OC.L10N.register( "dav", { "Calendar" : "Kalendár", "Todos" : "Úlohy", "Personal" : "Osobné", "{actor} created calendar {calendar}" : "[actor] vytvoril kalendár [calendar]", "You created calendar {calendar}" : "Vytvorili ste kalendár {calendar}", "{actor} deleted calendar {calendar}" : "[actor] zmazal kalendár [calendar]", "You deleted calendar {calendar}" : "Vytvorili ste kalendár {calendar}", "{actor} updated calendar {calendar}" : "[actor] upravil kalendár [calendar]", "You updated calendar {calendar}" : "Upravili ste kalendár {calendar}", "You shared calendar {calendar} as public link" : "Sprístupnili ste kalendár {calendar} ako verejný odkaz", "You removed public link for calendar {calendar}" : "Odstránili ste verejný odkaz pre kalendár {calendar}", "{actor} shared calendar {calendar} with you" : "{actor} vám sprístupnil kalendár {calendar}", "You shared calendar {calendar} with {user}" : "Sprístupnili ste kalendár {calendar} s {user}", "{actor} shared calendar {calendar} with {user}" : "{actor} sprístupnil kalendár {calendar} s {user}", "{actor} unshared calendar {calendar} from you" : "{actor} vám prestal sprístupňovať kalendár {calendar}", "You unshared calendar {calendar} from {user}" : "Prestali ste sprístupňovať kalendár {calendar} od používateľa {user}", "{actor} unshared calendar {calendar} from {user}" : "{actor} zrušil zdieľanie kalendára {calendar} s používateľom {user}", "{actor} unshared calendar {calendar} from themselves" : "{actor} zrušil zdieľanie kalendára {calendar} so sebou samým", "You shared calendar {calendar} with group {group}" : "Sprístupnili ste kalendár {calendar} so skupinou {group}", "{actor} shared calendar {calendar} with group {group}" : "{actor} vyzdieľal kalendár {calendar} so skupinou {group}", "You unshared calendar {calendar} from group {group}" : "Zrušili ste zdieľanie kalendára {calendar} so skupinou {group}", "{actor} unshared calendar {calendar} from group {group}" : "{actor} zrušil zdieľanie kalendára {calendar} so skupinou {group}", "{actor} created event {event} in calendar {calendar}" : "{actor} vytvoril udalosť {event} v kalendári {calendar}", "You created event {event} in calendar {calendar}" : "Vytvorili ste udalosť {event} v kalendári {calendar}", "{actor} deleted event {event} from calendar {calendar}" : "{actor} zmazal udalosť {event} from z kalendára {calendar}", "You deleted event {event} from calendar {calendar}" : "Zmazali ste udalosť {event} z kalendára {calendar}", "{actor} updated event {event} in calendar {calendar}" : "{actor} aktualizoval udalosť {event} v kalendári {calendar}", "You updated event {event} in calendar {calendar}" : "Aktualizovali ste udalosť {event} v kalendári {calendar}", "Busy" : "Zaneprázdnený", "{actor} created todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} vytvoril úlohu {todo} v {calendar}", "You created todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vytvorili ste úlohu {todo} v {calendar}", "{actor} deleted todo {todo} from list {calendar}" : "{actor} zmazal úlohu {todo} z {calendar}", "You deleted todo {todo} from list {calendar}" : "Zmazali ste úlohu {todo} z {calendar}", "{actor} updated todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} upravil úlohu {todo} v {calendar}", "You updated todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Upravili ste úlohu {todo} v {calendar}", "{actor} solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} vyriešil úlohu {todo} v {calendar}", "You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vyriešili ste úlohu {todo} v {calendar}", "{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} znovu otvoril úlohu {todo} v {calendar}", "You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Otvorili ste znovu úlohu {todo} v {calendar}", "A calendar was modified" : "kalendár bol upravený", "A calendar event was modified" : "Udalosť v kalendári bola upravená", "A calendar todo was modified" : "Pripomienka v kalendári bola upravená", "Death of %s" : "Dátum úmrtia %s", "Contact birthdays" : "Narodeniny kontaktu", "Calendar:" : "Kalendár:", "Date:" : "Dátum:", "Where:" : "Kde:", "Description:" : "Popis:", "Untitled event" : "Udalosť bez názvu", "_%n year_::_%n years_" : ["%n rokov","%n rokov","%n rokov","%n rokov"], "_%n month_::_%n months_" : ["%n mesiac","%n mesiace","%n mesiacov","%n mesiacov"], "_%n day_::_%n days_" : ["%n deň","%n dni","%n dní","%n dní"], "_%n hour_::_%n hours_" : ["%n hodina","%n hodiny","%n hodín","%n hodín"], "_%n minute_::_%n minutes_" : ["%n minúta","%n minúty","%n minút","%n minút"], "%s (in %s)" : "%s (v %s)", "%s (%s ago)" : "%s (pred %s)", "Calendar: %s" : "Kalendár: %s", "Date: %s" : "Dátum: %s", "Description: %s" : "Popis: %s", "Where: %s" : "Kde: %s", "%1$s via %2$s" : "%1$s cez %2$s", "Invitation canceled" : "Pozvánka bola zrušená", "Hello %s," : "Ahoj %s,", "The meeting »%1$s« with %2$s was canceled." : "Stretnutie »%1$s« s %2$s bolo zrušené.", "Invitation updated" : "Pozvánka bola aktualizovaná", "The meeting »%1$s« with %2$s was updated." : "Stretnutie »%1$s« s %2$s bolo aktualizované.", "%1$s invited you to »%2$s«" : "%1$s vám poslal pozvánku na »%2$s«", "When:" : "Kedy:", "Link:" : "Odkaz:", "Accept" : "Schváliť", "Decline" : "Odmietnuť", "More options …" : "Ďalšie nastavenia ...", "More options at %s" : "Ďalšie nastavenia %s", "Contacts" : "Kontakty", "Your %s needs to be configured to use HTTPS in order to use CalDAV and CardDAV with iOS/macOS." : "Ak chcete používať CalDAV alebo CardDAV v iOS alebo macOS, musí byť %s nakonfigurovaný na používanie HTTPS.", "Configures a CalDAV account" : "Nakonfiguruje účet CalDAV", "Configures a CardDAV account" : "Nakonfiguruje účet CardDAV", "WebDAV" : "WebDAV", "WebDAV endpoint" : "Koncový bod WebDAV", "Technical details" : "Technické podrobnosti", "Remote Address: %s" : "Vzdialená adresa: %s", "Request ID: %s" : "ID požiadavky: %s", "There was an error updating your attendance status." : "Nastal problém pri aktualizácii Vašej účasti.", "Please contact the organizer directly." : "Prosím kontaktujte priamo organizátora.", "Are you accepting the invitation?" : "Príjmate pozvánku?", "Tentative" : "Neistý", "Save" : "Uložiť", "Your attendance was updated successfully." : "Vaša účasť bola aktualizovaná úspešne.", "Calendar server" : "Kalendárový server", "Also install the {calendarappstoreopen}Calendar app{linkclose}, or {calendardocopen}connect your desktop & mobile for syncing ↗{linkclose}." : "Tiež nainštalujte {calendarappstoreopen}apku Kalendár{linkclose} alebo {calendardocopen}pripojte svoj počítač a smartfón pre synchronizáciu ↗{linkclose}.", "Send invitations to attendees" : "Odoslanie pozvánok účastníkom", "Please make sure to properly set up {emailopen}the email server{linkclose}." : "Uistite sa, že ste správne nastavili {emailopen}e-mailový server{linkclose}.", "Automatically generate a birthday calendar" : "Automaticky generovať narodeninový kalendár", "Birthday calendars will be generated by a background job." : "Narodeninové kalendáre budú generované úlohou na pozadí.", "Hence they will not be available immediately after enabling but will show up after some time." : "Preto nebudú dostupné hneď po povolení, ale zobrazia sa po určitom čase", "Send notifications for events" : "Zaslať upozornenia na udalosti", "Notifications are sent via background jobs, so these must occur often enough." : "Upozornenia sa odosielajú prostredníctvom úloh na pozadí - preto je potrebné, aby tieto prebiehali dostatočne často.", "Enable notifications for events via push" : "Zapnúť oznámenia o udalostiach prostredníctvom technológie push.", "Please make sure to properly set up the email settings above." : "Uistite sa, že máte správne nastavené vyššie uvedené nastavenia e-mailu.", "Notifications will be send through background jobs, so these need to happen often enough." : "Oznámenia sa budú odosielať prostredníctvom úloh na pozadí - preto je potrebné, aby tieto prebiehali dostatočne často." }, "nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");