. * */ OC_Hook::connect("OC_Filesystem", "post_write", "OC_Gallery_Hooks_Handlers", "addPhotoFromPath"); OC_Hook::connect("OC_Filesystem", "delete", "OC_Gallery_Hooks_Handlers", "removePhoto"); OC_Hook::connect("OC_Filesystem", "post_rename", "OC_Gallery_Hooks_Handlers", "renamePhoto"); require_once(OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Gallery_Album']); require_once(OC::$CLASSPATH['OC_Gallery_Photo']); class OC_Gallery_Hooks_Handlers { private static $APP_TAG = "Gallery"; private static function isPhoto($filename) { OC_Log::write(self::$APP_TAG, "Checking file ".$filename." with mimetype ".OC_Filesystem::getMimeType($filename), OC_Log::DEBUG); if (substr(OC_Filesystem::getMimeType($filename), 0, 6) == "image/") return 1; return 0; } private static function createAlbum($path) { $new_album_name = trim(str_replace('/', '.', $path), '.'); if ($new_album_name == '') $new_album_name = 'main'; OC_Log::write(self::$APP_TAG, 'Creating new album '.$new_album_name, OC_Log::DEBUG); OC_Gallery_Album::create(OC_User::getUser(), $new_album_name, $path); return OC_Gallery_Album::find(OC_User::getUser(), null, $path); } public static function addPhotoFromPath($params) { if (!self::isPhoto($params['path'])) return; $fullpath = $params['path']; OC_Log::write(self::$APP_TAG, 'Adding file with path '. $fullpath, OC_Log::DEBUG); $path = substr($fullpath, 0, strrpos($fullpath, '/')); if ($path == '') $path = '/'; $album = OC_Gallery_Album::find(OC_User::getUser(), null, $path); if ($album->numRows() == 0) { $album = self::createAlbum($path); } $album = $album->fetchRow(); $albumId = $album['album_id']; $photo = OC_Gallery_Photo::find($albumId, $fullpath); if ($photo->numRows() == 0) { // don't duplicate photo entries OC_Log::write(self::$APP_TAG, 'Adding new photo to album', OC_Log::DEBUG); OC_Gallery_Photo::create($albumId, $fullpath); } } public static function removePhoto($params) { $path = $params['path']; if (!self::isPhoto($path)) return; OC_Gallery_Photo::removeByPath($path); } public static function renamePhoto($params) { $olddir = substr($params['oldpath'], 0, strrpos($params['oldpath'], '/')); $newdir = substr($params['newpath'], 0, strrpos($params['newpath'], '/')); if ($olddir == '') $olddir = '/'; if ($newdir == '') $newdir = '/'; if (!self::isPhoto($params['newpath'])) return; OC_Log::write(self::$APP_TAG, 'Moving photo from '.$params['oldpath'].' to '.$params['newpath'], OC_Log::DEBUG); $album; $newAlbumId; $oldAlbumId; if ($olddir == $newdir) { // album changing is not needed $album = OC_Gallery_Album::find(OC_User::getUser(), null, $olddir); if ($album->numRows() == 0) { $album = self::createAlbum($newdir); } $album = $album->fetchRow(); $newAlbumId = $oldAlbumId = $album['album_id']; } else { $newalbum = OC_Gallery_Album::find(OC_User::getUser(), null, $newdir); $oldalbum = OC_Gallery_Album::find(OC_User::getUser(), null, $olddir); if ($newalbum->numRows() == 0) { $newalbum = self::createAlbum($newdir); } $newalbum = $newalbum->fetchRow(); if ($oldalbum->numRows() == 0) { OC_Gallery_Photo::create($newalbum['album_id'], $params['newpath']); return; } $oldalbum = $oldalbum->fetchRow(); $newAlbumId = $newalbum['album_id']; $oldAlbumId = $oldalbum['album_id']; } OC_Gallery_Photo::changePath($oldAlbumId, $newAlbumId, $params['oldpath'], $params['newpath']); } } ?>