[tx-robot] updated from transifex

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins for ownCloud 2015-10-15 01:55:32 -04:00
parent 905474ebd4
commit 5bee7007dd
18 changed files with 124 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,57 @@
"Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Çelësi privat për Aplikacionin e Shifrimit është i pavlefshëm. Ju lutem përditësoni fjalëkalimin e çelësit tuaj privat në parametrat tuaj për të rimarrë qasje në skedarët tuaj të shifruar.",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Ndarja do të skadojë në %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Gjithë të mirat",
"Enabled" : "Aktivizuar"
"Missing recovery key password" : "Mungon fjalëkalim kyçi rimarrjesh",
"Please repeat the recovery key password" : "Ju lutemi, rijepni fjalëkalimin për kyç rimarrjesh",
"Repeated recovery key password does not match the provided recovery key password" : "Fjalëkalimi i ridhënë për kyç rimarrjesh spërputhet me fjalëkalimin e dhënë për kyç rimarrjesh",
"Recovery key successfully enabled" : "Kyçi i rimarrjeve u aktivizua me sukses",
"Could not enable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" : "Su aktivizua dot kyçi i rimarrjeve. Ju lutemi, kontrolloni fjalëkalimin për kyç rimarrjesh!",
"Recovery key successfully disabled" : "Kyçi i rimarrjeve u çaktivizua me sukses",
"Could not disable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" : "Su çaktivizua dot kyçi i rimarrjeve. Ju lutemi, kontrolloni fjalëkalimin për kyç rimarrjesh!",
"Missing parameters" : "Mungojnë parametra",
"Please provide the old recovery password" : "Ju lutemi, jepni fjalëkalimin e vjetër të rimarrjes",
"Please provide a new recovery password" : "Ju lutemi, jepni fjalëkalimin e ri të rimarrjes",
"Please repeat the new recovery password" : "Ju lutemi, rijepni fjalëkalimin e ri të rimarrjes",
"Password successfully changed." : "Fjalëkalimi u ndryshua me sukses.",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." : "Fjalëkalimi su ndryshua dot. Ndoshta fjalëkalimi i vjetër sqe i saktë.",
"Recovery Key disabled" : "Kyçi i Rimarrjeve u çaktivizua",
"Recovery Key enabled" : "Kyçi i Rimarrjeve u aktivizua",
"Could not enable the recovery key, please try again or contact your administrator" : "Su aktivizua dot kyçi i rimarrjeve. ju lutemi, riprovoni ose lidhuni me përgjegjësin tuaj",
"Could not update the private key password." : "Fjalëkalimi për kyçin privat su përditësua dot.",
"The old password was not correct, please try again." : "Fjalëkalimi i vjetër sqe i saktë, ju lutemi, riprovoni.",
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "Fjalëkalimi i tanishëm i hyrjeve sqe i saktë, ju lutemi, riprovoni.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Fjalëkalimi për kyçin privat u përditësua me sukses.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Lypset të kaloni kyçet tuaj të fshehtëzimeve nga versioni i vjetër i fshehtëzimeve (ownCloud <= 8.0) te i riu. Ju lutemi, ekzekutoni run 'occ encryption:migrate' ose lidhuni me përgjegjësin tuaj",
"Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Kyç privat i pavlefshëm për aplikacionin e fshehtëzimeve. Ju lutemi, përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj të kyçit privat te rregullimet tuaja personale që të rimerrni hyrje te kartelat tuaja të fshehtëzuara.",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Aplikacioni i fshehtëzimeve është i aktivizuar, por kyçet tuaj sjanë vënë në punë, ju lutemi, dilni dhe ribëni hyrjen",
"Encryption App is enabled and ready" : "Aplikacioni i Fshehtëzimeve u aktivizua dhe është gati",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "fjalëkalim vetëm për një herë, për fshehtëzim-më-anë-shërbyesi",
"Can not decrypt this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you." : "Nuk shfshehtëzohet dot kjo kartelë, ndoshta është kartelë e ndarë me të tjerët. Ju lutemi, kërkojini të zotit të kartelës ta rindajë kartelën me ju.",
"Can not read this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you." : "Slexohet dot kjo kartelë, ndoshta është kartelë e ndarë me të tjerët. Ju lutemi, kërkojini të zotit të kartelës ta rindajë kartelën me ju.",
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'ownCloud basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Njatjeta,\n\npërgjegjësi aktivizoi fshehtëzim më anë shërbyesi. Kartelat tuaja qenë fshehtëzuar duke përdorur fjalëkalimin '%s'.\n\nJu lutemi, bëni hyrjen te ndërfaqja web, kaloni te ndarja 'modul i thjeshtë ownCloud për fshehtëzime' e rregullimeve tuaja personale dhe përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj për fshehtëzime duke dhënë këtë fjalëkalim te fusha 'old log-in password' dhe fjalëkalimin tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Ndarja do të skadojë më %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Gëzuar!",
"Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Njatjeta,<br><br>përgjegjësi aktivizoi fshehtëzim më anë shërbyesi. Kartelat tuaja qenë fshehtëzuar duke përdorur fjalëkalimin <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Ju lutemi, bëni hyrjen te ndërfaqja web, kaloni te ndarja \"modul i thjeshtë ownCloud për fshehtëzime\" e rregullimeve tuaja personale dhe përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj për fshehtëzime duke dhënë këtë fjalëkalim te fusha \"old log-in password\" dhe fjalëkalimin tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet.<br><br>",
"Enable recovery key" : "Aktivizo kyç rimarrjesh",
"Disable recovery key" : "Çaktivizo kyç rimarrjesh",
"The recovery key is an extra encryption key that is used to encrypt files. It allows recovery of a user's files if the user forgets his or her password." : "Kyçi i rimarrjeve është një kyç ekstra fshehtëzimesh që përdoret për të fshehtëzuar kartela. Ai lejon rimarrjen e një kartele të përdoruesit, nëse përdoruesi harron fjalëkalimin e vet.",
"Recovery key password" : "Fjalëkalim kyçi rimarrjesh",
"Repeat recovery key password" : "Rijepni fjalëkalim kyçi rimarrjesh",
"Change recovery key password:" : "Ndryshoni fjalëkalim kyçi rimarrjesh:",
"Old recovery key password" : "Fjalëkalimi i vjetër kyçi rimarrjesh",
"New recovery key password" : "Fjalëkalimi i ri kyçi rimarrjesh",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Rijepni fjalëkalimin e ri kyçi rimarrjesh",
"Change Password" : "Ndryshoni Fjalëkalimin",
"ownCloud basic encryption module" : "modul i thjeshtë ownCloud fshehtëzimesh",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "Fjalëkalimi juaj për kyçe privatë spërputhet më me fjalëkalimin për hyrjet.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Fjalëkalimit të vjetër të kyçit privat jepini vlerën e fjalëkalimit tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet:",
" If you don't remember your old password you can ask your administrator to recover your files." : " Nëse se mbani mend fjalëkalimin tuaj të vjetër, mund ti kërkoni përgjegjësit tuaj të rimarrë kartelat tuaja.",
"Old log-in password" : "Fjalëkalimi i vjetër për hyrjet",
"Current log-in password" : "Fjalëkalimi i tanishëm për hyrjet",
"Update Private Key Password" : "Përditësoni Fjalëkalim Kyçi Privat",
"Enable password recovery:" : "Aktivizo rimarrje fjalëkalimesh:",
"Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files in case of password loss" : "Aktivizimi i kësaj mundësie do tju lejojë të rifitoni hyrje te kartelat tuaja të fshehtëzuara në rast humbjeje fjalëkalimi",
"Enabled" : "E aktivizuar",
"Disabled" : "E çaktivizuar"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

View File

@ -1,7 +1,55 @@
{ "translations": {
"Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Çelësi privat për Aplikacionin e Shifrimit është i pavlefshëm. Ju lutem përditësoni fjalëkalimin e çelësit tuaj privat në parametrat tuaj për të rimarrë qasje në skedarët tuaj të shifruar.",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Ndarja do të skadojë në %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Gjithë të mirat",
"Enabled" : "Aktivizuar"
"Missing recovery key password" : "Mungon fjalëkalim kyçi rimarrjesh",
"Please repeat the recovery key password" : "Ju lutemi, rijepni fjalëkalimin për kyç rimarrjesh",
"Repeated recovery key password does not match the provided recovery key password" : "Fjalëkalimi i ridhënë për kyç rimarrjesh spërputhet me fjalëkalimin e dhënë për kyç rimarrjesh",
"Recovery key successfully enabled" : "Kyçi i rimarrjeve u aktivizua me sukses",
"Could not enable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" : "Su aktivizua dot kyçi i rimarrjeve. Ju lutemi, kontrolloni fjalëkalimin për kyç rimarrjesh!",
"Recovery key successfully disabled" : "Kyçi i rimarrjeve u çaktivizua me sukses",
"Could not disable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" : "Su çaktivizua dot kyçi i rimarrjeve. Ju lutemi, kontrolloni fjalëkalimin për kyç rimarrjesh!",
"Missing parameters" : "Mungojnë parametra",
"Please provide the old recovery password" : "Ju lutemi, jepni fjalëkalimin e vjetër të rimarrjes",
"Please provide a new recovery password" : "Ju lutemi, jepni fjalëkalimin e ri të rimarrjes",
"Please repeat the new recovery password" : "Ju lutemi, rijepni fjalëkalimin e ri të rimarrjes",
"Password successfully changed." : "Fjalëkalimi u ndryshua me sukses.",
"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." : "Fjalëkalimi su ndryshua dot. Ndoshta fjalëkalimi i vjetër sqe i saktë.",
"Recovery Key disabled" : "Kyçi i Rimarrjeve u çaktivizua",
"Recovery Key enabled" : "Kyçi i Rimarrjeve u aktivizua",
"Could not enable the recovery key, please try again or contact your administrator" : "Su aktivizua dot kyçi i rimarrjeve. ju lutemi, riprovoni ose lidhuni me përgjegjësin tuaj",
"Could not update the private key password." : "Fjalëkalimi për kyçin privat su përditësua dot.",
"The old password was not correct, please try again." : "Fjalëkalimi i vjetër sqe i saktë, ju lutemi, riprovoni.",
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "Fjalëkalimi i tanishëm i hyrjeve sqe i saktë, ju lutemi, riprovoni.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Fjalëkalimi për kyçin privat u përditësua me sukses.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Lypset të kaloni kyçet tuaj të fshehtëzimeve nga versioni i vjetër i fshehtëzimeve (ownCloud <= 8.0) te i riu. Ju lutemi, ekzekutoni run 'occ encryption:migrate' ose lidhuni me përgjegjësin tuaj",
"Invalid private key for Encryption App. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Kyç privat i pavlefshëm për aplikacionin e fshehtëzimeve. Ju lutemi, përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj të kyçit privat te rregullimet tuaja personale që të rimerrni hyrje te kartelat tuaja të fshehtëzuara.",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Aplikacioni i fshehtëzimeve është i aktivizuar, por kyçet tuaj sjanë vënë në punë, ju lutemi, dilni dhe ribëni hyrjen",
"Encryption App is enabled and ready" : "Aplikacioni i Fshehtëzimeve u aktivizua dhe është gati",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "fjalëkalim vetëm për një herë, për fshehtëzim-më-anë-shërbyesi",
"Can not decrypt this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you." : "Nuk shfshehtëzohet dot kjo kartelë, ndoshta është kartelë e ndarë me të tjerët. Ju lutemi, kërkojini të zotit të kartelës ta rindajë kartelën me ju.",
"Can not read this file, probably this is a shared file. Please ask the file owner to reshare the file with you." : "Slexohet dot kjo kartelë, ndoshta është kartelë e ndarë me të tjerët. Ju lutemi, kërkojini të zotit të kartelës ta rindajë kartelën me ju.",
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'ownCloud basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Njatjeta,\n\npërgjegjësi aktivizoi fshehtëzim më anë shërbyesi. Kartelat tuaja qenë fshehtëzuar duke përdorur fjalëkalimin '%s'.\n\nJu lutemi, bëni hyrjen te ndërfaqja web, kaloni te ndarja 'modul i thjeshtë ownCloud për fshehtëzime' e rregullimeve tuaja personale dhe përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj për fshehtëzime duke dhënë këtë fjalëkalim te fusha 'old log-in password' dhe fjalëkalimin tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Ndarja do të skadojë më %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Gëzuar!",
"Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Njatjeta,<br><br>përgjegjësi aktivizoi fshehtëzim më anë shërbyesi. Kartelat tuaja qenë fshehtëzuar duke përdorur fjalëkalimin <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Ju lutemi, bëni hyrjen te ndërfaqja web, kaloni te ndarja \"modul i thjeshtë ownCloud për fshehtëzime\" e rregullimeve tuaja personale dhe përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj për fshehtëzime duke dhënë këtë fjalëkalim te fusha \"old log-in password\" dhe fjalëkalimin tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet.<br><br>",
"Enable recovery key" : "Aktivizo kyç rimarrjesh",
"Disable recovery key" : "Çaktivizo kyç rimarrjesh",
"The recovery key is an extra encryption key that is used to encrypt files. It allows recovery of a user's files if the user forgets his or her password." : "Kyçi i rimarrjeve është një kyç ekstra fshehtëzimesh që përdoret për të fshehtëzuar kartela. Ai lejon rimarrjen e një kartele të përdoruesit, nëse përdoruesi harron fjalëkalimin e vet.",
"Recovery key password" : "Fjalëkalim kyçi rimarrjesh",
"Repeat recovery key password" : "Rijepni fjalëkalim kyçi rimarrjesh",
"Change recovery key password:" : "Ndryshoni fjalëkalim kyçi rimarrjesh:",
"Old recovery key password" : "Fjalëkalimi i vjetër kyçi rimarrjesh",
"New recovery key password" : "Fjalëkalimi i ri kyçi rimarrjesh",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Rijepni fjalëkalimin e ri kyçi rimarrjesh",
"Change Password" : "Ndryshoni Fjalëkalimin",
"ownCloud basic encryption module" : "modul i thjeshtë ownCloud fshehtëzimesh",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "Fjalëkalimi juaj për kyçe privatë spërputhet më me fjalëkalimin për hyrjet.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Fjalëkalimit të vjetër të kyçit privat jepini vlerën e fjalëkalimit tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet:",
" If you don't remember your old password you can ask your administrator to recover your files." : " Nëse se mbani mend fjalëkalimin tuaj të vjetër, mund ti kërkoni përgjegjësit tuaj të rimarrë kartelat tuaja.",
"Old log-in password" : "Fjalëkalimi i vjetër për hyrjet",
"Current log-in password" : "Fjalëkalimi i tanishëm për hyrjet",
"Update Private Key Password" : "Përditësoni Fjalëkalim Kyçi Privat",
"Enable password recovery:" : "Aktivizo rimarrje fjalëkalimesh:",
"Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files in case of password loss" : "Aktivizimi i kësaj mundësie do tju lejojë të rifitoni hyrje te kartelat tuaja të fshehtëzuara në rast humbjeje fjalëkalimi",
"Enabled" : "E aktivizuar",
"Disabled" : "E çaktivizuar"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

View File

@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Favorites" : "Të parapëlqyer",
"Home" : "Shtëpi",
"Close" : "Mbyll",
"Upload cancelled." : "Ngarkimi u anullua",
"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" : "Nuk mund të ngarkohet {filename} sepse është dosje ose ka 0 byte",
"Total file size {size1} exceeds upload limit {size2}" : "Përmasa totale {size1} e skedarit tejkalon limitin e ngarkimit {size2}",
"Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left" : "Nuk ka hapësirë të mjaftueshme, ju po ngarkoni {size1} por vetëm {size2} është e lirë",
"Upload cancelled." : "Ngarkimi u anullua",
"Could not get result from server." : "Nuk mund të merret ndonjë rezultat nga serveri.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." : "Skedari duke u ngarkuar. Largimi nga faqja do të anullojë ngarkimin",
"Actions" : "Veprime",

View File

@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
"Favorites" : "Të parapëlqyer",
"Home" : "Shtëpi",
"Close" : "Mbyll",
"Upload cancelled." : "Ngarkimi u anullua",
"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" : "Nuk mund të ngarkohet {filename} sepse është dosje ose ka 0 byte",
"Total file size {size1} exceeds upload limit {size2}" : "Përmasa totale {size1} e skedarit tejkalon limitin e ngarkimit {size2}",
"Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left" : "Nuk ka hapësirë të mjaftueshme, ju po ngarkoni {size1} por vetëm {size2} është e lirë",
"Upload cancelled." : "Ngarkimi u anullua",
"Could not get result from server." : "Nuk mund të merret ndonjë rezultat nga serveri.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." : "Skedari duke u ngarkuar. Largimi nga faqja do të anullojë ngarkimin",
"Actions" : "Veprime",

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"LDAP Filter:" : "LDAP-Filter:",
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "Der Filter bestimmt, welche LDAP-Gruppen Zugriff auf die %s-Instanz haben sollen.",
"Verify settings and count groups" : "Einstellungen überprüfen und Gruppen zählen",
"When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Beim Anmelden wird %s die Nutzerbasis mit folgenden Attributen vorfinden:",
"When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Beim Anmelden wird %s den Nutzer basierend auf folgenden Attributen finden:",
"LDAP / AD Username:" : "LDAP-/AD-Benutzername:",
"Allows login against the LDAP / AD username, which is either uid or samaccountname and will be detected." : "Erlaubt das Anmelden gegen den LDAP / AD Nutzernamen, welcher entweder eine UID oder samaccountname ist und automatisch erkannt wird.",
"LDAP / AD Email Address:" : "LDAP-/AD-E-Mail-Adresse:",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"LDAP Filter:" : "LDAP-Filter:",
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "Der Filter bestimmt, welche LDAP-Gruppen Zugriff auf die %s-Instanz haben sollen.",
"Verify settings and count groups" : "Einstellungen überprüfen und Gruppen zählen",
"When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Beim Anmelden wird %s die Nutzerbasis mit folgenden Attributen vorfinden:",
"When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Beim Anmelden wird %s den Nutzer basierend auf folgenden Attributen finden:",
"LDAP / AD Username:" : "LDAP-/AD-Benutzername:",
"Allows login against the LDAP / AD username, which is either uid or samaccountname and will be detected." : "Erlaubt das Anmelden gegen den LDAP / AD Nutzernamen, welcher entweder eine UID oder samaccountname ist und automatisch erkannt wird.",
"LDAP / AD Email Address:" : "LDAP-/AD-E-Mail-Adresse:",

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"LDAP Filter:" : "LDAP-Filter:",
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "Der Filter bestimmt, welche LDAP-Gruppen Zugriff auf die %s-Instanz haben sollen.",
"Verify settings and count groups" : "Einstellungen überprüfen und Gruppen zählen",
"When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Beim Anmelden wird %s die Nutzerbasis mit folgenden Attributen vorfinden:",
"When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Beim Anmelden wird %s den Nutzer basierend auf folgenden Attributen finden:",
"LDAP / AD Username:" : "LDAP-/AD-Benutzername:",
"Allows login against the LDAP / AD username, which is either uid or samaccountname and will be detected." : "Erlaubt das Anmelden gegen den LDAP / AD Nutzernamen, welcher entweder eine UID oder samaccountname ist und automatisch erkannt wird.",
"LDAP / AD Email Address:" : "LDAP-/AD-E-Mail-Adresse:",

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"LDAP Filter:" : "LDAP-Filter:",
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "Der Filter bestimmt, welche LDAP-Gruppen Zugriff auf die %s-Instanz haben sollen.",
"Verify settings and count groups" : "Einstellungen überprüfen und Gruppen zählen",
"When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Beim Anmelden wird %s die Nutzerbasis mit folgenden Attributen vorfinden:",
"When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Beim Anmelden wird %s den Nutzer basierend auf folgenden Attributen finden:",
"LDAP / AD Username:" : "LDAP-/AD-Benutzername:",
"Allows login against the LDAP / AD username, which is either uid or samaccountname and will be detected." : "Erlaubt das Anmelden gegen den LDAP / AD Nutzernamen, welcher entweder eine UID oder samaccountname ist und automatisch erkannt wird.",
"LDAP / AD Email Address:" : "LDAP-/AD-E-Mail-Adresse:",

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Select groups" : "Përzgjidhni grupe",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" : "Jeni vërtetë të sigurt të fshini konfigurimet aktuale të serverit?",
"Confirm Deletion" : "Konfirmoni Fshirjen",
"Server" : "Shërbyes",
"Users" : "Përdoruesit",
"Groups" : "Grupet",
"Test Configuration" : "Provoni konfigurimet",

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"Select groups" : "Përzgjidhni grupe",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" : "Jeni vërtetë të sigurt të fshini konfigurimet aktuale të serverit?",
"Confirm Deletion" : "Konfirmoni Fshirjen",
"Server" : "Shërbyes",
"Users" : "Përdoruesit",
"Groups" : "Grupet",
"Test Configuration" : "Provoni konfigurimet",

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No image or file provided" : "Δεν δόθηκε εικόνα ή αρχείο",
"Unknown filetype" : "Άγνωστος τύπος αρχείου",
"Invalid image" : "Μη έγκυρη εικόνα",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Προέκυψε σφάλμα. Παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή σας.",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Δεν υπάρχει προσωρινή φωτογραφία προφίλ διαθέσιμη, δοκιμάστε ξανά",
"No crop data provided" : "Δεν δόθηκαν δεδομένα περικοπής",
"No valid crop data provided" : "Έχουν δοθεί μη έγκυρα δεδομένα περικοπής",

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
"No image or file provided" : "Δεν δόθηκε εικόνα ή αρχείο",
"Unknown filetype" : "Άγνωστος τύπος αρχείου",
"Invalid image" : "Μη έγκυρη εικόνα",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Προέκυψε σφάλμα. Παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή σας.",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Δεν υπάρχει προσωρινή φωτογραφία προφίλ διαθέσιμη, δοκιμάστε ξανά",
"No crop data provided" : "Δεν δόθηκαν δεδομένα περικοπής",
"No valid crop data provided" : "Έχουν δοθεί μη έγκυρα δεδομένα περικοπής",

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No image or file provided" : "Kuvaa tai tiedostoa ei määritelty",
"Unknown filetype" : "Tuntematon tiedostotyyppi",
"Invalid image" : "Virhellinen kuva",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Tapahtui virhe. Ota yhteys ylläpitoon.",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Väliaikaista profiilikuvaa ei ole käytettävissä, yritä uudelleen",
"No crop data provided" : "Puutteellinen tieto",
"No valid crop data provided" : "Kelvollisia leikkaustietoja ei määritetty",

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
"No image or file provided" : "Kuvaa tai tiedostoa ei määritelty",
"Unknown filetype" : "Tuntematon tiedostotyyppi",
"Invalid image" : "Virhellinen kuva",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Tapahtui virhe. Ota yhteys ylläpitoon.",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Väliaikaista profiilikuvaa ei ole käytettävissä, yritä uudelleen",
"No crop data provided" : "Puutteellinen tieto",
"No valid crop data provided" : "Kelvollisia leikkaustietoja ei määritetty",

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No image or file provided" : "Non è stata fornita alcun immagine o file",
"Unknown filetype" : "Tipo di file sconosciuto",
"Invalid image" : "Immagine non valida",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Si è verificato un errore. Contatta il tuo amministratore.",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Nessuna immagine di profilo provvisoria disponibile, riprova",
"No crop data provided" : "Non sono stati forniti dati di ritaglio",
"No valid crop data provided" : "Non sono stati forniti dati di ritaglio validi",

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
"No image or file provided" : "Non è stata fornita alcun immagine o file",
"Unknown filetype" : "Tipo di file sconosciuto",
"Invalid image" : "Immagine non valida",
"An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Si è verificato un errore. Contatta il tuo amministratore.",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Nessuna immagine di profilo provvisoria disponibile, riprova",
"No crop data provided" : "Non sono stati forniti dati di ritaglio",
"No valid crop data provided" : "Non sono stati forniti dati di ritaglio validi",

View File

@ -160,7 +160,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Use system's cron service to call the cron.php file every 15 minutes." : "Χρησιμοποιήστε την cron υπηρεσία του συτήματος για να καλέσετε το cron.php αρχείο κάθε 15 λεπτά.",
"Enable server-side encryption" : "Ενεργοποίηση κρυπτογράφησης από το διακομιστή",
"Please read carefully before activating server-side encryption: " : "Παρακαλούμε διαβάστε προσεκτικά πριν ενεργοποιήσετε την κρυπτογράφηση στο διακομιστή:",
"Once encryption is enabled, all files uploaded to the server from that point forward will be encrypted at rest on the server. It will only be possible to disable encryption at a later date if the active encryption module supports that function, and all pre-conditions (e.g. setting a recover key) are met." : "Μόλις ενεργοποιηθεί η κρυπτογράφηση, όλα τα αρχεία που θα μεταφορτωθούν από αυτό το σημείο και μετά θα κρυπτογραφηθούν στο διακομιστή. Η κρυπτογράφηση είναι δυνατόν να απενεργοποιηθεί αργότερα μόνο αν το ενεργό άρθρωμα κρυπτογράφησης υποστηρίζει αυτή τη λειτουργία και εκπληρούνται όλες οι προϋποθέσεις (πχ ορισμός κλειδιού ανάκτησης).",
"Encryption alone does not guarantee security of the system. Please see ownCloud documentation for more information about how the encryption app works, and the supported use cases." : "Η κρυπτογράφηση από΄μ9ονη της δεν εγγυάται την την ασφάλεια του συστήματος. Παρακαλούμε δείτε την τεκμηρίωση του ownCloud για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με το πως δουλεύει η εφαρμογή κρυπτογράφησης και τις υποστηριζόμενες περιπτώσεις χρήσης.",
"Be aware that encryption always increases the file size." : "Έχετε στο νου σας πως η κρυπτογράφηση πάντα αυξάνει το μέγεθος του αρχείου",
"It is always good to create regular backups of your data, in case of encryption make sure to backup the encryption keys along with your data." : "Είναι πάντοτε καλό να δημιουργείτε τακτικά αντίγραφα ασφαλείας των δεδομένων σας, στην περίπτωση της κρυπτογράφησης βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε λάβει αντίγραφο ασφαλείας των κλειδιών κρυπτογράφησης παράλληλα με τα δεδομένα σας.",
"This is the final warning: Do you really want to enable encryption?" : "Αυτή είναι η τελευταία προειδοποίηση: Θέλετε πραγματικά να ενεργοποιήσετε την κρυπτογράφηση;",
"Enable encryption" : "Ενεργοποίηση κρυπτογράφησης",
"No encryption module loaded, please enable an encryption module in the app menu." : "Δεν έχει φορτωθεί μονάδα κρυπτογράφησης, παρακαλούμε φορτώστε μια μονάδα κρυπτογράφησης από το μενού εφαρμογών.",

View File

@ -158,7 +158,10 @@
"Use system's cron service to call the cron.php file every 15 minutes." : "Χρησιμοποιήστε την cron υπηρεσία του συτήματος για να καλέσετε το cron.php αρχείο κάθε 15 λεπτά.",
"Enable server-side encryption" : "Ενεργοποίηση κρυπτογράφησης από το διακομιστή",
"Please read carefully before activating server-side encryption: " : "Παρακαλούμε διαβάστε προσεκτικά πριν ενεργοποιήσετε την κρυπτογράφηση στο διακομιστή:",
"Once encryption is enabled, all files uploaded to the server from that point forward will be encrypted at rest on the server. It will only be possible to disable encryption at a later date if the active encryption module supports that function, and all pre-conditions (e.g. setting a recover key) are met." : "Μόλις ενεργοποιηθεί η κρυπτογράφηση, όλα τα αρχεία που θα μεταφορτωθούν από αυτό το σημείο και μετά θα κρυπτογραφηθούν στο διακομιστή. Η κρυπτογράφηση είναι δυνατόν να απενεργοποιηθεί αργότερα μόνο αν το ενεργό άρθρωμα κρυπτογράφησης υποστηρίζει αυτή τη λειτουργία και εκπληρούνται όλες οι προϋποθέσεις (πχ ορισμός κλειδιού ανάκτησης).",
"Encryption alone does not guarantee security of the system. Please see ownCloud documentation for more information about how the encryption app works, and the supported use cases." : "Η κρυπτογράφηση από΄μ9ονη της δεν εγγυάται την την ασφάλεια του συστήματος. Παρακαλούμε δείτε την τεκμηρίωση του ownCloud για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με το πως δουλεύει η εφαρμογή κρυπτογράφησης και τις υποστηριζόμενες περιπτώσεις χρήσης.",
"Be aware that encryption always increases the file size." : "Έχετε στο νου σας πως η κρυπτογράφηση πάντα αυξάνει το μέγεθος του αρχείου",
"It is always good to create regular backups of your data, in case of encryption make sure to backup the encryption keys along with your data." : "Είναι πάντοτε καλό να δημιουργείτε τακτικά αντίγραφα ασφαλείας των δεδομένων σας, στην περίπτωση της κρυπτογράφησης βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε λάβει αντίγραφο ασφαλείας των κλειδιών κρυπτογράφησης παράλληλα με τα δεδομένα σας.",
"This is the final warning: Do you really want to enable encryption?" : "Αυτή είναι η τελευταία προειδοποίηση: Θέλετε πραγματικά να ενεργοποιήσετε την κρυπτογράφηση;",
"Enable encryption" : "Ενεργοποίηση κρυπτογράφησης",
"No encryption module loaded, please enable an encryption module in the app menu." : "Δεν έχει φορτωθεί μονάδα κρυπτογράφησης, παρακαλούμε φορτώστε μια μονάδα κρυπτογράφησης από το μενού εφαρμογών.",