/* * Copyright (c) 2014 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function() { if (!OCA.Sharing) { OCA.Sharing = {}; } OCA.Sharing.Util = { initialize: function(fileActions) { if (OCA.Files.FileList) { var oldCreateRow = OCA.Files.FileList.prototype._createRow; OCA.Files.FileList.prototype._createRow = function(fileData) { var tr = oldCreateRow.apply(this, arguments); var sharePermissions = fileData.permissions; if (fileData.type === 'file') { // files can't be shared with delete permissions sharePermissions = sharePermissions & ~OC.PERMISSION_DELETE; } tr.attr('data-share-permissions', sharePermissions); if (fileData.shareOwner) { tr.attr('data-share-owner', fileData.shareOwner); // user should always be able to rename a mount point if (fileData.isShareMountPoint) { tr.attr('data-permissions', fileData.permissions | OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE); } } if (fileData.recipientsDisplayName) { tr.attr('data-share-recipients', fileData.recipientsDisplayName); } return tr; }; var oldRenderRow = OCA.Files.FileList.prototype._renderRow; OCA.Files.FileList.prototype._renderRow = function(fileData) { var $tr = oldRenderRow.apply(this, arguments); // if the statuses are loaded already, use them for the icon // (needed when scrolling to the next page) var shareStatus = OC.Share.statuses[fileData.id]; if (fileData.shareOwner || fileData.recipientsDisplayName || shareStatus) { var permissions = $tr.data('permissions'); var hasLink = !!(shareStatus && shareStatus.link); if (permissions & OC.PERMISSION_SHARE) { OC.Share.markFileAsShared($tr, true, hasLink); } else { // if no share action exists because the admin disabled sharing for this user // we create a share notification action to inform the user about files // shared with him otherwise we just update the existing share action. // TODO: make this work like/with OC.Share.markFileAsShared() var shareNotification = '' + ' '; $tr.find('.fileactions').append(function() { var shareBy = t('files_sharing', 'Shared by {owner}', {owner: fileData.shareOwner}); var $result = $(shareNotification + ' ' + shareBy + ''); $result.on('click', function() { return false; }); return $result; }); } } return $tr; }; } // use delegate to catch the case with multiple file lists $('#content').delegate('#fileList', 'fileActionsReady',function(ev){ var fileList = ev.fileList; if (!OCA.Sharing.sharesLoaded){ OC.Share.loadIcons('file', fileList); // assume that we got all shares, so switching directories // will not invalidate that list OCA.Sharing.sharesLoaded = true; } else{ // this will update the icons for all the currently visible elements // additionally added elements when scrolling down will be // updated in the _renderRow override OC.Share.updateIcons('file', fileList); } }); fileActions.register( 'all', 'Share', OC.PERMISSION_SHARE, OC.imagePath('core', 'actions/share'), function(filename, context) { var $tr = context.$file; var itemType = 'file'; if ($tr.data('type') === 'dir') { itemType = 'folder'; } var possiblePermissions = $tr.data('share-permissions'); if (_.isUndefined(possiblePermissions)) { possiblePermissions = $tr.data('permissions'); } var appendTo = $tr.find('td.filename'); // Check if drop down is already visible for a different file if (OC.Share.droppedDown) { if ($tr.data('id') !== $('#dropdown').attr('data-item-source')) { OC.Share.hideDropDown(function () { $tr.addClass('mouseOver'); OC.Share.showDropDown(itemType, $tr.data('id'), appendTo, true, possiblePermissions, filename); }); } else { OC.Share.hideDropDown(); } } else { $tr.addClass('mouseOver'); OC.Share.showDropDown(itemType, $tr.data('id'), appendTo, true, possiblePermissions, filename); } $('#dropdown').on('sharesChanged', function(ev) { // files app current cannot show recipients on load, so we don't update the // icon when changed for consistency if (context.fileList.$el.closest('#app-content-files').length) { return; } var recipients = _.pluck(ev.shares[OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER], 'share_with_displayname'); var groupRecipients = _.pluck(ev.shares[OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP], 'share_with_displayname'); recipients = recipients.concat(groupRecipients); // note: we only update the data attribute because updateIcon() // is called automatically after this event if (recipients.length) { $tr.attr('data-share-recipients', OCA.Sharing.Util.formatRecipients(recipients)); } else { $tr.removeAttr('data-share-recipients'); } }); }); }, /** * Formats a recipients array to be displayed. * The first four recipients will be shown and the * other ones will be shown as "+x" where "x" is the number of * remaining recipients. * * @param recipients recipients array * @param count optional total recipients count (in case the array was shortened) * @return formatted recipients display text */ formatRecipients: function(recipients, count) { var maxRecipients = 4; var text; if (!_.isNumber(count)) { count = recipients.length; } // TODO: use natural sort recipients = _.first(recipients, maxRecipients).sort(); text = recipients.join(', '); if (count > maxRecipients) { text += ', +' + (count - maxRecipients); } return text; } }; })(); $(document).ready(function() { // FIXME: HACK: do not init when running unit tests, need a better way if (!window.TESTING) { if (!_.isUndefined(OC.Share) && !_.isUndefined(OCA.Files)) { OCA.Sharing.Util.initialize(OCA.Files.fileActions); } } });