/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Vincent Petry * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ describe('OCA.SystemTags.FileList tests', function() { var FileInfo = OC.Files.FileInfo; var fileList; beforeEach(function() { // init parameters and test table elements $('#testArea').append( '
' + // init horrible parameters '' + '' + '
' + // dummy table // TODO: at some point this will be rendered by the fileList class itself! '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
Empty content message
' + '
' ); }); afterEach(function() { fileList.destroy(); fileList = undefined; }); describe('filter field', function() { var select2Stub, oldCollection, fetchTagsStub; var $tagsField; beforeEach(function() { fetchTagsStub = sinon.stub(OC.SystemTags.SystemTagsCollection.prototype, 'fetch'); select2Stub = sinon.stub($.fn, 'select2'); oldCollection = OC.SystemTags.collection; OC.SystemTags.collection = new OC.SystemTags.SystemTagsCollection([ { id: '123', name: 'abc' }, { id: '456', name: 'def' } ]); fileList = new OCA.SystemTags.FileList( $('#app-content-container'), { systemTagIds: [] } ); $tagsField = fileList.$el.find('[name=tags]'); }); afterEach(function() { select2Stub.restore(); fetchTagsStub.restore(); OC.SystemTags.collection = oldCollection; }); it('inits select2 on filter field', function() { expect(select2Stub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); }); it('uses global system tags collection', function() { var callback = sinon.stub(); var opts = select2Stub.firstCall.args[0]; $tagsField.val('123'); opts.initSelection($tagsField, callback); expect(callback.notCalled).toEqual(true); expect(fetchTagsStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); fetchTagsStub.yieldTo('success', fetchTagsStub.thisValues[0]); expect(callback.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(callback.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual([ OC.SystemTags.collection.get('123').toJSON() ]); }); it('fetches tag list from the global collection', function() { var callback = sinon.stub(); var opts = select2Stub.firstCall.args[0]; $tagsField.val('123'); opts.query({ term: 'de', callback: callback }); expect(fetchTagsStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(callback.notCalled).toEqual(true); fetchTagsStub.yieldTo('success', fetchTagsStub.thisValues[0]); expect(callback.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(callback.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual({ results: [ OC.SystemTags.collection.get('456').toJSON() ] }); }); it('reloads file list after selection', function() { var reloadStub = sinon.stub(fileList, 'reload'); $tagsField.val('456,123').change(); expect(reloadStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); reloadStub.restore(); }); it('updates URL after selection', function() { var handler = sinon.stub(); fileList.$el.on('changeDirectory', handler); $tagsField.val('456,123').change(); expect(handler.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(handler.lastCall.args[0].dir).toEqual('456/123'); }); it('updates tag selection when url changed', function() { fileList.$el.trigger(new $.Event('urlChanged', {dir: '456/123'})); expect(select2Stub.lastCall.args[0]).toEqual('val'); expect(select2Stub.lastCall.args[1]).toEqual(['456', '123']); }); }); describe('loading results', function() { var getFilteredFilesSpec, requestDeferred; beforeEach(function() { requestDeferred = new $.Deferred(); getFilteredFilesSpec = sinon.stub(OC.Files.Client.prototype, 'getFilteredFiles') .returns(requestDeferred.promise()); }); afterEach(function() { getFilteredFilesSpec.restore(); }); it('renders empty message when no tags were set', function() { fileList = new OCA.SystemTags.FileList( $('#app-content-container'), { systemTagIds: [] } ); fileList.reload(); expect(fileList.$el.find('#emptycontent').hasClass('hidden')).toEqual(false); expect(getFilteredFilesSpec.notCalled).toEqual(true); }); it('render files', function(done) { fileList = new OCA.SystemTags.FileList( $('#app-content-container'), { systemTagIds: ['123', '456'] } ); var reloading = fileList.reload(); expect(getFilteredFilesSpec.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(getFilteredFilesSpec.lastCall.args[0].systemTagIds).toEqual(['123', '456']); var testFiles = [new FileInfo({ id: 1, type: 'file', name: 'One.txt', mimetype: 'text/plain', mtime: 123456789, size: 12, etag: 'abc', permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL }), new FileInfo({ id: 2, type: 'file', name: 'Two.jpg', mimetype: 'image/jpeg', mtime: 234567890, size: 12049, etag: 'def', permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL }), new FileInfo({ id: 3, type: 'file', name: 'Three.pdf', mimetype: 'application/pdf', mtime: 234560000, size: 58009, etag: '123', permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL }), new FileInfo({ id: 4, type: 'dir', name: 'somedir', mimetype: 'httpd/unix-directory', mtime: 134560000, size: 250, etag: '456', permissions: OC.PERMISSION_ALL })]; requestDeferred.resolve(207, testFiles); return reloading.then(function() { expect(fileList.$el.find('#emptycontent').hasClass('hidden')).toEqual(true); expect(fileList.$el.find('tbody>tr').length).toEqual(4); }).then(done, done); }); }); });