SDK Compatibility Test

Minimum Requirements

Test Should Be What You Have
PHP 5.2 or newer
cURL 7.15.0 or newer, with SSL
SimpleXML Enabled
DOM Enabled
SPL Enabled
JSON Enabled
PCRE Enabled
File System Read/Write Enabled

Optional Extensions

Test Would Like To Be What You Have
OpenSSL Enabled
Zlib Enabled
APC Enabled
XCache Enabled
Memcache Enabled
Memcached Enabled
PDO Enabled
PDO-SQLite Enabled
SQLite 2 Enabled
SQLite 3 Enabled

Settings for php.ini

Test Would Like To Be What You Have
open_basedir off
safe_mode off
zend.enable_gc on


Test Would Like To Be What You Have
Architecture 64-bit (why?)

Bottom Line: Yes, you can!

Your PHP environment is ready to go, and can take advantage of all possible features!

What's Next?

You can download the latest version of the AWS SDK for PHP and install it by following the instructions. Also, check out our library of screencasts and tutorials.

Take the time to read "Getting Started" to make sure you're prepared to use the AWS SDK for PHP. No seriously, read it.

Bottom Line: Yes, you can!

Your PHP environment is ready to go! There are a couple of minor features that you won't be able to take advantage of, but nothing that's a show-stopper.

What's Next?

You can download the latest version of the AWS SDK for PHP and install it by following the instructions. Also, check out our library of screencasts and tutorials.

Take the time to read "Getting Started" to make sure you're prepared to use the AWS SDK for PHP. No seriously, read it.

Bottom Line: We're sorry…

Your PHP environment does not support the minimum requirements for the AWS SDK for PHP.

What's Next?

If you're using a shared hosting plan, it may be a good idea to contact your web host and ask them to install a more recent version of PHP and relevant extensions.

If you have control over your PHP environment, we recommended that you upgrade your PHP environment. Check out the "Set Up Your Environment" section of the Getting Started Guide for more information.


Recommended settings for

Based on your particular server configuration, the following settings are recommended.

Configuration Setting Recommended Value
default_cache_config apc xcache Any valid, server-writable file system path
certificate_authority true Loading...

Give me the details!

  1. Your environment meets the minimum requirements for using the AWS SDK for PHP!
  2. You're still running PHP . The PHP 5.2 family is no longer supported by the PHP team, and future versions of the AWS SDK for PHP will require PHP 5.3 or newer.
  3. The OpenSSL extension is installed. This will allow you to use CloudFront Private URLs and decrypt Microsoft® Windows® instance passwords.
  4. The Zlib extension is installed. The SDK will request gzipped data whenever possible.
  5. You're running on a 32-bit system. This means that PHP does not correctly handle files larger than 2GB (this is a well-known PHP issue). For more information, please see: PHP filesize: Return values.
  6. Note that PHP on Microsoft® Windows® does not support 64-bit integers at all, even if both the hardware and PHP are 64-bit.
  7. You have open_basedir or safe_mode enabled in your php.ini file. Sometimes PHP behaves strangely when these settings are enabled. Disable them if you can.
  8. The PHP garbage collector (available in PHP 5.3+) is not enabled in your php.ini file. Enabling zend.enable_gc will provide better memory management in the PHP core.
  9. The file system'; } if ($apc_ok) { $storage_types[] = 'APC'; } if ($xcache_ok) { $storage_types[] = 'XCache'; } if ($sqlite_ok && $sqlite3_ok) { $storage_types[] = 'SQLite 3'; } elseif ($sqlite_ok && $sqlite2_ok) { $storage_types[] = 'SQLite 2'; } if ($memcached_ok) { $storage_types[] = 'Memcached'; } elseif ($memcache_ok) { $storage_types[] = 'Memcache'; } ?>
  10. Storage types available for response caching:

NOTE: You're missing the OpenSSL extension, which means that you won't be able to take advantage of CloudFront Private URLs or decrypt Microsoft® Windows® instance passwords. You're also missing the Zlib extension, which means that the SDK will be unable to request gzipped data from Amazon and you won't be able to take advantage of compression with the response caching feature.

NOTE: You're missing the Zlib extension, which means that the SDK will be unable to request gzipped data from Amazon and you won't be able to take advantage of compression with the response caching feature.

NOTE: You're missing the OpenSSL extension, which means that you won't be able to take advantage of CloudFront Private URLs or decrypt Microsoft® Windows® instance passwords.

  1. PHP: You are running an unsupported version of PHP.
  2. cURL: The cURL extension is not available. Without cURL, the SDK cannot connect to — or authenticate with — Amazon's services.
  3. SimpleXML: The SimpleXML extension is not available. Without SimpleXML, the SDK cannot parse the XML responses from Amazon's services.
  4. DOM: The DOM extension is not available. Without DOM, the SDK cannot transliterate JSON responses from Amazon's services into the common SimpleXML-based pattern used throughout the SDK.
  5. SPL: Standard PHP Library support is not available. Without SPL support, the SDK cannot autoload the required PHP classes.
  6. JSON: JSON support is not available. AWS leverages JSON heavily in many of its services.
  7. PCRE: Your PHP installation doesn't support Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE). Without PCRE, the SDK cannot do any filtering via regular expressions.
  8. File System Read/Write: The file_get_contents() and/or file_put_contents() functions have been disabled. Without them, the SDK cannot read from, or write to, the file system.

NOTE: Passing this test does not guarantee that the AWS SDK for PHP will run on your web server — it only ensures that the requirements have been addressed.