/* * Copyright (c) 2015 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function() { if(!OC.Share) { OC.Share = {}; OC.Share.Types = {}; } /** * @typedef {object} OC.Share.Types.LinkShareInfo * @property {bool} isLinkShare * @property {string} token * @property {string|null} password * @property {string} link * @property {number} permissions * @property {Date} expiration * @property {number} stime share time */ /** * @typedef {object} OC.Share.Types.Collection * @property {string} item_type * @property {string} path * @property {string} item_source TODO: verify */ /** * @typedef {object} OC.Share.Types.Reshare * @property {string} uid_owner * @property {number} share_type * @property {string} share_with * @property {string} displayname_owner * @property {number} permissions */ /** * @typedef {object} OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo * @property {number} share_type * @property {number} permissions * @property {number} file_source optional * @property {number} item_source * @property {string} token * @property {string} share_with * @property {string} share_with_displayname * @property {string} mail_send * @property {OC.Share.Types.Collection|undefined} collection * @property {Date} expiration optional? * @property {number} stime optional? */ /** * @typedef {object} OC.Share.Types.ShareItemInfo * @property {OC.Share.Types.Reshare} reshare * @property {OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo[]} shares * @property {OC.Share.Types.LinkShareInfo|undefined} linkShare */ /** * These properties are sometimes returned by the server as strings instead * of integers, so we need to convert them accordingly... */ var SHARE_RESPONSE_INT_PROPS = [ 'id', 'file_parent', 'mail_send', 'file_source', 'item_source', 'permissions', 'storage', 'share_type', 'parent', 'stime' ]; /** * @class OCA.Share.ShareItemModel * @classdesc * * Represents the GUI of the share dialogue * * // FIXME: use OC Share API once #17143 is done * * // TODO: this really should be a collection of share item models instead, * where the link share is one of them */ var ShareItemModel = OC.Backbone.Model.extend({ initialize: function(attributes, options) { if(!_.isUndefined(options.configModel)) { this.configModel = options.configModel; } if(!_.isUndefined(options.fileInfoModel)) { /** @type {OC.Files.FileInfo} **/ this.fileInfoModel = options.fileInfoModel; } _.bindAll(this, 'addShare'); }, defaults: { allowPublicUploadStatus: false, permissions: 0, linkShare: {} }, /** * Saves the current link share information. * * This will trigger an ajax call and refetch the model afterwards. * * TODO: this should be a separate model */ saveLinkShare: function(attributes, options) { var model = this; var itemType = this.get('itemType'); var itemSource = this.get('itemSource'); // TODO: use backbone's default value mechanism once this is a separate model var requiredAttributes = [ { name: 'password', defaultValue: '' }, { name: 'permissions', defaultValue: OC.PERMISSION_READ }, { name: 'expiration', defaultValue: this.configModel.getDefaultExpirationDateString() } ]; attributes = attributes || {}; // get attributes from the model and fill in with default values _.each(requiredAttributes, function(attribute) { // a provided options overrides a present value of the link // share. If neither is given, the default value is used. if(_.isUndefined(attribute[attribute.name])) { attributes[attribute.name] = attribute.defaultValue; var currentValue = model.get('linkShare')[attribute.name]; if(!_.isUndefined(currentValue)) { attributes[attribute.name] = currentValue; } } }); OC.Share.share( itemType, itemSource, OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK, attributes.password, attributes.permissions, this.fileInfoModel.get('name'), attributes.expiration, function(result) { if (!result || result.status !== 'success') { model.fetch({ success: function() { if (options && _.isFunction(options.success)) { options.success(model); } } }); } else { if (options && _.isFunction(options.error)) { options.error(model); } } }, function(result) { var msg = t('core', 'Error'); if (result.data && result.data.message) { msg = result.data.message; } if (options && _.isFunction(options.error)) { options.error(model, msg); } else { OC.dialogs.alert(msg, t('core', 'Error while sharing')); } } ); }, removeLinkShare: function() { this.removeShare(OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK, ''); }, /** * Sets the public upload flag * * @param {bool} allow whether public upload is allowed */ setPublicUpload: function(allow) { var permissions = OC.PERMISSION_READ; if(allow) { permissions = OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE | OC.PERMISSION_CREATE | OC.PERMISSION_READ; } this.get('linkShare').permissions = permissions; }, /** * Sets the expiration date of the public link * * @param {string} expiration expiration date */ setExpirationDate: function(expiration) { this.get('linkShare').expiration = expiration; }, /** * Set password of the public link share * * @param {string} password */ setPassword: function(password) { this.get('linkShare').password = password; }, addShare: function(attributes, options) { var shareType = attributes.shareType; var shareWith = attributes.shareWith; var fileName = this.fileInfoModel.get('name'); options = options || {}; // Default permissions are Edit (CRUD) and Share // Check if these permissions are possible var permissions = OC.PERMISSION_READ; if (shareType === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE) { permissions = OC.PERMISSION_CREATE | OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE | OC.PERMISSION_READ; } else { if (this.updatePermissionPossible()) { permissions = permissions | OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE; } if (this.createPermissionPossible()) { permissions = permissions | OC.PERMISSION_CREATE; } if (this.deletePermissionPossible()) { permissions = permissions | OC.PERMISSION_DELETE; } if (this.configModel.get('isResharingAllowed') && (this.sharePermissionPossible())) { permissions = permissions | OC.PERMISSION_SHARE; } } var model = this; var itemType = this.get('itemType'); var itemSource = this.get('itemSource'); OC.Share.share(itemType, itemSource, shareType, shareWith, permissions, fileName, options.expiration, function() { model.fetch(); }); }, setPermissions: function(shareType, shareWith, permissions) { var itemType = this.get('itemType'); var itemSource = this.get('itemSource'); // TODO: in the future, only set the permissions on the model but don't save directly OC.Share.setPermissions(itemType, itemSource, shareType, shareWith, permissions); }, removeShare: function(shareType, shareWith) { var model = this; var itemType = this.get('itemType'); var itemSource = this.get('itemSource'); OC.Share.unshare(itemType, itemSource, shareType, shareWith, function() { model.fetch(); }); }, /** * @returns {boolean} */ isPublicUploadAllowed: function() { return this.get('allowPublicUploadStatus'); }, /** * @returns {boolean} */ isFolder: function() { return this.get('itemType') === 'folder'; }, /** * @returns {boolean} */ isFile: function() { return this.get('itemType') === 'file'; }, /** * whether this item has reshare information * @returns {boolean} */ hasReshare: function() { var reshare = this.get('reshare'); return _.isObject(reshare) && !_.isUndefined(reshare.uid_owner); }, /** * whether this item has user share information * @returns {boolean} */ hasUserShares: function() { return this.getSharesWithCurrentItem().length > 0; }, /** * Returns whether this item has a link share * * @return {bool} true if a link share exists, false otherwise */ hasLinkShare: function() { var linkShare = this.get('linkShare'); if (linkShare && linkShare.isLinkShare) { return true; } return false; }, /** * @param {number} shareIndex * @returns {string} */ getCollectionType: function(shareIndex) { /** @type OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo **/ var share = this.get('shares')[shareIndex]; if(!_.isObject(share)) { throw "Unknown Share"; } else if(_.isUndefined(share.collection)) { throw "Share is not a collection"; } return share.collection.item_type; }, /** * @param {number} shareIndex * @returns {string} */ getCollectionPath: function(shareIndex) { /** @type OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo **/ var share = this.get('shares')[shareIndex]; if(!_.isObject(share)) { throw "Unknown Share"; } else if(_.isUndefined(share.collection)) { throw "Share is not a collection"; } return share.collection.path; }, /** * @param {number} shareIndex * @returns {string} */ getCollectionSource: function(shareIndex) { /** @type OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo **/ var share = this.get('shares')[shareIndex]; if(!_.isObject(share)) { throw "Unknown Share"; } else if(_.isUndefined(share.collection)) { throw "Share is not a collection"; } return share.collection.item_source; }, /** * @param {number} shareIndex * @returns {boolean} */ isCollection: function(shareIndex) { /** @type OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo **/ var share = this.get('shares')[shareIndex]; if(!_.isObject(share)) { throw "Unknown Share"; } if(_.isUndefined(share.collection)) { return false; } return true; }, /** * @returns {string} */ getReshareOwner: function() { return this.get('reshare').uid_owner; }, /** * @returns {string} */ getReshareOwnerDisplayname: function() { return this.get('reshare').displayname_owner; }, /** * @returns {string} */ getReshareWith: function() { return this.get('reshare').share_with; }, /** * @returns {number} */ getReshareType: function() { return this.get('reshare').share_type; }, /** * Returns all share entries that only apply to the current item * (file/folder) * * @return {Array.} */ getSharesWithCurrentItem: function() { var shares = this.get('shares') || []; var fileId = this.fileInfoModel.get('id'); return _.filter(shares, function(share) { return share.item_source === fileId; }); }, /** * @param shareIndex * @returns {string} */ getShareWith: function(shareIndex) { /** @type OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo **/ var share = this.get('shares')[shareIndex]; if(!_.isObject(share)) { throw "Unknown Share"; } return share.share_with; }, /** * @param shareIndex * @returns {string} */ getShareWithDisplayName: function(shareIndex) { /** @type OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo **/ var share = this.get('shares')[shareIndex]; if(!_.isObject(share)) { throw "Unknown Share"; } return share.share_with_displayname; }, getShareType: function(shareIndex) { /** @type OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo **/ var share = this.get('shares')[shareIndex]; if(!_.isObject(share)) { throw "Unknown Share"; } return share.share_type; }, /** * whether a share from shares has the requested permission * * @param {number} shareIndex * @param {number} permission * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _shareHasPermission: function(shareIndex, permission) { /** @type OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo **/ var share = this.get('shares')[shareIndex]; if(!_.isObject(share)) { throw "Unknown Share"; } if( share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE && ( permission === OC.PERMISSION_SHARE || permission === OC.PERMISSION_DELETE)) { return false; } return (share.permissions & permission) === permission; }, notificationMailWasSent: function(shareIndex) { /** @type OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo **/ var share = this.get('shares')[shareIndex]; if(!_.isObject(share)) { throw "Unknown Share"; } return share.mail_send === 1; }, /** * Sends an email notification for the given share * * @param {int} shareType share type * @param {string} shareWith recipient * @param {bool} state whether to set the notification flag or remove it */ sendNotificationForShare: function(shareType, shareWith, state) { var itemType = this.get('itemType'); var itemSource = this.get('itemSource'); return $.post( OC.generateUrl('core/ajax/share.php'), { action: state ? 'informRecipients' : 'informRecipientsDisabled', recipient: shareWith, shareType: shareType, itemSource: itemSource, itemType: itemType }, function(result) { if (result.status !== 'success') { // FIXME: a model should not show dialogs OC.dialogs.alert(t('core', result.data.message), t('core', 'Warning')); } } ); }, /** * Send the link share information by email * * @param {string} recipientEmail recipient email address */ sendEmailPrivateLink: function(recipientEmail) { var itemType = this.get('itemType'); var itemSource = this.get('itemSource'); var linkShare = this.get('linkShare'); return $.post( OC.generateUrl('core/ajax/share.php'), { action: 'email', toaddress: recipientEmail, link: linkShare.link, itemType: itemType, itemSource: itemSource, file: this.fileInfoModel.get('name'), expiration: linkShare.expiration || '' }, function(result) { if (!result || result.status !== 'success') { // FIXME: a model should not show dialogs OC.dialogs.alert(result.data.message, t('core', 'Error while sending notification')); } }); }, /** * @returns {boolean} */ sharePermissionPossible: function() { return (this.get('permissions') & OC.PERMISSION_SHARE) === OC.PERMISSION_SHARE; }, /** * @param {number} shareIndex * @returns {boolean} */ hasSharePermission: function(shareIndex) { return this._shareHasPermission(shareIndex, OC.PERMISSION_SHARE); }, /** * @returns {boolean} */ createPermissionPossible: function() { return (this.get('permissions') & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) === OC.PERMISSION_CREATE; }, /** * @param {number} shareIndex * @returns {boolean} */ hasCreatePermission: function(shareIndex) { return this._shareHasPermission(shareIndex, OC.PERMISSION_CREATE); }, /** * @returns {boolean} */ updatePermissionPossible: function() { return (this.get('permissions') & OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE) === OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE; }, /** * @param {number} shareIndex * @returns {boolean} */ hasUpdatePermission: function(shareIndex) { return this._shareHasPermission(shareIndex, OC.PERMISSION_UPDATE); }, /** * @returns {boolean} */ deletePermissionPossible: function() { return (this.get('permissions') & OC.PERMISSION_DELETE) === OC.PERMISSION_DELETE; }, /** * @param {number} shareIndex * @returns {boolean} */ hasDeletePermission: function(shareIndex) { return this._shareHasPermission(shareIndex, OC.PERMISSION_DELETE); }, /** * @returns {boolean} */ editPermissionPossible: function() { return this.createPermissionPossible() || this.updatePermissionPossible() || this.deletePermissionPossible(); }, /** * @returns {boolean} */ hasEditPermission: function(shareIndex) { return this.hasCreatePermission(shareIndex) || this.hasUpdatePermission(shareIndex) || this.hasDeletePermission(shareIndex); }, fetch: function() { var model = this; OC.Share.loadItem(this.get('itemType'), this.get('itemSource'), function(data) { model.set(model.parse(data)); }); }, /** * Updates OC.Share.itemShares and OC.Share.statuses. * * This is required in case the user navigates away and comes back, * the share statuses from the old arrays are still used to fill in the icons * in the file list. */ _legacyFillCurrentShares: function(shares) { var fileId = this.fileInfoModel.get('id'); if (!shares || !shares.length) { delete OC.Share.statuses[fileId]; OC.Share.currentShares = {}; OC.Share.itemShares = []; return; } var currentShareStatus = OC.Share.statuses[fileId]; if (!currentShareStatus) { currentShareStatus = {link: false}; OC.Share.statuses[fileId] = currentShareStatus; } currentShareStatus.link = false; OC.Share.currentShares = {}; OC.Share.itemShares = []; _.each(shares, /** * @param {OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo} share */ function(share) { if (share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK) { OC.Share.itemShares[share.share_type] = true; currentShareStatus.link = true; } else { if (!OC.Share.itemShares[share.share_type]) { OC.Share.itemShares[share.share_type] = []; } OC.Share.itemShares[share.share_type].push(share.share_with); } } ); }, parse: function(data) { if(data === false) { console.warn('no data was returned'); trigger('fetchError'); return {}; } var permissions = this.get('possiblePermissions'); if(!_.isUndefined(data.reshare) && !_.isUndefined(data.reshare.permissions) && data.reshare.uid_owner !== OC.currentUser) { permissions = permissions & data.reshare.permissions; } var allowPublicUploadStatus = false; if(!_.isUndefined(data.shares)) { $.each(data.shares, function (key, value) { if (value.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK) { allowPublicUploadStatus = (value.permissions & OC.PERMISSION_CREATE) ? true : false; return true; } }); } /** @type {OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo[]} **/ var shares = _.map(data.shares, function(share) { // properly parse some values because sometimes the server // returns integers as string... var i; for (i = 0; i < SHARE_RESPONSE_INT_PROPS.length; i++) { var prop = SHARE_RESPONSE_INT_PROPS[i]; if (!_.isUndefined(share[prop])) { share[prop] = parseInt(share[prop], 10); } } return share; }); this._legacyFillCurrentShares(shares); var linkShare = { isLinkShare: false }; // filter out the share by link shares = _.reject(shares, /** * @param {OC.Share.Types.ShareInfo} share */ function(share) { var isShareLink = share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK && ( share.file_source === this.get('itemSource') || share.item_source === this.get('itemSource')); if (isShareLink) { var link = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host; if (!share.token) { // pre-token link var fullPath = this.fileInfoModel.get('path') + '/' + this.fileInfoModel.get('name'); var location = '/' + OC.currentUser + '/files' + fullPath; var type = this.fileInfoModel.isDirectory() ? 'folder' : 'file'; link += OC.linkTo('', 'public.php') + '?service=files&' + type + '=' + encodeURIComponent(location); } else { link += OC.generateUrl('/s/') + share.token; } linkShare = { isLinkShare: true, token: share.token, password: share.share_with, link: link, permissions: share.permissions, // currently expiration is only effective for link shares. expiration: share.expiration, stime: share.stime }; return share; } }, this ); return { reshare: data.reshare, shares: shares, linkShare: linkShare, permissions: permissions, allowPublicUploadStatus: allowPublicUploadStatus }; }, /** * Parses a string to an valid integer (unix timestamp) * @param time * @returns {*} * @internal Only used to work around a bug in the backend */ _parseTime: function(time) { if (_.isString(time)) { // skip empty strings and hex values if (time === '' || (time.length > 1 && time[0] === '0' && time[1] === 'x')) { return null; } time = parseInt(time, 10); if(isNaN(time)) { time = null; } } return time; } }); OC.Share.ShareItemModel = ShareItemModel; })();