This allows recipient to delete a share. For user shares this is the
same as deleting (at least for now).
But for group shares this means creating a new share with type 2. With
permissions set to 0.
Now that we support multiple managers we communicate shares to the
outside as 'providerId:shareId'. This makes sures that id's are unique
when references from the OCS API.
However, since we do not want to break the OCS API v1 we need to
somewhat hack around this.
When we switch to OCS API v2 (which we should when we support more
custom providers). We will change the id to always be the fullShareId.
* Added sharemanager class
This is the central class where all API calls talk to (OCS/Activity).
This in turn talks to the share providers to get the actual sharing
It uses all ShareObjects
* Added share class
Simple class to hold all the share properties that is passed around
* Added IShareProvider interface
Interface that providers os a share have to implement.