In some cases, an app may need to act on a detail view registered by
another app or the core, for example, to add extra elements to the
element of the detail view.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Calviño Sánchez <>
- move versions to a tab in the files sidebar
- added mechanism to auto-update the row in the FileList whenever values
are set to the FileInfoModel given to the sidebar
- updated tags/favorite action to make use of that new mechanism
Tab heads are not rendered if only one tab.
The tab contents is updated on-demand. This means that if a tab is not
visible it is not rendered at first. If the tab was already rendered
through switching, its model will not get updated until the next time it
becomes visible. This will prevent needless rerendering of invisible tab
contents, especially considering that some tabs might need extra ajax
The favorite icon in the sidebar now triggers the file action and also
updates itself according to the model's state when triggered from the
file row.
The thumbnail triggers the default action.
Currently only one FileInfoModel is used for the selection and state
synchronization between views.
FileList reload now auto-closes the sidebar.
For a predictive behaviour we need to determine who is allowed to call render
methods on the views. Either, the main view is solely allowed to call render
and views do not do anything about output until then. Or, the main view relies
on the concrete views to be ready when things are about to be shown. The latter
approach has the advantage that concrete views know when they have to update
themselves (e.g. new data arrives or information change), but the main view
has now idea of the inner workings.