class. * * @param string $endpoint (Required) The endpoint to direct the request to. * @param string $operation (Required) The operation to execute as a result of this request. * @param array $payload (Required) The options to use as part of the payload in the request. * @param CFCredential $credentials (Required) The credentials to use for signing and making requests. * @return void */ public function __construct($endpoint, $operation, $payload, CFCredential $credentials) { parent::__construct($endpoint, $operation, $payload, $credentials); } /** * Generates a cURL handle with all of the required authentication bits set. * * @return resource A cURL handle ready for executing. */ public function authenticate() { // Determine signing values $current_time = time(); $date = gmdate(CFUtilities::DATE_FORMAT_RFC2616, $current_time); $timestamp = gmdate(CFUtilities::DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601, $current_time); $query = array(); // Do we have an authentication token? if ($this->auth_token) { $headers['X-Amz-Security-Token'] = $this->auth_token; $query['SecurityToken'] = $this->auth_token; } // Only add it if it exists. if ($this->api_version) { $query['Version'] = $this->api_version; } $query['Action'] = $this->operation; $query['AWSAccessKeyId'] = $this->key; $query['SignatureMethod'] = 'HmacSHA256'; $query['SignatureVersion'] = 2; $query['Timestamp'] = $timestamp; // Merge in any options that were passed in if (is_array($this->payload)) { $query = array_merge($query, $this->payload); } // Do a case-sensitive, natural order sort on the array keys. uksort($query, 'strcmp'); // Create the string that needs to be hashed. $canonical_query_string = $this->util->to_signable_string($query); // Remove the default scheme from the domain. $domain = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', $this->endpoint); // Parse our request. $parsed_url = parse_url('http://' . $domain); // Set the proper host header. if (isset($parsed_url['port']) && (integer) $parsed_url['port'] !== 80 && (integer) $parsed_url['port'] !== 443) { $host_header = strtolower($parsed_url['host']) . ':' . $parsed_url['port']; } else { $host_header = strtolower($parsed_url['host']); } // Set the proper request URI. $request_uri = isset($parsed_url['path']) ? $parsed_url['path'] : '/'; // Prepare the string to sign $this->string_to_sign = "POST\n$host_header\n$request_uri\n$canonical_query_string"; // Hash the AWS secret key and generate a signature for the request. $query['Signature'] = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $this->string_to_sign, $this->secret_key, true)); // Generate the querystring from $query $this->querystring = $this->util->to_query_string($query); // Gather information to pass along to other classes. $helpers = array( 'utilities' => $this->utilities_class, 'request' => $this->request_class, 'response' => $this->response_class, ); // Compose the request. $request_url = ($this->use_ssl ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $domain; $request_url .= !isset($parsed_url['path']) ? '/' : ''; // Instantiate the request class $request = new $this->request_class($request_url, $this->proxy, $helpers, $this->credentials); $request->set_method('POST'); $request->set_body($this->querystring); $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'; // Pass along registered stream callbacks if ($this->registered_streaming_read_callback) { $request->register_streaming_read_callback($this->registered_streaming_read_callback); } if ($this->registered_streaming_write_callback) { $request->register_streaming_write_callback($this->registered_streaming_write_callback); } // Sort headers uksort($headers, 'strnatcasecmp'); // Add headers to request and compute the string to sign foreach ($headers as $header_key => $header_value) { // Strip linebreaks from header values as they're illegal and can allow for security issues $header_value = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $header_value); // Add the header if it has a value if ($header_value !== '') { $request->add_header($header_key, $header_value); } } return $request; } }