* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ /** * This class gets and sets users avatars. * Avalaible backends are local (saved in users root at avatar.[png|jpg]) and gravatar. * However the get function is easy to extend with further backends. */ class OC_Avatar { /** * @brief gets the users avatar * @param $user string username, if not provided, the default avatar will be returned * @param $size integer size in px of the avatar, defaults to 64 * @return mixed \OC_Image containing the avatar, a link to the avatar, false if avatars are disabled */ public static function get ($user = false, $size = 64) { $mode = self::getMode(); if ($mode === "none") { // avatars are disabled return false; } else { if ($user === false) { return self::getDefaultAvatar($size); } elseif ($mode === "gravatar") { return self::getGravatar($user, $size); } elseif ($mode === "local") { return self::getLocalAvatar($user, $size); } elseif ($mode === "custom") { return self::getCustomAvatar($user, $size); } } } /** * @brief returns the active avatar mode * @return string active avatar mode */ public static function getMode () { return \OC_Config::getValue("avatar", "local"); } /** * @brief sets the users local avatar * @param $user string user to set the avatar for * @param $data mixed imagedata or path to set a new avatar, or false to delete the current avatar * @throws Exception if the provided file is not a jpg or png image * @throws Exception if the provided image is not valid, or not a square * @return true on success */ public static function setLocalAvatar ($user, $data) { $view = new \OC\Files\View('/'.$user); if ($data === false) { $view->unlink('avatar.jpg'); $view->unlink('avatar.png'); return true; } else { $img = new OC_Image($data); $type = substr($img->mimeType(), -3); if ($type === 'peg') { $type = 'jpg'; } if ($type !== 'jpg' && $type !== 'png') { throw new Exception("Unknown filetype for avatar"); } if (!( $img->valid() && ($img->height() === $img->width()) )) { throw new Exception("Invalid image, or the provided image is not square"); } $view->unlink('avatar.jpg'); $view->unlink('avatar.png'); $view->file_put_contents('avatar.'.$type, $data); return true; } } /** * @brief get the users gravatar * @param $user string which user to get the gravatar for * @param size integer size in px of the avatar, defaults to 64 * @return string link to the gravatar, or \OC_Image with the default avatar */ public static function getGravatar ($user, $size = 64) { $email = \OC_Preferences::getValue($user, 'settings', 'email'); if ($email !== null) { $emailhash = md5(strtolower(trim($email))); $url = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/".$emailhash."?s=".$size; return $url; } else { return self::getDefaultAvatar($size); } } /** * @brief get the local avatar * @param $user string which user to get the avatar for * @param $size integer size in px of the avatar, defaults to 64 * @return string \OC_Image containing the avatar */ public static function getLocalAvatar ($user, $size = 64) { $view = new \OC\Files\View('/'.$user); if ($view->file_exists('avatar.jpg')) { $ext = 'jpg'; } elseif ($view->file_exists('avatar.png')) { $ext = 'png'; } else { return self::getDefaultAvatar($size); } $avatar = new OC_Image($view->file_get_contents('avatar.'.$ext)); $avatar->resize($size); return $avatar; } /** * */ public static function getCustomAvatar($user, $size) { // TODO } /** * @brief gets the default avatar * @param $size integer size of the avatar in px, defaults to 64 * @return \OC_Image containing the default avatar */ public static function getDefaultAvatar ($size = 64) { $default = new OC_Image(OC::$SERVERROOT."/core/img/defaultavatar.png"); $default->resize($size); return $default; } }