. * */ /** * logging utilities * * Log is saved at data/owncloud.log (on default) */ class OC_Log_Owncloud { static protected $logFile; static protected $reqId; /** * Init class data */ public static function init() { $defaultLogFile = OC_Config::getValue("datadirectory", OC::$SERVERROOT.'/data').'/owncloud.log'; self::$logFile = OC_Config::getValue("logfile", $defaultLogFile); /* * Fall back to default log file if specified logfile does not exist * and can not be created. Error suppression is required in order to * not end up in the error handler which will try to log the error. * A better solution (compared to error suppression) would be checking * !is_writable(dirname(self::$logFile)) before touch(), but * is_writable() on directories used to be pretty unreliable on Windows * for at least some time. */ if (!file_exists(self::$logFile) && !@touch(self::$logFile)) { self::$logFile = $defaultLogFile; } } /** * write a message in the log * @param string $app * @param string $message * @param int $level */ public static function write($app, $message, $level) { $minLevel=min(OC_Config::getValue( "loglevel", OC_Log::WARN ), OC_Log::ERROR); if($level>=$minLevel) { // default to ISO8601 $format = OC_Config::getValue('logdateformat', 'c'); $logtimezone=OC_Config::getValue( "logtimezone", 'UTC' ); try { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($logtimezone); } catch (Exception $e) { $timezone = new DateTimeZone('UTC'); } $time = new DateTime(null, $timezone); // remove username/passwords from URLs before writing the to the log file $time = $time->format($format); if($minLevel == OC_Log::DEBUG) { if(empty(self::$reqId)) { self::$reqId = uniqid(); } $reqId = self::$reqId; $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; $entry = compact('reqId', 'app', 'message', 'level', 'time', 'method', 'url'); } else { $entry = compact('app', 'message', 'level', 'time'); } $entry = json_encode($entry); $handle = @fopen(self::$logFile, 'a'); @chmod(self::$logFile, 0640); if ($handle) { fwrite($handle, $entry."\n"); fclose($handle); } else { // Fall back to error_log error_log($entry); } } } /** * get entries from the log in reverse chronological order * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return array */ public static function getEntries($limit=50, $offset=0) { self::init(); $minLevel=OC_Config::getValue( "loglevel", OC_Log::WARN ); $entries = array(); $handle = @fopen(self::$logFile, 'rb'); if ($handle) { fseek($handle, 0, SEEK_END); $pos = ftell($handle); $line = ''; $entriesCount = 0; $lines = 0; // Loop through each character of the file looking for new lines while ($pos >= 0 && $entriesCount < $limit) { fseek($handle, $pos); $ch = fgetc($handle); if ($ch == "\n" || $pos == 0) { if ($line != '') { // Add the first character if at the start of the file, // because it doesn't hit the else in the loop if ($pos == 0) { $line = $ch.$line; } $entry = json_decode($line); // Add the line as an entry if it is passed the offset and is equal or above the log level if ($entry->level >= $minLevel) { $lines++; if ($lines > $offset) { $entries[] = $entry; $entriesCount++; } } $line = ''; } } else { $line = $ch.$line; } $pos--; } fclose($handle); } return $entries; } }