Added addTranslations and fixed de.js file
Fixed de.js to use OC.L10N.register() and use to correct expected
Added JS unit tests for OC.L10N class
Include translations JS script for all apps
adding auto increment/PK to table files_trash
adding PK to table ldap_user_mapping and ldap_group_members
adding PK to table ldap_group_mapping
truncate permissions table to allow smooth creation of primary key
adding unit test for creating an auto increment column on a table which already contains data
remove unneeded table files_trashsizes
fix unit test
no need to truncate *PREFIX*permissions
On Oracle adding auto increment columns is not working out of the box - Oracle migrations are to be done manually
- fixed upload and storage statistics
- fixed infinite scroll to use the correct contain for scroll detection
- fixed unit test that sometimes fail for rename case
- controls are now sticky again
- fixed selection overlay to be aligned with the table
- fixed "select all" checkbox that had id conflicts
- fixed public page
- fixed global actions permissions detection
- fix when URL contains an invalid view id
- viewer mode now hides the sidebar (ex: text editor)
- added unit tests for trashbin
- clean up storage info in template (most is retrieved via ajax call now)
- FileList is now an instantiable class
- FileActions is now in namespace
- added App class for trashbin app
- moved trashbin overrides into classes extending FileList
- replaced many static calls with "this." or "self." to make the classes
- new URL parameter "view" to specify which view is shown, for example
"files" or "trashbin"
- added OC.Util.History utility class in core for handling history
- moved URL handling/routing to OCA.Files.App
- popstate will correctly update the current view and notify the view of
the URL change so it can update the current dir
- added JS unitt tests for the trashbin app
- fixed public app to work with the new namespaces
- added new OCA.Files namespace for files classes
- the sidebar can now switch between views/containers
- the trashbin renders in its own container but currently doesn't work
due to overrides
- added app.js as entry point for JS code (ideally all other files should
only contain classes and not trigger anything)
Apps can now register navigation items into the sidebar of the files app.
For every sidebar item there is a container.
The container's content is rendered based on the script name given at
registration time.
- adding keep aspect to core/ajax/preview.php
- remove duplicate method Preview::show()
- no more hard coded mimetype of preview
- remove .png from the preview urls
- keep old route preview.png for backwards compatibility
- aspect preserving previews are now cached