/* * Copyright (c) 2014 * * @author Vincent Petry * @copyright 2014 Vincent Petry * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ /* global dragOptions, folderDropOptions, OC */ (function() { if (!OCA.Files) { /** * Namespace for the files app * @namespace OCA.Files */ OCA.Files = {}; } /** * @namespace OCA.Files.App */ OCA.Files.App = { /** * Navigation control * * @member {OCA.Files.Navigation} */ navigation: null, /** * File list for the "All files" section. * * @member {OCA.Files.FileList} */ fileList: null, /** * Backbone model for storing files preferences */ _filesConfig: null, /** * Initializes the files app */ initialize: function() { this.navigation = new OCA.Files.Navigation($('#app-navigation')); this.$showHiddenFiles = $('input#showhiddenfilesToggle'); var showHidden = $('#showHiddenFiles').val() === "1"; this.$showHiddenFiles.prop('checked', showHidden); this._filesConfig = new OC.Backbone.Model({ showhidden: showHidden }); var urlParams = OC.Util.History.parseUrlQuery(); var fileActions = new OCA.Files.FileActions(); // default actions fileActions.registerDefaultActions(); // legacy actions fileActions.merge(window.FileActions); // regular actions fileActions.merge(OCA.Files.fileActions); this._onActionsUpdated = _.bind(this._onActionsUpdated, this); OCA.Files.fileActions.on('setDefault.app-files', this._onActionsUpdated); OCA.Files.fileActions.on('registerAction.app-files', this._onActionsUpdated); window.FileActions.on('setDefault.app-files', this._onActionsUpdated); window.FileActions.on('registerAction.app-files', this._onActionsUpdated); this.files = OCA.Files.Files; // TODO: ideally these should be in a separate class / app (the embedded "all files" app) this.fileList = new OCA.Files.FileList( $('#app-content-files'), { scrollContainer: $('#app-content'), dragOptions: dragOptions, folderDropOptions: folderDropOptions, fileActions: fileActions, allowLegacyActions: true, scrollTo: urlParams.scrollto, filesClient: OC.Files.getClient(), sorting: { mode: $('#defaultFileSorting').val(), direction: $('#defaultFileSortingDirection').val() }, config: this._filesConfig, } ); this.files.initialize(); // for backward compatibility, the global FileList will // refer to the one of the "files" view window.FileList = this.fileList; OC.Plugins.attach('OCA.Files.App', this); this._setupEvents(); // trigger URL change event handlers this._onPopState(urlParams); this._debouncedPersistShowHiddenFilesState = _.debounce(this._persistShowHiddenFilesState, 1200); }, /** * Destroy the app */ destroy: function() { this.navigation = null; this.fileList.destroy(); this.fileList = null; this.files = null; OCA.Files.fileActions.off('setDefault.app-files', this._onActionsUpdated); OCA.Files.fileActions.off('registerAction.app-files', this._onActionsUpdated); window.FileActions.off('setDefault.app-files', this._onActionsUpdated); window.FileActions.off('registerAction.app-files', this._onActionsUpdated); }, _onActionsUpdated: function(ev, newAction) { // forward new action to the file list if (ev.action) { this.fileList.fileActions.registerAction(ev.action); } else if (ev.defaultAction) { this.fileList.fileActions.setDefault( ev.defaultAction.mime, ev.defaultAction.name ); } }, /** * Returns the container of the currently visible app. * * @return app container */ getCurrentAppContainer: function() { return this.navigation.getActiveContainer(); }, /** * Sets the currently active view * @param viewId view id */ setActiveView: function(viewId, options) { this.navigation.setActiveItem(viewId, options); }, /** * Returns the view id of the currently active view * @return view id */ getActiveView: function() { return this.navigation.getActiveItem(); }, /** * * @returns {Backbone.Model} */ getFilesConfig: function() { return this._filesConfig; }, /** * Setup events based on URL changes */ _setupEvents: function() { OC.Util.History.addOnPopStateHandler(_.bind(this._onPopState, this)); // detect when app changed their current directory $('#app-content').delegate('>div', 'changeDirectory', _.bind(this._onDirectoryChanged, this)); $('#app-content').delegate('>div', 'changeViewerMode', _.bind(this._onChangeViewerMode, this)); $('#app-navigation').on('itemChanged', _.bind(this._onNavigationChanged, this)); this.$showHiddenFiles.on('change', _.bind(this._onShowHiddenFilesChange, this)); }, /** * Toggle showing hidden files according to the settings checkbox * * @returns {undefined} */ _onShowHiddenFilesChange: function() { var show = this.$showHiddenFiles.is(':checked'); this._filesConfig.set('showhidden', show); this._debouncedPersistShowHiddenFilesState(); }, /** * Persist show hidden preference on ther server * * @returns {undefined} */ _persistShowHiddenFilesState: function() { var show = this._filesConfig.get('showhidden'); $.post(OC.generateUrl('/apps/files/api/v1/showhidden'), { show: show }); }, /** * Event handler for when the current navigation item has changed */ _onNavigationChanged: function(e) { var params; if (e && e.itemId) { params = { view: e.itemId, dir: '/' }; this._changeUrl(params.view, params.dir); OC.Apps.hideAppSidebar($('.detailsView')); this.navigation.getActiveContainer().trigger(new $.Event('urlChanged', params)); } }, /** * Event handler for when an app notified that its directory changed */ _onDirectoryChanged: function(e) { if (e.dir) { this._changeUrl(this.navigation.getActiveItem(), e.dir); } }, /** * Event handler for when an app notifies that it needs space * for viewer mode. */ _onChangeViewerMode: function(e) { var state = !!e.viewerModeEnabled; if (e.viewerModeEnabled) { OC.Apps.hideAppSidebar($('.detailsView')); } $('#app-navigation').toggleClass('hidden', state); $('.app-files').toggleClass('viewer-mode no-sidebar', state); }, /** * Event handler for when the URL changed */ _onPopState: function(params) { params = _.extend({ dir: '/', view: 'files' }, params); var lastId = this.navigation.getActiveItem(); if (!this.navigation.itemExists(params.view)) { params.view = 'files'; } this.navigation.setActiveItem(params.view, {silent: true}); if (lastId !== this.navigation.getActiveItem()) { this.navigation.getActiveContainer().trigger(new $.Event('show')); } this.navigation.getActiveContainer().trigger(new $.Event('urlChanged', params)); }, /** * Change the URL to point to the given dir and view */ _changeUrl: function(view, dir) { var params = {dir: dir}; if (view !== 'files') { params.view = view; } OC.Util.History.pushState(params); } }; })(); $(document).ready(function() { // wait for other apps/extensions to register their event handlers and file actions // in the "ready" clause _.defer(function() { OCA.Files.App.initialize(); }); });