. * */ oc_require_once('inc/User/backend.php'); /** * Class for user management * */ class OC_USER_LDAP extends OC_USER_BACKEND { /** * Check if the login button is pressed and log the user in * */ public static function loginListener() { return(''); } /** * Try to create a new user * * @param string $username The username of the user to create * @param string $password The password of the new user */ public static function createUser($username, $password) { return false; } /** * Try to login a user * * @param string $username The username of the user to log in * @param string $password The password of the user */ public static function login($username, $password) { if ( isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) AND ('' != $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) ) { $_SESSION['user_id'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $_SESSION['username'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $_SESSION['username_clean'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; return true; } return false; } /** * Check if the logout button is pressed and logout the user * */ public static function logoutListener() { if ( isset($_GET['logoutbutton']) AND isset($_SESSION['username']) ) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="ownCloud"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); die('401 Unauthorized'); } } /** * Check if the user is logged in * */ public static function isLoggedIn(){ if ( isset($_SESSION['user_id']) AND $_SESSION['user_id'] ) { return true; } else { if ( isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) AND ('' != $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]) ) { $_SESSION['user_id'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $_SESSION['username'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $_SESSION['username_clean'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; return true; } } return false; } /** * Try to create a new group * * @param string $groupName The name of the group to create */ public static function createGroup($groupName) { // does not work with MOD_AUTH (only or some modules) return false; } /** * Get the ID of a user * * @param string $username Name of the user to find the ID * @param boolean $noCache If false the cache is used to find the ID */ public static function getUserId($username, $noCache=false) { // does not work with MOD_AUTH (only or some modules) return 0; } /** * Get the ID of a group * * @param string $groupName Name of the group to find the ID * @param boolean $noCache If false the cache is used to find the ID */ public static function getGroupId($groupName, $noCache=false) { // does not work with MOD_AUTH (only or some modules) return 0; } /** * Get the name of a group * * @param string $groupId ID of the group * @param boolean $noCache If false the cache is used to find the name of the group */ public static function getGroupName($groupId, $noCache=false) { // does not work with MOD_AUTH (only or some modules) return 0; } /** * Check if a user belongs to a group * * @param string $username Name of the user to check * @param string $groupName Name of the group */ public static function inGroup($username, $groupName) { // does not work with MOD_AUTH (only or some modules) return false; } /** * Add a user to a group * * @param string $username Name of the user to add to group * @param string $groupName Name of the group in which add the user */ public static function addToGroup($username, $groupName) { // does not work with MOD_AUTH (only or some modules) return false; } /** * Remove a user from a group * * @param string $username Name of the user to remove from group * @param string $groupName Name of the group from which remove the user */ public static function removeFromGroup($username,$groupName){ // does not work with MOD_AUTH (only or some modules) return false; } /** * Generate a random password */ public static function generatePassword() { return uniqId(); } /** * Get all groups the user belongs to * * @param string $username Name of the user */ public static function getUserGroups($username) { // does not work with MOD_AUTH (only or some modules) $groups=array(); return $groups; } /** * Set the password of a user * * @param string $username User who password will be changed * @param string $password The new password for the user */ public static function setPassword($username, $password) { return false; } /** * Check if the password of the user is correct * * @param string $username Name of the user * @param string $password Password of the user */ public static function checkPassword($username, $password) { // does not work with MOD_AUTH (only or some modules) return false; } /** * get a list of all users * */ public static function getUsers(){ // does not work with MOD_AUTH (only or some modules) return false; } /** * get a list of all groups * */ public static function getGroups(){ // does not work with MOD_AUTH (only or some modules) return false; } }