* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ namespace Test; class ConfigTest extends TestCase { const TESTCONTENT = '"bar", "beers" => array("Appenzeller", "Guinness", "Kölsch"), "alcohol_free" => false);'; /** @var array */ private $initialConfig = array('foo' => 'bar', 'beers' => array('Appenzeller', 'Guinness', 'Kölsch'), 'alcohol_free' => false); /** @var string */ private $configFile; /** @var \OC\Config */ private $config; /** @var string */ private $randomTmpDir; protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->randomTmpDir = \OC::$server->getTempManager()->getTemporaryFolder(); $this->configFile = $this->randomTmpDir.'testconfig.php'; file_put_contents($this->configFile, self::TESTCONTENT); $this->config = new \OC\Config($this->randomTmpDir, 'testconfig.php'); } protected function tearDown() { unlink($this->configFile); parent::tearDown(); } public function testGetKeys() { $expectedConfig = array('foo', 'beers', 'alcohol_free'); $this->assertSame($expectedConfig, $this->config->getKeys()); } public function testGetValue() { $this->assertSame('bar', $this->config->getValue('foo')); $this->assertSame(null, $this->config->getValue('bar')); $this->assertSame('moo', $this->config->getValue('bar', 'moo')); $this->assertSame(false, $this->config->getValue('alcohol_free', 'someBogusValue')); $this->assertSame(array('Appenzeller', 'Guinness', 'Kölsch'), $this->config->getValue('beers', 'someBogusValue')); $this->assertSame(array('Appenzeller', 'Guinness', 'Kölsch'), $this->config->getValue('beers')); } public function testGetValueReturnsEnvironmentValueIfSet() { $this->assertEquals('bar', $this->config->getValue('foo')); putenv('NC_foo=baz'); $this->assertEquals('baz', $this->config->getValue('foo')); } public function testSetValue() { $this->config->setValue('foo', 'moo'); $expectedConfig = $this->initialConfig; $expectedConfig['foo'] = 'moo'; $this->assertAttributeEquals($expectedConfig, 'cache', $this->config); $content = file_get_contents($this->configFile); $expected = " 'moo',\n 'beers' => \n array (\n 0 => 'Appenzeller',\n " . " 1 => 'Guinness',\n 2 => 'Kölsch',\n ),\n 'alcohol_free' => false,\n);\n"; $this->assertEquals($expected, $content); $this->config->setValue('bar', 'red'); $this->config->setValue('apps', array('files', 'gallery')); $expectedConfig['bar'] = 'red'; $expectedConfig['apps'] = array('files', 'gallery'); $this->assertAttributeEquals($expectedConfig, 'cache', $this->config); $content = file_get_contents($this->configFile); $expected = " 'moo',\n 'beers' => \n array (\n 0 => 'Appenzeller',\n " . " 1 => 'Guinness',\n 2 => 'Kölsch',\n ),\n 'alcohol_free' => false,\n 'bar' => 'red',\n 'apps' => \n " . " array (\n 0 => 'files',\n 1 => 'gallery',\n ),\n);\n"; $this->assertEquals($expected, $content); } public function testSetValues() { $content = file_get_contents($this->configFile); $this->assertEquals(self::TESTCONTENT, $content); // Changing configs to existing values and deleting non-existing once // should not rewrite the config.php $this->config->setValues([ 'foo' => 'bar', 'not_exists' => null, ]); $this->assertAttributeEquals($this->initialConfig, 'cache', $this->config); $content = file_get_contents($this->configFile); $this->assertEquals(self::TESTCONTENT, $content); $this->config->setValues([ 'foo' => 'moo', 'alcohol_free' => null, ]); $expectedConfig = $this->initialConfig; $expectedConfig['foo'] = 'moo'; unset($expectedConfig['alcohol_free']); $this->assertAttributeEquals($expectedConfig, 'cache', $this->config); $content = file_get_contents($this->configFile); $expected = " 'moo',\n 'beers' => \n array (\n 0 => 'Appenzeller',\n " . " 1 => 'Guinness',\n 2 => 'Kölsch',\n ),\n);\n"; $this->assertEquals($expected, $content); } public function testDeleteKey() { $this->config->deleteKey('foo'); $expectedConfig = $this->initialConfig; unset($expectedConfig['foo']); $this->assertAttributeEquals($expectedConfig, 'cache', $this->config); $content = file_get_contents($this->configFile); $expected = " \n array (\n 0 => 'Appenzeller',\n " . " 1 => 'Guinness',\n 2 => 'Kölsch',\n ),\n 'alcohol_free' => false,\n);\n"; $this->assertEquals($expected, $content); } public function testConfigMerge() { // Create additional config $additionalConfig = '"totallyOutdated");'; $additionalConfigPath = $this->randomTmpDir.'additionalConfig.testconfig.php'; file_put_contents($additionalConfigPath, $additionalConfig); // Reinstantiate the config to force a read-in of the additional configs $this->config = new \OC\Config($this->randomTmpDir, 'testconfig.php'); // Ensure that the config value can be read and the config has not been modified $this->assertSame('totallyOutdated', $this->config->getValue('php53', 'bogusValue')); $this->assertEquals(self::TESTCONTENT, file_get_contents($this->configFile)); // Write a new value to the config $this->config->setValue('CoolWebsites', array('demo.owncloud.org', 'owncloud.org', 'owncloud.com')); $expected = " 'bar',\n 'beers' => \n array (\n 0 => 'Appenzeller',\n " . " 1 => 'Guinness',\n 2 => 'Kölsch',\n ),\n 'alcohol_free' => false,\n 'php53' => 'totallyOutdated',\n 'CoolWebsites' => \n array (\n " . " 0 => 'demo.owncloud.org',\n 1 => 'owncloud.org',\n 2 => 'owncloud.com',\n ),\n);\n"; $this->assertEquals($expected, file_get_contents($this->configFile)); // Cleanup unlink($additionalConfigPath); } }