. * */ /** * An actor in a test scenario. * * Every Actor object is intended to be used only in a single test scenario. * An Actor can control its web browser thanks to the Mink Session received when * it was created, so in each scenario each Actor must have its own Mink * Session; the same Mink Session can be used by different Actors in different * scenarios, but never by different Actors in the same scenario. * * The test servers used in an scenario can change between different test runs, * so an Actor stores the base URL for the current test server being used; in * most cases the tests are specified using relative paths that can be converted * to the appropriate absolute URL using locatePath() in the step * implementation. * * An Actor can find elements in its Mink Session using its find() method; it is * a wrapper over the find() method provided by Mink that extends it with * several features: the element can be looked for based on a Locator object, an * exception is thrown if the element is not found, and, optionally, it is * possible to try again to find the element several times before giving up. * * The amount of time to wait before giving up is specified in each call to * find(). However, a general multiplier to be applied to every timeout can be * set using setFindTimeoutMultiplier(); this makes possible to retry longer * before giving up without modifying the tests themselves. Note that the * multiplier affects the timeout, but not the timeout step; the rate at which * find() will try again to find the element does not change. * * All actors share a notebook in which data can be annotated. This makes * possible to share data between different test steps, no matter which Actor * performs them. */ class Actor { /** * @var \Behat\Mink\Session */ private $session; /** * @var string */ private $baseUrl; /** * @var float */ private $findTimeoutMultiplier; /** * @var array */ private $sharedNotebook; /** * Creates a new Actor. * * @param \Behat\Mink\Session $session the Mink Session used to control its * web browser. * @param string $baseUrl the base URL used when solving relative URLs. * @param array $sharedNotebook the notebook shared between all actors. */ public function __construct(\Behat\Mink\Session $session, $baseUrl, &$sharedNotebook) { $this->session = $session; $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl; $this->sharedNotebook = &$sharedNotebook; $this->findTimeoutMultiplier = 1; } /** * Sets the base URL. * * @param string $baseUrl the base URL used when solving relative URLs. */ public function setBaseUrl($baseUrl) { $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl; } /** * Sets the multiplier for find timeouts. * * @param float $findTimeoutMultiplier the multiplier to apply to find * timeouts. */ public function setFindTimeoutMultiplier($findTimeoutMultiplier) { $this->findTimeoutMultiplier = $findTimeoutMultiplier; } /** * Returns the Mink Session used to control its web browser. * * @return \Behat\Mink\Session the Mink Session used to control its web * browser. */ public function getSession() { return $this->session; } /** * Returns the full path for the given relative path based on the base URL. * * @param string relativePath the relative path. * @return string the full path. */ public function locatePath($relativePath) { return $this->baseUrl . $relativePath; } /** * Finds an element in the Mink Session of this Actor. * * The given element locator is relative to its ancestor (either another * locator or an actual element); if it has no ancestor then the base * document element is used. * * Sometimes an element may not be found simply because it has not appeared * yet; for those cases this method supports trying again to find the * element several times before giving up. The timeout parameter controls * how much time to wait, at most, to find the element; the timeoutStep * parameter controls how much time to wait before trying again to find the * element. If ancestor locators need to be found the timeout is applied * individually to each one, that is, if the timeout is 10 seconds the * method will wait up to 10 seconds to find the ancestor of the ancestor * and, then, up to 10 seconds to find the ancestor and, then, up to 10 * seconds to find the element. By default the timeout is 0, so the element * and its ancestor will be looked for just once; the default time to wait * before retrying is half a second. If the timeout is not 0 it will be * affected by the multiplier set using setFindTimeoutMultiplier(), if any. * * In any case, if the element, or its ancestors, can not be found a * NoSuchElementException is thrown. * * @param Locator $elementLocator the locator for the element. * @param float $timeout the number of seconds (decimals allowed) to wait at * most for the element to appear. * @param float $timeoutStep the number of seconds (decimals allowed) to * wait before trying to find the element again. * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\Element the element found. * @throws NoSuchElementException if the element, or its ancestor, can not * be found. */ public function find(Locator $elementLocator, $timeout = 0, $timeoutStep = 0.5) { $timeout = $timeout * $this->findTimeoutMultiplier; return $this->findInternal($elementLocator, $timeout, $timeoutStep); } /** * Finds an element in the Mink Session of this Actor. * * The timeout is not affected by the multiplier set using * setFindTimeoutMultiplier(). * * @see find($elementLocator, $timeout, $timeoutStep) */ private function findInternal(Locator $elementLocator, $timeout, $timeoutStep) { $element = null; $selector = $elementLocator->getSelector(); $locator = $elementLocator->getLocator(); $ancestorElement = $this->findAncestorElement($elementLocator, $timeout, $timeoutStep); $findCallback = function() use (&$element, $selector, $locator, $ancestorElement) { $element = $ancestorElement->find($selector, $locator); return $element !== null; }; if (!Utils::waitFor($findCallback, $timeout, $timeoutStep)) { $message = $elementLocator->getDescription() . " could not be found"; if ($timeout > 0) { $message = $message . " after $timeout seconds"; } throw new NoSuchElementException($message); } return $element; } /** * Returns the ancestor element from which the given locator will be looked * for. * * If the ancestor of the given locator is another locator the element for * the ancestor locator is found and returned. If the ancestor of the given * locator is already an element that element is the one returned. If the * given locator has no ancestor then the base document element is returned. * * The timeout is used only when finding the element for the ancestor * locator; if the timeout expires a NoSuchElementException is thrown. * * @param Locator $elementLocator the locator for the element to get its * ancestor. * @param float $timeout the number of seconds (decimals allowed) to wait at * most for the ancestor element to appear. * @param float $timeoutStep the number of seconds (decimals allowed) to * wait before trying to find the ancestor element again. * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\Element the ancestor element found. * @throws NoSuchElementException if the ancestor element can not be found. */ private function findAncestorElement(Locator $elementLocator, $timeout, $timeoutStep) { $ancestorElement = $elementLocator->getAncestor(); if ($ancestorElement instanceof Locator) { try { $ancestorElement = $this->findInternal($ancestorElement, $timeout, $timeoutStep); } catch (NoSuchElementException $exception) { // Little hack to show the stack of ancestor elements that could // not be found, as Behat only shows the message of the last // exception in the chain. $message = $exception->getMessage() . "\n" . $elementLocator->getDescription() . " could not be found"; if ($timeout > 0) { $message = $message . " after $timeout seconds"; } throw new NoSuchElementException($message, $exception); } } if ($ancestorElement === null) { $ancestorElement = $this->getSession()->getPage(); } return $ancestorElement; } /** * Returns the shared notebook of the Actors. * * @return array the shared notebook of the Actors. */ public function &getSharedNotebook() { return $this->sharedNotebook; } }