Doing this in the PHP code is not the right approach for multiple reasons:
1. A bug in the PHP code prevents them from being added to the response.
2. They are only added when something is served via PHP and not in other cases (that makes for example the newest IE UXSS which is not yet patched by Microsoft exploitable on ownCloud)
3. Some headers such as the Strict-Transport-Security might require custom modifications by administrators. This was not possible before and lead to buggy situations.
This pull request moves those headers out of the PHP code and adds a security check to the admin settings performed via JS.
This is required when working with stuff such as PDF.js in the files_pdfviewer application. Opt-in only.
Master change only because the stable CSP policies has a failback that allows nearly anything 🙈
This change will log all failures that prevent the CLI cronjob from happening to the database and display a warning to administrators when an error happened.
To test:
1. Configure some invalid CLI php.ini settings
2. Enable the CLI cronjob and run php cron.php
3. See the errors printed and also in the admin page
4. Configure the CLI settings correctly
5. Errors should be gone.
First stab at the StreamResponse, see #12988
The idea is to use an interface ICallbackResponse (I'm not 100% happy with the name yet, suggestions?) that allow the response to output things in its own way, for instance stream the file using readfile
Unittests are atm lacking, plan is to
check if a mock of ICallbackResponse will be used by calling its callback (also unhappy with this name) method
Usage is:
$response = new StreamResponse('path/to/file');
rename io to output, add additional methods and handle error and not modified cases when using StreamResponse
fix indention and uppercasing, also handle forbidden cases
fix indention
fix indention
no forbidden, figuring out if a file is really readable is too complicated to get to work across OSes and streams
remove useless import
remove useless import
fix intendation