Throw more exceptions

This commit is contained in:
Michael Gapczynski 2012-08-06 14:09:58 -04:00
parent 1db1d40414
commit e280e3ecc9
1 changed files with 293 additions and 295 deletions

View File

@ -281,36 +281,34 @@ class Share {
* @return Returns true on success or false on failure
public static function setTarget($itemType, $oldTarget, $newTarget) {
if ($backend = self::getBackend($itemType)) {
$uidSharedWith = \OC_User::getUser();
// TODO Check permissions for setting target?
if ($item = self::getItems($itemType, $oldTarget, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $uidSharedWith, null, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1, false)) {
// TODO Fix
// Check if this is a group share
if ($item['uid_shared_with'] == null) {
// A new entry needs to be created exclusively for the user
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO *PREFIX*share VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
if (isset($item['file_target'])) {
$fileTarget = $newTarget;
} else {
$fileTarget = null;
$query->execute(array($itemType, $item['item_source'], $newTarget, $uidSharedWith, $item['gid_shared_with'], $item['uid_owner'], $item['permissions'], $item['stime'], $item['file_source'], $fileTarget));
return true;
$backend = self::getBackend($itemType);
$uidSharedWith = \OC_User::getUser();
// TODO Check permissions for setting target?
if ($item = self::getItems($itemType, $oldTarget, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $uidSharedWith, null, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1, false)) {
// TODO Fix
// Check if this is a group share
if ($item['uid_shared_with'] == null) {
// A new entry needs to be created exclusively for the user
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO *PREFIX*share VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
if (isset($item['file_target'])) {
$fileTarget = $newTarget;
} else {
// Check if this item is a file or folder, update the file_target as well if this is the case
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE *PREFIX*share SET item_target = ?, file_target = REPLACE(file_target, ?, ?) WHERE uid_shared_with = ?');
$query->execute(array($newTarget, $oldTarget, $newTarget, $uidSharedWith));
} else {
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE *PREFIX*share SET item_target = ? WHERE item_type = ? AND item_target = ? AND uid_shared_with = ?');
$query->execute(array($newTarget, $itemType, $oldTarget, $uidSharedWith));
return true;
$fileTarget = null;
$query->execute(array($itemType, $item['item_source'], $newTarget, $uidSharedWith, $item['gid_shared_with'], $item['uid_owner'], $item['permissions'], $item['stime'], $item['file_source'], $fileTarget));
return true;
} else {
// Check if this item is a file or folder, update the file_target as well if this is the case
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE *PREFIX*share SET item_target = ?, file_target = REPLACE(file_target, ?, ?) WHERE uid_shared_with = ?');
$query->execute(array($newTarget, $oldTarget, $newTarget, $uidSharedWith));
} else {
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE *PREFIX*share SET item_target = ? WHERE item_type = ? AND item_target = ? AND uid_shared_with = ?');
$query->execute(array($newTarget, $itemType, $oldTarget, $uidSharedWith));
return true;
return false;
@ -385,17 +383,20 @@ class Share {
if (class_exists($class)) {
self::$backends[$itemType] = new $class;
if (!(self::$backends[$itemType] instanceof Share_Backend)) {
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', 'Sharing backend '.$class.' must implement the interface OCP\Share_Backend', \OC_Log::ERROR);
return false;
$message = 'Sharing backend '.$class.' must implement the interface OCP\Share_Backend';
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
throw new \Exception($message);
return self::$backends[$itemType];
} else {
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', 'Sharing backend '.$class.' not found', \OC_Log::ERROR);
return false;
$message = 'Sharing backend '.$class.' not found';
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
throw new \Exception($message);
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', 'Sharing backend for '.$itemType.' not found', \OC_Log::ERROR);
return false;
$message = 'Sharing backend for '.$itemType.' not found';
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
throw new \Exception($message);
@ -434,164 +435,163 @@ class Share {
private static function getItems($itemType, $item = null, $shareType = null, $shareWith = null, $uidOwner = null, $format = self::FORMAT_NONE, $parameters = null, $limit = -1, $includeCollections = false) {
if ($backend = self::getBackend($itemType)) {
// Get filesystem root to add it to the file target and remove from the file source
$root = \OC_Filesystem::getRoot();
// If includeCollections is true, find collections of this item type, e.g. a music album contains songs
if ($includeCollections && !isset($item) && $collectionTypes = self::getCollectionItemTypes($itemType)) {
$where = "WHERE item_type IN ('".implode("','", array_merge(array($itemType), $collectionTypes))."')";
$backend = self::getBackend($itemType);
// Get filesystem root to add it to the file target and remove from the file source
$root = \OC_Filesystem::getRoot();
// If includeCollections is true, find collections of this item type, e.g. a music album contains songs
if ($includeCollections && !isset($item) && $collectionTypes = self::getCollectionItemTypes($itemType)) {
$where = "WHERE item_type IN ('".implode("','", array_merge(array($itemType), $collectionTypes))."')";
} else {
$where = "WHERE item_type = '".$itemType."'";
if (isset($shareType) && isset($shareWith)) {
// Include all user and group items
if ($shareType == self::$shareTypeUserAndGroups) {
$where .= " AND share_type IN (".self::SHARE_TYPE_USER.",".self::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP.",".self::$shareTypeGroupUserUnique.")";
$groups = \OC_Group::getUserGroups($shareWith);
$userAndGroups = array_merge(array($shareWith), $groups);
$where .= " AND share_with IN ('".implode("','", $userAndGroups)."')";
} else {
$where = "WHERE item_type = '".$itemType."'";
$where .= " AND share_type = ".$shareType." AND share_with = '".$shareWith."'";
if (isset($shareType) && isset($shareWith)) {
// Include all user and group items
if ($shareType == self::$shareTypeUserAndGroups) {
$where .= " AND share_type IN (".self::SHARE_TYPE_USER.",".self::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP.",".self::$shareTypeGroupUserUnique.")";
$groups = \OC_Group::getUserGroups($shareWith);
$userAndGroups = array_merge(array($shareWith), $groups);
$where .= " AND share_with IN ('".implode("','", $userAndGroups)."')";
} else {
$where .= " AND share_type = ".$shareType." AND share_with = '".$shareWith."'";
if (isset($uidOwner)) {
$where .= " AND uid_owner = '".$uidOwner."'";
if (!isset($shareType)) {
// Prevent unique user targets for group shares from being selected
$where .= " AND share_type != '".self::$shareTypeGroupUserUnique."'";
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$where = "INNER JOIN *PREFIX*fscache ON file_source = *PREFIX* ".$where;
$column = 'file_source';
} else {
$column = 'item_source';
} else {
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$column = 'file_target';
} else {
$column = 'item_target';
if (isset($item)) {
// If looking for own shared items, check item_source else check item_target
if (isset($uidOwner)) {
$where .= " AND uid_owner = '".$uidOwner."'";
if (!isset($shareType)) {
// Prevent unique user targets for group shares from being selected
$where .= " AND share_type != '".self::$shareTypeGroupUserUnique."'";
// If item type is a file, file source needs to be checked in case the item was converted
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$where = "INNER JOIN *PREFIX*fscache ON file_source = *PREFIX* ".$where;
$column = 'file_source';
$where .= " AND path = '".$root.$item."'";
} else {
$column = 'item_source';
$where .= " AND item_source = '".$item."'";
} else {
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$column = 'file_target';
$where .= " AND file_target = '".$item."'";
} else {
$column = 'item_target';
$where .= " AND item_target = '".$item."'";
if (isset($item)) {
// If looking for own shared items, check item_source else check item_target
if (isset($uidOwner)) {
// If item type is a file, file source needs to be checked in case the item was converted
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$where .= " AND path = '".$root.$item."'";
} else {
$where .= " AND item_source = '".$item."'";
} else {
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$where .= " AND file_target = '".$item."'";
} else {
$where .= " AND item_target = '".$item."'";
if ($includeCollections && $collectionTypes = self::getCollectionItemTypes($itemType)) {
$where .= " OR item_type IN ('".implode("','", $collectionTypes)."')";
if ($includeCollections && $collectionTypes = self::getCollectionItemTypes($itemType)) {
$where .= " OR item_type IN ('".implode("','", $collectionTypes)."')";
if ($limit != -1 && !$includeCollections) {
if ($shareType == self::$shareTypeUserAndGroups) {
// Make sure the unique user target is returned if it exists, unique targets should follow the group share in the database
// If the limit is not 1, the filtering can be done later
$where .= ' ORDER BY *PREFIX* DESC';
$where .= ' LIMIT '.$limit;
if ($limit != -1 && !$includeCollections) {
if ($shareType == self::$shareTypeUserAndGroups) {
// Make sure the unique user target is returned if it exists, unique targets should follow the group share in the database
// If the limit is not 1, the filtering can be done later
$where .= ' ORDER BY *PREFIX* DESC';
if ($format == self::FORMAT_STATUSES) {
$where .= ' LIMIT '.$limit;
if ($format == self::FORMAT_STATUSES) {
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$select = '*PREFIX*, item_type, *PREFIX*share.parent, share_type, *PREFIX*fscache.path as file_source';
} else {
$select = 'id, item_source, parent, share_type';
} else {
if (isset($uidOwner)) {
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$select = '*PREFIX*, item_type, *PREFIX*share.parent, share_type, *PREFIX*fscache.path as file_source';
$select = '*PREFIX*, item_type, *PREFIX*fscache.path as file_source, *PREFIX*share.parent, share_type, share_with, permissions, stime';
} else {
$select = 'id, item_source, parent, share_type';
$select = 'id, item_type, item_source, parent, share_type, share_with, permissions, stime, file_source';
} else {
if (isset($uidOwner)) {
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$select = '*PREFIX*, item_type, *PREFIX*fscache.path as file_source, *PREFIX*share.parent, share_type, share_with, permissions, stime';
} else {
$select = 'id, item_type, item_source, parent, share_type, share_with, permissions, stime, file_source';
} else {
$select = '*';
$select = '*';
$root = strlen($root);
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT '.$select.' FROM *PREFIX*share '.$where);
$result = $query->execute();
$items = array();
while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
// Return only the item instead of a 2-dimensional array
if ($limit == 1 && $row['item_type'] == $itemType && $row[$column] == $item) {
if ($format == self::FORMAT_NONE) {
return $row;
} else {
$items[$row['id']] = $row;
// Filter out duplicate group shares for users with unique targets
if ($row['share_type'] == self::$shareTypeGroupUserUnique) {
// Remove the parent group share
// Remove root from file source paths
if (isset($uidOwner) && isset($row['file_source'])) {
$row['file_source'] = substr($row['file_source'], $root);
// TODO Check this outside of the loop
// Check if this is a collection of the requested item type
if ($row['item_type'] != $itemType) {
if ($collectionBackend = self::getBackend($row['item_type'])) {
$row['collection'] = array('item_type' => $itemType, $column => $row[$column]);
// Fetch all of the children sources
$children = $collectionBackend->getChildren($row[$column]);
foreach ($children as $child) {
$row['item_source'] = $child;
// $row['item_target'] = $child['target']; TODO
if (isset($item)) {
if ($row[$column] == $item) {
// Return only the item instead of a 2-dimensional array
if ($limit == 1 && $format == self::FORMAT_NONE) {
return $row;
} else {
// Unset the items array and break out of both loops
$items = array();
$items[] = $row;
break 2;
} else {
$items[] = $row;
$root = strlen($root);
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT '.$select.' FROM *PREFIX*share '.$where);
$result = $query->execute();
$items = array();
while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
// Return only the item instead of a 2-dimensional array
if ($limit == 1 && $row['item_type'] == $itemType && $row[$column] == $item) {
if ($format == self::FORMAT_NONE) {
return $row;
} else {
$items[$row['id']] = $row;
if (!empty($items)) {
if ($format == self::FORMAT_NONE) {
return $items;
} else if ($format == self::FORMAT_STATUSES) {
$statuses = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item['share_type'] == self::SHARE_TYPE_PRIVATE_LINK) {
$statuses[$item[$column]] = true;
} else if (!isset($statuses[$item[$column]])) {
$statuses[$item[$column]] = false;
// Filter out duplicate group shares for users with unique targets
if ($row['share_type'] == self::$shareTypeGroupUserUnique) {
// Remove the parent group share
// Remove root from file source paths
if (isset($uidOwner) && isset($row['file_source'])) {
$row['file_source'] = substr($row['file_source'], $root);
// TODO Check this outside of the loop
// Check if this is a collection of the requested item type
if ($row['item_type'] != $itemType) {
if ($collectionBackend = self::getBackend($row['item_type'])) {
$row['collection'] = array('item_type' => $itemType, $column => $row[$column]);
// Fetch all of the children sources
$children = $collectionBackend->getChildren($row[$column]);
foreach ($children as $child) {
$row['item_source'] = $child;
// $row['item_target'] = $child['target']; TODO
if (isset($item)) {
if ($row[$column] == $item) {
// Return only the item instead of a 2-dimensional array
if ($limit == 1 && $format == self::FORMAT_NONE) {
return $row;
} else {
// Unset the items array and break out of both loops
$items = array();
$items[] = $row;
break 2;
} else {
$items[] = $row;
return $statuses;
} else {
return $backend->formatItems($items, $format, $parameters);
} else if ($limit == 1 || (isset($uidOwner) && isset($item))) {
return false;
} else {
$items[$row['id']] = $row;
if (!empty($items)) {
if ($format == self::FORMAT_NONE) {
return $items;
} else if ($format == self::FORMAT_STATUSES) {
$statuses = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item['share_type'] == self::SHARE_TYPE_PRIVATE_LINK) {
$statuses[$item[$column]] = true;
} else if (!isset($statuses[$item[$column]])) {
$statuses[$item[$column]] = false;
return $statuses;
} else {
return $backend->formatItems($items, $format, $parameters);
} else if ($limit == 1 || (isset($uidOwner) && isset($item))) {
return false;
return array();
@ -620,127 +620,125 @@ class Share {
return false;
if ($backend = self::getBackend($itemType)) {
// Check if this is a reshare
// TODO This query has pretty bad performance if there are large collections, figure out a way to make the collection searching more efficient
if ($checkReshare = self::getItemSharedWith($itemType, $itemSource, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, true)) {
if ($checkReshare['permissions'] & self::PERMISSION_SHARE) {
// TODO Don't check if inside folder
$parent = $checkReshare['id'];
$itemSource = $checkReshare['item_source'];
$fileSource = $checkReshare['file_source'];
$fileTarget = $checkReshare['file_target'];
} else {
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because resharing is not allowed', \OC_Log::ERROR);
return false;
$backend = self::getBackend($itemType);
// Check if this is a reshare
// TODO This query has pretty bad performance if there are large collections, figure out a way to make the collection searching more efficient
if ($checkReshare = self::getItemSharedWith($itemType, $itemSource, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, true)) {
if ($checkReshare['permissions'] & self::PERMISSION_SHARE) {
// TODO Don't check if inside folder
$parent = $checkReshare['id'];
$itemSource = $checkReshare['item_source'];
$fileSource = $checkReshare['file_source'];
$fileTarget = $checkReshare['file_target'];
} else {
$parent = null;
if (!$backend->isValidSource($itemSource, $uidOwner)) {
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because the sharing backend for '.$itemType.' could not find its source', \OC_Log::ERROR);
return false;
$parent = null;
if ($backend instanceof Share_Backend_File_Dependent) {
// NOTE Apps should start using the file cache ids in their tables
$filePath = $backend->getFilePath($itemSource, $uidOwner);
$fileSource = \OC_FileCache::getId($filePath);
if ($fileSource == -1) {
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache', \OC_Log::ERROR);
return false;
} else {
$fileSource = null;
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because resharing is not allowed', \OC_Log::ERROR);
return false;
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO *PREFIX*share (item_type, item_source, item_target, parent, share_type, share_with, uid_owner, permissions, stime, file_source, file_target) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
// Share with a group
if ($shareType == self::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
if (isset($fileSource)) {
if ($parentFolder) {
if ($parentFolder === true) {
$groupFileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, $shareType, $shareWith);
// Set group default file target for future use
$parentFolders[0]['folder'] = $groupFileTarget;
} else {
// Get group default file target
$groupFileTarget = $parentFolder[0]['folder'].$itemSource;
$parent = $parentFolder[0]['id'];
// Only loop through users we know have different file target paths
$uidSharedWith = array_keys($parentFolder);
} else {
$groupFileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, $shareType, $shareWith);
} else {
$groupFileTarget = null;
$groupItemTarget = self::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith);
$query->execute(array($itemType, $itemSource, $groupItemTarget, $parent, $shareType, $shareWith['group'], $uidOwner, $permissions, time(), $fileSource, $groupFileTarget));
// Save this id, any extra rows for this group share will need to reference it
$parent = \OC_DB::insertid('*PREFIX*share');
// Loop through all users of this group in case we need to add an extra row
foreach ($shareWith['users'] as $uid) {
$itemTarget = self::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $uid);
if (isset($fileSource)) {
if ($parentFolder) {
if ($parentFolder === true) {
$fileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $uid);
if ($fileTarget != $groupFileTarget) {
$parentFolders[$uid]['folder'] = $fileTarget;
} else if (isset($parentFolder[$uid])) {
$fileTarget = $parentFolder[$uid]['folder'].$itemSource;
$parent = $parentFolder[$uid]['id'];
} else {
$fileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $uid);
} else {
$fileTarget = null;
// Insert an extra row for the group share if the item or file target is unique for this user
if ($itemTarget != $groupItemTarget || (isset($fileSource) && $fileTarget != $groupFileTarget)) {
$query->execute(array($itemType, $itemSource, $itemTarget, $parent, self::$shareTypeGroupUserUnique, $uid, $uidOwner, $permissions, time(), $fileSource, $fileTarget));
$id = \OC_DB::insertid('*PREFIX*share');
if ($parentFolder === true) {
$parentFolders['id'] = $id;
if ($parentFolder === true) {
// Return parent folders to preserve file target paths for potential children
return $parentFolders;
} else {
$parent = null;
if (!$backend->isValidSource($itemSource, $uidOwner)) {
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because the sharing backend for '.$itemType.' could not find its source', \OC_Log::ERROR);
return false;
$parent = null;
if ($backend instanceof Share_Backend_File_Dependent) {
// NOTE Apps should start using the file cache ids in their tables
$filePath = $backend->getFilePath($itemSource, $uidOwner);
$fileSource = \OC_FileCache::getId($filePath);
if ($fileSource == -1) {
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache', \OC_Log::ERROR);
return false;
} else {
$itemTarget = self::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith);
$fileSource = null;
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO *PREFIX*share (item_type, item_source, item_target, parent, share_type, share_with, uid_owner, permissions, stime, file_source, file_target) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
// Share with a group
if ($shareType == self::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
if (isset($fileSource)) {
if ($parentFolder) {
if ($parentFolder === true) {
$groupFileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, $shareType, $shareWith);
// Set group default file target for future use
$parentFolders[0]['folder'] = $groupFileTarget;
} else {
// Get group default file target
$groupFileTarget = $parentFolder[0]['folder'].$itemSource;
$parent = $parentFolder[0]['id'];
// Only loop through users we know have different file target paths
$uidSharedWith = array_keys($parentFolder);
} else {
$groupFileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, $shareType, $shareWith);
} else {
$groupFileTarget = null;
$groupItemTarget = self::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith);
$query->execute(array($itemType, $itemSource, $groupItemTarget, $parent, $shareType, $shareWith['group'], $uidOwner, $permissions, time(), $fileSource, $groupFileTarget));
// Save this id, any extra rows for this group share will need to reference it
$parent = \OC_DB::insertid('*PREFIX*share');
// Loop through all users of this group in case we need to add an extra row
foreach ($shareWith['users'] as $uid) {
$itemTarget = self::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $uid);
if (isset($fileSource)) {
if ($parentFolder) {
if ($parentFolder === true) {
$fileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, $shareType, $shareWith);
$parentFolders['folder'] = $fileTarget;
} else {
$fileTarget = $parentFolder['folder'].$itemSource;
$parent = $parentFolder['id'];
$fileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $uid);
if ($fileTarget != $groupFileTarget) {
$parentFolders[$uid]['folder'] = $fileTarget;
} else if (isset($parentFolder[$uid])) {
$fileTarget = $parentFolder[$uid]['folder'].$itemSource;
$parent = $parentFolder[$uid]['id'];
} else {
$fileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, $shareType, $shareWith);
$fileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, self::SHARE_TYPE_USER, $uid);
} else {
$fileTarget = null;
$query->execute(array($itemType, $itemSource, $itemTarget, $parent, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, time(), $fileSource, $fileTarget));
$id = \OC_DB::insertid('*PREFIX*share');
// Insert an extra row for the group share if the item or file target is unique for this user
if ($itemTarget != $groupItemTarget || (isset($fileSource) && $fileTarget != $groupFileTarget)) {
$query->execute(array($itemType, $itemSource, $itemTarget, $parent, self::$shareTypeGroupUserUnique, $uid, $uidOwner, $permissions, time(), $fileSource, $fileTarget));
$id = \OC_DB::insertid('*PREFIX*share');
if ($parentFolder === true) {
$parentFolders['id'] = $id;
// Return parent folder to preserve file target paths for potential children
return $parentFolders;
return true;
if ($parentFolder === true) {
// Return parent folders to preserve file target paths for potential children
return $parentFolders;
} else {
$itemTarget = self::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith);
if (isset($fileSource)) {
if ($parentFolder) {
if ($parentFolder === true) {
$fileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, $shareType, $shareWith);
$parentFolders['folder'] = $fileTarget;
} else {
$fileTarget = $parentFolder['folder'].$itemSource;
$parent = $parentFolder['id'];
} else {
$fileTarget = self::generateTarget('file', $filePath, $shareType, $shareWith);
} else {
$fileTarget = null;
$query->execute(array($itemType, $itemSource, $itemTarget, $parent, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, time(), $fileSource, $fileTarget));
$id = \OC_DB::insertid('*PREFIX*share');
if ($parentFolder === true) {
$parentFolders['id'] = $id;
// Return parent folder to preserve file target paths for potential children
return $parentFolders;
return false;
return true;
@ -752,43 +750,43 @@ class Share {
* @return string Item target
private static function generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith) {
if ($backend = self::getBackend($itemType)) {
if ($shareType == self::SHARE_TYPE_PRIVATE_LINK) {
return $backend->generateTarget($itemSource, false);
$backend = self::getBackend($itemType);
if ($shareType == self::SHARE_TYPE_PRIVATE_LINK) {
return $backend->generateTarget($itemSource, false);
} else {
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$column = 'file_target';
} else {
if ($itemType == 'file' || $itemType == 'folder') {
$column = 'file_target';
$column = 'item_target';
$exclude = null;
// Backend has 3 opportunities to generate a unique target
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
if ($shareType == self::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
$target = $backend->generateTarget($itemSource, false, $exclude);
} else {
$column = 'item_target';
$target = $backend->generateTarget($itemSource, $shareWith, $exclude);
$exclude = null;
// Backend has 3 opportunities to generate a unique target
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
if ($shareType == self::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
$target = $backend->generateTarget($itemSource, false, $exclude);
} else {
$target = $backend->generateTarget($itemSource, $shareWith, $exclude);
if (is_array($exclude) && in_array($target, $exclude)) {
// Check if target already exists
if ($checkTarget = self::getItems($itemType, $target, $shareType, $shareWith, null, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1)) {
// Find similar targets to improve backend's chances to generate a unqiue target
// TODO query needs to be setup like getItems
$checkTargets = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT item_target FROM *PREFIX*share WHERE item_type = ? AND share_with = ? AND '.$column.' LIKE ?');
$result = $checkTargets->execute(array($itemType, $shareWith, '%'.$target.'%'));
while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
$exclude[] = $row[$column];
} else {
return $target;
if (is_array($exclude) && in_array($target, $exclude)) {
// Check if target already exists
if ($checkTarget = self::getItems($itemType, $target, $shareType, $shareWith, null, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1)) {
// Find similar targets to improve backend's chances to generate a unqiue target
// TODO query needs to be setup like getItems
$checkTargets = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT item_target FROM *PREFIX*share WHERE item_type = ? AND share_with = ? AND '.$column.' LIKE ?');
$result = $checkTargets->execute(array($itemType, $shareWith, '%'.$target.'%'));
while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
$exclude[] = $row[$column];
} else {
return $target;
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', 'Backend did not generate a unique target', \OC_Log::ERROR);
return false;
$message = 'Backend did not generate a unique target';
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
throw new \Exception($message);