Feature: webdav-related Background: Given using api version "1" Scenario: Moving a file Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And As an "user0" When User "user0" moves file "/welcome.txt" to "/FOLDER/welcome.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "201" And Downloaded content when downloading file "/FOLDER/welcome.txt" with range "bytes=0-6" should be "Welcome" Scenario: Moving and overwriting a file old way Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And As an "user0" When User "user0" moves file "/welcome.txt" to "/textfile0.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "204" And Downloaded content when downloading file "/textfile0.txt" with range "bytes=0-6" should be "Welcome" Scenario: Moving a file to a folder with no permissions Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And As an "user1" And user "user1" created a folder "/testshare" And as "user1" creating a share with | path | testshare | | shareType | 0 | | permissions | 1 | | shareWith | user0 | And As an "user0" And User "user0" moves file "/textfile0.txt" to "/testshare/textfile0.txt" And the HTTP status code should be "403" When Downloading file "/testshare/textfile0.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "404" Scenario: Moving a file to overwrite a file in a folder with no permissions Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And As an "user1" And user "user1" created a folder "/testshare" And as "user1" creating a share with | path | testshare | | shareType | 0 | | permissions | 1 | | shareWith | user0 | And User "user1" copies file "/welcome.txt" to "/testshare/overwritethis.txt" And As an "user0" When User "user0" moves file "/textfile0.txt" to "/testshare/overwritethis.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "403" And Downloaded content when downloading file "/testshare/overwritethis.txt" with range "bytes=0-6" should be "Welcome" Scenario: Copying a file Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And As an "user0" When User "user0" copies file "/welcome.txt" to "/FOLDER/welcome.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "201" And Downloaded content when downloading file "/FOLDER/welcome.txt" with range "bytes=0-6" should be "Welcome" Scenario: Copying and overwriting a file Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And As an "user0" When User "user0" copies file "/welcome.txt" to "/textfile1.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "204" And Downloaded content when downloading file "/textfile1.txt" with range "bytes=0-6" should be "Welcome" Scenario: Copying a file to a folder with no permissions Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And As an "user1" And user "user1" created a folder "/testshare" And as "user1" creating a share with | path | testshare | | shareType | 0 | | permissions | 1 | | shareWith | user0 | And As an "user0" When User "user0" copies file "/textfile0.txt" to "/testshare/textfile0.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "403" And Downloading file "/testshare/textfile0.txt" And the HTTP status code should be "404" Scenario: Copying a file to overwrite a file into a folder with no permissions Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And As an "user1" And user "user1" created a folder "/testshare" And as "user1" creating a share with | path | testshare | | shareType | 0 | | permissions | 1 | | shareWith | user0 | And User "user1" copies file "/welcome.txt" to "/testshare/overwritethis.txt" And As an "user0" When User "user0" copies file "/textfile0.txt" to "/testshare/overwritethis.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "403" And Downloaded content when downloading file "/testshare/overwritethis.txt" with range "bytes=0-6" should be "Welcome" Scenario: download a file with range Given using old dav path And As an "admin" When Downloading file "/welcome.txt" with range "bytes=52-78" Then Downloaded content should be "example file for developers" Scenario: Upload forbidden if quota is 0 Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And user "user0" has a quota of "0" When User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/asdf.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "507" Scenario: Retrieving folder quota when no quota is set Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists When user "user0" has unlimited quota Then as "user0" gets properties of folder "/" with |{DAV:}quota-available-bytes| And the single response should contain a property "{DAV:}quota-available-bytes" with value "-3" Scenario: Retrieving folder quota when quota is set Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists When user "user0" has a quota of "10 MB" Then as "user0" gets properties of folder "/" with |{DAV:}quota-available-bytes| And the single response should contain a property "{DAV:}quota-available-bytes" with value "10485421" Scenario: Retrieving folder quota of shared folder with quota when no quota is set for recipient Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And user "user0" has unlimited quota And user "user1" has a quota of "10 MB" And As an "user1" And user "user1" created a folder "/testquota" And as "user1" creating a share with | path | testquota | | shareType | 0 | | permissions | 31 | | shareWith | user0 | Then as "user0" gets properties of folder "/testquota" with |{DAV:}quota-available-bytes| And the single response should contain a property "{DAV:}quota-available-bytes" with value "10485421" Scenario: Uploading a file as recipient using webdav having quota Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And user "user0" has a quota of "10 MB" And user "user1" has a quota of "10 MB" And As an "user1" And user "user1" created a folder "/testquota" And as "user1" creating a share with | path | testquota | | shareType | 0 | | permissions | 31 | | shareWith | user0 | And As an "user0" When User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/testquota/asdf.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "201" Scenario: Retrieving folder quota when quota is set and a file was uploaded Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And user "user0" has a quota of "1 KB" And user "user0" adds a file of 93 bytes to "/prueba.txt" When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/" with |{DAV:}quota-available-bytes| Then the single response should contain a property "{DAV:}quota-available-bytes" with value "592" Scenario: Retrieving folder quota when quota is set and a file was recieved Given using old dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And user "user1" has a quota of "1 KB" And user "user0" adds a file of 93 bytes to "/user0.txt" And file "user0.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user1" When as "user1" gets properties of folder "/" with |{DAV:}quota-available-bytes| Then the single response should contain a property "{DAV:}quota-available-bytes" with value "685" Scenario: download a public shared file with range Given user "user0" exists And As an "user0" When creating a share with | path | welcome.txt | | shareType | 3 | And Downloading last public shared file with range "bytes=52-78" Then Downloaded content should be "example file for developers" Scenario: download a public shared file inside a folder with range Given user "user0" exists And As an "user0" When creating a share with | path | PARENT | | shareType | 3 | And Downloading last public shared file inside a folder "/parent.txt" with range "bytes=1-8" Then Downloaded content should be "extcloud" Scenario: Downloading a file on the old endpoint should serve security headers Given using old dav path And As an "admin" When Downloading file "/welcome.txt" Then The following headers should be set |Content-Disposition|attachment; filename*=UTF-8''welcome.txt; filename="welcome.txt"| |Content-Security-Policy|default-src 'none';| |X-Content-Type-Options |nosniff| |X-Download-Options|noopen| |X-Frame-Options|Sameorigin| |X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies|none| |X-Robots-Tag|none| |X-XSS-Protection|1; mode=block| And Downloaded content should start with "Welcome to your Nextcloud account!" Scenario: Doing a GET with a web login should work without CSRF token on the old backend Given Logging in using web as "admin" When Sending a "GET" to "/remote.php/webdav/welcome.txt" without requesttoken Then Downloaded content should start with "Welcome to your Nextcloud account!" Then the HTTP status code should be "200" Scenario: Doing a GET with a web login should work with CSRF token on the old backend Given Logging in using web as "admin" When Sending a "GET" to "/remote.php/webdav/welcome.txt" with requesttoken Then Downloaded content should start with "Welcome to your Nextcloud account!" Then the HTTP status code should be "200" Scenario: Doing a PROPFIND with a web login should not work without CSRF token on the old backend Given Logging in using web as "admin" When Sending a "PROPFIND" to "/remote.php/webdav/welcome.txt" without requesttoken Then the HTTP status code should be "401" Scenario: Doing a PROPFIND with a web login should work with CSRF token on the old backend Given Logging in using web as "admin" When Sending a "PROPFIND" to "/remote.php/webdav/welcome.txt" with requesttoken Then the HTTP status code should be "207" Scenario: Upload chunked file asc Given user "user0" exists And user "user0" uploads chunk file "1" of "3" with "AAAAA" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" And user "user0" uploads chunk file "2" of "3" with "BBBBB" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" And user "user0" uploads chunk file "3" of "3" with "CCCCC" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" When As an "user0" And Downloading file "/myChunkedFile.txt" Then Downloaded content should be "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" Scenario: Upload chunked file desc Given user "user0" exists And user "user0" uploads chunk file "3" of "3" with "CCCCC" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" And user "user0" uploads chunk file "2" of "3" with "BBBBB" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" And user "user0" uploads chunk file "1" of "3" with "AAAAA" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" When As an "user0" And Downloading file "/myChunkedFile.txt" Then Downloaded content should be "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" Scenario: Upload chunked file random Given user "user0" exists And user "user0" uploads chunk file "2" of "3" with "BBBBB" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" And user "user0" uploads chunk file "3" of "3" with "CCCCC" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" And user "user0" uploads chunk file "1" of "3" with "AAAAA" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" When As an "user0" And Downloading file "/myChunkedFile.txt" Then Downloaded content should be "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" Scenario: A file that is not shared does not have a share-types property Given user "user0" exists And user "user0" created a folder "/test" When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test" with |{http://owncloud.org/ns}share-types| Then the response should contain an empty property "{http://owncloud.org/ns}share-types" Scenario: A file that is shared to a user has a share-types property Given user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And user "user0" created a folder "/test" And as "user0" creating a share with | path | test | | shareType | 0 | | permissions | 31 | | shareWith | user1 | When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test" with |{http://owncloud.org/ns}share-types| Then the response should contain a share-types property with | 0 | Scenario: A file that is shared to a group has a share-types property Given user "user0" exists And group "group1" exists And user "user0" created a folder "/test" And as "user0" creating a share with | path | test | | shareType | 1 | | permissions | 31 | | shareWith | group1 | When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test" with |{http://owncloud.org/ns}share-types| Then the response should contain a share-types property with | 1 | Scenario: A file that is shared by link has a share-types property Given user "user0" exists And user "user0" created a folder "/test" And as "user0" creating a share with | path | test | | shareType | 3 | | permissions | 31 | When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test" with |{http://owncloud.org/ns}share-types| Then the response should contain a share-types property with | 3 | Scenario: A file that is shared by user,group and link has a share-types property Given user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And group "group2" exists And user "user0" created a folder "/test" And as "user0" creating a share with | path | test | | shareType | 0 | | permissions | 31 | | shareWith | user1 | And as "user0" creating a share with | path | test | | shareType | 1 | | permissions | 31 | | shareWith | group2 | And as "user0" creating a share with | path | test | | shareType | 3 | | permissions | 31 | When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test" with |{http://owncloud.org/ns}share-types| Then the response should contain a share-types property with | 0 | | 1 | | 3 | Scenario: Upload chunked file asc with new chunking Given using new dav path And user "user0" exists And user "user0" creates a new chunking upload with id "chunking-42" And user "user0" uploads new chunk file "1" with "AAAAA" to id "chunking-42" And user "user0" uploads new chunk file "2" with "BBBBB" to id "chunking-42" And user "user0" uploads new chunk file "3" with "CCCCC" to id "chunking-42" And user "user0" moves new chunk file with id "chunking-42" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" When As an "user0" And Downloading file "/myChunkedFile.txt" Then Downloaded content should be "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" Scenario: Upload chunked file desc with new chunking Given using new dav path And user "user0" exists And user "user0" creates a new chunking upload with id "chunking-42" And user "user0" uploads new chunk file "3" with "CCCCC" to id "chunking-42" And user "user0" uploads new chunk file "2" with "BBBBB" to id "chunking-42" And user "user0" uploads new chunk file "1" with "AAAAA" to id "chunking-42" And user "user0" moves new chunk file with id "chunking-42" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" When As an "user0" And Downloading file "/myChunkedFile.txt" Then Downloaded content should be "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" Scenario: Upload chunked file random with new chunking Given using new dav path And user "user0" exists And user "user0" creates a new chunking upload with id "chunking-42" And user "user0" uploads new chunk file "2" with "BBBBB" to id "chunking-42" And user "user0" uploads new chunk file "3" with "CCCCC" to id "chunking-42" And user "user0" uploads new chunk file "1" with "AAAAA" to id "chunking-42" And user "user0" moves new chunk file with id "chunking-42" to "/myChunkedFile.txt" When As an "user0" And Downloading file "/myChunkedFile.txt" Then Downloaded content should be "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" Scenario: A disabled user cannot use webdav Given user "userToBeDisabled" exists And As an "admin" And assure user "userToBeDisabled" is disabled When Downloading file "/welcome.txt" as "userToBeDisabled" Then the HTTP status code should be "503" Scenario: Copying files into a folder with edit permissions Given using dav path "remote.php/webdav" And user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And As an "user1" And user "user1" created a folder "/testcopypermissionsAllowed" And as "user1" creating a share with | path | testcopypermissionsAllowed | | shareType | 0 | | permissions | 31 | | shareWith | user0 | And User "user0" uploads file with content "copytest" to "/copytest.txt" When User "user0" copies file "/copytest.txt" to "/testcopypermissionsAllowed/copytest.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "201" Scenario: Copying files into a folder without edit permissions Given using dav path "remote.php/webdav" And user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And As an "user1" And user "user1" created a folder "/testcopypermissionsNotAllowed" And as "user1" creating a share with | path | testcopypermissionsNotAllowed | | shareType | 0 | | permissions | 1 | | shareWith | user0 | And User "user0" uploads file with content "copytest" to "/copytest.txt" When User "user0" copies file "/copytest.txt" to "/testcopypermissionsNotAllowed/copytest.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "403" Scenario: Uploading a file as recipient with limited permissions Given using new dav path And As an "admin" And user "user0" exists And user "user1" exists And user "user0" has a quota of "10 MB" And user "user1" has a quota of "10 MB" And As an "user1" And user "user1" created a folder "/testfolder" And as "user1" creating a share with | path | testfolder | | shareType | 0 | | permissions | 23 | | shareWith | user0 | And As an "user0" And User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/testfolder/asdf.txt" And As an "user1" When User "user1" deletes file "/testfolder/asdf.txt" Then the HTTP status code should be "204" Scenario: Creating a folder Given using old dav path And user "user0" exists And user "user0" created a folder "/test_folder" When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test_folder" with |{DAV:}resourcetype| Then the single response should contain a property "{DAV:}resourcetype" with value "{DAV:}collection" Scenario: Creating a folder with special chars Given using old dav path And user "user0" exists And user "user0" created a folder "/test_folder:5" When as "user0" gets properties of folder "/test_folder:5" with |{DAV:}resourcetype| Then the single response should contain a property "{DAV:}resourcetype" with value "{DAV:}collection"