. * */ /** * Class for abstraction of filesystem functions * This class won't call any filesystem functions for itself but but will pass them to the correct OC_FILESTORAGE object * this class should also handle all the file premission related stuff * * Hooks provided: * read(path) * write(path, &run) * post_write(path) * create(path, &run) (when a file is created, both create and write will be emited in that order) * post_create(path) * delete(path, &run) * post_delete(path) * rename(oldpath,newpath, &run) * post_rename(oldpath,newpath) * copy(oldpath,newpath, &run) (if the newpath doesn't exists yes, copy, create and write will be emited in that order) * post_rename(oldpath,newpath) * * the &run parameter can be set to false to prevent the operation from occuring */ class OC_FILESYSTEM{ static private $storages=array(); static private $fakeRoot=''; static private $storageTypes=array(); /** * register a storage type * @param string type * @param string classname * @param array arguments an associative array in the form of name=>type (eg array('datadir'=>'string')) */ static public function registerStorageType($type,$classname,$arguments){ self::$storageTypes[$type]=array('type'=>$type,'classname'=>$classname,'arguments'=>$arguments); } /** * check if the filesystem supports a specific storagetype * @param string type * @return bool */ static public function hasStorageType($type){ return isset(self::$storageTypes[$type]); } /** * get the list of names of storagetypes that the filesystem supports * @return array */ static public function getStorageTypeNames(){ return array_keys(self::$storageTypes); } /** * tear down the filesystem, removing all storage providers */ static public function tearDown(){ foreach(self::$storages as $mountpoint=>$storage){ unset(self::$storages[$mountpoint]); } $fakeRoot=''; } /** * create a new storage of a specific type * @param string type * @param array arguments * @return OC_FILESTORAGE */ static public function createStorage($type,$arguments){ if(!self::hasStorageType($type)){ return false; } $className=self::$storageTypes[$type]['classname']; if(class_exists($className)){ return new $className($arguments); }else{ return false; } } /** * change the root to a fake toor * @param string fakeRoot * @return bool */ static public function chroot($fakeRoot){ if(!$fakeRoot==''){ if($fakeRoot[0]!=='/'){ $fakeRoot='/'.$fakeRoot; } } self::$fakeRoot=$fakeRoot; } /** * get the part of the path relative to the mountpoint of the storage it's stored in * @param string path * @return bool */ static public function getInternalPath($path){ $mountPoint=self::getMountPoint($path); $path=self::$fakeRoot.$path; $internalPath=substr($path,strlen($mountPoint)); return $internalPath; } /** * check if the current users has the right premissions to read a file * @param string path * @return bool */ static private function canRead($path){ if(substr($path,0,1)!=='/'){ $path='/'.$path; } if(strstr($path,'/../') || strrchr($path, '/') === '/..' ){ return false; } return true;//dummy untill premissions are correctly implemented, also the correcty value because for now users are locked in their seperate data dir and can read/write everything in there } /** * check if the current users has the right premissions to write a file * @param string path * @return bool */ static private function canWrite($path){ if(substr($path,0,1)!=='/'){ $path='/'.$path; } if(strstr($path,'/../') || strrchr($path, '/') === '/..' ){ return false; } return true;//dummy untill premissions are correctly implemented, also the correcty value because for now users are locked in their seperate data dir and can read/write everything in there } /** * mount an OC_FILESTORAGE in our virtual filesystem * @param OC_FILESTORAGE storage * @param string mountpoint */ static public function mount($storage,$mountpoint){ if(substr($mountpoint,0,1)!=='/'){ $mountpoint='/'.$mountpoint; } self::$storages[self::$fakeRoot.$mountpoint]=$storage; } /** * get the storage object for a path * @param string path * @return OC_FILESTORAGE */ static private function getStorage($path){ $mountpoint=self::getMountPoint($path); if($mountpoint){ return self::$storages[$mountpoint]; } } /** * get the mountpoint of the storage object for a path ( note: because a storage is not always mounted inside the fakeroot, the returned mountpoint is relative to the absolute root of the filesystem and doesn't take the chroot into account * * @param string path * @return string */ static private function getMountPoint($path){ if(!$path){ $path='/'; } if(substr($path,0,1)!=='/'){ $path='/'.$path; } if(substr($path,-1)!=='/'){ $path=$path.'/'; } $path=self::$fakeRoot.$path; $foundMountPoint=''; foreach(self::$storages as $mountpoint=>$storage){ if(substr($mountpoint,-1)!=='/'){ $mountpoint=$mountpoint.'/'; } if($mountpoint==$path){ return $mountpoint; } if(strpos($path,$mountpoint)===0 and strlen($mountpoint)>strlen($foundMountPoint)){ $foundMountPoint=$mountpoint; } } return $foundMountPoint; } /** * return the path to a local version of the file * we need this because we can't know if a file is stored local or not from outside the filestorage and for some purposes a local file is needed * @param string path * @return string */ static public function getLocalFile($path){ $parent=substr($path,0,strrpos($path,'/')); if(self::canRead($parent) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->getLocalFile(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function mkdir($path){ $parent=substr($path,0,strrpos($path,'/')); if(self::canWrite($parent) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ $run=true; OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'create', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); if($run){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'write', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); } if($run){ $result=$storage->mkdir(self::getInternalPath($path)); OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_create', array( 'path' => $path)); OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_write', array( 'path' => $path)); return $result; } } } static public function rmdir($path){ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ $run=true; OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'delete', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); if($run){ $result=$storage->rmdir(self::getInternalPath($path)); OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_delete', array( 'path' => $path)); return $result; } } } static public function opendir($path){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'read', array( 'path' => $path)); return $storage->opendir(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function is_dir($path){ if($path=='/'){ return true; } if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->is_dir(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function is_file($path){ if($path=='/'){ return false; } if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->is_file(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function stat($path){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->stat(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function filetype($path){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->filetype(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function filesize($path){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->filesize(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function readfile($path){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'read', array( 'path' => $path)); return $storage->readfile(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function is_readable($path){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->is_readable(self::getInternalPath($path)); } return false; } static public function is_writeable($path){ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->is_writeable(self::getInternalPath($path)); } return false; } static public function file_exists($path){ if($path=='/'){ return true; } if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->file_exists(self::getInternalPath($path)); } return false; } static public function filectime($path){ if($storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->filectime(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function filemtime($path){ if($storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->filemtime(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function fileatime($path){ if($storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->fileatime(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function file_get_contents($path){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'read', array( 'path' => $path)); return $storage->file_get_contents(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function file_put_contents($path,$data){ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ $run=true; $exists=self::file_exists($path); if(!$exists){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'create', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); } if($run){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'write', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); } if($run){ $result=$storage->file_put_contents(self::getInternalPath($path),$data); if(!$exists){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_create', array( 'path' => $path)); } OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_write', array( 'path' => $path)); return $result; } } } static public function unlink($path){ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ $run=true; OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'delete', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); if($run){ $result=$storage->unlink(self::getInternalPath($path)); OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_delete', array( 'path' => $path)); return $result; } } } static public function rename($path1,$path2){ if(self::canWrite($path1) and self::canWrite($path2)){ $run=true; OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'rename', array( 'oldpath' => $path1 ,'newpath'=>$path2, 'run' => &$run)); if($run){ $mp1=self::getMountPoint($path1); $mp2=self::getMountPoint($path2); if($mp1==$mp2){ if($storage=self::getStorage($path1)){ $result=$storage->rename(self::getInternalPath($path1),self::getInternalPath($path2)); } }elseif($storage1=self::getStorage($path1) and $storage2=self::getStorage($path2)){ $tmpFile=$storage1->toTmpFile(self::getInternalPath($path1)); $result=$storage2->fromTmpFile($tmpFile,self::getInternalPath($path2)); $storage1->unlink(self::getInternalPath($path1)); } OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_rename', array( 'oldpath' => $path1, 'newpath'=>$path2)); return $result; } } } static public function copy($path1,$path2){ if(self::canRead($path1) and self::canWrite($path2)){ $run=true; OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'copy', array( 'oldpath' => $path1 ,'newpath'=>$path2, 'run' => &$run)); $exists=self::file_exists($path2); if($run and !$exists){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'create', array( 'path' => $path2, 'run' => &$run)); } if($run){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'write', array( 'path' => $path2, 'run' => &$run)); } if($run){ $mp1=self::getMountPoint($path1); $mp2=self::getMountPoint($path2); if($mp1==$mp2){ if($storage=self::getStorage($path1)){ $result=$storage->copy(self::getInternalPath($path1),self::getInternalPath($path2)); } }elseif($storage1=self::getStorage($path1) and $storage2=self::getStorage($path2)){ $tmpFile=$storage1->toTmpFile(self::getInternalPath($path1)); $result=$storage2->fromTmpFile($tmpFile,self::getInternalPath($path2)); } OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_copy', array( 'oldpath' => $path1 ,'newpath'=>$path2)); if(!$exists){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_create', array( 'path' => $path2)); } OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_write', array( 'path' => $path2)); return $result; } } } static public function fopen($path,$mode){ $allowed=((strpos($path,'r')===false and strpos($path,'r+')!==false and self::canRead) or self::canWrite($path)); if($allowed){ if($storage=self::getStorage($path)){ $run=true; $exists=self::file_exists($path); $write=false; switch($mode){ case 'r': OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'read', array( 'path' => $path)); break; case 'r+': case 'w+': case 'x+': case 'a+': OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'read', array( 'path' => $path)); $write=true; break; case 'w': case 'x': case 'a': $write=true; break; } if($write){ if(!$exists){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'create', array( 'path' => $path)); } if($run){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'write', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); } } if($run){ $result=$storage->fopen(self::getInternalPath($path),$mode); if($write){ if(!$exists){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_create', array( 'path' => $path)); } if($run){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_write', array( 'path' => $path)); } } return $result; } } } } static public function toTmpFile($path){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'read', array( 'path' => $path)); return $storage->toTmpFile(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function fromTmpFile($tmpFile,$path){ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ $run=true; $exists=self::file_exists($path); if(!$exists){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'create', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); } if($run){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'write', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); } if($run){ $result=$storage->fromTmpFile($tmpFile,self::getInternalPath($path)); if(!$exists){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_create', array( 'path' => $path)); } OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_write', array( 'path' => $path)); return $result; } } } static public function fromUploadedFile($tmpFile,$path){ error_log('upload'); if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ $run=true; $exists=self::file_exists($path); if(!$exists){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'create', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); } if($run){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'write', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); } error_log('upload2'); if($run){ $result=$storage->fromUploadedFile($tmpFile,self::getInternalPath($path)); if(!$exists){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_create', array( 'path' => $path)); } OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'post_write', array( 'path' => $path)); return $result; } } } static public function getMimeType($path){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->getMimeType(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } static public function delTree($path){ if(self::canWrite($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ $run=true; OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'delete', array( 'path' => $path, 'run' => &$run)); if($run){ return $storage->delTree(self::getInternalPath($path)); } } } static public function find($path){ if($storage=self::getStorage($path)){ $mp=self::getMountPoint($path); $return=$storage->find(self::getInternalPath($path)); foreach($return as &$file){ $file=$mp.$file; } } return $return; } static public function getTree($path){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ $mp=self::getMountPoint($path); $return=$storage->getTree(self::getInternalPath($path)); foreach($return as &$file){ if(substr($file,0,1)=='/'){ $file=substr($file,1); } $file=$mp.$file; $file=substr($file,strlen(self::$fakeRoot)); if($file === '' || $file === false){ $file = '/'; } } return $return; } } static public function hash($type,$path,$raw=false){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ OC_HOOK::emit( 'OC_FILESYSTEM', 'read', array( 'path' => $path)); return $storage->hash($type,self::getInternalPath($path),$raw); } } static public function free_space($path='/'){ if(self::canRead($path) and $storage=self::getStorage($path)){ return $storage->free_space($path); } } static public function search($query){ $files=array(); $fakeRootLength=strlen(self::$fakeRoot); foreach(self::$storages as $mountpoint=>$storage){ $results=$storage->search($query); if(is_array($results)){ foreach($results as $result){ $file=str_replace('//','/',$mountpoint.$result); $file=substr($file,$fakeRootLength); $files[]=$file; } } } return $files; } } ?>