SetIdentity($_POST['openid_url']); :: SET RETURN URL :: $openid->SetApprovedURL(''); // Script which handles a response from OpenID Server :: SET TRUST ROOT :: $openid->SetTrustRoot(''); :: FETCH SERVER URL FROM IDENTITY PAGE :: [Note: It is recomended to cache this (Session, Cookie, Database)] $openid->GetOpenIDServer(); // Returns false if server is not found :: REDIRECT USER TO OPEN ID SERVER FOR APPROVAL :: :: (OPTIONAL) SET OPENID SERVER :: $openid->SetOpenIDServer($server_url); // If you have cached previously this, you don't have to call GetOpenIDServer and set value this directly STEP 2) Once user gets returned we must validate signature :: VALIDATE REQUEST :: true|false = $openid->ValidateWithServer(); ERRORS: array = $openid->GetError(); // Get latest Error code FIELDS: OpenID allowes you to retreive a profile. To set what fields you'd like to get use (accepts either string or array): $openid->SetRequiredFields(array('email','fullname','dob','gender','postcode','country','language','timezone')); or $openid->SetOptionalFields('postcode'); IMPORTANT TIPS: OPENID as is now, is not trust system. It is a great single-sign on method. If you want to store information about OpenID in your database for later use, make sure you handle url identities properly. For example: ... are representing one single user. Some OpenIDs can be in format - keep this in mind when storing identities To help you store an OpenID in your DB, you can use function: $openid_db_safe = $openid->OpenID_Standarize($upenid); This may not be comatible with current specs, but it works in current enviroment. Use this function to get openid in one format like (without trailing slashes and http/https). Use output to insert Identity to database. Don't use this for validation - it may fail. */ class SimpleOpenID{ var $openid_url_identity; var $URLs = array(); var $error = array(); var $fields = array( 'required' => array(), 'optional' => array(), ); function SimpleOpenID(){ if (!function_exists('curl_exec')) { die('Error: Class SimpleOpenID requires curl extension to work'); } } function SetOpenIDServer($a){ $this->URLs['openid_server'] = $a; } function SetTrustRoot($a){ $this->URLs['trust_root'] = $a; } function SetCancelURL($a){ $this->URLs['cancel'] = $a; } function SetApprovedURL($a){ $this->URLs['approved'] = $a; } function SetRequiredFields($a){ if (is_array($a)){ $this->fields['required'] = $a; }else{ $this->fields['required'][] = $a; } } function SetOptionalFields($a){ if (is_array($a)){ $this->fields['optional'] = $a; }else{ $this->fields['optional'][] = $a; } } function SetIdentity($a){ // Set Identity URL if ((stripos($a, 'http://') === false) && (stripos($a, 'https://') === false)){ $a = 'http://'.$a; } /* $u = parse_url(trim($a)); if (!isset($u['path'])){ $u['path'] = '/'; }else if(substr($u['path'],-1,1) == '/'){ $u['path'] = substr($u['path'], 0, strlen($u['path'])-1); } if (isset($u['query'])){ // If there is a query string, then use identity as is $identity = $a; }else{ $identity = $u['scheme'] . '://' . $u['host'] . $u['path']; } //*/ $this->openid_url_identity = $a; } function GetIdentity(){ // Get Identity return $this->openid_url_identity; } function GetError(){ $e = $this->error; return array('code'=>$e[0],'description'=>$e[1]); } function ErrorStore($code, $desc = null){ $errs['OPENID_NOSERVERSFOUND'] = 'Cannot find OpenID Server TAG on Identity page.'; if ($desc == null){ $desc = $errs[$code]; } $this->error = array($code,$desc); } function IsError(){ if (count($this->error) > 0){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function splitResponse($response) { $r = array(); $response = explode("\n", $response); foreach($response as $line) { $line = trim($line); if ($line != "") { list($key, $value) = explode(":", $line, 2); $r[trim($key)] = trim($value); } } return $r; } function OpenID_Standarize($openid_identity = null){ if ($openid_identity === null) $openid_identity = $this->openid_url_identity; $u = parse_url(strtolower(trim($openid_identity))); if (!isset($u['path']) || ($u['path'] == '/')) { $u['path'] = ''; } if(substr($u['path'],-1,1) == '/'){ $u['path'] = substr($u['path'], 0, strlen($u['path'])-1); } if (isset($u['query'])){ // If there is a query string, then use identity as is return $u['host'] . $u['path'] . '?' . $u['query']; }else{ return $u['host'] . $u['path']; } } function array2url($arr){ // converts associated array to URL Query String if (!is_array($arr)){ return false; } $query = ''; foreach($arr as $key => $value){ $query .= $key . "=" . $value . "&"; } return $query; } function FSOCK_Request($url, $method="GET", $params = ""){ $fp = fsockopen("ssl://", 443, $errno, $errstr, 3); // Connection timeout is 3 seconds if (!$fp) { $this->ErrorStore('OPENID_SOCKETERROR', $errstr); return false; } else { $request = $method . " /server HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $request .= "User-Agent: Simple OpenID PHP Class (\r\n"; $request .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $request); stream_set_timeout($fp, 4); // Connection response timeout is 4 seconds $res = fread($fp, 2000); $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); fclose($fp); if ($info['timed_out']) { $this->ErrorStore('OPENID_SOCKETTIMEOUT'); } else { return $res; } } } function CURL_Request($url, $method="GET", $params = "") { // Remember, SSL MUST BE SUPPORTED if (is_array($params)) $params = $this->array2url($params); $curl = curl_init($url . ($method == "GET" && $params != "" ? "?" . $params : "")); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, ($method == "GET")); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, ($method == "POST")); if ($method == "POST") curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($curl); if (curl_errno($curl) == 0){ $response; }else{ $this->ErrorStore('OPENID_CURL', curl_error($curl)); } return $response; } function HTML2OpenIDServer($content) { $get = array(); // Get details of their OpenID server and (optional) delegate preg_match_all('/]*rel=[\'"](openid2.provider )?openid.server[\'"][^>]*href=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"][^>]*\/?>/i', $content, $matches1); preg_match_all('/]*href=\'"([^\'"]+)[\'"][^>]*rel=[\'"](openid2.provider )?openid.server[\'"][^>]*\/?>/i', $content, $matches2); $servers = array_merge($matches1[2], $matches2[1]); preg_match_all('/]*rel=[\'"]openid.delegate[\'"][^>]*href=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"][^>]*\/?>/i', $content, $matches1); preg_match_all('/]*href=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"][^>]*rel=[\'"]openid.delegate[\'"][^>]*\/?>/i', $content, $matches2); $delegates = array_merge($matches1[1], $matches2[1]); $ret = array($servers, $delegates); return $ret; } function GetOpenIDServer(){ $response = $this->CURL_Request($this->openid_url_identity); list($servers, $delegates) = $this->HTML2OpenIDServer($response); if (count($servers) == 0){ $this->ErrorStore('OPENID_NOSERVERSFOUND'); return false; } if (isset($delegates[0]) && ($delegates[0] != "")){ $this->SetIdentity($delegates[0]); } $this->SetOpenIDServer($servers[0]); return $servers[0]; } function GetRedirectURL(){ $params = array(); $params['openid.return_to'] = urlencode($this->URLs['approved']); $params['openid.mode'] = 'checkid_setup'; $params['openid.identity'] = urlencode($this->openid_url_identity); $params['openid.trust_root'] = urlencode($this->URLs['trust_root']); if (isset($this->fields['required']) && (count($this->fields['required']) > 0)) { $params['openid.sreg.required'] = implode(',',$this->fields['required']); } if (isset($this->fields['optional']) && (count($this->fields['optional']) > 0)) { $params['openid.sreg.optional'] = implode(',',$this->fields['optional']); } return $this->URLs['openid_server'] . "?". $this->array2url($params); } function Redirect(){ $redirect_to = $this->GetRedirectURL(); if (headers_sent()){ // Use JavaScript to redirect if content has been previously sent (not recommended, but safe) echo ''; }else{ // Default Header Redirect header('Location: ' . $redirect_to); } } function ValidateWithServer(){ $params = array( 'openid.assoc_handle' => urlencode($_GET['openid_assoc_handle']), 'openid.signed' => urlencode($_GET['openid_signed']), 'openid.sig' => urlencode($_GET['openid_sig']) ); // Send only required parameters to confirm validity $arr_signed = explode(",",str_replace('sreg.','sreg_',$_GET['openid_signed'])); for ($i=0; $iGetOpenIDServer(); if ($openid_server == false){ return false; } $response = $this->CURL_Request($openid_server,'POST',$params); $data = $this->splitResponse($response); if ($data['is_valid'] == "true") { return true; }else{ return false; } } }