 .4em; } +.ui-datepicker th { padding: .7em .3em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; border: 0; } +.ui-datepicker td { border: 0; padding: 1px; } +.ui-datepicker td span, .ui-datepicker td a { display: block; padding: .2em; text-align: right; text-decoration: none; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { background-image: none; margin: .7em 0 0 0; padding:0 .2em; border-left: 0; border-right: 0; border-bottom: 0; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button { float: right; margin: .5em .2em .4em; cursor: pointer; padding: .2em .6em .3em .6em; width:auto; overflow:visible; } +.ui-datepicker .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button.ui-datepicker-current { float:left; } + +/* with multiple calendars */ +.ui-datepicker.ui-datepicker-multi { width:auto; } +.ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group { float:left; } +.ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group table { width:95%; margin:0 auto .4em; } +.ui-datepicker-multi-2 .ui-datepicker-group { width:50%; } +.ui-datepicker-multi-3 .ui-datepicker-group { width:33.3%; } +.ui-datepicker-multi-4 .ui-datepicker-group { width:25%; } +.ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group-last .ui-datepicker-header { border-left-width:0; } +.ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-group-middle .ui-datepicker-header { border-left-width:0; } +.ui-datepicker-multi .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { clear:left; } +.ui-datepicker-row-break { clear:both; width:100%; font-size:0em; } + +/* RTL support */ +.ui-datepicker-rtl { direction: rtl; } +.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-prev { right: 2px; left: auto; } +.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-next { left: 2px; right: auto; } +.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-prev:hover { right: 1px; left: auto; } +.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-next:hover { left: 1px; right: auto; } +.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane { clear:right; } +.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button { float: left; } +.ui-datepicker-rtl .ui-datepicker-buttonpane button.ui-datepicker-current { float:right; 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height:100%; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3rdparty/timepicker/css/include/jquery.ui.core.min.js b/3rdparty/timepicker/css/include/jquery.ui.core.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..577548e788 --- /dev/null +++ b/3rdparty/timepicker/css/include/jquery.ui.core.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +/*! + * jQuery UI 1.8.14 + * + * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about) + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://docs.jquery.com/UI + */ +(function(c,j){function k(a,b){var d=a.nodeName.toLowerCase();if("area"===d){b=a.parentNode;d=b.name;if(!a.href||!d||b.nodeName.toLowerCase()!=="map")return false;a=c("img[usemap=#"+d+"]")[0];return!!a&&l(a)}return(/input|select|textarea|button|object/.test(d)?!a.disabled:"a"==d?a.href||b:b)&&l(a)}function l(a){return!c(a).parents().andSelf().filter(function(){return c.curCSS(this,"visibility")==="hidden"||c.expr.filters.hidden(this)}).length}c.ui=c.ui||{};if(!c.ui.version){c.extend(c.ui,{version:"1.8.14", +keyCode:{ALT:18,BACKSPACE:8,CAPS_LOCK:20,COMMA:188,COMMAND:91,COMMAND_LEFT:91,COMMAND_RIGHT:93,CONTROL:17,DELETE:46,DOWN:40,END:35,ENTER:13,ESCAPE:27,HOME:36,INSERT:45,LEFT:37,MENU:93,NUMPAD_ADD:107,NUMPAD_DECIMAL:110,NUMPAD_DIVIDE:111,NUMPAD_ENTER:108,NUMPAD_MULTIPLY:106,NUMPAD_SUBTRACT:109,PAGE_DOWN:34,PAGE_UP:33,PERIOD:190,RIGHT:39,SHIFT:16,SPACE:32,TAB:9,UP:38,WINDOWS:91}});c.fn.extend({_focus:c.fn.focus,focus:function(a,b){return typeof a==="number"?this.each(function(){var d=this;setTimeout(function(){c(d).focus(); 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    + +
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    + +
    + + List of localisations : + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3rdparty/timepicker/js/i18n/jquery.ui.timepicker-de.js b/3rdparty/timepicker/js/i18n/jquery.ui.timepicker-de.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c010a498e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/3rdparty/timepicker/js/i18n/jquery.ui.timepicker-de.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/* Deutsch initialisation for the timepicker plugin */ +/* Written by Bernd Plagge (bplagge@choicenet.ne.jp). */ +jQuery(function($){ + $.timepicker.regional['de'] = { + hourText: 'Stunde', + minuteText: 'Minuten', + amPmText: ['AM', 'PM'] } + $.timepicker.setDefaults($.timepicker.regional['de']); +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3rdparty/timepicker/js/i18n/jquery.ui.timepicker-fr.js b/3rdparty/timepicker/js/i18n/jquery.ui.timepicker-fr.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bd37d731c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/3rdparty/timepicker/js/i18n/jquery.ui.timepicker-fr.js @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +/* French initialisation for the jQuery time picker plugin. */ +/* Written by Bernd Plagge (bplagge@choicenet.ne.jp), + Francois Gelinas (frank@fgelinas.com) */ +jQuery(function($){ + $.timepicker.regional['fr'] = { + hourText: 'Heures', + minuteText: 'Minutes', + amPmText: ['AM', 'PM'], + closeButtonText: 'Fermer', + nowButtonText: 'Maintenant', + deselectButtonText: 'Désélectionner' } + $.timepicker.setDefaults($.timepicker.regional['fr']); +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/3rdparty/timepicker/js/i18n/jquery.ui.timepicker-ja.js b/3rdparty/timepicker/js/i18n/jquery.ui.timepicker-ja.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01b2c8a3de --- /dev/null +++ b/3rdparty/timepicker/js/i18n/jquery.ui.timepicker-ja.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/* Japanese initialisation for the jQuery time picker plugin. */ +/* Written by Bernd Plagge (bplagge@choicenet.ne.jp). */ +jQuery(function($){ + $.timepicker.regional['ja'] = { + hourText: '時間', + minuteText: '分', + amPmText: ['午前', '午後'] } + $.timepicker.setDefaults($.timepicker.regional['ja']); +}); diff --git a/3rdparty/timepicker/js/jquery.ui.timepicker.js b/3rdparty/timepicker/js/jquery.ui.timepicker.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d086b674b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/3rdparty/timepicker/js/jquery.ui.timepicker.js @@ -0,0 +1,1345 @@ +/* + * jQuery UI Timepicker 0.2.9 + * + * Copyright 2010-2011, Francois Gelinas + * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. + * http://jquery.org/license + * + * http://fgelinas.com/code/timepicker + * + * Depends: + * jquery.ui.core.js + * jquery.ui.position.js (only if position settngs are used) + * + * Change version 0.1.0 - moved the t-rex up here + * + ____ + ___ .-~. /_"-._ + `-._~-. / /_ "~o\ :Y + \ \ / : \~x. ` ') + ] Y / | Y< ~-.__j + / ! _.--~T : l l< /.-~ + / / ____.--~ . ` l /~\ \<|Y + / / .-~~" /| . ',-~\ \L| + / / / .^ \ Y~Y \.^>/l_ "--' + / Y .-"( . l__ j_j l_/ /~_.-~ . + Y l / \ ) ~~~." / `/"~ / \.__/l_ + | \ _.-" ~-{__ l : l._Z~-.___.--~ + | ~---~ / ~~"---\_ ' __[> + l . _.^ ___ _>-y~ + \ \ . .-~ .-~ ~>--" / + \ ~---" / ./ _.-' + "-.,_____.,_ _.--~\ _.-~ + ~~ ( _} -Row + `. ~( + ) \ + /,`--'~\--'~\ + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + ->T-Rex<- +*/ + +(function ($, undefined) { + + $.extend($.ui, { timepicker: { version: "0.2.9"} }); + + var PROP_NAME = 'timepicker'; + var tpuuid = new Date().getTime(); + + /* Time picker manager. + Use the singleton instance of this class, $.timepicker, to interact with the time picker. + Settings for (groups of) time pickers are maintained in an instance object, + allowing multiple different settings on the same page. */ + + function Timepicker() { + this.debug = true; // Change this to true to start debugging + this._curInst = null; // The current instance in use + this._isInline = false; // true if the instance is displayed inline + this._disabledInputs = []; // List of time picker inputs that have been disabled + this._timepickerShowing = false; // True if the popup picker is showing , false if not + this._inDialog = false; // True if showing within a "dialog", false if not + this._dialogClass = 'ui-timepicker-dialog'; // The name of the dialog marker class + this._mainDivId = 'ui-timepicker-div'; // The ID of the main timepicker division + this._inlineClass = 'ui-timepicker-inline'; // The name of the inline marker class + this._currentClass = 'ui-timepicker-current'; // The name of the current hour / minutes marker class + this._dayOverClass = 'ui-timepicker-days-cell-over'; // The name of the day hover marker class + + this.regional = []; // Available regional settings, indexed by language code + this.regional[''] = { // Default regional settings + hourText: 'Hour', // Display text for hours section + minuteText: 'Minute', // Display text for minutes link + amPmText: ['AM', 'PM'], // Display text for AM PM + closeButtonText: 'Done', // Text for the confirmation button (ok button) + nowButtonText: 'Now', // Text for the now button + deselectButtonText: 'Deselect' // Text for the deselect button + }; + this._defaults = { // Global defaults for all the time picker instances + showOn: 'focus', // 'focus' for popup on focus, + // 'button' for trigger button, or 'both' for either (not yet implemented) + button: null, // 'button' element that will trigger the timepicker + showAnim: 'fadeIn', // Name of jQuery animation for popup + showOptions: {}, // Options for enhanced animations + appendText: '', // Display text following the input box, e.g. showing the format + + beforeShow: null, // Define a callback function executed before the timepicker is shown + onSelect: null, // Define a callback function when a hour / minutes is selected + onClose: null, // Define a callback function when the timepicker is closed + + timeSeparator: ':', // The character to use to separate hours and minutes. + periodSeparator: ' ', // The character to use to separate the time from the time period. + showPeriod: false, // Define whether or not to show AM/PM with selected time + showPeriodLabels: true, // Show the AM/PM labels on the left of the time picker + showLeadingZero: true, // Define whether or not to show a leading zero for hours < 10. [true/false] + showMinutesLeadingZero: true, // Define whether or not to show a leading zero for minutes < 10. + altField: '', // Selector for an alternate field to store selected time into + defaultTime: 'now', // Used as default time when input field is empty or for inline timePicker + // (set to 'now' for the current time, '' for no highlighted time) + myPosition: 'left top', // Position of the dialog relative to the input. + // see the position utility for more info : http://jqueryui.com/demos/position/ + atPosition: 'left bottom', // Position of the input element to match + // Note : if the position utility is not loaded, the timepicker will attach left top to left bottom + //NEW: 2011-02-03 + onHourShow: null, // callback for enabling / disabling on selectable hours ex : function(hour) { return true; } + onMinuteShow: null, // callback for enabling / disabling on time selection ex : function(hour,minute) { return true; } + + hours: { + starts: 0, // first displayed hour + ends: 23 // last displayed hour + }, + minutes: { + starts: 0, // first displayed minute + ends: 55, // last displayed minute + interval: 5 // interval of displayed minutes + }, + rows: 4, // number of rows for the input tables, minimum 2, makes more sense if you use multiple of 2 + // 2011-08-05 0.2.4 + showHours: true, // display the hours section of the dialog + showMinutes: true, // display the minute section of the dialog + optionalMinutes: false, // optionally parse inputs of whole hours with minutes omitted + + // buttons + showCloseButton: false, // shows an OK button to confirm the edit + showNowButton: false, // Shows the 'now' button + showDeselectButton: false // Shows the deselect time button + + }; + $.extend(this._defaults, this.regional['']); + + this.tpDiv = $(''); + } + + $.extend(Timepicker.prototype, { + /* Class name added to elements to indicate already configured with a time picker. */ + markerClassName: 'hasTimepicker', + + /* Debug logging (if enabled). */ + log: function () { + if (this.debug) + console.log.apply('', arguments); + }, + + _widgetTimepicker: function () { + return this.tpDiv; + }, + + /* Override the default settings for all instances of the time picker. + @param settings object - the new settings to use as defaults (anonymous object) + @return the manager object */ + setDefaults: function (settings) { + extendRemove(this._defaults, settings || {}); + return this; + }, + + /* Attach the time picker to a jQuery selection. + @param target element - the target input field or division or span + @param settings object - the new settings to use for this time picker instance (anonymous) */ + _attachTimepicker: function (target, settings) { + // check for settings on the control itself - in namespace 'time:' + var inlineSettings = null; + for (var attrName in this._defaults) { + var attrValue = target.getAttribute('time:' + attrName); + if (attrValue) { + inlineSettings = inlineSettings || {}; + try { + inlineSettings[attrName] = eval(attrValue); + } catch (err) { + inlineSettings[attrName] = attrValue; + } + } + } + var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase(); + var inline = (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span'); + + if (!target.id) { + this.uuid += 1; + target.id = 'tp' + this.uuid; + } + var inst = this._newInst($(target), inline); + inst.settings = $.extend({}, settings || {}, inlineSettings || {}); + if (nodeName == 'input') { + this._connectTimepicker(target, inst); + // init inst.hours and inst.minutes from the input value + this._setTimeFromField(inst); + } else if (inline) { + this._inlineTimepicker(target, inst); + } + + + }, + + /* Create a new instance object. */ + _newInst: function (target, inline) { + var id = target[0].id.replace(/([^A-Za-z0-9_-])/g, '\\\\$1'); // escape jQuery meta chars + return { + id: id, input: target, // associated target + inline: inline, // is timepicker inline or not : + tpDiv: (!inline ? this.tpDiv : // presentation div + $('
    ')) + }; + }, + + /* Attach the time picker to an input field. */ + _connectTimepicker: function (target, inst) { + var input = $(target); + inst.append = $([]); + inst.trigger = $([]); + if (input.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) { return; } + this._attachments(input, inst); + input.addClass(this.markerClassName). + keydown(this._doKeyDown). + keyup(this._doKeyUp). + bind("setData.timepicker", function (event, key, value) { + inst.settings[key] = value; + }). + bind("getData.timepicker", function (event, key) { + return this._get(inst, key); + }); + $.data(target, PROP_NAME, inst); + }, + + /* Handle keystrokes. */ + _doKeyDown: function (event) { + var inst = $.timepicker._getInst(event.target); + var handled = true; + inst._keyEvent = true; + if ($.timepicker._timepickerShowing) { + switch (event.keyCode) { + case 9: $.timepicker._hideTimepicker(); + handled = false; + break; // hide on tab out + case 13: + $.timepicker._updateSelectedValue(inst); + $.timepicker._hideTimepicker(); + + return false; // don't submit the form + break; // select the value on enter + case 27: $.timepicker._hideTimepicker(); + break; // hide on escape + default: handled = false; + } + } + else if (event.keyCode == 36 && event.ctrlKey) { // display the time picker on ctrl+home + $.timepicker._showTimepicker(this); + } + else { + handled = false; + } + if (handled) { + event.preventDefault(); + event.stopPropagation(); + } + }, + + /* Update selected time on keyUp */ + /* Added verion 0.0.5 */ + _doKeyUp: function (event) { + var inst = $.timepicker._getInst(event.target); + $.timepicker._setTimeFromField(inst); + $.timepicker._updateTimepicker(inst); + }, + + /* Make attachments based on settings. */ + _attachments: function (input, inst) { + var appendText = this._get(inst, 'appendText'); + var isRTL = this._get(inst, 'isRTL'); + if (inst.append) { inst.append.remove(); } + if (appendText) { + inst.append = $('' + appendText + ''); + input[isRTL ? 'before' : 'after'](inst.append); + } + input.unbind('focus.timepicker', this._showTimepicker); + if (inst.trigger) { inst.trigger.remove(); } + + var showOn = this._get(inst, 'showOn'); + if (showOn == 'focus' || showOn == 'both') { // pop-up time picker when in the marked field + input.bind("focus.timepicker", this._showTimepicker); + } + if (showOn == 'button' || showOn == 'both') { // pop-up time picker when 'button' element is clicked + var button = this._get(inst, 'button'); + $(button).bind("click.timepicker", function () { + if ($.timepicker._timepickerShowing && $.timepicker._lastInput == input[0]) { $.timepicker._hideTimepicker(); } + else { $.timepicker._showTimepicker(input[0]); } + return false; + }); + + } + }, + + + /* Attach an inline time picker to a div. */ + _inlineTimepicker: function(target, inst) { + var divSpan = $(target); + if (divSpan.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) + return; + divSpan.addClass(this.markerClassName).append(inst.tpDiv). + bind("setData.timepicker", function(event, key, value){ + inst.settings[key] = value; + }).bind("getData.timepicker", function(event, key){ + return this._get(inst, key); + }); + $.data(target, PROP_NAME, inst); + + this._setTimeFromField(inst); + this._updateTimepicker(inst); + inst.tpDiv.show(); + }, + + /* Pop-up the time picker for a given input field. + @param input element - the input field attached to the time picker or + event - if triggered by focus */ + _showTimepicker: function (input) { + input = input.target || input; + if (input.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'input') { input = $('input', input.parentNode)[0]; } // find from button/image trigger + if ($.timepicker._isDisabledTimepicker(input) || $.timepicker._lastInput == input) { return; } // already here + + // fix v 0.0.8 - close current timepicker before showing another one + $.timepicker._hideTimepicker(); + + var inst = $.timepicker._getInst(input); + if ($.timepicker._curInst && $.timepicker._curInst != inst) { + $.timepicker._curInst.tpDiv.stop(true, true); + } + var beforeShow = $.timepicker._get(inst, 'beforeShow'); + extendRemove(inst.settings, (beforeShow ? beforeShow.apply(input, [input, inst]) : {})); + inst.lastVal = null; + $.timepicker._lastInput = input; + + $.timepicker._setTimeFromField(inst); + + // calculate default position + if ($.timepicker._inDialog) { input.value = ''; } // hide cursor + if (!$.timepicker._pos) { // position below input + $.timepicker._pos = $.timepicker._findPos(input); + $.timepicker._pos[1] += input.offsetHeight; // add the height + } + var isFixed = false; + $(input).parents().each(function () { + isFixed |= $(this).css('position') == 'fixed'; + return !isFixed; + }); + if (isFixed && $.browser.opera) { // correction for Opera when fixed and scrolled + $.timepicker._pos[0] -= document.documentElement.scrollLeft; + $.timepicker._pos[1] -= document.documentElement.scrollTop; + } + + var offset = { left: $.timepicker._pos[0], top: $.timepicker._pos[1] }; + + $.timepicker._pos = null; + // determine sizing offscreen + inst.tpDiv.css({ position: 'absolute', display: 'block', top: '-1000px' }); + $.timepicker._updateTimepicker(inst); + + + // position with the ui position utility, if loaded + if ( ( ! inst.inline ) && ( typeof $.ui.position == 'object' ) ) { + inst.tpDiv.position({ + of: inst.input, + my: $.timepicker._get( inst, 'myPosition' ), + at: $.timepicker._get( inst, 'atPosition' ), + // offset: $( "#offset" ).val(), + // using: using, + collision: 'flip' + }); + var offset = inst.tpDiv.offset(); + $.timepicker._pos = [offset.top, offset.left]; + } + + + // reset clicked state + inst._hoursClicked = false; + inst._minutesClicked = false; + + // fix width for dynamic number of time pickers + // and adjust position before showing + offset = $.timepicker._checkOffset(inst, offset, isFixed); + inst.tpDiv.css({ position: ($.timepicker._inDialog && $.blockUI ? + 'static' : (isFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute')), display: 'none', + left: offset.left + 'px', top: offset.top + 'px' + }); + if ( ! inst.inline ) { + var showAnim = $.timepicker._get(inst, 'showAnim'); + var duration = $.timepicker._get(inst, 'duration'); + + var postProcess = function () { + $.timepicker._timepickerShowing = true; + var borders = $.timepicker._getBorders(inst.tpDiv); + inst.tpDiv.find('iframe.ui-timepicker-cover'). // IE6- only + css({ left: -borders[0], top: -borders[1], + width: inst.tpDiv.outerWidth(), height: inst.tpDiv.outerHeight() + }); + }; + + // Fixed the zIndex problem for real (I hope) - FG - v 0.2.9 + inst.tpDiv.css('zIndex', $.timepicker._getZIndex(input) +1); + + if ($.effects && $.effects[showAnim]) { + inst.tpDiv.show(showAnim, $.timepicker._get(inst, 'showOptions'), duration, postProcess); + } + else { + inst.tpDiv[showAnim || 'show']((showAnim ? duration : null), postProcess); + } + if (!showAnim || !duration) { postProcess(); } + if (inst.input.is(':visible') && !inst.input.is(':disabled')) { inst.input.focus(); } + $.timepicker._curInst = inst; + } + }, + + // This is a copy of the zIndex function of UI core 1.8.?? + // Copied in the timepicker to stay backward compatible. + _getZIndex: function (target) { + var elem = $( target ), position, value; + while ( elem.length && elem[ 0 ] !== document ) { + position = elem.css( "position" ); + if ( position === "absolute" || position === "relative" || position === "fixed" ) { + value = parseInt( elem.css( "zIndex" ), 10 ); + if ( !isNaN( value ) && value !== 0 ) { + return value; + } + } + elem = elem.parent(); + } + }, + + /* Generate the time picker content. */ + _updateTimepicker: function (inst) { + inst.tpDiv.empty().append(this._generateHTML(inst)); + this._rebindDialogEvents(inst); + + }, + + _rebindDialogEvents: function (inst) { + var borders = $.timepicker._getBorders(inst.tpDiv), + self = this; + inst.tpDiv + .find('iframe.ui-timepicker-cover') // IE6- only + .css({ left: -borders[0], top: -borders[1], + width: inst.tpDiv.outerWidth(), height: inst.tpDiv.outerHeight() + }) + .end() + // after the picker html is appended bind the click & double click events (faster in IE this way + // then letting the browser interpret the inline events) + // the binding for the minute cells also exists in _updateMinuteDisplay + .find('.ui-timepicker-minute-cell') + .unbind() + .bind("click", { fromDoubleClick:false }, $.proxy($.timepicker.selectMinutes, this)) + .bind("dblclick", { fromDoubleClick:true }, $.proxy($.timepicker.selectMinutes, this)) + .end() + .find('.ui-timepicker-hour-cell') + .unbind() + .bind("click", { fromDoubleClick:false }, $.proxy($.timepicker.selectHours, this)) + .bind("dblclick", { fromDoubleClick:true }, $.proxy($.timepicker.selectHours, this)) + .end() + .find('.ui-timepicker td a') + .unbind() + .bind('mouseout', function () { + $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); + if (this.className.indexOf('ui-timepicker-prev') != -1) $(this).removeClass('ui-timepicker-prev-hover'); + if (this.className.indexOf('ui-timepicker-next') != -1) $(this).removeClass('ui-timepicker-next-hover'); + }) + .bind('mouseover', function () { + if ( ! self._isDisabledTimepicker(inst.inline ? inst.tpDiv.parent()[0] : inst.input[0])) { + $(this).parents('.ui-timepicker-calendar').find('a').removeClass('ui-state-hover'); + $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); + if (this.className.indexOf('ui-timepicker-prev') != -1) $(this).addClass('ui-timepicker-prev-hover'); + if (this.className.indexOf('ui-timepicker-next') != -1) $(this).addClass('ui-timepicker-next-hover'); + } + }) + .end() + .find('.' + this._dayOverClass + ' a') + .trigger('mouseover') + .end() + .find('.ui-timepicker-now').bind("click",function(e) { + $.timepicker.selectNow(e); + }).end() + .find('.ui-timepicker-deselect').bind("click",function(e) { + $.timepicker.deselectTime(e); + }).end() + .find('.ui-timepicker-close').bind("click",function(e) { + $.timepicker._hideTimepicker(); + }).end(); + }, + + /* Generate the HTML for the current state of the time picker. */ + _generateHTML: function (inst) { + + var h, m, row, col, html, hoursHtml, minutesHtml = '', + showPeriod = (this._get(inst, 'showPeriod') == true), + showPeriodLabels = (this._get(inst, 'showPeriodLabels') == true), + showLeadingZero = (this._get(inst, 'showLeadingZero') == true), + showHours = (this._get(inst, 'showHours') == true), + showMinutes = (this._get(inst, 'showMinutes') == true), + amPmText = this._get(inst, 'amPmText'), + rows = this._get(inst, 'rows'), + amRows = 0, + pmRows = 0, + amItems = 0, + pmItems = 0, + amFirstRow = 0, + pmFirstRow = 0, + hours = Array(), + hours_options = this._get(inst, 'hours'), + hoursPerRow = null, + hourCounter = 0, + hourLabel = this._get(inst, 'hourText'), + showCloseButton = this._get(inst, 'showCloseButton'), + closeButtonText = this._get(inst, 'closeButtonText'), + showNowButton = this._get(inst, 'showNowButton'), + nowButtonText = this._get(inst, 'nowButtonText'), + showDeselectButton = this._get(inst, 'showDeselectButton'), + deselectButtonText = this._get(inst, 'deselectButtonText'), + showButtonPanel = showCloseButton || showNowButton || showDeselectButton; + + + + // prepare all hours and minutes, makes it easier to distribute by rows + for (h = hours_options.starts; h <= hours_options.ends; h++) { + hours.push (h); + } + hoursPerRow = Math.ceil(hours.length / rows); // always round up + + if (showPeriodLabels) { + for (hourCounter = 0; hourCounter < hours.length; hourCounter++) { + if (hours[hourCounter] < 12) { + amItems++; + } + else { + pmItems++; + } + } + hourCounter = 0; + + amRows = Math.floor(amItems / hours.length * rows); + pmRows = Math.floor(pmItems / hours.length * rows); + + // assign the extra row to the period that is more densly populated + if (rows != amRows + pmRows) { + // Make sure: AM Has Items and either PM Does Not, AM has no rows yet, or AM is more dense + if (amItems && (!pmItems || !amRows || (pmRows && amItems / amRows >= pmItems / pmRows))) { + amRows++; + } else { + pmRows++; + } + } + amFirstRow = Math.min(amRows, 1); + pmFirstRow = amRows + 1; + hoursPerRow = Math.ceil(Math.max(amItems / amRows, pmItems / pmRows)); + } + + + html = ''; + + if (showHours) { + + html += ''; // Close the Hour td + } + + if (showMinutes) { + html += ''; + } + + html += ''; + + + if (showButtonPanel) { + var buttonPanel = ''; + } + html += '
    ' + + '
    ' + + hourLabel + + '
    ' + + ''; + + for (row = 1; row <= rows; row++) { + html += ''; + // AM + if (row == amFirstRow && showPeriodLabels) { + html += ''; + } + // PM + if (row == pmFirstRow && showPeriodLabels) { + html += ''; + } + for (col = 1; col <= hoursPerRow; col++) { + if (showPeriodLabels && row < pmFirstRow && hours[hourCounter] >= 12) { + html += this._generateHTMLHourCell(inst, undefined, showPeriod, showLeadingZero); + } else { + html += this._generateHTMLHourCell(inst, hours[hourCounter], showPeriod, showLeadingZero); + hourCounter++; + } + } + html += ''; + } + html += '
    ' + amPmText[0] + '' + amPmText[1] + '
    ' + // Close the hours cells table + '
    '; + html += this._generateHTMLMinutes(inst); + html += '
    '; + if (showNowButton) { + buttonPanel += ''; + } + if (showDeselectButton) { + buttonPanel += ''; + } + if (showCloseButton) { + buttonPanel += ''; + } + + html += buttonPanel + '
    '; + + /* IE6 IFRAME FIX (taken from datepicker 1.5.3, fixed in 0.1.2 */ + html += ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version,10) < 7 && !inst.inline ? + '' : ''); + + return html; + }, + + /* Special function that update the minutes selection in currently visible timepicker + * called on hour selection when onMinuteShow is defined */ + _updateMinuteDisplay: function (inst) { + var newHtml = this._generateHTMLMinutes(inst); + inst.tpDiv.find('td.ui-timepicker-minutes').html(newHtml); + this._rebindDialogEvents(inst); + // after the picker html is appended bind the click & double click events (faster in IE this way + // then letting the browser interpret the inline events) + // yes I know, duplicate code, sorry +/* .find('.ui-timepicker-minute-cell') + .bind("click", { fromDoubleClick:false }, $.proxy($.timepicker.selectMinutes, this)) + .bind("dblclick", { fromDoubleClick:true }, $.proxy($.timepicker.selectMinutes, this)); +*/ + + }, + + /* + * Generate the minutes table + * This is separated from the _generateHTML function because is can be called separately (when hours changes) + */ + _generateHTMLMinutes: function (inst) { + + var m, row, html = '', + rows = this._get(inst, 'rows'), + minutes = Array(), + minutes_options = this._get(inst, 'minutes'), + minutesPerRow = null, + minuteCounter = 0, + showMinutesLeadingZero = (this._get(inst, 'showMinutesLeadingZero') == true), + onMinuteShow = this._get(inst, 'onMinuteShow'), + minuteLabel = this._get(inst, 'minuteText'); + + if ( ! minutes_options.starts) { + minutes_options.starts = 0; + } + if ( ! minutes_options.ends) { + minutes_options.ends = 59; + } + for (m = minutes_options.starts; m <= minutes_options.ends; m += minutes_options.interval) { + minutes.push(m); + } + minutesPerRow = Math.round(minutes.length / rows + 0.49); // always round up + + /* + * The minutes table + */ + // if currently selected minute is not enabled, we have a problem and need to select a new minute. + if (onMinuteShow && + (onMinuteShow.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), [inst.hours , inst.minutes]) == false) ) { + // loop minutes and select first available + for (minuteCounter = 0; minuteCounter < minutes.length; minuteCounter += 1) { + m = minutes[minuteCounter]; + if (onMinuteShow.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), [inst.hours, m])) { + inst.minutes = m; + break; + } + } + } + + + + html += '
    ' + + minuteLabel + + '
    ' + + ''; + + minuteCounter = 0; + for (row = 1; row <= rows; row++) { + html += ''; + while (minuteCounter < row * minutesPerRow) { + var m = minutes[minuteCounter]; + var displayText = ''; + if (m !== undefined ) { + displayText = (m < 10) && showMinutesLeadingZero ? "0" + m.toString() : m.toString(); + } + html += this._generateHTMLMinuteCell(inst, m, displayText); + minuteCounter++; + } + html += ''; + } + + html += '
    '; + + return html; + }, + + /* Generate the content of a "Hour" cell */ + _generateHTMLHourCell: function (inst, hour, showPeriod, showLeadingZero) { + + var displayHour = hour; + if ((hour > 12) && showPeriod) { + displayHour = hour - 12; + } + if ((displayHour == 0) && showPeriod) { + displayHour = 12; + } + if ((displayHour < 10) && showLeadingZero) { + displayHour = '0' + displayHour; + } + + var html = ""; + var enabled = true; + var onHourShow = this._get(inst, 'onHourShow'); //custom callback + + if (hour == undefined) { + html = ' '; + return html; + } + + if (onHourShow) { + enabled = onHourShow.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), [hour]); + } + + if (enabled) { + html = '' + + '' + + displayHour.toString() + + ''; + } + else { + html = + '' + + '' + + displayHour.toString() + + '' + + ''; + } + return html; + }, + + /* Generate the content of a "Hour" cell */ + _generateHTMLMinuteCell: function (inst, minute, displayText) { + var html = ""; + var enabled = true; + var onMinuteShow = this._get(inst, 'onMinuteShow'); //custom callback + if (onMinuteShow) { + //NEW: 2011-02-03 we should give the hour as a parameter as well! + enabled = onMinuteShow.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), [inst.hours,minute]); //trigger callback + } + + if (minute == undefined) { + html = ' '; + return html; + } + + if (enabled) { + html = '' + + '' + + displayText + + ''; + } + else { + + html = '' + + '' + + displayText + + '' + + ''; + } + return html; + }, + + + /* Enable the date picker to a jQuery selection. + @param target element - the target input field or division or span */ + _enableTimepicker: function(target) { + var $target = $(target), + target_id = $target.attr('id'), + inst = $.data(target, PROP_NAME); + + if (!$target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) { + return; + } + var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase(); + if (nodeName == 'input') { + target.disabled = false; + inst.trigger.filter('button'). + each(function() { this.disabled = false; }).end(); + } + else if (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span') { + var inline = $target.children('.' + this._inlineClass); + inline.children().removeClass('ui-state-disabled'); + } + this._disabledInputs = $.map(this._disabledInputs, + function(value) { return (value == target_id ? null : value); }); // delete entry + }, + + /* Disable the time picker to a jQuery selection. + @param target element - the target input field or division or span */ + _disableTimepicker: function(target) { + var $target = $(target); + var inst = $.data(target, PROP_NAME); + if (!$target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) { + return; + } + var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase(); + if (nodeName == 'input') { + target.disabled = true; + + inst.trigger.filter('button'). + each(function() { this.disabled = true; }).end(); + + } + else if (nodeName == 'div' || nodeName == 'span') { + var inline = $target.children('.' + this._inlineClass); + inline.children().addClass('ui-state-disabled'); + } + this._disabledInputs = $.map(this._disabledInputs, + function(value) { return (value == target ? null : value); }); // delete entry + this._disabledInputs[this._disabledInputs.length] = $target.attr('id'); + }, + + /* Is the first field in a jQuery collection disabled as a timepicker? + @param target_id element - the target input field or division or span + @return boolean - true if disabled, false if enabled */ + _isDisabledTimepicker: function (target_id) { + if ( ! target_id) { return false; } + for (var i = 0; i < this._disabledInputs.length; i++) { + if (this._disabledInputs[i] == target_id) { return true; } + } + return false; + }, + + /* Check positioning to remain on screen. */ + _checkOffset: function (inst, offset, isFixed) { + var tpWidth = inst.tpDiv.outerWidth(); + var tpHeight = inst.tpDiv.outerHeight(); + var inputWidth = inst.input ? inst.input.outerWidth() : 0; + var inputHeight = inst.input ? inst.input.outerHeight() : 0; + var viewWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth + $(document).scrollLeft(); + var viewHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight + $(document).scrollTop(); + + offset.left -= (this._get(inst, 'isRTL') ? (tpWidth - inputWidth) : 0); + offset.left -= (isFixed && offset.left == inst.input.offset().left) ? $(document).scrollLeft() : 0; + offset.top -= (isFixed && offset.top == (inst.input.offset().top + inputHeight)) ? $(document).scrollTop() : 0; + + // now check if datepicker is showing outside window viewport - move to a better place if so. + offset.left -= Math.min(offset.left, (offset.left + tpWidth > viewWidth && viewWidth > tpWidth) ? + Math.abs(offset.left + tpWidth - viewWidth) : 0); + offset.top -= Math.min(offset.top, (offset.top + tpHeight > viewHeight && viewHeight > tpHeight) ? + Math.abs(tpHeight + inputHeight) : 0); + + return offset; + }, + + /* Find an object's position on the screen. */ + _findPos: function (obj) { + var inst = this._getInst(obj); + var isRTL = this._get(inst, 'isRTL'); + while (obj && (obj.type == 'hidden' || obj.nodeType != 1)) { + obj = obj[isRTL ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling']; + } + var position = $(obj).offset(); + return [position.left, position.top]; + }, + + /* Retrieve the size of left and top borders for an element. + @param elem (jQuery object) the element of interest + @return (number[2]) the left and top borders */ + _getBorders: function (elem) { + var convert = function (value) { + return { thin: 1, medium: 2, thick: 3}[value] || value; + }; + return [parseFloat(convert(elem.css('border-left-width'))), + parseFloat(convert(elem.css('border-top-width')))]; + }, + + + /* Close time picker if clicked elsewhere. */ + _checkExternalClick: function (event) { + if (!$.timepicker._curInst) { return; } + var $target = $(event.target); + if ($target[0].id != $.timepicker._mainDivId && + $target.parents('#' + $.timepicker._mainDivId).length == 0 && + !$target.hasClass($.timepicker.markerClassName) && + !$target.hasClass($.timepicker._triggerClass) && + $.timepicker._timepickerShowing && !($.timepicker._inDialog && $.blockUI)) + $.timepicker._hideTimepicker(); + }, + + /* Hide the time picker from view. + @param input element - the input field attached to the time picker */ + _hideTimepicker: function (input) { + var inst = this._curInst; + if (!inst || (input && inst != $.data(input, PROP_NAME))) { return; } + if (this._timepickerShowing) { + var showAnim = this._get(inst, 'showAnim'); + var duration = this._get(inst, 'duration'); + var postProcess = function () { + $.timepicker._tidyDialog(inst); + this._curInst = null; + }; + if ($.effects && $.effects[showAnim]) { + inst.tpDiv.hide(showAnim, $.timepicker._get(inst, 'showOptions'), duration, postProcess); + } + else { + inst.tpDiv[(showAnim == 'slideDown' ? 'slideUp' : + (showAnim == 'fadeIn' ? 'fadeOut' : 'hide'))]((showAnim ? duration : null), postProcess); + } + if (!showAnim) { postProcess(); } + var onClose = this._get(inst, 'onClose'); + if (onClose) { + onClose.apply( + (inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), + [(inst.input ? inst.input.val() : ''), inst]); // trigger custom callback + } + this._timepickerShowing = false; + this._lastInput = null; + if (this._inDialog) { + this._dialogInput.css({ position: 'absolute', left: '0', top: '-100px' }); + if ($.blockUI) { + $.unblockUI(); + $('body').append(this.tpDiv); + } + } + this._inDialog = false; + } + }, + + + + /* Tidy up after a dialog display. */ + _tidyDialog: function (inst) { + inst.tpDiv.removeClass(this._dialogClass).unbind('.ui-timepicker'); + }, + + /* Retrieve the instance data for the target control. + @param target element - the target input field or division or span + @return object - the associated instance data + @throws error if a jQuery problem getting data */ + _getInst: function (target) { + try { + return $.data(target, PROP_NAME); + } + catch (err) { + throw 'Missing instance data for this timepicker'; + } + }, + + /* Get a setting value, defaulting if necessary. */ + _get: function (inst, name) { + return inst.settings[name] !== undefined ? + inst.settings[name] : this._defaults[name]; + }, + + /* Parse existing time and initialise time picker. */ + _setTimeFromField: function (inst) { + if (inst.input.val() == inst.lastVal) { return; } + var defaultTime = this._get(inst, 'defaultTime'); + + var timeToParse = defaultTime == 'now' ? this._getCurrentTimeRounded(inst) : defaultTime; + if ((inst.inline == false) && (inst.input.val() != '')) { timeToParse = inst.input.val() } + + if (timeToParse instanceof Date) { + inst.hours = timeToParse.getHours(); + inst.minutes = timeToParse.getMinutes(); + } else { + var timeVal = inst.lastVal = timeToParse; + if (timeToParse == '') { + inst.hours = -1; + inst.minutes = -1; + } else { + var time = this.parseTime(inst, timeVal); + inst.hours = time.hours; + inst.minutes = time.minutes; + } + } + + + $.timepicker._updateTimepicker(inst); + }, + + /* Update or retrieve the settings for an existing time picker. + @param target element - the target input field or division or span + @param name object - the new settings to update or + string - the name of the setting to change or retrieve, + when retrieving also 'all' for all instance settings or + 'defaults' for all global defaults + @param value any - the new value for the setting + (omit if above is an object or to retrieve a value) */ + _optionTimepicker: function(target, name, value) { + var inst = this._getInst(target); + if (arguments.length == 2 && typeof name == 'string') { + return (name == 'defaults' ? $.extend({}, $.timepicker._defaults) : + (inst ? (name == 'all' ? $.extend({}, inst.settings) : + this._get(inst, name)) : null)); + } + var settings = name || {}; + if (typeof name == 'string') { + settings = {}; + settings[name] = value; + } + if (inst) { + if (this._curInst == inst) { + this._hideTimepicker(); + } + extendRemove(inst.settings, settings); + this._updateTimepicker(inst); + } + }, + + + /* Set the time for a jQuery selection. + @param target element - the target input field or division or span + @param time String - the new time */ + _setTimeTimepicker: function(target, time) { + var inst = this._getInst(target); + if (inst) { + this._setTime(inst, time); + this._updateTimepicker(inst); + this._updateAlternate(inst, time); + } + }, + + /* Set the time directly. */ + _setTime: function(inst, time, noChange) { + var origHours = inst.hours; + var origMinutes = inst.minutes; + var time = this.parseTime(inst, time); + inst.hours = time.hours; + inst.minutes = time.minutes; + + if ((origHours != inst.hours || origMinutes != inst.minuts) && !noChange) { + inst.input.trigger('change'); + } + this._updateTimepicker(inst); + this._updateSelectedValue(inst); + }, + + /* Return the current time, ready to be parsed, rounded to the closest 5 minute */ + _getCurrentTimeRounded: function (inst) { + var currentTime = new Date(), + currentMinutes = currentTime.getMinutes(), + // round to closest 5 + adjustedMinutes = Math.round( currentMinutes / 5 ) * 5; + currentTime.setMinutes(adjustedMinutes); + return currentTime; + }, + + /* + * Parse a time string into hours and minutes + */ + parseTime: function (inst, timeVal) { + var retVal = new Object(); + retVal.hours = -1; + retVal.minutes = -1; + + var timeSeparator = this._get(inst, 'timeSeparator'), + amPmText = this._get(inst, 'amPmText'), + showHours = this._get(inst, 'showHours'), + showMinutes = this._get(inst, 'showMinutes'), + optionalMinutes = this._get(inst, 'optionalMinutes'), + showPeriod = (this._get(inst, 'showPeriod') == true), + p = timeVal.indexOf(timeSeparator); + + // check if time separator found + if (p != -1) { + retVal.hours = parseInt(timeVal.substr(0, p), 10); + retVal.minutes = parseInt(timeVal.substr(p + 1), 10); + } + // check for hours only + else if ( (showHours) && ( !showMinutes || optionalMinutes ) ) { + retVal.hours = parseInt(timeVal, 10); + } + // check for minutes only + else if ( ( ! showHours) && (showMinutes) ) { + retVal.minutes = parseInt(timeVal, 10); + } + + if (showHours) { + var timeValUpper = timeVal.toUpperCase(); + if ((retVal.hours < 12) && (showPeriod) && (timeValUpper.indexOf(amPmText[1].toUpperCase()) != -1)) { + retVal.hours += 12; + } + // fix for 12 AM + if ((retVal.hours == 12) && (showPeriod) && (timeValUpper.indexOf(amPmText[0].toUpperCase()) != -1)) { + retVal.hours = 0; + } + } + + return retVal; + }, + + selectNow: function(e) { + + var id = $(e.target).attr("data-timepicker-instance-id"), + $target = $(id), + inst = this._getInst($target[0]); + + //if (!inst || (input && inst != $.data(input, PROP_NAME))) { return; } + var currentTime = new Date(); + inst.hours = currentTime.getHours(); + inst.minutes = currentTime.getMinutes(); + this._updateSelectedValue(inst); + this._updateTimepicker(inst); + this._hideTimepicker(); + }, + + deselectTime: function(e) { + var id = $(e.target).attr("data-timepicker-instance-id"), + $target = $(id), + inst = this._getInst($target[0]); + inst.hours = -1; + inst.minutes = -1; + this._updateSelectedValue(inst); + this._hideTimepicker(); + }, + + + selectHours: function (event) { + var $td = $(event.currentTarget), + id = $td.attr("data-timepicker-instance-id"), + newHours = $td.attr("data-hour"), + fromDoubleClick = event.data.fromDoubleClick, + $target = $(id), + inst = this._getInst($target[0]), + showMinutes = (this._get(inst, 'showMinutes') == true); + + // don't select if disabled + if ( $.timepicker._isDisabledTimepicker($target.attr('id')) ) { return false } + + $td.parents('.ui-timepicker-hours:first').find('a').removeClass('ui-state-active'); + $td.children('a').addClass('ui-state-active'); + inst.hours = newHours; + + // added for onMinuteShow callback + var onMinuteShow = this._get(inst, 'onMinuteShow'); + if (onMinuteShow) { + // this will trigger a callback on selected hour to make sure selected minute is allowed. + this._updateMinuteDisplay(inst); + } + + this._updateSelectedValue(inst); + + inst._hoursClicked = true; + if ((inst._minutesClicked) || (fromDoubleClick) || (showMinutes == false)) { + $.timepicker._hideTimepicker(); + } + // return false because if used inline, prevent the url to change to a hashtag + return false; + }, + + selectMinutes: function (event) { + var $td = $(event.currentTarget), + id = $td.attr("data-timepicker-instance-id"), + newMinutes = $td.attr("data-minute"), + fromDoubleClick = event.data.fromDoubleClick, + $target = $(id), + inst = this._getInst($target[0]), + showHours = (this._get(inst, 'showHours') == true); + + // don't select if disabled + if ( $.timepicker._isDisabledTimepicker($target.attr('id')) ) { return false } + + $td.parents('.ui-timepicker-minutes:first').find('a').removeClass('ui-state-active'); + $td.children('a').addClass('ui-state-active'); + + inst.minutes = newMinutes; + this._updateSelectedValue(inst); + + inst._minutesClicked = true; + if ((inst._hoursClicked) || (fromDoubleClick) || (showHours == false)) { + $.timepicker._hideTimepicker(); + // return false because if used inline, prevent the url to change to a hashtag + return false; + } + + // return false because if used inline, prevent the url to change to a hashtag + return false; + }, + + _updateSelectedValue: function (inst) { + var newTime = this._getParsedTime(inst); + if (inst.input) { + inst.input.val(newTime); + inst.input.trigger('change'); + } + var onSelect = this._get(inst, 'onSelect'); + if (onSelect) { onSelect.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), [newTime, inst]); } // trigger custom callback + this._updateAlternate(inst, newTime); + return newTime; + }, + + /* this function process selected time and return it parsed according to instance options */ + _getParsedTime: function(inst) { + + if (inst.hours == -1 && inst.minutes == -1) { + return ''; + } + + if ((inst.hours < 0) || (inst.hours > 23)) { inst.hours = 12; } + if ((inst.minutes < 0) || (inst.minutes > 59)) { inst.minutes = 0; } + + var period = "", + showPeriod = (this._get(inst, 'showPeriod') == true), + showLeadingZero = (this._get(inst, 'showLeadingZero') == true), + showHours = (this._get(inst, 'showHours') == true), + showMinutes = (this._get(inst, 'showMinutes') == true), + optionalMinutes = (this._get(inst, 'optionalMinutes') == true), + amPmText = this._get(inst, 'amPmText'), + selectedHours = inst.hours ? inst.hours : 0, + selectedMinutes = inst.minutes ? inst.minutes : 0, + displayHours = selectedHours ? selectedHours : 0, + parsedTime = ''; + + if (showPeriod) { + if (inst.hours == 0) { + displayHours = 12; + } + if (inst.hours < 12) { + period = amPmText[0]; + } + else { + period = amPmText[1]; + if (displayHours > 12) { + displayHours -= 12; + } + } + } + + var h = displayHours.toString(); + if (showLeadingZero && (displayHours < 10)) { h = '0' + h; } + + var m = selectedMinutes.toString(); + if (selectedMinutes < 10) { m = '0' + m; } + + if (showHours) { + parsedTime += h; + } + if (showHours && showMinutes && (!optionalMinutes || m != 0)) { + parsedTime += this._get(inst, 'timeSeparator'); + } + if (showMinutes && (!optionalMinutes || m != 0)) { + parsedTime += m; + } + if (showHours) { + if (period.length > 0) { parsedTime += this._get(inst, 'periodSeparator') + period; } + } + + return parsedTime; + }, + + /* Update any alternate field to synchronise with the main field. */ + _updateAlternate: function(inst, newTime) { + var altField = this._get(inst, 'altField'); + if (altField) { // update alternate field too + $(altField).each(function(i,e) { + $(e).val(newTime); + }); + } + }, + + /* This might look unused but it's called by the $.fn.timepicker function with param getTime */ + /* added v 0.2.3 - gitHub issue #5 - Thanks edanuff */ + _getTimeTimepicker : function(input) { + var inst = this._getInst(input); + return this._getParsedTime(inst); + }, + _getHourTimepicker: function(input) { + var inst = this._getInst(input); + if ( inst == undefined) { return -1; } + return inst.hours; + }, + _getMinuteTimepicker: function(input) { + var inst= this._getInst(input); + if ( inst == undefined) { return -1; } + return inst.minutes; + } + + }); + + + + /* Invoke the timepicker functionality. + @param options string - a command, optionally followed by additional parameters or + Object - settings for attaching new timepicker functionality + @return jQuery object */ + $.fn.timepicker = function (options) { + + /* Initialise the time picker. */ + if (!$.timepicker.initialized) { + $(document).mousedown($.timepicker._checkExternalClick). + find('body').append($.timepicker.tpDiv); + $.timepicker.initialized = true; + } + + var otherArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); + if (typeof options == 'string' && (options == 'getTime' || options == 'getHour' || options == 'getMinute' )) + return $.timepicker['_' + options + 'Timepicker']. + apply($.timepicker, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs)); + if (options == 'option' && arguments.length == 2 && typeof arguments[1] == 'string') + return $.timepicker['_' + options + 'Timepicker']. + apply($.timepicker, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs)); + return this.each(function () { + typeof options == 'string' ? + $.timepicker['_' + options + 'Timepicker']. + apply($.timepicker, [this].concat(otherArgs)) : + $.timepicker._attachTimepicker(this, options); + }); + }; + + /* jQuery extend now ignores nulls! */ + function extendRemove(target, props) { + $.extend(target, props); + for (var name in props) + if (props[name] == null || props[name] == undefined) + target[name] = props[name]; + return target; + }; + + $.timepicker = new Timepicker(); // singleton instance + $.timepicker.initialized = false; + $.timepicker.uuid = new Date().getTime(); + $.timepicker.version = "0.2.9"; + + // Workaround for #4055 + // Add another global to avoid noConflict issues with inline event handlers + window['TP_jQuery_' + tpuuid] = $; + +})(jQuery); diff --git a/3rdparty/timepicker/releases.txt b/3rdparty/timepicker/releases.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..64622d4942 --- /dev/null +++ b/3rdparty/timepicker/releases.txt @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +Release 0.2.9 - November 13, 2011 +Fixed the zIndex problem and removed the zIndex option (Thanks everyone who reported the problem) +Fix a bug where repeatedly clicking on hour cells made the timepicker very slow. +Added Italian translation, thanks to Serge Margarita. + +Release 0.2.8 - November 5, 2011 +Updated "defaultTime" to allow for Date object (github issue #26) +Fixed the now and deselect buttons in IE + +Release 0.2.7 - October 19, 2011 +Added option to omit minutes in parsed time when user select 0 for minutes. (Thanks tribalvibes, Github issue #23) +Added support for internationalisation (fr, de and ja, Thanks Bernd Plagge). + +Release 0.2.6 - October 12, 2011 +Fixed a bug when input ID have more then one special char. (Thamks Jacqueline Krijnen) +Fixed a bug when parsing hours only or minutes only time. (Thanks protron, github issue #20) +Added 'Now', 'Deselect' and 'Close' buttons. (Thanks Christian Grobmeier for the close button code, github issue #22) + +Release 0.2.5 - September 13, 2011 +Added support for disable and enable. (Suggested by danielrex, github issue #17) +Added an example for 2 timepicker to behave as a period selector (start time and end time). (Thanks Bill Pellowe) +Renamed the stylesheet to jquery.ui.timepicker.css to be more consistent with jQuery UI file name convention. + +Release 0.2.4 - August 5, 2011 +Fixed the hand cursor in the css file. (Thanks Mike Neumegen) +Added position option to use with the jquery ui position utility. +Added option to display only hours or only minutes. + +Release 0.2.3 - July 11, 2011 +Fix github issue #3 : Bug when hours or minutes choices does not divide by number of rows (thanks wukimus) +Changed default behavior of the defaultTime option, if set to '' and input is empty, there will be no highlighted time in the popup (Thanks Rasmus Schultz) +Fix github issue #4 : Error when generating empty minute cell. (Thanks 123Haynes) +Fix github issue #5 : Add functionality for "getTime" option. (Thanks edanuff) +Added the periodSeparator option. (thanks jrchamp) +Fixed "getTime" for inline timepickers. (thanks Mike Neumegen) +Added "getHour" and "getMinute" to get individual values. + +Release 0.2.2 - June 16, 2011 +Fixed a "console.log" line that I forgot to remove before release 0.2.1 + +Release 0.2.1 - June 12, 2011 +Timepicker does not give the focus back to the input any more after time selection. This is similar to the datepicker behaviour and is more natural to the user because it shows the dialog again when the user click on the input again, as expected. +Added options to customize the hours and minutes ranges and interval for more customization. + +Release 0.2 - May 28, 2011 +So in the previous release I mixed up versions and lost some changes, I guess that's what happen when you drink and code. + +Release 0.1.2 - May 26, 2011 +Fixed a bug with inline timepickers that would append a #timepickr hashtag when selecting hours and minutes. +Fixed z-index problem with IE6 (Thanks Graham Bentley) +Added selection of highlighted text when enter is pressed on the input field (Thanks Glen Chiacchieri) +Adjusted some focus problems, now the input gets the focus back when the used click on hours / minutes. + +Release 0.1.something aka the lost release - around April 11 +Fixed a bug for when input Id had a dot in it, it was getting double escaped when it should not. (Thanks Zdenek Machac) +So in 0.1.1 I created a bug that made timepicker changes the location hash, well now it's fixed. (Thanks Lucas Falk) + +Release 0.1.1 - April 6, 2011 +Changed the cells click and dblclick binding for faster rendering in IE6/7 (Thanks Blair Parsons) +Fixed a class naming bug created in 0.1.0 (Thanks Morlion Peter) + +Release 0.1.0 - March 23, 2011 +Fixed some bugs with release 0.0.9 + +Release 0.0.9 - March 22, 2011 +Added zIndex option (Thanks Frank Enderle) +Added option showPeriodLabels that defines if the AM/PM labels are displayed on the left (Thanks Frank Enderle) +Added showOn ['focus'|'button'|'both'] and button options for alternate trigger method + +Release 0.0.8 - Fev 17, 2011 +Fixed close event not triggered when switching to another input with time picker (thanks Stuart Gregg) + +Release 0.0.7 - Fev 10, 2011 +Added function to set time after initialisation :$('#timepicker').timepicker('setTime',newTime); +Added support for disabled period of time : onHourShow and onMinuteShow (thanks Rene Felgentr�ger) + +Release 0.0.6 - Jan 19, 2011 +Added standard "change" event being triggered on the input when the content changes. (Thanks Rasmus Schultz) +Added support for inline timePicker, attached to div or span +Added altField that receive the parsed time value when selected time changes +Added defaultTime value to use when input field is missing (inline) or input value is empty + if defaultTime is missing, current time is used + +Release 0.0.5 - Jan 18, 2011 +Now updating time picker selected value when manually typing in the text field (thanks Rasmus Schultz) +Fixed : with showPeriod: true and showLeadingZero: true, PM hours did not show leading zeros (thanks Chandler May) +Fixed : with showPeriod: true and showLeadingZero: true, Selecting 12 AM shows as 00 AM in the input field, also parsing 12AM did not work correctly (thanks Rasmus Schultz) + +Release 0.0.4 - jan 10, 2011 +changed showLeadingZero to affect only hours, added showMinutesLeadingZero for minutes display +Removed width:100% for tables in css + +Release 0.0.3 - Jan 8, 2011 +Re-added a display:none on the main div (fix a small empty div visible at the bottom of the page before timepicker is called) (Thanks Gertjan van Roekel) +Fixed a problem where the timepicker was never displayed with jquery ui 1.8.7 css, + the problem was the class ui-helper-hidden-accessible, witch I removed. + Thanks Alexander Fietz and StackOverflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4522274/jquery-timepicker-and-jqueryui-1-8-7-conflict + +Release 0.0.2 - Jan 6, 2011 +Updated to include common display options for USA users +Stephen Commisso - Jan 2011 + +As it is a timepicker, I inspired most of the code from the datepicker +Francois Gelinas - Nov 2010 + diff --git a/apps/calendar/ajax/createcalendar.php b/apps/calendar/ajax/createcalendar.php index f8b5974f54..b719b207c7 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/ajax/createcalendar.php +++ b/apps/calendar/ajax/createcalendar.php @@ -12,6 +12,18 @@ require_once('../../../lib/base.php'); OC_JSON::checkLoggedIn(); OC_JSON::checkAppEnabled('calendar'); +if(trim($_POST['name']) == ''){ + OC_JSON::error(array('message'=>'empty')); + exit; +} +$calendars = OC_Calendar_Calendar::allCalendars(OC_User::getUser()); +foreach($calendars as $cal){ + if($cal['displayname'] == $_POST['name']){ + OC_JSON::error(array('message'=>'namenotavailable')); + exit; + } +} + $userid = OC_User::getUser(); $calendarid = OC_Calendar_Calendar::addCalendar($userid, $_POST['name'], 'VEVENT,VTODO,VJOURNAL', null, 0, $_POST['color']); OC_Calendar_Calendar::setCalendarActive($calendarid, 1); diff --git a/apps/calendar/ajax/editeventform.php b/apps/calendar/ajax/editeventform.php index 95cae39c1c..9ae3ffa8d9 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/ajax/editeventform.php +++ b/apps/calendar/ajax/editeventform.php @@ -184,6 +184,8 @@ if($data['repeating'] == 1){ } $repeat['weekdays'] = $repeat_weekdays_; } +}else{ + $repeat['repeat'] = 'doesnotrepeat'; } $calendar_options = OC_Calendar_Calendar::allCalendars(OC_User::getUser()); @@ -227,19 +229,20 @@ $tmpl->assign('endtime', $endtime); $tmpl->assign('description', $description); $tmpl->assign('repeat', $repeat['repeat']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_month', $repeat['month']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_weekdays', $repeat['weekdays']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_interval', $repeat['interval']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_end', $repeat['end']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_count', $repeat['count']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_weekofmonth', $repeat['weekofmonth']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_date', $repeat['date']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_year', $repeat['year']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_byyearday', $repeat['byyearday']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_bymonthday', $repeat['bymonthday']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_bymonth', $repeat['bymonth']); -$tmpl->assign('repeat_byweekno', $repeat['byweekno']); +if($repeat['repeat'] != 'doesnotrepeat'){ + $tmpl->assign('repeat_month', $repeat['month']); + $tmpl->assign('repeat_weekdays', $repeat['weekdays']); + $tmpl->assign('repeat_interval', $repeat['interval']); + $tmpl->assign('repeat_end', $repeat['end']); + $tmpl->assign('repeat_count', $repeat['count']); + $tmpl->assign('repeat_weekofmonth', $repeat['weekofmonth']); + $tmpl->assign('repeat_date', $repeat['date']); + $tmpl->assign('repeat_year', $repeat['year']); + $tmpl->assign('repeat_byyearday', $repeat['byyearday']); + $tmpl->assign('repeat_bymonthday', $repeat['bymonthday']); + $tmpl->assign('repeat_bymonth', $repeat['bymonth']); + $tmpl->assign('repeat_byweekno', $repeat['byweekno']); +} $tmpl->printpage(); -?> - +?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/calendar/ajax/updatecalendar.php b/apps/calendar/ajax/updatecalendar.php index 14f560da5a..269b7b7ca0 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/ajax/updatecalendar.php +++ b/apps/calendar/ajax/updatecalendar.php @@ -12,6 +12,18 @@ require_once('../../../lib/base.php'); OC_JSON::checkLoggedIn(); OC_JSON::checkAppEnabled('calendar'); +if(trim($_POST['name']) == ''){ + OC_JSON::error(array('message'=>'empty')); + exit; +} +$calendars = OC_Calendar_Calendar::allCalendars(OC_User::getUser()); +foreach($calendars as $cal){ + if($cal['displayname'] == $_POST['name'] && $cal['id'] != $_POST['id']){ + OC_JSON::error(array('message'=>'namenotavailable')); + exit; + } +} + $calendarid = $_POST['id']; $calendar = OC_Calendar_App::getCalendar($calendarid);//access check OC_Calendar_Calendar::editCalendar($calendarid, $_POST['name'], null, null, null, $_POST['color']); diff --git a/apps/calendar/appinfo/app.php b/apps/calendar/appinfo/app.php index 267a74bf29..9c95768895 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/appinfo/app.php +++ b/apps/calendar/appinfo/app.php @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ ')){ +if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')){ $l=new OC_L10N('calendar'); OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Calendar_App'] = 'apps/calendar/lib/app.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Calendar_Calendar'] = 'apps/calendar/lib/calendar.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Calendar_Object'] = 'apps/calendar/lib/object.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Calendar_Hooks'] = 'apps/calendar/lib/hooks.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Connector_Sabre_CalDAV'] = 'apps/calendar/lib/connector_sabre.php'; - OC_HOOK::connect('OC_User', 'post_createUser', 'OC_Calendar_Hooks', 'deleteUser'); + OC_HOOK::connect('OC_User', 'post_deleteUser', 'OC_Calendar_Hooks', 'deleteUser'); OC_Util::addScript('calendar','loader'); OC_App::register( array( 'order' => 10, @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>')){ 'id' => 'calendar_index', 'order' => 10, 'href' => OC_Helper::linkTo( 'calendar', 'index.php' ), - 'icon' => OC_Helper::imagePath( 'calendar', 'icon.png' ), + 'icon' => OC_Helper::imagePath( 'calendar', 'icon.svg' ), 'name' => $l->t('Calendar'))); OC_App::registerPersonal('calendar', 'settings'); require_once('apps/calendar/lib/search.php'); diff --git a/apps/calendar/css/style.css b/apps/calendar/css/style.css index 6555c25a76..cffaf35640 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/css/style.css +++ b/apps/calendar/css/style.css @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ #editentry_dialog {display: none;} #parsingfail_dialog{display: none;} -#loading { display: none; left: 40%; position: fixed; top: 4.4em; z-index: 100; } +#loading { display: none;margin: 0;padding:0;margin-top:5px;} #calendar_holder {position: relative;bottom: 0; right: 0; left: 0; top: 3em;} .fc-content{padding:2px 4px;} @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ .popup {display: none; position: absolute; z-index: 1000; background: #eeeeee; color: #000000; border: 1px solid #1a1a1a; font-size: 90%;} .event_popup {width: 280px; height: 40px; padding: 10px;} -input[type="button"].active {color: #0098E4} +input[type="button"].active {color: #6193CF} #fromtime, #totime { color:#333; } diff --git a/apps/calendar/img/icon.svg b/apps/calendar/img/icon.svg index a624db3a48..211f74df06 100755 --- a/apps/calendar/img/icon.svg +++ b/apps/calendar/img/icon.svg @@ -1,14 +1,54 @@ - - - - - - - + + + +image/svg+xml + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/calendar/index.php b/apps/calendar/index.php index e8e214c0b7..12b51f564b 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/index.php +++ b/apps/calendar/index.php @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ if(OC_Preferences::getValue(OC_USER::getUser(), 'calendar', 'currentview', 'mont OC_Util::addScript('3rdparty/fullcalendar', 'fullcalendar'); OC_Util::addStyle('3rdparty/fullcalendar', 'fullcalendar'); +OC_Util::addScript('3rdparty/timepicker', 'jquery.ui.timepicker'); +OC_Util::addStyle('3rdparty/timepicker', 'jquery.ui.timepicker'); if(OC_Preferences::getValue(OC_USER::getUser(), "calendar", "timezone") == null || OC_Preferences::getValue(OC_USER::getUser(), 'calendar', 'timezonedetection') == 'true'){ OC_UTIL::addScript('calendar', 'geo'); } diff --git a/apps/calendar/js/calendar.js b/apps/calendar/js/calendar.js index 33a78b3e32..afd1b692dd 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/js/calendar.js +++ b/apps/calendar/js/calendar.js @@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ Calendar={ $( "#to" ).datepicker({ dateFormat : 'dd-mm-yy' }); + $('#fromtime').timepicker({ + showPeriodLabels: false + }); + $('#totime').timepicker({ + showPeriodLabels: false + }); $('#category').multiselect({ header: false, noneSelectedText: $('#category').attr('title'), @@ -345,10 +351,21 @@ Calendar={ } }, - reseticonhighlight: function(){ - $('#oneweekview_radio').css('color', '#000000'); - $('#onemonthview_radio').css('color', '#000000'); - $('#listview_radio').css('color', '#000000'); + setViewActive: function(view){ + $('#view input[type="button"]').removeClass('active'); + var id; + switch (view) { + case 'agendaWeek': + id = 'oneweekview_radio'; + break; + case 'month': + id = 'onemonthview_radio'; + break; + case 'list': + id = 'listview_radio'; + break; + } + $('#'+id).addClass('active'); }, Calendar:{ overview:function(){ @@ -412,11 +429,17 @@ Calendar={ } }, submit:function(button, calendarid){ - var displayname = $("#displayname_"+calendarid).val(); + var displayname = $.trim($("#displayname_"+calendarid).val()); var active = $("#edit_active_"+calendarid+":checked").length; var description = $("#description_"+calendarid).val(); var calendarcolor = $("#calendarcolor_"+calendarid).val(); - + if(displayname == ''){ + $("#displayname_"+calendarid).css('background-color', '#FF2626'); + $("#displayname_"+calendarid).focus(function(){ + $("#displayname_"+calendarid).css('background-color', '#F8F8F8'); + }); + } + var url; if (calendarid == 'new'){ url = OC.filePath('calendar', 'ajax', 'createcalendar.php'); @@ -429,6 +452,14 @@ Calendar={ $(button).closest('tr').prev().html(data.page).show().next().remove(); $('#calendar_holder').fullCalendar('removeEventSource', data.eventSource.url); $('#calendar_holder').fullCalendar('addEventSource', data.eventSource); + if (calendarid == 'new'){ + $('#choosecalendar_dialog > table').append(''); + } + }else{ + $("#displayname_"+calendarid).css('background-color', '#FF2626'); + $("#displayname_"+calendarid).focus(function(){ + $("#displayname_"+calendarid).css('background-color', '#F8F8F8'); + }); } }, 'json'); }, @@ -649,6 +680,16 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ viewDisplay: function(view) { $('#datecontrol_date').html(view.title); $.get(OC.filePath('calendar', 'ajax', 'changeview.php') + "?v="+view.name); + Calendar.UI.setViewActive(view.name); + if (view.name == 'agendaWeek') { + $('#calendar_holder').fullCalendar('option', 'aspectRatio', 0.1); + } + else { + $('#calendar_holder').fullCalendar('option', 'aspectRatio', 1.35); + } + }, + columnFormat: { + week: 'ddd d. MMM' }, selectable: true, selectHelper: true, @@ -674,18 +715,12 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ }); $('#oneweekview_radio').click(function(){ $('#calendar_holder').fullCalendar('changeView', 'agendaWeek'); - Calendar.UI.reseticonhighlight(); - $('#oneweekview_radio').css('color', '#6193CF'); }); $('#onemonthview_radio').click(function(){ $('#calendar_holder').fullCalendar('changeView', 'month'); - Calendar.UI.reseticonhighlight(); - $('#onemonthview_radio').css('color', '#6193CF'); }); $('#listview_radio').click(function(){ $('#calendar_holder').fullCalendar('changeView', 'list'); - Calendar.UI.reseticonhighlight(); - $('#listview_radio').css('color', '#6193CF'); }); $('#today_input').click(function(){ $('#calendar_holder').fullCalendar('today'); diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ar.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ar.php index 7dc30ced85..13df7c7b5f 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ar.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ar.php @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ "التوقيت الجديد", "Timezone changed" => "تم تغيير المنطقة الزمنية", "Invalid request" => "طلب غير مفهوم", "Calendar" => "الجدول الزمني", @@ -25,7 +26,44 @@ "Bi-Weekly" => "كل اسبوعين", "Monthly" => "شهري", "Yearly" => "سنوي", +"never" => "بتاتا", +"by occurrences" => "حسب تسلسل الحدوث", +"by date" => "حسب التاريخ", +"by monthday" => "حسب يوم الشهر", +"by weekday" => "حسب يوم الاسبوع", +"Monday" => "الأثنين", +"Tuesday" => "الثلاثاء", +"Wednesday" => "الاربعاء", +"Thursday" => "الخميس", +"Friday" => "الجمعه", +"Saturday" => "السبت", +"Sunday" => "الاحد", +"events week of month" => "الاحداث باسبوع الشهر", +"first" => "أول", +"second" => "ثاني", +"third" => "ثالث", +"fourth" => "رابع", +"fifth" => "خامس", +"last" => "أخير", +"January" => "كانون الثاني", +"February" => "شباط", +"March" => "آذار", +"April" => "نيسان", +"May" => "أيار", +"June" => "حزيران", +"July" => "تموز", +"August" => "آب", +"September" => "أيلول", +"October" => "تشرين الاول", +"November" => "تشرين الثاني", +"December" => "كانون الاول", +"by events date" => "حسب تاريخ الحدث", +"by yearday(s)" => "حسب يوم السنه", +"by weeknumber(s)" => "حسب رقم الاسبوع", +"by day and month" => "حسب اليوم و الشهر", "Not an array" => "ليس صفيف", +"Date" => "تاريخ", +"Cal." => "تقويم", "All day" => "كل النهار", "Missing fields" => "خانات خالية من المعلومات", "Title" => "عنوان", @@ -41,6 +79,25 @@ "Today" => "اليوم", "Calendars" => "الجداول الزمنية", "There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "لم يتم قراءة الملف بنجاح.", +"Sun." => "أحد", +"Mon." => "أثن.", +"Tue." => "ثلا.", +"Wed." => "أرب.", +"Thu." => "خمي.", +"Fri." => "جمع.", +"Sat." => "سبت", +"Jan." => "ك2", +"Feb." => "شبا.", +"Mar." => "اذار", +"Apr." => "نيس.", +"May." => "أيا.", +"Jun." => "حزي.", +"Jul." => "تمو.", +"Aug." => "آب", +"Sep." => "أيل.", +"Oct." => "ت1", +"Nov." => "ت2", +"Dec." => "ك1", "Choose active calendars" => "إختر الجدول الزمني الرئيسي", "New Calendar" => "جدول زمني جديد", "CalDav Link" => "وصلة CalDav", @@ -65,14 +122,32 @@ "To" => "إلى", "Advanced options" => "خيارات متقدمة", "Repeat" => "إعادة", +"Advanced" => "تعديلات متقدمه", +"Select weekdays" => "اختر ايام الاسبوع", +"Select days" => "اختر الايام", +"and the events day of year." => "و التواريخ حسب يوم السنه.", +"and the events day of month." => "و الاحداث حسب يوم الشهر.", +"Select months" => "اختر الاشهر", +"Select weeks" => "اختر الاسابيع", +"and the events week of year." => "و الاحداث حسب اسبوع السنه", +"Interval" => "المده الفاصله", +"End" => "نهايه", +"occurrences" => "الاحداث", "Location" => "مكان", "Location of the Event" => "مكان الحدث", "Description" => "مواصفات", "Description of the Event" => "وصف الحدث", +"Import a calendar file" => "أدخل ملف التقويم", "Please choose the calendar" => "الرجاء إختر الجدول الزمني", +"create a new calendar" => "انشاء جدول زمني جديد", +"Name of new calendar" => "أسم الجدول الزمني الجديد", "Import" => "إدخال", +"Importing calendar" => "يتم ادخال الجدول الزمني", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "تم ادخال الجدول الزمني بنجاح", +"Close Dialog" => "أغلق الحوار", "Create a new event" => "إضافة حدث جديد", "Timezone" => "المنطقة الزمنية", +"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "راقب دائما تغير التقويم الزمني", "Timeformat" => "شكل الوقت", "24h" => "24 ساعة", "12h" => "12 ساعة", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ca.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ca.php index 19934baa0b..3b74e3da64 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ca.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ca.php @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "Date" => "Data", "Cal." => "Cal.", "All day" => "Tot el dia", +"New Calendar" => "Calendari nou", "Missing fields" => "Els camps que falten", "Title" => "Títol", "From Date" => "Des de la data", @@ -99,7 +100,6 @@ "Nov." => "nov.", "Dec." => "des.", "Choose active calendars" => "Seleccioneu calendaris actius", -"New Calendar" => "Calendari nou", "CalDav Link" => "Enllaç CalDav", "Download" => "Baixa", "Edit" => "Edita", @@ -137,8 +137,14 @@ "Location of the Event" => "Ubicació de l'esdeveniment", "Description" => "Descripció", "Description of the Event" => "Descripció de l'esdeveniment", +"Import a calendar file" => "Importa un fitxer de calendari", "Please choose the calendar" => "Escolliu el calendari", +"create a new calendar" => "crea un nou calendari", +"Name of new calendar" => "Nom del nou calendari", "Import" => "Importa", +"Importing calendar" => "S'està important el calendari", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "El calendari s'ha importat amb èxit", +"Close Dialog" => "Tanca el diàleg", "Create a new event" => "Crea un nou esdeveniment", "Timezone" => "Zona horària", "Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Comprova sempre en els canvis de zona horària", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php index f55cd0f01a..a5d7bfcddf 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/cs_CZ.php @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "Date" => "Datum", "Cal." => "Kal.", "All day" => "Celý den", +"New Calendar" => "Nový kalendář", "Missing fields" => "Chybějící pole", "Title" => "Název", "From Date" => "Od data", @@ -99,7 +100,6 @@ "Nov." => "Lis.", "Dec." => "Pro.", "Choose active calendars" => "Vybrat aktivní kalendář", -"New Calendar" => "Nový kalendář", "CalDav Link" => "Odkaz CalDav", "Download" => "Stáhnout", "Edit" => "Editovat", @@ -137,8 +137,14 @@ "Location of the Event" => "Místo konání události", "Description" => "Popis", "Description of the Event" => "Popis události", +"Import a calendar file" => "Importovat soubor kalendáře", "Please choose the calendar" => "Zvolte prosím kalendář", +"create a new calendar" => "vytvořit nový kalendář", +"Name of new calendar" => "Název nového kalendáře", "Import" => "Import", +"Importing calendar" => "Kalendář se importuje", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalendář byl importován úspěšně", +"Close Dialog" => "Zavřít dialog", "Create a new event" => "Vytvořit novou událost", "Timezone" => "Časové pásmo", "Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Zkontrolujte vždy změny časového pásma", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/da.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/da.php index b43c89a6dd..c50a1db1d5 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/da.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/da.php @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ "Friday" => "Fredag", "Saturday" => "Lørdag", "Sunday" => "øndag", +"events week of month" => "begivenhedens uge i måneden", "first" => "første", "second" => "anden", "third" => "tredje", @@ -57,12 +58,14 @@ "November" => "November", "December" => "December", "by events date" => "efter begivenheders dato", +"by yearday(s)" => "efter dag(e) i året", "by weeknumber(s)" => "efter ugenummer/-numre", "by day and month" => "efter dag og måned", "Not an array" => "Ikke en array", "Date" => "Dato", "Cal." => "Kal.", "All day" => "Hele dagen", +"New Calendar" => "Ny Kalender", "Missing fields" => "Manglende felter", "Title" => "Titel", "From Date" => "Fra dato", @@ -97,7 +100,6 @@ "Nov." => "Nov.", "Dec." => "Dec.", "Choose active calendars" => "Vælg aktive kalendere", -"New Calendar" => "Ny Kalender", "CalDav Link" => "CalDav-link", "Download" => "Hent", "Edit" => "Rediger", @@ -123,8 +125,11 @@ "Advanced" => "Avanceret", "Select weekdays" => "Vælg ugedage", "Select days" => "Vælg dage", +"and the events day of year." => "og begivenhedens dag i året.", +"and the events day of month." => "og begivenhedens sag på måneden", "Select months" => "Vælg måneder", "Select weeks" => "Vælg uger", +"and the events week of year." => "og begivenhedens uge i året.", "Interval" => "Interval", "End" => "Afslutning", "occurrences" => "forekomster", @@ -132,8 +137,14 @@ "Location of the Event" => "Placering af begivenheden", "Description" => "Beskrivelse", "Description of the Event" => "Beskrivelse af begivenheden", +"Import a calendar file" => "Importer en kalenderfil", "Please choose the calendar" => "Vælg venligst kalender", +"create a new calendar" => "opret en ny kalender", +"Name of new calendar" => "Navn på ny kalender", "Import" => "Importer", +"Importing calendar" => "Importerer kalender", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalender importeret korrekt", +"Close Dialog" => "Luk dialog", "Create a new event" => "Opret en ny begivenhed", "Timezone" => "Tidszone", "Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Check altid efter ændringer i tidszone", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/de.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/de.php index aae6f235fc..736294e0f0 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/de.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/de.php @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "Date" => "Datum", "Cal." => "Kal.", "All day" => "Ganztags", +"New Calendar" => "Neuer Kalender", "Missing fields" => "fehlende Felder", "Title" => "Titel", "From Date" => "Startdatum", @@ -81,14 +82,14 @@ "There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Fehler beim Einlesen der Datei.", "Sun." => "So", "Mon." => "Mo", -"Tue." => "Die", +"Tue." => "Di", "Wed." => "Mi", "Thu." => "Do", "Fri." => "Fr", "Sat." => "Sa", "Jan." => "Jan", "Feb." => "Feb", -"Mar." => "Mär", +"Mar." => "März", "Apr." => "Apr", "May." => "Mai", "Jun." => "Juni", @@ -99,7 +100,6 @@ "Nov." => "Nov", "Dec." => "Dez", "Choose active calendars" => "Aktive Kalender wählen", -"New Calendar" => "Neuer Kalender", "CalDav Link" => "CalDAV-Link", "Download" => "Herunterladen", "Edit" => "Bearbeiten", @@ -137,8 +137,14 @@ "Location of the Event" => "Ort", "Description" => "Beschreibung", "Description of the Event" => "Beschreibung", +"Import a calendar file" => "Kalender Datei Importieren", "Please choose the calendar" => "Bitte wählen Sie den Kalender.", +"create a new calendar" => "Neuen Kalender anlegen", +"Name of new calendar" => "Kalendername", "Import" => "Importieren", +"Importing calendar" => "Kalender wird importiert.", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalender erfolgreich importiert", +"Close Dialog" => "Dialog schließen", "Create a new event" => "Neues Ereignis", "Timezone" => "Zeitzone", "Check always for changes of the timezone" => "immer die Zeitzone überprüfen", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/el.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/el.php index edc2635b8c..af465beeed 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/el.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/el.php @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "Date" => "Ημερομηνία", "Cal." => "Ημερ.", "All day" => "Ολοήμερο", +"New Calendar" => "Νέα Ημερολόγιο", "Missing fields" => "Πεδία που λείπουν", "Title" => "Τίτλος", "From Date" => "Από Ημερομηνία", @@ -99,7 +100,6 @@ "Nov." => "Νοε.", "Dec." => "Δεκ.", "Choose active calendars" => "Επιλέξτε τα ενεργά ημερολόγια", -"New Calendar" => "Νέα Ημερολόγιο", "CalDav Link" => "Σύνδεση CalDAV", "Download" => "Λήψη", "Edit" => "Επεξεργασία", @@ -137,8 +137,14 @@ "Location of the Event" => "Τοποθεσία συμβάντος", "Description" => "Περιγραφή", "Description of the Event" => "Περιγραφή του συμβάντος", +"Import a calendar file" => "Εισαγωγή αρχείου ημερολογίου", "Please choose the calendar" => "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε το ημερολόγιο", +"create a new calendar" => "δημιουργία νέου ημερολογίου", +"Name of new calendar" => "Όνομα νέου ημερολογίου", "Import" => "Εισαγωγή", +"Importing calendar" => "Εισαγωγή ημερολογίου", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "Το ημερολόγιο εισήχθει επιτυχώς", +"Close Dialog" => "Κλείσιμο Διαλόγου", "Create a new event" => "Δημιουργήστε ένα νέο συμβάν", "Timezone" => "Ζώνη ώρας", "Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Έλεγοχς πάντα για τις αλλαγές της ζώνης ώρας", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/es.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/es.php index 5f4097709d..100ffc4b22 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/es.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/es.php @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "Date" => "Fecha", "Cal." => "Cal.", "All day" => "Todo el día", +"New Calendar" => "Nuevo calendario", "Missing fields" => "Los campos que faltan", "Title" => "Título", "From Date" => "Desde la fecha", @@ -99,7 +100,6 @@ "Nov." => "Nov.", "Dec." => "Dic.", "Choose active calendars" => "Elige los calendarios activos", -"New Calendar" => "Nuevo calendario", "CalDav Link" => "Enlace a CalDav", "Download" => "Descargar", "Edit" => "Editar", @@ -137,8 +137,14 @@ "Location of the Event" => "Lugar del Evento", "Description" => "Descripción", "Description of the Event" => "Descripción del evento", +"Import a calendar file" => "Importar un archivo de calendario", "Please choose the calendar" => "Elija el calendario", +"create a new calendar" => "Crear un nuevo calendario", +"Name of new calendar" => "Nombre del nuevo calendario", "Import" => "Importar", +"Importing calendar" => "Importando calendario", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendario importado exitosamente", +"Close Dialog" => "Cerrar diálogo", "Create a new event" => "Crear un nuevo evento", "Timezone" => "Zona horaria", "Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Comprobar siempre por cambios en la zona horaria", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/et_EE.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/et_EE.php index 7144ea763c..7bff7bf42e 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/et_EE.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/et_EE.php @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ "Uus ajavöönd:", "Timezone changed" => "Ajavöönd on muudetud", "Invalid request" => "Vigane päring", "Calendar" => "Kalender", @@ -25,8 +26,46 @@ "Bi-Weekly" => "Üle nädala", "Monthly" => "Igal kuul", "Yearly" => "Igal aastal", +"never" => "mitte kunagi", +"by occurrences" => "toimumiskordade järgi", +"by date" => "kuupäeva järgi", +"by monthday" => "kuu päeva järgi", +"by weekday" => "nädalapäeva järgi", +"Monday" => "Esmaspäev", +"Tuesday" => "Teisipäev", +"Wednesday" => "Kolmapäev", +"Thursday" => "Neljapäev", +"Friday" => "Reede", +"Saturday" => "Laupäev", +"Sunday" => "Pühapäev", +"events week of month" => "ürituse kuu nädal", +"first" => "esimene", +"second" => "teine", +"third" => "kolmas", +"fourth" => "neljas", +"fifth" => "viies", +"last" => "viimane", +"January" => "Jaanuar", +"February" => "Veebruar", +"March" => "Märts", +"April" => "Aprill", +"May" => "Mai", +"June" => "Juuni", +"July" => "Juuli", +"August" => "August", +"September" => "September", +"October" => "Oktoober", +"November" => "November", +"December" => "Detsember", +"by events date" => "ürituste kuupäeva järgi", +"by yearday(s)" => "aasta päeva(de) järgi", +"by weeknumber(s)" => "nädala numbri(te) järgi", +"by day and month" => "kuu ja päeva järgi", "Not an array" => "Pole andmemassiiv", +"Date" => "Kuupäev", +"Cal." => "Kal.", "All day" => "Kogu päev", +"New Calendar" => "Uus kalender", "Missing fields" => "Puuduvad väljad", "Title" => "Pealkiri", "From Date" => "Alates kuupäevast", @@ -41,8 +80,26 @@ "Today" => "Täna", "Calendars" => "Kalendrid", "There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Faili parsimisel tekkis viga.", +"Sun." => "Püh.", +"Mon." => "Esm.", +"Tue." => "Teisip.", +"Wed." => "Kolmap.", +"Thu." => "Meljap.", +"Fri." => "Reede", +"Sat." => "Laup.", +"Jan." => "Jan.", +"Feb." => "Veebr.", +"Mar." => "Mär.", +"Apr." => "Apr.", +"May." => "Mai", +"Jun." => "Jun.", +"Jul." => "Jul.", +"Aug." => "Aug.", +"Sep." => "Sept.", +"Oct." => "Okt.", +"Nov." => "Nov.", +"Dec." => "Dets.", "Choose active calendars" => "Vali aktiivsed kalendrid", -"New Calendar" => "Uus kalender", "CalDav Link" => "CalDav Link", "Download" => "Lae alla", "Edit" => "Muuda", @@ -65,14 +122,32 @@ "To" => "Kuni", "Advanced options" => "Lisavalikud", "Repeat" => "Korda", +"Advanced" => "Täpsem", +"Select weekdays" => "Vali nädalapäevad", +"Select days" => "Vali päevad", +"and the events day of year." => "ja ürituse päev aastas.", +"and the events day of month." => "ja ürituse päev kuus.", +"Select months" => "Vali kuud", +"Select weeks" => "Vali nädalad", +"and the events week of year." => "ja ürituse nädal aastas.", +"Interval" => "Intervall", +"End" => "Lõpp", +"occurrences" => "toimumiskordi", "Location" => "Asukoht", "Location of the Event" => "Sündmuse toimumiskoht", "Description" => "Kirjeldus", "Description of the Event" => "Sündmuse kirjeldus", +"Import a calendar file" => "Impordi kalendrifail", "Please choose the calendar" => "Palun vali kalender", +"create a new calendar" => "loo uus kalender", +"Name of new calendar" => "Uue kalendri nimi", "Import" => "Impordi", +"Importing calendar" => "Kalendri importimine", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalender on imporditud", +"Close Dialog" => "Sulge dialoogiaken", "Create a new event" => "Loo sündmus", "Timezone" => "Ajavöönd", +"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Kontrolli alati muudatusi ajavööndis", "Timeformat" => "Aja vorming", "24h" => "24h", "12h" => "12h", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/gl.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/gl.php index 6cdaa98e96..6b74a04f92 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/gl.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/gl.php @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ "Business" => "Traballo", "Call" => "Chamada", "Clients" => "Clientes", +"Deliverer" => "Remitente", "Holidays" => "Vacacións", "Ideas" => "Ideas", "Journey" => "Viaxe", @@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ "Date" => "Data", "Cal." => "Cal.", "All day" => "Todo o dia", +"New Calendar" => "Novo calendario", "Missing fields" => "Faltan campos", "Title" => "Título", "From Date" => "Desde Data", @@ -98,7 +100,6 @@ "Nov." => "Nov.", "Dec." => "Nad.", "Choose active calendars" => "Escolla os calendarios activos", -"New Calendar" => "Novo calendario", "CalDav Link" => "Ligazón CalDav", "Download" => "Baixar", "Edit" => "Editar", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php index ef83f5d5a6..0645f6a2a2 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ja_JP.php @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ "新しいタイムゾーン:", "Timezone changed" => "タイムゾーンが変更されました", "Invalid request" => "無効なリクエストです", "Calendar" => "カレンダー", @@ -25,7 +26,44 @@ "Bi-Weekly" => "2週間ごと", "Monthly" => "毎月", "Yearly" => "毎年", +"never" => "無し", +"by occurrences" => "回数で指定", +"by date" => "日付で指定", +"by monthday" => "日にちで指定", +"by weekday" => "曜日で指定", +"Monday" => "月曜日", +"Tuesday" => "火曜日", +"Wednesday" => "水曜日", +"Thursday" => "木曜日", +"Friday" => "金曜日", +"Saturday" => "土曜日", +"Sunday" => "日曜日", +"events week of month" => "予定のある週を指定", +"first" => "1週目", +"second" => "2週目", +"third" => "3週目", +"fourth" => "4週目", +"fifth" => "5週目", +"last" => "最終週", +"January" => "1月", +"February" => "2月", +"March" => "3月", +"April" => "4月", +"May" => "5月", +"June" => "6月", +"July" => "7月", +"August" => "8月", +"September" => "9月", +"October" => "10月", +"November" => "11月", +"December" => "12月", +"by events date" => "日付で指定", +"by yearday(s)" => "日番号で指定", +"by weeknumber(s)" => "週番号で指定", +"by day and month" => "月と日で指定", "Not an array" => "配列ではありません", +"Date" => "日付", +"Cal." => "カレンダー", "All day" => "終日", "Missing fields" => "項目がありません", "Title" => "タイトル", @@ -41,6 +79,25 @@ "Today" => "今日", "Calendars" => "カレンダー", "There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "ファイルを構文解析する際に失敗しました", +"Sun." => "日", +"Mon." => "月", +"Tue." => "火", +"Wed." => "水", +"Thu." => "木", +"Fri." => "金", +"Sat." => "土", +"Jan." => "1月", +"Feb." => "2月", +"Mar." => "3月", +"Apr." => "4月", +"May." => "5月", +"Jun." => "6月", +"Jul." => "7月", +"Aug." => "8月", +"Sep." => "9月", +"Oct." => "10月", +"Nov." => "11月", +"Dec." => "12月", "Choose active calendars" => "アクティブなカレンダーを選択してください", "New Calendar" => "新しくカレンダーを作成する", "CalDav Link" => "CalDavへのリンク", @@ -65,14 +122,32 @@ "To" => "終了", "Advanced options" => "詳細設定", "Repeat" => "繰り返す", +"Advanced" => "詳細設定", +"Select weekdays" => "曜日を指定", +"Select days" => "日付を指定", +"and the events day of year." => "対象の年を選択する。", +"and the events day of month." => "対象の月を選択する。", +"Select months" => "月を指定する", +"Select weeks" => "週を指定する", +"and the events week of year." => "対象の週を選択する。", +"Interval" => "周期", +"End" => "繰り返す期間", +"occurrences" => "回繰り返す", "Location" => "場所", "Location of the Event" => "イベントの場所", "Description" => "メモ", "Description of the Event" => "イベントのメモ", +"Import a calendar file" => "カレンダーファイルをインポート", "Please choose the calendar" => "カレンダーを選択してください", +"create a new calendar" => "新規カレンダーの作成", +"Name of new calendar" => "新規カレンダーの名称", "Import" => "インポート", +"Importing calendar" => "カレンダーを取り込み中", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "カレンダーの取り込みに成功しました", +"Close Dialog" => "閉じる", "Create a new event" => "新しいイベントを作成する", "Timezone" => "タイムゾーン", +"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "タイムゾーン変更を常に確認する", "Timeformat" => "時刻のフォーマット", "24h" => "24時間制", "12h" => "12時間制", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/nl.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/nl.php index 3efb869042..e80694d610 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/nl.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/nl.php @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ "never" => "nooit meer", "by occurrences" => "volgens gebeurtenissen", "by date" => "op datum", +"by monthday" => "per dag van de maand", "by weekday" => "op weekdag", "Monday" => "Maandag", "Tuesday" => "Dinsdag", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ro.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ro.php index 5e16c344ee..026c251e53 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ro.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ro.php @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ "Date" => "Data", "Cal." => "Cal.", "All day" => "Toată ziua", +"New Calendar" => "Calendar nou", "Missing fields" => "Câmpuri lipsă", "Title" => "Titlu", "From Date" => "Începând cu", @@ -99,7 +100,6 @@ "Nov." => "Nov.", "Dec." => "Dec.", "Choose active calendars" => "Alege activitățile din calendar", -"New Calendar" => "Calendar nou", "CalDav Link" => "Link CalDav", "Download" => "Descarcă", "Edit" => "Modifică", @@ -137,8 +137,14 @@ "Location of the Event" => "Localizarea evenimentului", "Description" => "Descriere", "Description of the Event" => "Descrierea evenimentului", +"Import a calendar file" => "Importă un calendar", "Please choose the calendar" => "Alegeți calendarul", +"create a new calendar" => "crează un calendar nou", +"Name of new calendar" => "Numele noului calendar", "Import" => "Importă", +"Importing calendar" => "Importă calendar", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "Calendarul a fost importat cu succes", +"Close Dialog" => "Închide", "Create a new event" => "Crează un evenimetn nou", "Timezone" => "Fus orar", "Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Verifică mereu pentru schimbări ale fusului orar", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/ru.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/ru.php index 8736677186..675fcecf18 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/ru.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/ru.php @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ "Новый часовой пояс:", "Timezone changed" => "Часовой пояс изменён", "Invalid request" => "Неверный запрос", "Calendar" => "Календарь", @@ -25,8 +26,46 @@ "Bi-Weekly" => "Каждые две недели", "Monthly" => "Каждый месяц", "Yearly" => "Каждый год", +"never" => "никогда", +"by occurrences" => "по числу повторений", +"by date" => "по дате", +"by monthday" => "по дню месяца", +"by weekday" => "по дню недели", +"Monday" => "Понедельник", +"Tuesday" => "Вторник", +"Wednesday" => "Среда", +"Thursday" => "Четверг", +"Friday" => "Пятница", +"Saturday" => "Суббота", +"Sunday" => "Воскресенье", +"events week of month" => "неделя месяца", +"first" => "первая", +"second" => "вторая", +"third" => "третья", +"fourth" => "червётрая", +"fifth" => "пятая", +"last" => "последняя", +"January" => "Январь", +"February" => "Февраль", +"March" => "Март", +"April" => "Апрель", +"May" => "Май", +"June" => "Июнь", +"July" => "Июль", +"August" => "Август", +"September" => "Сентябрь", +"October" => "Октябрь", +"November" => "Ноябрь", +"December" => "Декабрь", +"by events date" => "по дате событий", +"by yearday(s)" => "по дням недели", +"by weeknumber(s)" => "по номерам недели", +"by day and month" => "по дню и месяцу", "Not an array" => "Не массив", +"Date" => "Дата", +"Cal." => "Кал.", "All day" => "Весь день", +"New Calendar" => "Новый Календарь", "Missing fields" => "Незаполненные поля", "Title" => "Название", "From Date" => "Дата начала", @@ -41,8 +80,26 @@ "Today" => "Сегодня", "Calendars" => "Календари", "There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Не удалось обработать файл.", +"Sun." => "Вс.", +"Mon." => "Пн.", +"Tue." => "Вт.", +"Wed." => "Ср.", +"Thu." => "Чт.", +"Fri." => "Пт.", +"Sat." => "Сб.", +"Jan." => "Янв.", +"Feb." => "Фев.", +"Mar." => "Мар.", +"Apr." => "Сен.", +"May." => "Май.", +"Jun." => "Июн.", +"Jul." => "Июл.", +"Aug." => "Авг.", +"Sep." => "Сен.", +"Oct." => "Окт.", +"Nov." => "Ноя.", +"Dec." => "Дек.", "Choose active calendars" => "Выберите активные календари", -"New Calendar" => "Новый Календарь", "CalDav Link" => "Ссылка для CalDav", "Download" => "Скачать", "Edit" => "Редактировать", @@ -65,14 +122,32 @@ "To" => "До", "Advanced options" => "Дополнительные параметры", "Repeat" => "Повтор", +"Advanced" => "Дополнительно", +"Select weekdays" => "Выбрать дни недели", +"Select days" => "Выбрать дни", +"and the events day of year." => "и день года события", +"and the events day of month." => "и день месяца события", +"Select months" => "Выбрать месяцы", +"Select weeks" => "Выбрать недели", +"and the events week of year." => "и номер недели события", +"Interval" => "Интервал", +"End" => "Окончание", +"occurrences" => "повторений", "Location" => "Место", "Location of the Event" => "Место события", "Description" => "Описание", "Description of the Event" => "Описание события", +"Import a calendar file" => "Импортировать календарь из файла", "Please choose the calendar" => "Пожалуйста, выберите календарь", +"create a new calendar" => "Создать новый календарь", +"Name of new calendar" => "Название нового календаря", "Import" => "Импортировать", +"Importing calendar" => "Импортируется календарь", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "Календарь успешно импортирован", +"Close Dialog" => "Закрыть Сообщение", "Create a new event" => "Создать новое событие", "Timezone" => "Часовой пояс", +"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "Всегда проверяйте изменение часового пояса", "Timeformat" => "Формат времени", "24h" => "24ч", "12h" => "12ч", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/sk_SK.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/sk_SK.php index ec0485bfc9..6023a7af13 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/sk_SK.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/sk_SK.php @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ "Nová časová zóna:", "Timezone changed" => "Časové pásmo zmenené", "Invalid request" => "Neplatná požiadavka", "Calendar" => "Kalendár", @@ -25,8 +26,40 @@ "Bi-Weekly" => "Každý druhý týždeň", "Monthly" => "Mesačne", "Yearly" => "Ročne", +"never" => "nikdy", +"by occurrences" => "podľa výskytu", +"by date" => "podľa dátumu", +"Monday" => "Pondelok", +"Tuesday" => "Utorok", +"Wednesday" => "Streda", +"Thursday" => "Štvrtok", +"Friday" => "Piatok", +"Saturday" => "Sobota", +"Sunday" => "Nedeľa", +"first" => "prvý", +"second" => "druhý", +"third" => "tretí", +"fourth" => "štvrtý", +"fifth" => "piaty", +"last" => "posledný", +"January" => "Január", +"February" => "Február", +"March" => "Marec", +"April" => "Apríl", +"May" => "Máj", +"June" => "Jún", +"July" => "Júl", +"August" => "August", +"September" => "September", +"October" => "Október", +"November" => "November", +"December" => "December", +"by events date" => "podľa dátumu udalosti", +"by day and month" => "podľa dňa a mesiaca", "Not an array" => "Nie je pole", +"Date" => "Dátum", "All day" => "Celý deň", +"New Calendar" => "Nový kalendár", "Missing fields" => "Nevyplnené položky", "Title" => "Nadpis", "From Date" => "Od Dátumu", @@ -41,8 +74,26 @@ "Today" => "Dnes", "Calendars" => "Kalendáre", "There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Nastala chyba počas parsovania súboru.", +"Sun." => "Ned.", +"Mon." => "Pon.", +"Tue." => "Ut.", +"Wed." => "Str.", +"Thu." => "Štv.", +"Fri." => "Pia.", +"Sat." => "So.", +"Jan." => "Jan.", +"Feb." => "Feb.", +"Mar." => "Mar.", +"Apr." => "Apr.", +"May." => "Máj", +"Jun." => "Jún", +"Jul." => "Júl", +"Aug." => "Aug.", +"Sep." => "Sep.", +"Oct." => "Okt.", +"Nov." => "Nov.", +"Dec." => "Dec.", "Choose active calendars" => "Zvoľte aktívne kalendáre", -"New Calendar" => "Nový kalendár", "CalDav Link" => "CalDav odkaz", "Download" => "Stiahnuť", "Edit" => "Upraviť", @@ -65,12 +116,25 @@ "To" => "Do", "Advanced options" => "Pokročilé možnosti", "Repeat" => "Opakovať", +"Advanced" => "Pokročilé", +"Select days" => "Vybrať dni", +"Select months" => "Vybrať mesiace", +"Select weeks" => "Vybrať týždne", +"Interval" => "Interval", +"End" => "Koniec", +"occurrences" => "výskyty", "Location" => "Poloha", "Location of the Event" => "Poloha Udalosti", "Description" => "Popis", "Description of the Event" => "Popis Udalosti", +"Import a calendar file" => "Importovať súbor kalendára", "Please choose the calendar" => "Prosím zvoľte kalendár", +"create a new calendar" => "vytvoriť nový kalendár", +"Name of new calendar" => "Meno nového kalendára", "Import" => "Importovať", +"Importing calendar" => "Importujem kalendár", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "Kalendár úspešne importovaný", +"Close Dialog" => "Zatvoriť Dialóg", "Create a new event" => "Vytvoriť udalosť", "Timezone" => "Časová zóna", "Timeformat" => "Formát času", diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/th_TH.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/th_TH.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..60f4701211 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/th_TH.php @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ + "สร้างโซนเวลาใหม่:", +"Timezone changed" => "โซนเวลาถูกเปลี่ยนแล้ว", +"Invalid request" => "คำร้องขอไม่ถูกต้อง", +"Calendar" => "ปฏิทิน", +"Wrong calendar" => "ปฏิทินไม่ถูกต้อง", +"Birthday" => "วันเกิด", +"Business" => "ธุรกิจ", +"Call" => "โทรติดต่อ", +"Clients" => "ลูกค้า", +"Deliverer" => "จัดส่ง", +"Holidays" => "วันหยุด", +"Ideas" => "ไอเดีย", +"Journey" => "การเดินทาง", +"Jubilee" => "งานเลี้ยง", +"Meeting" => "นัดประชุม", +"Other" => "อื่นๆ", +"Personal" => "ส่วนตัว", +"Projects" => "โครงการ", +"Questions" => "คำถาม", +"Work" => "งาน", +"Does not repeat" => "ไม่ต้องทำซ้ำ", +"Daily" => "รายวัน", +"Weekly" => "รายสัปดาห์", +"Every Weekday" => "ทุกวันหยุด", +"Bi-Weekly" => "รายปักษ์", +"Monthly" => "รายเดือน", +"Yearly" => "รายปี", +"never" => "ไม่ต้องเลย", +"by occurrences" => "ตามจำนวนที่ปรากฏ", +"by date" => "ตามวันที่", +"by monthday" => "จากเดือน", +"by weekday" => "จากสัปดาห์", +"Monday" => "วันจันทร์", +"Tuesday" => "วันอังคาร", +"Wednesday" => "วันพุธ", +"Thursday" => "วันพฤหัสบดี", +"Friday" => "วันศุกร์", +"Saturday" => "วันเสาร์", +"Sunday" => "วันอาทิตย์", +"events week of month" => "สัปดาห์ที่มีกิจกรรมของเดือน", +"first" => "ลำดับแรก", +"second" => "ลำดับที่สอง", +"third" => "ลำดับที่สาม", +"fourth" => "ลำดับที่สี่", +"fifth" => "ลำดับที่ห้า", +"last" => "ลำดับสุดท้าย", +"January" => "มกราคม", +"February" => "กุมภาพันธ์", +"March" => "มีนาคม", +"April" => "เมษายน", +"May" => "พฤษภาคม", +"June" => "มิถุนายน", +"July" => "กรกฏาคม", +"August" => "สิงหาคม", +"September" => "กันยายน", +"October" => "ตุลาคม", +"November" => "พฤศจิกายน", +"December" => "ธันวาคม", +"by events date" => "ตามวันที่จัดกิจกรรม", +"by yearday(s)" => "ของเมื่อวานนี้", +"by weeknumber(s)" => "จากหมายเลขของสัปดาห์", +"by day and month" => "ตามวันและเดือน", +"Not an array" => "ไม่ใช่อาเรย์", +"Date" => "วันที่", +"Cal." => "คำนวณ", +"All day" => "ทั้งวัน", +"Missing fields" => "ช่องฟิลด์เกิดการสูญหาย", +"Title" => "ชื่อกิจกรรม", +"From Date" => "จากวันที่", +"From Time" => "ตั้งแต่เวลา", +"To Date" => "ถึงวันที่", +"To Time" => "ถึงเวลา", +"The event ends before it starts" => "วันที่สิ้นสุดกิจกรรมดังกล่าวอยู่ก่อนวันเริ่มต้น", +"There was a database fail" => "เกิดความล้มเหลวกับฐานข้อมูล", +"Week" => "สัปดาห์", +"Month" => "เดือน", +"List" => "รายการ", +"Today" => "วันนี้", +"Calendars" => "ปฏิทิน", +"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "เกิดความล้มเหลวในการแยกไฟล์", +"Sun." => "อา.", +"Mon." => "จ.", +"Tue." => "อ.", +"Wed." => "พ.", +"Thu." => "พฤ.", +"Fri." => "ศ.", +"Sat." => "ส.", +"Jan." => "ม.ค.", +"Feb." => "ก.พ.", +"Mar." => "มี.ค.", +"Apr." => "เม.ย.", +"May." => "พ.ค.", +"Jun." => "มิ.ย.", +"Jul." => "ก.ค.", +"Aug." => "ส.ค.", +"Sep." => "ก.ย.", +"Oct." => "ต.ค.", +"Nov." => "พ.ย.", +"Dec." => "ธ.ค.", +"Choose active calendars" => "เลือกปฏิทินที่ต้องการใช้งาน", +"New Calendar" => "สร้างปฏิทินใหม่", +"CalDav Link" => "ลิงค์ CalDav", +"Download" => "ดาวน์โหลด", +"Edit" => "แก้ไข", +"Delete" => "ลบ", +"New calendar" => "สร้างปฏิทินใหม่", +"Edit calendar" => "แก้ไขปฏิทิน", +"Displayname" => "ชื่อที่ต้องการให้แสดง", +"Active" => "ใช้งาน", +"Calendar color" => "สีของปฏิทิน", +"Save" => "บันทึก", +"Submit" => "ส่งข้อมูล", +"Cancel" => "ยกเลิก", +"Edit an event" => "แก้ไขกิจกรรม", +"Export" => "ส่งออกข้อมูล", +"Title of the Event" => "ชื่อของกิจกรรม", +"Category" => "หมวดหมู่", +"Select category" => "เลือกหมวดหมู่", +"All Day Event" => "เป็นกิจกรรมตลอดทั้งวัน", +"From" => "จาก", +"To" => "ถึง", +"Advanced options" => "ตัวเลือกขั้นสูง", +"Repeat" => "ทำซ้ำ", +"Advanced" => "ขั้นสูง", +"Select weekdays" => "เลือกสัปดาห์", +"Select days" => "เลือกวัน", +"and the events day of year." => "และวันที่มีเหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นในปี", +"and the events day of month." => "และวันที่มีเหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นในเดือน", +"Select months" => "เลือกเดือน", +"Select weeks" => "เลือกสัปดาห์", +"and the events week of year." => "และสัปดาห์ที่มีเหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นในปี", +"Interval" => "ช่วงเวลา", +"End" => "สิ้นสุด", +"occurrences" => "จำนวนที่ปรากฏ", +"Location" => "สถานที่", +"Location of the Event" => "สถานที่จัดกิจกรรม", +"Description" => "คำอธิบาย", +"Description of the Event" => "คำอธิบายเกี่ยวกับกิจกรรม", +"Import a calendar file" => "นำเข้าไฟล์ปฏิทิน", +"Please choose the calendar" => "กรณาเลือกปฏิทิน", +"create a new calendar" => "สร้างปฏิทินใหม่", +"Name of new calendar" => "ชื่อของปฏิทิน", +"Import" => "นำเข้าข้อมูล", +"Importing calendar" => "นำเข้าข้อมูลปฏิทิน", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "ปฏิทินถูกนำเข้าข้อมูลเรียบร้อยแล้ว", +"Close Dialog" => "ปิดกล่องข้อความโต้ตอบ", +"Create a new event" => "สร้างกิจกรรมใหม่", +"Timezone" => "โซนเวลา", +"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "ตรวจสอบการเปลี่ยนแปลงโซนเวลาอยู่เสมอ", +"Timeformat" => "รูปแบบการแสดงเวลา", +"24h" => "24 ช.ม.", +"12h" => "12 ช.ม.", +"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "ที่อยู่ในการเชื่อมข้อมูลกับปฏิทิน CalDav:" +); diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/zh_CN.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/zh_CN.php index 480b453029..bed47610b9 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/l10n/zh_CN.php +++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/zh_CN.php @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ "新时区:", "Timezone changed" => "时区已修改", "Invalid request" => "非法请求", "Calendar" => "日历", @@ -25,8 +26,46 @@ "Bi-Weekly" => "每两周", "Monthly" => "每月", "Yearly" => "每年", +"never" => "从不", +"by occurrences" => "按发生次数", +"by date" => "按日期", +"by monthday" => "按月的某天", +"by weekday" => "按星期的某天", +"Monday" => "星期一", +"Tuesday" => "星期二", +"Wednesday" => "星期三", +"Thursday" => "星期四", +"Friday" => "星期五", +"Saturday" => "星期六", +"Sunday" => "星期日", +"events week of month" => "事件在每月的第几个星期", +"first" => "第一", +"second" => "第二", +"third" => "第三", +"fourth" => "第四", +"fifth" => "第五", +"last" => "最后", +"January" => "一月", +"February" => "二月", +"March" => "三月", +"April" => "四月", +"May" => "五月", +"June" => "六月", +"July" => "七月", +"August" => "八月", +"September" => "九月", +"October" => "十月", +"November" => "十一月", +"December" => "十二月", +"by events date" => "按事件日期", +"by yearday(s)" => "按每年的某天", +"by weeknumber(s)" => "按星期数", +"by day and month" => "按天和月份", "Not an array" => "不是一个数组", +"Date" => "日期", +"Cal." => "日历", "All day" => "全天", +"New Calendar" => "新日历", "Missing fields" => "缺少字段", "Title" => "标题", "From Date" => "从", @@ -41,8 +80,26 @@ "Today" => "今天", "Calendars" => "日历", "There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "解析文件失败", +"Sun." => "周日", +"Mon." => "周一", +"Tue." => "周二", +"Wed." => "周三", +"Thu." => "周四", +"Fri." => "周五", +"Sat." => "周六", +"Jan." => "1月", +"Feb." => "2月", +"Mar." => "3月", +"Apr." => "4月", +"May." => "5月", +"Jun." => "6月", +"Jul." => "7月", +"Aug." => "8月", +"Sep." => "9月", +"Oct." => "10月", +"Nov." => "11月", +"Dec." => "12月", "Choose active calendars" => "选择活动日历", -"New Calendar" => "新日历", "CalDav Link" => "CalDav 链接", "Download" => "下载", "Edit" => "编辑", @@ -65,14 +122,32 @@ "To" => "至", "Advanced options" => "高级选项", "Repeat" => "重复", +"Advanced" => "高级", +"Select weekdays" => "选择星期中的某天", +"Select days" => "选择某天", +"and the events day of year." => "选择每年事件发生的日子", +"and the events day of month." => "选择每月事件发生的日子", +"Select months" => "选择月份", +"Select weeks" => "选择星期", +"and the events week of year." => "选择每年的事件发生的星期", +"Interval" => "间隔", +"End" => "结束", +"occurrences" => "次", "Location" => "地点", "Location of the Event" => "事件地点", "Description" => "描述", "Description of the Event" => "事件描述", +"Import a calendar file" => "导入日历文件", "Please choose the calendar" => "请选择日历", +"create a new calendar" => "创建新日历", +"Name of new calendar" => "新日历名称", "Import" => "导入", +"Importing calendar" => "导入日历", +"Calendar imported successfully" => "导入日历成功", +"Close Dialog" => "关闭对话框", "Create a new event" => "创建新事件", "Timezone" => "时区", +"Check always for changes of the timezone" => "选中则总是按照时区变化", "Timeformat" => "时间格式", "24h" => "24小时", "12h" => "12小时", diff --git a/apps/calendar/templates/calendar.php b/apps/calendar/templates/calendar.php index 6b2cd68c6f..2d5cdea4d7 100755 --- a/apps/calendar/templates/calendar.php +++ b/apps/calendar/templates/calendar.php @@ -7,16 +7,17 @@ var monthNamesShort = tA(array('Jan.', 'Feb.', 'Mar.', 'Apr.', 'May.', 'Jun.', 'Jul.', 'Aug.', 'Sep.', 'Oct.', 'Nov.', 'Dec.'))) ?>; var agendatime = '{ - }'; var defaulttime = ''; - var allDayText = 't('All day') ?>'; - var missing_field = 't('Missing fields') ?>'; - var missing_field_title = 't('Title') ?>'; - var missing_field_calendar = 't('Calendar') ?>'; - var missing_field_fromdate = 't('From Date') ?>'; - var missing_field_fromtime = 't('From Time') ?>'; - var missing_field_todate = 't('To Date') ?>'; - var missing_field_totime = 't('To Time') ?>'; - var missing_field_startsbeforeends = 't('The event ends before it starts') ?>'; - var missing_field_dberror = 't('There was a database fail') ?>'; + var allDayText = 't('All day')) ?>'; + var newcalendar = 't('New Calendar')) ?>'; + var missing_field = 't('Missing fields')) ?>'; + var missing_field_title = 't('Title')) ?>'; + var missing_field_calendar = 't('Calendar')) ?>'; + var missing_field_fromdate = 't('From Date')) ?>'; + var missing_field_fromtime = 't('From Time')) ?>'; + var missing_field_todate = 't('To Date')) ?>'; + var missing_field_totime = 't('To Time')) ?>'; + var missing_field_startsbeforeends = 't('The event ends before it starts')) ?>'; + var missing_field_dberror = 't('There was a database fail')) ?>'; var totalurl = '/calendars'; $(document).ready(function() { }); -
    - +    +
    diff --git a/apps/calendar/templates/lAfix.php b/apps/calendar/templates/lAfix.php deleted file mode 100644 index 61025ae6de..0000000000 --- a/apps/calendar/templates/lAfix.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -t('Sunday'); -$l->t('Monday'); -$l->t('Tuesday'); -$l->t('Wednesday'); -$l->t('Thursday'); -$l->t('Friday'); -$l->t('Saturday'); -$l->t('Sun.'); -$l->t('Mon.'); -$l->t('Tue.'); -$l->t('Wed.'); -$l->t('Thu.'); -$l->t('Fri.'); -$l->t('Sat.'); -$l->t('January'); -$l->t('February'); -$l->t('March'); -$l->t('April'); -$l->t('May'); -$l->t('June'); -$l->t('July'); -$l->t('August'); -$l->t('September'); -$l->t('October'); -$l->t('November'); -$l->t('December'); -$l->t('Jan.'); -$l->t('Feb.'); -$l->t('Mar.'); -$l->t('Apr.'); -$l->t('May.'); -$l->t('Jun.'); -$l->t('Jul.'); -$l->t('Aug.'); -$l->t('Sep.'); -$l->t('Oct.'); -$l->t('Nov.'); -$l->t('Dec.'); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/calendar/templates/part.choosecalendar.php b/apps/calendar/templates/part.choosecalendar.php index 65eb39cbfd..86f09d6207 100644 --- a/apps/calendar/templates/part.choosecalendar.php +++ b/apps/calendar/templates/part.choosecalendar.php @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ for($i = 0; $i < count($option_calendars); $i++){ ?> - t('New Calendar') ?> + diff --git a/apps/contacts/ajax/addproperty.php b/apps/contacts/ajax/addproperty.php index 0050f5f49a..f016820ce5 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/ajax/addproperty.php +++ b/apps/contacts/ajax/addproperty.php @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ $name = $_POST['name']; $value = $_POST['value']; if(!is_array($value)){ $value = trim($value); - if(!$value && in_array($name, array('TEL', 'EMAIL', 'ORG'))) { + if(!$value && in_array($name, array('TEL', 'EMAIL', 'ORG', 'BDAY', 'NICKNAME'))) { OC_JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $l->t('Cannot add empty property.')))); exit(); } @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ foreach ($parameters as $key=>$element) { $vcard->children[$line]->parameters[] = new Sabre_VObject_Parameter($key,$element); } } +$checksum = md5($vcard->children[$line]->serialize()); if(!OC_Contacts_VCard::edit($id,$vcard->serialize())) { OC_JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $l->t('Error adding contact property.')))); @@ -88,4 +89,4 @@ $tmpl->assign('phone_types',$phone_types); $tmpl->assign('property',OC_Contacts_VCard::structureProperty($property,$line)); $page = $tmpl->fetchPage(); -OC_JSON::success(array('data' => array( 'page' => $page ))); +OC_JSON::success(array('data' => array( 'checksum' => $checksum, 'page' => $page ))); diff --git a/apps/contacts/ajax/getdetails.php b/apps/contacts/ajax/getdetails.php index 8cc0f9cbb0..4819916f4c 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/ajax/getdetails.php +++ b/apps/contacts/ajax/getdetails.php @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ OC_JSON::checkLoggedIn(); OC_JSON::checkAppEnabled('contacts'); $id = $_GET['id']; +$new = isset($_GET['new']) ? true : false; $vcard = OC_Contacts_App::getContactVCard( $id ); -OC_Contacts_App::renderDetails($id, $vcard); +OC_Contacts_App::renderDetails($id, $vcard, $new); diff --git a/apps/contacts/ajax/setproperty.php b/apps/contacts/ajax/setproperty.php index e0cd70236c..cdc6d34c52 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/ajax/setproperty.php +++ b/apps/contacts/ajax/setproperty.php @@ -95,4 +95,4 @@ $tmpl->assign('phone_types',$phone_types); $tmpl->assign('property',OC_Contacts_VCard::structureProperty($vcard->children[$line],$line)); $page = $tmpl->fetchPage(); -OC_JSON::success(array('data' => array( 'page' => $page, 'line' => $line, 'oldchecksum' => $_POST['checksum'] ))); +OC_JSON::success(array('data' => array( 'page' => $page, 'line' => $line, 'checksum' => $checksum, 'oldchecksum' => $_POST['checksum'] ))); diff --git a/apps/contacts/appinfo/app.php b/apps/contacts/appinfo/app.php index df7e8cec6e..a5b3100624 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/appinfo/app.php +++ b/apps/contacts/appinfo/app.php @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Contacts_Addressbook'] = 'apps/contacts/lib/addressbook.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Contacts_VCard'] = 'apps/contacts/lib/vcard.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Contacts_Hooks'] = 'apps/contacts/lib/hooks.php'; OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Connector_Sabre_CardDAV'] = 'apps/contacts/lib/connector_sabre.php'; -OC_HOOK::connect('OC_User', 'post_createUser', 'OC_Contacts_Hooks', 'deleteUser'); +OC_HOOK::connect('OC_User', 'post_deleteUser', 'OC_Contacts_Hooks', 'deleteUser'); OC_App::register( array( 'order' => 10, diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/ar.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/ar.php index 935ac27dd0..88671f600e 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/ar.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/ar.php @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ "خطء خلال توقيف كتاب العناوين.", +"There was an error adding the contact." => "خطء خلال اضافة معرفه جديده.", +"Cannot add empty property." => "لا يمكنك اضافه صفه خاليه.", +"At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." => "يجب ملء على الاقل خانه واحده من العنوان.", +"Error adding contact property." => "خطء خلال اضافة صفة المعرفه.", +"Error adding addressbook." => "خطء خلال اضافة كتاب عناوين.", +"Error activating addressbook." => "خطء خلال تفعيل كتاب العناوين.", +"Error deleting contact property." => "خطء خلال محي الصفه.", +"Error updating contact property." => "خطء خلال تعديل الصفه.", +"Error updating addressbook." => "خطء خلال تعديل كتاب العناوين", +"Contacts" => "المعارف", "This is not your addressbook." => "هذا ليس دفتر عناوينك.", "Contact could not be found." => "لم يتم العثور على الشخص.", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "المعلومات الموجودة في ال vCard غير صحيحة. الرجاء إعادة تحديث الصفحة.", @@ -14,11 +25,13 @@ "Fax" => "الفاكس", "Video" => "الفيديو", "Pager" => "الرنان", +"Contact" => "معرفه", "This is not your contact." => ".هذا ليس من معارفي", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "هذا الكرت ليس متلائم مع نظام ال RFC.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "لا يحتوي هذا الكرت على صورة.", "Add Contact" => "أضف شخص ", +"Addressbooks" => "كتب العناوين", +"Addressbook" => "كتاب العناوين", "Name" => "الاسم", +"Type" => "نوع", "PO Box" => "العنوان البريدي", "Extended" => "إضافة", "Street" => "شارع", @@ -27,8 +40,25 @@ "Zipcode" => "رقم المنطقة", "Country" => "البلد", "Create Contact" => "أضف شخص ", +"Choose active Address Books" => "أختر كتاب العناوين الفعال", +"New Address Book" => "كتاب عناوين جديد", +"CardDav Link" => "وصلة CardDav", +"Download" => "انزال", "Edit" => "تعديل", "Delete" => "حذف", +"Download contact" => "انزال المعرفه", +"Delete contact" => "امحي المعرفه", +"Add" => "أدخل", +"New Addressbook" => "كتاب عناوين جديد", +"Edit Addressbook" => "عدل كتاب العناوين", +"Displayname" => "الاسم المعروض", +"Active" => "فعال", +"Save" => "حفظ", +"Submit" => "ارسال", +"Cancel" => "الغاء", "Birthday" => "تاريخ الميلاد", -"Phone" => "الهاتف" +"Preferred" => "مفضل", +"Phone" => "الهاتف", +"Update" => "تعديل", +"CardDAV syncing address:" => "CardDAV مزامنه العناوين:" ); diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/ca.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/ca.php index f421651671..72338cf40d 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/ca.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/ca.php @@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ "Pager" => "Paginador", "Contact" => "Contacte", "This is not your contact." => "Aquest contacte no és vostre.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Aquesta targeta no és compatible amb RFC.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Aquesta targeta no conté foto.", -"Add Contact" => "Afegiu un contacte", +"Add Contact" => "Afegir un contacte", "Addressbooks" => "Llibretes d'adreces", "Addressbook" => "Llibreta d'adreces", "Name" => "Nom", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/cs_CZ.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/cs_CZ.php index 0ccf9de8d0..0831a91abc 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/cs_CZ.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/cs_CZ.php @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ "Chyba při (de)aktivaci adresáře.", +"There was an error adding the contact." => "Během přidávání kontaktu nastala chyba.", +"Cannot add empty property." => "Nelze přidat prazdný údaj.", +"At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." => "Musí být uveden nejméně jeden z adresních údajů", +"Error adding contact property." => "Chyba během přdávání údaje kontaktu.", +"Error adding addressbook." => "Chyba při přidávání adresáře.", +"Error activating addressbook." => "Chyba při aktivaci adresáře.", +"Error deleting contact property." => "Chyba při odstraňování údaje kontaktu.", +"Error updating contact property." => "Chyba při aktualizaci údaje kontaktu.", +"Error updating addressbook." => "Chyba při aktualizaci adresáře.", +"Contacts" => "Kontakty", "This is not your addressbook." => "Toto není Váš adresář.", "Contact could not be found." => "Kontakt nebyl nalezen.", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "Informace o vCard je nesprávná. Obnovte stránku, prosím.", @@ -14,10 +25,11 @@ "Fax" => "Fax", "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Pager", +"Contact" => "Kontakt", "This is not your contact." => "Toto není Váš kontakt.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Tato karta není kompatibilní s RFC.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Tato karta neobsahuje foto", "Add Contact" => "Přidat kontakt", +"Addressbooks" => "Adresáře", +"Addressbook" => "Adresář", "Name" => "Jméno", "Type" => "Typ", "PO Box" => "PO box", @@ -34,8 +46,11 @@ "Download" => "Stažení", "Edit" => "Editovat", "Delete" => "Odstranit", +"Download contact" => "Stáhnout kontakt", "Delete contact" => "Odstranit kontakt", "Add" => "Přidat", +"New Addressbook" => "Nový adresář", +"Edit Addressbook" => "Editace adresáře", "Displayname" => "Zobrazené jméno", "Active" => "Aktivní", "Save" => "Uložit", @@ -44,5 +59,6 @@ "Birthday" => "Narozeniny", "Preferred" => "Preferovaný", "Phone" => "Telefon", -"Update" => "Aktualizovat" +"Update" => "Aktualizovat", +"CardDAV syncing address:" => "CardDAV synchronizuje adresu:" ); diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/da.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/da.php index 2c597d1993..a0a3760d01 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/da.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/da.php @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ "Fejl ved (de)aktivering af adressebogen", +"There was an error adding the contact." => "Der opstod en fejl ved tilføjelse af kontaktpersonen.", +"Cannot add empty property." => "Kan ikke tilføje en egenskab uden indhold.", +"At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." => "Der skal udfyldes mindst et adressefelt.", +"Error adding contact property." => "Fejl ved tilføjelse af egenskab.", +"Error adding addressbook." => "Fejl ved tilføjelse af adressebog.", +"Error activating addressbook." => "Fejl ved aktivering af adressebog.", +"Error deleting contact property." => "Fejl ved sletning af egenskab for kontaktperson.", +"Error updating contact property." => "Fejl ved opdatering af egenskab for kontaktperson.", +"Error updating addressbook." => "Fejl ved opdatering af adressebog", +"Contacts" => "Kontaktpersoner", "This is not your addressbook." => "Dette er ikke din adressebog.", "Contact could not be found." => "Kontaktperson kunne ikke findes.", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "Informationen om vCard er forkert. Genindlæs siden.", @@ -14,10 +25,11 @@ "Fax" => "Fax", "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Personsøger", +"Contact" => "Kontaktperson", "This is not your contact." => "Dette er ikke din kontaktperson.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Dette kort er ikke RFC-kompatibelt.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Dette kort indeholder ikke et foto.", "Add Contact" => "Tilføj kontaktperson", +"Addressbooks" => "Adressebøger", +"Addressbook" => "Adressebog", "Name" => "Navn", "Type" => "Type", "PO Box" => "Postboks", @@ -34,8 +46,11 @@ "Download" => "Download", "Edit" => "Rediger", "Delete" => "Slet", +"Download contact" => "Download kontaktperson", "Delete contact" => "Slet kontaktperson", "Add" => "Tilføj", +"New Addressbook" => "Ny adressebog", +"Edit Addressbook" => "Rediger adressebog", "Displayname" => "Vist navn", "Active" => "Aktiv", "Save" => "Gem", @@ -44,5 +59,6 @@ "Birthday" => "Fødselsdag", "Preferred" => "Foretrukken", "Phone" => "Telefon", -"Update" => "Opdater" +"Update" => "Opdater", +"CardDAV syncing address:" => "Synkroniseringsadresse for CardDAV:" ); diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/de.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/de.php index 53f8a9e664..278009092c 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/de.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/de.php @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ "(De-)Aktivierung des Adressbuches fehlgeschlagen", +"There was an error adding the contact." => "Erstellen des Kontakts fehlgeschlagen", +"Cannot add empty property." => "Feld darf nicht leer sein.", +"At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." => "Mindestens eines der Adressfelder muss ausgefüllt werden.", +"Error adding contact property." => "Kontakt ändern fehlgeschlagen", +"Error adding addressbook." => "Adressbuch hinzufügen fehlgeschlagen", +"Error activating addressbook." => "Adressbuchaktivierung fehlgeschlagen", +"Error deleting contact property." => "Kontakteigenschaft löschen fehlgeschlagen", +"Error updating contact property." => "Kontakteigenschaft aktualisieren fehlgeschlagen", +"Error updating addressbook." => "Adressbuch aktualisieren fehlgeschlagen", +"Contacts" => "Kontakte", "This is not your addressbook." => "Dies ist nicht dein Adressbuch.", "Contact could not be found." => "Kontakt konnte nicht gefunden werden.", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "Die Information der vCard ist fehlerhaft. Bitte aktualisiere die Seite.", @@ -14,10 +25,11 @@ "Fax" => "Fax", "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Pager", +"Contact" => "Kontakt", "This is not your contact." => "Dies ist nicht dein Kontakt.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Diese Karte ist nicht RFC-kompatibel.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Diese Karte enthält kein Foto.", "Add Contact" => "Kontakt hinzufügen", +"Addressbooks" => "Adressbücher", +"Addressbook" => "Adressbuch", "Name" => "Name", "Type" => "Typ", "PO Box" => "Postfach", @@ -34,8 +46,11 @@ "Download" => "Herunterladen", "Edit" => "Bearbeiten", "Delete" => "Löschen", +"Download contact" => "Kontakt herunterladen", "Delete contact" => "Kontakt löschen", "Add" => "Hinzufügen", +"New Addressbook" => "Neues Adressbuch", +"Edit Addressbook" => "Adressbuch editieren", "Displayname" => "Anzeigename", "Active" => "Aktiv", "Save" => "Speichern", @@ -44,5 +59,6 @@ "Birthday" => "Geburtstag", "Preferred" => "Bevorzugt", "Phone" => "Telefon", -"Update" => "Aktualisieren" +"Update" => "Aktualisieren", +"CardDAV syncing address:" => "CardDAV Sync-Adresse:" ); diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/el.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/el.php index 8f2b1e3046..d58b199b67 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/el.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/el.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Βίντεο", "Pager" => "Βομβητής", "This is not your contact." => "Αυτή δεν είναι επαφή σας.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Αυτή η κάρτα δεν είναι RFC συμβατή.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Αυτή η κάρτα δεν περιέχει φωτογραφία.", "Add Contact" => "Προσθήκη επαφής", "Name" => "Όνομα", "Type" => "Τύπος", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/eo.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/eo.php index ef55bbebbb..121186499b 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/eo.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/eo.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Videaĵo", "Pager" => "Televokilo", "This is not your contact." => "Tiu ĉi ne estas via kontakto.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Ĉi tiu karto ne kongruas kun RFC.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Ĉi tiu karto ne havas foton.", "Add Contact" => "Aldoni kontakton", "Name" => "Nomo", "PO Box" => "Abonkesto", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/es.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/es.php index 260fe2ac97..b94c53e90d 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/es.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/es.php @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ "Error al (des)activar libreta de direcciones.", +"There was an error adding the contact." => "Ocurrió un error al agregar el contacto.", +"Cannot add empty property." => "No se puede agregar una propiedad vacía.", +"At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." => "Al menos uno de los campos de direcciones tiene que ser llenado.", +"Error adding contact property." => "Error al agregar una propiedad del contacto.", +"Error adding addressbook." => "Error al agregar la libreta de direcciones.", +"Error activating addressbook." => "Error al activar la libreta de direcciones.", +"Error deleting contact property." => "Error al borrar una propiedad del contacto.", +"Error updating contact property." => "Error al actualizar una propiedad del contacto.", +"Error updating addressbook." => "Error al actualizar la libreta de direcciones.", +"Contacts" => "Contactos", "This is not your addressbook." => "Esta no es tu agenda de contactos.", "Contact could not be found." => "No se pudo encontrar el contacto.", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "La información sobre el vCard es incorrecta. Por favor vuelve a cargar la página.", @@ -14,10 +25,11 @@ "Fax" => "Fax", "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Localizador", +"Contact" => "Contacto", "This is not your contact." => "Este no es tu contacto.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Esta tarjeta no es compatible con RFC.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Esta tarjeta no contiene ninguna foto.", "Add Contact" => "Agregar contacto", +"Addressbooks" => "Libretas de direcciones", +"Addressbook" => "Libreta de direcciones", "Name" => "Nombre", "Type" => "Tipo", "PO Box" => "Código postal", @@ -28,13 +40,18 @@ "Zipcode" => "Código Postal", "Country" => "País", "Create Contact" => "Crear contacto", +"Choose active Address Books" => "Elige libreta de direcciones activa", "New Address Book" => "Nueva libreta de direcciones", "CardDav Link" => "Link Card Dav", "Download" => "Descargar", "Edit" => "Editar", "Delete" => "Borrar", +"Download contact" => "Descargar contacto", "Delete contact" => "Eliminar contacto", "Add" => "Añadir", +"New Addressbook" => "Nueva libreta de direcciones", +"Edit Addressbook" => "Editar libreta de direcciones", +"Displayname" => "Nombre a mostrar", "Active" => "Activo", "Save" => "Guardar", "Submit" => "Aceptar", @@ -42,5 +59,6 @@ "Birthday" => "Cumpleaños", "Preferred" => "Preferido", "Phone" => "Teléfono", -"Update" => "Actualizar" +"Update" => "Actualizar", +"CardDAV syncing address:" => "Dirección de sincronización CardDAV:" ); diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/et_EE.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/et_EE.php index f57190bddc..5054cbfc44 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/et_EE.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/et_EE.php @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ "Viga aadressiraamatu (de)aktiveerimisel.", +"There was an error adding the contact." => "Konktakti lisamisel tekkis viga.", +"Cannot add empty property." => "Tühja omadust ei saa lisada.", +"At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." => "Vähemalt üks aadressiväljadest peab olema täidetud.", +"Error adding contact property." => "Viga konktakti korralikul lisamisel.", +"Error adding addressbook." => "Viga aadressiraamatu lisamisel.", +"Error activating addressbook." => "Viga aadressiraamatu aktiveerimisel.", +"Error deleting contact property." => "Viga konktaki korralikul kustutamisel.", +"Error updating contact property." => "Viga konktaki korralikul uuendamisel.", +"Error updating addressbook." => "Viga aadressiraamatu uuendamisel.", +"Contacts" => "Kontaktid", "This is not your addressbook." => "See pole sinu aadressiraamat.", "Contact could not be found." => "Kontakti ei leitud.", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "Visiitkaardi info pole korrektne. Palun lae leht uuesti.", @@ -14,11 +25,13 @@ "Fax" => "Faks", "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Piipar", +"Contact" => "Kontakt", "This is not your contact." => "See pole sinu kontakt.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "See kaart ei ühildu RFC-ga.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Sellel kaardil pole fotot.", "Add Contact" => "Lisa kontakt", +"Addressbooks" => "Aadressiraamatud", +"Addressbook" => "Aadressiraamat", "Name" => "Nimi", +"Type" => "Tüüp", "PO Box" => "Postkontori postkast", "Extended" => "Laiendatud", "Street" => "Tänav", @@ -27,8 +40,25 @@ "Zipcode" => "Postiindeks", "Country" => "Riik", "Create Contact" => "Lisa kontakt", +"Choose active Address Books" => "Vali aktiivsed aadressiraamatud", +"New Address Book" => "Uus aadressiraamat", +"CardDav Link" => "CardDav link", +"Download" => "Lae alla", "Edit" => "Muuda", "Delete" => "Kustuta", +"Download contact" => "Lae kontakt alla", +"Delete contact" => "Kustuta kontakt", +"Add" => "Lisa", +"New Addressbook" => "Uus aadressiraamat", +"Edit Addressbook" => "Muuda aadressiraamatut", +"Displayname" => "Näidatav nimi", +"Active" => "Aktiivne", +"Save" => "Salvesta", +"Submit" => "Saada", +"Cancel" => "Loobu", "Birthday" => "Sünnipäev", -"Phone" => "Telefon" +"Preferred" => "Eelistatud", +"Phone" => "Telefon", +"Update" => "Uuenda", +"CardDAV syncing address:" => "CardDAV sünkroniseerimise aadress:" ); diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/eu.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/eu.php index c37b6f2762..9b3501270b 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/eu.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/eu.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Bideoa", "Pager" => "Bilagailua", "This is not your contact." => "Hau ez da zure kontaktua.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Txartel hau ez da RFC bateragarria.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Txartel honek ez dauka argazkirik.", "Add Contact" => "Gehitu Kontaktua", "Name" => "Izena", "PO Box" => "Posta kutxa", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/fr.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/fr.php index 8970d716b0..d14d56d951 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/fr.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/fr.php @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ "Pager" => "Bipeur", "Contact" => "Contact", "This is not your contact." => "Ce n'est pas votre contact.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Cette fiche n'est pas compatible RFC.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Cette fiche ne contient pas de photo.", "Add Contact" => "Ajouter un Contact", "Addressbooks" => "Carnets d'adresses", "Addressbook" => "Carnet d'adresses", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/gl.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/gl.php index 0fd88ead19..8333697fb6 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/gl.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/gl.php @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ "Pager" => "Paxinador", "Contact" => "Contacto", "This is not your contact." => "Este non é un dos seus contactos", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Esta tarxeta non é compatible con RFC", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Esta tarxeta non ten fotografía", "Add Contact" => "Engadir contacto", "Addressbooks" => "Directorios", "Addressbook" => "Directorio", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/he.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/he.php index b16eeac2ba..5818cab207 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/he.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/he.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "וידאו", "Pager" => "זימונית", "This is not your contact." => "זהו אינו איש קשר שלך", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "כרטיס זה אינו תואם ל־RFC", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "כרטיס זה אינו כולל תמונה", "Add Contact" => "הוספת איש קשר", "Name" => "שם", "PO Box" => "תא דואר", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/hr.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/hr.php index dfeab8bdea..4937c0bcb2 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/hr.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/hr.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Pager", "This is not your contact." => "Ovo nije vaš kontakt.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Ova kartica nije sukladna prema RFC direktivama.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Ova kartica ne sadrži fotografiju.", "Add Contact" => "Dodaj kontakt", "Name" => "Naziv", "PO Box" => "Poštanski Pretinac", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/hu_HU.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/hu_HU.php index 74d66e9f7d..fa81831f96 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/hu_HU.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/hu_HU.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Lapozó", "This is not your contact." => "Nem a te kapcsolatod.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "A kártya nem RFC kompatibilis.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "A kártya nem tartlmaz fényképet.", "Add Contact" => "Kontakt hozzáadása", "Name" => "Név", "PO Box" => "Postafiók", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/ia.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/ia.php index d4203ce8f0..0c1dd6e963 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/ia.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/ia.php @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Pager", "This is not your contact." => "Iste non es tu contacto", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Iste carta non es compatibile con RFC", "Add Contact" => "Adder contacto", "Name" => "Nomine", "PO Box" => "Cassa postal", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/it.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/it.php index 6ac1677e3c..b7f30bc034 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/it.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/it.php @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ "Pager" => "Cercapersone", "Contact" => "Contatto", "This is not your contact." => "Questo non è un tuo contatto.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Questa card non è compatibile con il protocollo RFC.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Questa card non contiene una foto.", "Add Contact" => "Aggiungi contatto", "Addressbooks" => "Rubriche", "Addressbook" => "Rubrica", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/ja_JP.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/ja_JP.php index c8711e963f..e8417562b8 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/ja_JP.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/ja_JP.php @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ "電話帳の有効/無効化に失敗しました。", +"There was an error adding the contact." => "連絡先の追加でエラーが発生しました。", +"Cannot add empty property." => "項目の新規追加に失敗しました。", +"At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." => "アドレス項目の1つは記入して下さい。", +"Error adding contact property." => "連絡先の追加に失敗しました。", +"Error adding addressbook." => "電話帳の追加に失敗しました。", +"Error activating addressbook." => "電話帳の有効化に失敗しました。", +"Error deleting contact property." => "連絡先の削除に失敗しました。", +"Error updating contact property." => "連絡先の更新に失敗しました。", +"Error updating addressbook." => "電話帳の更新に失敗しました。", +"Contacts" => "連絡先", "This is not your addressbook." => "これはあなたの電話帳ではありません。", "Contact could not be found." => "連絡先を見つける事ができません。", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "vCardの情報に誤りがあります。ページをリロードして下さい。", @@ -14,11 +25,13 @@ "Fax" => "FAX", "Video" => "テレビ電話", "Pager" => "ポケベル", +"Contact" => "連絡先", "This is not your contact." => "あなたの連絡先ではありません。", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "このカードはRFCに準拠していません。", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "このカードは写真を含んでおりません。", "Add Contact" => "連絡先の追加", +"Addressbooks" => "電話帳", +"Addressbook" => "電話帳", "Name" => "氏名", +"Type" => "種類", "PO Box" => "私書箱", "Extended" => "拡張番地", "Street" => "街路番地", @@ -27,8 +40,25 @@ "Zipcode" => "郵便番号", "Country" => "国名", "Create Contact" => "追加", +"Choose active Address Books" => "有効な電話帳の選択", +"New Address Book" => "新規電話帳", +"CardDav Link" => "CardDAV リンク", +"Download" => "ダウンロード", "Edit" => "編集", "Delete" => "削除", +"Download contact" => "連絡先のダウンロード", +"Delete contact" => "連絡先の削除", +"Add" => "追加", +"New Addressbook" => "電話帳の新規作成", +"Edit Addressbook" => "電話帳の編集", +"Displayname" => "表示名", +"Active" => "アクティブ", +"Save" => "保存", +"Submit" => "送信", +"Cancel" => "取り消し", "Birthday" => "生年月日", -"Phone" => "電話番号" +"Preferred" => "推奨", +"Phone" => "電話番号", +"Update" => "更新", +"CardDAV syncing address:" => "CardDAV 同期アドレス:" ); diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/lb.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/lb.php index 4190072171..e8f17a6fa5 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/lb.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/lb.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Pager", "This is not your contact." => "Dat do ass net däin Kontakt.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Déi do Kaart ass net RFC kompatibel.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Déi do Kaart huet keng Foto.", "Add Contact" => "Kontakt bäisetzen", "Name" => "Numm", "PO Box" => "Postleetzuel", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/nl.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/nl.php index 0bfa86c8c4..5719330ba3 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/nl.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/nl.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Pieper", "This is not your contact." => "Dit is niet uw contactpersoon.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Deze kaart is niet RFC compatibel.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Deze contact bevat geen foto.", "Add Contact" => "Contact toevoegen", "Name" => "Naam", "Type" => "Type", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/nn_NO.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/nn_NO.php index 12d914a805..d0e3041d24 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/nn_NO.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/nn_NO.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Personsøkjar", "This is not your contact." => "Dette er ikkje din kontakt.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Dette kortet er ikkje RFC-kompatibelt", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Dette kortet har ingen bilete.", "Add Contact" => "Legg til kontakt", "Name" => "Namn", "PO Box" => "Postboks", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/pl.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/pl.php index 72bdf967a4..ad1e8c7baa 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/pl.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/pl.php @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ "Pager" => "Pager", "Contact" => "Kontakt", "This is not your contact." => "To nie jest twój kontakt.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Ta karta nie jest zgodna ze specyfikacją RFC.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Ta karta nie zawiera zdjęć.", "Add Contact" => "Dodaj kontakt", "Addressbooks" => "Książki adresowe", "Addressbook" => "Książka adresowa", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/pt_BR.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/pt_BR.php index db9e98d6fe..9f68e50cf9 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/pt_BR.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/pt_BR.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Vídeo", "Pager" => "Pager", "This is not your contact." => "Este não é o seu contato.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Este cartão não é compatível com RFC.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Este cartão não contém uma foto.", "Add Contact" => "Adicionar Contato", "Name" => "Nome", "PO Box" => "Caixa Postal", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/pt_PT.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/pt_PT.php index d5916838db..68c83f02c5 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/pt_PT.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/pt_PT.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Vídeo", "Pager" => "Pager", "This is not your contact." => "Este não é o seu contacto", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Este cartão não é compativel com RFC", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Este cartão não possui foto", "Add Contact" => "Adicionar Contacto", "Name" => "Nome", "PO Box" => "Apartado", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/ro.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/ro.php index 4fc10abddb..47a8b59599 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/ro.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/ro.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Pager", "This is not your contact." => "Nu este contactul tău", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Nu este compatibil RFC", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Nu conține o fotografie", "Add Contact" => "Adaugă contact", "Name" => "Nume", "Type" => "Tip", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/ru.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/ru.php index 5eb765f222..5e48d5776a 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/ru.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/ru.php @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ "Ошибка (де)активации адресной книги.", +"There was an error adding the contact." => "Произошла ошибка при добавлении контакта.", +"Cannot add empty property." => "Невозможно добавить пустой параметр.", +"At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." => "Как минимум одно поле адреса должно быть заполнено.", +"Error adding contact property." => "Ошибка добавления информации к контакту.", +"Error adding addressbook." => "Ошибка добавления адресной книги.", +"Error activating addressbook." => "Ошибка активации адресной книги.", +"Error deleting contact property." => "Ошибка удаления информации из контакта.", +"Error updating contact property." => "Ошибка обновления информации контакта.", +"Error updating addressbook." => "Ошибка обновления адресной книги.", +"Contacts" => "Контакты", "This is not your addressbook." => "Это не ваша адресная книга.", "Contact could not be found." => "Контакт не найден.", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "Информация о vCard некорректна. Пожалуйста, обновите страницу.", @@ -14,11 +25,13 @@ "Fax" => "Факс", "Video" => "Видео", "Pager" => "Пейджер", +"Contact" => "Контакт", "This is not your contact." => "Это не контакт.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Эта карточка не соответствует RFC.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Эта карточка не содержит фотографии.", "Add Contact" => "Добавить Контакт", +"Addressbooks" => "Адресные книги", +"Addressbook" => "Адресная книга", "Name" => "Имя", +"Type" => "Тип", "PO Box" => "АО", "Extended" => "Расширенный", "Street" => "Улица", @@ -27,8 +40,25 @@ "Zipcode" => "Почтовый индекс", "Country" => "Страна", "Create Contact" => "Создать Контакт", +"Choose active Address Books" => "Выберите активные адресные книги", +"New Address Book" => "Новая адресная книга", +"CardDav Link" => "Ссылка CardDAV", +"Download" => "Скачать", "Edit" => "Редактировать", "Delete" => "Удалить", +"Download contact" => "Скачать контакт", +"Delete contact" => "Удалить контакт", +"Add" => "Добавить", +"New Addressbook" => "Новая адресная книга", +"Edit Addressbook" => "Править адресную книгу", +"Displayname" => "Отображаемое имя", +"Active" => "Активно", +"Save" => "Сохранить", +"Submit" => "Отправить", +"Cancel" => "Отменить", "Birthday" => "День рождения", -"Phone" => "Телефон" +"Preferred" => "Предпочитаемый", +"Phone" => "Телефон", +"Update" => "Обновить", +"CardDAV syncing address:" => "Адрес синхронизации CardDAV:" ); diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/sk_SK.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/sk_SK.php index 16876cc59b..a28907aac8 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/sk_SK.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/sk_SK.php @@ -1,4 +1,9 @@ "Chyba (de)aktivácie adresára.", +"There was an error adding the contact." => "Vyskytla sa chyba pri pridávaní kontaktu.", +"Error activating addressbook." => "Chyba aktivovania adresára.", +"Error updating addressbook." => "Chyba aktualizácie adresára.", +"Contacts" => "Kontakty", "This is not your addressbook." => "Toto nie je váš adresár.", "Contact could not be found." => "Kontakt nebol nájdený.", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "Informácie o vCard sú neplatné. Prosím obnovte stránku.", @@ -14,11 +19,13 @@ "Fax" => "Fax", "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Pager", +"Contact" => "Kontakt", "This is not your contact." => "Toto nie je váš kontakt.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Táto karta nie je kompatibilná s RFC.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Táto karta neobsahuje fotografiu.", "Add Contact" => "Pridať Kontakt.", +"Addressbooks" => "Adresáre", +"Addressbook" => "Adresár", "Name" => "Meno", +"Type" => "Typ", "PO Box" => "PO Box", "Extended" => "Rozšírené", "Street" => "Ulica", @@ -27,8 +34,25 @@ "Zipcode" => "PSČ", "Country" => "Krajina", "Create Contact" => "Vytvoriť Kontakt.", +"Choose active Address Books" => "Zvoliť aktívny adresár", +"New Address Book" => "Nový adresár", +"CardDav Link" => "CardDav odkaz", +"Download" => "Stiahnuť", "Edit" => "Upraviť", "Delete" => "Odstrániť", +"Download contact" => "Stiahnuť kontakt", +"Delete contact" => "Odstrániť kontakt", +"Add" => "Pridať", +"New Addressbook" => "Nový Adresár", +"Edit Addressbook" => "Upraviť Adresár", +"Displayname" => "Zobrazené meno", +"Active" => "Aktívny", +"Save" => "Uložiť", +"Submit" => "Odoslať", +"Cancel" => "Zrušiť", "Birthday" => "Narodeniny", -"Phone" => "Telefón" +"Preferred" => "Uprednostňované", +"Phone" => "Telefón", +"Update" => "Aktualizovať", +"CardDAV syncing address:" => "Synchronizačná adresa CardDAV:" ); diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/sl.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/sl.php index 2c81567eae..79039c36d6 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/sl.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/sl.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Pager", "This is not your contact." => "To ni vaš kontakt", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Ta karta ni RFC kopatibilna.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Ta karta ne vsebuje slike.", "Add Contact" => "Dodaj Kontakt", "Name" => "Ime", "PO Box" => "PO Box", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/sr.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/sr.php index d09bac430f..6404fb44b1 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/sr.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/sr.php @@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ "Pager" => "Пејџер", "Contact" => "Контакт", "This is not your contact." => "Ово није ваш контакт.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Ова карта није сагласна са РФЦ-ом.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Ова карта не садржи фотографију.", "Add Contact" => "Додај контакт", "Addressbooks" => "Адресар", "Addressbook" => "Адресар", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/sr@latin.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/sr@latin.php index 1ae38e3292..bfd4389645 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/sr@latin.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/sr@latin.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Pejdžer", "This is not your contact." => "Ovo nije vaš kontakt.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Ova karta nije saglasna sa RFC-om.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Ova karta ne sadrži fotografiju.", "Add Contact" => "Dodaj kontakt", "Name" => "Ime", "PO Box" => "Poštanski broj", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/sv.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/sv.php index f62ca30b5f..c4935983f2 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/sv.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/sv.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Personsökare", "This is not your contact." => "Det här är inte din kontakt.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Detta kort är inte RFC-kompatibelt.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Detta kort innehåller inte något foto.", "Add Contact" => "Lägg till kontakt", "Name" => "Namn", "PO Box" => "Postbox", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/th_TH.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/th_TH.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06e103bc32 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/th_TH.php @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ + "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดใน (ยกเลิก)การเปิดใช้งานสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่", +"There was an error adding the contact." => "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเพิ่มรายชื่อผู้ติดต่อใหม่", +"Cannot add empty property." => "ไม่สามารถเพิ่มรายละเอียดที่ไม่มีข้อมูลได้", +"At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." => "อย่างน้อยที่สุดช่องข้อมูลที่อยู่จะต้องถูกกรอกลงไป", +"Error adding contact property." => "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเพิ่มรายละเอียดการติดต่อ", +"Error adding addressbook." => "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเพิ่มสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่ใหม่", +"Error activating addressbook." => "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเปิดใช้งานสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่", +"Error deleting contact property." => "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการลบรายละเอียดการติดต่อ", +"Error updating contact property." => "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการอัพเดทข้อมูลการติดต่อ", +"Error updating addressbook." => "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการอัพเดทสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่", +"Contacts" => "ข้อมูลการติดต่อ", +"This is not your addressbook." => "นี่ไม่ใช่สมุดบันทึกที่อยู่ของคุณ", +"Contact could not be found." => "ไม่พบข้อมูลการติดต่อ", +"Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับ vCard ไม่ถูกต้อง กรุณาโหลดหน้าเวปใหม่อีกครั้ง", +"Address" => "ที่อยู่", +"Telephone" => "โทรศัพท์", +"Email" => "อีเมล์", +"Organization" => "หน่วยงาน", +"Work" => "ที่ทำงาน", +"Home" => "บ้าน", +"Mobile" => "มือถือ", +"Text" => "ข้อความ", +"Voice" => "เสียงพูด", +"Fax" => "โทรสาร", +"Video" => "วีดีโอ", +"Pager" => "เพจเจอร์", +"Contact" => "ข้อมูลการติดต่อ", +"This is not your contact." => "นี่ไม่ใช่ข้อมูลการติดต่อของคุณ", +"Add Contact" => "เพิ่มรายชื่อผู้ติดต่อใหม่", +"Addressbooks" => "สมุดบันทึกที่อยู่", +"Addressbook" => "สมุดบันทึกที่อยู่", +"Name" => "ชื่อ", +"Type" => "ประเภท", +"PO Box" => "ตู้ ปณ.", +"Extended" => "เพิ่ม", +"Street" => "ถนน", +"City" => "เมือง", +"Region" => "ภูมิภาค", +"Zipcode" => "รหัสไปรษณีย์", +"Country" => "ประเทศ", +"Create Contact" => "สร้างข้อมูลการติดต่อใหม่", +"Choose active Address Books" => "เลือกสมุดบันทึกข้อมูลติดต่อที่ต้องการใช้งาน", +"New Address Book" => "สร้างสมุดบันทึกข้อมูลการติดต่อใหม่", +"CardDav Link" => "ลิงค์ CardDav", +"Download" => "ดาวน์โหลด", +"Edit" => "แก้ไข", +"Delete" => "ลบ", +"Download contact" => "ดาวน์โหลดข้อมูลการติดต่อ", +"Delete contact" => "ลบข้อมูลการติดต่อ", +"Add" => "เพิ่ม", +"New Addressbook" => "สร้างสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่ใหม่", +"Edit Addressbook" => "แก้ไขสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่", +"Displayname" => "ชื่อที่ต้องการให้แสดง", +"Active" => "เปิดใช้", +"Save" => "บันทึก", +"Submit" => "ส่งข้อมูล", +"Cancel" => "ยกเลิก", +"Birthday" => "วันเกิด", +"Preferred" => "พิเศษ", +"Phone" => "โทรศัพท์", +"Update" => "อัพเดท", +"CardDAV syncing address:" => "ที่อยู่ในการเชื่อมข้อมูลกับระบบบันทึกที่อยู่ CardDAV:" +); diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/tr.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/tr.php index 285adac8d6..75a48180bd 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/tr.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/tr.php @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ "Video" => "Video", "Pager" => "Sayfalayıcı", "This is not your contact." => "Bu sizin kişiniz değil.", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "Bu kart RFC uyumlu değil.", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "Bu kart resim içermiyor.", "Add Contact" => "Kişi Ekle", "Name" => "Ad", "PO Box" => "Posta Kutusu", diff --git a/apps/contacts/l10n/zh_CN.php b/apps/contacts/l10n/zh_CN.php index 829f1b0e07..1904eff65c 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/l10n/zh_CN.php +++ b/apps/contacts/l10n/zh_CN.php @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ "(取消)激活地址簿错误。", +"There was an error adding the contact." => "添加联系人时出错。", +"Cannot add empty property." => "无法添加空属性。", +"At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." => "至少需要填写一项地址。", +"Error adding contact property." => "添加联系人属性错误。", +"Error adding addressbook." => "添加地址簿错误。", +"Error activating addressbook." => "激活地址簿错误。", +"Error deleting contact property." => "删除联系人属性错误。", +"Error updating contact property." => "更新联系人属性错误。", +"Error updating addressbook." => "更新地址簿错误", +"Contacts" => "联系人", "This is not your addressbook." => "这不是您的地址簿。", "Contact could not be found." => "无法找到联系人。", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "vCard 的信息不正确。请重新加载页面。", @@ -14,11 +25,13 @@ "Fax" => "传真", "Video" => "视频", "Pager" => "传呼机", +"Contact" => "联系人", "This is not your contact." => "这不是您的联系人。", -"This card is not RFC compatible." => "这张名片和RFC 标准不兼容。", -"This card does not contain a photo." => "这张名片不包含照片。", "Add Contact" => "添加联系人", +"Addressbooks" => "地址簿", +"Addressbook" => "地址簿", "Name" => "名称", +"Type" => "类型", "PO Box" => "邮箱", "Extended" => "扩展", "Street" => "街道", @@ -27,8 +40,25 @@ "Zipcode" => "邮编", "Country" => "国家", "Create Contact" => "创建联系人", +"Choose active Address Books" => "选择激活地址簿", +"New Address Book" => "新建地址簿", +"CardDav Link" => "CardDav 链接", +"Download" => "下载", "Edit" => "编辑", "Delete" => "删除", +"Download contact" => "下载联系人", +"Delete contact" => "删除联系人", +"Add" => "添加", +"New Addressbook" => "新建地址簿", +"Edit Addressbook" => "编辑地址簿", +"Displayname" => "显示名称", +"Active" => "激活", +"Save" => "保存", +"Submit" => "提交", +"Cancel" => "取消", "Birthday" => "生日", -"Phone" => "电话" +"Preferred" => "偏好", +"Phone" => "电话", +"Update" => "更新", +"CardDAV syncing address:" => "CardDAV 同步地址:" ); diff --git a/apps/contacts/lib/app.php b/apps/contacts/lib/app.php index 00a830d5e5..bc1e4974b3 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/lib/app.php +++ b/apps/contacts/lib/app.php @@ -18,16 +18,26 @@ class OC_Contacts_App{ * @param int $id of contact * @param Sabre_VObject_Component $vcard to render */ - public static function renderDetails($id, $vcard){ + public static function renderDetails($id, $vcard, $new=false){ $property_types = self::getAddPropertyOptions(); $adr_types = self::getTypesOfProperty('ADR'); $phone_types = self::getTypesOfProperty('TEL'); + $upload_max_filesize = OC_Helper::computerFileSize(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); + $post_max_size = OC_Helper::computerFileSize(ini_get('post_max_size')); + $maxUploadFilesize = min($upload_max_filesize, $post_max_size); + + $freeSpace=OC_Filesystem::free_space('/'); + $freeSpace=max($freeSpace,0); + $maxUploadFilesize = min($maxUploadFilesize ,$freeSpace); $details = OC_Contacts_VCard::structureContact($vcard); $name = $details['FN'][0]['value']; - $tmpl = new OC_Template('contacts','part.details'); + $t = $new ? 'part.contact' : 'part.details'; + $tmpl = new OC_Template('contacts',$t); $tmpl->assign('details',$details); $tmpl->assign('id',$id); + $tmpl->assign( 'uploadMaxFilesize', $maxUploadFilesize); + $tmpl->assign( 'uploadMaxHumanFilesize', OC_Helper::humanFileSize($maxUploadFilesize)); $tmpl->assign('property_types',$property_types); $tmpl->assign('adr_types',$adr_types); $tmpl->assign('phone_types',$phone_types); diff --git a/apps/contacts/lib/vcard.php b/apps/contacts/lib/vcard.php index 04b59a040f..ceac2dcfad 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/lib/vcard.php +++ b/apps/contacts/lib/vcard.php @@ -159,15 +159,27 @@ class OC_Contacts_VCard{ */ public static function addFromDAVData($id,$uri,$data){ $fn = null; + $email = null; $card = OC_VObject::parse($data); if(!is_null($card)){ foreach($card->children as $property){ if($property->name == 'FN'){ $fn = $property->value; - break; + } + if($property->name == 'EMAIL' && is_null($email)){ + $email = $property->value; } } } + if(!$fn) { + if($email) { + $fn = $email; + } else { + $fn = 'Unknown'; + } + $card->addProperty('EMAIL', $email); + $data = $card->serialize(); + } $stmt = OC_DB::prepare( 'INSERT INTO *PREFIX*contacts_cards (addressbookid,fullname,carddata,uri,lastmodified) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)' ); $result = $stmt->execute(array($id,$fn,$data,$uri,time())); @@ -311,7 +323,7 @@ class OC_Contacts_VCard{ */ public static function structureProperty($property){ $value = $property->value; - $value = htmlspecialchars($value); + //$value = htmlspecialchars($value); if($property->name == 'ADR' || $property->name == 'N'){ $value = OC_VObject::unescapeSemicolons($value); } diff --git a/apps/contacts/photo.php b/apps/contacts/photo.php index 60dd81140b..478ef829ca 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/photo.php +++ b/apps/contacts/photo.php @@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ OC_Util::checkLoggedIn(); OC_Util::checkAppEnabled('contacts'); $id = $_GET['id']; - +if(isset($GET['refresh'])) { + header("Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); +} $l10n = new OC_L10N('contacts'); $card = OC_Contacts_VCard::find( $id ); @@ -42,28 +44,45 @@ if( $addressbook === false || $addressbook['userid'] != OC_USER::getUser()){ } $content = OC_VObject::parse($card['carddata']); - +$image = new OC_Image(); // invalid vcard if( is_null($content)){ - echo $l10n->t('This card is not RFC compatible.'); + $image->loadFromFile('img/person_large.png'); + header('Content-Type: '.$image->mimeType()); + $image(); + //echo $l10n->t('This card is not RFC compatible.'); exit(); -} -// Photo :-) -foreach($content->children as $child){ - if($child->name == 'PHOTO'){ - $mime = 'image/jpeg'; - foreach($child->parameters as $parameter){ - if( $parameter->name == 'TYPE' ){ - $mime = $parameter->value; +} else { + // Photo :-) + foreach($content->children as $child){ + if($child->name == 'PHOTO'){ + $mime = 'image/jpeg'; + foreach($child->parameters as $parameter){ + if( $parameter->name == 'TYPE' ){ + $mime = $parameter->value; + } } + if($image->loadFromBase64($child->value)) { + header('Content-Type: '.$mime); + $image(); + exit(); + } else { + $image->loadFromFile('img/person_large.png'); + header('Content-Type: '.$image->mimeType()); + $image(); + } + //$photo = base64_decode($child->value); + //header('Content-Type: '.$mime); + //header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($photo)); + //echo $photo; + //exit(); } - $photo = base64_decode($child->value); - header('Content-Type: '.$mime); - header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($photo)); - echo $photo; - exit(); } } +$image->loadFromFile('img/person_large.png'); +header('Content-Type: '.$image->mimeType()); +$image(); +/* // Logo :-/ foreach($content->children as $child){ if($child->name == 'PHOTO'){ @@ -80,6 +99,6 @@ foreach($content->children as $child){ exit(); } } - +*/ // Not found :-( -echo $l10n->t('This card does not contain a photo.'); +//echo $l10n->t('This card does not contain a photo.'); diff --git a/apps/contacts/templates/part.addcardform.php b/apps/contacts/templates/part.addcardform.php index 53b32188dd..11457ff269 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/templates/part.addcardform.php +++ b/apps/contacts/templates/part.addcardform.php @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
    - +
    diff --git a/apps/contacts/templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php b/apps/contacts/templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php index ba008837f0..90894220ef 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php +++ b/apps/contacts/templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ for($i = 0; $i < count($option_addressbooks); $i++){ } ?> - - t('New Address Book') ?> + + t('New Address Book') ?> diff --git a/apps/contacts/templates/part.contacts.php b/apps/contacts/templates/part.contacts.php index 8d89e9c7ad..a6ac0f1096 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/templates/part.contacts.php +++ b/apps/contacts/templates/part.contacts.php @@ -1,3 +1,12 @@ - -
  • + +
  • diff --git a/apps/contacts/thumbnail.php b/apps/contacts/thumbnail.php index e49098ce82..36d395171a 100644 --- a/apps/contacts/thumbnail.php +++ b/apps/contacts/thumbnail.php @@ -22,24 +22,30 @@ // Init owncloud require_once('../../lib/base.php'); -OC_Util::checkLoggedIn(); +OC_JSON::checkLoggedIn(); +//OC_Util::checkLoggedIn(); OC_Util::checkAppEnabled('contacts'); +function getStandardImage(){ + $date = new DateTime('now'); + $date->add(new DateInterval('P10D')); + header('Expires: '.$date->format(DateTime::RFC850)); + header('Cache-Control: cache'); + header('Pragma: cache'); + header('Location: '.OC_Helper::imagePath('contacts', 'person.png')); + exit(); +// $src_img = imagecreatefrompng('img/person.png'); +// header('Content-Type: image/png'); +// imagepng($src_img); +// imagedestroy($src_img); +} + if(!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) { OC_Log::write('contacts','thumbnail.php. GD module not installed',OC_Log::DEBUG); - header('Content-Type: image/png'); - // TODO: Check if it works to read the file and echo the content. - return 'img/person.png'; + getStandardImage(); + exit(); } -function getStandardImage(){ - $src_img = imagecreatefrompng('img/person.png'); - header('Content-Type: image/png'); - imagepng($src_img); - imagedestroy($src_img); -} - - $id = $_GET['id']; $l10n = new OC_L10N('contacts'); @@ -69,18 +75,14 @@ if( is_null($content)){ $thumbnail_size = 23; -// Finf the photo from VCard. +// Find the photo from VCard. foreach($content->children as $child){ if($child->name == 'PHOTO'){ - foreach($child->parameters as $parameter){ - if( $parameter->name == 'TYPE' ){ - $mime = $parameter->value; - } - } $image = new OC_Image(); if($image->loadFromBase64($child->value)) { if($image->centerCrop()) { if($image->resize($thumbnail_size)) { + header('ETag: '.md5($child->value)); if(!$image()) { OC_Log::write('contacts','thumbnail.php. Couldn\'t display thumbnail for ID '.$id,OC_Log::ERROR); getStandardImage(); diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/appinfo/app.php b/apps/files_sharing/appinfo/app.php index a675175a8b..8049e9b0ae 100644 --- a/apps/files_sharing/appinfo/app.php +++ b/apps/files_sharing/appinfo/app.php @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ require_once('apps/files_sharing/sharedstorage.php'); OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Share'] = "apps/files_sharing/lib_share.php"; OC_Hook::connect("OC_Filesystem", "post_delete", "OC_Share", "deleteItem"); OC_Hook::connect("OC_Filesystem", "post_rename", "OC_Share", "renameItem"); +OC_Hook::connect("OC_Filesystem", "post_write", "OC_Share", "updateItem"); OC_Util::addScript("files_sharing", "share"); OC_Util::addScript("3rdparty", "chosen/chosen.jquery.min"); OC_Util::addStyle( 'files_sharing', 'sharing' ); diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/lib_share.php b/apps/files_sharing/lib_share.php index c1957d7b6c..049a74278b 100644 --- a/apps/files_sharing/lib_share.php +++ b/apps/files_sharing/lib_share.php @@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ class OC_Share { // Clear the folder size cache for the 'Shared' folder // $clearFolderSize = OC_DB::prepare("DELETE FROM *PREFIX*foldersize WHERE path = ?"); // $clearFolderSize->execute(array($sharedFolder)); + // Emit post_create and post_write hooks to notify of a new file in the user's filesystem + OC_Hook::emit("OC_Filesystem", "post_create", array('path' => $target)); + OC_Hook::emit("OC_Filesystem", "post_write", array('path' => $target)); } } } @@ -263,6 +266,18 @@ class OC_Share { } } + public static function getTarget($source) { + $source = self::cleanPath($source); + $query = OC_DB::prepare("SELECT target FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE source = ? AND uid_owner = ? LIMIT 1"); + $result = $query->execute(array($source, OC_User::getUser()))->fetchAll(); + if (count($result) > 0) { + return $result[0]['target']; + } else { + // TODO Check in folders + return false; + } + } + /** * Get the user's permissions for the item at the specified target location * @param $target The target location of the item @@ -380,8 +395,13 @@ class OC_Share { */ public static function deleteItem($arguments) { $source = "/".OC_User::getUser()."/files".self::cleanPath($arguments['path']); - $query = OC_DB::prepare("DELETE FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE SUBSTR(source, 1, ?) = ? AND uid_owner = ?"); - $query->execute(array(strlen($source), $source, OC_User::getUser())); + if ($target = self::getTarget($source)) { + // Forward hook to notify of changes to target file + OC_Hook::emit("OC_Filesystem", "post_delete", array('path' => $target)); + $query = OC_DB::prepare("DELETE FROM *PREFIX*sharing WHERE SUBSTR(source, 1, ?) = ? AND uid_owner = ?"); + $query->execute(array(strlen($source), $source, OC_User::getUser())); + } + } /** @@ -395,6 +415,14 @@ class OC_Share { $query->execute(array($oldSource, $newSource, OC_User::getUser())); } + public static function updateItem($arguments) { + $source = "/".OC_User::getUser()."/files".self::cleanPath($arguments['path']); + if ($target = self::getTarget($source)) { + // Forward hook to notify of changes to target file + OC_Hook::emit("OC_Filesystem", "post_write", array('path' => $target)); + } + } + } ?> diff --git a/apps/files_texteditor/js/editor.js b/apps/files_texteditor/js/editor.js index cb1af3dd6d..6e154bedb9 100644 --- a/apps/files_texteditor/js/editor.js +++ b/apps/files_texteditor/js/editor.js @@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ function hideFileEditor(){ // Keyboard Shortcuts var ctrlBtn = false; +// TODO fix detection of ctrl keyup // returns true if ctrl+s or cmd+s is being pressed function checkForSaveKeyPress(e){ if(e.which == 17 || e.which == 91) ctrlBtn=true; @@ -276,5 +277,5 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ bindControlEvents(); // Binds the save keyboard shortcut events - $(document).unbind('keydown').bind('keydown',checkForSaveKeyPress); + //$(document).unbind('keydown').bind('keydown',checkForSaveKeyPress); }); diff --git a/apps/gallery/ajax/cover.php b/apps/gallery/ajax/cover.php index 181a919375..068a6e9c4e 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/ajax/cover.php +++ b/apps/gallery/ajax/cover.php @@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ $x = min((int)($x/($box_size/$result->numRows())), $result->numRows()-1); // get $result->seek($x); // never throws $path = $result->fetchRow(); $path = $path['file_path']; -$tmp = OC::$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY . $path; -$imagesize = getimagesize($tmp); +$imagePath = OC_Filesystem::getLocalFile($img); +$imagesize = getimagesize($imagePath); header('Content-Type: image/png'); -$image = CroppedThumbnail($tmp, $box_size, $box_size); +$image = CroppedThumbnail($imagePath, $box_size, $box_size); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); diff --git a/apps/gallery/ajax/galleryOp.php b/apps/gallery/ajax/galleryOp.php index f162fe2bc4..0c2674f885 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/ajax/galleryOp.php +++ b/apps/gallery/ajax/galleryOp.php @@ -34,7 +34,11 @@ function handleRename($oldname, $newname) { function handleRemove($name) { OC_JSON::checkLoggedIn(); + $album_id = OC_Gallery_Album::find(OC_User::getUser(), $name); + $album_id = $album_id->fetchRow(); + $album_id = $album_id['album_id']; OC_Gallery_Album::remove(OC_User::getUser(), $name); + OC_Gallery_Photo::removeByAlbumId($album_id); } function handleGetThumbnails($albumname) { diff --git a/apps/gallery/appinfo/info.xml b/apps/gallery/appinfo/info.xml index c275f39bb2..9aecb0c781 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/appinfo/info.xml +++ b/apps/gallery/appinfo/info.xml @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ gallery Gallery - 0.2 + 0.3 AGPL Bartek Przybylski 2 diff --git a/apps/gallery/css/styles.css b/apps/gallery/css/styles.css index 4ada23b0b0..7872b6445c 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/css/styles.css +++ b/apps/gallery/css/styles.css @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ -div#gallery_list { margin: 90pt 20pt; } -div#gallery_list.leftcontent { padding-top: 15pt; margin: 0; position: absolute; bottom:0px; text-align: center; overflow: scroll; } -div#gallery_album_box { width: 200px; text-align: center; border: 0; display: inline-block; margin: 5pt; vertical-align: top; padding: 10px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; color: #999; } -div#gallery_album_box:hover { color: black; } -.leftcontent div#gallery_album_box { margin: 5px; } -div#gallery_album_box h1 { font-size: 9pt; font-family: Verdana; } -div#gallery_album_cover { width: 199px; height: 199px; border: solid 1pt #999; padding: 0; } -div#gallery_control_overlay { border: 0; position:absolute; right: 10pt; background-color: #333; opacity: 0.5; visibility:hidden; padding: 0 5pt; } -div#gallery_control_overlay a { color:white; } -#gallery_images.rightcontent { padding:10px 5px; position:absolute; bottom: 0px; overflow: scroll; } - +div#gallery_list { margin: 70pt 20pt 0 20pt; } +div#gallery_list.leftcontent { padding-top: 15pt; margin: 0; position: absolute; bottom:0px; text-align: center; overflow: auto; } +div.gallery_album_box { width: 200px; position:relative; text-align: center; border: 0; display: inline-block; margin: 5pt; vertical-align: top; padding: 20px 5px 5px 5px; position: relative; -webkit-transition: color 0.5s ease-in-out; -o-transition: color 0.5s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: color 0.5s ease-in-out;color: #BBB;} +div.gallery_album_box h1 { font-size: 9pt; font-family: Verdana; } +div.gallery_album_decoration { width: 200px; position: absolute; border: 0; height: 20px; top: 20px; text-align:right; vertical-align:middle; background-color: #eee; opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.5s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: opacity 0.5s ease-in-out; -o-transition: opacity 0.5s ease-in-out; border-bottom-right-radius: 7px; border-bottom-left-radius: 7px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 7px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft:7px;} +div.gallery_album_box:hover { color: black; } +div.gallery_album_box:hover div.gallery_album_decoration { opacity: 0.7;} +div.gallery_album_decoration a {padding: 0 4pt; cursor: pointer;} +div.gallery_album_cover { width: 200px; height: 200px; border: 0; padding: 0; position:relative;} +div.gallery_album_box:hover div.gallery_control_overlay { opacity:0.5 } +div.gallery_control_overlay a { color:white; } +#gallery_images.rightcontent { padding:10px 5px; bottom: 0px; overflow: auto; right:0px} +#scan { position:absolute; right:13.5em; top:0em; } +#scan #scanprogressbar { position:relative; display:inline-block; width:10em; height:1.5em; top:.4em; } diff --git a/apps/gallery/img/delete.png b/apps/gallery/img/delete.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc0c782882 Binary files /dev/null and b/apps/gallery/img/delete.png differ diff --git a/apps/gallery/img/rename.png b/apps/gallery/img/rename.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9993a092df Binary files /dev/null and b/apps/gallery/img/rename.png differ diff --git a/apps/gallery/img/share.png b/apps/gallery/img/share.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..62c4627f31 Binary files /dev/null and b/apps/gallery/img/share.png differ diff --git a/apps/gallery/js/album_cover.js b/apps/gallery/js/album_cover.js index e50593c008..e78db221cf 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/js/album_cover.js +++ b/apps/gallery/js/album_cover.js @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ $(document).ready(function() { if (targetDiv) { $(targetDiv).html(''); Albums.display(targetDiv); + $('#gallery_list').sortable({revert:true}); + $('.gallery_album_box').each(function(i, e) { + $(e).draggable({connectToSortable: '#gallery_list', handle: '.dummy'}) + }); } else { alert('Error occured: no such layer `gallery_list`'); } @@ -37,14 +41,15 @@ var totalAlbums = 0; function scanForAlbums() { var albumCounter = 0; var totalAlbums = 0; - $('#notification').text("Scanning directories"); - $("#notification").fadeIn(); - $("#notification").slideDown(); $.getJSON('ajax/galleryOp.php?operation=filescan', function(r) { if (r.status == 'success') { totalAlbums = r.paths.length; - $('#notification').text("Creating thumbnails ... " + Math.floor((albumCounter/totalAlbums)*100) + "%"); + if (totalAlbums == 0) { + $('#notification').text(t('gallery', "No photos found")).fadeIn().slideDown().delay(3000).fadeOut().slideUp(); + return; + } + $('#scanprogressbar').progressbar({ value: (albumCounter/totalAlbums)*100 }).fadeIn(); for(var a in r.paths) { $.getJSON('ajax/galleryOp.php?operation=partial_create&path='+r.paths[a], function(r) { @@ -53,10 +58,9 @@ function scanForAlbums() { } albumCounter++; - $('#notification').text("Creating thumbnails ... " + Math.floor((albumCounter/totalAlbums)*100) + "%"); + $('#scanprogressbar').progressbar({ value: (albumCounter/totalAlbums)*100 }); if (albumCounter == totalAlbums) { - $("#notification").fadeOut(); - $("#notification").slideUp(); + $('#scanprogressbar').fadeOut(); var targetDiv = document.getElementById('gallery_list'); if (targetDiv) { targetDiv.innerHTML = ''; @@ -74,35 +78,71 @@ function scanForAlbums() { } function galleryRemove(albumName) { - if (confirm("Do you wan't to remove album " + albumName + "?")) { - $.getJSON("ajax/galleryOp.php", {operation: "remove", name: albumName}, function(r) { - if (r.status == "success") { - $("#gallery_album_box[title='"+albumName+"']").remove(); - Albums.remove(albumName); - } else { - alert("Error: " + r.cause); - } - }); - } + // a workaround for a flaw in the demo system (http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4375), ignore! + $( "#dialog:ui-dialog" ).dialog( "destroy" ); + $('#albumName', $("#dialog-confirm")).text(albumName); + + $( '#dialog-confirm' ).dialog({ + resizable: false, + height:150, + buttons: [{ + text: t('gallery', 'OK'), + click: function() { + $.getJSON("ajax/galleryOp.php", {operation: "remove", name: albumName}, function(r) { + if (r.status == "success") { + $(".gallery_album_box").filterAttr('data-album',albumName).remove(); + Albums.remove(albumName); + } else { + alert("Error: " + r.cause); + } + $('#dialog-confirm').dialog('close'); + }); + }}, + { + text: t('gallery', 'Cancel'), + click: function() { + $( this ).dialog( 'close' ); + }}] + }); } function galleryRename(name) { - var result = window.prompt("Input new gallery name", name); - if (result) { - if (Albums.find(result)) { - alert("Album named '" + result + "' already exists"); - return; - } - $.getJSON("ajax/galleryOp.php", {operation: "rename", oldname: name, newname: result}, function(r) { - if (r.status == "success") { - Albums.rename($("#gallery_album_box[title='"+name+"']"), result); - } else { - alert("Error: " + r.cause); - } - }); - - } else { - alert("Album name can't be empty") - } + $('#name', $('#dialog-form')).val(name); + $( "#dialog-form" ).dialog({ + height: 140, + width: 350, + modal: false, + buttons: [{ + text: t('gallery', 'Change name'), + click: function() { + var newname = $('#name', $('#dialog-form')).val(); + if (newname == name || newname == '') { + $(this).dialog("close"); + return; + } + if (Albums.find(newname)) { + alert("Album ", newname, " exists"); + $(this).dialog("close"); + return; + } + $.getJSON("ajax/galleryOp.php", {operation: "rename", oldname: name, newname: newname}, function(r) { + if (r.status == "success") { + Albums.rename($(".gallery_album_box").filterAttr('data-album',name), newname); + } else { + alert("Error: " + r.cause); + } + $('#dialog-form').dialog("close"); + }); + + } + }, + { + text: t('gallery', 'Cancel'), + click: function() { + $( this ).dialog( "close" ); + } + } + ], + }); } diff --git a/apps/gallery/js/albums.js b/apps/gallery/js/albums.js index 546aadba49..59efb5b565 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/js/albums.js +++ b/apps/gallery/js/albums.js @@ -41,27 +41,34 @@ Albums={ // displays gallery in linear representation // on given element, and apply default styles for gallery display: function(element) { - var displayTemplate = '
    '; + var displayTemplate = ''; for (var i in Albums.albums) { var a = Albums.albums[i]; - var local = $(displayTemplate.replace(/\*NAME\*/g, a.name)); - $("#gallery_album_cover", local).css('background-repeat', 'no-repeat'); - $("#gallery_album_cover", local).css('background-position', '0'); - $("#gallery_album_cover", local).css('background-image','url("ajax/galleryOp.php?operation=get_covers&albumname='+a.name+'")'); - local.mouseover(function(e) { - $("#gallery_control_overlay", this).css('visibility','visible'); - }); - local.mouseout(function(e) { - $("#gallery_control_overlay", this).css('visibility','hidden'); - }); - $("#gallery_album_cover", local).mousemove(function(e) { + var local=$(displayTemplate); + local.attr('data-album',a.name); + $(".gallery_album_decoration a.rename", local).click(function(name,event){ + event.preventDefault(); + galleryRename(name); + }.bind(null,a.name)); + $(".gallery_album_decoration a.remove", local).click(function(name,event){ + event.preventDefault(); + galleryRemove(name); + }.bind(null,a.name)); + $("a.view", local).attr('href','?view='+a.name); + $('h1',local).text(a.name); + $(".gallery_album_cover", local).attr('title',a.name); + $(".gallery_album_cover", local).css('background-repeat', 'no-repeat'); + $(".gallery_album_cover", local).css('background-position', '0'); + $(".gallery_album_cover", local).css('background-image','url("ajax/galleryOp.php?operation=get_covers&albumname='+a.name+'")'); + $(".gallery_album_cover", local).mousemove(function(e) { var albumMetadata = Albums.find(this.title); if (albumMetadata == undefined) { return; } - var x = Math.min(Math.floor((e.layerX - this.offsetLeft)/(this.offsetWidth/albumMetadata.numOfCovers)), albumMetadata.numOfCovers-1); - x *= this.offsetWidth-1; + var x = Math.floor((e.layerX - this.offsetLeft)/(this.offsetWidth/albumMetadata.numOfCovers)); + x *= this.offsetWidth; + if (x < 0) x=0; $(this).css('background-position', -x+'px 0'); }); $(element).append(local); @@ -69,8 +76,8 @@ Albums={ }, rename: function(element, new_name) { if (new_name) { - $(element).attr("title", new_name); - $("a", element).attr("href", "?view="+new_name); + $(element).attr("data-album", new_name); + $("a.view", element).attr("href", "?view="+new_name); $("h1", element).text(new_name); } } diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/ar.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/ar.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..64eec0f735 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/ar.php @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + "معرض صور", +"Scanning directories" => "بحث في المجلدات", +"No photos found" => "لم يتم العثور على صور", +"Creating thumbnails" => "صناعة مصغرات", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "هل تريد محي الالبوم", +"Input new gallery name" => "أدخل اسم معرض جديد", +"Rescan" => "اعادة البحث", +"Back" => "رجوع" +); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/ca.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/ca.php index f3eb40df55..39463a055e 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/l10n/ca.php +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/ca.php @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ "Galeria", +"Scanning directories" => "S'estan escanejant carpetes", +"No photos found" => "No s'han trobat fotos", +"Creating thumbnails" => "S'estan creant miniatures", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "Voleu eliminar l'àlbum", +"Input new gallery name" => "Escriviu el nom nou de la galeria", "Rescan" => "Escaneja de nou", "Back" => "Enrera" ); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/cs_CZ.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/cs_CZ.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..446374389a --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/cs_CZ.php @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + "Galerie", +"Scanning directories" => "Prohledávám adresáře", +"No photos found" => "Nenalezeny žádné fotky", +"Creating thumbnails" => "Vytvářím náhledy", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "Chcete odstranit album?", +"Input new gallery name" => "Zadejte nový název galerie", +"Rescan" => "Opakované prohledání", +"Back" => "Zpět" +); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/da.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/da.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..713ffdbadc --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/da.php @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + "Galleri", +"Scanning directories" => "Gennemgår mapper", +"No photos found" => "Ingen billeder fundet", +"Creating thumbnails" => "Danner miniaturer", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "Ønsker du at fjerne albummet", +"Input new gallery name" => "Indtast navn på nyt galleri", +"Rescan" => "Genindlæs", +"Back" => "Tilbage" +); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/de.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/de.php index b7f1934189..e72df4e5cb 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/l10n/de.php +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/de.php @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ "Galerie", +"Scanning directories" => "Ordner werden durchsucht.", +"No photos found" => "Keine Fotos gefunden", +"Creating thumbnails" => "Thumbnails werden erstellt.", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "Soll das Album entfernt werden?", +"Input new gallery name" => "Gib den Albumnamen ein.", "Rescan" => "Rescan", "Back" => "Zurück" ); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/es.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/es.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96cee7b1d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/es.php @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + "Galería", +"Scanning directories" => "Escaneando directorios", +"No photos found" => "No se encontraron fotos", +"Creating thumbnails" => "Creando miniaturas", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "Quieres eliminar el álbum", +"Input new gallery name" => "Introduce el nuevo nombre de la galería", +"Rescan" => "Refrescar", +"Back" => "Atrás" +); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/et_EE.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/et_EE.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1a862db78f --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/et_EE.php @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + "Galerii", +"Rescan" => "Skänni uuesti", +"Back" => "Tagasi" +); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/fr.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/fr.php index 17902bd70c..6668ec6da6 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/l10n/fr.php +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/fr.php @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ "Galerie", +"Scanning directories" => "Analyse des répertoires", +"Creating thumbnails" => "Création des miniatures", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "Voulez-vous supprimer l'album", +"Input new gallery name" => "Entrez le nom de l'album", "Rescan" => "Analyser à nouveau", "Back" => "Retour" ); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/ia.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/ia.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c65a396d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/ia.php @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + "Retro" +); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/it.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/it.php index 0f95cc3af6..789940f0e7 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/l10n/it.php +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/it.php @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ "Galleria", +"Scanning directories" => "Analisi cartelle in corso", +"No photos found" => "Nessuna foto trovata", +"Creating thumbnails" => "Creazione anteprime in corso", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "Vuoi rimuovere l'album", +"Input new gallery name" => "Inserisci il nome della nuova galleria", "Rescan" => "Rileggi", "Back" => "Indietro" ); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/ja_JP.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/ja_JP.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..20916cca85 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/ja_JP.php @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + "ギャラリー", +"Scanning directories" => "ディレクトリをスキャン中", +"No photos found" => "写真が見つかりませんでした", +"Creating thumbnails" => "サムネイルを作成中", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "アルバムを削除しますか", +"Input new gallery name" => "新しいギャラリー名を作る", +"Rescan" => "再スキャン", +"Back" => "戻る" +); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/pl.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/pl.php index d0c51c0f81..20baaf713a 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/l10n/pl.php +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/pl.php @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ "Galeria", - "Rescan" => "Przeskanuj", - "Back" => "Wróć" +"Gallery" => "Galeria", +"Scanning directories" => "Skanuje katalogi", +"No photos found" => "Nie znaleziono zdjęć", +"Creating thumbnails" => "Tworzenie miniatur", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "Czy chcesz usunąć album", +"Input new gallery name" => "Wprowadź nową nazwę galerii", +"Rescan" => "Przeskanuj", +"Back" => "Wróć" ); -?> diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/ru.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/ru.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc211f6c1e --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/ru.php @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + "Галерея", +"Scanning directories" => "Сканирование папок", +"Creating thumbnails" => "Создание миниатюр", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "Вы желаете удалить альбом", +"Input new gallery name" => "Введите название галереи", +"Rescan" => "Пересканировать", +"Back" => "Назад" +); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/sk_SK.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/sk_SK.php index d8ae41af96..26301562cf 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/l10n/sk_SK.php +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/sk_SK.php @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ "Galéria", +"Scanning directories" => "Prehľadávam priečinky", +"No photos found" => "Neboli nájdené žiadne fotografie", +"Creating thumbnails" => "Vytváram náhľady", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "Chcete odstrániť album", +"Input new gallery name" => "Vložte meno novej galérie", "Rescan" => "Znovu oskenovať", "Back" => "Späť" ); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/th_TH.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/th_TH.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fa6c84f03d --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/th_TH.php @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + "แกลอรี่", +"Scanning directories" => "กำลังสแกนไดเร็กทอรี่", +"No photos found" => "ไม่พบรูปภาพที่ต้องการ", +"Creating thumbnails" => "การสร้างรูปขนาดย่อ", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "คุณต้องการลบอัลบั้มนี้ออกหรือไม่", +"Input new gallery name" => "กรอกชื่อแกลอรี่ใหม่", +"Rescan" => "ตรวจสอบอีกครั้ง", +"Back" => "ย้อนกลับ" +); diff --git a/apps/gallery/l10n/zh_CN.php b/apps/gallery/l10n/zh_CN.php index c506600c4c..c7d37692ae 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/l10n/zh_CN.php +++ b/apps/gallery/l10n/zh_CN.php @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ "画廊", +"Gallery" => "图库", +"Scanning directories" => "扫描目录", +"Creating thumbnails" => "创建缩略图", +"Do you wan't to remove album" => "您是否想要移除相册", +"Input new gallery name" => "输入新图库名称", "Rescan" => "重新扫描", "Back" => "返回" ); diff --git a/apps/gallery/lib/album.php b/apps/gallery/lib/album.php index 72653c8de1..4eb12cc0b8 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/lib/album.php +++ b/apps/gallery/lib/album.php @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class OC_Gallery_Album { } public static function rename($oldname, $newname, $owner) { - $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE OR IGNORE *PREFIX*gallery_albums SET album_name=? WHERE uid_owner=? AND album_name=?'); + $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE *PREFIX*gallery_albums SET album_name=? WHERE uid_owner=? AND album_name=?'); $stmt->execute(array($newname, $owner, $oldname)); } @@ -69,12 +69,14 @@ class OC_Gallery_Album { $sql .= ' AND album_path = ?'; $args[] = $path; } + $sql .= ' ORDER BY album_name ASC'; + $stmt = OC_DB::prepare($sql); return $stmt->execute($args); } public static function changePath($oldname, $newname, $owner) { - $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE OR IGNORE *PREFIX*gallery_albums SET album_path=? WHERE uid_owner=? AND album_path=?'); + $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE *PREFIX*gallery_albums SET album_path=? WHERE uid_owner=? AND album_path=?'); $stmt->execute(array($newname, $owner, $oldname)); } diff --git a/apps/gallery/lib/hooks_handlers.php b/apps/gallery/lib/hooks_handlers.php index 7248e67f0a..236a4b96a0 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/lib/hooks_handlers.php +++ b/apps/gallery/lib/hooks_handlers.php @@ -32,10 +32,8 @@ class OC_Gallery_Hooks_Handlers { private static $APP_TAG = "Gallery"; private static function isPhoto($filename) { - OC_Log::write(self::$APP_TAG, "Checking file ".$filename." with mimetype ".OC_Filesystem::getMimeType($filename), OC_Log::DEBUG); - if (substr(OC_Filesystem::getMimeType($filename), 0, 6) == "image/") - return true; - return false; + $ext = strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.')+1)); + return $ext=='png' || $ext=='jpeg' || $ext=='jpg' || $ext=='gif'; } private static function directoryContainsPhotos($dirpath) { @@ -65,21 +63,8 @@ class OC_Gallery_Hooks_Handlers { if (!self::isPhoto($fullpath)) return; - OC_Log::write(self::$APP_TAG, 'Adding file with path '. $fullpath, OC_Log::DEBUG); $path = substr($fullpath, 0, strrpos($fullpath, '/')); - if ($path == '') $path = '/'; - $album = OC_Gallery_Album::find(OC_User::getUser(), null, $path); - - if ($album->numRows() == 0) { - $album = self::createAlbum($path); - } - $album = $album->fetchRow(); - $albumId = $album['album_id']; - $photo = OC_Gallery_Photo::find($albumId, $fullpath); - if ($photo->numRows() == 0) { // don't duplicate photo entries - OC_Log::write(self::$APP_TAG, 'Adding new photo to album', OC_Log::DEBUG); - OC_Gallery_Photo::create($albumId, $fullpath); - } + OC_Gallery_Scanner::scanDir($path, $albums); } @@ -87,6 +72,7 @@ class OC_Gallery_Hooks_Handlers { $path = $params[OC_Filesystem::signal_param_path]; if (OC_Filesystem::is_dir($path) && self::directoryContainsPhotos($path)) { OC_Gallery_Album::removeByPath($path, OC_User::getUser()); + OC_Gallery_Photo::removeByPath($path.'/%'); } elseif (self::isPhoto($path)) { OC_Gallery_Photo::removeByPath($path); } diff --git a/apps/gallery/lib/images_utils.php b/apps/gallery/lib/images_utils.php index 0cfa52eb56..126298913b 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/lib/images_utils.php +++ b/apps/gallery/lib/images_utils.php @@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ * */ -require_once('../../../lib/base.php'); +if (file_exists('../../../lib/base.php')) + require_once('../../../lib/base.php'); +elseif (file_exists('lib/base.php')) + require_once('lib/base.php'); + OC_JSON::checkLoggedIn(); OC_JSON::checkAppEnabled('gallery'); diff --git a/apps/gallery/lib/photo.php b/apps/gallery/lib/photo.php index 14b0c4b2a0..d1fb166aee 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/lib/photo.php +++ b/apps/gallery/lib/photo.php @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class OC_Gallery_Photo{ } public static function removeByPath($path) { - $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM *PREFIX*gallery_photos WHERE file_path = ?'); + $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM *PREFIX*gallery_photos WHERE file_path LIKE ?'); $stmt->execute(array($path)); } diff --git a/apps/gallery/lib/scanner.php b/apps/gallery/lib/scanner.php index 4ce38a9953..dfb9edebfe 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/lib/scanner.php +++ b/apps/gallery/lib/scanner.php @@ -59,9 +59,10 @@ class OC_Gallery_Scanner { $albums['imagesCount'] = $current_album['imagesCount']; $albums['albumName'] = $current_album['name']; - $result = OC_Gallery_Album::find(OC_User::getUser(), $current_album['name']); + $result = OC_Gallery_Album::find(OC_User::getUser(), /*$current_album['name']*/ null, $path); + // don't duplicate galleries with same path (bug oc-33) if ($result->numRows() == 0 && count($current_album['images'])) { - OC_Gallery_Album::create(OC_User::getUser(), $current_album['name'], $path); + OC_Gallery_Album::create(OC_User::getUser(), $current_album['name'], $path); $result = OC_Gallery_Album::find(OC_User::getUser(), $current_album['name']); } $albumId = $result->fetchRow(); @@ -81,15 +82,15 @@ class OC_Gallery_Scanner { $file_count = min(count($files), 10); $thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($file_count*200, 200); for ($i = 0; $i < $file_count; $i++) { - CroppedThumbnail(OC_Config::getValue("datadirectory").'/'. OC_User::getUser() .'/files/'.$files[$i], 200, 200, $thumbnail, $i*200); + $imagePath = OC_Filesystem::getLocalFile($files[$i]); + CroppedThumbnail($imagePath, 200, 200, $thumbnail, $i*200); } imagepng($thumbnail, OC_Config::getValue("datadirectory").'/'. OC_User::getUser() .'/gallery/' . $albumName.'.png'); } public static function isPhoto($filename) { - if (substr(OC_Filesystem::getMimeType($filename), 0, 6) == "image/") - return 1; - return 0; + $ext = strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.')+1)); + return $ext=='png' || $ext=='jpeg' || $ext=='jpg' || $ext=='gif'; } public static function find_paths($path) { diff --git a/apps/gallery/templates/index.php b/apps/gallery/templates/index.php index eb6ebd1bb7..4c2fbcfe6c 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/templates/index.php +++ b/apps/gallery/templates/index.php @@ -7,8 +7,24 @@ $l = new OC_L10N('gallery');
    - -
    + +
    + + + + + diff --git a/apps/gallery/templates/view_album.php b/apps/gallery/templates/view_album.php index 55a2ee09e4..6b513a672d 100644 --- a/apps/gallery/templates/view_album.php +++ b/apps/gallery/templates/view_album.php @@ -32,3 +32,16 @@ foreach ($_['photos'] as $a) { } ?>
    + + + + diff --git a/apps/media/ajax/api.php b/apps/media/ajax/api.php index 93298c82c5..4a93e84910 100644 --- a/apps/media/ajax/api.php +++ b/apps/media/ajax/api.php @@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8') ; -//no apps -$RUNTIME_NOAPPS=true; - require_once('../../../lib/base.php'); OC_JSON::checkAppEnabled('media'); require_once('../lib_collection.php'); diff --git a/apps/media/css/music.css b/apps/media/css/music.css index bcd8cf9178..91da9ec40e 100644 --- a/apps/media/css/music.css +++ b/apps/media/css/music.css @@ -17,20 +17,18 @@ a.jp-mute,a.jp-unmute { left:24em; } div.jp-volume-bar { position:absolute; overflow:hidden; background:#eee; width:4em; height:0.4em; cursor:pointer; top:1.3em; left:27em; } div.jp-volume-bar-value { background:#ccc; width:0; height:0.4em; } -#collection { padding-top:1em; position:relative; width:100%; float:left; } -#collection li.album,#collection li.song { margin-left:3em; } +#collection { padding-top:1em; position:relative; width:100%; float:left; table-layout:fixed; } +#collection td { overflow:hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap; } #leftcontent img.remove { display:none; float:right; cursor:pointer; opacity: 0; } #leftcontent li:hover img.remove { display:inline; opacity: .3; } #leftcontent li div.label { float: left; width: 200px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } -#collection li button { float:right; } -#collection li,#playlist li { list-style-type:none; } +#playlist li { list-style-type:none; } .template { display:none; } .collection_playing { background:#eee; font-weight: bold; } -#collection li { padding-right:10px; } #searchresults input.play, #searchresults input.add { float:left; height:1em; width:1em; } #collection tr.collapsed td.album, #collection tr.collapsed td.title { color:#ddd; } -td.artist img, td.artist a, td.album img, td.album a { float: left; } +#collection td.artist-expander, #collection td.album-expander { width:2em; text-align:center; } td.artist a.expander, td.album a.expander { float:right; padding:0 1em; } tr.active td { background-color:#eee; font-weight:bold; } tr td { border-top:1px solid #eee; height:2.2em; } diff --git a/apps/media/js/collection.js b/apps/media/js/collection.js index 6525df55c7..2249acf3cc 100644 --- a/apps/media/js/collection.js +++ b/apps/media/js/collection.js @@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ Collection={ Collection.loadedListeners[i](); } if(data.songs.length==0){ - $('#scan input.start').val(t('media','Scan Collection')); $('#scan input.start').click(); } @@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ Collection={ } tr.find('td.artist').addClass('buttons'); Collection.addButtons(tr,artist); - tr.children('td.artist').append(expander); + tr.children('td.artist-expander').append(expander); tr.attr('data-artist',artist.name); Collection.parent.find('tbody').append(tr); } @@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ Collection={ newRow.find('td.artist').text(''); newRow.find('.expander').remove(); } - newRow.find('td.album .expander').remove(); + newRow.find('td.album-expander .expander').remove(); if(i==0){ newRow.find('td.album a').text(album.name); newRow.find('td.album a').click(function(event){ @@ -165,7 +164,7 @@ Collection={ Collection.showAlbum(tr.data('artist'),tr.data('album')); } }); - newRow.children('td.album').append(expander); + newRow.children('td.album-expander').append(expander); } Collection.addButtons(newRow,album); } else { @@ -192,15 +191,15 @@ Collection={ }); }); tr.removeClass('collapsed'); - tr.find('td.artist a.expander').data('expanded',true); - tr.find('td.artist a.expander').addClass('expanded'); - tr.find('td.artist a.expander').text('v'); + tr.find('td.artist-expander a.expander').data('expanded',true); + tr.find('td.artist-expander a.expander').addClass('expanded'); + tr.find('td.artist-expander a.expander').text('v'); }, hideArtist:function(artist){ var tr=Collection.parent.find('tr[data-artist="'+artist+'"]'); var artist=tr.first().data('artistData'); tr.first().find('td.album a').first().text(artist.albums.length+' '+t('media','albums')); - tr.first().find('td.album a.expander').remove(); + tr.first().find('td.album-expander a.expander').remove(); tr.first().find('td.title a').text(artist.songs.length+' '+t('media','songs')); tr.first().find('td.album a').unbind('click'); tr.first().find('td.title a').unbind('click'); @@ -209,18 +208,18 @@ Collection={ $(row).remove(); } }); - tr.find('td.artist a.expander').data('expanded',false); - tr.find('td.artist a.expander').removeClass('expanded'); - tr.find('td.artist a.expander').text('>'); + tr.find('td.artist-expander a.expander').data('expanded',false); + tr.find('td.artist-expander a.expander').removeClass('expanded'); + tr.find('td.artist-expander a.expander').text('>'); Collection.addButtons(tr,artist); }, showAlbum:function(artist,album){ var tr = Collection.parent.find('tr[data-artist="'+artist+'"][data-album="'+album+'"]'); var lastRow=tr; var albumData=tr.data('albumData'); - tr.find('td.album a.expander').data('expanded',true); - tr.find('td.album a.expander').addClass('expanded'); - tr.find('td.album a.expander').text('v'); + tr.find('td.album-expander a.expander').data('expanded',true); + tr.find('td.album-expander a.expander').addClass('expanded'); + tr.find('td.album-expander a.expander').text('v'); $.each(albumData.songs,function(i,song){ if(i>0){ var newRow=tr.clone(); @@ -248,9 +247,9 @@ Collection={ var tr = Collection.parent.find('tr[data-artist="'+artist+'"][data-album="'+album+'"]'); var albumData=tr.data('albumData'); tr.first().find('td.title a').text(albumData.songs.length+' '+t('media','songs')); - tr.find('td.album a.expander').data('expanded',false); - tr.find('td.album a.expander').removeClass('expanded'); - tr.find('td.album a.expander').text('> '); + tr.find('td.album-expander a.expander').data('expanded',false); + tr.find('td.album-expander a.expander').removeClass('expanded'); + tr.find('td.album-expander a.expander').text('> '); tr.each(function(i,row){ if(i>0){ $(row).remove(); @@ -318,33 +317,31 @@ Collection={ } }, addSong:function(song){ - var artist=false - var album=false; - for(var i=0;i "เพลง", +"Play" => "เล่น", +"Pause" => "หยุดชั่วคราว", +"Previous" => "ก่อนหน้า", +"Next" => "ถัดไป", +"Mute" => "ปิดเสียง", +"Unmute" => "เปิดเสียง", +"Rescan Collection" => "ตรวจสอบไฟล์ที่เก็บไว้อีกครั้ง", +"Artist" => "ศิลปิน", +"Album" => "อัลบั้ม", +"Title" => "ชื่อ" +); diff --git a/apps/media/lib_ampache.php b/apps/media/lib_ampache.php index bc1f853047..138b65d1fd 100644 --- a/apps/media/lib_ampache.php +++ b/apps/media/lib_ampache.php @@ -24,6 +24,31 @@ //implementation of ampache's xml api class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ + /** + * fix the string to be XML compatible + * @param string name + * @return string + */ + + /* this is an ugly hack(tm), this should be: */ + /* htmlentities($name, ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8'); */ + /* with PHP 5.4 and later */ + public static function fixXmlString($name){ + $result=str_replace("&", "&", $name); + $result=str_replace("'", "'", $result); + $result=str_replace("<", "<", $result); + $result=str_replace(">", ">", $result); + $result=str_replace("\"", """, $result); + $result=str_replace("Ä", "Ä", $result); + $result=str_replace("Ö", "Ö", $result); + $result=str_replace("Ü", "Ü", $result); + $result=str_replace("ä", "ä", $result); + $result=str_replace("ö", "ö", $result); + $result=str_replace("ü", "ü", $result); + $result=str_replace("ß", "ß", $result); + return $result; + } + /** * do the initial handshake * @param array params @@ -34,6 +59,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ $time=(isset($params['timestamp']))?$params['timestamp']:false; $now=time(); if($now-$time>(10*60)){ + echo(''); echo(" timestamp is more then 10 minutes old "); @@ -54,6 +80,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ $query=OC_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO *PREFIX*media_sessions (`session_id`, `token`, `user_id`, `start`) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, now());"); $query->execute(array($token,$user)); $expire=date('c',time()+600); + echo(''); echo(" $token 350001 @@ -71,10 +98,12 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ return; } } + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); }else{ + echo(''); echo(" Missing arguments "); @@ -86,12 +115,14 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ if(self::checkAuth($params['auth'])){ self::updateAuth($params['auth']); }else{ + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); return; } } + echo(''); echo(''); echo('350001'); echo(''); @@ -128,7 +159,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ $albums=count(OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getAlbums($artist['artist_id'])); $songs=count(OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getSongs($artist['artist_id'])); $id=$artist['artist_id']; - $name=htmlentities($artist['artist_name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); + $name=self::fixXmlString($artist['artist_name']); echo("\t\n"); echo("\t\t$name\n"); echo("\t\t$albums\n"); @@ -142,16 +173,19 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ if(!$artistName){ $artistName=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getArtistName($album['album_artist']); } - $artistName=htmlentities($artistName, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); + $artistName=self::fixXmlString($artistName); $songs=count(OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getSongs($album['album_artist'],$album['album_id'])); $id=$album['album_id']; - $name=htmlentities($album['album_name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); + $name=self::fixXmlString($album['album_name']); $artist=$album['album_artist']; echo("\t\n"); echo("\t\t$name\n"); echo("\t\t$artistName\n"); echo("\t\t$songs\n"); echo("\t\t0\n"); + echo("\t\t0\n"); /* make Viridian happy */ + echo("\t\t1\n"); /* make Viridian happy */ + echo("\t\t \n"); /* single space to make quickplay happy enough */ echo("\t\t0\n"); echo("\t\n"); } @@ -163,10 +197,10 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ if(!$albumName){ $albumName=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getAlbumName($song['song_album']); } - $artistName=htmlentities($artistName, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); - $albumName=htmlentities($albumName, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); + $artistName=self::fixXmlString($artistName); + $albumName=self::fixXmlString($albumName); $id=$song['song_id']; - $name=htmlentities($song['song_name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); + $name=self::fixXmlString($song['song_name']); $artist=$song['song_artist']; $album=$song['song_album']; echo("\t\n"); @@ -174,12 +208,12 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ echo("\t\t$artistName\n"); echo("\t\t$albumName\n"); $url=OC_Helper::linkTo('media', 'server/xml.server.php', null, true)."?action=play&song=$id&auth={$_GET['auth']}"; - $url=htmlentities($url); + $url=self::fixXmlString($url); echo("\t\t$url\n"); echo("\t\t\n"); echo("\t\t{$song['song_track']}\n"); echo("\t\t{$song['song_size']}\n"); - echo("\t\t\n"); + echo("\t\t \n"); /* single space to make Viridian happy enough */ echo("\t\t0\n"); echo("\t\t0\n"); echo("\t\n"); @@ -187,6 +221,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ public static function artists($params){ if(!self::checkAuth($params)){ + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); @@ -195,6 +230,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ $filter=isset($params['filter'])?$params['filter']:''; $exact=isset($params['exact'])?($params['exact']=='true'):false; $artists=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getArtists($filter,$exact); + echo(''); echo(''); foreach($artists as $artist){ self::printArtist($artist); @@ -204,6 +240,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ public static function artist_songs($params){ if(!self::checkAuth($params)){ + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); @@ -212,6 +249,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ $filter=isset($params['filter'])?$params['filter']:''; $songs=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getSongs($filter); $artist=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getArtistName($filter); + echo(''); echo(''); foreach($songs as $song){ self::printSong($song,$artist); @@ -221,6 +259,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ public static function artist_albums($params){ if(!self::checkAuth($params)){ + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); @@ -230,6 +269,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ $filter=$params['filter']; $albums=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getAlbums($filter); $artist=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getArtistName($filter); + echo(''); echo(''); foreach($albums as $album){ self::printAlbum($album,$artist); @@ -239,6 +279,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ public static function albums($params){ if(!self::checkAuth($params)){ + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); @@ -247,15 +288,17 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ $filter=isset($params['filter'])?$params['filter']:''; $exact=isset($params['exact'])?($params['exact']=='true'):false; $albums=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getAlbums(0,$filter,$exact); + echo(''); echo(''); foreach($albums as $album){ - self::printAlbum($album,$artist); + self::printAlbum($album,false); } echo(''); } public static function album_songs($params){ if(!self::checkAuth($params)){ + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); @@ -265,6 +308,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ if(count($songs)>0){ $artist=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getArtistName($songs[0]['song_artist']); } + echo(''); echo(''); foreach($songs as $song){ self::printSong($song,$artist); @@ -274,6 +318,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ public static function songs($params){ if(!self::checkAuth($params)){ + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); @@ -282,6 +327,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ $filter=isset($params['filter'])?$params['filter']:''; $exact=isset($params['exact'])?($params['exact']=='true'):false; $songs=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getSongs(0,0,$filter,$exact); + echo(''); echo(''); foreach($songs as $song){ self::printSong($song); @@ -291,12 +337,14 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ public static function song($params){ if(!self::checkAuth($params)){ + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); return; } if($song=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getSong($params['filter'])){ + echo(''); echo(''); self::printSong($song); echo(''); @@ -306,6 +354,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ public static function play($params){ $username=!self::checkAuth($params); if($username){ + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); @@ -322,6 +371,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ public static function url_to_song($params){ if(!self::checkAuth($params)){ + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); @@ -330,6 +380,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ $url=$params['url']; $songId=substr($url,strrpos($url,'song=')+5); if($song=OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getSong($songId)){ + echo(''); echo(''); self::printSong($song); echo(''); @@ -338,6 +389,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ public static function search_songs($params){ if(!self::checkAuth($params)){ + echo(''); echo(" Invalid login "); @@ -353,6 +405,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE{ foreach($albums as $album){ $songs=array_merge($songs,OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION::getSongs($album['album_artist'],$album['album_id'])); } + echo(''); echo(''); foreach($songs as $song){ self::printSong($song); diff --git a/apps/media/lib_collection.php b/apps/media/lib_collection.php index d8dda1212e..411acd9750 100644 --- a/apps/media/lib_collection.php +++ b/apps/media/lib_collection.php @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_COLLECTION{ }else{ $searchString=''; } - $query=OC_DB::prepare("SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*media_songs WHERE song_user=? $artistString $albumString $searchString ORDER BY song_track, song_name"); + $query=OC_DB::prepare("SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*media_songs WHERE song_user=? $artistString $albumString $searchString ORDER BY song_track, song_name, song_path"); return $query->execute($params)->fetchAll(); } diff --git a/apps/media/lib_media.php b/apps/media/lib_media.php index 485d616e1a..0ade0e593d 100644 --- a/apps/media/lib_media.php +++ b/apps/media/lib_media.php @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ OC_Hook::connect('OC_User','post_login','OC_MEDIA','loginListener'); OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem','post_write','OC_MEDIA','updateFile'); //listen for file deletions to clean the database if a song is deleted -OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem','delete','OC_MEDIA','deleteFile'); +OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem','post_delete','OC_MEDIA','deleteFile'); //list for file moves to update the database OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem','post_rename','OC_MEDIA','moveFile'); diff --git a/apps/media/lib_scanner.php b/apps/media/lib_scanner.php index 4039cce09e..8b659c73b6 100644 --- a/apps/media/lib_scanner.php +++ b/apps/media/lib_scanner.php @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class OC_MEDIA_SCANNER{ * @return bool */ public static function isMusic($filename){ - $ext=substr($filename,strrpos($filename,'.')+1); + $ext=strtolower(substr($filename,strrpos($filename,'.')+1)); return $ext=='mp3' || $ext=='flac' || $ext=='m4a' || $ext=='ogg' || $ext=='oga'; } } diff --git a/apps/media/server/xml.server.php b/apps/media/server/xml.server.php index 7e320a7f59..cb9b68fc42 100644 --- a/apps/media/server/xml.server.php +++ b/apps/media/server/xml.server.php @@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ if(isset($arguments['action'])){ case 'search_songs': OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE::search_songs($arguments); break; + case 'song': + OC_MEDIA_AMPACHE::song($arguments); + break; } } diff --git a/apps/media/templates/music.php b/apps/media/templates/music.php index 7764a315a8..3959d98947 100644 --- a/apps/media/templates/music.php +++ b/apps/media/templates/music.php @@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ + + diff --git a/core/js/eventsource.js b/core/js/eventsource.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..422f97657b --- /dev/null +++ b/core/js/eventsource.js @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +/** + * ownCloud + * + * @author Robin Appelman + * @copyright 2012 Robin Appelman icewind1991@gmail.com + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 3 of the License, or any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with this library. If not, see . + * + */ + +/** + * wrapper for server side events (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server-sent_events) + * includes a fallback for older browsers and IE + * + * use server side events with causion, to many open requests can hang the server + */ + +OC.EventSource=function(src){ + if(!this.useFallBack && typeof EventSource !='undefined'){ + this.source=new EventSource(src); + this.source.onmessage=function(e){ + for(var i=0;i'); + this.iframe.attr('id',iframeId); + this.iframe.hide(); + this.iframe.attr('src',src+'?fallback=true&fallback_id='+OC.EventSource.iframeCount); + $('body').append(this.iframe); + this.useFallBack=true; + OC.EventSource.iframeCount++ + + } +} +OC.EventSource.fallBackSources=[]; +OC.EventSource.iframeCount=0;//number of fallback iframes +OC.EventSource.fallBackCallBack=function(id,type,data){ + OC.EventSource.fallBackSources[id].fallBackCallBack(type,JSON.parse(data)); +} +OC.EventSource.prototype={ + typelessListeners:[], + iframe:null, + listeners:{},//only for fallback + useFallBack:false, + fallBackCallBack:function(type,data){ + if(type){ + for(var i=0;i "استرجاع كلمة السر", +"Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "استخدم هذه الوصلة لاسترجاع كلمة السر: {link}", "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "سوف نرسل لك بريد يحتوي على وصلة لتجديد كلمة السر.", "Requested" => "تم طلب", "Login failed!" => "محاولة دخول فاشلة!", "Username" => "إسم المستخدم", "Request reset" => "طلب تعديل", "Your password was reset" => "لقد تم تعديل كلمة السر", +"To login page" => "الى صفحة الدخول", "New password" => "كلمة سر جديدة", "Reset password" => "تعديل كلمة السر", "Personal" => "خصوصيات", @@ -24,10 +27,12 @@ "Database name" => "إسم قاعدة البيانات", "Database host" => "خادم قاعدة البيانات", "Finish setup" => "انهاء التعديلات", +"web services under your control" => "خدمات الوب تحت تصرفك", "Log out" => "الخروج", "Settings" => "تعديلات", "Lost your password?" => "هل نسيت كلمة السر؟", "remember" => "تذكر", +"Log in" => "أدخل", "You are logged out." => "تم الخروج بنجاح.", "prev" => "السابق", "next" => "التالي" diff --git a/core/l10n/ca.php b/core/l10n/ca.php index bb121cd4f7..5a28b80760 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ca.php +++ b/core/l10n/ca.php @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ "Database name" => "Nom de la base de dades", "Database host" => "Ordinador central de la base de dades", "Finish setup" => "Acaba la configuració", -"web services under your control" => "serveis web controlats per vós", +"web services under your control" => "controleu els vostres serveis web", "Log out" => "Sortir", "Settings" => "Arranjament", "Lost your password?" => "Heu perdut la contrasenya?", diff --git a/core/l10n/de.php b/core/l10n/de.php index 0bbfa406fa..5e52644075 100644 --- a/core/l10n/de.php +++ b/core/l10n/de.php @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ "OwnCloud Passwort zurücksetzen", +"Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "Nutze folgenden Link, um dein Passwort zurückzusetzen: {link}", "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "Sie erhalten einen Link, um Ihr Passwort per E-Mail zurückzusetzen.", "Requested" => "Angefragt", "Login failed!" => "Login fehlgeschlagen!", "Username" => "Nutzername", "Request reset" => "Anfrage zurückgesetzt", "Your password was reset" => "Ihr Passwort wurde zurückgesetzt.", +"To login page" => "Zur Login-Seite", "New password" => "Neues Passwort", "Reset password" => "Passwort zurücksetzen", "Personal" => "Persönlich", @@ -24,10 +27,12 @@ "Database name" => "Datenbankname", "Database host" => "Datenbank-Host", "Finish setup" => "Installation abschließen", +"web services under your control" => "web services under your control", "Log out" => "Abmelden", "Settings" => "Einstellungen", "Lost your password?" => "Passwort vergessen?", "remember" => "merken", +"Log in" => "Einloggen", "You are logged out." => "Abgemeldet", "prev" => "Zurück", "next" => "Weiter" diff --git a/core/l10n/et_EE.php b/core/l10n/et_EE.php index ba70a6a0c4..82a2e1c171 100644 --- a/core/l10n/et_EE.php +++ b/core/l10n/et_EE.php @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ "Owncloud parooli taastamine", +"Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "Kasuta järgnevat linki oma parooli taastamiseks: {link}", "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "Sinu parooli taastamise link saadetakse sulle e-postile.", "Requested" => "Kohustuslik", "Login failed!" => "Sisselogimine ebaõnnestus!", "Username" => "Kasutajanimi", "Request reset" => "Päringu taastamine", "Your password was reset" => "Sinu parool on taastatud", +"To login page" => "Sisselogimise lehele", "New password" => "Uus parool", "Reset password" => "Nulli parool", "Personal" => "isiklik", @@ -24,10 +27,12 @@ "Database name" => "Andmebasi nimi", "Database host" => "Andmebaasi host", "Finish setup" => "Lõpeta seadistamine", +"web services under your control" => "veebiteenused sinu kontrolli all", "Log out" => "Logi välja", "Settings" => "Seaded", "Lost your password?" => "Kaotasid oma parooli?", "remember" => "pea meeles", +"Log in" => "Logi sisse", "You are logged out." => "Sa oled välja loginud", "prev" => "eelm", "next" => "järgm" diff --git a/core/l10n/hu_HU.php b/core/l10n/hu_HU.php index 9a7d2bc539..9a3637de61 100644 --- a/core/l10n/hu_HU.php +++ b/core/l10n/hu_HU.php @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ "Settings" => "Beállítások", "Lost your password?" => "Elfelejtett jelszó?", "remember" => "emlékezni", +"Log in" => "Bejelentkezés", "You are logged out." => "Kilépés sikerült.", "prev" => "Előző", "next" => "Következő" diff --git a/core/l10n/ja_JP.php b/core/l10n/ja_JP.php index ae2b47253c..3584bf6732 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ja_JP.php +++ b/core/l10n/ja_JP.php @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ "Owncloud のパスワードをリセット", +"Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "パスワードをリセットするには次のリンクをクリックして下さい: {link}", "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "パスワードをリセットするリンクがメールで届きます。", "Requested" => "送信されました", "Login failed!" => "ログインに失敗しました。", "Username" => "ユーザ名", "Request reset" => "リセットを要求する。", "Your password was reset" => "あなたのパスワードはリセットされました。", +"To login page" => "ログインページへ戻る", "New password" => "新しいパスワードを入力", "Reset password" => "パスワードをリセット", "Personal" => "個人設定", @@ -24,10 +27,12 @@ "Database name" => "データベース名", "Database host" => "データベースのホスト名", "Finish setup" => "セットアップを完了します", +"web services under your control" => "管理下にあるウェブサービス", "Log out" => "ログアウト", "Settings" => "設定", "Lost your password?" => "パスワードがわからなくなりましたか?", "remember" => "パスワードを記憶する", +"Log in" => "ログイン", "You are logged out." => "ログアウトしました。", "prev" => "前", "next" => "次" diff --git a/core/l10n/ru.php b/core/l10n/ru.php index 12dd26a350..0fe8c079f2 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ru.php +++ b/core/l10n/ru.php @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ "Сброс пароля OwnCloud", +"Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "Используйте следующую ссылку чтобы сбросить пароль: {link}", "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "На ваш адрес Email выслана ссылка для сброса пароля.", "Requested" => "Запрошено", "Login failed!" => "Не удалось войти!", "Username" => "Имя пользователя", "Request reset" => "Запросить сброс", "Your password was reset" => "Ваш пароль был сброшен", +"To login page" => "На страницу авторизации", "New password" => "Новый пароль", "Reset password" => "Сбросить пароль", "Personal" => "Личное", @@ -24,10 +27,12 @@ "Database name" => "Название базы данных", "Database host" => "Хост базы данных", "Finish setup" => "Завершить установку", +"web services under your control" => "Сетевые службы под твоим контролем", "Log out" => "Выйти", "Settings" => "Настройки", "Lost your password?" => "Забыли пароль?", "remember" => "запомнить", +"Log in" => "Войти", "You are logged out." => "Вы вышли.", "prev" => "пред", "next" => "след" diff --git a/core/l10n/th_TH.php b/core/l10n/th_TH.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1774d84004 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/l10n/th_TH.php @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านใน Owncloud", +"Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "ใช้ลิงค์ต่อไปนี้เพื่อเปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านของคุณใหม่: {link}", +"You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "คุณจะได้รับลิงค์เพื่อกำหนดรหัสผ่านใหม่ทางอีเมล์", +"Requested" => "ส่งคำร้องเรียบร้อยแล้ว", +"Login failed!" => "ไม่สามารถเข้าสู่ระบบได้!", +"Username" => "ชื่อผู้ใช้งาน", +"Request reset" => "ขอเปลี่ยนรหัสใหม่", +"Your password was reset" => "รหัสผ่านของคุณถูกเปลี่ยนเรียบร้อยแล้ว", +"To login page" => "ไปที่หน้าเข้าสู่ระบบ", +"New password" => "รหัสผ่านใหม่", +"Reset password" => "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน", +"Personal" => "ส่วนตัว", +"Users" => "ผู้ใช้งาน", +"Apps" => "Apps", +"Admin" => "ผู้ดูแลระบบ", +"Help" => "ช่วยเหลือ", +"Cloud not found" => "ไม่พบ Cloud", +"Create an admin account" => "สร้าง บัญชีผู้ดูแลระบบ", +"Password" => "รหัสผ่าน", +"Advanced" => "ขั้นสูง", +"Data folder" => "โฟลเดอร์เก็บข้อมูล", +"Configure the database" => "กำหนดค่าฐานข้อมูล", +"will be used" => "จะถูกใช้", +"Database user" => "ชื่อผู้ใช้งานฐานข้อมูล", +"Database password" => "รหัสผ่านฐานข้อมูล", +"Database name" => "ชื่อฐานข้อมูล", +"Database host" => "Database host", +"Finish setup" => "ติดตั้งเรียบร้อยแล้ว", +"web services under your control" => "web services under your control", +"Log out" => "ออกจากระบบ", +"Settings" => "ตั้งค่า", +"Lost your password?" => "ลืมรหัสผ่าน?", +"remember" => "จำรหัสผ่าน", +"Log in" => "เข้าสู่ระบบ", +"You are logged out." => "คุณออกจากระบบเรียบร้อยแล้ว", +"prev" => "ก่อนหน้า", +"next" => "ถัดไป" +); diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_CN.php b/core/l10n/zh_CN.php index 8ab1419fed..8a3daa097f 100644 --- a/core/l10n/zh_CN.php +++ b/core/l10n/zh_CN.php @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ "重置 Owncloud 密码", +"Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "使用以下链接重置您的密码:{link}", "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "您将会收到包含可以重置密码链接的邮件。", "Requested" => "已请求", "Login failed!" => "登录失败!", "Username" => "用户名", "Request reset" => "请求重置", "Your password was reset" => "您的密码已重置", +"To login page" => "到登录页面", "New password" => "新密码", "Reset password" => "重置密码", "Personal" => "个人", @@ -24,10 +27,12 @@ "Database name" => "数据库名", "Database host" => "数据库主机", "Finish setup" => "安装完成", +"web services under your control" => "由您掌控的网络服务", "Log out" => "注销", "Settings" => "设置", "Lost your password?" => "忘记密码?", "remember" => "记住", +"Log in" => "登录", "You are logged out." => "您已注销。", "prev" => "上一页", "next" => "下一页" diff --git a/core/templates/installation.php b/core/templates/installation.php index f1cde6b390..4558f97bc0 100644 --- a/core/templates/installation.php +++ b/core/templates/installation.php @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +'> +'> +'>
    diff --git a/db_structure.xml b/db_structure.xml index 36ee35b544..13d5732a8d 100644 --- a/db_structure.xml +++ b/db_structure.xml @@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ 1 - + parent_index diff --git a/files/l10n/ar.php b/files/l10n/ar.php index afdc0a8920..50edc0d697 100644 --- a/files/l10n/ar.php +++ b/files/l10n/ar.php @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ "Missing a temporary folder" => "المجلد المؤقت غير موجود", "Files" => "الملفات", "Maximum upload size" => "الحد الأقصى لحجم الملفات التي يمكن رفعها", +"New" => "جديد", +"Text file" => "ملف", +"Folder" => "مجلد", +"From the web" => "من الوب", "Upload" => "إرفع", "Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "لا يوجد شيء هنا. إرفع بعض الملفات!", "Name" => "الاسم", diff --git a/files/l10n/de.php b/files/l10n/de.php index ed76de649a..94d312c3e9 100644 --- a/files/l10n/de.php +++ b/files/l10n/de.php @@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ "Missing a temporary folder" => "Temporärer Ordner fehlt.", "Files" => "Dateien", "Maximum upload size" => "Maximale Größe", +"New" => "Neu", "Text file" => "Text Datei", "Folder" => "Ordner", +"From the web" => "Aus dem Netz", "Upload" => "Hochladen", "Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Alles leer. Lad’ was hoch!", "Name" => "Name", diff --git a/files/l10n/et_EE.php b/files/l10n/et_EE.php index c8604b14dd..415eb63231 100644 --- a/files/l10n/et_EE.php +++ b/files/l10n/et_EE.php @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ "Missing a temporary folder" => "Ajutiste failide kaust puudub", "Files" => "Failid", "Maximum upload size" => "Maksimaalne üleslaadimise suurus", +"New" => "Uus", +"Text file" => "Tekstifail", +"Folder" => "Kaust", +"From the web" => "Veebist", "Upload" => "Lae üles", "Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Siin pole midagi. Lae midagi üles!", "Name" => "Nimi", diff --git a/files/l10n/ia.php b/files/l10n/ia.php index 852fb8794a..8753b871c9 100644 --- a/files/l10n/ia.php +++ b/files/l10n/ia.php @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ "No file was uploaded" => "Nulle file esseva incargate", "Files" => "Files", "Maximum upload size" => "Dimension maxime de incargamento", +"New" => "Nove", +"Text file" => "File de texto", +"Folder" => "Dossier", "Upload" => "Incargar", "Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Nihil hic. Incarga alcun cosa!", "Name" => "Nomine", diff --git a/files/l10n/ja_JP.php b/files/l10n/ja_JP.php index d41e7e119a..24c4e36ee6 100644 --- a/files/l10n/ja_JP.php +++ b/files/l10n/ja_JP.php @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ "Missing a temporary folder" => "テンポラリフォルダが見つかりません", "Files" => "ファイル", "Maximum upload size" => "最大アップロードサイズ", +"New" => "新規作成", +"Text file" => "テキストファイル", +"Folder" => "フォルダ", +"From the web" => "ウェブ経由", "Upload" => "アップロード", "Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "ここには何もありません。何かアップロードしてください。", "Name" => "名前", diff --git a/files/l10n/ru.php b/files/l10n/ru.php index a77e6e370b..88a6d8ee19 100644 --- a/files/l10n/ru.php +++ b/files/l10n/ru.php @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ "Missing a temporary folder" => "Невозможно найти временную директорию", "Files" => "Файлы", "Maximum upload size" => "Максимальный размер файла", +"New" => "Новый", +"Text file" => "Текстовый файл", +"Folder" => "Папка", +"From the web" => "Из интернета", "Upload" => "Закачать", "Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Здесь ничего нет. Закачайте что-нибудь!", "Name" => "Название", diff --git a/files/l10n/sk_SK.php b/files/l10n/sk_SK.php index 840d924fbe..0d91ae35a5 100644 --- a/files/l10n/sk_SK.php +++ b/files/l10n/sk_SK.php @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ "Missing a temporary folder" => "Chýbajúci dočasný priečinok", "Files" => "Súbory", "Maximum upload size" => "Maximálna veľkosť nahratia", +"New" => "Nový", +"Text file" => "Textový súbor", +"Folder" => "Priečinok", +"From the web" => "Z webu", "Upload" => "Nahrať", "Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Nič tu nie je. Nahrakte niečo!", "Name" => "Meno", diff --git a/files/l10n/th_TH.php b/files/l10n/th_TH.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7e2fb94b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/files/l10n/th_TH.php @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + "ไม่มีข้อผิดพลาดใดๆ ไฟล์ถูกอัพโหลดเรียบร้อยแล้ว", +"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "ไฟล์ที่อัพโหลดมีขนาดเกินคำสั่ง upload_max_filesize ที่ระบุเอาไว้ในไฟล์ php.ini", +"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "ไฟล์ที่อัพโหลดมีขนาดเกินคำสั่ง MAX_FILE_SIZE ที่ระบุเอาไว้ในรูปแบบคำสั่งในภาษา HTML", +"The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "ไฟล์ที่อัพโหลดยังไม่ได้ถูกอัพโหลดอย่างสมบูรณ์", +"No file was uploaded" => "ยังไม่มีไฟล์ที่ถูกอัพโหลด", +"Missing a temporary folder" => "แฟ้มเอกสารชั่วคราวเกิดการสูญหาย", +"Files" => "ไฟล์", +"Maximum upload size" => "ขนาดไฟล์สูงสุดที่อัพโหลดได้", +"New" => "อัพโหลดไฟล์ใหม่", +"Text file" => "ไฟล์ข้อความ", +"Folder" => "แฟ้มเอกสาร", +"From the web" => "จากเวป", +"Upload" => "อัพโหลด", +"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "ยังไม่มีไฟล์ใดๆอยู่ที่นี่ กรุณาอัพโหลดไฟล์!", +"Name" => "ชื่อ", +"Download" => "ดาวน์โหลด", +"Size" => "ขนาด", +"Modified" => "ปรับปรุงล่าสุด", +"Delete" => "ลบ", +"Upload too large" => "ไฟล์ที่อัพโหลดมีขนาดใหญ่เกินไป", +"The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." => "ไฟล์ที่คุณพยายามที่จะอัพโหลดมีขนาดเกินกว่าขนาดสูงสุดที่กำหนดไว้ให้อัพโหลดได้สำหรับเซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้" +); diff --git a/files/l10n/zh_CN.php b/files/l10n/zh_CN.php index a4d7283df8..ab23a55d29 100644 --- a/files/l10n/zh_CN.php +++ b/files/l10n/zh_CN.php @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ "Missing a temporary folder" => "缺少临时目录", "Files" => "文件", "Maximum upload size" => "最大上传大小", +"New" => "新建", +"Text file" => "文本文件", +"Folder" => "文件夹", +"From the web" => "来自网络", "Upload" => "上传", "Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "这里还什么都没有。上传些东西吧!", "Name" => "名称", diff --git a/l10n/ar/calendar.po b/l10n/ar/calendar.po index ae7fed1101..4ba4f72625 100644 --- a/l10n/ar/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/ar/calendar.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 09:22+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: blackcoder \n" "Language-Team: Arabic (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ar/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/guesstimezone.php:42 msgid "New Timezone:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "التوقيت الجديد" #: ajax/settimezone.php:22 msgid "Timezone changed" @@ -129,143 +129,143 @@ msgstr "سنوي" #: lib/object.php:366 msgid "never" -msgstr "" +msgstr "بتاتا" #: lib/object.php:367 msgid "by occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "حسب تسلسل الحدوث" #: lib/object.php:368 msgid "by date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "حسب التاريخ" #: lib/object.php:375 msgid "by monthday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "حسب يوم الشهر" #: lib/object.php:376 msgid "by weekday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "حسب يوم الاسبوع" #: lib/object.php:383 templates/lAfix.php:3 msgid "Monday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الأثنين" #: lib/object.php:384 templates/lAfix.php:4 msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الثلاثاء" #: lib/object.php:385 templates/lAfix.php:5 msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الاربعاء" #: lib/object.php:386 templates/lAfix.php:6 msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الخميس" #: lib/object.php:387 templates/lAfix.php:7 msgid "Friday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الجمعه" #: lib/object.php:388 templates/lAfix.php:8 msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "السبت" #: lib/object.php:389 templates/lAfix.php:2 msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الاحد" #: lib/object.php:396 msgid "events week of month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الاحداث باسبوع الشهر" #: lib/object.php:397 msgid "first" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أول" #: lib/object.php:398 msgid "second" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ثاني" #: lib/object.php:399 msgid "third" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ثالث" #: lib/object.php:400 msgid "fourth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "رابع" #: lib/object.php:401 msgid "fifth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "خامس" #: lib/object.php:402 msgid "last" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أخير" #: lib/object.php:424 templates/lAfix.php:16 msgid "January" -msgstr "" +msgstr "كانون الثاني" #: lib/object.php:425 templates/lAfix.php:17 msgid "February" -msgstr "" +msgstr "شباط" #: lib/object.php:426 templates/lAfix.php:18 msgid "March" -msgstr "" +msgstr "آذار" #: lib/object.php:427 templates/lAfix.php:19 msgid "April" -msgstr "" +msgstr "نيسان" #: lib/object.php:428 templates/lAfix.php:20 msgid "May" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أيار" #: lib/object.php:429 templates/lAfix.php:21 msgid "June" -msgstr "" +msgstr "حزيران" #: lib/object.php:430 templates/lAfix.php:22 msgid "July" -msgstr "" +msgstr "تموز" #: lib/object.php:431 templates/lAfix.php:23 msgid "August" -msgstr "" +msgstr "آب" #: lib/object.php:432 templates/lAfix.php:24 msgid "September" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أيلول" #: lib/object.php:433 templates/lAfix.php:25 msgid "October" -msgstr "" +msgstr "تشرين الاول" #: lib/object.php:434 templates/lAfix.php:26 msgid "November" -msgstr "" +msgstr "تشرين الثاني" #: lib/object.php:435 templates/lAfix.php:27 msgid "December" -msgstr "" +msgstr "كانون الاول" #: lib/object.php:441 msgid "by events date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "حسب تاريخ الحدث" #: lib/object.php:442 msgid "by yearday(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "حسب يوم السنه" #: lib/object.php:443 msgid "by weeknumber(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "حسب رقم الاسبوع" #: lib/object.php:444 msgid "by day and month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "حسب اليوم و الشهر" #: lib/object.php:467 msgid "Not an array" @@ -273,11 +273,11 @@ msgstr "ليس صفيف" #: lib/search.php:32 lib/search.php:34 lib/search.php:37 msgid "Date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "تاريخ" #: lib/search.php:40 msgid "Cal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "تقويم" #: templates/calendar.php:10 msgid "All day" @@ -341,79 +341,79 @@ msgstr "لم يتم قراءة الملف بنجاح." #: templates/lAfix.php:9 msgid "Sun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "أحد" #: templates/lAfix.php:10 msgid "Mon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "أثن." #: templates/lAfix.php:11 msgid "Tue." -msgstr "" +msgstr "ثلا." #: templates/lAfix.php:12 msgid "Wed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "أرب." #: templates/lAfix.php:13 msgid "Thu." -msgstr "" +msgstr "خمي." #: templates/lAfix.php:14 msgid "Fri." -msgstr "" +msgstr "جمع." #: templates/lAfix.php:15 msgid "Sat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "سبت" #: templates/lAfix.php:28 msgid "Jan." -msgstr "" +msgstr "ك2" #: templates/lAfix.php:29 msgid "Feb." -msgstr "" +msgstr "شبا." #: templates/lAfix.php:30 msgid "Mar." -msgstr "" +msgstr "اذار" #: templates/lAfix.php:31 msgid "Apr." -msgstr "" +msgstr "نيس." #: templates/lAfix.php:32 msgid "May." -msgstr "" +msgstr "أيا." #: templates/lAfix.php:33 msgid "Jun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "حزي." #: templates/lAfix.php:34 msgid "Jul." -msgstr "" +msgstr "تمو." #: templates/lAfix.php:35 msgid "Aug." -msgstr "" +msgstr "آب" #: templates/lAfix.php:36 msgid "Sep." -msgstr "" +msgstr "أيل." #: templates/lAfix.php:37 msgid "Oct." -msgstr "" +msgstr "ت1" #: templates/lAfix.php:38 msgid "Nov." -msgstr "" +msgstr "ت2" #: templates/lAfix.php:39 msgid "Dec." -msgstr "" +msgstr "ك1" #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:1 msgid "Choose active calendars" @@ -516,47 +516,47 @@ msgstr "إعادة" #: templates/part.eventform.php:68 msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "" +msgstr "تعديلات متقدمه" #: templates/part.eventform.php:112 msgid "Select weekdays" -msgstr "" +msgstr "اختر ايام الاسبوع" #: templates/part.eventform.php:125 templates/part.eventform.php:138 msgid "Select days" -msgstr "" +msgstr "اختر الايام" #: templates/part.eventform.php:130 msgid "and the events day of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "و التواريخ حسب يوم السنه." #: templates/part.eventform.php:143 msgid "and the events day of month." -msgstr "" +msgstr "و الاحداث حسب يوم الشهر." #: templates/part.eventform.php:151 msgid "Select months" -msgstr "" +msgstr "اختر الاشهر" #: templates/part.eventform.php:164 msgid "Select weeks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "اختر الاسابيع" #: templates/part.eventform.php:169 msgid "and the events week of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "و الاحداث حسب اسبوع السنه" #: templates/part.eventform.php:175 msgid "Interval" -msgstr "" +msgstr "المده الفاصله" #: templates/part.eventform.php:181 msgid "End" -msgstr "" +msgstr "نهايه" #: templates/part.eventform.php:193 msgid "occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الاحداث" #: templates/part.eventform.php:208 msgid "Location" @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ msgstr "وصف الحدث" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أدخل ملف التقويم" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -584,11 +584,11 @@ msgstr "الرجاء إختر الجدول الزمني" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "انشاء جدول زمني جديد" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أسم الجدول الزمني الجديد" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -596,15 +596,15 @@ msgstr "إدخال" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "يتم ادخال الجدول الزمني" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "تم ادخال الجدول الزمني بنجاح" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أغلق الحوار" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" @@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ msgstr "المنطقة الزمنية" #: templates/settings.php:30 msgid "Check always for changes of the timezone" -msgstr "" +msgstr "راقب دائما تغير التقويم الزمني" #: templates/settings.php:32 msgid "Timeformat" diff --git a/l10n/ar/contacts.po b/l10n/ar/contacts.po index 1a01a858a4..311b3f93b6 100644 --- a/l10n/ar/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/ar/contacts.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 09:34+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: blackcoder \n" "Language-Team: Arabic (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ar/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,138 +20,130 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "خطء خلال توقيف كتاب العناوين." #: ajax/addcard.php:79 msgid "There was an error adding the contact." -msgstr "" +msgstr "خطء خلال اضافة معرفه جديده." #: ajax/addproperty.php:39 msgid "Cannot add empty property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "لا يمكنك اضافه صفه خاليه." #: ajax/addproperty.php:51 msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "يجب ملء على الاقل خانه واحده من العنوان." -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "خطء خلال اضافة صفة المعرفه." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error adding addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "خطء خلال اضافة كتاب عناوين." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "خطء خلال تفعيل كتاب العناوين." #: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 msgid "Error deleting contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "خطء خلال محي الصفه." #: ajax/setproperty.php:79 msgid "Error updating contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "خطء خلال تعديل الصفه." #: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error updating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "خطء خلال تعديل كتاب العناوين" #: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "المعارف" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "هذا ليس دفتر عناوينك." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "لم يتم العثور على الشخص." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "المعلومات الموجودة في ال vCard غير صحيحة. الرجاء إعادة تحديث الصفحة." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "عنوان" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "الهاتف" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "البريد الالكتروني" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "المؤسسة" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "الوظيفة" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "البيت" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "الهاتف المحمول" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "معلومات إضافية" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "صوت" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "الفاكس" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "الفيديو" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "الرنان" #: lib/search.php:22 msgid "Contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "معرفه" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr ".هذا ليس من معارفي" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "هذا الكرت ليس متلائم مع نظام ال RFC." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "لا يحتوي هذا الكرت على صورة." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "أضف شخص " #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "Addressbooks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "كتب العناوين" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 msgid "Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "كتاب العناوين" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 msgid "Name" @@ -161,7 +153,7 @@ msgstr "الاسم" #: templates/part.details.php:79 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:10 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:47 msgid "Type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "نوع" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:65 templates/part.details.php:49 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:16 @@ -204,20 +196,20 @@ msgstr "أضف شخص " #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:1 msgid "Choose active Address Books" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أختر كتاب العناوين الفعال" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:16 msgid "New Address Book" -msgstr "" +msgstr "كتاب عناوين جديد" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:21 #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "CardDav Link" -msgstr "" +msgstr "وصلة CardDav" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Download" -msgstr "" +msgstr "انزال" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Edit" @@ -229,43 +221,43 @@ msgstr "حذف" #: templates/part.details.php:3 msgid "Download contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "انزال المعرفه" #: templates/part.details.php:4 msgid "Delete contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "امحي المعرفه" #: templates/part.details.php:34 msgid "Add" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أدخل" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "New Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "كتاب عناوين جديد" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "Edit Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "عدل كتاب العناوين" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 msgid "Displayname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الاسم المعروض" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:23 msgid "Active" -msgstr "" +msgstr "فعال" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Save" -msgstr "" +msgstr "حفظ" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Submit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ارسال" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:30 msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الغاء" #: templates/part.property.php:3 msgid "Birthday" @@ -273,7 +265,7 @@ msgstr "تاريخ الميلاد" #: templates/part.property.php:23 msgid "Preferred" -msgstr "" +msgstr "مفضل" #: templates/part.property.php:23 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:45 msgid "Phone" @@ -281,10 +273,10 @@ msgstr "الهاتف" #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:57 msgid "Update" -msgstr "" +msgstr "تعديل" #: templates/settings.php:4 msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CardDAV مزامنه العناوين:" diff --git a/l10n/ar/core.po b/l10n/ar/core.po index 058ad6fbd7..637e1a126f 100644 --- a/l10n/ar/core.po +++ b/l10n/ar/core.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-20 12:23+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: blackcoder \n" "Language-Team: Arabic (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ar/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lostpassword/index.php:24 msgid "Owncloud password reset" -msgstr "" +msgstr "استرجاع كلمة السر" #: lostpassword/templates/email.php:1 msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "استخدم هذه الوصلة لاسترجاع كلمة السر: {link}" #: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:3 msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgstr "لقد تم تعديل كلمة السر" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5 msgid "To login page" -msgstr "" +msgstr "الى صفحة الدخول" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8 msgid "New password" @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ msgstr "انهاء التعديلات" #: templates/layout.guest.php:35 msgid "web services under your control" -msgstr "" +msgstr "خدمات الوب تحت تصرفك" #: templates/layout.user.php:34 msgid "Log out" @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ msgstr "تذكر" #: templates/login.php:16 msgid "Log in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أدخل" #: templates/logout.php:1 msgid "You are logged out." diff --git a/l10n/ar/files.po b/l10n/ar/files.po index d557d0039c..5b3b489fcb 100644 --- a/l10n/ar/files.po +++ b/l10n/ar/files.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-20 12:24+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: blackcoder \n" "Language-Team: Arabic (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ar/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -57,19 +57,19 @@ msgstr "الحد الأقصى لحجم الملفات التي يمكن رفعه #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "New" -msgstr "" +msgstr "جديد" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Text file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ملف" #: templates/index.php:11 msgid "Folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "مجلد" #: templates/index.php:12 msgid "From the web" -msgstr "" +msgstr "من الوب" #: templates/index.php:22 msgid "Upload" diff --git a/l10n/ar/gallery.po b/l10n/ar/gallery.po index 71c534aaeb..10a1f69b9e 100644 --- a/l10n/ar/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/ar/gallery.po @@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 09:38+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: blackcoder \n" "Language-Team: Arabic (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ar/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,14 +20,34 @@ msgstr "" #: appinfo/app.php:41 msgid "Gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "معرض صور" + +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "بحث في المجلدات" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "لم يتم العثور على صور" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "صناعة مصغرات" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "هل تريد محي الالبوم" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "أدخل اسم معرض جديد" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "اعادة البحث" #: templates/view_album.php:19 msgid "Back" -msgstr "" +msgstr "رجوع" diff --git a/l10n/ar/settings.po b/l10n/ar/settings.po index fc1c9e63f4..fe46bfd2d2 100644 --- a/l10n/ar/settings.po +++ b/l10n/ar/settings.po @@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2012. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 09:39+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: blackcoder \n" "Language-Team: Arabic (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ar/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/lostpassword.php:14 msgid "email Changed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "تم تغير العنوان البريدي" #: ajax/lostpassword.php:16 ajax/openid.php:17 ajax/setlanguage.php:16 msgid "Invalid request" @@ -36,11 +37,11 @@ msgstr "تم تغيير اللغة" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "__language_name__" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" -msgstr "" +msgstr "مستوى المراقبه" #: templates/apps.php:8 msgid "Add your application" @@ -108,15 +109,15 @@ msgstr "عدل كلمة السر" #: templates/personal.php:24 msgid "Email" -msgstr "" +msgstr "العنوان البريدي" #: templates/personal.php:25 msgid "Your email address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "عنوانك البريدي" #: templates/personal.php:26 msgid "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "أدخل عنوانك البريدي لتفعيل استرجاع كلمة المرور" #: templates/personal.php:32 templates/personal.php:33 msgid "Language" @@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ msgstr "اللغة" #: templates/personal.php:38 msgid "Help translate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ساعد في الترجمه" #: templates/personal.php:45 msgid "use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager" @@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ msgstr "انشئ" #: templates/users.php:33 msgid "Quota" -msgstr "" +msgstr "حصه" #: templates/users.php:58 msgid "Delete" diff --git a/l10n/bg_BG/contacts.po b/l10n/bg_BG/contacts.po index 35a16c1e21..77a01bae26 100644 --- a/l10n/bg_BG/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/bg_BG/contacts.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Bulgarian (Bulgaria) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/bg_BG/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -61,66 +61,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "" @@ -128,18 +128,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/bg_BG/gallery.po b/l10n/bg_BG/gallery.po index e52c69a771..342a60c277 100644 --- a/l10n/bg_BG/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/bg_BG/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Bulgarian (Bulgaria) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/bg_BG/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/ca/calendar.po b/l10n/ca/calendar.po index a91a65cac4..d73fea2340 100644 --- a/l10n/ca/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/ca/calendar.po @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:46+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: rogerc \n" "Language-Team: Catalan (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ca/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ msgstr "La zona horària ha canviat" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Sol.licitud no vàlida" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Calendari" @@ -283,59 +283,63 @@ msgstr "Cal." msgid "All day" msgstr "Tot el dia" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "Calendari nou" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "Els camps que falten" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "Títol" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "Des de la data" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "Des de l'hora" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "Fins a la data" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "Fins a l'hora" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "L'esdeveniment acaba abans que comenci" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "Hi ha un error de base de dades" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "Setmana" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "Mes" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "Llista" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "Avui" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "Calendaris" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "S'ha produït un error en analitzar el fitxer." @@ -419,10 +423,6 @@ msgstr "des." msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "Seleccioneu calendaris actius" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "Calendari nou" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ msgstr "Descripció de l'esdeveniment" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Importa un fitxer de calendari" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -584,11 +584,11 @@ msgstr "Escolliu el calendari" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "crea un nou calendari" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nom del nou calendari" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -596,15 +596,15 @@ msgstr "Importa" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "S'està important el calendari" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "El calendari s'ha importat amb èxit" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tanca el diàleg" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" diff --git a/l10n/ca/contacts.po b/l10n/ca/contacts.po index 95dd499ad4..3caa70ae4a 100644 --- a/l10n/ca/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/ca/contacts.po @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 15:26+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 21:19+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: rogerc \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Catalan (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ca/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "No es pot afegir una propietat buida." msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "Almenys heu d'omplir un dels camps d'adreça." -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "Error en afegir la propietat del contacte." @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "Error en actualitzar la llibreta d'adreces." msgid "Contacts" msgstr "Contactes" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Aquesta no és la vostra llibreta d'adreces" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "No s'ha trobat el contacte." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "La informació de la vCard és incorrecta. Carregueu la pàgina de nou." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adreça" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telèfon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Correu electrònic" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organització" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Feina" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Casa" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mòbil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Text" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Veu" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Vídeo" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Paginador" @@ -129,21 +129,13 @@ msgstr "Paginador" msgid "Contact" msgstr "Contacte" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Aquest contacte no és vostre." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Aquesta targeta no és compatible amb RFC." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Aquesta targeta no conté foto." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" -msgstr "Afegiu un contacte" +msgstr "Afegir un contacte" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "Addressbooks" diff --git a/l10n/ca/core.po b/l10n/ca/core.po index adce94682b..093f9097f1 100644 --- a/l10n/ca/core.po +++ b/l10n/ca/core.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-11 08:41+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-24 14:38+0000\n" "Last-Translator: rogerc \n" "Language-Team: Catalan (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ca/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ msgstr "Acaba la configuració" #: templates/layout.guest.php:35 msgid "web services under your control" -msgstr "serveis web controlats per vós" +msgstr "controleu els vostres serveis web" #: templates/layout.user.php:34 msgid "Log out" diff --git a/l10n/ca/gallery.po b/l10n/ca/gallery.po index f670a71c64..c452a3c376 100644 --- a/l10n/ca/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/ca/gallery.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 15:26+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 21:20+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-24 08:21+0000\n" "Last-Translator: rogerc \n" "Language-Team: Catalan (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ca/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -22,6 +22,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galeria" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "S'estan escanejant carpetes" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "No s'han trobat fotos" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "S'estan creant miniatures" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "Voleu eliminar l'àlbum" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "Escriviu el nom nou de la galeria" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "Escaneja de nou" diff --git a/l10n/ca/settings.po b/l10n/ca/settings.po index 2a6ff9d93c..f8a3f3cd69 100644 --- a/l10n/ca/settings.po +++ b/l10n/ca/settings.po @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:47+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: rogerc \n" "Language-Team: Catalan (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ca/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ msgstr "S'ha canviat l'idioma" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Català" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" diff --git a/l10n/cs_CZ/calendar.po b/l10n/cs_CZ/calendar.po index fc658fb75f..322ca62503 100644 --- a/l10n/cs_CZ/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/cs_CZ/calendar.po @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-18 15:55+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Martin \n" "Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/cs_CZ/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr "Časová zóna byla změněna" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Chybný požadavek" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalendář" @@ -284,59 +284,63 @@ msgstr "Kal." msgid "All day" msgstr "Celý den" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "Nový kalendář" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "Chybějící pole" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "Název" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "Od data" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "Od" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "Do data" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "Do" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "Akce končí před zahájením" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "Chyba v databázi" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "týden" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "měsíc" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "Seznam" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "dnes" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "Kalendáře" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "Chyba při převodu souboru" @@ -420,10 +424,6 @@ msgstr "Pro." msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "Vybrat aktivní kalendář" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "Nový kalendář" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ msgstr "Popis události" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Importovat soubor kalendáře" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -585,11 +585,11 @@ msgstr "Zvolte prosím kalendář" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "vytvořit nový kalendář" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Název nového kalendáře" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -597,15 +597,15 @@ msgstr "Import" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kalendář se importuje" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kalendář byl importován úspěšně" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zavřít dialog" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" diff --git a/l10n/cs_CZ/contacts.po b/l10n/cs_CZ/contacts.po index 8470cde9da..ff33e13c35 100644 --- a/l10n/cs_CZ/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/cs_CZ/contacts.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/cs_CZ/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,138 +21,130 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chyba při (de)aktivaci adresáře." #: ajax/addcard.php:79 msgid "There was an error adding the contact." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Během přidávání kontaktu nastala chyba." #: ajax/addproperty.php:39 msgid "Cannot add empty property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nelze přidat prazdný údaj." #: ajax/addproperty.php:51 msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Musí být uveden nejméně jeden z adresních údajů" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chyba během přdávání údaje kontaktu." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error adding addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chyba při přidávání adresáře." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chyba při aktivaci adresáře." #: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 msgid "Error deleting contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chyba při odstraňování údaje kontaktu." #: ajax/setproperty.php:79 msgid "Error updating contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chyba při aktualizaci údaje kontaktu." #: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error updating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chyba při aktualizaci adresáře." #: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontakty" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Toto není Váš adresář." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kontakt nebyl nalezen." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informace o vCard je nesprávná. Obnovte stránku, prosím." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresa" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizace" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Pracovní" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Domácí" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Text" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Hlas" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pager" #: lib/search.php:22 msgid "Contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontakt" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Toto není Váš kontakt." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Tato karta není kompatibilní s RFC." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Tato karta neobsahuje foto" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Přidat kontakt" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "Addressbooks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adresáře" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 msgid "Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adresář" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 msgid "Name" @@ -230,7 +222,7 @@ msgstr "Odstranit" #: templates/part.details.php:3 msgid "Download contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stáhnout kontakt" #: templates/part.details.php:4 msgid "Delete contact" @@ -242,11 +234,11 @@ msgstr "Přidat" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "New Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nový adresář" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "Edit Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Editace adresáře" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 msgid "Displayname" @@ -286,6 +278,6 @@ msgstr "Aktualizovat" #: templates/settings.php:4 msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CardDAV synchronizuje adresu:" diff --git a/l10n/cs_CZ/gallery.po b/l10n/cs_CZ/gallery.po index 0f3acea06e..9a7a46c186 100644 --- a/l10n/cs_CZ/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/cs_CZ/gallery.po @@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# Jan Krejci , 2012. +# Martin , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-24 21:39+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Jan Krejci \n" "Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/cs_CZ/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,14 +21,34 @@ msgstr "" #: appinfo/app.php:41 msgid "Gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Galerie" + +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "Prohledávám adresáře" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "Nenalezeny žádné fotky" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "Vytvářím náhledy" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "Chcete odstranit album?" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "Zadejte nový název galerie" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Opakované prohledání" #: templates/view_album.php:19 msgid "Back" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zpět" diff --git a/l10n/cs_CZ/settings.po b/l10n/cs_CZ/settings.po index c7a83f2562..30df2ed964 100644 --- a/l10n/cs_CZ/settings.po +++ b/l10n/cs_CZ/settings.po @@ -3,15 +3,16 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# Jan Krejci , 2011. +# , 2012. +# Jan Krejci , 2011, 2012. # Martin , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-24 21:42+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Jan Krejci \n" "Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/cs_CZ/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ msgstr "Jazyk byl změněn" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Česky" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" diff --git a/l10n/da/calendar.po b/l10n/da/calendar.po index 607272c5ae..f292f2391c 100644 --- a/l10n/da/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/da/calendar.po @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-21 00:41+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér \n" "Language-Team: Danish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/da/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ msgstr "Tidszone ændret" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Ugyldig forespørgsel" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalender" @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ msgstr "øndag" #: lib/object.php:396 msgid "events week of month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "begivenhedens uge i måneden" #: lib/object.php:397 msgid "first" @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ msgstr "efter begivenheders dato" #: lib/object.php:442 msgid "by yearday(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "efter dag(e) i året" #: lib/object.php:443 msgid "by weeknumber(s)" @@ -285,59 +285,63 @@ msgstr "Kal." msgid "All day" msgstr "Hele dagen" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "Ny Kalender" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "Manglende felter" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "Titel" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "Fra dato" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "Fra tidspunkt" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "Til dato" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "Til tidspunkt" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "Begivenheden slutter, inden den begynder" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "Der var en fejl i databasen" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "Uge" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "Måned" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "Liste" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "I dag" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "Kalendere" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "Der opstod en fejl under gennemlæsning af filen." @@ -421,10 +425,6 @@ msgstr "Dec." msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "Vælg aktive kalendere" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "Ny Kalender" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" @@ -530,11 +530,11 @@ msgstr "Vælg dage" #: templates/part.eventform.php:130 msgid "and the events day of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "og begivenhedens dag i året." #: templates/part.eventform.php:143 msgid "and the events day of month." -msgstr "" +msgstr "og begivenhedens sag på måneden" #: templates/part.eventform.php:151 msgid "Select months" @@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ msgstr "Vælg uger" #: templates/part.eventform.php:169 msgid "and the events week of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "og begivenhedens uge i året." #: templates/part.eventform.php:175 msgid "Interval" @@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ msgstr "Beskrivelse af begivenheden" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Importer en kalenderfil" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -586,11 +586,11 @@ msgstr "Vælg venligst kalender" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "opret en ny kalender" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Navn på ny kalender" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -598,15 +598,15 @@ msgstr "Importer" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Importerer kalender" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kalender importeret korrekt" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Luk dialog" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" diff --git a/l10n/da/contacts.po b/l10n/da/contacts.po index 7a69003bd9..b8891a85cc 100644 --- a/l10n/da/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/da/contacts.po @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Danish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/da/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -22,138 +22,130 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fejl ved (de)aktivering af adressebogen" #: ajax/addcard.php:79 msgid "There was an error adding the contact." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Der opstod en fejl ved tilføjelse af kontaktpersonen." #: ajax/addproperty.php:39 msgid "Cannot add empty property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan ikke tilføje en egenskab uden indhold." #: ajax/addproperty.php:51 msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Der skal udfyldes mindst et adressefelt." -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fejl ved tilføjelse af egenskab." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error adding addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fejl ved tilføjelse af adressebog." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fejl ved aktivering af adressebog." #: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 msgid "Error deleting contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fejl ved sletning af egenskab for kontaktperson." #: ajax/setproperty.php:79 msgid "Error updating contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fejl ved opdatering af egenskab for kontaktperson." #: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error updating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fejl ved opdatering af adressebog" #: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontaktpersoner" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Dette er ikke din adressebog." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kontaktperson kunne ikke findes." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informationen om vCard er forkert. Genindlæs siden." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organisation" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Arbejde" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Hjemme" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "SMS" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Telefonsvarer" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Personsøger" #: lib/search.php:22 msgid "Contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontaktperson" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Dette er ikke din kontaktperson." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Dette kort er ikke RFC-kompatibelt." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Dette kort indeholder ikke et foto." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Tilføj kontaktperson" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "Addressbooks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adressebøger" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 msgid "Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adressebog" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 msgid "Name" @@ -231,7 +223,7 @@ msgstr "Slet" #: templates/part.details.php:3 msgid "Download contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Download kontaktperson" #: templates/part.details.php:4 msgid "Delete contact" @@ -243,11 +235,11 @@ msgstr "Tilføj" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "New Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ny adressebog" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "Edit Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rediger adressebog" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 msgid "Displayname" @@ -287,6 +279,6 @@ msgstr "Opdater" #: templates/settings.php:4 msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Synkroniseringsadresse for CardDAV:" diff --git a/l10n/da/gallery.po b/l10n/da/gallery.po index f763cf822d..ebc0e072ce 100644 --- a/l10n/da/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/da/gallery.po @@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-24 08:34+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér \n" "Language-Team: Danish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/da/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,14 +20,34 @@ msgstr "" #: appinfo/app.php:41 msgid "Gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Galleri" + +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "Gennemgår mapper" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "Ingen billeder fundet" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "Danner miniaturer" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "Ønsker du at fjerne albummet" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "Indtast navn på nyt galleri" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Genindlæs" #: templates/view_album.php:19 msgid "Back" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilbage" diff --git a/l10n/da/settings.po b/l10n/da/settings.po index 1657089536..4e8a3c7fff 100644 --- a/l10n/da/settings.po +++ b/l10n/da/settings.po @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. # , 2011. # Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér , 2011, 2012. # Pascal d'Hermilly , 2011. @@ -10,9 +11,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-24 08:35+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér \n" "Language-Team: Danish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/da/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr "Sprog ændret" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dansk" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" diff --git a/l10n/de/calendar.po b/l10n/de/calendar.po index 69e449ad01..bca2bf109a 100644 --- a/l10n/de/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/de/calendar.po @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:51+0000\n" "Last-Translator: goeck \n" "Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/de/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ msgstr "Zeitzone geändert" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Anfragefehler" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalender" @@ -286,59 +286,63 @@ msgstr "Kal." msgid "All day" msgstr "Ganztags" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "Neuer Kalender" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "fehlende Felder" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "Titel" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "Startdatum" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "Startzeit" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "Enddatum" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "Endzeit" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "Der Termin hört auf, bevor er angefangen hat." -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "Datenbankfehler" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "Woche" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "Monat" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "Liste" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "Heute" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "Kalender" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "Fehler beim Einlesen der Datei." @@ -352,7 +356,7 @@ msgstr "Mo" #: templates/lAfix.php:11 msgid "Tue." -msgstr "Die" +msgstr "Di" #: templates/lAfix.php:12 msgid "Wed." @@ -380,7 +384,7 @@ msgstr "Feb" #: templates/lAfix.php:30 msgid "Mar." -msgstr "Mär" +msgstr "März" #: templates/lAfix.php:31 msgid "Apr." @@ -422,10 +426,6 @@ msgstr "Dez" msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "Aktive Kalender wählen" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "Neuer Kalender" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ msgstr "Beschreibung" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kalender Datei Importieren" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -587,11 +587,11 @@ msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie den Kalender." #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Neuen Kalender anlegen" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kalendername" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -599,15 +599,15 @@ msgstr "Importieren" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kalender wird importiert." #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kalender erfolgreich importiert" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dialog schließen" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" diff --git a/l10n/de/contacts.po b/l10n/de/contacts.po index 97bc43aa3d..84f23b5bd1 100644 --- a/l10n/de/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/de/contacts.po @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. # , 2011. # Jan-Christoph Borchardt , 2011. # Jan-Christoph Borchardt , 2011. @@ -11,8 +12,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/de/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -23,139 +24,131 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "(De-)Aktivierung des Adressbuches fehlgeschlagen" #: ajax/addcard.php:79 msgid "There was an error adding the contact." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Erstellen des Kontakts fehlgeschlagen" #: ajax/addproperty.php:39 msgid "Cannot add empty property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Feld darf nicht leer sein." #: ajax/addproperty.php:51 msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mindestens eines der Adressfelder muss ausgefüllt werden." -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontakt ändern fehlgeschlagen" #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error adding addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adressbuch hinzufügen fehlgeschlagen" #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adressbuchaktivierung fehlgeschlagen" #: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 msgid "Error deleting contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontakteigenschaft löschen fehlgeschlagen" #: ajax/setproperty.php:79 msgid "Error updating contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontakteigenschaft aktualisieren fehlgeschlagen" #: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error updating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adressbuch aktualisieren fehlgeschlagen" #: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontakte" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Dies ist nicht dein Adressbuch." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kontakt konnte nicht gefunden werden." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" "Die Information der vCard ist fehlerhaft. Bitte aktualisiere die Seite." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organisation" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Arbeit" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Zuhause" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Text" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Anruf" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pager" #: lib/search.php:22 msgid "Contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontakt" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Dies ist nicht dein Kontakt." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Diese Karte ist nicht RFC-kompatibel." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Diese Karte enthält kein Foto." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Kontakt hinzufügen" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "Addressbooks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adressbücher" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 msgid "Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adressbuch" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 msgid "Name" @@ -233,7 +226,7 @@ msgstr "Löschen" #: templates/part.details.php:3 msgid "Download contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontakt herunterladen" #: templates/part.details.php:4 msgid "Delete contact" @@ -245,11 +238,11 @@ msgstr "Hinzufügen" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "New Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Neues Adressbuch" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "Edit Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adressbuch editieren" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 msgid "Displayname" @@ -289,6 +282,6 @@ msgstr "Aktualisieren" #: templates/settings.php:4 msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CardDAV Sync-Adresse:" diff --git a/l10n/de/core.po b/l10n/de/core.po index 26675dbd95..59452deae0 100644 --- a/l10n/de/core.po +++ b/l10n/de/core.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. # , 2011. # , 2011. # Jan-Christoph Borchardt , 2011. @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 17:46+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: goeck \n" "Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/de/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lostpassword/index.php:24 msgid "Owncloud password reset" -msgstr "" +msgstr "OwnCloud Passwort zurücksetzen" #: lostpassword/templates/email.php:1 msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nutze folgenden Link, um dein Passwort zurückzusetzen: {link}" #: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:3 msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ msgstr "Ihr Passwort wurde zurückgesetzt." #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5 msgid "To login page" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zur Login-Seite" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8 msgid "New password" @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ msgstr "Installation abschließen" #: templates/layout.guest.php:35 msgid "web services under your control" -msgstr "" +msgstr "web services under your control" #: templates/layout.user.php:34 msgid "Log out" @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ msgstr "merken" #: templates/login.php:16 msgid "Log in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einloggen" #: templates/logout.php:1 msgid "You are logged out." diff --git a/l10n/de/files.po b/l10n/de/files.po index b9769babd0..1c7517eafd 100644 --- a/l10n/de/files.po +++ b/l10n/de/files.po @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. # Jan-Christoph Borchardt , 2011. # Jan-Christoph Borchardt , 2011. # , 2012. @@ -10,9 +11,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-11 12:33+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: piccobello \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 17:48+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: goeck \n" "Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/de/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ msgstr "Maximale Größe" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "New" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Neu" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Text file" @@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ msgstr "Ordner" #: templates/index.php:12 msgid "From the web" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aus dem Netz" #: templates/index.php:22 msgid "Upload" diff --git a/l10n/de/gallery.po b/l10n/de/gallery.po index 0b37124c43..b805076b5d 100644 --- a/l10n/de/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/de/gallery.po @@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. # Bartek , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 15:26+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 21:46+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 19:47+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Bartek \n" "Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/de/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -22,6 +23,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galerie" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "Ordner werden durchsucht." + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "Keine Fotos gefunden" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "Thumbnails werden erstellt." + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "Soll das Album entfernt werden?" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "Gib den Albumnamen ein." + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "Rescan" diff --git a/l10n/de/settings.po b/l10n/de/settings.po index ffceebc763..edb81adcdb 100644 --- a/l10n/de/settings.po +++ b/l10n/de/settings.po @@ -3,16 +3,17 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. +# , 2012. # Jan-Christoph Borchardt , 2011. # , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 17:54+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: goeck \n" "Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/de/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -38,11 +39,11 @@ msgstr "Sprache geändert" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deutsch" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Log Level" #: templates/apps.php:8 msgid "Add your application" @@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ msgstr "der verfügbaren" #: templates/personal.php:13 msgid "Your password got changed" -msgstr "Dein Passwort wurde geändert" +msgstr "Dein Passwort wurde geändert." #: templates/personal.php:14 msgid "Unable to change your password" @@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ msgstr "Ihre E-Mail Adresse" #: templates/personal.php:26 msgid "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" msgstr "" -"Tragen Sie eine E-Mail Adresse ein, um die Passwort-Wiederherstellung zu " -"aktivieren" +"Trage eine E-Mail Adresse ein, um die Passwort-Wiederherstellung zu " +"aktivieren." #: templates/personal.php:32 templates/personal.php:33 msgid "Language" @@ -128,13 +129,13 @@ msgstr "Sprache" #: templates/personal.php:38 msgid "Help translate" -msgstr "Helfen Sie bei der Übersetzung" +msgstr "Hilf bei der Übersetzung!" #: templates/personal.php:45 msgid "use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager" msgstr "" -"benutze diese Adresse, um deine ownCloud mit deinem Dateiverwalter zu " -"verbinden" +"Benutze diese Adresse, um deine ownCloud mit deinem Dateiverwalter zu " +"verbinden." #: templates/users.php:15 templates/users.php:30 msgid "Name" @@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ msgstr "Anlegen" #: templates/users.php:33 msgid "Quota" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Quota" #: templates/users.php:58 msgid "Delete" diff --git a/l10n/de_DE/calendar.po b/l10n/de_DE/calendar.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc381094ca --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/de_DE/calendar.po @@ -0,0 +1,636 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-03 16:52+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: de_DE\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" + +#: ajax/guesstimezone.php:42 +msgid "New Timezone:" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/settimezone.php:22 +msgid "Timezone changed" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/settimezone.php:24 +msgid "Invalid request" +msgstr "" + +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:20 +msgid "Calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:19 +msgid "Wrong calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:60 lib/object.php:332 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:61 lib/object.php:333 +msgid "Business" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:62 lib/object.php:334 +msgid "Call" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:63 lib/object.php:335 +msgid "Clients" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:64 lib/object.php:336 +msgid "Deliverer" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:65 lib/object.php:337 +msgid "Holidays" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:66 lib/object.php:338 +msgid "Ideas" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:67 lib/object.php:339 +msgid "Journey" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:68 lib/object.php:340 +msgid "Jubilee" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:69 lib/object.php:341 +msgid "Meeting" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:70 lib/object.php:342 +msgid "Other" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:71 lib/object.php:343 +msgid "Personal" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:72 lib/object.php:344 +msgid "Projects" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:73 lib/object.php:345 +msgid "Questions" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:74 lib/object.php:346 +msgid "Work" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:353 +msgid "Does not repeat" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:354 +msgid "Daily" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:355 +msgid "Weekly" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:356 +msgid "Every Weekday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:357 +msgid "Bi-Weekly" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:358 +msgid "Monthly" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:359 +msgid "Yearly" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:366 +msgid "never" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:367 +msgid "by occurrences" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:368 +msgid "by date" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:375 +msgid "by monthday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:376 +msgid "by weekday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:383 templates/lAfix.php:3 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:384 templates/lAfix.php:4 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:385 templates/lAfix.php:5 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:386 templates/lAfix.php:6 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:387 templates/lAfix.php:7 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:388 templates/lAfix.php:8 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:389 templates/lAfix.php:2 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:396 +msgid "events week of month" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:397 +msgid "first" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:398 +msgid "second" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:399 +msgid "third" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:400 +msgid "fourth" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:401 +msgid "fifth" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:402 +msgid "last" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:424 templates/lAfix.php:16 +msgid "January" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:425 templates/lAfix.php:17 +msgid "February" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:426 templates/lAfix.php:18 +msgid "March" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:427 templates/lAfix.php:19 +msgid "April" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:428 templates/lAfix.php:20 +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:429 templates/lAfix.php:21 +msgid "June" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:430 templates/lAfix.php:22 +msgid "July" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:431 templates/lAfix.php:23 +msgid "August" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:432 templates/lAfix.php:24 +msgid "September" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:433 templates/lAfix.php:25 +msgid "October" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:434 templates/lAfix.php:26 +msgid "November" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:435 templates/lAfix.php:27 +msgid "December" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:441 +msgid "by events date" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:442 +msgid "by yearday(s)" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:443 +msgid "by weeknumber(s)" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:444 +msgid "by day and month" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:467 +msgid "Not an array" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/search.php:32 lib/search.php:34 lib/search.php:37 +msgid "Date" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/search.php:40 +msgid "Cal." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:10 +msgid "All day" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 +msgid "Missing fields" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +msgid "Title" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:15 +msgid "From Date" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:16 +msgid "From Time" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:17 +msgid "To Date" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:18 +msgid "To Time" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:19 +msgid "The event ends before it starts" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:20 +msgid "There was a database fail" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:38 +msgid "Week" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:39 +msgid "Month" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:40 +msgid "List" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:46 +msgid "Today" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:47 +msgid "Calendars" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:65 +msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:9 +msgid "Sun." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:10 +msgid "Mon." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:11 +msgid "Tue." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:12 +msgid "Wed." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:13 +msgid "Thu." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:14 +msgid "Fri." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:15 +msgid "Sat." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:28 +msgid "Jan." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:29 +msgid "Feb." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:30 +msgid "Mar." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:31 +msgid "Apr." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:32 +msgid "May." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:33 +msgid "Jun." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:34 +msgid "Jul." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:35 +msgid "Aug." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:36 +msgid "Sep." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:37 +msgid "Oct." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:38 +msgid "Nov." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:39 +msgid "Dec." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:1 +msgid "Choose active calendars" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +msgid "CalDav Link" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +msgid "Download" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:9 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9 +msgid "New calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9 +msgid "Edit calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:12 +msgid "Displayname" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:23 +msgid "Active" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:29 +msgid "Calendar color" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:42 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:42 templates/part.editevent.php:8 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:6 +msgid "Submit" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:43 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editevent.php:1 +msgid "Edit an event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editevent.php:10 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:5 +msgid "Title of the Event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:11 +msgid "Category" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:13 +msgid "Select category" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:37 +msgid "All Day Event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:41 +msgid "From" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:49 +msgid "To" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:57 +msgid "Advanced options" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:61 +msgid "Repeat" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:68 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:112 +msgid "Select weekdays" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:125 templates/part.eventform.php:138 +msgid "Select days" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:130 +msgid "and the events day of year." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:143 +msgid "and the events day of month." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:151 +msgid "Select months" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:164 +msgid "Select weeks" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:169 +msgid "and the events week of year." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:175 +msgid "Interval" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:181 +msgid "End" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:193 +msgid "occurrences" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:208 +msgid "Location" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:210 +msgid "Location of the Event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:216 +msgid "Description" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:218 +msgid "Description of the Event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:1 +msgid "Import a calendar file" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:6 +msgid "Please choose the calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:10 +msgid "create a new calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:15 +msgid "Name of new calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:17 +msgid "Import" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:20 +msgid "Importing calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:23 +msgid "Calendar imported successfully" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:24 +msgid "Close Dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.newevent.php:1 +msgid "Create a new event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:13 +msgid "Timezone" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:30 +msgid "Check always for changes of the timezone" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:32 +msgid "Timeformat" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:34 +msgid "24h" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:35 +msgid "12h" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:41 +msgid "Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/de_DE/core.po b/l10n/de_DE/core.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..22a83603b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/de_DE/core.po @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-25 16:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: de_DE\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" + +#: lostpassword/index.php:24 +msgid "Owncloud password reset" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/email.php:1 +msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:3 +msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:5 +msgid "Requested" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:8 +msgid "Login failed!" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:11 templates/installation.php:22 +#: templates/login.php:8 +msgid "Username" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:14 +msgid "Request reset" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:4 +msgid "Your password was reset" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5 +msgid "To login page" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8 +msgid "New password" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:11 +msgid "Reset password" +msgstr "" + +#: strings.php:5 +msgid "Personal" +msgstr "" + +#: strings.php:6 +msgid "Users" +msgstr "" + +#: strings.php:7 +msgid "Apps" +msgstr "" + +#: strings.php:8 +msgid "Admin" +msgstr "" + +#: strings.php:9 +msgid "Help" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/404.php:12 +msgid "Cloud not found" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:20 +msgid "Create an admin account" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:26 templates/login.php:12 +msgid "Password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:32 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:34 +msgid "Data folder" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:41 +msgid "Configure the database" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:46 templates/installation.php:57 +#: templates/installation.php:67 +msgid "will be used" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:79 +msgid "Database user" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:83 +msgid "Database password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:87 +msgid "Database name" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:93 +msgid "Database host" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:98 +msgid "Finish setup" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/layout.guest.php:35 +msgid "web services under your control" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/layout.user.php:34 +msgid "Log out" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/layout.user.php:46 templates/layout.user.php:47 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/login.php:5 +msgid "Lost your password?" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/login.php:15 +msgid "remember" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/login.php:16 +msgid "Log in" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/logout.php:1 +msgid "You are logged out." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.pagenavi.php:3 +msgid "prev" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.pagenavi.php:20 +msgid "next" +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/de_DE/files.po b/l10n/de_DE/files.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9201beb1d --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/de_DE/files.po @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-13 02:19+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: de_DE\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" + +#: ajax/upload.php:19 +msgid "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/upload.php:20 +msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/upload.php:21 +msgid "" +"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in " +"the HTML form" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/upload.php:22 +msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/upload.php:23 +msgid "No file was uploaded" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/upload.php:24 +msgid "Missing a temporary folder" +msgstr "" + +#: appinfo/app.php:8 +msgid "Files" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/admin.php:5 +msgid "Maximum upload size" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:7 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:10 +msgid "Text file" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:11 +msgid "Folder" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:12 +msgid "From the web" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:22 +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:35 +msgid "Nothing in here. Upload something!" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:43 +msgid "Name" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:45 +msgid "Download" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:49 +msgid "Size" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:50 +msgid "Modified" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:50 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:58 +msgid "Upload too large" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:60 +msgid "" +"The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads " +"on this server." +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/de_DE/media.po b/l10n/de_DE/media.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e994abde2 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/de_DE/media.po @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-13 02:19+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: de_DE\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" + +#: appinfo/app.php:32 templates/player.php:9 +msgid "Music" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:3 templates/player.php:13 +msgid "Play" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:4 templates/music.php:26 templates/player.php:14 +msgid "Pause" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:5 +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:6 templates/player.php:15 +msgid "Next" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:7 +msgid "Mute" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:8 +msgid "Unmute" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:25 +msgid "Rescan Collection" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:37 +msgid "Artist" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:38 +msgid "Album" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:39 +msgid "Title" +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/de_DE/settings.po b/l10n/de_DE/settings.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..53aba4ceba --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/de_DE/settings.po @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-25 16:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: de_DE\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" + +#: ajax/lostpassword.php:14 +msgid "email Changed" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/lostpassword.php:16 ajax/openid.php:17 ajax/setlanguage.php:16 +msgid "Invalid request" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/openid.php:15 +msgid "OpenID Changed" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/setlanguage.php:14 +msgid "Language changed" +msgstr "" + +#: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 +msgid "__language_name__" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/admin.php:13 +msgid "Log level" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/apps.php:8 +msgid "Add your application" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/apps.php:21 +msgid "Select an App" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/apps.php:23 +msgid "-licensed" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/apps.php:23 +msgid "by" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/help.php:8 +msgid "Ask a question" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/help.php:20 +msgid "Problems connecting to help database." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/help.php:21 +msgid "Go there manually." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/help.php:29 +msgid "Answer" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:8 +msgid "You use" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:8 +msgid "of the available" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:13 +msgid "Your password got changed" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:14 +msgid "Unable to change your password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:15 +msgid "Current password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:16 +msgid "New password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:17 +msgid "show" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:18 +msgid "Change password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:24 +msgid "Email" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:25 +msgid "Your email address" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:26 +msgid "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:32 templates/personal.php:33 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:38 +msgid "Help translate" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:45 +msgid "use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:15 templates/users.php:30 +msgid "Name" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:16 templates/users.php:31 +msgid "Password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:17 templates/users.php:32 templates/users.php:46 +msgid "Groups" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:23 +msgid "Create" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:33 +msgid "Quota" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:58 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/el/calendar.po b/l10n/el/calendar.po index dd0c8352f9..0b1acf524e 100644 --- a/l10n/el/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/el/calendar.po @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-19 00:56+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Petros Kyladitis \n" "Language-Team: Greek (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/el/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr "Η ζώνη ώρας άλλαξε" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Μη έγκυρο αίτημα" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Ημερολόγιο" @@ -284,59 +284,63 @@ msgstr "Ημερ." msgid "All day" msgstr "Ολοήμερο" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "Νέα Ημερολόγιο" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "Πεδία που λείπουν" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "Τίτλος" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "Από Ημερομηνία" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "Από Ώρα" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "Έως Ημερομηνία" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "Έως Ώρα" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "Το γεγονός ολοκληρώνεται πριν από την έναρξή του" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "Υπήρξε σφάλμα στη βάση δεδομένων" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "Εβδομάδα" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "Μήνας" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "Λίστα" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "Σήμερα" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "Ημερολόγια" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "Υπήρξε μια αποτυχία, κατά την αξιολόγηση του αρχείου." @@ -420,10 +424,6 @@ msgstr "Δεκ." msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "Επιλέξτε τα ενεργά ημερολόγια" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "Νέα Ημερολόγιο" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ msgstr "Περιγραφή του συμβάντος" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Εισαγωγή αρχείου ημερολογίου" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -585,11 +585,11 @@ msgstr "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε το ημερολόγιο" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "δημιουργία νέου ημερολογίου" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Όνομα νέου ημερολογίου" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -597,15 +597,15 @@ msgstr "Εισαγωγή" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Εισαγωγή ημερολογίου" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Το ημερολόγιο εισήχθει επιτυχώς" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Κλείσιμο Διαλόγου" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" diff --git a/l10n/el/contacts.po b/l10n/el/contacts.po index 1eaa6a34b8..ecfb8c66b0 100644 --- a/l10n/el/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/el/contacts.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Greek (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/el/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -63,68 +63,68 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Αυτό δεν είναι βιβλίο διευθύνσεων σας." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Η επαφή δεν μπρόρεσε να βρεθεί." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" "Οι πληροφορίες σχετικά με vCard είναι εσφαλμένες. Παρακαλώ επαναφορτώστε τη " "σελίδα." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Διεύθυνση" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Τηλέφωνο" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Οργανισμός" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Εργασία" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Σπίτι" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Κινητό" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Κείμενο" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Φωνή" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Φαξ" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Βίντεο" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Βομβητής" @@ -132,18 +132,10 @@ msgstr "Βομβητής" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Αυτή δεν είναι επαφή σας." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Αυτή η κάρτα δεν είναι RFC συμβατή." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Αυτή η κάρτα δεν περιέχει φωτογραφία." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Προσθήκη επαφής" diff --git a/l10n/el/gallery.po b/l10n/el/gallery.po index f2a75835b3..395f79389d 100644 --- a/l10n/el/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/el/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Greek (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/el/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/el/settings.po b/l10n/el/settings.po index f0eb55301c..2c5d9245f1 100644 --- a/l10n/el/settings.po +++ b/l10n/el/settings.po @@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. # , 2011. # Petros Kyladitis , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-19 12:47+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Greek (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/el/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" diff --git a/l10n/eo/contacts.po b/l10n/eo/contacts.po index 1a7cb0f832..4bd4eeed28 100644 --- a/l10n/eo/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/eo/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Esperanto (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/eo/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Ĉi tiu ne estas via adresaro." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Ne eblis trovi la kontakton." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informo pri vCard estas malĝusta. Bonvolu reŝargi la paĝon." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adreso" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefono" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Retpoŝtadreso" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizaĵo" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Laboro" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Hejmo" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Poŝtelefono" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Teksto" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Voĉo" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fakso" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Videaĵo" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Televokilo" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "Televokilo" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Tiu ĉi ne estas via kontakto." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Ĉi tiu karto ne kongruas kun RFC." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Ĉi tiu karto ne havas foton." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Aldoni kontakton" diff --git a/l10n/eo/gallery.po b/l10n/eo/gallery.po index 8c86c3094a..e9f6eea304 100644 --- a/l10n/eo/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/eo/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Esperanto (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/eo/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/es/calendar.po b/l10n/es/calendar.po index 7e3a85379e..ef0102c6ab 100644 --- a/l10n/es/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/es/calendar.po @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ # # Translators: # , 2011, 2012. -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-17 03:41+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: juanman \n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Castilian) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/es/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr "Zona horaria cambiada" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Petición no válida" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Calendario" @@ -284,59 +284,63 @@ msgstr "Cal." msgid "All day" msgstr "Todo el día" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "Nuevo calendario" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "Los campos que faltan" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "Título" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "Desde la fecha" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "Desde la hora" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "Hasta la fecha" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "Hasta la hora" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "El evento termina antes de que comience" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "Hubo un error en la base de datos" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "Semana" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "Mes" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "Lista" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "Hoy" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "Calendarios" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "Hubo un fallo al analizar el archivo." @@ -420,10 +424,6 @@ msgstr "Dic." msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "Elige los calendarios activos" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "Nuevo calendario" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ msgstr "Descripción del evento" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Importar un archivo de calendario" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -585,11 +585,11 @@ msgstr "Elija el calendario" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Crear un nuevo calendario" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nombre del nuevo calendario" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -597,15 +597,15 @@ msgstr "Importar" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Importando calendario" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Calendario importado exitosamente" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cerrar diálogo" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" diff --git a/l10n/es/contacts.po b/l10n/es/contacts.po index df296d498f..09e0ee8123 100644 --- a/l10n/es/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/es/contacts.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. # , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Castilian) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/es/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,140 +21,132 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Error al (des)activar libreta de direcciones." #: ajax/addcard.php:79 msgid "There was an error adding the contact." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ocurrió un error al agregar el contacto." #: ajax/addproperty.php:39 msgid "Cannot add empty property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "No se puede agregar una propiedad vacía." #: ajax/addproperty.php:51 msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Al menos uno de los campos de direcciones tiene que ser llenado." -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Error al agregar una propiedad del contacto." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error adding addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Error al agregar la libreta de direcciones." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Error al activar la libreta de direcciones." #: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 msgid "Error deleting contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Error al borrar una propiedad del contacto." #: ajax/setproperty.php:79 msgid "Error updating contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Error al actualizar una propiedad del contacto." #: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error updating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Error al actualizar la libreta de direcciones." #: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Contactos" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Esta no es tu agenda de contactos." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "No se pudo encontrar el contacto." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" "La información sobre el vCard es incorrecta. Por favor vuelve a cargar la " "página." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Dirección" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Teléfono" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Correo electrónico" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organización" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Trabajo" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Particular" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Móvil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Texto" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Voz" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Localizador" #: lib/search.php:22 msgid "Contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Contacto" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Este no es tu contacto." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Esta tarjeta no es compatible con RFC." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Esta tarjeta no contiene ninguna foto." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Agregar contacto" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "Addressbooks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Libretas de direcciones" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 msgid "Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Libreta de direcciones" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 msgid "Name" @@ -207,7 +199,7 @@ msgstr "Crear contacto" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:1 msgid "Choose active Address Books" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Elige libreta de direcciones activa" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:16 msgid "New Address Book" @@ -232,7 +224,7 @@ msgstr "Borrar" #: templates/part.details.php:3 msgid "Download contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Descargar contacto" #: templates/part.details.php:4 msgid "Delete contact" @@ -244,15 +236,15 @@ msgstr "Añadir" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "New Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nueva libreta de direcciones" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "Edit Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Editar libreta de direcciones" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 msgid "Displayname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nombre a mostrar" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:23 msgid "Active" @@ -288,6 +280,6 @@ msgstr "Actualizar" #: templates/settings.php:4 msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dirección de sincronización CardDAV:" diff --git a/l10n/es/gallery.po b/l10n/es/gallery.po index 848b07026f..602efbef7d 100644 --- a/l10n/es/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/es/gallery.po @@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. +# , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-24 19:28+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: juanman \n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Castilian) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/es/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,14 +21,34 @@ msgstr "" #: appinfo/app.php:41 msgid "Gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Galería" + +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "Escaneando directorios" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "No se encontraron fotos" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "Creando miniaturas" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "Quieres eliminar el álbum" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "Introduce el nuevo nombre de la galería" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Refrescar" #: templates/view_album.php:19 msgid "Back" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atrás" diff --git a/l10n/es/settings.po b/l10n/es/settings.po index 10cfe0b5cb..e8dc30bb7e 100644 --- a/l10n/es/settings.po +++ b/l10n/es/settings.po @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. # , 2011. # , 2011. # , 2011, 2012. @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-17 03:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: juanman \n" "Language-Team: Spanish (Castilian) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/es/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr "Idioma cambiado" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Español" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" diff --git a/l10n/et_EE/calendar.po b/l10n/et_EE/calendar.po index cc00b225d3..d012d5a9e4 100644 --- a/l10n/et_EE/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/et_EE/calendar.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# Rivo Zängov , 2011. +# Rivo Zängov , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-18 11:14+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Rivo Zängov \n" "Language-Team: Estonian (Estonia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/et_EE/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/guesstimezone.php:42 msgid "New Timezone:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uus ajavöönd:" #: ajax/settimezone.php:22 msgid "Timezone changed" @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ msgstr "Ajavöönd on muudetud" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Vigane päring" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalender" @@ -129,143 +129,143 @@ msgstr "Igal aastal" #: lib/object.php:366 msgid "never" -msgstr "" +msgstr "mitte kunagi" #: lib/object.php:367 msgid "by occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "toimumiskordade järgi" #: lib/object.php:368 msgid "by date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kuupäeva järgi" #: lib/object.php:375 msgid "by monthday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kuu päeva järgi" #: lib/object.php:376 msgid "by weekday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nädalapäeva järgi" #: lib/object.php:383 templates/lAfix.php:3 msgid "Monday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Esmaspäev" #: lib/object.php:384 templates/lAfix.php:4 msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Teisipäev" #: lib/object.php:385 templates/lAfix.php:5 msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kolmapäev" #: lib/object.php:386 templates/lAfix.php:6 msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Neljapäev" #: lib/object.php:387 templates/lAfix.php:7 msgid "Friday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Reede" #: lib/object.php:388 templates/lAfix.php:8 msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Laupäev" #: lib/object.php:389 templates/lAfix.php:2 msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pühapäev" #: lib/object.php:396 msgid "events week of month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ürituse kuu nädal" #: lib/object.php:397 msgid "first" -msgstr "" +msgstr "esimene" #: lib/object.php:398 msgid "second" -msgstr "" +msgstr "teine" #: lib/object.php:399 msgid "third" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kolmas" #: lib/object.php:400 msgid "fourth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "neljas" #: lib/object.php:401 msgid "fifth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "viies" #: lib/object.php:402 msgid "last" -msgstr "" +msgstr "viimane" #: lib/object.php:424 templates/lAfix.php:16 msgid "January" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jaanuar" #: lib/object.php:425 templates/lAfix.php:17 msgid "February" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veebruar" #: lib/object.php:426 templates/lAfix.php:18 msgid "March" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Märts" #: lib/object.php:427 templates/lAfix.php:19 msgid "April" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aprill" #: lib/object.php:428 templates/lAfix.php:20 msgid "May" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mai" #: lib/object.php:429 templates/lAfix.php:21 msgid "June" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Juuni" #: lib/object.php:430 templates/lAfix.php:22 msgid "July" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Juuli" #: lib/object.php:431 templates/lAfix.php:23 msgid "August" -msgstr "" +msgstr "August" #: lib/object.php:432 templates/lAfix.php:24 msgid "September" -msgstr "" +msgstr "September" #: lib/object.php:433 templates/lAfix.php:25 msgid "October" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oktoober" #: lib/object.php:434 templates/lAfix.php:26 msgid "November" -msgstr "" +msgstr "November" #: lib/object.php:435 templates/lAfix.php:27 msgid "December" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Detsember" #: lib/object.php:441 msgid "by events date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ürituste kuupäeva järgi" #: lib/object.php:442 msgid "by yearday(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "aasta päeva(de) järgi" #: lib/object.php:443 msgid "by weeknumber(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nädala numbri(te) järgi" #: lib/object.php:444 msgid "by day and month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "kuu ja päeva järgi" #: lib/object.php:467 msgid "Not an array" @@ -273,156 +273,156 @@ msgstr "Pole andmemassiiv" #: lib/search.php:32 lib/search.php:34 lib/search.php:37 msgid "Date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kuupäev" #: lib/search.php:40 msgid "Cal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kal." #: templates/calendar.php:10 msgid "All day" msgstr "Kogu päev" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "Uus kalender" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "Puuduvad väljad" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "Pealkiri" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "Alates kuupäevast" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "Alates kellaajast" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "Kuni kuupäevani" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "Kuni kellaajani" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "Üritus lõpeb enne, kui see algab" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "Tekkis andmebaasi viga" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "Nädal" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "Kuu" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "Nimekiri" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "Täna" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "Kalendrid" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "Faili parsimisel tekkis viga." #: templates/lAfix.php:9 msgid "Sun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Püh." #: templates/lAfix.php:10 msgid "Mon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Esm." #: templates/lAfix.php:11 msgid "Tue." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Teisip." #: templates/lAfix.php:12 msgid "Wed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kolmap." #: templates/lAfix.php:13 msgid "Thu." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Meljap." #: templates/lAfix.php:14 msgid "Fri." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Reede" #: templates/lAfix.php:15 msgid "Sat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Laup." #: templates/lAfix.php:28 msgid "Jan." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jan." #: templates/lAfix.php:29 msgid "Feb." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veebr." #: templates/lAfix.php:30 msgid "Mar." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mär." #: templates/lAfix.php:31 msgid "Apr." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Apr." #: templates/lAfix.php:32 msgid "May." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mai" #: templates/lAfix.php:33 msgid "Jun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jun." #: templates/lAfix.php:34 msgid "Jul." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jul." #: templates/lAfix.php:35 msgid "Aug." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aug." #: templates/lAfix.php:36 msgid "Sep." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sept." #: templates/lAfix.php:37 msgid "Oct." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okt." #: templates/lAfix.php:38 msgid "Nov." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nov." #: templates/lAfix.php:39 msgid "Dec." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dets." #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:1 msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "Vali aktiivsed kalendrid" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "Uus kalender" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" @@ -516,47 +516,47 @@ msgstr "Korda" #: templates/part.eventform.php:68 msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Täpsem" #: templates/part.eventform.php:112 msgid "Select weekdays" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali nädalapäevad" #: templates/part.eventform.php:125 templates/part.eventform.php:138 msgid "Select days" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali päevad" #: templates/part.eventform.php:130 msgid "and the events day of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "ja ürituse päev aastas." #: templates/part.eventform.php:143 msgid "and the events day of month." -msgstr "" +msgstr "ja ürituse päev kuus." #: templates/part.eventform.php:151 msgid "Select months" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali kuud" #: templates/part.eventform.php:164 msgid "Select weeks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali nädalad" #: templates/part.eventform.php:169 msgid "and the events week of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "ja ürituse nädal aastas." #: templates/part.eventform.php:175 msgid "Interval" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Intervall" #: templates/part.eventform.php:181 msgid "End" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lõpp" #: templates/part.eventform.php:193 msgid "occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "toimumiskordi" #: templates/part.eventform.php:208 msgid "Location" @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ msgstr "Sündmuse kirjeldus" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Impordi kalendrifail" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -584,11 +584,11 @@ msgstr "Palun vali kalender" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "loo uus kalender" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uue kalendri nimi" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -596,15 +596,15 @@ msgstr "Impordi" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kalendri importimine" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kalender on imporditud" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sulge dialoogiaken" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" @@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ msgstr "Ajavöönd" #: templates/settings.php:30 msgid "Check always for changes of the timezone" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontrolli alati muudatusi ajavööndis" #: templates/settings.php:32 msgid "Timeformat" diff --git a/l10n/et_EE/contacts.po b/l10n/et_EE/contacts.po index 8b6c2c6873..3f416bd09f 100644 --- a/l10n/et_EE/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/et_EE/contacts.po @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# Rivo Zängov , 2011. +# Rivo Zängov , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Estonian (Estonia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/et_EE/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -20,138 +20,130 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Viga aadressiraamatu (de)aktiveerimisel." #: ajax/addcard.php:79 msgid "There was an error adding the contact." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Konktakti lisamisel tekkis viga." #: ajax/addproperty.php:39 msgid "Cannot add empty property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tühja omadust ei saa lisada." #: ajax/addproperty.php:51 msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vähemalt üks aadressiväljadest peab olema täidetud." -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Viga konktakti korralikul lisamisel." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error adding addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Viga aadressiraamatu lisamisel." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Viga aadressiraamatu aktiveerimisel." #: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 msgid "Error deleting contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Viga konktaki korralikul kustutamisel." #: ajax/setproperty.php:79 msgid "Error updating contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Viga konktaki korralikul uuendamisel." #: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error updating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Viga aadressiraamatu uuendamisel." #: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontaktid" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "See pole sinu aadressiraamat." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kontakti ei leitud." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Visiitkaardi info pole korrektne. Palun lae leht uuesti." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Aadress" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-post" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organisatsioon" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Töö" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Kodu" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobiil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekst" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Hääl" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Faks" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Piipar" #: lib/search.php:22 msgid "Contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontakt" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "See pole sinu kontakt." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "See kaart ei ühildu RFC-ga." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Sellel kaardil pole fotot." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Lisa kontakt" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "Addressbooks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aadressiraamatud" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 msgid "Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aadressiraamat" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 msgid "Name" @@ -161,7 +153,7 @@ msgstr "Nimi" #: templates/part.details.php:79 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:10 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:47 msgid "Type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tüüp" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:65 templates/part.details.php:49 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:16 @@ -204,20 +196,20 @@ msgstr "Lisa kontakt" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:1 msgid "Choose active Address Books" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vali aktiivsed aadressiraamatud" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:16 msgid "New Address Book" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uus aadressiraamat" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:21 #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "CardDav Link" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CardDav link" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Download" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lae alla" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Edit" @@ -229,43 +221,43 @@ msgstr "Kustuta" #: templates/part.details.php:3 msgid "Download contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lae kontakt alla" #: templates/part.details.php:4 msgid "Delete contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kustuta kontakt" #: templates/part.details.php:34 msgid "Add" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lisa" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "New Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uus aadressiraamat" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "Edit Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Muuda aadressiraamatut" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 msgid "Displayname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Näidatav nimi" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:23 msgid "Active" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aktiivne" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Save" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Salvesta" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Submit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Saada" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:30 msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Loobu" #: templates/part.property.php:3 msgid "Birthday" @@ -273,7 +265,7 @@ msgstr "Sünnipäev" #: templates/part.property.php:23 msgid "Preferred" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eelistatud" #: templates/part.property.php:23 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:45 msgid "Phone" @@ -281,10 +273,10 @@ msgstr "Telefon" #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:57 msgid "Update" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uuenda" #: templates/settings.php:4 msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CardDAV sünkroniseerimise aadress:" diff --git a/l10n/et_EE/core.po b/l10n/et_EE/core.po index 18831a8a35..55fd4b8d06 100644 --- a/l10n/et_EE/core.po +++ b/l10n/et_EE/core.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# Rivo Zängov , 2011. +# Rivo Zängov , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-18 10:37+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Rivo Zängov \n" "Language-Team: Estonian (Estonia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/et_EE/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lostpassword/index.php:24 msgid "Owncloud password reset" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Owncloud parooli taastamine" #: lostpassword/templates/email.php:1 msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kasuta järgnevat linki oma parooli taastamiseks: {link}" #: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:3 msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgstr "Sinu parool on taastatud" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5 msgid "To login page" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sisselogimise lehele" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8 msgid "New password" @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ msgstr "Lõpeta seadistamine" #: templates/layout.guest.php:35 msgid "web services under your control" -msgstr "" +msgstr "veebiteenused sinu kontrolli all" #: templates/layout.user.php:34 msgid "Log out" @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ msgstr "pea meeles" #: templates/login.php:16 msgid "Log in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Logi sisse" #: templates/logout.php:1 msgid "You are logged out." diff --git a/l10n/et_EE/files.po b/l10n/et_EE/files.po index 49191aa3a9..bda98c9574 100644 --- a/l10n/et_EE/files.po +++ b/l10n/et_EE/files.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# Rivo Zängov , 2011. +# Rivo Zängov , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-18 10:38+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Rivo Zängov \n" "Language-Team: Estonian (Estonia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/et_EE/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -57,19 +57,19 @@ msgstr "Maksimaalne üleslaadimise suurus" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "New" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uus" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Text file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tekstifail" #: templates/index.php:11 msgid "Folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kaust" #: templates/index.php:12 msgid "From the web" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veebist" #: templates/index.php:22 msgid "Upload" diff --git a/l10n/et_EE/gallery.po b/l10n/et_EE/gallery.po index fb62374515..97c7a893a5 100644 --- a/l10n/et_EE/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/et_EE/gallery.po @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# Rivo Zängov , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Estonian (Estonia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/et_EE/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -19,14 +20,34 @@ msgstr "" #: appinfo/app.php:41 msgid "Gallery" +msgstr "Galerii" + +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" msgstr "" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skänni uuesti" #: templates/view_album.php:19 msgid "Back" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tagasi" diff --git a/l10n/et_EE/settings.po b/l10n/et_EE/settings.po index a34a2a17c2..885415cc86 100644 --- a/l10n/et_EE/settings.po +++ b/l10n/et_EE/settings.po @@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# Rivo Zängov , 2011. +# , 2012. +# Rivo Zängov , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-18 22:29+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Estonian (Estonia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/et_EE/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/lostpassword.php:14 msgid "email Changed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "e-posti on muudetud" #: ajax/lostpassword.php:16 ajax/openid.php:17 ajax/setlanguage.php:16 msgid "Invalid request" @@ -36,11 +37,11 @@ msgstr "Keel on muudetud" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eesti" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Logi tase" #: templates/apps.php:8 msgid "Add your application" @@ -108,15 +109,15 @@ msgstr "Muuda parooli" #: templates/personal.php:24 msgid "Email" -msgstr "" +msgstr "E-post" #: templates/personal.php:25 msgid "Your email address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sinu e-posti aadress" #: templates/personal.php:26 msgid "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Parooli taastamise sisse lülitamiseks sisesta e-posti aadress" #: templates/personal.php:32 templates/personal.php:33 msgid "Language" @@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ msgstr "Keel" #: templates/personal.php:38 msgid "Help translate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aita tõlkida" #: templates/personal.php:45 msgid "use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager" @@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ msgstr "Lisa" #: templates/users.php:33 msgid "Quota" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mahupiir" #: templates/users.php:58 msgid "Delete" diff --git a/l10n/eu/contacts.po b/l10n/eu/contacts.po index 5eba801b1b..93710a2b35 100644 --- a/l10n/eu/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/eu/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/eu/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,67 +62,67 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Hau ez da zure helbide liburua." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Ezin izan da kontaktua aurkitu." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" "vCard-aren inguruko informazioa okerra da. Mesedez birkargatu orrialdea." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Helbidea" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefonoa" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Eposta" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Erakundea" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Lana" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Etxea" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mugikorra" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Testua" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Ahotsa" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax-a" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Bideoa" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Bilagailua" @@ -130,18 +130,10 @@ msgstr "Bilagailua" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Hau ez da zure kontaktua." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Txartel hau ez da RFC bateragarria." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Txartel honek ez dauka argazkirik." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Gehitu Kontaktua" diff --git a/l10n/eu/gallery.po b/l10n/eu/gallery.po index e2dc7b08f2..bc2d60a9fd 100644 --- a/l10n/eu/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/eu/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/eu/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/fr/contacts.po b/l10n/fr/contacts.po index df10fd6b44..4346f2a80a 100644 --- a/l10n/fr/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/fr/contacts.po @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 15:26+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 14:18+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: rom1dep \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/fr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter un champ vide." msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "Au moins un des champs d'adresses doit être complété." -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "Erreur lors de l'ajout du champ." @@ -67,68 +67,68 @@ msgstr "Erreur lors de la mise à jour du carnet d'adresses." msgid "Contacts" msgstr "Contacts" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Ce n'est pas votre carnet d'adresses." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Ce contact n'a pas été trouvé." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" "Les informations relatives à cette vCard sont incorrectes. Veuillez " "recharger la page." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Téléphone" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mail" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Société" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Travail" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Maison" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobile" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Texte" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Voix" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Vidéo" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Bipeur" @@ -136,18 +136,10 @@ msgstr "Bipeur" msgid "Contact" msgstr "Contact" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Ce n'est pas votre contact." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Cette fiche n'est pas compatible RFC." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Cette fiche ne contient pas de photo." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Ajouter un Contact" diff --git a/l10n/fr/gallery.po b/l10n/fr/gallery.po index 2d662af6e8..452dc5913b 100644 --- a/l10n/fr/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/fr/gallery.po @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 15:26+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 14:12+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: rom1dep \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/fr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -22,6 +22,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galerie" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "Analyse des répertoires" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "Création des miniatures" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "Voulez-vous supprimer l'album" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "Entrez le nom de l'album" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "Analyser à nouveau" diff --git a/l10n/gl/calendar.po b/l10n/gl/calendar.po index 169607e0e8..1542672b66 100644 --- a/l10n/gl/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/gl/calendar.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 07:09+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-20 06:02+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Xosé M. Lamas \n" "Language-Team: Galician (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/gl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ msgstr "Fuso horario trocado" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Petición non válida" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Calendario" @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ msgstr "Clientes" #: lib/app.php:64 lib/object.php:336 msgid "Deliverer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Remitente" #: lib/app.php:65 lib/object.php:337 msgid "Holidays" @@ -283,59 +283,63 @@ msgstr "Cal." msgid "All day" msgstr "Todo o dia" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "Novo calendario" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "Faltan campos" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "Título" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "Desde Data" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "Desde Hora" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "a Data" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "a Hora" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "O evento remata antes de iniciarse" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "Houbo un erro na base de datos" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "Semana" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "Mes" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "Lista" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "Hoxe" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "Calendarios" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "Houbo un erro ao procesar o ficheiro" @@ -419,10 +423,6 @@ msgstr "Nad." msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "Escolla os calendarios activos" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "Novo calendario" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" diff --git a/l10n/gl/contacts.po b/l10n/gl/contacts.po index cfec12a188..b4590c4696 100644 --- a/l10n/gl/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/gl/contacts.po @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 06:44+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Xosé M. Lamas \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Galician (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/gl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "Non se pode engadir unha propiedade baldeira" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "A lo menos un dos campos de dirección ten que ser cuberto" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "Erro engadindo unha propiedade do contacto." @@ -62,67 +62,67 @@ msgstr "Erro actualizando o directorio." msgid "Contacts" msgstr "Contactos" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Este non é o seu directorio" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Non se atopou o contacto" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" "A información sobre a vCard é incorrecta. Por favor volte a cargar a páxina." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Dirección" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Teléfono" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Correo electrónico" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organización" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Emprego" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Casa" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Móbil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Texto" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Voz" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Vídeo" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Paxinador" @@ -130,18 +130,10 @@ msgstr "Paxinador" msgid "Contact" msgstr "Contacto" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Este non é un dos seus contactos" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Esta tarxeta non é compatible con RFC" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Esta tarxeta non ten fotografía" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Engadir contacto" diff --git a/l10n/gl/gallery.po b/l10n/gl/gallery.po index 4c8e3d3682..6b8306e957 100644 --- a/l10n/gl/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/gl/gallery.po @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 05:44+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Xosé M. Lamas \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Galician (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/gl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -22,6 +22,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galería" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "Voltar a analizar" diff --git a/l10n/gl/settings.po b/l10n/gl/settings.po index 89e3031013..eac9a22b6f 100644 --- a/l10n/gl/settings.po +++ b/l10n/gl/settings.po @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-20 06:00+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Xosé M. Lamas \n" "Language-Team: Galician (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/gl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ msgstr "O idioma mudou" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Galego" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" diff --git a/l10n/he/contacts.po b/l10n/he/contacts.po index 3779134461..3f9ecf4906 100644 --- a/l10n/he/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/he/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Hebrew (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/he/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "זהו אינו ספר הכתובות שלך" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "לא ניתן לאתר איש קשר" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "המידע אודות vCard אינו נכון. נא לטעון מחדש את הדף." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "כתובת" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "טלפון" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "דואר אלקטרוני" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "ארגון" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "עבודה" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "בית" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "נייד" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "טקסט" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "קולי" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "פקס" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "וידאו" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "זימונית" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "זימונית" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "זהו אינו איש קשר שלך" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "כרטיס זה אינו תואם ל־RFC" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "כרטיס זה אינו כולל תמונה" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "הוספת איש קשר" diff --git a/l10n/he/gallery.po b/l10n/he/gallery.po index 5b80974785..e887ef15e0 100644 --- a/l10n/he/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/he/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Hebrew (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/he/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/hr/contacts.po b/l10n/hr/contacts.po index 3df2758e0c..e3c3778727 100644 --- a/l10n/hr/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/hr/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Croatian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/hr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Ovo nije vaš adresar." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kontakt ne postoji." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informacija o vCard je neispravna. Osvježite stranicu." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresa" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mail" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizacija" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Posao" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Kuća" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobitel" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekst" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Glasovno" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pager" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "Pager" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Ovo nije vaš kontakt." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Ova kartica nije sukladna prema RFC direktivama." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Ova kartica ne sadrži fotografiju." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Dodaj kontakt" diff --git a/l10n/hr/gallery.po b/l10n/hr/gallery.po index fba0079584..e06e16b1bf 100644 --- a/l10n/hr/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/hr/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Croatian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/hr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/hu_HU/contacts.po b/l10n/hu_HU/contacts.po index b4e5d034ec..3ffb7ba451 100644 --- a/l10n/hu_HU/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/hu_HU/contacts.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/hu_HU/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -63,66 +63,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Ez nem a te címjegyzéked." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kapcsolat nem található." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "A vCardról szóló információ helytelen. Töltsd újra az oldalt." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Cím" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefonszám" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mail" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizáció" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Munka" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Otthon" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobiltelefonszám" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Szöveg" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Hang" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Lapozó" @@ -130,18 +130,10 @@ msgstr "Lapozó" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Nem a te kapcsolatod." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "A kártya nem RFC kompatibilis." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "A kártya nem tartlmaz fényképet." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Kontakt hozzáadása" diff --git a/l10n/hu_HU/core.po b/l10n/hu_HU/core.po index a6a15a1bf9..36e8b3fe06 100644 --- a/l10n/hu_HU/core.po +++ b/l10n/hu_HU/core.po @@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ # # Translators: # , 2011. +# Peter Borsa , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-20 13:07+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Peter Borsa \n" "Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/hu_HU/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ msgstr "emlékezni" #: templates/login.php:16 msgid "Log in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bejelentkezés" #: templates/logout.php:1 msgid "You are logged out." diff --git a/l10n/hu_HU/gallery.po b/l10n/hu_HU/gallery.po index 96eb6168ca..d0c48004f5 100644 --- a/l10n/hu_HU/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/hu_HU/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/hu_HU/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/hy/contacts.po b/l10n/hy/contacts.po index 53d8557da1..5a25e75625 100644 --- a/l10n/hy/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/hy/contacts.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Armenian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/hy/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -61,66 +61,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "" @@ -128,18 +128,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/hy/gallery.po b/l10n/hy/gallery.po index c1a1f43fe7..21d7cd873d 100644 --- a/l10n/hy/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/hy/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Armenian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/hy/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/ia/contacts.po b/l10n/ia/contacts.po index 6958d64a4b..3cc77ffc63 100644 --- a/l10n/ia/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/ia/contacts.po @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Interlingua (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ia/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -63,66 +63,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Iste non es tu libro de adresses" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Contacto non poterea esser legite" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telephono" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-posta" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organisation" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Travalio" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Domo" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Texto" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Voce" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pager" @@ -130,18 +130,10 @@ msgstr "Pager" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Iste non es tu contacto" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Iste carta non es compatibile con RFC" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Adder contacto" diff --git a/l10n/ia/files.po b/l10n/ia/files.po index 8ecc621730..8bfa363a1b 100644 --- a/l10n/ia/files.po +++ b/l10n/ia/files.po @@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ # # Translators: # Emilio Sepúlveda , 2011. +# Emilio Sepúlveda , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-26 02:10+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Emilio Sepúlveda \n" "Language-Team: Interlingua (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ia/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -54,15 +55,15 @@ msgstr "Dimension maxime de incargamento" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "New" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nove" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Text file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "File de texto" #: templates/index.php:11 msgid "Folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dossier" #: templates/index.php:12 msgid "From the web" diff --git a/l10n/ia/gallery.po b/l10n/ia/gallery.po index 76db89533f..fa58412535 100644 --- a/l10n/ia/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/ia/gallery.po @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# Emilio Sepúlveda , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Interlingua (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ia/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,12 +22,32 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" #: templates/view_album.php:19 msgid "Back" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Retro" diff --git a/l10n/id/contacts.po b/l10n/id/contacts.po index d78cbcd9b1..f38c4dbbc2 100644 --- a/l10n/id/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/id/contacts.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/id/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -61,66 +61,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "" @@ -128,18 +128,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/id/gallery.po b/l10n/id/gallery.po index 058bc22ba9..1858e5d114 100644 --- a/l10n/id/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/id/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/id/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/it/contacts.po b/l10n/it/contacts.po index 7eee067d6e..89d7850b44 100644 --- a/l10n/it/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/it/contacts.po @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 15:26+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 17:11+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: formalist \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/it/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere una proprietà vuota." msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "Deve essere riempito almeno un indirizzo ." -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "Errore durante l'aggiunta della proprietà del contatto." @@ -64,66 +64,66 @@ msgstr "Errore nell'aggiornamento della rubrica." msgid "Contacts" msgstr "Contatti" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Questa non è la tua rubrica." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Il contatto non può essere trovato" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informazioni sulla vCard incorrette. Ricaricare la pagina." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Indirizzo" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefono" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizzazione" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Lavoro" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Casa" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Cellulare" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Testo" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Voce" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Cercapersone" @@ -131,18 +131,10 @@ msgstr "Cercapersone" msgid "Contact" msgstr "Contatto" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Questo non è un tuo contatto." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Questa card non è compatibile con il protocollo RFC." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Questa card non contiene una foto." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Aggiungi contatto" diff --git a/l10n/it/gallery.po b/l10n/it/gallery.po index 1e65c8e50e..c719316b9c 100644 --- a/l10n/it/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/it/gallery.po @@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ # # Translators: # , 2012. +# , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 15:26+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 17:13+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: formalist \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-26 21:13+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: ufic \n" "Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/it/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -22,6 +23,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galleria" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "Analisi cartelle in corso" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "Nessuna foto trovata" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "Creazione anteprime in corso" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "Vuoi rimuovere l'album" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "Inserisci il nome della nuova galleria" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "Rileggi" diff --git a/l10n/it/settings.po b/l10n/it/settings.po index f4bcbf38d4..c1c0490508 100644 --- a/l10n/it/settings.po +++ b/l10n/it/settings.po @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:38+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/it/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ msgstr "Lingua modificata" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Italiano" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" diff --git a/l10n/ja_JP/calendar.po b/l10n/ja_JP/calendar.po index fc03639a99..76d8d431e9 100644 --- a/l10n/ja_JP/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/ja_JP/calendar.po @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 13:53+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: nn nn \n" "Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ja_JP/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/guesstimezone.php:42 msgid "New Timezone:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "新しいタイムゾーン:" #: ajax/settimezone.php:22 msgid "Timezone changed" @@ -128,143 +128,143 @@ msgstr "毎年" #: lib/object.php:366 msgid "never" -msgstr "" +msgstr "無し" #: lib/object.php:367 msgid "by occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "回数で指定" #: lib/object.php:368 msgid "by date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "日付で指定" #: lib/object.php:375 msgid "by monthday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "日にちで指定" #: lib/object.php:376 msgid "by weekday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "曜日で指定" #: lib/object.php:383 templates/lAfix.php:3 msgid "Monday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "月曜日" #: lib/object.php:384 templates/lAfix.php:4 msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "火曜日" #: lib/object.php:385 templates/lAfix.php:5 msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "水曜日" #: lib/object.php:386 templates/lAfix.php:6 msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "木曜日" #: lib/object.php:387 templates/lAfix.php:7 msgid "Friday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "金曜日" #: lib/object.php:388 templates/lAfix.php:8 msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "土曜日" #: lib/object.php:389 templates/lAfix.php:2 msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "日曜日" #: lib/object.php:396 msgid "events week of month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "予定のある週を指定" #: lib/object.php:397 msgid "first" -msgstr "" +msgstr "1週目" #: lib/object.php:398 msgid "second" -msgstr "" +msgstr "2週目" #: lib/object.php:399 msgid "third" -msgstr "" +msgstr "3週目" #: lib/object.php:400 msgid "fourth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "4週目" #: lib/object.php:401 msgid "fifth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "5週目" #: lib/object.php:402 msgid "last" -msgstr "" +msgstr "最終週" #: lib/object.php:424 templates/lAfix.php:16 msgid "January" -msgstr "" +msgstr "1月" #: lib/object.php:425 templates/lAfix.php:17 msgid "February" -msgstr "" +msgstr "2月" #: lib/object.php:426 templates/lAfix.php:18 msgid "March" -msgstr "" +msgstr "3月" #: lib/object.php:427 templates/lAfix.php:19 msgid "April" -msgstr "" +msgstr "4月" #: lib/object.php:428 templates/lAfix.php:20 msgid "May" -msgstr "" +msgstr "5月" #: lib/object.php:429 templates/lAfix.php:21 msgid "June" -msgstr "" +msgstr "6月" #: lib/object.php:430 templates/lAfix.php:22 msgid "July" -msgstr "" +msgstr "7月" #: lib/object.php:431 templates/lAfix.php:23 msgid "August" -msgstr "" +msgstr "8月" #: lib/object.php:432 templates/lAfix.php:24 msgid "September" -msgstr "" +msgstr "9月" #: lib/object.php:433 templates/lAfix.php:25 msgid "October" -msgstr "" +msgstr "10月" #: lib/object.php:434 templates/lAfix.php:26 msgid "November" -msgstr "" +msgstr "11月" #: lib/object.php:435 templates/lAfix.php:27 msgid "December" -msgstr "" +msgstr "12月" #: lib/object.php:441 msgid "by events date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "日付で指定" #: lib/object.php:442 msgid "by yearday(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "日番号で指定" #: lib/object.php:443 msgid "by weeknumber(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "週番号で指定" #: lib/object.php:444 msgid "by day and month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "月と日で指定" #: lib/object.php:467 msgid "Not an array" @@ -272,11 +272,11 @@ msgstr "配列ではありません" #: lib/search.php:32 lib/search.php:34 lib/search.php:37 msgid "Date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "日付" #: lib/search.php:40 msgid "Cal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "カレンダー" #: templates/calendar.php:10 msgid "All day" @@ -340,79 +340,79 @@ msgstr "ファイルを構文解析する際に失敗しました" #: templates/lAfix.php:9 msgid "Sun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "日" #: templates/lAfix.php:10 msgid "Mon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "月" #: templates/lAfix.php:11 msgid "Tue." -msgstr "" +msgstr "火" #: templates/lAfix.php:12 msgid "Wed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "水" #: templates/lAfix.php:13 msgid "Thu." -msgstr "" +msgstr "木" #: templates/lAfix.php:14 msgid "Fri." -msgstr "" +msgstr "金" #: templates/lAfix.php:15 msgid "Sat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "土" #: templates/lAfix.php:28 msgid "Jan." -msgstr "" +msgstr "1月" #: templates/lAfix.php:29 msgid "Feb." -msgstr "" +msgstr "2月" #: templates/lAfix.php:30 msgid "Mar." -msgstr "" +msgstr "3月" #: templates/lAfix.php:31 msgid "Apr." -msgstr "" +msgstr "4月" #: templates/lAfix.php:32 msgid "May." -msgstr "" +msgstr "5月" #: templates/lAfix.php:33 msgid "Jun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "6月" #: templates/lAfix.php:34 msgid "Jul." -msgstr "" +msgstr "7月" #: templates/lAfix.php:35 msgid "Aug." -msgstr "" +msgstr "8月" #: templates/lAfix.php:36 msgid "Sep." -msgstr "" +msgstr "9月" #: templates/lAfix.php:37 msgid "Oct." -msgstr "" +msgstr "10月" #: templates/lAfix.php:38 msgid "Nov." -msgstr "" +msgstr "11月" #: templates/lAfix.php:39 msgid "Dec." -msgstr "" +msgstr "12月" #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:1 msgid "Choose active calendars" @@ -515,47 +515,47 @@ msgstr "繰り返す" #: templates/part.eventform.php:68 msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "" +msgstr "詳細設定" #: templates/part.eventform.php:112 msgid "Select weekdays" -msgstr "" +msgstr "曜日を指定" #: templates/part.eventform.php:125 templates/part.eventform.php:138 msgid "Select days" -msgstr "" +msgstr "日付を指定" #: templates/part.eventform.php:130 msgid "and the events day of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "対象の年を選択する。" #: templates/part.eventform.php:143 msgid "and the events day of month." -msgstr "" +msgstr "対象の月を選択する。" #: templates/part.eventform.php:151 msgid "Select months" -msgstr "" +msgstr "月を指定する" #: templates/part.eventform.php:164 msgid "Select weeks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "週を指定する" #: templates/part.eventform.php:169 msgid "and the events week of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "対象の週を選択する。" #: templates/part.eventform.php:175 msgid "Interval" -msgstr "" +msgstr "周期" #: templates/part.eventform.php:181 msgid "End" -msgstr "" +msgstr "繰り返す期間" #: templates/part.eventform.php:193 msgid "occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "回繰り返す" #: templates/part.eventform.php:208 msgid "Location" @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ msgstr "イベントのメモ" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "カレンダーファイルをインポート" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -583,11 +583,11 @@ msgstr "カレンダーを選択してください" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "新規カレンダーの作成" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "新規カレンダーの名称" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -595,15 +595,15 @@ msgstr "インポート" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "カレンダーを取り込み中" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "カレンダーの取り込みに成功しました" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "閉じる" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" @@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ msgstr "タイムゾーン" #: templates/settings.php:30 msgid "Check always for changes of the timezone" -msgstr "" +msgstr "タイムゾーン変更を常に確認する" #: templates/settings.php:32 msgid "Timeformat" diff --git a/l10n/ja_JP/contacts.po b/l10n/ja_JP/contacts.po index e9ae1beecf..69f4226ff4 100644 --- a/l10n/ja_JP/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/ja_JP/contacts.po @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 14:02+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: nn nn \n" "Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ja_JP/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,138 +19,130 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "電話帳の有効/無効化に失敗しました。" #: ajax/addcard.php:79 msgid "There was an error adding the contact." -msgstr "" +msgstr "連絡先の追加でエラーが発生しました。" #: ajax/addproperty.php:39 msgid "Cannot add empty property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "項目の新規追加に失敗しました。" #: ajax/addproperty.php:51 msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "アドレス項目の1つは記入して下さい。" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "連絡先の追加に失敗しました。" #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error adding addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "電話帳の追加に失敗しました。" #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "電話帳の有効化に失敗しました。" #: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 msgid "Error deleting contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "連絡先の削除に失敗しました。" #: ajax/setproperty.php:79 msgid "Error updating contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "連絡先の更新に失敗しました。" #: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error updating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "電話帳の更新に失敗しました。" #: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "連絡先" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "これはあなたの電話帳ではありません。" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "連絡先を見つける事ができません。" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "vCardの情報に誤りがあります。ページをリロードして下さい。" -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "住所" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "電話番号" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "メールアドレス" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "所属" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "勤務先" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "住居" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "携帯電話" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "TTY TDD" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "音声番号" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "FAX" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "テレビ電話" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "ポケベル" #: lib/search.php:22 msgid "Contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "連絡先" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "あなたの連絡先ではありません。" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "このカードはRFCに準拠していません。" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "このカードは写真を含んでおりません。" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "連絡先の追加" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "Addressbooks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "電話帳" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 msgid "Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "電話帳" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 msgid "Name" @@ -160,7 +152,7 @@ msgstr "氏名" #: templates/part.details.php:79 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:10 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:47 msgid "Type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "種類" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:65 templates/part.details.php:49 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:16 @@ -203,20 +195,20 @@ msgstr "追加" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:1 msgid "Choose active Address Books" -msgstr "" +msgstr "有効な電話帳の選択" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:16 msgid "New Address Book" -msgstr "" +msgstr "新規電話帳" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:21 #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "CardDav Link" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CardDAV リンク" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Download" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ダウンロード" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Edit" @@ -228,43 +220,43 @@ msgstr "削除" #: templates/part.details.php:3 msgid "Download contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "連絡先のダウンロード" #: templates/part.details.php:4 msgid "Delete contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "連絡先の削除" #: templates/part.details.php:34 msgid "Add" -msgstr "" +msgstr "追加" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "New Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "電話帳の新規作成" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "Edit Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "電話帳の編集" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 msgid "Displayname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "表示名" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:23 msgid "Active" -msgstr "" +msgstr "アクティブ" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Save" -msgstr "" +msgstr "保存" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Submit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "送信" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:30 msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "取り消し" #: templates/part.property.php:3 msgid "Birthday" @@ -272,7 +264,7 @@ msgstr "生年月日" #: templates/part.property.php:23 msgid "Preferred" -msgstr "" +msgstr "推奨" #: templates/part.property.php:23 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:45 msgid "Phone" @@ -280,10 +272,10 @@ msgstr "電話番号" #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:57 msgid "Update" -msgstr "" +msgstr "更新" #: templates/settings.php:4 msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CardDAV 同期アドレス:" diff --git a/l10n/ja_JP/core.po b/l10n/ja_JP/core.po index 9511997e08..ee1a642fc6 100644 --- a/l10n/ja_JP/core.po +++ b/l10n/ja_JP/core.po @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 14:20+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: nn nn \n" "Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ja_JP/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lostpassword/index.php:24 msgid "Owncloud password reset" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Owncloud のパスワードをリセット" #: lostpassword/templates/email.php:1 msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "パスワードをリセットするには次のリンクをクリックして下さい: {link}" #: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:3 msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ msgstr "あなたのパスワードはリセットされました。" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5 msgid "To login page" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ログインページへ戻る" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8 msgid "New password" @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ msgstr "セットアップを完了します" #: templates/layout.guest.php:35 msgid "web services under your control" -msgstr "" +msgstr "管理下にあるウェブサービス" #: templates/layout.user.php:34 msgid "Log out" @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ msgstr "パスワードを記憶する" #: templates/login.php:16 msgid "Log in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ログイン" #: templates/logout.php:1 msgid "You are logged out." diff --git a/l10n/ja_JP/files.po b/l10n/ja_JP/files.po index f4097681b6..25e82ba37e 100644 --- a/l10n/ja_JP/files.po +++ b/l10n/ja_JP/files.po @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 15:06+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: nn nn \n" "Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ja_JP/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -53,19 +53,19 @@ msgstr "最大アップロードサイズ" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "New" -msgstr "" +msgstr "新規作成" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Text file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "テキストファイル" #: templates/index.php:11 msgid "Folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "フォルダ" #: templates/index.php:12 msgid "From the web" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ウェブ経由" #: templates/index.php:22 msgid "Upload" diff --git a/l10n/ja_JP/gallery.po b/l10n/ja_JP/gallery.po index d6ba590cba..2d2d0898df 100644 --- a/l10n/ja_JP/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/ja_JP/gallery.po @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 14:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: nn nn \n" "Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ja_JP/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,14 +19,34 @@ msgstr "" #: appinfo/app.php:41 msgid "Gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ギャラリー" + +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "ディレクトリをスキャン中" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "写真が見つかりませんでした" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "サムネイルを作成中" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "アルバムを削除しますか" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "新しいギャラリー名を作る" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "再スキャン" #: templates/view_album.php:19 msgid "Back" -msgstr "" +msgstr "戻る" diff --git a/l10n/ja_JP/settings.po b/l10n/ja_JP/settings.po index 6b3cde7791..edc1d15866 100644 --- a/l10n/ja_JP/settings.po +++ b/l10n/ja_JP/settings.po @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 14:15+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: nn nn \n" "Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ja_JP/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/lostpassword.php:14 msgid "email Changed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "メールアドレスを変更しました" #: ajax/lostpassword.php:16 ajax/openid.php:17 ajax/setlanguage.php:16 msgid "Invalid request" @@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ msgstr "言語が変更されました" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Japanese(日本語)" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ログレベル" #: templates/apps.php:8 msgid "Add your application" @@ -107,15 +107,15 @@ msgstr "パスワードを変更する" #: templates/personal.php:24 msgid "Email" -msgstr "" +msgstr "メールアドレス" #: templates/personal.php:25 msgid "Your email address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "あなたのメールアドレス" #: templates/personal.php:26 msgid "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "パスワードの回復を有効にするにはメールアドレスを入力してください" #: templates/personal.php:32 templates/personal.php:33 msgid "Language" @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ msgstr "言語" #: templates/personal.php:38 msgid "Help translate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "翻訳を手伝う" #: templates/personal.php:45 msgid "use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager" @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ msgstr "作成" #: templates/users.php:33 msgid "Quota" -msgstr "" +msgstr "クオータ" #: templates/users.php:58 msgid "Delete" diff --git a/l10n/lb/contacts.po b/l10n/lb/contacts.po index 54489a1108..558e54c309 100644 --- a/l10n/lb/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/lb/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Luxembourgish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/lb/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Dat do ass net däin Adressbuch." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Konnt den Kontakt net fannen." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informatioun iwwert vCard ass net richteg. Lued d'Säit wegl nei." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adress" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon's Nummer" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Firma" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Aarbecht" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Doheem" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "GSM" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "SMS" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Voice" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pager" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "Pager" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Dat do ass net däin Kontakt." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Déi do Kaart ass net RFC kompatibel." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Déi do Kaart huet keng Foto." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Kontakt bäisetzen" diff --git a/l10n/lb/gallery.po b/l10n/lb/gallery.po index 6479414e17..3ed140c275 100644 --- a/l10n/lb/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/lb/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Luxembourgish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/lb/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/lt_LT/contacts.po b/l10n/lt_LT/contacts.po index 1180c2251c..77d85c36ed 100644 --- a/l10n/lt_LT/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/lt_LT/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Lithuanian (Lithuania) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/lt_LT/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Tai ne jūsų adresų knygelė." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kontaktas nerastas" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informacija apie vCard yra neteisinga. " -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresas" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefonas" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "El. paštas" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizacija" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Darbo" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Namų" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobilusis" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekstas" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Balso" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Faksas" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Vaizdo" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pranešimų gaviklis" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "Pranešimų gaviklis" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Tai ne jūsų kontaktas" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Pridėti kontaktą" diff --git a/l10n/lt_LT/gallery.po b/l10n/lt_LT/gallery.po index 19ed976cf7..24c6f1f913 100644 --- a/l10n/lt_LT/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/lt_LT/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Lithuanian (Lithuania) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/lt_LT/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/ms_MY/contacts.po b/l10n/ms_MY/contacts.po index 56ebea52bb..35b7cc9d4d 100644 --- a/l10n/ms_MY/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/ms_MY/contacts.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Malay (Malaysia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ms_MY/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -61,66 +61,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "" @@ -128,18 +128,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/ms_MY/gallery.po b/l10n/ms_MY/gallery.po index 2aa2b4a390..dcab2af980 100644 --- a/l10n/ms_MY/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/ms_MY/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Malay (Malaysia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ms_MY/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/nb_NO/contacts.po b/l10n/nb_NO/contacts.po index 47e67f25b3..80b66d6d4f 100644 --- a/l10n/nb_NO/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/nb_NO/contacts.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/nb_NO/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -61,66 +61,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "" @@ -128,18 +128,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/nb_NO/gallery.po b/l10n/nb_NO/gallery.po index b8cf83673a..b975c15427 100644 --- a/l10n/nb_NO/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/nb_NO/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/nb_NO/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/nl/calendar.po b/l10n/nl/calendar.po index ca5e835d59..54a5c24560 100644 --- a/l10n/nl/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/nl/calendar.po @@ -5,14 +5,15 @@ # Translators: # , 2011. # , 2011. +# , 2012. # , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 08:31+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: jgelauff \n" "Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/nl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ msgstr "op datum" #: lib/object.php:375 msgid "by monthday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "per dag van de maand" #: lib/object.php:376 msgid "by weekday" diff --git a/l10n/nl/contacts.po b/l10n/nl/contacts.po index 1266693476..a702fa3f1a 100644 --- a/l10n/nl/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/nl/contacts.po @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/nl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -64,66 +64,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Dit is niet uw adresboek." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Contact kon niet worden gevonden." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informatie over de vCard is onjuist. Herlaad de pagina." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adres" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefoon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mail" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organisatie" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Werk" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Thuis" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobiel" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekst" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Stem" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pieper" @@ -131,18 +131,10 @@ msgstr "Pieper" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Dit is niet uw contactpersoon." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Deze kaart is niet RFC compatibel." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Deze contact bevat geen foto." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Contact toevoegen" diff --git a/l10n/nl/gallery.po b/l10n/nl/gallery.po index 25d5097b36..c513524fe5 100644 --- a/l10n/nl/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/nl/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/nl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/nl/settings.po b/l10n/nl/settings.po index a52b7a0648..848d6de4c8 100644 --- a/l10n/nl/settings.po +++ b/l10n/nl/settings.po @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ # # Translators: # , 2011. -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. # , 2011. # , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:36+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/nl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr "Taal aangepast" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nederlands" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" diff --git a/l10n/nn_NO/contacts.po b/l10n/nn_NO/contacts.po index a5a29115d1..9d2056844c 100644 --- a/l10n/nn_NO/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/nn_NO/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/nn_NO/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Dette er ikkje di adressebok." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Fann ikkje kontakten." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informasjonen om vCard-et er feil, ver venleg og last sida på nytt." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefonnummer" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Epost" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organisasjon" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Arbeid" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Heime" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekst" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Tale" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Faks" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Personsøkjar" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "Personsøkjar" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Dette er ikkje din kontakt." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Dette kortet er ikkje RFC-kompatibelt" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Dette kortet har ingen bilete." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Legg til kontakt" diff --git a/l10n/nn_NO/gallery.po b/l10n/nn_NO/gallery.po index a0aca6b59d..c5691499d1 100644 --- a/l10n/nn_NO/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/nn_NO/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/nn_NO/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/pl/contacts.po b/l10n/pl/contacts.po index 15faa87da8..aa910256bf 100644 --- a/l10n/pl/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/pl/contacts.po @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 14:05+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Bartek \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/pl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ msgstr "Nie można dodać pustego elementu" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "Przynajmniej jedno pole adresu musi być wypełnione" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "Błąd podczas dodawania elementu" @@ -63,66 +63,66 @@ msgstr "Błąd podczas aktualizacji książki" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "Kontakty" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "To nie jest twoja książka adresowa." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kontakt nie znaleziony." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informacje o vCard są nieprawidłowe. Proszę odświeżyć stronę." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adres" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mail" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizacja" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Praca" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Dom" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Komórka" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekst" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Połączenie głosowe" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Faks" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Połączenie wideo" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pager" @@ -130,18 +130,10 @@ msgstr "Pager" msgid "Contact" msgstr "Kontakt" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "To nie jest twój kontakt." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Ta karta nie jest zgodna ze specyfikacją RFC." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Ta karta nie zawiera zdjęć." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Dodaj kontakt" diff --git a/l10n/pl/gallery.po b/l10n/pl/gallery.po index 2beaf9b81e..18898432ad 100644 --- a/l10n/pl/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/pl/gallery.po @@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# Bartek , 2012. +# Marcin Małecki , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-25 19:46+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Bartek \n" "Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/pl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,14 +21,34 @@ msgstr "" #: appinfo/app.php:41 msgid "Gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Galeria" + +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "Skanuje katalogi" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "Nie znaleziono zdjęć" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "Tworzenie miniatur" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "Czy chcesz usunąć album" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "Wprowadź nową nazwę galerii" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Przeskanuj" #: templates/view_album.php:19 msgid "Back" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wróć" diff --git a/l10n/pl/settings.po b/l10n/pl/settings.po index 22ec18316b..4f0569f033 100644 --- a/l10n/pl/settings.po +++ b/l10n/pl/settings.po @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. # Kamil Domański , 2011. # Marcin Małecki , 2011, 2012. # Marcin Małecki , 2011. @@ -11,8 +12,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 18:46+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/pl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr "Język zmieniony" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Polski" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" diff --git a/l10n/pt_BR/contacts.po b/l10n/pt_BR/contacts.po index 6872b053b8..6e7c01e85f 100644 --- a/l10n/pt_BR/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/pt_BR/contacts.po @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" -"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazilian) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/pt_BR/)\n" +"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/pt_BR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Este não é o seu agenda de endereços." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Contato não pôde ser encontrado." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informações sobre vCard é incorreta. Por favor, recarregue a página." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Endereço" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefone" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mail" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organização" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Trabalho" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Home" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Móvel" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Texto" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Voz" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Vídeo" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pager" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "Pager" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Este não é o seu contato." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Este cartão não é compatível com RFC." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Este cartão não contém uma foto." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Adicionar Contato" diff --git a/l10n/pt_BR/gallery.po b/l10n/pt_BR/gallery.po index 0d4da06460..2044b51b14 100644 --- a/l10n/pt_BR/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/pt_BR/gallery.po @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" -"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazilian) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/pt_BR/)\n" +"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/pt_BR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/pt_PT/contacts.po b/l10n/pt_PT/contacts.po index e29627a2db..069fcb05c9 100644 --- a/l10n/pt_PT/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/pt_PT/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/pt_PT/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,67 +62,67 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Esta não é a sua lista de contactos" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "O contacto não foi encontrado" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" "A informação sobre o vCard está incorreta. Por favor refresque a página" -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Morada" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefone" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organização" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Trabalho" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Casa" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Telemovel" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Texto" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Voz" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Vídeo" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pager" @@ -130,18 +130,10 @@ msgstr "Pager" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Este não é o seu contacto" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Este cartão não é compativel com RFC" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Este cartão não possui foto" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Adicionar Contacto" diff --git a/l10n/pt_PT/gallery.po b/l10n/pt_PT/gallery.po index 19f5d97278..f6cbe83280 100644 --- a/l10n/pt_PT/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/pt_PT/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/pt_PT/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/ro/calendar.po b/l10n/ro/calendar.po index ff06c8671a..7218e65c3f 100644 --- a/l10n/ro/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/ro/calendar.po @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 07:11+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Claudiu \n" "Language-Team: Romanian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ro/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr "A fost schimbat fusul orar" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Cerere eronată" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Calendar" @@ -284,59 +284,63 @@ msgstr "Cal." msgid "All day" msgstr "Toată ziua" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "Calendar nou" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "Câmpuri lipsă" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "Titlu" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "Începând cu" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "De la" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "Până pe" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "La" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "Evenimentul se termină înainte să înceapă" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "A avut loc o eroare a bazei de date" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "Săptămâna" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "Luna" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "Listă" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "Astăzi" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "Calendare" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "A fost întâmpinată o eroare în procesarea fișierului" @@ -420,10 +424,6 @@ msgstr "Dec." msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "Alege activitățile din calendar" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "Calendar nou" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ msgstr "Descrierea evenimentului" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Importă un calendar" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -585,11 +585,11 @@ msgstr "Alegeți calendarul" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "crează un calendar nou" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Numele noului calendar" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -597,15 +597,15 @@ msgstr "Importă" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Importă calendar" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Calendarul a fost importat cu succes" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Închide" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" diff --git a/l10n/ro/contacts.po b/l10n/ro/contacts.po index 6d7ec2c5c2..039b7b1f19 100644 --- a/l10n/ro/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/ro/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Romanian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ro/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Nu se găsește în agendă." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Contactul nu a putut fi găsit." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informațiile despre vCard sunt incorecte. Reîncărcați pagina." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresă" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizație" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Servici" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Acasă" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Text" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Voce" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pager" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "Pager" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Nu este contactul tău" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Nu este compatibil RFC" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Nu conține o fotografie" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Adaugă contact" diff --git a/l10n/ro/gallery.po b/l10n/ro/gallery.po index decdaf4092..38d92f23af 100644 --- a/l10n/ro/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/ro/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Romanian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ro/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/ru/calendar.po b/l10n/ru/calendar.po index ced4bad48e..48668f7dea 100644 --- a/l10n/ru/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/ru/calendar.po @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. # , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-21 21:02+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: jekader \n" "Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ru/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/guesstimezone.php:42 msgid "New Timezone:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Новый часовой пояс:" #: ajax/settimezone.php:22 msgid "Timezone changed" @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ msgstr "Часовой пояс изменён" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Неверный запрос" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Календарь" @@ -130,143 +130,143 @@ msgstr "Каждый год" #: lib/object.php:366 msgid "never" -msgstr "" +msgstr "никогда" #: lib/object.php:367 msgid "by occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "по числу повторений" #: lib/object.php:368 msgid "by date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "по дате" #: lib/object.php:375 msgid "by monthday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "по дню месяца" #: lib/object.php:376 msgid "by weekday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "по дню недели" #: lib/object.php:383 templates/lAfix.php:3 msgid "Monday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Понедельник" #: lib/object.php:384 templates/lAfix.php:4 msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Вторник" #: lib/object.php:385 templates/lAfix.php:5 msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Среда" #: lib/object.php:386 templates/lAfix.php:6 msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Четверг" #: lib/object.php:387 templates/lAfix.php:7 msgid "Friday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Пятница" #: lib/object.php:388 templates/lAfix.php:8 msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Суббота" #: lib/object.php:389 templates/lAfix.php:2 msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Воскресенье" #: lib/object.php:396 msgid "events week of month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "неделя месяца" #: lib/object.php:397 msgid "first" -msgstr "" +msgstr "первая" #: lib/object.php:398 msgid "second" -msgstr "" +msgstr "вторая" #: lib/object.php:399 msgid "third" -msgstr "" +msgstr "третья" #: lib/object.php:400 msgid "fourth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "червётрая" #: lib/object.php:401 msgid "fifth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "пятая" #: lib/object.php:402 msgid "last" -msgstr "" +msgstr "последняя" #: lib/object.php:424 templates/lAfix.php:16 msgid "January" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Январь" #: lib/object.php:425 templates/lAfix.php:17 msgid "February" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Февраль" #: lib/object.php:426 templates/lAfix.php:18 msgid "March" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Март" #: lib/object.php:427 templates/lAfix.php:19 msgid "April" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Апрель" #: lib/object.php:428 templates/lAfix.php:20 msgid "May" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Май" #: lib/object.php:429 templates/lAfix.php:21 msgid "June" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Июнь" #: lib/object.php:430 templates/lAfix.php:22 msgid "July" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Июль" #: lib/object.php:431 templates/lAfix.php:23 msgid "August" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Август" #: lib/object.php:432 templates/lAfix.php:24 msgid "September" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Сентябрь" #: lib/object.php:433 templates/lAfix.php:25 msgid "October" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Октябрь" #: lib/object.php:434 templates/lAfix.php:26 msgid "November" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ноябрь" #: lib/object.php:435 templates/lAfix.php:27 msgid "December" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Декабрь" #: lib/object.php:441 msgid "by events date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "по дате событий" #: lib/object.php:442 msgid "by yearday(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "по дням недели" #: lib/object.php:443 msgid "by weeknumber(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "по номерам недели" #: lib/object.php:444 msgid "by day and month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "по дню и месяцу" #: lib/object.php:467 msgid "Not an array" @@ -274,156 +274,156 @@ msgstr "Не массив" #: lib/search.php:32 lib/search.php:34 lib/search.php:37 msgid "Date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Дата" #: lib/search.php:40 msgid "Cal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Кал." #: templates/calendar.php:10 msgid "All day" msgstr "Весь день" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "Новый Календарь" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "Незаполненные поля" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "Название" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "Дата начала" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "Время начала" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "Дата окончания" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "Время окончания" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "Окончание события раньше, чем его начало" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "Ошибка базы данных" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "Неделя" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "Месяц" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "Список" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "Сегодня" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "Календари" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "Не удалось обработать файл." #: templates/lAfix.php:9 msgid "Sun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Вс." #: templates/lAfix.php:10 msgid "Mon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Пн." #: templates/lAfix.php:11 msgid "Tue." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Вт." #: templates/lAfix.php:12 msgid "Wed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ср." #: templates/lAfix.php:13 msgid "Thu." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Чт." #: templates/lAfix.php:14 msgid "Fri." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Пт." #: templates/lAfix.php:15 msgid "Sat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Сб." #: templates/lAfix.php:28 msgid "Jan." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Янв." #: templates/lAfix.php:29 msgid "Feb." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Фев." #: templates/lAfix.php:30 msgid "Mar." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Мар." #: templates/lAfix.php:31 msgid "Apr." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Сен." #: templates/lAfix.php:32 msgid "May." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Май." #: templates/lAfix.php:33 msgid "Jun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Июн." #: templates/lAfix.php:34 msgid "Jul." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Июл." #: templates/lAfix.php:35 msgid "Aug." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Авг." #: templates/lAfix.php:36 msgid "Sep." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Сен." #: templates/lAfix.php:37 msgid "Oct." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Окт." #: templates/lAfix.php:38 msgid "Nov." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ноя." #: templates/lAfix.php:39 msgid "Dec." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Дек." #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:1 msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "Выберите активные календари" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "Новый Календарь" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" @@ -517,47 +517,47 @@ msgstr "Повтор" #: templates/part.eventform.php:68 msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Дополнительно" #: templates/part.eventform.php:112 msgid "Select weekdays" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбрать дни недели" #: templates/part.eventform.php:125 templates/part.eventform.php:138 msgid "Select days" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбрать дни" #: templates/part.eventform.php:130 msgid "and the events day of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "и день года события" #: templates/part.eventform.php:143 msgid "and the events day of month." -msgstr "" +msgstr "и день месяца события" #: templates/part.eventform.php:151 msgid "Select months" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбрать месяцы" #: templates/part.eventform.php:164 msgid "Select weeks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выбрать недели" #: templates/part.eventform.php:169 msgid "and the events week of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "и номер недели события" #: templates/part.eventform.php:175 msgid "Interval" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Интервал" #: templates/part.eventform.php:181 msgid "End" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Окончание" #: templates/part.eventform.php:193 msgid "occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "повторений" #: templates/part.eventform.php:208 msgid "Location" @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ msgstr "Описание события" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Импортировать календарь из файла" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -585,11 +585,11 @@ msgstr "Пожалуйста, выберите календарь" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Создать новый календарь" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Название нового календаря" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -597,15 +597,15 @@ msgstr "Импортировать" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Импортируется календарь" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Календарь успешно импортирован" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Закрыть Сообщение" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" @@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ msgstr "Часовой пояс" #: templates/settings.php:30 msgid "Check always for changes of the timezone" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Всегда проверяйте изменение часового пояса" #: templates/settings.php:32 msgid "Timeformat" diff --git a/l10n/ru/contacts.po b/l10n/ru/contacts.po index 9dad5b1415..051d0da34e 100644 --- a/l10n/ru/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/ru/contacts.po @@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. # , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ru/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -20,138 +21,130 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ошибка (де)активации адресной книги." #: ajax/addcard.php:79 msgid "There was an error adding the contact." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Произошла ошибка при добавлении контакта." #: ajax/addproperty.php:39 msgid "Cannot add empty property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Невозможно добавить пустой параметр." #: ajax/addproperty.php:51 msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Как минимум одно поле адреса должно быть заполнено." -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ошибка добавления информации к контакту." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error adding addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ошибка добавления адресной книги." #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ошибка активации адресной книги." #: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 msgid "Error deleting contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ошибка удаления информации из контакта." #: ajax/setproperty.php:79 msgid "Error updating contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ошибка обновления информации контакта." #: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error updating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ошибка обновления адресной книги." #: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Контакты" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Это не ваша адресная книга." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Контакт не найден." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Информация о vCard некорректна. Пожалуйста, обновите страницу." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Адрес" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Телефон" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Ящик эл. почты" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Организация" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Рабочий" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Домашний" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Мобильный" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Текст" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Голос" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Факс" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Видео" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Пейджер" #: lib/search.php:22 msgid "Contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Контакт" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Это не контакт." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Эта карточка не соответствует RFC." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Эта карточка не содержит фотографии." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Добавить Контакт" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "Addressbooks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Адресные книги" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 msgid "Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Адресная книга" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 msgid "Name" @@ -161,7 +154,7 @@ msgstr "Имя" #: templates/part.details.php:79 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:10 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:47 msgid "Type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Тип" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:65 templates/part.details.php:49 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:16 @@ -204,20 +197,20 @@ msgstr "Создать Контакт" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:1 msgid "Choose active Address Books" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Выберите активные адресные книги" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:16 msgid "New Address Book" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Новая адресная книга" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:21 #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "CardDav Link" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ссылка CardDAV" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Download" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Скачать" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Edit" @@ -229,43 +222,43 @@ msgstr "Удалить" #: templates/part.details.php:3 msgid "Download contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Скачать контакт" #: templates/part.details.php:4 msgid "Delete contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Удалить контакт" #: templates/part.details.php:34 msgid "Add" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Добавить" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "New Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Новая адресная книга" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "Edit Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Править адресную книгу" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 msgid "Displayname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Отображаемое имя" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:23 msgid "Active" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Активно" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Save" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Сохранить" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Submit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Отправить" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:30 msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Отменить" #: templates/part.property.php:3 msgid "Birthday" @@ -273,7 +266,7 @@ msgstr "День рождения" #: templates/part.property.php:23 msgid "Preferred" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Предпочитаемый" #: templates/part.property.php:23 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:45 msgid "Phone" @@ -281,10 +274,10 @@ msgstr "Телефон" #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:57 msgid "Update" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Обновить" #: templates/settings.php:4 msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Адрес синхронизации CardDAV:" diff --git a/l10n/ru/core.po b/l10n/ru/core.po index 550baa3e72..0261b8c069 100644 --- a/l10n/ru/core.po +++ b/l10n/ru/core.po @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. # , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-21 20:30+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: jekader \n" "Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ru/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lostpassword/index.php:24 msgid "Owncloud password reset" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Сброс пароля OwnCloud" #: lostpassword/templates/email.php:1 msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Используйте следующую ссылку чтобы сбросить пароль: {link}" #: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:3 msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ msgstr "Ваш пароль был сброшен" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5 msgid "To login page" -msgstr "" +msgstr "На страницу авторизации" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8 msgid "New password" @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ msgstr "Завершить установку" #: templates/layout.guest.php:35 msgid "web services under your control" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Сетевые службы под твоим контролем" #: templates/layout.user.php:34 msgid "Log out" @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ msgstr "запомнить" #: templates/login.php:16 msgid "Log in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Войти" #: templates/logout.php:1 msgid "You are logged out." diff --git a/l10n/ru/files.po b/l10n/ru/files.po index 55cec9ff4f..d29c105d40 100644 --- a/l10n/ru/files.po +++ b/l10n/ru/files.po @@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. # , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-21 20:27+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: jekader \n" "Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ru/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -56,19 +57,19 @@ msgstr "Максимальный размер файла" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "New" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Новый" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Text file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Текстовый файл" #: templates/index.php:11 msgid "Folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Папка" #: templates/index.php:12 msgid "From the web" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Из интернета" #: templates/index.php:22 msgid "Upload" diff --git a/l10n/ru/gallery.po b/l10n/ru/gallery.po index edfc8f026a..fa5b5be4e2 100644 --- a/l10n/ru/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/ru/gallery.po @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ru/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -19,14 +20,34 @@ msgstr "" #: appinfo/app.php:41 msgid "Gallery" +msgstr "Галерея" + +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "Сканирование папок" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "Создание миниатюр" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "Вы желаете удалить альбом" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "Введите название галереи" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Пересканировать" #: templates/view_album.php:19 msgid "Back" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Назад" diff --git a/l10n/ru/settings.po b/l10n/ru/settings.po index 802e2953a8..aa1550c4e7 100644 --- a/l10n/ru/settings.po +++ b/l10n/ru/settings.po @@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. +# , 2012. # , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-21 23:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/ru/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/lostpassword.php:14 msgid "email Changed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "адрес электронной почты изменён" #: ajax/lostpassword.php:16 ajax/openid.php:17 ajax/setlanguage.php:16 msgid "Invalid request" @@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ msgstr "" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Уровень детализации журнала" #: templates/apps.php:8 msgid "Add your application" @@ -108,15 +110,17 @@ msgstr "Сменить пароль" #: templates/personal.php:24 msgid "Email" -msgstr "" +msgstr "e-mail" #: templates/personal.php:25 msgid "Your email address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ваш адрес электронной почты" #: templates/personal.php:26 msgid "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" msgstr "" +"Введите адрес электронной почты чтобы появилась возможность восстановления " +"пароля" #: templates/personal.php:32 templates/personal.php:33 msgid "Language" @@ -124,7 +128,7 @@ msgstr "Язык" #: templates/personal.php:38 msgid "Help translate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Помочь с переводом" #: templates/personal.php:45 msgid "use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager" @@ -150,7 +154,7 @@ msgstr "Создать" #: templates/users.php:33 msgid "Quota" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Квота" #: templates/users.php:58 msgid "Delete" diff --git a/l10n/sk_SK/calendar.po b/l10n/sk_SK/calendar.po index 4f64b09a23..96bbf6720a 100644 --- a/l10n/sk_SK/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/sk_SK/calendar.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 21:38+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: intense \n" "Language-Team: Slovak (Slovakia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sk_SK/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/guesstimezone.php:42 msgid "New Timezone:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nová časová zóna:" #: ajax/settimezone.php:22 msgid "Timezone changed" @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ msgstr "Časové pásmo zmenené" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Neplatná požiadavka" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalendár" @@ -129,15 +129,15 @@ msgstr "Ročne" #: lib/object.php:366 msgid "never" -msgstr "" +msgstr "nikdy" #: lib/object.php:367 msgid "by occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "podľa výskytu" #: lib/object.php:368 msgid "by date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "podľa dátumu" #: lib/object.php:375 msgid "by monthday" @@ -149,31 +149,31 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/object.php:383 templates/lAfix.php:3 msgid "Monday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pondelok" #: lib/object.php:384 templates/lAfix.php:4 msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utorok" #: lib/object.php:385 templates/lAfix.php:5 msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Streda" #: lib/object.php:386 templates/lAfix.php:6 msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Štvrtok" #: lib/object.php:387 templates/lAfix.php:7 msgid "Friday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Piatok" #: lib/object.php:388 templates/lAfix.php:8 msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sobota" #: lib/object.php:389 templates/lAfix.php:2 msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nedeľa" #: lib/object.php:396 msgid "events week of month" @@ -181,79 +181,79 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/object.php:397 msgid "first" -msgstr "" +msgstr "prvý" #: lib/object.php:398 msgid "second" -msgstr "" +msgstr "druhý" #: lib/object.php:399 msgid "third" -msgstr "" +msgstr "tretí" #: lib/object.php:400 msgid "fourth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "štvrtý" #: lib/object.php:401 msgid "fifth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "piaty" #: lib/object.php:402 msgid "last" -msgstr "" +msgstr "posledný" #: lib/object.php:424 templates/lAfix.php:16 msgid "January" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Január" #: lib/object.php:425 templates/lAfix.php:17 msgid "February" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Február" #: lib/object.php:426 templates/lAfix.php:18 msgid "March" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Marec" #: lib/object.php:427 templates/lAfix.php:19 msgid "April" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Apríl" #: lib/object.php:428 templates/lAfix.php:20 msgid "May" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Máj" #: lib/object.php:429 templates/lAfix.php:21 msgid "June" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jún" #: lib/object.php:430 templates/lAfix.php:22 msgid "July" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Júl" #: lib/object.php:431 templates/lAfix.php:23 msgid "August" -msgstr "" +msgstr "August" #: lib/object.php:432 templates/lAfix.php:24 msgid "September" -msgstr "" +msgstr "September" #: lib/object.php:433 templates/lAfix.php:25 msgid "October" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Október" #: lib/object.php:434 templates/lAfix.php:26 msgid "November" -msgstr "" +msgstr "November" #: lib/object.php:435 templates/lAfix.php:27 msgid "December" -msgstr "" +msgstr "December" #: lib/object.php:441 msgid "by events date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "podľa dátumu udalosti" #: lib/object.php:442 msgid "by yearday(s)" @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ msgstr "" #: lib/object.php:444 msgid "by day and month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "podľa dňa a mesiaca" #: lib/object.php:467 msgid "Not an array" @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ msgstr "Nie je pole" #: lib/search.php:32 lib/search.php:34 lib/search.php:37 msgid "Date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dátum" #: lib/search.php:40 msgid "Cal." @@ -283,146 +283,146 @@ msgstr "" msgid "All day" msgstr "Celý deň" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "Nový kalendár" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "Nevyplnené položky" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "Nadpis" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "Od Dátumu" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "Od Času" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "Do Dátumu" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "Do Času" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "Udalosť končí ešte pred tým než začne" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "Nastala chyba databázy" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "Týždeň" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "Mesiac" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "Zoznam" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "Dnes" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "Kalendáre" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "Nastala chyba počas parsovania súboru." #: templates/lAfix.php:9 msgid "Sun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ned." #: templates/lAfix.php:10 msgid "Mon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pon." #: templates/lAfix.php:11 msgid "Tue." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ut." #: templates/lAfix.php:12 msgid "Wed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Str." #: templates/lAfix.php:13 msgid "Thu." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Štv." #: templates/lAfix.php:14 msgid "Fri." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pia." #: templates/lAfix.php:15 msgid "Sat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "So." #: templates/lAfix.php:28 msgid "Jan." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jan." #: templates/lAfix.php:29 msgid "Feb." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Feb." #: templates/lAfix.php:30 msgid "Mar." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mar." #: templates/lAfix.php:31 msgid "Apr." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Apr." #: templates/lAfix.php:32 msgid "May." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Máj" #: templates/lAfix.php:33 msgid "Jun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jún" #: templates/lAfix.php:34 msgid "Jul." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Júl" #: templates/lAfix.php:35 msgid "Aug." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aug." #: templates/lAfix.php:36 msgid "Sep." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sep." #: templates/lAfix.php:37 msgid "Oct." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okt." #: templates/lAfix.php:38 msgid "Nov." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nov." #: templates/lAfix.php:39 msgid "Dec." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dec." #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:1 msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "Zvoľte aktívne kalendáre" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "Nový kalendár" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" @@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ msgstr "Opakovať" #: templates/part.eventform.php:68 msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pokročilé" #: templates/part.eventform.php:112 msgid "Select weekdays" @@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ msgstr "" #: templates/part.eventform.php:125 templates/part.eventform.php:138 msgid "Select days" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vybrať dni" #: templates/part.eventform.php:130 msgid "and the events day of year." @@ -536,11 +536,11 @@ msgstr "" #: templates/part.eventform.php:151 msgid "Select months" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vybrať mesiace" #: templates/part.eventform.php:164 msgid "Select weeks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vybrať týždne" #: templates/part.eventform.php:169 msgid "and the events week of year." @@ -548,15 +548,15 @@ msgstr "" #: templates/part.eventform.php:175 msgid "Interval" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Interval" #: templates/part.eventform.php:181 msgid "End" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Koniec" #: templates/part.eventform.php:193 msgid "occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "výskyty" #: templates/part.eventform.php:208 msgid "Location" @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ msgstr "Popis Udalosti" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Importovať súbor kalendára" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -584,11 +584,11 @@ msgstr "Prosím zvoľte kalendár" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "vytvoriť nový kalendár" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Meno nového kalendára" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -596,15 +596,15 @@ msgstr "Importovať" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Importujem kalendár" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kalendár úspešne importovaný" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zatvoriť Dialóg" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" diff --git a/l10n/sk_SK/contacts.po b/l10n/sk_SK/contacts.po index a24a03a3c1..e253d0345f 100644 --- a/l10n/sk_SK/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/sk_SK/contacts.po @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Slovak (Slovakia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sk_SK/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -19,11 +20,11 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chyba (de)aktivácie adresára." #: ajax/addcard.php:79 msgid "There was an error adding the contact." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vyskytla sa chyba pri pridávaní kontaktu." #: ajax/addproperty.php:39 msgid "Cannot add empty property." @@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chyba aktivovania adresára." #: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 msgid "Error deleting contact property." @@ -55,102 +56,94 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error updating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chyba aktualizácie adresára." #: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontakty" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Toto nie je váš adresár." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kontakt nebol nájdený." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Informácie o vCard sú neplatné. Prosím obnovte stránku." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresa" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefón" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mail" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizácia" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Práca" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Domov" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "SMS" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Odkazová schránka" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pager" #: lib/search.php:22 msgid "Contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kontakt" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Toto nie je váš kontakt." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Táto karta nie je kompatibilná s RFC." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Táto karta neobsahuje fotografiu." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Pridať Kontakt." #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "Addressbooks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adresáre" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 msgid "Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Adresár" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 msgid "Name" @@ -160,7 +153,7 @@ msgstr "Meno" #: templates/part.details.php:79 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:10 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:47 msgid "Type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Typ" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:65 templates/part.details.php:49 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:16 @@ -203,20 +196,20 @@ msgstr "Vytvoriť Kontakt." #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:1 msgid "Choose active Address Books" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zvoliť aktívny adresár" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:16 msgid "New Address Book" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nový adresár" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:21 #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "CardDav Link" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CardDav odkaz" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Download" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stiahnuť" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Edit" @@ -228,43 +221,43 @@ msgstr "Odstrániť" #: templates/part.details.php:3 msgid "Download contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stiahnuť kontakt" #: templates/part.details.php:4 msgid "Delete contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odstrániť kontakt" #: templates/part.details.php:34 msgid "Add" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pridať" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "New Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nový Adresár" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "Edit Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Upraviť Adresár" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 msgid "Displayname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zobrazené meno" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:23 msgid "Active" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aktívny" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Save" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uložiť" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Submit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odoslať" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:30 msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Zrušiť" #: templates/part.property.php:3 msgid "Birthday" @@ -272,7 +265,7 @@ msgstr "Narodeniny" #: templates/part.property.php:23 msgid "Preferred" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uprednostňované" #: templates/part.property.php:23 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:45 msgid "Phone" @@ -280,10 +273,10 @@ msgstr "Telefón" #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:57 msgid "Update" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aktualizovať" #: templates/settings.php:4 msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Synchronizačná adresa CardDAV:" diff --git a/l10n/sk_SK/files.po b/l10n/sk_SK/files.po index 645e9a11f2..fe5e4d2c92 100644 --- a/l10n/sk_SK/files.po +++ b/l10n/sk_SK/files.po @@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: +# , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 21:09+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: intense \n" "Language-Team: Slovak (Slovakia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sk_SK/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -55,19 +56,19 @@ msgstr "Maximálna veľkosť nahratia" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "New" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nový" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Text file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Textový súbor" #: templates/index.php:11 msgid "Folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Priečinok" #: templates/index.php:12 msgid "From the web" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Z webu" #: templates/index.php:22 msgid "Upload" diff --git a/l10n/sk_SK/gallery.po b/l10n/sk_SK/gallery.po index 25fdcd7404..02b39c332c 100644 --- a/l10n/sk_SK/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/sk_SK/gallery.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 15:07+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-26 19:12+0000\n" "Last-Translator: intense \n" "Language-Team: Slovak (Slovakia) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sk_SK/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -22,6 +22,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galéria" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "Prehľadávam priečinky" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "Neboli nájdené žiadne fotografie" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "Vytváram náhľady" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "Chcete odstrániť album" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "Vložte meno novej galérie" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "Znovu oskenovať" diff --git a/l10n/sl/contacts.po b/l10n/sl/contacts.po index a57a354857..d4af2dc65c 100644 --- a/l10n/sl/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/sl/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Slovenian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,67 +62,67 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "To ni vaš adresar." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kontakta ni bilo mogoče najti." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" "Informacije o vVizitki (vCard) niso pravilne, Prosimo ponovno naložite okno." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Naslov" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizacija" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Delo" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Doma" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobitel" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekst" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Glas- Voice" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Faks" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pager" @@ -130,18 +130,10 @@ msgstr "Pager" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "To ni vaš kontakt" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Ta karta ni RFC kopatibilna." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Ta karta ne vsebuje slike." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Dodaj Kontakt" diff --git a/l10n/sl/gallery.po b/l10n/sl/gallery.po index e4201f2eb2..9f78e9c6c5 100644 --- a/l10n/sl/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/sl/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Slovenian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sl/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/sr/contacts.po b/l10n/sr/contacts.po index e0ba581a21..b9b5d89d5e 100644 --- a/l10n/sr/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/sr/contacts.po @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 01:59+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Slobodan Terzić \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Serbian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "Контакти" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Ово није ваш адресар." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Контакт се не може наћи." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Подаци о вКарти су неисправни. Поново учитајте страницу." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Адреса" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Телефон" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Е-маил" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Организација" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Посао" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Кућа" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Мобилни" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Текст" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Глас" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Факс" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Видео" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Пејџер" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "Пејџер" msgid "Contact" msgstr "Контакт" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Ово није ваш контакт." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Ова карта није сагласна са РФЦ-ом." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Ова карта не садржи фотографију." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Додај контакт" diff --git a/l10n/sr/gallery.po b/l10n/sr/gallery.po index b30e34c723..c39d33fb1b 100644 --- a/l10n/sr/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/sr/gallery.po @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 01:56+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Slobodan Terzić \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Serbian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -22,6 +22,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Галерија" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "Претражи поново" diff --git a/l10n/sr@latin/contacts.po b/l10n/sr@latin/contacts.po index 6021f675d9..9953de7e4b 100644 --- a/l10n/sr@latin/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/sr@latin/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Serbian (Latin) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sr@latin/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Ovo nije vaš adresar." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kontakt se ne može naći." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Podaci o vKarti su neispravni. Ponovo učitajte stranicu." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresa" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mail" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizacija" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Posao" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Kuća" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobilni" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekst" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Glas" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Faks" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Pejdžer" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "Pejdžer" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Ovo nije vaš kontakt." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Ova karta nije saglasna sa RFC-om." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Ova karta ne sadrži fotografiju." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Dodaj kontakt" diff --git a/l10n/sr@latin/gallery.po b/l10n/sr@latin/gallery.po index c0517c438f..a123809975 100644 --- a/l10n/sr@latin/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/sr@latin/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Serbian (Latin) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sr@latin/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/sv/contacts.po b/l10n/sv/contacts.po index a60e600c6d..73543943dd 100644 --- a/l10n/sv/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/sv/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sv/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Det här är inte din adressbok." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kontakt kunde inte hittas." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "Information om vCard är felaktigt. Vänligen ladda om sidan." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adress" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-post" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organisation" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "Arbete" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Hem" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Text" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Röst" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Fax" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Personsökare" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "Personsökare" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Det här är inte din kontakt." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Detta kort är inte RFC-kompatibelt." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Detta kort innehåller inte något foto." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Lägg till kontakt" diff --git a/l10n/sv/gallery.po b/l10n/sv/gallery.po index 623b3fe1ae..48c30ca157 100644 --- a/l10n/sv/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/sv/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Swedish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/sv/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/templates/calendar.pot b/l10n/templates/calendar.pot index aeb0607e4a..c110dfdc0b 100644 --- a/l10n/templates/calendar.pot +++ b/l10n/templates/calendar.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "" @@ -282,59 +282,63 @@ msgstr "" msgid "All day" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "" @@ -418,10 +422,6 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" diff --git a/l10n/templates/contacts.pot b/l10n/templates/contacts.pot index 3a63204b84..040a593464 100644 --- a/l10n/templates/contacts.pot +++ b/l10n/templates/contacts.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -61,66 +61,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "" @@ -128,18 +128,10 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/templates/core.pot b/l10n/templates/core.pot index 61eafa2154..6915a1438e 100644 --- a/l10n/templates/core.pot +++ b/l10n/templates/core.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" diff --git a/l10n/templates/files.pot b/l10n/templates/files.pot index 097e574995..ce0f7d8d6f 100644 --- a/l10n/templates/files.pot +++ b/l10n/templates/files.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" diff --git a/l10n/templates/gallery.pot b/l10n/templates/gallery.pot index 3f50792c81..899544a3db 100644 --- a/l10n/templates/gallery.pot +++ b/l10n/templates/gallery.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/templates/media.pot b/l10n/templates/media.pot index 9693dc4eee..ece252e0ea 100644 --- a/l10n/templates/media.pot +++ b/l10n/templates/media.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" diff --git a/l10n/templates/settings.pot b/l10n/templates/settings.pot index 8c896ec83e..d016d78831 100644 --- a/l10n/templates/settings.pot +++ b/l10n/templates/settings.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" diff --git a/l10n/th_TH/calendar.po b/l10n/th_TH/calendar.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10fbec8319 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/th_TH/calendar.po @@ -0,0 +1,637 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +# AriesAnywhere Anywhere , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-26 07:18+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: AriesAnywhere Anywhere \n" +"Language-Team: Thai (Thailand) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/th_TH/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: th_TH\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" + +#: ajax/guesstimezone.php:42 +msgid "New Timezone:" +msgstr "สร้างโซนเวลาใหม่:" + +#: ajax/settimezone.php:22 +msgid "Timezone changed" +msgstr "โซนเวลาถูกเปลี่ยนแล้ว" + +#: ajax/settimezone.php:24 +msgid "Invalid request" +msgstr "คำร้องขอไม่ถูกต้อง" + +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:20 +msgid "Calendar" +msgstr "ปฏิทิน" + +#: lib/app.php:19 +msgid "Wrong calendar" +msgstr "ปฏิทินไม่ถูกต้อง" + +#: lib/app.php:60 lib/object.php:332 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "วันเกิด" + +#: lib/app.php:61 lib/object.php:333 +msgid "Business" +msgstr "ธุรกิจ" + +#: lib/app.php:62 lib/object.php:334 +msgid "Call" +msgstr "โทรติดต่อ" + +#: lib/app.php:63 lib/object.php:335 +msgid "Clients" +msgstr "ลูกค้า" + +#: lib/app.php:64 lib/object.php:336 +msgid "Deliverer" +msgstr "จัดส่ง" + +#: lib/app.php:65 lib/object.php:337 +msgid "Holidays" +msgstr "วันหยุด" + +#: lib/app.php:66 lib/object.php:338 +msgid "Ideas" +msgstr "ไอเดีย" + +#: lib/app.php:67 lib/object.php:339 +msgid "Journey" +msgstr "การเดินทาง" + +#: lib/app.php:68 lib/object.php:340 +msgid "Jubilee" +msgstr "งานเลี้ยง" + +#: lib/app.php:69 lib/object.php:341 +msgid "Meeting" +msgstr "นัดประชุม" + +#: lib/app.php:70 lib/object.php:342 +msgid "Other" +msgstr "อื่นๆ" + +#: lib/app.php:71 lib/object.php:343 +msgid "Personal" +msgstr "ส่วนตัว" + +#: lib/app.php:72 lib/object.php:344 +msgid "Projects" +msgstr "โครงการ" + +#: lib/app.php:73 lib/object.php:345 +msgid "Questions" +msgstr "คำถาม" + +#: lib/app.php:74 lib/object.php:346 +msgid "Work" +msgstr "งาน" + +#: lib/object.php:353 +msgid "Does not repeat" +msgstr "ไม่ต้องทำซ้ำ" + +#: lib/object.php:354 +msgid "Daily" +msgstr "รายวัน" + +#: lib/object.php:355 +msgid "Weekly" +msgstr "รายสัปดาห์" + +#: lib/object.php:356 +msgid "Every Weekday" +msgstr "ทุกวันหยุด" + +#: lib/object.php:357 +msgid "Bi-Weekly" +msgstr "รายปักษ์" + +#: lib/object.php:358 +msgid "Monthly" +msgstr "รายเดือน" + +#: lib/object.php:359 +msgid "Yearly" +msgstr "รายปี" + +#: lib/object.php:366 +msgid "never" +msgstr "ไม่ต้องเลย" + +#: lib/object.php:367 +msgid "by occurrences" +msgstr "ตามจำนวนที่ปรากฏ" + +#: lib/object.php:368 +msgid "by date" +msgstr "ตามวันที่" + +#: lib/object.php:375 +msgid "by monthday" +msgstr "จากเดือน" + +#: lib/object.php:376 +msgid "by weekday" +msgstr "จากสัปดาห์" + +#: lib/object.php:383 templates/lAfix.php:3 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "วันจันทร์" + +#: lib/object.php:384 templates/lAfix.php:4 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "วันอังคาร" + +#: lib/object.php:385 templates/lAfix.php:5 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "วันพุธ" + +#: lib/object.php:386 templates/lAfix.php:6 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "วันพฤหัสบดี" + +#: lib/object.php:387 templates/lAfix.php:7 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "วันศุกร์" + +#: lib/object.php:388 templates/lAfix.php:8 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "วันเสาร์" + +#: lib/object.php:389 templates/lAfix.php:2 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "วันอาทิตย์" + +#: lib/object.php:396 +msgid "events week of month" +msgstr "สัปดาห์ที่มีกิจกรรมของเดือน" + +#: lib/object.php:397 +msgid "first" +msgstr "ลำดับแรก" + +#: lib/object.php:398 +msgid "second" +msgstr "ลำดับที่สอง" + +#: lib/object.php:399 +msgid "third" +msgstr "ลำดับที่สาม" + +#: lib/object.php:400 +msgid "fourth" +msgstr "ลำดับที่สี่" + +#: lib/object.php:401 +msgid "fifth" +msgstr "ลำดับที่ห้า" + +#: lib/object.php:402 +msgid "last" +msgstr "ลำดับสุดท้าย" + +#: lib/object.php:424 templates/lAfix.php:16 +msgid "January" +msgstr "มกราคม" + +#: lib/object.php:425 templates/lAfix.php:17 +msgid "February" +msgstr "กุมภาพันธ์" + +#: lib/object.php:426 templates/lAfix.php:18 +msgid "March" +msgstr "มีนาคม" + +#: lib/object.php:427 templates/lAfix.php:19 +msgid "April" +msgstr "เมษายน" + +#: lib/object.php:428 templates/lAfix.php:20 +msgid "May" +msgstr "พฤษภาคม" + +#: lib/object.php:429 templates/lAfix.php:21 +msgid "June" +msgstr "มิถุนายน" + +#: lib/object.php:430 templates/lAfix.php:22 +msgid "July" +msgstr "กรกฏาคม" + +#: lib/object.php:431 templates/lAfix.php:23 +msgid "August" +msgstr "สิงหาคม" + +#: lib/object.php:432 templates/lAfix.php:24 +msgid "September" +msgstr "กันยายน" + +#: lib/object.php:433 templates/lAfix.php:25 +msgid "October" +msgstr "ตุลาคม" + +#: lib/object.php:434 templates/lAfix.php:26 +msgid "November" +msgstr "พฤศจิกายน" + +#: lib/object.php:435 templates/lAfix.php:27 +msgid "December" +msgstr "ธันวาคม" + +#: lib/object.php:441 +msgid "by events date" +msgstr "ตามวันที่จัดกิจกรรม" + +#: lib/object.php:442 +msgid "by yearday(s)" +msgstr "ของเมื่อวานนี้" + +#: lib/object.php:443 +msgid "by weeknumber(s)" +msgstr "จากหมายเลขของสัปดาห์" + +#: lib/object.php:444 +msgid "by day and month" +msgstr "ตามวันและเดือน" + +#: lib/object.php:467 +msgid "Not an array" +msgstr "ไม่ใช่อาเรย์" + +#: lib/search.php:32 lib/search.php:34 lib/search.php:37 +msgid "Date" +msgstr "วันที่" + +#: lib/search.php:40 +msgid "Cal." +msgstr "คำนวณ" + +#: templates/calendar.php:10 +msgid "All day" +msgstr "ทั้งวัน" + +#: templates/calendar.php:11 +msgid "Missing fields" +msgstr "ช่องฟิลด์เกิดการสูญหาย" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +msgid "Title" +msgstr "ชื่อกิจกรรม" + +#: templates/calendar.php:14 +msgid "From Date" +msgstr "จากวันที่" + +#: templates/calendar.php:15 +msgid "From Time" +msgstr "ตั้งแต่เวลา" + +#: templates/calendar.php:16 +msgid "To Date" +msgstr "ถึงวันที่" + +#: templates/calendar.php:17 +msgid "To Time" +msgstr "ถึงเวลา" + +#: templates/calendar.php:18 +msgid "The event ends before it starts" +msgstr "วันที่สิ้นสุดกิจกรรมดังกล่าวอยู่ก่อนวันเริ่มต้น" + +#: templates/calendar.php:19 +msgid "There was a database fail" +msgstr "เกิดความล้มเหลวกับฐานข้อมูล" + +#: templates/calendar.php:52 +msgid "Week" +msgstr "สัปดาห์" + +#: templates/calendar.php:53 +msgid "Month" +msgstr "เดือน" + +#: templates/calendar.php:54 +msgid "List" +msgstr "รายการ" + +#: templates/calendar.php:59 +msgid "Today" +msgstr "วันนี้" + +#: templates/calendar.php:60 +msgid "Calendars" +msgstr "ปฏิทิน" + +#: templates/calendar.php:78 +msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." +msgstr "เกิดความล้มเหลวในการแยกไฟล์" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:9 +msgid "Sun." +msgstr "อา." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:10 +msgid "Mon." +msgstr "จ." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:11 +msgid "Tue." +msgstr "อ." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:12 +msgid "Wed." +msgstr "พ." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:13 +msgid "Thu." +msgstr "พฤ." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:14 +msgid "Fri." +msgstr "ศ." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:15 +msgid "Sat." +msgstr "ส." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:28 +msgid "Jan." +msgstr "ม.ค." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:29 +msgid "Feb." +msgstr "ก.พ." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:30 +msgid "Mar." +msgstr "มี.ค." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:31 +msgid "Apr." +msgstr "เม.ย." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:32 +msgid "May." +msgstr "พ.ค." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:33 +msgid "Jun." +msgstr "มิ.ย." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:34 +msgid "Jul." +msgstr "ก.ค." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:35 +msgid "Aug." +msgstr "ส.ค." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:36 +msgid "Sep." +msgstr "ก.ย." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:37 +msgid "Oct." +msgstr "ต.ค." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:38 +msgid "Nov." +msgstr "พ.ย." + +#: templates/lAfix.php:39 +msgid "Dec." +msgstr "ธ.ค." + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:1 +msgid "Choose active calendars" +msgstr "เลือกปฏิทินที่ต้องการใช้งาน" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "สร้างปฏิทินใหม่" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +msgid "CalDav Link" +msgstr "ลิงค์ CalDav" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +msgid "Download" +msgstr "ดาวน์โหลด" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "แก้ไข" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:9 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "ลบ" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9 +msgid "New calendar" +msgstr "สร้างปฏิทินใหม่" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9 +msgid "Edit calendar" +msgstr "แก้ไขปฏิทิน" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:12 +msgid "Displayname" +msgstr "ชื่อที่ต้องการให้แสดง" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:23 +msgid "Active" +msgstr "ใช้งาน" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:29 +msgid "Calendar color" +msgstr "สีของปฏิทิน" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:42 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "บันทึก" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:42 templates/part.editevent.php:8 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:6 +msgid "Submit" +msgstr "ส่งข้อมูล" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:43 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "ยกเลิก" + +#: templates/part.editevent.php:1 +msgid "Edit an event" +msgstr "แก้ไขกิจกรรม" + +#: templates/part.editevent.php:10 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "ส่งออกข้อมูล" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:5 +msgid "Title of the Event" +msgstr "ชื่อของกิจกรรม" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:11 +msgid "Category" +msgstr "หมวดหมู่" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:13 +msgid "Select category" +msgstr "เลือกหมวดหมู่" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:37 +msgid "All Day Event" +msgstr "เป็นกิจกรรมตลอดทั้งวัน" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:41 +msgid "From" +msgstr "จาก" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:49 +msgid "To" +msgstr "ถึง" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:57 +msgid "Advanced options" +msgstr "ตัวเลือกขั้นสูง" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:61 +msgid "Repeat" +msgstr "ทำซ้ำ" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:68 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "ขั้นสูง" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:112 +msgid "Select weekdays" +msgstr "เลือกสัปดาห์" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:125 templates/part.eventform.php:138 +msgid "Select days" +msgstr "เลือกวัน" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:130 +msgid "and the events day of year." +msgstr "และวันที่มีเหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นในปี" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:143 +msgid "and the events day of month." +msgstr "และวันที่มีเหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นในเดือน" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:151 +msgid "Select months" +msgstr "เลือกเดือน" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:164 +msgid "Select weeks" +msgstr "เลือกสัปดาห์" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:169 +msgid "and the events week of year." +msgstr "และสัปดาห์ที่มีเหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นในปี" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:175 +msgid "Interval" +msgstr "ช่วงเวลา" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:181 +msgid "End" +msgstr "สิ้นสุด" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:193 +msgid "occurrences" +msgstr "จำนวนที่ปรากฏ" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:208 +msgid "Location" +msgstr "สถานที่" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:210 +msgid "Location of the Event" +msgstr "สถานที่จัดกิจกรรม" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:216 +msgid "Description" +msgstr "คำอธิบาย" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:218 +msgid "Description of the Event" +msgstr "คำอธิบายเกี่ยวกับกิจกรรม" + +#: templates/part.import.php:1 +msgid "Import a calendar file" +msgstr "นำเข้าไฟล์ปฏิทิน" + +#: templates/part.import.php:6 +msgid "Please choose the calendar" +msgstr "กรณาเลือกปฏิทิน" + +#: templates/part.import.php:10 +msgid "create a new calendar" +msgstr "สร้างปฏิทินใหม่" + +#: templates/part.import.php:15 +msgid "Name of new calendar" +msgstr "ชื่อของปฏิทิน" + +#: templates/part.import.php:17 +msgid "Import" +msgstr "นำเข้าข้อมูล" + +#: templates/part.import.php:20 +msgid "Importing calendar" +msgstr "นำเข้าข้อมูลปฏิทิน" + +#: templates/part.import.php:23 +msgid "Calendar imported successfully" +msgstr "ปฏิทินถูกนำเข้าข้อมูลเรียบร้อยแล้ว" + +#: templates/part.import.php:24 +msgid "Close Dialog" +msgstr "ปิดกล่องข้อความโต้ตอบ" + +#: templates/part.newevent.php:1 +msgid "Create a new event" +msgstr "สร้างกิจกรรมใหม่" + +#: templates/settings.php:13 +msgid "Timezone" +msgstr "โซนเวลา" + +#: templates/settings.php:30 +msgid "Check always for changes of the timezone" +msgstr "ตรวจสอบการเปลี่ยนแปลงโซนเวลาอยู่เสมอ" + +#: templates/settings.php:32 +msgid "Timeformat" +msgstr "รูปแบบการแสดงเวลา" + +#: templates/settings.php:34 +msgid "24h" +msgstr "24 ช.ม." + +#: templates/settings.php:35 +msgid "12h" +msgstr "12 ช.ม." + +#: templates/settings.php:41 +msgid "Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" +msgstr "ที่อยู่ในการเชื่อมข้อมูลกับปฏิทิน CalDav:" + + diff --git a/l10n/th_TH/contacts.po b/l10n/th_TH/contacts.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8eb6719d9c --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/th_TH/contacts.po @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +# AriesAnywhere Anywhere , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-26 07:10+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: AriesAnywhere Anywhere \n" +"Language-Team: Thai (Thailand) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/th_TH/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: th_TH\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" + +#: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 +msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." +msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดใน (ยกเลิก)การเปิดใช้งานสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่" + +#: ajax/addcard.php:79 +msgid "There was an error adding the contact." +msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเพิ่มรายชื่อผู้ติดต่อใหม่" + +#: ajax/addproperty.php:39 +msgid "Cannot add empty property." +msgstr "ไม่สามารถเพิ่มรายละเอียดที่ไม่มีข้อมูลได้" + +#: ajax/addproperty.php:51 +msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." +msgstr "อย่างน้อยที่สุดช่องข้อมูลที่อยู่จะต้องถูกกรอกลงไป" + +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 +msgid "Error adding contact property." +msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเพิ่มรายละเอียดการติดต่อ" + +#: ajax/createaddressbook.php:20 +msgid "Error adding addressbook." +msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเพิ่มสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่ใหม่" + +#: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 +msgid "Error activating addressbook." +msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเปิดใช้งานสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่" + +#: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 +msgid "Error deleting contact property." +msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการลบรายละเอียดการติดต่อ" + +#: ajax/setproperty.php:79 +msgid "Error updating contact property." +msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการอัพเดทข้อมูลการติดต่อ" + +#: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 +msgid "Error updating addressbook." +msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการอัพเดทสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่" + +#: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 +msgid "Contacts" +msgstr "ข้อมูลการติดต่อ" + +#: lib/app.php:52 +msgid "This is not your addressbook." +msgstr "นี่ไม่ใช่สมุดบันทึกที่อยู่ของคุณ" + +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 +msgid "Contact could not be found." +msgstr "ไม่พบข้อมูลการติดต่อ" + +#: lib/app.php:89 +msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." +msgstr "ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับ vCard ไม่ถูกต้อง กรุณาโหลดหน้าเวปใหม่อีกครั้ง" + +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "ที่อยู่" + +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +msgid "Telephone" +msgstr "โทรศัพท์" + +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 +msgid "Email" +msgstr "อีเมล์" + +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 +msgid "Organization" +msgstr "หน่วยงาน" + +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 +msgid "Work" +msgstr "ที่ทำงาน" + +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 +msgid "Home" +msgstr "บ้าน" + +#: lib/app.php:122 +msgid "Mobile" +msgstr "มือถือ" + +#: lib/app.php:124 +msgid "Text" +msgstr "ข้อความ" + +#: lib/app.php:125 +msgid "Voice" +msgstr "เสียงพูด" + +#: lib/app.php:126 +msgid "Fax" +msgstr "โทรสาร" + +#: lib/app.php:127 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "วีดีโอ" + +#: lib/app.php:128 +msgid "Pager" +msgstr "เพจเจอร์" + +#: lib/search.php:22 +msgid "Contact" +msgstr "ข้อมูลการติดต่อ" + +#: photo.php:42 +msgid "This is not your contact." +msgstr "นี่ไม่ใช่ข้อมูลการติดต่อของคุณ" + +#: templates/index.php:6 +msgid "Add Contact" +msgstr "เพิ่มรายชื่อผู้ติดต่อใหม่" + +#: templates/index.php:7 +msgid "Addressbooks" +msgstr "สมุดบันทึกที่อยู่" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 +msgid "Addressbook" +msgstr "สมุดบันทึกที่อยู่" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 +msgid "Name" +msgstr "ชื่อ" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:57 templates/part.details.php:43 +#: templates/part.details.php:79 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:10 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:47 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "ประเภท" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:65 templates/part.details.php:49 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:16 +msgid "PO Box" +msgstr "ตู้ ปณ." + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:72 templates/part.details.php:53 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:20 +msgid "Extended" +msgstr "เพิ่ม" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:78 templates/part.details.php:57 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:24 +msgid "Street" +msgstr "ถนน" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:84 templates/part.details.php:61 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:28 +msgid "City" +msgstr "เมือง" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:90 templates/part.details.php:65 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:32 +msgid "Region" +msgstr "ภูมิภาค" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:96 templates/part.details.php:69 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:36 +msgid "Zipcode" +msgstr "รหัสไปรษณีย์" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:102 templates/part.details.php:73 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:40 +msgid "Country" +msgstr "ประเทศ" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:109 +msgid "Create Contact" +msgstr "สร้างข้อมูลการติดต่อใหม่" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:1 +msgid "Choose active Address Books" +msgstr "เลือกสมุดบันทึกข้อมูลติดต่อที่ต้องการใช้งาน" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:16 +msgid "New Address Book" +msgstr "สร้างสมุดบันทึกข้อมูลการติดต่อใหม่" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:21 +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 +msgid "CardDav Link" +msgstr "ลิงค์ CardDav" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 +msgid "Download" +msgstr "ดาวน์โหลด" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "แก้ไข" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "ลบ" + +#: templates/part.details.php:3 +msgid "Download contact" +msgstr "ดาวน์โหลดข้อมูลการติดต่อ" + +#: templates/part.details.php:4 +msgid "Delete contact" +msgstr "ลบข้อมูลการติดต่อ" + +#: templates/part.details.php:34 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "เพิ่ม" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 +msgid "New Addressbook" +msgstr "สร้างสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่ใหม่" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 +msgid "Edit Addressbook" +msgstr "แก้ไขสมุดบันทึกที่อยู่" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 +msgid "Displayname" +msgstr "ชื่อที่ต้องการให้แสดง" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:23 +msgid "Active" +msgstr "เปิดใช้" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "บันทึก" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 +msgid "Submit" +msgstr "ส่งข้อมูล" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:30 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "ยกเลิก" + +#: templates/part.property.php:3 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "วันเกิด" + +#: templates/part.property.php:23 +msgid "Preferred" +msgstr "พิเศษ" + +#: templates/part.property.php:23 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:45 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "โทรศัพท์" + +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:57 +msgid "Update" +msgstr "อัพเดท" + +#: templates/settings.php:4 +msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" +msgstr "ที่อยู่ในการเชื่อมข้อมูลกับระบบบันทึกที่อยู่ CardDAV:" + + diff --git a/l10n/th_TH/core.po b/l10n/th_TH/core.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4a2a218de3 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/th_TH/core.po @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +# AriesAnywhere Anywhere , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 19:32+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: AriesAnywhere Anywhere \n" +"Language-Team: Thai (Thailand) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/th_TH/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: th_TH\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" + +#: lostpassword/index.php:24 +msgid "Owncloud password reset" +msgstr "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านใน Owncloud" + +#: lostpassword/templates/email.php:1 +msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" +msgstr "ใช้ลิงค์ต่อไปนี้เพื่อเปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านของคุณใหม่: {link}" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:3 +msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." +msgstr "คุณจะได้รับลิงค์เพื่อกำหนดรหัสผ่านใหม่ทางอีเมล์" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:5 +msgid "Requested" +msgstr "ส่งคำร้องเรียบร้อยแล้ว" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:8 +msgid "Login failed!" +msgstr "ไม่สามารถเข้าสู่ระบบได้!" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:11 templates/installation.php:22 +#: templates/login.php:8 +msgid "Username" +msgstr "ชื่อผู้ใช้งาน" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:14 +msgid "Request reset" +msgstr "ขอเปลี่ยนรหัสใหม่" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:4 +msgid "Your password was reset" +msgstr "รหัสผ่านของคุณถูกเปลี่ยนเรียบร้อยแล้ว" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5 +msgid "To login page" +msgstr "ไปที่หน้าเข้าสู่ระบบ" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8 +msgid "New password" +msgstr "รหัสผ่านใหม่" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:11 +msgid "Reset password" +msgstr "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน" + +#: strings.php:5 +msgid "Personal" +msgstr "ส่วนตัว" + +#: strings.php:6 +msgid "Users" +msgstr "ผู้ใช้งาน" + +#: strings.php:7 +msgid "Apps" +msgstr "Apps" + +#: strings.php:8 +msgid "Admin" +msgstr "ผู้ดูแลระบบ" + +#: strings.php:9 +msgid "Help" +msgstr "ช่วยเหลือ" + +#: templates/404.php:12 +msgid "Cloud not found" +msgstr "ไม่พบ Cloud" + +#: templates/installation.php:20 +msgid "Create an admin account" +msgstr "สร้าง บัญชีผู้ดูแลระบบ" + +#: templates/installation.php:26 templates/login.php:12 +msgid "Password" +msgstr "รหัสผ่าน" + +#: templates/installation.php:32 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "ขั้นสูง" + +#: templates/installation.php:34 +msgid "Data folder" +msgstr "โฟลเดอร์เก็บข้อมูล" + +#: templates/installation.php:41 +msgid "Configure the database" +msgstr "กำหนดค่าฐานข้อมูล" + +#: templates/installation.php:46 templates/installation.php:57 +#: templates/installation.php:67 +msgid "will be used" +msgstr "จะถูกใช้" + +#: templates/installation.php:79 +msgid "Database user" +msgstr "ชื่อผู้ใช้งานฐานข้อมูล" + +#: templates/installation.php:83 +msgid "Database password" +msgstr "รหัสผ่านฐานข้อมูล" + +#: templates/installation.php:87 +msgid "Database name" +msgstr "ชื่อฐานข้อมูล" + +#: templates/installation.php:93 +msgid "Database host" +msgstr "Database host" + +#: templates/installation.php:98 +msgid "Finish setup" +msgstr "ติดตั้งเรียบร้อยแล้ว" + +#: templates/layout.guest.php:35 +msgid "web services under your control" +msgstr "web services under your control" + +#: templates/layout.user.php:34 +msgid "Log out" +msgstr "ออกจากระบบ" + +#: templates/layout.user.php:46 templates/layout.user.php:47 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "ตั้งค่า" + +#: templates/login.php:5 +msgid "Lost your password?" +msgstr "ลืมรหัสผ่าน?" + +#: templates/login.php:15 +msgid "remember" +msgstr "จำรหัสผ่าน" + +#: templates/login.php:16 +msgid "Log in" +msgstr "เข้าสู่ระบบ" + +#: templates/logout.php:1 +msgid "You are logged out." +msgstr "คุณออกจากระบบเรียบร้อยแล้ว" + +#: templates/part.pagenavi.php:3 +msgid "prev" +msgstr "ก่อนหน้า" + +#: templates/part.pagenavi.php:20 +msgid "next" +msgstr "ถัดไป" + + diff --git a/l10n/th_TH/files.po b/l10n/th_TH/files.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07c3357a30 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/th_TH/files.po @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +# AriesAnywhere Anywhere , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 18:03+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: AriesAnywhere Anywhere \n" +"Language-Team: Thai (Thailand) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/th_TH/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: th_TH\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" + +#: ajax/upload.php:19 +msgid "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" +msgstr "ไม่มีข้อผิดพลาดใดๆ ไฟล์ถูกอัพโหลดเรียบร้อยแล้ว" + +#: ajax/upload.php:20 +msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" +msgstr "" +"ไฟล์ที่อัพโหลดมีขนาดเกินคำสั่ง upload_max_filesize ที่ระบุเอาไว้ในไฟล์ " +"php.ini" + +#: ajax/upload.php:21 +msgid "" +"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in " +"the HTML form" +msgstr "" +"ไฟล์ที่อัพโหลดมีขนาดเกินคำสั่ง MAX_FILE_SIZE " +"ที่ระบุเอาไว้ในรูปแบบคำสั่งในภาษา HTML" + +#: ajax/upload.php:22 +msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" +msgstr "ไฟล์ที่อัพโหลดยังไม่ได้ถูกอัพโหลดอย่างสมบูรณ์" + +#: ajax/upload.php:23 +msgid "No file was uploaded" +msgstr "ยังไม่มีไฟล์ที่ถูกอัพโหลด" + +#: ajax/upload.php:24 +msgid "Missing a temporary folder" +msgstr "แฟ้มเอกสารชั่วคราวเกิดการสูญหาย" + +#: appinfo/app.php:8 +msgid "Files" +msgstr "ไฟล์" + +#: templates/admin.php:5 +msgid "Maximum upload size" +msgstr "ขนาดไฟล์สูงสุดที่อัพโหลดได้" + +#: templates/index.php:7 +msgid "New" +msgstr "อัพโหลดไฟล์ใหม่" + +#: templates/index.php:10 +msgid "Text file" +msgstr "ไฟล์ข้อความ" + +#: templates/index.php:11 +msgid "Folder" +msgstr "แฟ้มเอกสาร" + +#: templates/index.php:12 +msgid "From the web" +msgstr "จากเวป" + +#: templates/index.php:22 +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "อัพโหลด" + +#: templates/index.php:35 +msgid "Nothing in here. Upload something!" +msgstr "ยังไม่มีไฟล์ใดๆอยู่ที่นี่ กรุณาอัพโหลดไฟล์!" + +#: templates/index.php:43 +msgid "Name" +msgstr "ชื่อ" + +#: templates/index.php:45 +msgid "Download" +msgstr "ดาวน์โหลด" + +#: templates/index.php:49 +msgid "Size" +msgstr "ขนาด" + +#: templates/index.php:50 +msgid "Modified" +msgstr "ปรับปรุงล่าสุด" + +#: templates/index.php:50 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "ลบ" + +#: templates/index.php:58 +msgid "Upload too large" +msgstr "ไฟล์ที่อัพโหลดมีขนาดใหญ่เกินไป" + +#: templates/index.php:60 +msgid "" +"The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads " +"on this server." +msgstr "" +"ไฟล์ที่คุณพยายามที่จะอัพโหลดมีขนาดเกินกว่าขนาดสูงสุดที่กำหนดไว้ให้อัพโหลดได้สำหรับเซิร์ฟเวอร์นี้" + + diff --git a/l10n/th_TH/gallery.po b/l10n/th_TH/gallery.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ffeb3b0405 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/th_TH/gallery.po @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +# AriesAnywhere Anywhere , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-26 07:08+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: AriesAnywhere Anywhere \n" +"Language-Team: Thai (Thailand) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/th_TH/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: th_TH\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" + +#: appinfo/app.php:41 +msgid "Gallery" +msgstr "แกลอรี่" + +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "กำลังสแกนไดเร็กทอรี่" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "ไม่พบรูปภาพที่ต้องการ" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "การสร้างรูปขนาดย่อ" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "คุณต้องการลบอัลบั้มนี้ออกหรือไม่" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "กรอกชื่อแกลอรี่ใหม่" + +#: templates/index.php:10 +msgid "Rescan" +msgstr "ตรวจสอบอีกครั้ง" + +#: templates/view_album.php:19 +msgid "Back" +msgstr "ย้อนกลับ" + + diff --git a/l10n/th_TH/media.po b/l10n/th_TH/media.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f486a4609f --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/th_TH/media.po @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +# AriesAnywhere Anywhere , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 17:33+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: AriesAnywhere Anywhere \n" +"Language-Team: Thai (Thailand) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/th_TH/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: th_TH\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" + +#: appinfo/app.php:32 templates/player.php:9 +msgid "Music" +msgstr "เพลง" + +#: templates/music.php:3 templates/player.php:13 +msgid "Play" +msgstr "เล่น" + +#: templates/music.php:4 templates/music.php:26 templates/player.php:14 +msgid "Pause" +msgstr "หยุดชั่วคราว" + +#: templates/music.php:5 +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "ก่อนหน้า" + +#: templates/music.php:6 templates/player.php:15 +msgid "Next" +msgstr "ถัดไป" + +#: templates/music.php:7 +msgid "Mute" +msgstr "ปิดเสียง" + +#: templates/music.php:8 +msgid "Unmute" +msgstr "เปิดเสียง" + +#: templates/music.php:25 +msgid "Rescan Collection" +msgstr "ตรวจสอบไฟล์ที่เก็บไว้อีกครั้ง" + +#: templates/music.php:37 +msgid "Artist" +msgstr "ศิลปิน" + +#: templates/music.php:38 +msgid "Album" +msgstr "อัลบั้ม" + +#: templates/music.php:39 +msgid "Title" +msgstr "ชื่อ" + + diff --git a/l10n/th_TH/settings.po b/l10n/th_TH/settings.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5444a4182f --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/th_TH/settings.po @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +# AriesAnywhere Anywhere , 2012. +# , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-20 17:48+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 20:19+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"Language-Team: Thai (Thailand) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/th_TH/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: th_TH\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" + +#: ajax/lostpassword.php:14 +msgid "email Changed" +msgstr "อีเมล์ถูกเปลี่ยนแล้ว" + +#: ajax/lostpassword.php:16 ajax/openid.php:17 ajax/setlanguage.php:16 +msgid "Invalid request" +msgstr "คำร้องขอไม่ถูกต้อง" + +#: ajax/openid.php:15 +msgid "OpenID Changed" +msgstr "เปลี่ยนชื่อบัญชี OpenID แล้ว" + +#: ajax/setlanguage.php:14 +msgid "Language changed" +msgstr "เปลี่ยนภาษาเรียบร้อยแล้ว" + +#: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 +msgid "__language_name__" +msgstr "ภาษาไทย" + +#: templates/admin.php:13 +msgid "Log level" +msgstr "ระดับการเก็บบันทึก log" + +#: templates/apps.php:8 +msgid "Add your application" +msgstr "เพิ่มแอพพลิเคชั่นของคุณ" + +#: templates/apps.php:21 +msgid "Select an App" +msgstr "เลือก App" + +#: templates/apps.php:23 +msgid "-licensed" +msgstr "-ได้รับอนุญาติแล้ว" + +#: templates/apps.php:23 +msgid "by" +msgstr "โดย" + +#: templates/help.php:8 +msgid "Ask a question" +msgstr "สอบถามข้อมูล" + +#: templates/help.php:20 +msgid "Problems connecting to help database." +msgstr "เกิดปัญหาในการเชื่อมต่อกับฐานข้อมูลช่วยเหลือ" + +#: templates/help.php:21 +msgid "Go there manually." +msgstr "ไปที่นั่นด้วยตนเอง" + +#: templates/help.php:29 +msgid "Answer" +msgstr "คำตอบ" + +#: templates/personal.php:8 +msgid "You use" +msgstr "คุณใช้พื้นที่ไป" + +#: templates/personal.php:8 +msgid "of the available" +msgstr "จากจำนวนที่ใช้ได้" + +#: templates/personal.php:13 +msgid "Your password got changed" +msgstr "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านเรียบร้อยแล้ว" + +#: templates/personal.php:14 +msgid "Unable to change your password" +msgstr "ไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านของคุณได้" + +#: templates/personal.php:15 +msgid "Current password" +msgstr "รหัสผ่านปัจจุบัน" + +#: templates/personal.php:16 +msgid "New password" +msgstr "รหัสผ่านใหม่" + +#: templates/personal.php:17 +msgid "show" +msgstr "แสดง" + +#: templates/personal.php:18 +msgid "Change password" +msgstr "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน" + +#: templates/personal.php:24 +msgid "Email" +msgstr "อีเมล์" + +#: templates/personal.php:25 +msgid "Your email address" +msgstr "ที่อยู่อีเมล์ของคุณ" + +#: templates/personal.php:26 +msgid "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" +msgstr "กรอกที่อยู่อีเมล์ของคุณเพื่อเปิดให้มีการกู้คืนรหัสผ่านได้" + +#: templates/personal.php:32 templates/personal.php:33 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "ภาษา" + +#: templates/personal.php:38 +msgid "Help translate" +msgstr "ช่วยกันแปล" + +#: templates/personal.php:45 +msgid "use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager" +msgstr "" +"ใช้ที่อยู่นี้ในการเชื่อมต่อกับบัญชี ownCloud " +"ของคุณในเครื่องมือจัดการไฟล์ของคุณ" + +#: templates/users.php:15 templates/users.php:30 +msgid "Name" +msgstr "ชื่อ" + +#: templates/users.php:16 templates/users.php:31 +msgid "Password" +msgstr "รหัสผ่าน" + +#: templates/users.php:17 templates/users.php:32 templates/users.php:46 +msgid "Groups" +msgstr "กลุ่ม" + +#: templates/users.php:23 +msgid "Create" +msgstr "สร้าง" + +#: templates/users.php:33 +msgid "Quota" +msgstr "พื้นที่" + +#: templates/users.php:58 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "ลบ" + + diff --git a/l10n/tr/contacts.po b/l10n/tr/contacts.po index 68f1eb542f..0d3a4a7761 100644 --- a/l10n/tr/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/tr/contacts.po @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Turkish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/tr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." msgstr "" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." msgstr "" @@ -62,66 +62,66 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "Bu sizin adres defteriniz değil." -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "Kişi bulunamadı." -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "vCard bilgileri doğru değil. Lütfen sayfayı yenileyin." -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adres" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "Telefon" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "Eposta" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "Organizasyon" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "İş" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "Ev" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobil" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "Metin" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "Ses" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "Faks" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "Sayfalayıcı" @@ -129,18 +129,10 @@ msgstr "Sayfalayıcı" msgid "Contact" msgstr "" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "Bu sizin kişiniz değil." -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "Bu kart RFC uyumlu değil." - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "Bu kart resim içermiyor." - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "Kişi Ekle" diff --git a/l10n/tr/gallery.po b/l10n/tr/gallery.po index 7e1f517fbb..f50e537ef5 100644 --- a/l10n/tr/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/tr/gallery.po @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:48+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Turkish (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/tr/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -21,6 +21,26 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "" +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" msgstr "" diff --git a/l10n/uk/calendar.po b/l10n/uk/calendar.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e2161b31ea --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/uk/calendar.po @@ -0,0 +1,636 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-03 16:52+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/uk/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: uk\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n" + +#: ajax/guesstimezone.php:42 +msgid "New Timezone:" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/settimezone.php:22 +msgid "Timezone changed" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/settimezone.php:24 +msgid "Invalid request" +msgstr "" + +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/part.eventform.php:20 +msgid "Calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:19 +msgid "Wrong calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:60 lib/object.php:332 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:61 lib/object.php:333 +msgid "Business" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:62 lib/object.php:334 +msgid "Call" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:63 lib/object.php:335 +msgid "Clients" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:64 lib/object.php:336 +msgid "Deliverer" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:65 lib/object.php:337 +msgid "Holidays" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:66 lib/object.php:338 +msgid "Ideas" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:67 lib/object.php:339 +msgid "Journey" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:68 lib/object.php:340 +msgid "Jubilee" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:69 lib/object.php:341 +msgid "Meeting" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:70 lib/object.php:342 +msgid "Other" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:71 lib/object.php:343 +msgid "Personal" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:72 lib/object.php:344 +msgid "Projects" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:73 lib/object.php:345 +msgid "Questions" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:74 lib/object.php:346 +msgid "Work" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:353 +msgid "Does not repeat" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:354 +msgid "Daily" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:355 +msgid "Weekly" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:356 +msgid "Every Weekday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:357 +msgid "Bi-Weekly" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:358 +msgid "Monthly" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:359 +msgid "Yearly" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:366 +msgid "never" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:367 +msgid "by occurrences" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:368 +msgid "by date" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:375 +msgid "by monthday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:376 +msgid "by weekday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:383 templates/lAfix.php:3 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:384 templates/lAfix.php:4 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:385 templates/lAfix.php:5 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:386 templates/lAfix.php:6 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:387 templates/lAfix.php:7 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:388 templates/lAfix.php:8 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:389 templates/lAfix.php:2 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:396 +msgid "events week of month" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:397 +msgid "first" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:398 +msgid "second" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:399 +msgid "third" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:400 +msgid "fourth" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:401 +msgid "fifth" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:402 +msgid "last" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:424 templates/lAfix.php:16 +msgid "January" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:425 templates/lAfix.php:17 +msgid "February" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:426 templates/lAfix.php:18 +msgid "March" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:427 templates/lAfix.php:19 +msgid "April" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:428 templates/lAfix.php:20 +msgid "May" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:429 templates/lAfix.php:21 +msgid "June" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:430 templates/lAfix.php:22 +msgid "July" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:431 templates/lAfix.php:23 +msgid "August" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:432 templates/lAfix.php:24 +msgid "September" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:433 templates/lAfix.php:25 +msgid "October" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:434 templates/lAfix.php:26 +msgid "November" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:435 templates/lAfix.php:27 +msgid "December" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:441 +msgid "by events date" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:442 +msgid "by yearday(s)" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:443 +msgid "by weeknumber(s)" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:444 +msgid "by day and month" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/object.php:467 +msgid "Not an array" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/search.php:32 lib/search.php:34 lib/search.php:37 +msgid "Date" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/search.php:40 +msgid "Cal." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:10 +msgid "All day" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 +msgid "Missing fields" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +msgid "Title" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:15 +msgid "From Date" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:16 +msgid "From Time" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:17 +msgid "To Date" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:18 +msgid "To Time" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:19 +msgid "The event ends before it starts" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:20 +msgid "There was a database fail" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:38 +msgid "Week" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:39 +msgid "Month" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:40 +msgid "List" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:46 +msgid "Today" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:47 +msgid "Calendars" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/calendar.php:65 +msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:9 +msgid "Sun." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:10 +msgid "Mon." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:11 +msgid "Tue." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:12 +msgid "Wed." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:13 +msgid "Thu." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:14 +msgid "Fri." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:15 +msgid "Sat." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:28 +msgid "Jan." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:29 +msgid "Feb." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:30 +msgid "Mar." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:31 +msgid "Apr." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:32 +msgid "May." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:33 +msgid "Jun." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:34 +msgid "Jul." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:35 +msgid "Aug." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:36 +msgid "Sep." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:37 +msgid "Oct." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:38 +msgid "Nov." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/lAfix.php:39 +msgid "Dec." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:1 +msgid "Choose active calendars" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +msgid "CalDav Link" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +msgid "Download" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 +#: templates/part.editevent.php:9 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9 +msgid "New calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:9 +msgid "Edit calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:12 +msgid "Displayname" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:23 +msgid "Active" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:29 +msgid "Calendar color" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:42 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:42 templates/part.editevent.php:8 +#: templates/part.newevent.php:6 +msgid "Submit" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editcalendar.php:43 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editevent.php:1 +msgid "Edit an event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editevent.php:10 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:5 +msgid "Title of the Event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:11 +msgid "Category" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:13 +msgid "Select category" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:37 +msgid "All Day Event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:41 +msgid "From" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:49 +msgid "To" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:57 +msgid "Advanced options" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:61 +msgid "Repeat" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:68 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:112 +msgid "Select weekdays" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:125 templates/part.eventform.php:138 +msgid "Select days" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:130 +msgid "and the events day of year." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:143 +msgid "and the events day of month." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:151 +msgid "Select months" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:164 +msgid "Select weeks" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:169 +msgid "and the events week of year." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:175 +msgid "Interval" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:181 +msgid "End" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:193 +msgid "occurrences" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:208 +msgid "Location" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:210 +msgid "Location of the Event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:216 +msgid "Description" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.eventform.php:218 +msgid "Description of the Event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:1 +msgid "Import a calendar file" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:6 +msgid "Please choose the calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:10 +msgid "create a new calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:15 +msgid "Name of new calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:17 +msgid "Import" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:20 +msgid "Importing calendar" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:23 +msgid "Calendar imported successfully" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.import.php:24 +msgid "Close Dialog" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.newevent.php:1 +msgid "Create a new event" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:13 +msgid "Timezone" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:30 +msgid "Check always for changes of the timezone" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:32 +msgid "Timeformat" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:34 +msgid "24h" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:35 +msgid "12h" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:41 +msgid "Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/uk/contacts.po b/l10n/uk/contacts.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c495ff147 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/uk/contacts.po @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/uk/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: uk\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n" + +#: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 +msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/addcard.php:79 +msgid "There was an error adding the contact." +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/addproperty.php:39 +msgid "Cannot add empty property." +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/addproperty.php:51 +msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 +msgid "Error adding contact property." +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/createaddressbook.php:20 +msgid "Error adding addressbook." +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 +msgid "Error activating addressbook." +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 +msgid "Error deleting contact property." +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/setproperty.php:79 +msgid "Error updating contact property." +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 +msgid "Error updating addressbook." +msgstr "" + +#: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 +msgid "Contacts" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:52 +msgid "This is not your addressbook." +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 +msgid "Contact could not be found." +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:89 +msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +msgid "Telephone" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 +msgid "Email" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 +msgid "Organization" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 +msgid "Work" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 +msgid "Home" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:122 +msgid "Mobile" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:124 +msgid "Text" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:125 +msgid "Voice" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:126 +msgid "Fax" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:127 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/app.php:128 +msgid "Pager" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/search.php:22 +msgid "Contact" +msgstr "" + +#: photo.php:42 +msgid "This is not your contact." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:6 +msgid "Add Contact" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:7 +msgid "Addressbooks" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 +msgid "Addressbook" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 +msgid "Name" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:57 templates/part.details.php:43 +#: templates/part.details.php:79 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:10 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:47 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:65 templates/part.details.php:49 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:16 +msgid "PO Box" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:72 templates/part.details.php:53 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:20 +msgid "Extended" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:78 templates/part.details.php:57 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:24 +msgid "Street" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:84 templates/part.details.php:61 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:28 +msgid "City" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:90 templates/part.details.php:65 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:32 +msgid "Region" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:96 templates/part.details.php:69 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:36 +msgid "Zipcode" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:102 templates/part.details.php:73 +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:40 +msgid "Country" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.addcardform.php:109 +msgid "Create Contact" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:1 +msgid "Choose active Address Books" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:16 +msgid "New Address Book" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:21 +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 +msgid "CardDav Link" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 +msgid "Download" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.details.php:3 +msgid "Download contact" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.details.php:4 +msgid "Delete contact" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.details.php:34 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 +msgid "New Addressbook" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 +msgid "Edit Addressbook" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 +msgid "Displayname" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:23 +msgid "Active" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 +msgid "Submit" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:30 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.property.php:3 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.property.php:23 +msgid "Preferred" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.property.php:23 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:45 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:57 +msgid "Update" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/settings.php:4 +msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/uk/core.po b/l10n/uk/core.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3ede91110b --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/uk/core.po @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-25 16:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/uk/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: uk\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n" + +#: lostpassword/index.php:24 +msgid "Owncloud password reset" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/email.php:1 +msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:3 +msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:5 +msgid "Requested" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:8 +msgid "Login failed!" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:11 templates/installation.php:22 +#: templates/login.php:8 +msgid "Username" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:14 +msgid "Request reset" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:4 +msgid "Your password was reset" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5 +msgid "To login page" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8 +msgid "New password" +msgstr "" + +#: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:11 +msgid "Reset password" +msgstr "" + +#: strings.php:5 +msgid "Personal" +msgstr "" + +#: strings.php:6 +msgid "Users" +msgstr "" + +#: strings.php:7 +msgid "Apps" +msgstr "" + +#: strings.php:8 +msgid "Admin" +msgstr "" + +#: strings.php:9 +msgid "Help" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/404.php:12 +msgid "Cloud not found" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:20 +msgid "Create an admin account" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:26 templates/login.php:12 +msgid "Password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:32 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:34 +msgid "Data folder" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:41 +msgid "Configure the database" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:46 templates/installation.php:57 +#: templates/installation.php:67 +msgid "will be used" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:79 +msgid "Database user" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:83 +msgid "Database password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:87 +msgid "Database name" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:93 +msgid "Database host" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/installation.php:98 +msgid "Finish setup" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/layout.guest.php:35 +msgid "web services under your control" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/layout.user.php:34 +msgid "Log out" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/layout.user.php:46 templates/layout.user.php:47 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/login.php:5 +msgid "Lost your password?" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/login.php:15 +msgid "remember" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/login.php:16 +msgid "Log in" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/logout.php:1 +msgid "You are logged out." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.pagenavi.php:3 +msgid "prev" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/part.pagenavi.php:20 +msgid "next" +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/uk/files.po b/l10n/uk/files.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..94b976dd1d --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/uk/files.po @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-13 02:19+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/uk/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: uk\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n" + +#: ajax/upload.php:19 +msgid "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/upload.php:20 +msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/upload.php:21 +msgid "" +"The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in " +"the HTML form" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/upload.php:22 +msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/upload.php:23 +msgid "No file was uploaded" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/upload.php:24 +msgid "Missing a temporary folder" +msgstr "" + +#: appinfo/app.php:8 +msgid "Files" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/admin.php:5 +msgid "Maximum upload size" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:7 +msgid "New" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:10 +msgid "Text file" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:11 +msgid "Folder" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:12 +msgid "From the web" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:22 +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:35 +msgid "Nothing in here. Upload something!" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:43 +msgid "Name" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:45 +msgid "Download" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:49 +msgid "Size" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:50 +msgid "Modified" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:50 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:58 +msgid "Upload too large" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:60 +msgid "" +"The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads " +"on this server." +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/uk/gallery.po b/l10n/uk/gallery.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e39e12e234 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/uk/gallery.po @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/uk/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: uk\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n" + +#: appinfo/app.php:41 +msgid "Gallery" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/index.php:10 +msgid "Rescan" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/view_album.php:19 +msgid "Back" +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/uk/media.po b/l10n/uk/media.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5f7b442b17 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/uk/media.po @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-13 02:19+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/uk/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: uk\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n" + +#: appinfo/app.php:32 templates/player.php:9 +msgid "Music" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:3 templates/player.php:13 +msgid "Play" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:4 templates/music.php:26 templates/player.php:14 +msgid "Pause" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:5 +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:6 templates/player.php:15 +msgid "Next" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:7 +msgid "Mute" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:8 +msgid "Unmute" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:25 +msgid "Rescan Collection" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:37 +msgid "Artist" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:38 +msgid "Album" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/music.php:39 +msgid "Title" +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/uk/settings.po b/l10n/uk/settings.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6fa57d5c32 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n/uk/settings.po @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-25 16:05+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: Ukrainian (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/uk/)\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: uk\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n" + +#: ajax/lostpassword.php:14 +msgid "email Changed" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/lostpassword.php:16 ajax/openid.php:17 ajax/setlanguage.php:16 +msgid "Invalid request" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/openid.php:15 +msgid "OpenID Changed" +msgstr "" + +#: ajax/setlanguage.php:14 +msgid "Language changed" +msgstr "" + +#: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 +msgid "__language_name__" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/admin.php:13 +msgid "Log level" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/apps.php:8 +msgid "Add your application" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/apps.php:21 +msgid "Select an App" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/apps.php:23 +msgid "-licensed" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/apps.php:23 +msgid "by" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/help.php:8 +msgid "Ask a question" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/help.php:20 +msgid "Problems connecting to help database." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/help.php:21 +msgid "Go there manually." +msgstr "" + +#: templates/help.php:29 +msgid "Answer" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:8 +msgid "You use" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:8 +msgid "of the available" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:13 +msgid "Your password got changed" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:14 +msgid "Unable to change your password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:15 +msgid "Current password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:16 +msgid "New password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:17 +msgid "show" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:18 +msgid "Change password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:24 +msgid "Email" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:25 +msgid "Your email address" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:26 +msgid "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:32 templates/personal.php:33 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:38 +msgid "Help translate" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/personal.php:45 +msgid "use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:15 templates/users.php:30 +msgid "Name" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:16 templates/users.php:31 +msgid "Password" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:17 templates/users.php:32 templates/users.php:46 +msgid "Groups" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:23 +msgid "Create" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:33 +msgid "Quota" +msgstr "" + +#: templates/users.php:58 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN/calendar.po b/l10n/zh_CN/calendar.po index a6e29f7bd0..a80e877b37 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_CN/calendar.po +++ b/l10n/zh_CN/calendar.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-22 07:42+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: csslayer \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/zh_CN/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/guesstimezone.php:42 msgid "New Timezone:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "新时区:" #: ajax/settimezone.php:22 msgid "Timezone changed" @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ msgstr "时区已修改" msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "非法请求" -#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:13 +#: appinfo/app.php:20 templates/calendar.php:14 #: templates/part.eventform.php:20 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "日历" @@ -129,143 +129,143 @@ msgstr "每年" #: lib/object.php:366 msgid "never" -msgstr "" +msgstr "从不" #: lib/object.php:367 msgid "by occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "按发生次数" #: lib/object.php:368 msgid "by date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "按日期" #: lib/object.php:375 msgid "by monthday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "按月的某天" #: lib/object.php:376 msgid "by weekday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "按星期的某天" #: lib/object.php:383 templates/lAfix.php:3 msgid "Monday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "星期一" #: lib/object.php:384 templates/lAfix.php:4 msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "星期二" #: lib/object.php:385 templates/lAfix.php:5 msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "星期三" #: lib/object.php:386 templates/lAfix.php:6 msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "星期四" #: lib/object.php:387 templates/lAfix.php:7 msgid "Friday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "星期五" #: lib/object.php:388 templates/lAfix.php:8 msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "星期六" #: lib/object.php:389 templates/lAfix.php:2 msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "" +msgstr "星期日" #: lib/object.php:396 msgid "events week of month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "事件在每月的第几个星期" #: lib/object.php:397 msgid "first" -msgstr "" +msgstr "第一" #: lib/object.php:398 msgid "second" -msgstr "" +msgstr "第二" #: lib/object.php:399 msgid "third" -msgstr "" +msgstr "第三" #: lib/object.php:400 msgid "fourth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "第四" #: lib/object.php:401 msgid "fifth" -msgstr "" +msgstr "第五" #: lib/object.php:402 msgid "last" -msgstr "" +msgstr "最后" #: lib/object.php:424 templates/lAfix.php:16 msgid "January" -msgstr "" +msgstr "一月" #: lib/object.php:425 templates/lAfix.php:17 msgid "February" -msgstr "" +msgstr "二月" #: lib/object.php:426 templates/lAfix.php:18 msgid "March" -msgstr "" +msgstr "三月" #: lib/object.php:427 templates/lAfix.php:19 msgid "April" -msgstr "" +msgstr "四月" #: lib/object.php:428 templates/lAfix.php:20 msgid "May" -msgstr "" +msgstr "五月" #: lib/object.php:429 templates/lAfix.php:21 msgid "June" -msgstr "" +msgstr "六月" #: lib/object.php:430 templates/lAfix.php:22 msgid "July" -msgstr "" +msgstr "七月" #: lib/object.php:431 templates/lAfix.php:23 msgid "August" -msgstr "" +msgstr "八月" #: lib/object.php:432 templates/lAfix.php:24 msgid "September" -msgstr "" +msgstr "九月" #: lib/object.php:433 templates/lAfix.php:25 msgid "October" -msgstr "" +msgstr "十月" #: lib/object.php:434 templates/lAfix.php:26 msgid "November" -msgstr "" +msgstr "十一月" #: lib/object.php:435 templates/lAfix.php:27 msgid "December" -msgstr "" +msgstr "十二月" #: lib/object.php:441 msgid "by events date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "按事件日期" #: lib/object.php:442 msgid "by yearday(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "按每年的某天" #: lib/object.php:443 msgid "by weeknumber(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "按星期数" #: lib/object.php:444 msgid "by day and month" -msgstr "" +msgstr "按天和月份" #: lib/object.php:467 msgid "Not an array" @@ -273,156 +273,156 @@ msgstr "不是一个数组" #: lib/search.php:32 lib/search.php:34 lib/search.php:37 msgid "Date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "日期" #: lib/search.php:40 msgid "Cal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "日历" #: templates/calendar.php:10 msgid "All day" msgstr "全天" -#: templates/calendar.php:11 +#: templates/calendar.php:11 templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 +msgid "New Calendar" +msgstr "新日历" + +#: templates/calendar.php:12 msgid "Missing fields" msgstr "缺少字段" -#: templates/calendar.php:12 templates/part.eventform.php:3 +#: templates/calendar.php:13 templates/part.eventform.php:3 msgid "Title" msgstr "标题" -#: templates/calendar.php:14 +#: templates/calendar.php:15 msgid "From Date" msgstr "从" -#: templates/calendar.php:15 +#: templates/calendar.php:16 msgid "From Time" msgstr "从" -#: templates/calendar.php:16 +#: templates/calendar.php:17 msgid "To Date" msgstr "至" -#: templates/calendar.php:17 +#: templates/calendar.php:18 msgid "To Time" msgstr "至" -#: templates/calendar.php:18 +#: templates/calendar.php:19 msgid "The event ends before it starts" msgstr "事件在开始前已结束" -#: templates/calendar.php:19 +#: templates/calendar.php:20 msgid "There was a database fail" msgstr "数据库访问失败" -#: templates/calendar.php:52 +#: templates/calendar.php:38 msgid "Week" msgstr "星期" -#: templates/calendar.php:53 +#: templates/calendar.php:39 msgid "Month" msgstr "月" -#: templates/calendar.php:54 +#: templates/calendar.php:40 msgid "List" msgstr "列表" -#: templates/calendar.php:59 +#: templates/calendar.php:46 msgid "Today" msgstr "今天" -#: templates/calendar.php:60 +#: templates/calendar.php:47 msgid "Calendars" msgstr "日历" -#: templates/calendar.php:78 +#: templates/calendar.php:65 msgid "There was a fail, while parsing the file." msgstr "解析文件失败" #: templates/lAfix.php:9 msgid "Sun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "周日" #: templates/lAfix.php:10 msgid "Mon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "周一" #: templates/lAfix.php:11 msgid "Tue." -msgstr "" +msgstr "周二" #: templates/lAfix.php:12 msgid "Wed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "周三" #: templates/lAfix.php:13 msgid "Thu." -msgstr "" +msgstr "周四" #: templates/lAfix.php:14 msgid "Fri." -msgstr "" +msgstr "周五" #: templates/lAfix.php:15 msgid "Sat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "周六" #: templates/lAfix.php:28 msgid "Jan." -msgstr "" +msgstr "1月" #: templates/lAfix.php:29 msgid "Feb." -msgstr "" +msgstr "2月" #: templates/lAfix.php:30 msgid "Mar." -msgstr "" +msgstr "3月" #: templates/lAfix.php:31 msgid "Apr." -msgstr "" +msgstr "4月" #: templates/lAfix.php:32 msgid "May." -msgstr "" +msgstr "5月" #: templates/lAfix.php:33 msgid "Jun." -msgstr "" +msgstr "6月" #: templates/lAfix.php:34 msgid "Jul." -msgstr "" +msgstr "7月" #: templates/lAfix.php:35 msgid "Aug." -msgstr "" +msgstr "8月" #: templates/lAfix.php:36 msgid "Sep." -msgstr "" +msgstr "9月" #: templates/lAfix.php:37 msgid "Oct." -msgstr "" +msgstr "10月" #: templates/lAfix.php:38 msgid "Nov." -msgstr "" +msgstr "11月" #: templates/lAfix.php:39 msgid "Dec." -msgstr "" +msgstr "12月" #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:1 msgid "Choose active calendars" msgstr "选择活动日历" -#: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:15 -msgid "New Calendar" -msgstr "新日历" - #: templates/part.choosecalendar.php:20 #: templates/part.choosecalendar.rowfields.php:4 msgid "CalDav Link" @@ -516,47 +516,47 @@ msgstr "重复" #: templates/part.eventform.php:68 msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "" +msgstr "高级" #: templates/part.eventform.php:112 msgid "Select weekdays" -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择星期中的某天" #: templates/part.eventform.php:125 templates/part.eventform.php:138 msgid "Select days" -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择某天" #: templates/part.eventform.php:130 msgid "and the events day of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择每年事件发生的日子" #: templates/part.eventform.php:143 msgid "and the events day of month." -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择每月事件发生的日子" #: templates/part.eventform.php:151 msgid "Select months" -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择月份" #: templates/part.eventform.php:164 msgid "Select weeks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择星期" #: templates/part.eventform.php:169 msgid "and the events week of year." -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择每年的事件发生的星期" #: templates/part.eventform.php:175 msgid "Interval" -msgstr "" +msgstr "间隔" #: templates/part.eventform.php:181 msgid "End" -msgstr "" +msgstr "结束" #: templates/part.eventform.php:193 msgid "occurrences" -msgstr "" +msgstr "次" #: templates/part.eventform.php:208 msgid "Location" @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ msgstr "事件描述" #: templates/part.import.php:1 msgid "Import a calendar file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "导入日历文件" #: templates/part.import.php:6 msgid "Please choose the calendar" @@ -584,11 +584,11 @@ msgstr "请选择日历" #: templates/part.import.php:10 msgid "create a new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "创建新日历" #: templates/part.import.php:15 msgid "Name of new calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "新日历名称" #: templates/part.import.php:17 msgid "Import" @@ -596,15 +596,15 @@ msgstr "导入" #: templates/part.import.php:20 msgid "Importing calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "导入日历" #: templates/part.import.php:23 msgid "Calendar imported successfully" -msgstr "" +msgstr "导入日历成功" #: templates/part.import.php:24 msgid "Close Dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "关闭对话框" #: templates/part.newevent.php:1 msgid "Create a new event" @@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ msgstr "时区" #: templates/settings.php:30 msgid "Check always for changes of the timezone" -msgstr "" +msgstr "选中则总是按照时区变化" #: templates/settings.php:32 msgid "Timeformat" diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN/contacts.po b/l10n/zh_CN/contacts.po index 99e6991907..e2f1c8d81b 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_CN/contacts.po +++ b/l10n/zh_CN/contacts.po @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 14:44+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 13:45+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" "Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/zh_CN/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -20,138 +20,130 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/activation.php:17 ajax/updateaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error (de)activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "(取消)激活地址簿错误。" #: ajax/addcard.php:79 msgid "There was an error adding the contact." -msgstr "" +msgstr "添加联系人时出错。" #: ajax/addproperty.php:39 msgid "Cannot add empty property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "无法添加空属性。" #: ajax/addproperty.php:51 msgid "At least one of the address fields has to be filled out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "至少需要填写一项地址。" -#: ajax/addproperty.php:77 +#: ajax/addproperty.php:78 msgid "Error adding contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "添加联系人属性错误。" #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error adding addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "添加地址簿错误。" #: ajax/createaddressbook.php:26 msgid "Error activating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "激活地址簿错误。" #: ajax/deleteproperty.php:40 msgid "Error deleting contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "删除联系人属性错误。" #: ajax/setproperty.php:79 msgid "Error updating contact property." -msgstr "" +msgstr "更新联系人属性错误。" #: ajax/updateaddressbook.php:20 msgid "Error updating addressbook." -msgstr "" +msgstr "更新地址簿错误" #: appinfo/app.php:21 templates/settings.php:3 msgid "Contacts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "联系人" -#: lib/app.php:42 +#: lib/app.php:52 msgid "This is not your addressbook." msgstr "这不是您的地址簿。" -#: lib/app.php:51 photo.php:34 +#: lib/app.php:61 photo.php:36 msgid "Contact could not be found." msgstr "无法找到联系人。" -#: lib/app.php:79 +#: lib/app.php:89 msgid "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." msgstr "vCard 的信息不正确。请重新加载页面。" -#: lib/app.php:91 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 +#: lib/app.php:101 templates/part.addcardform.php:54 #: templates/part.property.php:45 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:7 msgid "Address" msgstr "地址" -#: lib/app.php:92 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 +#: lib/app.php:102 templates/part.addcardform.php:43 msgid "Telephone" msgstr "电话" -#: lib/app.php:93 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 +#: lib/app.php:103 templates/part.addcardform.php:37 #: templates/part.property.php:16 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:51 msgid "Email" msgstr "电子邮件" -#: lib/app.php:94 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 +#: lib/app.php:104 templates/part.addcardform.php:27 #: templates/part.property.php:9 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:54 msgid "Organization" msgstr "组织" -#: lib/app.php:106 lib/app.php:113 +#: lib/app.php:116 lib/app.php:123 msgid "Work" msgstr "工作" -#: lib/app.php:107 lib/app.php:111 +#: lib/app.php:117 lib/app.php:121 msgid "Home" msgstr "家庭" -#: lib/app.php:112 +#: lib/app.php:122 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "移动电话" -#: lib/app.php:114 +#: lib/app.php:124 msgid "Text" msgstr "文本" -#: lib/app.php:115 +#: lib/app.php:125 msgid "Voice" msgstr "语音" -#: lib/app.php:116 +#: lib/app.php:126 msgid "Fax" msgstr "传真" -#: lib/app.php:117 +#: lib/app.php:127 msgid "Video" msgstr "视频" -#: lib/app.php:118 +#: lib/app.php:128 msgid "Pager" msgstr "传呼机" #: lib/search.php:22 msgid "Contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "联系人" -#: photo.php:40 +#: photo.php:42 msgid "This is not your contact." msgstr "这不是您的联系人。" -#: photo.php:48 -msgid "This card is not RFC compatible." -msgstr "这张名片和RFC 标准不兼容。" - -#: photo.php:85 -msgid "This card does not contain a photo." -msgstr "这张名片不包含照片。" - #: templates/index.php:6 msgid "Add Contact" msgstr "添加联系人" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "Addressbooks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "地址簿" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:8 msgid "Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "地址簿" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:21 msgid "Name" @@ -161,7 +153,7 @@ msgstr "名称" #: templates/part.details.php:79 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:10 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:47 msgid "Type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "类型" #: templates/part.addcardform.php:65 templates/part.details.php:49 #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:16 @@ -204,20 +196,20 @@ msgstr "创建联系人" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:1 msgid "Choose active Address Books" -msgstr "" +msgstr "选择激活地址簿" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:16 msgid "New Address Book" -msgstr "" +msgstr "新建地址簿" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.php:21 #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "CardDav Link" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CardDav 链接" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Download" -msgstr "" +msgstr "下载" #: templates/part.chooseaddressbook.rowfields.php:5 msgid "Edit" @@ -229,43 +221,43 @@ msgstr "删除" #: templates/part.details.php:3 msgid "Download contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "下载联系人" #: templates/part.details.php:4 msgid "Delete contact" -msgstr "" +msgstr "删除联系人" #: templates/part.details.php:34 msgid "Add" -msgstr "" +msgstr "添加" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "New Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "新建地址簿" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:9 msgid "Edit Addressbook" -msgstr "" +msgstr "编辑地址簿" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:12 msgid "Displayname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "显示名称" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:23 msgid "Active" -msgstr "" +msgstr "激活" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Save" -msgstr "" +msgstr "保存" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:29 msgid "Submit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "提交" #: templates/part.editaddressbook.php:30 msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "取消" #: templates/part.property.php:3 msgid "Birthday" @@ -273,7 +265,7 @@ msgstr "生日" #: templates/part.property.php:23 msgid "Preferred" -msgstr "" +msgstr "偏好" #: templates/part.property.php:23 templates/part.setpropertyform.php:45 msgid "Phone" @@ -281,10 +273,10 @@ msgstr "电话" #: templates/part.setpropertyform.php:57 msgid "Update" -msgstr "" +msgstr "更新" #: templates/settings.php:4 msgid "CardDAV syncing address:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CardDAV 同步地址:" diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN/core.po b/l10n/zh_CN/core.po index 147d4a8dd6..afe3276256 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_CN/core.po +++ b/l10n/zh_CN/core.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-22 07:23+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: csslayer \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/zh_CN/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ msgstr "" #: lostpassword/index.php:24 msgid "Owncloud password reset" -msgstr "" +msgstr "重置 Owncloud 密码" #: lostpassword/templates/email.php:1 msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" -msgstr "" +msgstr "使用以下链接重置您的密码:{link}" #: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:3 msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgstr "您的密码已重置" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5 msgid "To login page" -msgstr "" +msgstr "到登录页面" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8 msgid "New password" @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ msgstr "安装完成" #: templates/layout.guest.php:35 msgid "web services under your control" -msgstr "" +msgstr "由您掌控的网络服务" #: templates/layout.user.php:34 msgid "Log out" @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ msgstr "记住" #: templates/login.php:16 msgid "Log in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "登录" #: templates/logout.php:1 msgid "You are logged out." diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN/files.po b/l10n/zh_CN/files.po index 89831a4b08..cd794d7514 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_CN/files.po +++ b/l10n/zh_CN/files.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-11 00:19+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-10 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-22 07:23+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: csslayer \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/zh_CN/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -54,19 +54,19 @@ msgstr "最大上传大小" #: templates/index.php:7 msgid "New" -msgstr "" +msgstr "新建" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Text file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "文本文件" #: templates/index.php:11 msgid "Folder" -msgstr "" +msgstr "文件夹" #: templates/index.php:12 msgid "From the web" -msgstr "" +msgstr "来自网络" #: templates/index.php:22 msgid "Upload" diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN/gallery.po b/l10n/zh_CN/gallery.po index d791cd3590..5ba9a6462f 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_CN/gallery.po +++ b/l10n/zh_CN/gallery.po @@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ # # Translators: # Bartek , 2012. +# , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-15 15:26+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-15 21:45+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Bartek \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:24+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-23 23:25+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: icewind \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/zh_CN/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,7 +21,27 @@ msgstr "" #: appinfo/app.php:41 msgid "Gallery" -msgstr "画廊" +msgstr "图库" + +#: js/album_cover.js:40 +msgid "Scanning directories" +msgstr "扫描目录" + +#: js/album_cover.js:48 +msgid "No photos found" +msgstr "" + +#: js/album_cover.js:51 js/album_cover.js:60 +msgid "Creating thumbnails" +msgstr "创建缩略图" + +#: js/album_cover.js:81 +msgid "Do you wan't to remove album" +msgstr "您是否想要移除相册" + +#: js/album_cover.js:94 +msgid "Input new gallery name" +msgstr "输入新图库名称" #: templates/index.php:10 msgid "Rescan" diff --git a/l10n/zh_CN/settings.po b/l10n/zh_CN/settings.po index 126f0973d0..25c0fccc72 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_CN/settings.po +++ b/l10n/zh_CN/settings.po @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: -# , 2011. +# , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://owncloud.shapado.com/\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-16 17:31+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-16 16:32+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: icewind \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-24 00:25+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-22 07:26+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: csslayer \n" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/owncloud/team/zh_CN/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ajax/lostpassword.php:14 msgid "email Changed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "电子邮件已修改" #: ajax/lostpassword.php:16 ajax/openid.php:17 ajax/setlanguage.php:16 msgid "Invalid request" @@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ msgstr "语言已修改" #: personal.php:36 personal.php:37 msgid "__language_name__" -msgstr "" +msgstr "简体中文" #: templates/admin.php:13 msgid "Log level" -msgstr "" +msgstr "日志级别" #: templates/apps.php:8 msgid "Add your application" @@ -108,15 +108,15 @@ msgstr "修改密码" #: templates/personal.php:24 msgid "Email" -msgstr "" +msgstr "电子邮件" #: templates/personal.php:25 msgid "Your email address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "您的电子邮件" #: templates/personal.php:26 msgid "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "填写电子邮件地址以启用密码恢复" #: templates/personal.php:32 templates/personal.php:33 msgid "Language" @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ msgstr "语言" #: templates/personal.php:38 msgid "Help translate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "帮助翻译" #: templates/personal.php:45 msgid "use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager" @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ msgstr "创建" #: templates/users.php:33 msgid "Quota" -msgstr "" +msgstr "配额" #: templates/users.php:58 msgid "Delete" diff --git a/lib/app.php b/lib/app.php index de7d82ce95..37a99823e3 100644 --- a/lib/app.php +++ b/lib/app.php @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class OC_App{ }else{ $download=OC_OCSClient::getApplicationDownload($app,1); if(isset($download['downloadlink']) and $download['downloadlink']<>'') { - OC_Installer::installApp(array('source'=>'http','href'=>$download['downloadlink'])); + $app=OC_Installer::installApp(array('source'=>'http','href'=>$download['downloadlink'])); } } } diff --git a/lib/base.php b/lib/base.php index ca07eef590..5b8eeb746b 100644 --- a/lib/base.php +++ b/lib/base.php @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ class OC{ OC_Util::addScript( "jquery.infieldlabel.min" ); OC_Util::addScript( "jquery-tipsy" ); OC_Util::addScript( "js" ); + OC_Util::addScript( "eventsource" ); //OC_Util::addScript( "multiselect" ); OC_Util::addScript('search','result'); OC_Util::addStyle( "styles" ); diff --git a/lib/eventsource.php b/lib/eventsource.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c123eb4b83 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/eventsource.php @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +. +* +*/ + +/** + * wrapper for server side events (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server-sent_events) + * includes a fallback for older browsers and IE + * + * use server side events with causion, to many open requests can hang the server + */ +class OC_EventSource{ + private $fallback; + private $fallBackId=0; + + public function __construct(){ + ob_end_clean(); + header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); + $this->fallback=isset($_GET['fallback']) and $_GET['fallback']=='true'; + if($this->fallback){ + $fallBackId=$_GET['fallback_id']; + header("Content-Type: text/html"); + echo str_repeat(''.PHP_EOL,10); //dummy data to keep IE happy + }else{ + header("Content-Type: text/event-stream"); + } + flush(); + + } + + /** + * send a message to the client + * @param string type + * @param object data + * + * if only one paramater is given, a typeless message will be send with that paramater as data + */ + public function send($type,$data=null){ + if(is_null($data)){ + $data=$type; + $type=null; + } + if($this->fallback){ + $response=''.PHP_EOL; + echo $response; + }else{ + if($type){ + echo 'event: '.$type.PHP_EOL; + } + echo 'data: '.json_encode($data).PHP_EOL; + } + echo PHP_EOL; + flush(); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/filestorage/local.php b/lib/filestorage/local.php index dcffce6e86..61343652f6 100644 --- a/lib/filestorage/local.php +++ b/lib/filestorage/local.php @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class OC_Filestorage_Local extends OC_Filestorage{ public function filetype($path){ $filetype=filetype($this->datadir.$path); if($filetype=='link'){ - $filetype=filetype(readlink($this->datadir.$path)); + $filetype=filetype(realpath($this->datadir.$path)); } return $filetype; } diff --git a/lib/filesystem.php b/lib/filesystem.php index f17213cd38..60d3f56a24 100644 --- a/lib/filesystem.php +++ b/lib/filesystem.php @@ -254,6 +254,17 @@ class OC_Filesystem{ } self::$mounts[$mountpoint]=array('class'=>$class,'arguments'=>$arguments); } + + /** + * create all storage backends mounted in the filesystem + */ + static private function mountAll(){ + foreach(self::$mounts as $mountPoint=>$mount){ + if(!isset(self::$storages[$mountPoint])){ + self::$storages[$mountPoint]=self::createStorage($mount['type'],$mount['arguments']); + } + } + } /** * return the path to a local version of the file diff --git a/lib/helper.php b/lib/helper.php index 24d436225b..4d1219d78d 100644 --- a/lib/helper.php +++ b/lib/helper.php @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class OC_Helper { if($absolute){ // Checking if the request was made through HTTPS. The last in line is for IIS - $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS']!='off'); + $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS']!='off'); $urlLinkTo = ($protocol?'https':'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $urlLinkTo; } diff --git a/lib/image.php b/lib/image.php index 70ad3f5969..6de3ed9104 100644 --- a/lib/image.php +++ b/lib/image.php @@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ * */ -/** From user comments at http://dk2.php.net/manual/en/function.exif-imagetype.php - * Don't know if it can come in handy? +//From user comments at http://dk2.php.net/manual/en/function.exif-imagetype.php if ( ! function_exists( 'exif_imagetype' ) ) { function exif_imagetype ( $filename ) { if ( ( list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize( $filename ) ) !== false ) { @@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ if ( ! function_exists( 'exif_imagetype' ) ) { return false; } } -*/ function ellipsis($str, $maxlen) { if (strlen($str) > $maxlen) { @@ -205,6 +203,10 @@ class OC_Image { * @returns bool. */ public function fixOrientation() { + if(!is_callable('exif_read_data')){ + OC_Log::write('core','OC_Image::fixOrientation() Exif module not enabled.', OC_Log::DEBUG); + return false; + } if(!is_resource(self::$resource)) { OC_Log::write('core','OC_Image::fixOrientation() No image loaded.', OC_Log::DEBUG); return false; diff --git a/lib/installer.php b/lib/installer.php index 9248f68e01..b2f817e702 100644 --- a/lib/installer.php +++ b/lib/installer.php @@ -152,14 +152,14 @@ class OC_Installer{ } //run appinfo/install.php - if(!isset($data['noinstall']) or $data['noinstall']==false and is_file($basedir.'/appinfo/install.php')){ + if((!isset($data['noinstall']) or $data['noinstall']==false) and file_exists($basedir.'/appinfo/install.php')){ include($basedir.'/appinfo/install.php'); } //set the installed version OC_Appconfig::setValue($info['id'],'installed_version',$info['version']); OC_Appconfig::setValue($info['id'],'enabled','no'); - return true; + return $info['id']; } /** diff --git a/lib/util.php b/lib/util.php index 454f5d0445..6c19c5416a 100644 --- a/lib/util.php +++ b/lib/util.php @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class OC_Util { * @return array */ public static function getVersion(){ - return array(2,90,1); + return array(3,00,1); } /** @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class OC_Util { * @return string */ public static function getVersionString(){ - return '3 alpha 1'; + return '3'; } /** diff --git a/settings/apps.php b/settings/apps.php index 40b72639cd..0889b0c45e 100644 --- a/settings/apps.php +++ b/settings/apps.php @@ -57,14 +57,22 @@ usort($apps, 'app_sort'); $categories=array_keys($catagoryNames); $externalApps=OC_OCSClient::getApplications($categories); foreach($externalApps as $app){ - $apps[]=array( - 'name'=>$app['name'], - 'id'=>$app['id'], - 'active'=>false, - 'description'=>$app['description'], - 'author'=>$app['personid'], - 'license'=>$app['license'], - ); + // show only external apps that are not exist yet + $local=false; + foreach($apps as $a){ + if($a['name']==$app['name']) $local=true; + } + + if(!$local) { + $apps[]=array( + 'name'=>$app['name'], + 'id'=>$app['id'], + 'active'=>false, + 'description'=>$app['description'], + 'author'=>$app['personid'], + 'license'=>$app['license'], + ); + } } } diff --git a/settings/js/users.js b/settings/js/users.js index b45038e5b0..c9b1d855db 100644 --- a/settings/js/users.js +++ b/settings/js/users.js @@ -127,12 +127,16 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#newuser').submit(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var username=$('#newusername').val(); + if($('#content table tbody tr').filterAttr('data-uid',username).length>0){ + return; + } if($.trim(username) == '') { alert('Please provide a username!'); return false; } var password=$('#newuserpassword').val(); var groups=$('#newusergroups').prev().children('div').data('settings').checked; + var tr $.post( OC.filePath('settings','ajax','createuser.php'), { @@ -141,10 +145,12 @@ $(document).ready(function(){ groups:groups, }, function(result){ - + if(result.status!='success'){ + tr.remove(); + } } ); - var tr=$('#content table tbody tr').first().clone(); + tr=$('#content table tbody tr').first().clone(); tr.attr('data-uid',username); tr.find('td.name').text(username); var select=$('