* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ namespace Test; use OC\Log; class LoggerTest extends TestCase { /** @var \OC\SystemConfig|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ private $config; /** @var \OCP\Support\CrashReport\IRegistry|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ private $registry; /** @var \OCP\ILogger */ private $logger; /** @var array */ static private $logs = array(); protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); self::$logs = array(); $this->config = $this->createMock(\OC\SystemConfig::class); $this->registry = $this->createMock(\OCP\Support\CrashReport\IRegistry::class); $this->logger = new Log('Test\LoggerTest', $this->config, null, $this->registry); } public function testInterpolation() { $logger = $this->logger; $logger->warning('{Message {nothing} {user} {foo.bar} a}', array('user' => 'Bob', 'foo.bar' => 'Bar')); $expected = array('2 {Message {nothing} Bob Bar a}'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->getLogs()); } public function testAppCondition() { $this->config->expects($this->any()) ->method('getValue') ->will(($this->returnValueMap([ ['loglevel', \OCP\Util::WARN, \OCP\Util::WARN], ['log.condition', [], ['apps' => ['files']]] ]))); $logger = $this->logger; $logger->info('Don\'t display info messages'); $logger->info('Show info messages of files app', ['app' => 'files']); $logger->warning('Show warning messages of other apps'); $expected = [ '1 Show info messages of files app', '2 Show warning messages of other apps', ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->getLogs()); } private function getLogs() { return self::$logs; } public static function write($app, $message, $level) { self::$logs[]= "$level $message"; } public function userAndPasswordData() { return [ ['abc', 'def'], ['mySpecialUsername', 'MySuperSecretPassword'], ['my-user', '324324()#ä234'], ['my-user', ')qwer'], ['my-user', 'qwer)asdf'], ['my-user', 'qwer)'], ['my-user', '(qwer'], ['my-user', 'qwer(asdf'], ['my-user', 'qwer('], ]; } /** * @dataProvider userAndPasswordData */ public function testDetectlogin($user, $password) { $e = new \Exception('test'); $this->registry->expects($this->once()) ->method('delegateReport') ->with($e, ['level' => 3]); $this->logger->logException($e); $logLines = $this->getLogs(); foreach($logLines as $logLine) { $this->assertNotContains($user, $logLine); $this->assertNotContains($password, $logLine); $this->assertContains('login(*** sensitive parameters replaced ***)', $logLine); } } /** * @dataProvider userAndPasswordData */ public function testDetectcheckPassword($user, $password) { $e = new \Exception('test'); $this->registry->expects($this->once()) ->method('delegateReport') ->with($e, ['level' => 3]); $this->logger->logException($e); $logLines = $this->getLogs(); foreach($logLines as $logLine) { $this->assertNotContains($user, $logLine); $this->assertNotContains($password, $logLine); $this->assertContains('checkPassword(*** sensitive parameters replaced ***)', $logLine); } } /** * @dataProvider userAndPasswordData */ public function testDetectvalidateUserPass($user, $password) { $e = new \Exception('test'); $this->registry->expects($this->once()) ->method('delegateReport') ->with($e, ['level' => 3]); $this->logger->logException($e); $logLines = $this->getLogs(); foreach($logLines as $logLine) { $this->assertNotContains($user, $logLine); $this->assertNotContains($password, $logLine); $this->assertContains('validateUserPass(*** sensitive parameters replaced ***)', $logLine); } } /** * @dataProvider userAndPasswordData */ public function testDetecttryLogin($user, $password) { $e = new \Exception('test'); $this->registry->expects($this->once()) ->method('delegateReport') ->with($e, ['level' => 3]); $this->logger->logException($e); $logLines = $this->getLogs(); foreach($logLines as $logLine) { $this->assertNotContains($user, $logLine); $this->assertNotContains($password, $logLine); $this->assertContains('tryLogin(*** sensitive parameters replaced ***)', $logLine); } } /** * @dataProvider userAndPasswordData */ public function testDetectclosure($user, $password) { $a = function($user, $password) { throw new \Exception('test'); }; $this->registry->expects($this->once()) ->method('delegateReport'); try { $a($user, $password); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->logException($e); } $logLines = $this->getLogs(); foreach($logLines as $logLine) { $log = explode('\n', $logLine); unset($log[1]); // Remove `testDetectclosure(` because we are not testing this here, but the closure on stack trace 0 $logLine = implode('\n', $log); $this->assertNotContains($user, $logLine); $this->assertNotContains($password, $logLine); $this->assertContains('{closure}(*** sensitive parameters replaced ***)', $logLine); } } public function dataGetLogClass() { return [ ['file', \OC\Log\File::class], ['errorlog', \OC\Log\Errorlog::class], ['syslog', \OC\Log\Syslog::class], ['owncloud', \OC\Log\File::class], ['nextcloud', \OC\Log\File::class], ['foobar', \OC\Log\File::class], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataGetLogClass */ public function testGetLogClass($type, $class) { $this->assertEquals($class, Log::getLogClass($type)); } }