2) Test\Support\Subscription\RegistryTest::testDelegateIsHardUserLimitReachedWithoutSupportAppAndUserCount with data set #0 (35, 15, 2, false)
Cannot stub or mock class or interface "Test\Support\Subscription\UserInterface" which does not exist
3) Test\Support\Subscription\RegistryTest::testDelegateIsHardUserLimitReachedWithoutSupportAppAndUserCount with data set #1 (35, 45, 15, false)
Cannot stub or mock class or interface "Test\Support\Subscription\UserInterface" which does not exist
4) Test\Support\Subscription\RegistryTest::testDelegateIsHardUserLimitReachedWithoutSupportAppAndUserCount with data set #2 (35, 45, 5, true)
Cannot stub or mock class or interface "Test\Support\Subscription\UserInterface" which does not exist
5) Test\Support\Subscription\RegistryTest::testDelegateIsHardUserLimitReachedWithoutSupportAppAndUserCount with data set #3 (35, 45, 55, false)
Cannot stub or mock class or interface "Test\Support\Subscription\UserInterface" which does not exist
Had to use the Database user backend, as using multiple interfaces is deprecated:
> This functionality should be deprecated as "having to use it" is almost always a symptom of bad design.
> More importantly, though, the support for the creation of test doubles that implement multiple interfaces
> resulted in code that is hard to maintain.
Signed-off-by: Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com>
6) OCA\DAV\Tests\Unit\DAV\Controller\InvitationResponseControllerTest::testAccept
Trying to configure method "fetch" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
7) OCA\DAV\Tests\Unit\DAV\Controller\InvitationResponseControllerTest::testAcceptSequence
Trying to configure method "fetch" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
8) OCA\DAV\Tests\Unit\DAV\Controller\InvitationResponseControllerTest::testAcceptRecurrenceId
Trying to configure method "fetch" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
9) OCA\DAV\Tests\Unit\DAV\Controller\InvitationResponseControllerTest::testAcceptTokenNotFound
Trying to configure method "fetch" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
10) OCA\DAV\Tests\Unit\DAV\Controller\InvitationResponseControllerTest::testAcceptExpiredToken
Trying to configure method "fetch" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
11) OCA\DAV\Tests\Unit\DAV\Controller\InvitationResponseControllerTest::testDecline
Trying to configure method "fetch" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
12) OCA\DAV\Tests\Unit\DAV\Controller\InvitationResponseControllerTest::testProcessMoreOptionsResult
Trying to configure method "fetch" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
13) OCA\DAV\Tests\unit\CalDAV\CalendarTest::testConfidentialClassification with data set #0 (3, false)
No method rule is set
14) OCA\DAV\Tests\unit\DAV\Migration\RefreshWebcalJobRegistrarTest::testRun
Trying to configure method "fetch" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
Signed-off-by: Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com>
20) OCA\user_ldap\tests\Jobs\UpdateGroupsTest::testHandleKnownGroups
Trying to configure method "fetchAll" which cannot be configured because it does not exist, has not been specified, is final, or is static
Signed-off-by: Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com>
16) OCA\TwoFactorBackupCodes\Tests\Unit\Listener\ActivityPublisherTest::testHandleCodesGeneratedEvent
Method publish may not return value of type Mock_IEvent_11bf8381, its return declaration is ": void"
17) OCA\TwoFactorBackupCodes\Tests\Unit\Controller\SettingsControllerTest::testCreateCodes
Method getBackupCodesState may not return value of type string, its return declaration is ": array"
Signed-off-by: Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com>
18) OCA\UpdateNotification\Tests\Notification\BackgroundJobTest::testCreateNotifications with data set #1 ('app2', '1.0.1', '1.0.0', '1.0.0', true, array('user1'), array(array('user1')))
Method notify may not return value of type Mock_INotification_2134ee38, its return declaration is ": void"
19) OCA\UpdateNotification\Tests\Notification\BackgroundJobTest::testCreateNotifications with data set #2 ('app3', '1.0.1', false, false, true, array('user2', 'user3'), array(array('user2'), array('user3')))
Method notify may not return value of type Mock_INotification_2134ee38, its return declaration is ": void"
Signed-off-by: Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com>
15) Warning
The data provider specified for OCA\Files_Trashbin\Tests\ExpirationTest::testGetMaxAgeAsTimestamp is invalid.
PHPUnit\Util\Exception: Method timestampTestData does not exist
Signed-off-by: Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com>
In the WebDriver protocol, when a command fails because it can not
interact with the target element, an "element not interactable" error is
generated. It can be a transitive issue (for example, due to an
animation), so when the error is received the command should be tried
again, just like done, for example, with "ElementNotVisible" exceptions.
However, the last version of the "instaclick/php-webdriver" library
compatible with the Selenium Driver of Mink did not support yet that
WebDriver error. And even if Chrome is run using the old protocol an
unknown "element not interactable" error can be received anyway in some
cases. When an unknown error is received by the
"instaclick/php-webdriver" library it is thrown as a generic Exception
so, until the library can be updated, the message of generic exceptions
is checked and the command is retried if it matched.
For the time being "element not interactable" errors are handled like
"ElementNotVisible" exceptions; this may need to change once the error
is better understood.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Calviño Sánchez <danxuliu@gmail.com>
When updating a share we should make sure to use all the old permissions
(and only change what we actually changed). So the READ permission in
this case should also be fetched instead of always granted.
Signed-off-by: Roeland Jago Douma <roeland@famdouma.nl>