diff --git a/3rdparty/mediawiki/CSSMin.php b/3rdparty/mediawiki/CSSMin.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1ee2919140 --- /dev/null +++ b/3rdparty/mediawiki/CSSMin.php @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ + + * @copyright Copyright 2010 Wikimedia Foundation + * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + */ + +/** + * Transforms CSS data + * + * This class provides minification, URL remapping, URL extracting, and data-URL embedding. + */ +class CSSMin { + + /* Constants */ + + /** + * Maximum file size to still qualify for in-line embedding as a data-URI + * + * 24,576 is used because Internet Explorer has a 32,768 byte limit for data URIs, + * which when base64 encoded will result in a 1/3 increase in size. + */ + const EMBED_SIZE_LIMIT = 24576; + const URL_REGEX = 'url\(\s*[\'"]?(?P[^\?\)\'"]*)(?P\??[^\)\'"]*)[\'"]?\s*\)'; + + /* Protected Static Members */ + + /** @var array List of common image files extensions and mime-types */ + protected static $mimeTypes = array( + 'gif' => 'image/gif', + 'jpe' => 'image/jpeg', + 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', + 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', + 'png' => 'image/png', + 'tif' => 'image/tiff', + 'tiff' => 'image/tiff', + 'xbm' => 'image/x-xbitmap', + ); + + /* Static Methods */ + + /** + * Gets a list of local file paths which are referenced in a CSS style sheet + * + * @param $source string CSS data to remap + * @param $path string File path where the source was read from (optional) + * @return array List of local file references + */ + public static function getLocalFileReferences( $source, $path = null ) { + $files = array(); + $rFlags = PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER; + if ( preg_match_all( '/' . self::URL_REGEX . '/', $source, $matches, $rFlags ) ) { + foreach ( $matches as $match ) { + $file = ( isset( $path ) + ? rtrim( $path, '/' ) . '/' + : '' ) . "{$match['file'][0]}"; + + // Only proceed if we can access the file + if ( !is_null( $path ) && file_exists( $file ) ) { + $files[] = $file; + } + } + } + return $files; + } + + /** + * @param $file string + * @return bool|string + */ + protected static function getMimeType( $file ) { + $realpath = realpath( $file ); + // Try a couple of different ways to get the mime-type of a file, in order of + // preference + if ( + $realpath + && function_exists( 'finfo_file' ) + && function_exists( 'finfo_open' ) + && defined( 'FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE' ) + ) { + // As of PHP 5.3, this is how you get the mime-type of a file; it uses the Fileinfo + // PECL extension + return finfo_file( finfo_open( FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE ), $realpath ); + } elseif ( function_exists( 'mime_content_type' ) ) { + // Before this was deprecated in PHP 5.3, this was how you got the mime-type of a file + return mime_content_type( $file ); + } else { + // Worst-case scenario has happened, use the file extension to infer the mime-type + $ext = strtolower( pathinfo( $file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ); + if ( isset( self::$mimeTypes[$ext] ) ) { + return self::$mimeTypes[$ext]; + } + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Remaps CSS URL paths and automatically embeds data URIs for URL rules + * preceded by an /* @embed * / comment + * + * @param $source string CSS data to remap + * @param $local string File path where the source was read from + * @param $remote string URL path to the file + * @param $embedData bool If false, never do any data URI embedding, even if / * @embed * / is found + * @return string Remapped CSS data + */ + public static function remap( $source, $local, $remote, $embedData = true ) { + $pattern = '/((?P\s*\/\*\s*\@embed\s*\*\/)(?P
[^\;\}]*))?' .
+			self::URL_REGEX . '(?P[^;]*)[\;]?/';
+		$offset = 0;
+		while ( preg_match( $pattern, $source, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset ) ) {
+			// Skip fully-qualified URLs and data URIs
+			$urlScheme = parse_url( $match['file'][0], PHP_URL_SCHEME );
+			if ( $urlScheme ) {
+				// Move the offset to the end of the match, leaving it alone
+				$offset = $match[0][1] + strlen( $match[0][0] );
+				continue;
+			}
+			// URLs with absolute paths like /w/index.php need to be expanded
+			// to absolute URLs but otherwise left alone
+			if ( $match['file'][0] !== '' && $match['file'][0][0] === '/' ) {
+				// Replace the file path with an expanded (possibly protocol-relative) URL
+				// ...but only if wfExpandUrl() is even available.
+				// This will not be the case if we're running outside of MW
+				$lengthIncrease = 0;
+				if ( function_exists( 'wfExpandUrl' ) ) {
+					$expanded = wfExpandUrl( $match['file'][0], PROTO_RELATIVE );
+					$origLength = strlen( $match['file'][0] );
+					$lengthIncrease = strlen( $expanded ) - $origLength;
+					$source = substr_replace( $source, $expanded,
+						$match['file'][1], $origLength
+					);
+				}
+				// Move the offset to the end of the match, leaving it alone
+				$offset = $match[0][1] + strlen( $match[0][0] ) + $lengthIncrease;
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Shortcuts
+			$embed = $match['embed'][0];
+			$pre = $match['pre'][0];
+			$post = $match['post'][0];
+			$query = $match['query'][0];
+			$url = "{$remote}/{$match['file'][0]}";
+			$file = "{$local}/{$match['file'][0]}";
+			// bug 27052 - Guard against double slashes, because foo//../bar
+			// apparently resolves to foo/bar on (some?) clients
+			$url = preg_replace( '#([^:])//+#', '\1/', $url );
+			$replacement = false;
+			if ( $local !== false && file_exists( $file ) ) {
+				// Add version parameter as a time-stamp in ISO 8601 format,
+				// using Z for the timezone, meaning GMT
+				$url .= '?' . gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', round( filemtime( $file ), -2 ) );
+				// Embedding requires a bit of extra processing, so let's skip that if we can
+				if ( $embedData && $embed ) {
+					$type = self::getMimeType( $file );
+					// Detect when URLs were preceeded with embed tags, and also verify file size is
+					// below the limit
+			var_dump($match['embed'], $file, filesize($file));
+					if (
+						$type
+						&& $match['embed'][1] > 0
+						&& filesize( $file ) < self::EMBED_SIZE_LIMIT
+					) {
+						// Strip off any trailing = symbols (makes browsers freak out)
+						$data = base64_encode( file_get_contents( $file ) );
+						// Build 2 CSS properties; one which uses a base64 encoded data URI in place
+						// of the @embed comment to try and retain line-number integrity, and the
+						// other with a remapped an versioned URL and an Internet Explorer hack
+						// making it ignored in all browsers that support data URIs
+						$replacement = "{$pre}url(data:{$type};base64,{$data}){$post};";
+						$replacement .= "{$pre}url({$url}){$post}!ie;";
+					}
+				}
+				if ( $replacement === false ) {
+					// Assume that all paths are relative to $remote, and make them absolute
+					$replacement = "{$embed}{$pre}url({$url}){$post};";
+				}
+			} elseif ( $local === false ) {
+				// Assume that all paths are relative to $remote, and make them absolute
+				$replacement = "{$embed}{$pre}url({$url}{$query}){$post};";
+			}
+			if ( $replacement !== false ) {
+				// Perform replacement on the source
+				$source = substr_replace(
+					$source, $replacement, $match[0][1], strlen( $match[0][0] )
+				);
+				// Move the offset to the end of the replacement in the source
+				$offset = $match[0][1] + strlen( $replacement );
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Move the offset to the end of the match, leaving it alone
+			$offset = $match[0][1] + strlen( $match[0][0] );
+		}
+		return $source;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Removes whitespace from CSS data
+	 *
+	 * @param $css string CSS data to minify
+	 * @return string Minified CSS data
+	 */
+	public static function minify( $css ) {
+		return trim(
+			str_replace(
+				array( '; ', ': ', ' {', '{ ', ', ', '} ', ';}' ),
+				array( ';', ':', '{', '{', ',', '}', '}' ),
+				preg_replace( array( '/\s+/', '/\/\*.*?\*\//s' ), array( ' ', '' ), $css )
+			)
+		);
+	}
diff --git a/3rdparty/mediawiki/JavaScriptMinifier.php b/3rdparty/mediawiki/JavaScriptMinifier.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db5326c7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/mediawiki/JavaScriptMinifier.php
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+ * @license Choose any of Apache, MIT, GPL, LGPL
+ */
+ * This class is meant to safely minify javascript code, while leaving syntactically correct
+ * programs intact. Other libraries, such as JSMin require a certain coding style to work
+ * correctly. OTOH, libraries like jsminplus, that do parse the code correctly are rather
+ * slow, because they construct a complete parse tree before outputting the code minified.
+ * So this class is meant to allow arbitrary (but syntactically correct) input, while being
+ * fast enough to be used for on-the-fly minifying.
+ */
+class JavaScriptMinifier {
+	/* Class constants */
+	/* Parsing states.
+	 * The state machine is only necessary to decide whether to parse a slash as division
+	 * operator or as regexp literal.
+	 * States are named after the next expected item. We only distinguish states when the
+	 * distinction is relevant for our purpose.
+	 */
+	const STATEMENT                = 0;
+	const CONDITION                = 1;
+	const PROPERTY_ASSIGNMENT      = 2;
+	const EXPRESSION               = 3;
+	const EXPRESSION_NO_NL         = 4; // only relevant for semicolon insertion
+	const EXPRESSION_OP            = 5;
+	const EXPRESSION_FUNC          = 6;
+	const EXPRESSION_TERNARY       = 7; // used to determine the role of a colon
+	const PAREN_EXPRESSION         = 10; // expression which is not on the top level
+	const PAREN_EXPRESSION_OP      = 11;
+	const PAREN_EXPRESSION_FUNC    = 12;
+	const PROPERTY_EXPRESSION      = 13; // expression which is within an object literal
+	/* Token types */
+	const TYPE_UN_OP       = 1; // unary operators
+	const TYPE_INCR_OP     = 2; // ++ and --
+	const TYPE_BIN_OP      = 3; // binary operators
+	const TYPE_ADD_OP      = 4; // + and - which can be either unary or binary ops
+	const TYPE_HOOK        = 5; // ?
+	const TYPE_COLON       = 6; // :
+	const TYPE_COMMA       = 7; // ,
+	const TYPE_SEMICOLON   = 8; // ;
+	const TYPE_BRACE_OPEN  = 9; // {
+	const TYPE_BRACE_CLOSE = 10; // }
+	const TYPE_PAREN_OPEN  = 11; // ( and [
+	const TYPE_PAREN_CLOSE = 12; // ) and ]
+	const TYPE_RETURN      = 13; // keywords: break, continue, return, throw
+	const TYPE_IF          = 14; // keywords: catch, for, with, switch, while, if
+	const TYPE_DO          = 15; // keywords: case, var, finally, else, do, try
+	const TYPE_FUNC        = 16; // keywords: function
+	const TYPE_LITERAL     = 17; // all literals, identifiers and unrecognised tokens
+	// Sanity limit to avoid excessive memory usage
+	const STACK_LIMIT = 1000;
+	/* Static functions */
+	/**
+	 * Returns minified JavaScript code.
+	 *
+	 * NOTE: $maxLineLength isn't a strict maximum. Longer lines will be produced when
+	 *       literals (e.g. quoted strings) longer than $maxLineLength are encountered
+	 *       or when required to guard against semicolon insertion.
+	 *
+	 * @param $s String JavaScript code to minify
+	 * @param $statementsOnOwnLine Bool Whether to put each statement on its own line
+	 * @param $maxLineLength Int Maximum length of a single line, or -1 for no maximum.
+	 * @return String Minified code
+	 */
+	public static function minify( $s, $statementsOnOwnLine = false, $maxLineLength = 1000 ) {
+		// First we declare a few tables that contain our parsing rules
+		// $opChars : characters, which can be combined without whitespace in between them
+		$opChars = array(
+			'!' => true,
+			'"' => true,
+			'%' => true,
+			'&' => true,
+			"'" => true,
+			'(' => true,
+			')' => true,
+			'*' => true,
+			'+' => true,
+			',' => true,
+			'-' => true,
+			'.' => true,
+			'/' => true,
+			':' => true,
+			';' => true,
+			'<' => true,
+			'=' => true,
+			'>' => true,
+			'?' => true,
+			'[' => true,
+			']' => true,
+			'^' => true,
+			'{' => true,
+			'|' => true,
+			'}' => true,
+			'~' => true
+		);
+		// $tokenTypes : maps keywords and operators to their corresponding token type
+		$tokenTypes = array(
+			'!'          => self::TYPE_UN_OP,
+			'~'          => self::TYPE_UN_OP,
+			'delete'     => self::TYPE_UN_OP,
+			'new'        => self::TYPE_UN_OP,
+			'typeof'     => self::TYPE_UN_OP,
+			'void'       => self::TYPE_UN_OP,
+			'++'         => self::TYPE_INCR_OP,
+			'--'         => self::TYPE_INCR_OP,
+			'!='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'!=='        => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'%'          => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'%='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'&'          => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'&&'         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'&='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'*'          => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'*='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'+='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'-='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'.'          => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'/'          => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'/='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'<'          => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'<<'         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'<<='        => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'<='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'='          => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'=='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'==='        => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'>'          => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'>='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'>>'         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'>>='        => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'>>>'        => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'>>>='       => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'^'          => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'^='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'|'          => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'|='         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'||'         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'in'         => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'instanceof' => self::TYPE_BIN_OP,
+			'+'          => self::TYPE_ADD_OP,
+			'-'          => self::TYPE_ADD_OP,
+			'?'          => self::TYPE_HOOK,
+			':'          => self::TYPE_COLON,
+			','          => self::TYPE_COMMA,
+			';'          => self::TYPE_SEMICOLON,
+			'{'          => self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN,
+			'}'          => self::TYPE_BRACE_CLOSE,
+			'('          => self::TYPE_PAREN_OPEN,
+			'['          => self::TYPE_PAREN_OPEN,
+			')'          => self::TYPE_PAREN_CLOSE,
+			']'          => self::TYPE_PAREN_CLOSE,
+			'break'      => self::TYPE_RETURN,
+			'continue'   => self::TYPE_RETURN,
+			'return'     => self::TYPE_RETURN,
+			'throw'      => self::TYPE_RETURN,
+			'catch'      => self::TYPE_IF,
+			'for'        => self::TYPE_IF,
+			'if'         => self::TYPE_IF,
+			'switch'     => self::TYPE_IF,
+			'while'      => self::TYPE_IF,
+			'with'       => self::TYPE_IF,
+			'case'       => self::TYPE_DO,
+			'do'         => self::TYPE_DO,
+			'else'       => self::TYPE_DO,
+			'finally'    => self::TYPE_DO,
+			'try'        => self::TYPE_DO,
+			'var'        => self::TYPE_DO,
+			'function'   => self::TYPE_FUNC
+		);
+		// $goto : This is the main table for our state machine. For every state/token pair
+		//         the following state is defined. When no rule exists for a given pair,
+		//         the state is left unchanged.
+		$goto = array(
+			self::STATEMENT => array(
+				self::TYPE_UN_OP      => self::EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_INCR_OP    => self::EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_ADD_OP     => self::EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_RETURN     => self::EXPRESSION_NO_NL,
+				self::TYPE_IF         => self::CONDITION,
+				self::TYPE_FUNC       => self::CONDITION,
+				self::TYPE_LITERAL    => self::EXPRESSION_OP
+			),
+			self::CONDITION => array(
+			),
+			self::PROPERTY_ASSIGNMENT => array(
+				self::TYPE_COLON      => self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN => self::STATEMENT
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION => array(
+				self::TYPE_SEMICOLON  => self::STATEMENT,
+				self::TYPE_FUNC       => self::EXPRESSION_FUNC,
+				self::TYPE_LITERAL    => self::EXPRESSION_OP
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_NO_NL => array(
+				self::TYPE_SEMICOLON  => self::STATEMENT,
+				self::TYPE_FUNC       => self::EXPRESSION_FUNC,
+				self::TYPE_LITERAL    => self::EXPRESSION_OP
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_OP => array(
+				self::TYPE_BIN_OP     => self::EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_ADD_OP     => self::EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_HOOK       => self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY,
+				self::TYPE_COLON      => self::STATEMENT,
+				self::TYPE_COMMA      => self::EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_SEMICOLON  => self::STATEMENT,
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_FUNC => array(
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN => self::STATEMENT
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY => array(
+				self::TYPE_FUNC       => self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY_FUNC,
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY_OP => array(
+				self::TYPE_BIN_OP     => self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY,
+				self::TYPE_ADD_OP     => self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY,
+				self::TYPE_HOOK       => self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY,
+				self::TYPE_COMMA      => self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY,
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY_FUNC => array(
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN => self::STATEMENT
+			),
+			self::PAREN_EXPRESSION => array(
+				self::TYPE_FUNC       => self::PAREN_EXPRESSION_FUNC,
+			),
+			self::PAREN_EXPRESSION_OP => array(
+				self::TYPE_BIN_OP     => self::PAREN_EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_ADD_OP     => self::PAREN_EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_HOOK       => self::PAREN_EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_COLON      => self::PAREN_EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_COMMA      => self::PAREN_EXPRESSION,
+			),
+			self::PAREN_EXPRESSION_FUNC => array(
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN => self::STATEMENT
+			),
+			self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION => array(
+				self::TYPE_FUNC       => self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_FUNC,
+			),
+			self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_OP => array(
+				self::TYPE_BIN_OP     => self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_ADD_OP     => self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_HOOK       => self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION,
+				self::TYPE_COMMA      => self::PROPERTY_ASSIGNMENT,
+			),
+			self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_FUNC => array(
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN => self::STATEMENT
+			)
+		);
+		// $push : This table contains the rules for when to push a state onto the stack.
+		//         The pushed state is the state to return to when the corresponding
+		//         closing token is found
+		$push = array(
+			self::STATEMENT => array(
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN => self::STATEMENT,
+			),
+			self::CONDITION => array(
+				self::TYPE_PAREN_OPEN => self::STATEMENT
+			),
+			self::PROPERTY_ASSIGNMENT => array(
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION => array(
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN => self::EXPRESSION_OP,
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_NO_NL => array(
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN => self::EXPRESSION_OP,
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_OP => array(
+				self::TYPE_HOOK       => self::EXPRESSION,
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_FUNC => array(
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY => array(
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY_OP => array(
+				self::TYPE_HOOK       => self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY,
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY_FUNC => array(
+			),
+			self::PAREN_EXPRESSION => array(
+			),
+			self::PAREN_EXPRESSION_OP => array(
+			),
+			self::PAREN_EXPRESSION_FUNC => array(
+			),
+			self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION => array(
+			),
+			self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_OP => array(
+			),
+			self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_FUNC => array(
+			)
+		);
+		// $pop : Rules for when to pop a state from the stack
+		$pop = array(
+			self::STATEMENT              => array( self::TYPE_BRACE_CLOSE => true ),
+			self::PROPERTY_ASSIGNMENT    => array( self::TYPE_BRACE_CLOSE => true ),
+			self::EXPRESSION             => array( self::TYPE_BRACE_CLOSE => true ),
+			self::EXPRESSION_NO_NL       => array( self::TYPE_BRACE_CLOSE => true ),
+			self::EXPRESSION_OP          => array( self::TYPE_BRACE_CLOSE => true ),
+			self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY_OP  => array( self::TYPE_COLON       => true ),
+			self::PAREN_EXPRESSION       => array( self::TYPE_PAREN_CLOSE => true ),
+			self::PAREN_EXPRESSION_OP    => array( self::TYPE_PAREN_CLOSE => true ),
+			self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION    => array( self::TYPE_BRACE_CLOSE => true ),
+			self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_OP => array( self::TYPE_BRACE_CLOSE => true )
+		);
+		// $semicolon : Rules for when a semicolon insertion is appropriate
+		$semicolon = array(
+			self::EXPRESSION_NO_NL => array(
+				self::TYPE_UN_OP      => true,
+				self::TYPE_INCR_OP    => true,
+				self::TYPE_ADD_OP     => true,
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN => true,
+				self::TYPE_PAREN_OPEN => true,
+				self::TYPE_RETURN     => true,
+				self::TYPE_IF         => true,
+				self::TYPE_DO         => true,
+				self::TYPE_FUNC       => true,
+				self::TYPE_LITERAL    => true
+			),
+			self::EXPRESSION_OP => array(
+				self::TYPE_UN_OP      => true,
+				self::TYPE_INCR_OP    => true,
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN => true,
+				self::TYPE_RETURN     => true,
+				self::TYPE_IF         => true,
+				self::TYPE_DO         => true,
+				self::TYPE_FUNC       => true,
+				self::TYPE_LITERAL    => true
+			)
+		);
+		// Rules for when newlines should be inserted if
+		// $statementsOnOwnLine is enabled.
+		// $newlineBefore is checked before switching state,
+		// $newlineAfter is checked after
+		$newlineBefore = array(
+			self::STATEMENT => array(
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_CLOSE => true,
+			),
+		);
+		$newlineAfter = array(
+			self::STATEMENT => array(
+				self::TYPE_BRACE_OPEN => true,
+				self::TYPE_PAREN_CLOSE => true,
+				self::TYPE_SEMICOLON => true,
+			),
+		);
+		// $divStates : Contains all states that can be followed by a division operator
+		$divStates = array(
+			self::EXPRESSION_OP          => true,
+			self::EXPRESSION_TERNARY_OP  => true,
+			self::PAREN_EXPRESSION_OP    => true,
+			self::PROPERTY_EXPRESSION_OP => true
+		);
+		// Here's where the minifying takes place: Loop through the input, looking for tokens
+		// and output them to $out, taking actions to the above defined rules when appropriate.
+		$out = '';
+		$pos = 0;
+		$length = strlen( $s );
+		$lineLength = 0;
+		$newlineFound = true;
+		$state = self::STATEMENT;
+		$stack = array();
+		$last = ';'; // Pretend that we have seen a semicolon yet
+		while( $pos < $length ) {
+			// First, skip over any whitespace and multiline comments, recording whether we
+			// found any newline character
+			$skip = strspn( $s, " \t\n\r\xb\xc", $pos );
+			if( !$skip ) {
+				$ch = $s[$pos];
+				if( $ch === '/' && substr( $s, $pos, 2 ) === '/*' ) {
+					// Multiline comment. Search for the end token or EOT.
+					$end = strpos( $s, '*/', $pos + 2 );
+					$skip = $end === false ? $length - $pos : $end - $pos + 2;
+				}
+			}
+			if( $skip ) {
+				// The semicolon insertion mechanism needs to know whether there was a newline
+				// between two tokens, so record it now.
+				if( !$newlineFound && strcspn( $s, "\r\n", $pos, $skip ) !== $skip ) {
+					$newlineFound = true;
+				}
+				$pos += $skip;
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Handle C++-style comments and html comments, which are treated as single line
+			// comments by the browser, regardless of whether the end tag is on the same line.
+			// Handle --> the same way, but only if it's at the beginning of the line
+			if( ( $ch === '/' && substr( $s, $pos, 2 ) === '//' )
+				|| ( $ch === '<' && substr( $s, $pos, 4 ) === '' )
+			) {
+				$pos += strcspn( $s, "\r\n", $pos );
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Find out which kind of token we're handling. $end will point past the end of it.
+			$end = $pos + 1;
+			// Handle string literals
+			if( $ch === "'" || $ch === '"' ) {
+				// Search to the end of the string literal, skipping over backslash escapes
+				$search = $ch . '\\';
+				do{
+					$end += strcspn( $s, $search, $end ) + 2;
+				} while( $end - 2 < $length && $s[$end - 2] === '\\' );
+				$end--;
+			// We have to distinguish between regexp literals and division operators
+			// A division operator is only possible in certain states
+			} elseif( $ch === '/' && !isset( $divStates[$state] ) ) {
+				// Regexp literal, search to the end, skipping over backslash escapes and
+				// character classes
+				for( ; ; ) {
+					do{
+						$end += strcspn( $s, '/[\\', $end ) + 2;
+					} while( $end - 2 < $length && $s[$end - 2] === '\\' );
+					$end--;
+					if( $end - 1 >= $length || $s[$end - 1] === '/' ) {
+						break;
+					}
+					do{
+						$end += strcspn( $s, ']\\', $end ) + 2;
+					} while( $end - 2 < $length && $s[$end - 2] === '\\' );
+					$end--;
+				};
+				// Search past the regexp modifiers (gi)
+				while( $end < $length && ctype_alpha( $s[$end] ) ) {
+					$end++;
+				}
+			} elseif(
+				$ch === '0'
+				&& ($pos + 1 < $length) && ($s[$pos + 1] === 'x' || $s[$pos + 1] === 'X' )
+			) {
+				// Hex numeric literal
+				$end++; // x or X
+				$len = strspn( $s, '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef', $end );
+				if ( !$len ) {
+					return self::parseError($s, $pos, 'Expected a hexadecimal number but found ' . substr( $s, $pos, 5 ) . '...' );
+				}
+				$end += $len;
+			} elseif(
+				ctype_digit( $ch )
+				|| ( $ch === '.' && $pos + 1 < $length && ctype_digit( $s[$pos + 1] ) )
+			) {
+				$end += strspn( $s, '0123456789', $end );
+				$decimal = strspn( $s, '.', $end );
+				if ($decimal) {
+					if ( $decimal > 2 ) {
+						return self::parseError($s, $end, 'The number has too many decimal points' );
+					}
+					$end += strspn( $s, '0123456789', $end + 1 ) + $decimal;
+				}
+				$exponent = strspn( $s, 'eE', $end );
+				if( $exponent ) {
+					if ( $exponent > 1 ) {
+						return self::parseError($s, $end, 'Number with several E' );
+					}
+					$end++;
+					// + sign is optional; - sign is required.
+					$end += strspn( $s, '-+', $end );
+					$len = strspn( $s, '0123456789', $end );
+					if ( !$len ) {
+						return self::parseError($s, $pos, 'No decimal digits after e, how many zeroes should be added?' );
+					}
+					$end += $len;
+				}
+			} elseif( isset( $opChars[$ch] ) ) {
+				// Punctuation character. Search for the longest matching operator.
+				while(
+					$end < $length
+					&& isset( $tokenTypes[substr( $s, $pos, $end - $pos + 1 )] )
+				) {
+					$end++;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// Identifier or reserved word. Search for the end by excluding whitespace and
+				// punctuation.
+				$end += strcspn( $s, " \t\n.;,=<>+-{}()[]?:*/%'\"!&|^~\xb\xc\r", $end );
+			}
+			// Now get the token type from our type array
+			$token = substr( $s, $pos, $end - $pos ); // so $end - $pos == strlen( $token )
+			$type = isset( $tokenTypes[$token] ) ? $tokenTypes[$token] : self::TYPE_LITERAL;
+			if( $newlineFound && isset( $semicolon[$state][$type] ) ) {
+				// This token triggers the semicolon insertion mechanism of javascript. While we
+				// could add the ; token here ourselves, keeping the newline has a few advantages.
+				$out .= "\n";
+				$state = self::STATEMENT;
+				$lineLength = 0;
+			} elseif( $maxLineLength > 0 && $lineLength + $end - $pos > $maxLineLength &&
+					!isset( $semicolon[$state][$type] ) && $type !== self::TYPE_INCR_OP )
+			{
+				// This line would get too long if we added $token, so add a newline first.
+				// Only do this if it won't trigger semicolon insertion and if it won't
+				// put a postfix increment operator on its own line, which is illegal in js.
+				$out .= "\n";
+				$lineLength = 0;
+			// Check, whether we have to separate the token from the last one with whitespace
+			} elseif( !isset( $opChars[$last] ) && !isset( $opChars[$ch] ) ) {
+				$out .= ' ';
+				$lineLength++;
+			// Don't accidentally create ++, -- or // tokens
+			} elseif( $last === $ch && ( $ch === '+' || $ch === '-' || $ch === '/' ) ) {
+				$out .= ' ';
+				$lineLength++;
+			}
+			$out .= $token;
+			$lineLength += $end - $pos; // += strlen( $token )
+			$last = $s[$end - 1];
+			$pos = $end;
+			$newlineFound = false;
+			// Output a newline after the token if required
+			// This is checked before AND after switching state
+			$newlineAdded = false;
+			if ( $statementsOnOwnLine && !$newlineAdded && isset( $newlineBefore[$state][$type] ) ) {
+				$out .= "\n";
+				$lineLength = 0;
+				$newlineAdded = true;
+			}
+			// Now that we have output our token, transition into the new state.
+			if( isset( $push[$state][$type] ) && count( $stack ) < self::STACK_LIMIT ) {
+				$stack[] = $push[$state][$type];
+			}
+			if( $stack && isset( $pop[$state][$type] ) ) {
+				$state = array_pop( $stack );
+			} elseif( isset( $goto[$state][$type] ) ) {
+				$state = $goto[$state][$type];
+			}
+			// Check for newline insertion again
+			if ( $statementsOnOwnLine && !$newlineAdded && isset( $newlineAfter[$state][$type] ) ) {
+				$out .= "\n";
+				$lineLength = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		return $out;
+	}
+	static function parseError($fullJavascript, $position, $errorMsg) {
+		// TODO: Handle the error: trigger_error, throw exception, return false...
+		return false;
+	}
diff --git a/apps/files/templates/index.php b/apps/files/templates/index.php
index c0a40081fe..3bd5a1ceef 100644
--- a/apps/files/templates/index.php
+++ b/apps/files/templates/index.php
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 			t( 'Size' ); ?>
-			t( 'Modified' ); ?>t('Delete all')?> <?php echo $l->t('Delete')?>" />
+			t( 'Modified' ); ?>t('Delete')?> <?php echo $l->t('Delete')?>" />
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/ajax/getVersions.php b/apps/files_versions/ajax/getVersions.php
index 1d107c1bda..bee6054333 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/ajax/getVersions.php
+++ b/apps/files_versions/ajax/getVersions.php
@@ -10,7 +10,14 @@ $source = strip_tags( $source );
 if( OCA_Versions\Storage::isversioned( $source ) ) {
 	$count=5; //show the newest revisions
-	$versions = OCA_Versions\Storage::getversions( $source, $count);
+	$versions = OCA_Versions\Storage::getVersions( $source, $count);
+	$versionsFormatted = array();
+	foreach ( $versions AS $version ) {
+		$versionsFormatted[] = OCP\Util::formatDate( $version );
+	}
 	$versionsSorted = array_reverse( $versions );
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/history.php b/apps/files_versions/history.php
index 11c07ef86c..cb4726e8d0 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/history.php
+++ b/apps/files_versions/history.php
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ if ( isset( $_GET['path'] ) ) {
         if( OCA_Versions\Storage::isversioned( $path ) ) {
 		$count = 999; //show the newest revisions
-	        $versions = OCA_Versions\Storage::getversions( $path, $count );
+	        $versions = OCA_Versions\Storage::getVersions( $path, $count);
 		$tmpl->assign( 'versions', array_reverse( $versions ) );
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/js/versions.js b/apps/files_versions/js/versions.js
index 5e46b2a0ee..82d569fa0f 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/js/versions.js
+++ b/apps/files_versions/js/versions.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
 function createVersionsDropdown(filename, files) {
 	var historyUrl = OC.linkTo('files_versions', 'history.php') + '?path='+encodeURIComponent( $( '#dir' ).val() ).replace( /%2F/g, '/' )+'/'+encodeURIComponent( filename );
 	var html = '