* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ function bailOut($msg) { OC_JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $msg))); OC_Log::write('core', 'ajax/vcategories/add.php: '.$msg, OC_Log::DEBUG); exit(); } function debug($msg) { OC_Log::write('core', 'ajax/vcategories/add.php: '.$msg, OC_Log::DEBUG); } OCP\JSON::checkLoggedIn(); OCP\JSON::callCheck(); $l = OC_L10N::get('core'); $category = isset($_POST['category']) ? strip_tags($_POST['category']) : null; $type = isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'] : null; if(is_null($type)) { bailOut($l->t('Category type not provided.')); } if(is_null($category)) { bailOut($l->t('No category to add?')); } debug(print_r($category, true)); $categories = new OC_VCategories($type); if($categories->hasCategory($category)) { bailOut(OC_Contacts_App::$l10n->t('This category already exists: '.$category)); } else { $categories->add($category, true); } OC_JSON::success(array('data' => array('categories'=>$categories->categories())));