. * */ use Behat\Behat\Context\Context; class FilesAppSharingContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface { use ActorAware; /** * @return Locator */ public static function sharedByLabel() { return Locator::forThe()->css(".reshare")-> descendantOf(FilesAppContext::detailsView())-> describedAs("Shared by label in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function shareWithInput() { return Locator::forThe()->css(".shareWithField")-> descendantOf(FilesAppContext::detailsView())-> describedAs("Share with input in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function shareeList() { return Locator::forThe()->css(".shareeListView")-> descendantOf(FilesAppContext::detailsView())-> describedAs("Sharee list in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function sharedWithRow($sharedWithName) { // "username" class is used for any type of share, not only for shares // with users. return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//span[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' username ') and normalize-space() = '$sharedWithName']/ancestor::li")-> descendantOf(self::shareeList())-> describedAs("Shared with $sharedWithName row in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function shareWithMenuButton($sharedWithName) { return Locator::forThe()->css(".share-menu > .icon")-> descendantOf(self::sharedWithRow($sharedWithName))-> describedAs("Share with $sharedWithName menu button in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function shareWithMenu($sharedWithName) { return Locator::forThe()->css(".share-menu > .menu")-> descendantOf(self::sharedWithRow($sharedWithName))-> describedAs("Share with $sharedWithName menu in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function canReshareCheckbox($sharedWithName) { // forThe()->checkbox("Can reshare") can not be used here; that would // return the checkbox itself, but the element that the user interacts // with is the label. return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//label[normalize-space() = 'Can reshare']")-> descendantOf(self::shareWithMenu($sharedWithName))-> describedAs("Can reshare checkbox in the share with $sharedWithName menu in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function canReshareCheckboxInput($sharedWithName) { return Locator::forThe()->checkbox("Can reshare")-> descendantOf(self::shareWithMenu($sharedWithName))-> describedAs("Can reshare checkbox input in the share with $sharedWithName menu in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function shareLinkRow() { return Locator::forThe()->id("shareLink")-> descendantOf(FilesAppContext::detailsView())-> describedAs("Share link row in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function shareLinkCheckbox() { // forThe()->checkbox("Enable") can not be used here; that would return // the checkbox itself, but the element that the user interacts with is // the label. return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//label[normalize-space() = 'Enable']")-> descendantOf(self::shareLinkRow())-> describedAs("Share link checkbox in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function shareLinkMenuButton() { return Locator::forThe()->css(".share-menu > .icon")-> descendantOf(self::shareLinkRow())-> describedAs("Share link menu button in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function shareLinkMenu() { return Locator::forThe()->css(".share-menu > .menu")-> descendantOf(self::shareLinkRow())-> describedAs("Share link menu in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function copyUrlMenuItem() { return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//a[normalize-space() = 'Copy URL']")-> descendantOf(self::shareLinkMenu())-> describedAs("Copy URL menu item in the share link menu in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function allowUploadAndEditingRadioButton() { // forThe()->radio("Allow upload and editing") can not be used here; // that would return the radio button itself, but the element that the // user interacts with is the label. return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//label[normalize-space() = 'Allow upload and editing']")-> descendantOf(self::shareLinkMenu())-> describedAs("Allow upload and editing radio button in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function passwordProtectCheckbox() { // forThe()->checkbox("Password protect") can not be used here; that // would return the checkbox itself, but the element that the user // interacts with is the label. return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//label[normalize-space() = 'Password protect']")-> descendantOf(self::shareLinkMenu())-> describedAs("Password protect checkbox in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function passwordProtectField() { return Locator::forThe()->css(".linkPassText")->descendantOf(self::shareLinkMenu())-> describedAs("Password protect field in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function passwordProtectWorkingIcon() { return Locator::forThe()->css(".linkPassMenu .icon-loading-small")->descendantOf(self::shareLinkMenu())-> describedAs("Password protect working icon in the details view in Files app"); } /** * @Given I share the link for :fileName */ public function iShareTheLinkFor($fileName) { $this->actor->find(FileListContext::shareActionForFile(FilesAppContext::currentSectionMainView(), $fileName), 10)->click(); $this->actor->find(self::shareLinkCheckbox(), 5)->click(); } /** * @Given I share :fileName with :shareWithName */ public function iShareWith($fileName, $shareWithName) { $this->actor->find(FileListContext::shareActionForFile(FilesAppContext::currentSectionMainView(), $fileName), 10)->click(); $this->actor->find(self::shareWithInput(), 5)->setValue($shareWithName . "\r"); } /** * @Given I write down the shared link */ public function iWriteDownTheSharedLink() { $this->showShareLinkMenuIfNeeded(); $this->actor->find(self::copyUrlMenuItem(), 2)->click(); // Clicking on the menu item copies the link to the clipboard, but it is // not possible to access that value from the acceptance tests. Due to // this the value of the attribute that holds the URL is used instead. $this->actor->getSharedNotebook()["shared link"] = $this->actor->find(self::copyUrlMenuItem(), 2)->getWrappedElement()->getAttribute("data-clipboard-text"); } /** * @When I set the shared link as editable */ public function iSetTheSharedLinkAsEditable() { $this->showShareLinkMenuIfNeeded(); $this->actor->find(self::allowUploadAndEditingRadioButton(), 2)->click(); } /** * @When I protect the shared link with the password :password */ public function iProtectTheSharedLinkWithThePassword($password) { $this->showShareLinkMenuIfNeeded(); $this->actor->find(self::passwordProtectCheckbox(), 2)->click(); $this->actor->find(self::passwordProtectField(), 2)->setValue($password . "\r"); } /** * @When I set the share with :shareWithName as not reshareable */ public function iSetTheShareWithAsNotReshareable($shareWithName) { $this->showShareWithMenuIfNeeded($shareWithName); $this->iSeeThatCanReshareTheShare($shareWithName); $this->actor->find(self::canReshareCheckbox($shareWithName), 2)->click(); } /** * @Then I see that the file is shared with me by :sharedByName */ public function iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWithMeBy($sharedByName) { PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals( $this->actor->find(self::sharedByLabel(), 10)->getText(), "Shared with you by $sharedByName"); } /** * @Then I see that the file is shared with :sharedWithName */ public function iSeeThatTheFileIsSharedWith($sharedWithName) { PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue( $this->actor->find(self::sharedWithRow($sharedWithName), 10)->isVisible()); } /** * @Then I see that resharing the file is not allowed */ public function iSeeThatResharingTheFileIsNotAllowed() { PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals( $this->actor->find(self::shareWithInput(), 10)->getWrappedElement()->getAttribute("disabled"), "disabled"); PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals( $this->actor->find(self::shareWithInput(), 10)->getWrappedElement()->getAttribute("placeholder"), "Resharing is not allowed"); } /** * @Then I see that :sharedWithName can reshare the share */ public function iSeeThatCanReshareTheShare($sharedWithName) { $this->showShareWithMenuIfNeeded($sharedWithName); PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue( $this->actor->find(self::canReshareCheckboxInput($sharedWithName), 10)->isChecked()); } /** * @Then I see that :sharedWithName can not reshare the share */ public function iSeeThatCanNotReshareTheShare($sharedWithName) { $this->showShareWithMenuIfNeeded($sharedWithName); PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse( $this->actor->find(self::canReshareCheckboxInput($sharedWithName), 10)->isChecked()); } /** * @Then I see that the working icon for password protect is shown */ public function iSeeThatTheWorkingIconForPasswordProtectIsShown() { PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotNull($this->actor->find(self::passwordProtectWorkingIcon(), 10)); } /** * @Then I see that the working icon for password protect is eventually not shown */ public function iSeeThatTheWorkingIconForPasswordProtectIsEventuallyNotShown() { if (!WaitFor::elementToBeEventuallyNotShown( $this->actor, self::passwordProtectWorkingIcon(), $timeout = 10 * $this->actor->getFindTimeoutMultiplier())) { PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::fail("The working icon for password protect is still shown after $timeout seconds"); } } /** * @Given I share the link for :fileName protected by the password :password */ public function iShareTheLinkForProtectedByThePassword($fileName, $password) { $this->iShareTheLinkFor($fileName); $this->iProtectTheSharedLinkWithThePassword($password); $this->iSeeThatTheWorkingIconForPasswordProtectIsShown(); $this->iSeeThatTheWorkingIconForPasswordProtectIsEventuallyNotShown(); } private function showShareLinkMenuIfNeeded() { // In some cases the share menu is hidden after clicking on an action of // the menu. Therefore, if the menu is visible, wait a little just in // case it is in the process of being hidden due to a previous action, // in which case it is shown again. if (WaitFor::elementToBeEventuallyNotShown( $this->actor, self::shareLinkMenu(), $timeout = 2 * $this->actor->getFindTimeoutMultiplier())) { $this->actor->find(self::shareLinkMenuButton(), 10)->click(); } } private function showShareWithMenuIfNeeded($shareWithName) { // In some cases the share menu is hidden after clicking on an action of // the menu. Therefore, if the menu is visible, wait a little just in // case it is in the process of being hidden due to a previous action, // in which case it is shown again. if (WaitFor::elementToBeEventuallyNotShown( $this->actor, self::shareWithMenu($shareWithName), $timeout = 2 * $this->actor->getFindTimeoutMultiplier())) { $this->actor->find(self::shareWithMenuButton($shareWithName), 10)->click(); } } }