/* * Copyright (c) 2014 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function() { /** * The FileList class manages a file list view. * A file list view consists of a controls bar and * a file list table. */ var FileList = function($el, options) { this.initialize($el, options); }; FileList.prototype = { SORT_INDICATOR_ASC_CLASS: 'icon-triangle-s', SORT_INDICATOR_DESC_CLASS: 'icon-triangle-n', id: 'files', appName: t('files', 'Files'), isEmpty: true, useUndo:true, /** * Top-level container with controls and file list */ $el: null, /** * Files table */ $table: null, /** * List of rows (table tbody) */ $fileList: null, breadcrumb: null, /** * Instance of FileSummary */ fileSummary: null, initialized: false, // number of files per page pageSize: 20, /** * Array of files in the current folder. * The entries are of file data. */ files: [], /** * File actions handler, defaults to OCA.Files.FileActions */ fileActions: null, /** * Map of file id to file data */ _selectedFiles: {}, /** * Summary of selected files. * Instance of FileSummary. */ _selectionSummary: null, /** * Sort attribute */ _sort: 'name', /** * Sort direction: 'asc' or 'desc' */ _sortDirection: 'asc', /** * Sort comparator function for the current sort */ _sortComparator: null, /** * Current directory */ _currentDirectory: null, _dragOptions: null, _folderDropOptions: null, /** * Initialize the file list and its components * * @param $el container element with existing markup for the #controls * and a table * @param options map of options, see other parameters * @param scrollContainer scrollable container, defaults to $(window) * @param dragOptions drag options, disabled by default * @param folderDropOptions folder drop options, disabled by default */ initialize: function($el, options) { var self = this; options = options || {}; if (this.initialized) { return; } if (options.dragOptions) { this._dragOptions = options.dragOptions; } if (options.folderDropOptions) { this._folderDropOptions = options.folderDropOptions; } this.$el = $el; this.$container = options.scrollContainer || $(window); this.$table = $el.find('table:first'); this.$fileList = $el.find('#fileList'); this._initFileActions(options.fileActions); this.files = []; this._selectedFiles = {}; this._selectionSummary = new OCA.Files.FileSummary(); this.fileSummary = this._createSummary(); this.setSort('name', 'asc'); var breadcrumbOptions = { onClick: _.bind(this._onClickBreadCrumb, this), getCrumbUrl: function(part) { return self.linkTo(part.dir); } }; // if dropping on folders is allowed, then also allow on breadcrumbs if (this._folderDropOptions) { breadcrumbOptions.onDrop = _.bind(this._onDropOnBreadCrumb, this); } this.breadcrumb = new OCA.Files.BreadCrumb(breadcrumbOptions); this.$el.find('#controls').prepend(this.breadcrumb.$el); this.$el.find('thead th .columntitle').click(_.bind(this._onClickHeader, this)); $(window).resize(function() { // TODO: debounce this ? var width = $(this).width(); self.breadcrumb.resize(width, false); }); this.$fileList.on('click','td.filename>a.name', _.bind(this._onClickFile, this)); this.$fileList.on('change', 'td.filename>input:checkbox', _.bind(this._onClickFileCheckbox, this)); this.$el.on('urlChanged', _.bind(this._onUrlChanged, this)); this.$el.find('.select-all').click(_.bind(this._onClickSelectAll, this)); this.$el.find('.download').click(_.bind(this._onClickDownloadSelected, this)); this.$el.find('.delete-selected').click(_.bind(this._onClickDeleteSelected, this)); this.setupUploadEvents(); this.$container.on('scroll', _.bind(this._onScroll, this)); }, _initFileActions: function(fileActions) { this.fileActions = fileActions; if (!this.fileActions) { this.fileActions = new OCA.Files.FileActions(); this.fileActions.registerDefaultActions(); } }, /** * Event handler for when the URL changed */ _onUrlChanged: function(e) { if (e && e.dir) { this.changeDirectory(e.dir, false, true); } }, /** * Selected/deselects the given file element and updated * the internal selection cache. * * @param $tr single file row element * @param state true to select, false to deselect */ _selectFileEl: function($tr, state) { var $checkbox = $tr.find('td.filename>input:checkbox'); var oldData = !!this._selectedFiles[$tr.data('id')]; var data; $checkbox.prop('checked', state); $tr.toggleClass('selected', state); // already selected ? if (state === oldData) { return; } data = this.elementToFile($tr); if (state) { this._selectedFiles[$tr.data('id')] = data; this._selectionSummary.add(data); } else { delete this._selectedFiles[$tr.data('id')]; this._selectionSummary.remove(data); } this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked', this._selectionSummary.getTotal() === this.files.length); }, /** * Event handler for when clicking on files to select them */ _onClickFile: function(event) { var $tr = $(event.target).closest('tr'); if (event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey) { event.preventDefault(); if (event.shiftKey) { var $lastTr = $(this._lastChecked); var lastIndex = $lastTr.index(); var currentIndex = $tr.index(); var $rows = this.$fileList.children('tr'); // last clicked checkbox below current one ? if (lastIndex > currentIndex) { var aux = lastIndex; lastIndex = currentIndex; currentIndex = aux; } // auto-select everything in-between for (var i = lastIndex + 1; i < currentIndex; i++) { this._selectFileEl($rows.eq(i), true); } } else { this._lastChecked = $tr; } var $checkbox = $tr.find('td.filename>input:checkbox'); this._selectFileEl($tr, !$checkbox.prop('checked')); this.updateSelectionSummary(); } else { var filename = $tr.attr('data-file'); var renaming = $tr.data('renaming'); if (!renaming) { this.fileActions.currentFile = $tr.find('td'); var mime = this.fileActions.getCurrentMimeType(); var type = this.fileActions.getCurrentType(); var permissions = this.fileActions.getCurrentPermissions(); var action = this.fileActions.getDefault(mime,type, permissions); if (action) { event.preventDefault(); // also set on global object for legacy apps window.FileActions.currentFile = this.fileActions.currentFile; action(filename, { $file: $tr, fileList: this, fileActions: this.fileActions, dir: $tr.attr('data-path') || this.getCurrentDirectory() }); } } } }, /** * Event handler for when clicking on a file's checkbox */ _onClickFileCheckbox: function(e) { var $tr = $(e.target).closest('tr'); this._selectFileEl($tr, !$tr.hasClass('selected')); this._lastChecked = $tr; this.updateSelectionSummary(); }, /** * Event handler for when selecting/deselecting all files */ _onClickSelectAll: function(e) { var checked = $(e.target).prop('checked'); this.$fileList.find('td.filename>input:checkbox').prop('checked', checked) .closest('tr').toggleClass('selected', checked); this._selectedFiles = {}; this._selectionSummary.clear(); if (checked) { for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++) { var fileData = this.files[i]; this._selectedFiles[fileData.id] = fileData; this._selectionSummary.add(fileData); } } this.updateSelectionSummary(); }, /** * Event handler for when clicking on "Download" for the selected files */ _onClickDownloadSelected: function(event) { var files; var dir = this.getCurrentDirectory(); if (this.isAllSelected()) { files = OC.basename(dir); dir = OC.dirname(dir) || '/'; } else { files = _.pluck(this.getSelectedFiles(), 'name'); } OC.Notification.show(t('files','Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big.')); OC.redirect(this.getDownloadUrl(files, dir)); return false; }, /** * Event handler for when clicking on "Delete" for the selected files */ _onClickDeleteSelected: function(event) { var files = null; if (!this.isAllSelected()) { files = _.pluck(this.getSelectedFiles(), 'name'); } this.do_delete(files); event.preventDefault(); return false; }, /** * Event handler when clicking on a table header */ _onClickHeader: function(e) { var $target = $(e.target); var sort; if (!$target.is('a')) { $target = $target.closest('a'); } sort = $target.attr('data-sort'); if (sort) { if (this._sort === sort) { this.setSort(sort, (this._sortDirection === 'desc')?'asc':'desc'); } else { this.setSort(sort, 'asc'); } this.reload(); } }, /** * Event handler when clicking on a bread crumb */ _onClickBreadCrumb: function(e) { var $el = $(e.target).closest('.crumb'), $targetDir = $el.data('dir'); if ($targetDir !== undefined) { e.preventDefault(); this.changeDirectory($targetDir); } }, /** * Event handler for when scrolling the list container. * This appends/renders the next page of entries when reaching the bottom. */ _onScroll: function(e) { if (this.$container.scrollTop() + this.$container.height() > this.$el.height() - 100) { this._nextPage(true); } }, /** * Event handler when dropping on a breadcrumb */ _onDropOnBreadCrumb: function( event, ui ) { var $target = $(event.target); if (!$target.is('.crumb')) { $target = $target.closest('.crumb'); } var targetPath = $(event.target).data('dir'); var dir = this.getCurrentDirectory(); while (dir.substr(0,1) === '/') {//remove extra leading /'s dir = dir.substr(1); } dir = '/' + dir; if (dir.substr(-1,1) !== '/') { dir = dir + '/'; } // do nothing if dragged on current dir if (targetPath === dir || targetPath + '/' === dir) { return; } var files = this.getSelectedFiles(); if (files.length === 0) { // single one selected without checkbox? files = _.map(ui.helper.find('tr'), this.elementToFile); } this.move(_.pluck(files, 'name'), targetPath); }, /** * Sets a new page title */ setPageTitle: function(title){ if (title) { title += ' - '; } else { title = ''; } title += this.appName; // Sets the page title with the " - ownCloud" suffix as in templates window.document.title = title + ' - ' + oc_defaults.title; return true; }, /** * Returns the tr element for a given file name * @param fileName file name */ findFileEl: function(fileName){ // use filterAttr to avoid escaping issues return this.$fileList.find('tr').filterAttr('data-file', fileName); }, /** * Returns the file data from a given file element. * @param $el file tr element * @return file data */ elementToFile: function($el){ $el = $($el); return { id: parseInt($el.attr('data-id'), 10), name: $el.attr('data-file'), mimetype: $el.attr('data-mime'), type: $el.attr('data-type'), size: parseInt($el.attr('data-size'), 10), etag: $el.attr('data-etag') }; }, /** * Appends the next page of files into the table * @param animate true to animate the new elements */ _nextPage: function(animate) { var index = this.$fileList.children().length, count = this.pageSize, tr, fileData, newTrs = [], isAllSelected = this.isAllSelected(); if (index >= this.files.length) { return; } while (count > 0 && index < this.files.length) { fileData = this.files[index]; tr = this._renderRow(fileData, {updateSummary: false, silent: true}); this.$fileList.append(tr); if (isAllSelected || this._selectedFiles[fileData.id]) { tr.addClass('selected'); tr.find('input:checkbox').prop('checked', true); } if (animate) { tr.addClass('appear transparent'); newTrs.push(tr); } index++; count--; } if (animate) { // defer, for animation window.setTimeout(function() { for (var i = 0; i < newTrs.length; i++ ) { newTrs[i].removeClass('transparent'); } }, 0); } }, /** * Sets the files to be displayed in the list. * This operation will re-render the list and update the summary. * @param filesArray array of file data (map) */ setFiles: function(filesArray) { // detach to make adding multiple rows faster this.files = filesArray; this.$fileList.detach(); this.$fileList.empty(); // clear "Select all" checkbox this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked', false); this.isEmpty = this.files.length === 0; this._nextPage(); this.$el.find('thead').after(this.$fileList); this.updateEmptyContent(); this.$fileList.trigger($.Event('fileActionsReady', {fileList: this})); this.fileSummary.calculate(filesArray); this.updateSelectionSummary(); $(window).scrollTop(0); this.$fileList.trigger(jQuery.Event("updated")); }, /** * Creates a new table row element using the given file data. * @param fileData map of file attributes * @param options map of attribute "loading" whether the entry is currently loading * @return new tr element (not appended to the table) */ _createRow: function(fileData, options) { var td, simpleSize, basename, extension, sizeColor, icon = OC.Util.replaceSVGIcon(fileData.icon), name = fileData.name, type = fileData.type || 'file', mtime = parseInt(fileData.mtime, 10) || new Date().getTime(), mime = fileData.mimetype, path = fileData.path, linkUrl; options = options || {}; if (type === 'dir') { mime = mime || 'httpd/unix-directory'; } //containing tr var tr = $('').attr({ "data-id" : fileData.id, "data-type": type, "data-size": fileData.size, "data-file": name, "data-mime": mime, "data-mtime": mtime, "data-etag": fileData.etag, "data-permissions": fileData.permissions || this.getDirectoryPermissions() }); if (!_.isUndefined(path)) { tr.attr('data-path', path); } else { path = this.getCurrentDirectory(); } if (type === 'dir') { // use default folder icon icon = icon || OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/folder'); } else { icon = icon || OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/file'); } // filename td td = $('').attr({ "class": "filename", "style": 'background-image:url(' + icon + '); background-size: 32px;' }); // linkUrl if (type === 'dir') { linkUrl = this.linkTo(path + '/' + name); } else { linkUrl = this.getDownloadUrl(name, path); } td.append(''); var linkElem = $('').attr({ "class": "name", "href": linkUrl }); // from here work on the display name name = fileData.displayName || name; // split extension from filename for non dirs if (type !== 'dir' && name.indexOf('.') !== -1) { basename = name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')); extension = name.substr(name.lastIndexOf('.')); } else { basename = name; extension = false; } var nameSpan=$('').addClass('nametext'); var innernameSpan = $('').addClass('innernametext').text(basename); nameSpan.append(innernameSpan); linkElem.append(nameSpan); if (extension) { nameSpan.append($('').addClass('extension').text(extension)); } // dirs can show the number of uploaded files if (type === 'dir') { linkElem.append($('').attr({ 'class': 'uploadtext', 'currentUploads': 0 })); } td.append(linkElem); tr.append(td); // size column if (typeof(fileData.size) !== 'undefined' && fileData.size >= 0) { simpleSize = humanFileSize(parseInt(fileData.size, 10), true); sizeColor = Math.round(160-Math.pow((fileData.size/(1024*1024)),2)); } else { simpleSize = t('files', 'Pending'); } td = $('').attr({ "class": "filesize", "style": 'color:rgb(' + sizeColor + ',' + sizeColor + ',' + sizeColor + ')' }).text(simpleSize); tr.append(td); // date column var modifiedColor = Math.round((Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000) - mtime)/60/60/24*5); td = $('').attr({ "class": "date" }); td.append($('').attr({ "class": "modified", "title": formatDate(mtime), "style": 'color:rgb('+modifiedColor+','+modifiedColor+','+modifiedColor+')' }).text( relative_modified_date(mtime / 1000) )); tr.find('.filesize').text(simpleSize); tr.append(td); return tr; }, /** * Adds an entry to the files array and also into the DOM * in a sorted manner. * * @param fileData map of file attributes * @param options map of attributes: * - "updateSummary": true to update the summary after adding (default), false otherwise * - "silent": true to prevent firing events like "fileActionsReady" * @return new tr element (not appended to the table) */ add: function(fileData, options) { var index = -1; var $tr; var $rows; var $insertionPoint; options = options || {}; // there are three situations to cover: // 1) insertion point is visible on the current page // 2) insertion point is on a not visible page (visible after scrolling) // 3) insertion point is at the end of the list $rows = this.$fileList.children(); index = this._findInsertionIndex(fileData); if (index > this.files.length) { index = this.files.length; } else { $insertionPoint = $rows.eq(index); } // is the insertion point visible ? if ($insertionPoint.length) { // only render if it will really be inserted $tr = this._renderRow(fileData, options); $insertionPoint.before($tr); } else { // if insertion point is after the last visible // entry, append if (index === $rows.length) { $tr = this._renderRow(fileData, options); this.$fileList.append($tr); } } this.isEmpty = false; this.files.splice(index, 0, fileData); if ($tr && options.animate) { $tr.addClass('appear transparent'); window.setTimeout(function() { $tr.removeClass('transparent'); }); } // defaults to true if not defined if (typeof(options.updateSummary) === 'undefined' || !!options.updateSummary) { this.fileSummary.add(fileData, true); this.updateEmptyContent(); } return $tr; }, /** * Creates a new row element based on the given attributes * and returns it. * * @param fileData map of file attributes * @param options map of attributes: * - "index" optional index at which to insert the element * - "updateSummary" true to update the summary after adding (default), false otherwise * @return new tr element (not appended to the table) */ _renderRow: function(fileData, options) { options = options || {}; var type = fileData.type || 'file', mime = fileData.mimetype, path = fileData.path || this.getCurrentDirectory(), permissions = parseInt(fileData.permissions, 10) || 0; if (fileData.isShareMountPoint) { permissions = permissions | OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE; } if (type === 'dir') { mime = mime || 'httpd/unix-directory'; } var tr = this._createRow( fileData, options ); var filenameTd = tr.find('td.filename'); // TODO: move dragging to FileActions ? // enable drag only for deletable files if (this._dragOptions && permissions & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE) { filenameTd.draggable(this._dragOptions); } // allow dropping on folders if (this._folderDropOptions && fileData.type === 'dir') { filenameTd.droppable(this._folderDropOptions); } if (options.hidden) { tr.addClass('hidden'); } // display actions this.fileActions.display(filenameTd, !options.silent, this); if (fileData.isPreviewAvailable) { // lazy load / newly inserted td ? if (!fileData.icon) { this.lazyLoadPreview({ path: path + '/' + fileData.name, mime: mime, etag: fileData.etag, callback: function(url) { filenameTd.css('background-image', 'url(' + url + ')'); } }); } else { // set the preview URL directly var urlSpec = { file: path + '/' + fileData.name, c: fileData.etag }; var previewUrl = this.generatePreviewUrl(urlSpec); previewUrl = previewUrl.replace('(', '%28').replace(')', '%29'); filenameTd.css('background-image', 'url(' + previewUrl + ')'); } } return tr; }, /** * Returns the current directory * @return current directory */ getCurrentDirectory: function(){ return this._currentDirectory || this.$el.find('#dir').val() || '/'; }, /** * Returns the directory permissions * @return permission value as integer */ getDirectoryPermissions: function() { return parseInt(this.$el.find('#permissions').val(), 10); }, /** * @brief Changes the current directory and reload the file list. * @param targetDir target directory (non URL encoded) * @param changeUrl false if the URL must not be changed (defaults to true) * @param {boolean} force set to true to force changing directory */ changeDirectory: function(targetDir, changeUrl, force) { var currentDir = this.getCurrentDirectory(); targetDir = targetDir || '/'; if (!force && currentDir === targetDir) { return; } this._setCurrentDir(targetDir, changeUrl); this.reload(); }, linkTo: function(dir) { return OC.linkTo('files', 'index.php')+"?dir="+ encodeURIComponent(dir).replace(/%2F/g, '/'); }, /** * Sets the current directory name and updates the breadcrumb. * @param targetDir directory to display * @param changeUrl true to also update the URL, false otherwise (default) */ _setCurrentDir: function(targetDir, changeUrl) { var previousDir = this.getCurrentDirectory(), baseDir = OC.basename(targetDir); if (baseDir !== '') { this.setPageTitle(baseDir); } else { this.setPageTitle(); } this._currentDirectory = targetDir; // legacy stuff this.$el.find('#dir').val(targetDir); if (changeUrl !== false) { this.$el.trigger(jQuery.Event('changeDirectory', { dir: targetDir, previousDir: previousDir })); } this.breadcrumb.setDirectory(this.getCurrentDirectory()); }, /** * Sets the current sorting and refreshes the list * * @param sort sort attribute name * @param direction sort direction, one of "asc" or "desc" */ setSort: function(sort, direction) { var comparator = FileList.Comparators[sort] || FileList.Comparators.name; this._sort = sort; this._sortDirection = (direction === 'desc')?'desc':'asc'; this._sortComparator = comparator; if (direction === 'desc') { this._sortComparator = function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) { return -comparator(fileInfo1, fileInfo2); }; } this.$el.find('thead th .sort-indicator') .removeClass(this.SORT_INDICATOR_ASC_CLASS + ' ' + this.SORT_INDICATOR_DESC_CLASS); this.$el.find('thead th.column-' + sort + ' .sort-indicator') .addClass(direction === 'desc' ? this.SORT_INDICATOR_DESC_CLASS : this.SORT_INDICATOR_ASC_CLASS); }, /** * @brief Reloads the file list using ajax call */ reload: function() { var self = this; this._selectedFiles = {}; this._selectionSummary.clear(); this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked', false); this.showMask(); if (this._reloadCall) { this._reloadCall.abort(); } this._reloadCall = $.ajax({ url: this.getAjaxUrl('list'), data: { dir : this.getCurrentDirectory(), sort: this._sort, sortdirection: this._sortDirection }, error: function(result) { self.reloadCallback(result); }, success: function(result) { self.reloadCallback(result); } }); }, reloadCallback: function(result) { delete this._reloadCall; this.hideMask(); if (!result || result.status === 'error') { OC.Notification.show(result.data.message); return; } if (result.status === 404) { // go back home this.changeDirectory('/'); return; } // aborted ? if (result.status === 0){ return; } // TODO: should rather return upload file size through // the files list ajax call this.updateStorageStatistics(true); if (result.data.permissions) { this.setDirectoryPermissions(result.data.permissions); } this.setFiles(result.data.files); }, updateStorageStatistics: function(force) { OCA.Files.Files.updateStorageStatistics(this.getCurrentDirectory(), force); }, getAjaxUrl: function(action, params) { return OCA.Files.Files.getAjaxUrl(action, params); }, getDownloadUrl: function(files, dir) { return OCA.Files.Files.getDownloadUrl(files, dir || this.getCurrentDirectory()); }, /** * Generates a preview URL based on the URL space. * @param urlSpec map with {x: width, y: height, file: file path} * @return preview URL */ generatePreviewUrl: function(urlSpec) { urlSpec = urlSpec || {}; if (!urlSpec.x) { urlSpec.x = this.$table.data('preview-x') || 36; } if (!urlSpec.y) { urlSpec.y = this.$table.data('preview-y') || 36; } urlSpec.y *= window.devicePixelRatio; urlSpec.x *= window.devicePixelRatio; urlSpec.forceIcon = 0; return OC.generateUrl('/core/preview.png?') + $.param(urlSpec); }, /** * Lazy load a file's preview. * * @param path path of the file * @param mime mime type * @param callback callback function to call when the image was loaded * @param etag file etag (for caching) */ lazyLoadPreview : function(options) { var self = this; var path = options.path; var mime = options.mime; var ready = options.callback; var etag = options.etag; // get mime icon url OCA.Files.Files.getMimeIcon(mime, function(iconURL) { var previewURL, urlSpec = {}; ready(iconURL); // set mimeicon URL urlSpec.file = OCA.Files.Files.fixPath(path); if (etag){ // use etag as cache buster urlSpec.c = etag; } else { console.warn('OCA.Files.FileList.lazyLoadPreview(): missing etag argument'); } previewURL = self.generatePreviewUrl(urlSpec); previewURL = previewURL.replace('(', '%28'); previewURL = previewURL.replace(')', '%29'); // preload image to prevent delay // this will make the browser cache the image var img = new Image(); img.onload = function(){ // if loading the preview image failed (no preview for the mimetype) then img.width will < 5 if (img.width > 5) { ready(previewURL); } }; img.src = previewURL; }); }, setDirectoryPermissions: function(permissions) { var isCreatable = (permissions & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0; this.$el.find('#permissions').val(permissions); this.$el.find('.creatable').toggleClass('hidden', !isCreatable); this.$el.find('.notCreatable').toggleClass('hidden', isCreatable); }, /** * Shows/hides action buttons * * @param show true for enabling, false for disabling */ showActions: function(show){ this.$el.find('.actions,#file_action_panel').toggleClass('hidden', !show); if (show){ // make sure to display according to permissions var permissions = this.getDirectoryPermissions(); var isCreatable = (permissions & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0; this.$el.find('.creatable').toggleClass('hidden', !isCreatable); this.$el.find('.notCreatable').toggleClass('hidden', isCreatable); // remove old style breadcrumbs (some apps might create them) this.$el.find('#controls .crumb').remove(); // refresh breadcrumbs in case it was replaced by an app this.breadcrumb.render(); } else{ this.$el.find('.creatable, .notCreatable').addClass('hidden'); } }, /** * Enables/disables viewer mode. * In viewer mode, apps can embed themselves under the controls bar. * In viewer mode, the actions of the file list will be hidden. * @param show true for enabling, false for disabling */ setViewerMode: function(show){ this.showActions(!show); this.$el.find('#filestable').toggleClass('hidden', show); this.$el.trigger(new $.Event('changeViewerMode', {viewerModeEnabled: show})); }, /** * Removes a file entry from the list * @param name name of the file to remove * @param options optional options as map: * "updateSummary": true to update the summary (default), false otherwise * @return deleted element */ remove: function(name, options){ options = options || {}; var fileEl = this.findFileEl(name); var index = fileEl.index(); if (!fileEl.length) { return null; } if (this._selectedFiles[fileEl.data('id')]) { // remove from selection first this._selectFileEl(fileEl, false); this.updateSelectionSummary(); } if (this._dragOptions && (fileEl.data('permissions') & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE)) { // file is only draggable when delete permissions are set fileEl.find('td.filename').draggable('destroy'); } this.files.splice(index, 1); fileEl.remove(); // TODO: improve performance on batch update this.isEmpty = !this.files.length; if (typeof(options.updateSummary) === 'undefined' || !!options.updateSummary) { this.updateEmptyContent(); this.fileSummary.remove({type: fileEl.attr('data-type'), size: fileEl.attr('data-size')}, true); } var lastIndex = this.$fileList.children().length; // if there are less elements visible than one page // but there are still pending elements in the array, // then directly append the next page if (lastIndex < this.files.length && lastIndex < this.pageSize) { this._nextPage(true); } return fileEl; }, /** * Finds the index of the row before which the given * fileData should be inserted, considering the current * sorting */ _findInsertionIndex: function(fileData) { var index = 0; while (index < this.files.length && this._sortComparator(fileData, this.files[index]) > 0) { index++; } return index; }, /** * Moves a file to a given target folder. * * @param fileNames array of file names to move * @param targetPath absolute target path */ move: function(fileNames, targetPath) { var self = this; var dir = this.getCurrentDirectory(); var target = OC.basename(targetPath); if (!_.isArray(fileNames)) { fileNames = [fileNames]; } _.each(fileNames, function(fileName) { var $tr = self.findFileEl(fileName); var $td = $tr.children('td.filename'); var oldBackgroundImage = $td.css('background-image'); $td.css('background-image', 'url('+ OC.imagePath('core', 'loading.gif') + ')'); // TODO: improve performance by sending all file names in a single call $.post( OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'move.php'), { dir: dir, file: fileName, target: targetPath }, function(result) { if (result) { if (result.status === 'success') { // if still viewing the same directory if (self.getCurrentDirectory() === dir) { // recalculate folder size var oldFile = self.findFileEl(target); var newFile = self.findFileEl(fileName); var oldSize = oldFile.data('size'); var newSize = oldSize + newFile.data('size'); oldFile.data('size', newSize); oldFile.find('td.filesize').text(OC.Util.humanFileSize(newSize)); // TODO: also update entry in FileList.files self.remove(fileName); } } else { OC.Notification.hide(); if (result.status === 'error' && result.data.message) { OC.Notification.show(result.data.message); } else { OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Error moving file.')); } // hide notification after 10 sec setTimeout(function() { OC.Notification.hide(); }, 10000); } } else { OC.dialogs.alert(t('files', 'Error moving file'), t('files', 'Error')); } $td.css('background-image', oldBackgroundImage); } ); }); }, /** * Triggers file rename input field for the given file name. * If the user enters a new name, the file will be renamed. * * @param oldname file name of the file to rename */ rename: function(oldname) { var self = this; var tr, td, input, form; tr = this.findFileEl(oldname); var oldFileInfo = this.files[tr.index()]; tr.data('renaming',true); td = tr.children('td.filename'); input = $('').val(oldname); form = $('
'); form.append(input); td.children('a.name').hide(); td.append(form); input.focus(); //preselect input var len = input.val().lastIndexOf('.'); if ( len === -1 || tr.data('type') === 'dir' ) { len = input.val().length; } input.selectRange(0, len); var checkInput = function () { var filename = input.val(); if (filename !== oldname) { // Files.isFileNameValid(filename) throws an exception itself OCA.Files.Files.isFileNameValid(filename); if (self.inList(filename)) { throw t('files', '{new_name} already exists', {new_name: filename}); } } return true; }; form.submit(function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); try { var newName = input.val(); input.tipsy('hide'); form.remove(); if (newName !== oldname) { checkInput(); // mark as loading (temp element) td.css('background-image', 'url('+ OC.imagePath('core', 'loading.gif') + ')'); tr.attr('data-file', newName); var basename = newName; if (newName.indexOf('.') > 0 && tr.data('type') !== 'dir') { basename = newName.substr(0, newName.lastIndexOf('.')); } td.find('a.name span.nametext').text(basename); td.children('a.name').show(); tr.find('.fileactions, .action').addClass('hidden'); $.ajax({ url: OC.filePath('files','ajax','rename.php'), data: { dir : self.getCurrentDirectory(), newname: newName, file: oldname }, success: function(result) { var fileInfo; if (!result || result.status === 'error') { OC.dialogs.alert(result.data.message, t('core', 'Could not rename file')); fileInfo = oldFileInfo; } else { fileInfo = result.data; } // reinsert row self.files.splice(tr.index(), 1); tr.remove(); self.add(fileInfo, {updateSummary: false, silent: true}); self.$fileList.trigger($.Event('fileActionsReady', {fileList: self})); } }); } else { // add back the old file info when cancelled self.files.splice(tr.index(), 1); tr.remove(); self.add(oldFileInfo, {updateSummary: false, silent: true}); self.$fileList.trigger($.Event('fileActionsReady', {fileList: self})); } } catch (error) { input.attr('title', error); input.tipsy({gravity: 'w', trigger: 'manual'}); input.tipsy('show'); input.addClass('error'); } return false; }); input.keyup(function(event) { // verify filename on typing try { checkInput(); input.tipsy('hide'); input.removeClass('error'); } catch (error) { input.attr('title', error); input.tipsy({gravity: 'w', trigger: 'manual'}); input.tipsy('show'); input.addClass('error'); } if (event.keyCode === 27) { input.tipsy('hide'); tr.data('renaming',false); form.remove(); td.children('a.name').show(); } }); input.click(function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }); input.blur(function() { form.trigger('submit'); }); }, inList:function(file) { return this.findFileEl(file).length; }, /** * Delete the given files from the given dir * @param files file names list (without path) * @param dir directory in which to delete the files, defaults to the current * directory */ do_delete:function(files, dir) { var self = this; var params; if (files && files.substr) { files=[files]; } if (files) { for (var i=0; itd.date .action.delete').removeClass('delete-icon').addClass('progress-icon'); } $.post(OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'delete.php'), params, function(result) { if (result.status === 'success') { if (params.allfiles) { self.setFiles([]); } else { $.each(files,function(index,file) { var fileEl = self.remove(file, {updateSummary: false}); // FIXME: not sure why we need this after the // element isn't even in the DOM any more fileEl.find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false); fileEl.removeClass('selected'); self.fileSummary.remove({type: fileEl.attr('data-type'), size: fileEl.attr('data-size')}); }); } // TODO: this info should be returned by the ajax call! self.updateEmptyContent(); self.fileSummary.update(); self.updateSelectionSummary(); self.updateStorageStatistics(); } else { if (result.status === 'error' && result.data.message) { OC.Notification.show(result.data.message); } else { OC.Notification.show(t('files', 'Error deleting file.')); } // hide notification after 10 sec setTimeout(function() { OC.Notification.hide(); }, 10000); if (params.allfiles) { // reload the page as we don't know what files were deleted // and which ones remain self.reload(); } else { $.each(files,function(index,file) { var deleteAction = self.findFileEl(file).find('.action.delete'); deleteAction.removeClass('progress-icon').addClass('delete-icon'); }); } } }); }, /** * Creates the file summary section */ _createSummary: function() { var $tr = $(''); this.$el.find('tfoot').append($tr); return new OCA.Files.FileSummary($tr); }, updateEmptyContent: function() { var permissions = this.getDirectoryPermissions(); var isCreatable = (permissions & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0; this.$el.find('#emptycontent').toggleClass('hidden', !isCreatable || !this.isEmpty); this.$el.find('#filestable thead th').toggleClass('hidden', this.isEmpty); }, /** * Shows the loading mask. * * @see #hideMask */ showMask: function() { // in case one was shown before var $mask = this.$el.find('.mask'); if ($mask.exists()) { return; } this.$table.addClass('hidden'); $mask = $('
'); $mask.css('background-image', 'url('+ OC.imagePath('core', 'loading.gif') + ')'); $mask.css('background-repeat', 'no-repeat'); this.$el.append($mask); $mask.removeClass('transparent'); }, /** * Hide the loading mask. * @see #showMask */ hideMask: function() { this.$el.find('.mask').remove(); this.$table.removeClass('hidden'); }, scrollTo:function(file) { //scroll to and highlight preselected file var $scrollToRow = this.findFileEl(file); if ($scrollToRow.exists()) { $scrollToRow.addClass('searchresult'); $(window).scrollTop($scrollToRow.position().top); //remove highlight when hovered over $scrollToRow.one('hover', function() { $scrollToRow.removeClass('searchresult'); }); } }, filter:function(query) { this.$fileList.find('tr').each(function(i,e) { if ($(e).data('file').toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { $(e).addClass("searchresult"); } else { $(e).removeClass("searchresult"); } }); //do not use scrollto to prevent removing searchresult css class var first = this.$fileList.find('tr.searchresult').first(); if (first.exists()) { $(window).scrollTop(first.position().top); } }, unfilter:function() { this.$fileList.find('tr.searchresult').each(function(i,e) { $(e).removeClass("searchresult"); }); }, /** * Update UI based on the current selection */ updateSelectionSummary: function() { var summary = this._selectionSummary.summary; var canDelete; if (summary.totalFiles === 0 && summary.totalDirs === 0) { this.$el.find('#headerName a.name>span:first').text(t('files','Name')); this.$el.find('#headerSize a>span:first').text(t('files','Size')); this.$el.find('#modified a>span:first').text(t('files','Modified')); this.$el.find('table').removeClass('multiselect'); this.$el.find('.selectedActions').addClass('hidden'); } else { canDelete = (this.getDirectoryPermissions() & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE); this.$el.find('.selectedActions').removeClass('hidden'); this.$el.find('#headerSize a>span:first').text(OC.Util.humanFileSize(summary.totalSize)); var selection = ''; if (summary.totalDirs > 0) { selection += n('files', '%n folder', '%n folders', summary.totalDirs); if (summary.totalFiles > 0) { selection += ' & '; } } if (summary.totalFiles > 0) { selection += n('files', '%n file', '%n files', summary.totalFiles); } this.$el.find('#headerName a.name>span:first').text(selection); this.$el.find('#modified a>span:first').text(''); this.$el.find('table').addClass('multiselect'); this.$el.find('.delete-selected').toggleClass('hidden', !canDelete); } }, /** * Returns whether all files are selected * @return true if all files are selected, false otherwise */ isAllSelected: function() { return this.$el.find('.select-all').prop('checked'); }, /** * Returns the file info of the selected files * * @return array of file names */ getSelectedFiles: function() { return _.values(this._selectedFiles); }, getUniqueName: function(name) { if (this.findFileEl(name).exists()) { var numMatch; var parts=name.split('.'); var extension = ""; if (parts.length > 1) { extension=parts.pop(); } var base=parts.join('.'); numMatch=base.match(/\((\d+)\)/); var num=2; if (numMatch && numMatch.length>0) { num=parseInt(numMatch[numMatch.length-1])+1; base=base.split('('); base.pop(); base=$.trim(base.join('(')); } name=base+' ('+num+')'; if (extension) { name = name+'.'+extension; } // FIXME: ugly recursion return this.getUniqueName(name); } return name; }, /** * Setup file upload events related to the file-upload plugin */ setupUploadEvents: function() { var self = this; // handle upload events var fileUploadStart = this.$el.find('#file_upload_start'); fileUploadStart.on('fileuploaddrop', function(e, data) { OC.Upload.log('filelist handle fileuploaddrop', e, data); var dropTarget = $(e.originalEvent.target); // check if dropped inside this container and not another one if (dropTarget.length && !self.$el.is(dropTarget) && !self.$el.has(dropTarget).length) { return false; } // find the closest tr or crumb to use as target dropTarget = dropTarget.closest('tr, .crumb'); // if dropping on tr or crumb, drag&drop upload to folder if (dropTarget && (dropTarget.data('type') === 'dir' || dropTarget.hasClass('crumb'))) { // remember as context data.context = dropTarget; var dir = dropTarget.data('file'); // if from file list, need to prepend parent dir if (dir) { var parentDir = self.getCurrentDirectory(); if (parentDir[parentDir.length - 1] !== '/') { parentDir += '/'; } dir = parentDir + dir; } else{ // read full path from crumb dir = dropTarget.data('dir') || '/'; } // update folder in form data.formData = function() { return [ {name: 'dir', value: dir}, {name: 'requesttoken', value: oc_requesttoken}, {name: 'file_directory', value: data.files[0].relativePath} ]; }; } else { // we are dropping somewhere inside the file list, which will // upload the file to the current directory // cancel uploads to current dir if no permission var isCreatable = (self.getDirectoryPermissions() & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) !== 0; if (!isCreatable) { return false; } } }); fileUploadStart.on('fileuploadadd', function(e, data) { OC.Upload.log('filelist handle fileuploadadd', e, data); //finish delete if we are uploading a deleted file if (self.deleteFiles && self.deleteFiles.indexOf(data.files[0].name)!==-1) { self.finishDelete(null, true); //delete file before continuing } // add ui visualization to existing folder if (data.context && data.context.data('type') === 'dir') { // add to existing folder // update upload counter ui var uploadText = data.context.find('.uploadtext'); var currentUploads = parseInt(uploadText.attr('currentUploads'), 10); currentUploads += 1; uploadText.attr('currentUploads', currentUploads); var translatedText = n('files', 'Uploading %n file', 'Uploading %n files', currentUploads); if (currentUploads === 1) { var img = OC.imagePath('core', 'loading.gif'); data.context.find('td.filename').attr('style','background-image:url('+img+')'); uploadText.text(translatedText); uploadText.show(); } else { uploadText.text(translatedText); } } }); /* * when file upload done successfully add row to filelist * update counter when uploading to sub folder */ fileUploadStart.on('fileuploaddone', function(e, data) { OC.Upload.log('filelist handle fileuploaddone', e, data); var response; if (typeof data.result === 'string') { response = data.result; } else { // fetch response from iframe response = data.result[0].body.innerText; } var result=$.parseJSON(response); if (typeof result[0] !== 'undefined' && result[0].status === 'success') { var file = result[0]; var size = 0; if (data.context && data.context.data('type') === 'dir') { // update upload counter ui var uploadText = data.context.find('.uploadtext'); var currentUploads = parseInt(uploadText.attr('currentUploads'), 10); currentUploads -= 1; uploadText.attr('currentUploads', currentUploads); var translatedText = n('files', 'Uploading %n file', 'Uploading %n files', currentUploads); if (currentUploads === 0) { var img = OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/folder'); data.context.find('td.filename').attr('style','background-image:url('+img+')'); uploadText.text(translatedText); uploadText.hide(); } else { uploadText.text(translatedText); } // update folder size size = parseInt(data.context.data('size'), 10); size += parseInt(file.size, 10); data.context.attr('data-size', size); data.context.find('td.filesize').text(humanFileSize(size)); } else { // only append new file if uploaded into the current folder if (file.directory !== '/' && file.directory !== self.getCurrentDirectory()) { var fileDirectory = file.directory.replace('/','').replace(/\/$/, "").split('/'); if (fileDirectory.length === 1) { fileDirectory = fileDirectory[0]; // Get the directory var fd = self.findFileEl(fileDirectory); if (fd.length === 0) { var dir = { name: fileDirectory, type: 'dir', mimetype: 'httpd/unix-directory', permissions: file.permissions, size: 0, id: file.parentId }; self.add(dir, {insert: true}); } } else { fileDirectory = fileDirectory[0]; } fileDirectory = self.findFileEl(fileDirectory); // update folder size size = parseInt(fileDirectory.attr('data-size'), 10); size += parseInt(file.size, 10); fileDirectory.attr('data-size', size); fileDirectory.find('td.filesize').text(humanFileSize(size)); return; } // add as stand-alone row to filelist size = t('files', 'Pending'); if (data.files[0].size>=0) { size=data.files[0].size; } //should the file exist in the list remove it self.remove(file.name); // create new file context data.context = self.add(file, {animate: true}); } } }); fileUploadStart.on('fileuploadstop', function(e, data) { OC.Upload.log('filelist handle fileuploadstop', e, data); //if user pressed cancel hide upload chrome if (data.errorThrown === 'abort') { //cleanup uploading to a dir var uploadText = $('tr .uploadtext'); var img = OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/folder'); uploadText.parents('td.filename').attr('style','background-image:url('+img+')'); uploadText.fadeOut(); uploadText.attr('currentUploads', 0); } self.updateStorageStatistics(); }); fileUploadStart.on('fileuploadfail', function(e, data) { OC.Upload.log('filelist handle fileuploadfail', e, data); //if user pressed cancel hide upload chrome if (data.errorThrown === 'abort') { //cleanup uploading to a dir var uploadText = $('tr .uploadtext'); var img = OC.imagePath('core', 'filetypes/folder'); uploadText.parents('td.filename').attr('style','background-image:url('+img+')'); uploadText.fadeOut(); uploadText.attr('currentUploads', 0); } self.updateStorageStatistics(); }); } }; /** * Sort comparators. */ FileList.Comparators = { /** * Compares two file infos by name, making directories appear * first. * * @param fileInfo1 file info * @param fileInfo2 file info * @return -1 if the first file must appear before the second one, * 0 if they are identify, 1 otherwise. */ name: function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) { if (fileInfo1.type === 'dir' && fileInfo2.type !== 'dir') { return -1; } if (fileInfo1.type !== 'dir' && fileInfo2.type === 'dir') { return 1; } return fileInfo1.name.localeCompare(fileInfo2.name); }, /** * Compares two file infos by size. * * @param fileInfo1 file info * @param fileInfo2 file info * @return -1 if the first file must appear before the second one, * 0 if they are identify, 1 otherwise. */ size: function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) { return fileInfo1.size - fileInfo2.size; }, /** * Compares two file infos by timestamp. * * @param fileInfo1 file info * @param fileInfo2 file info * @return -1 if the first file must appear before the second one, * 0 if they are identify, 1 otherwise. */ mtime: function(fileInfo1, fileInfo2) { return fileInfo1.mtime - fileInfo2.mtime; } }; OCA.Files.FileList = FileList; })(); $(document).ready(function() { // FIXME: unused ? OCA.Files.FileList.useUndo = (window.onbeforeunload)?true:false; $(window).bind('beforeunload', function () { if (OCA.Files.FileList.lastAction) { OCA.Files.FileList.lastAction(); } }); $(window).unload(function () { $(window).trigger('beforeunload'); }); });