The setup uses `\OCP\IRequest::getInsecureServerHost` which in some cases can also include a port. This makes the trusted domain check fail thus.
I've decided to add this here that way because adjusting the setup would require parsing the host properly. This is not something that can be done very good in PHP. Check the following example for why `parse_url` is not our friend:
This changeset removes the static class `OC_Request` and moves the functions either into `IRequest` which is accessible via `\OC::$server::->getRequest()` or into a separated `TrustedDomainHelper` class for some helper methods which should not be publicly exposed.
This changes only internal methods and nothing on the public API. Some public functions in `util.php` have been deprecated though in favour of the new non-static functions.
Unfortunately some part of this code uses things like `__DIR__` and thus is not completely unit-testable. Where tests where possible they ahve been added though.
Fixes which was requested in