. * */ $RUNTIME_NOAPPS = TRUE; //no apps, yet require_once('lib/base.php'); OC_UTIL::addScript('setup'); $not_installed = !OC_CONFIG::getValue('installed', false); $install_called = (isset($_POST['install']) AND $_POST['install']=='true'); // First step : check if the server is correctly configured for ownCloud : $errors = OC_UTIL::checkServer(); if(count($errors) > 0) { OC_TEMPLATE::printGuestPage("", "error", array("errors" => $errors)); } // Setup required : elseif($not_installed OR $install_called) { require_once('setup.php'); } // Someone is logged in : elseif(OC_USER::isLoggedIn()) { if(isset($_GET["logout"]) and ($_GET["logout"])) { OC_USER::logout(); header("Location: ".$WEBROOT.'/'); exit(); } else { header("Location: ".$WEBROOT.'/'.OC_APPCONFIG::getValue("core", "defaultpage", "files/index.php")); exit(); } } // Someone wants to log in : elseif(isset($_POST["user"])) { OC_APP::loadApps(); if(OC_USER::login($_POST["user"], $_POST["password"])) { header("Location: ".$WEBROOT.'/'.OC_APPCONFIG::getValue("core", "defaultpage", "files/index.php")); if(!empty($_POST["remember_login"])){ OC_USER::setUsernameInCookie($_POST["user"]); } else { OC_USER::unsetUsernameInCookie(); } exit(); } else { if(isset($_COOKIE["username"])){ OC_TEMPLATE::printGuestPage("", "login", array("error" => true, "username" => $_COOKIE["username"])); }else{ OC_TEMPLATE::printGuestPage("", "login", array("error" => true)); } } } // For all others cases, we display the guest page : else { OC_APP::loadApps(); if(isset($_COOKIE["username"])){ OC_TEMPLATE::printGuestPage("", "login", array("error" => false, "username" => $_COOKIE["username"])); }else{ OC_TEMPLATE::printGuestPage("", "login", array("error" => false)); } } ?>