{ "translations": { "Cron" : "计划任务", "Sharing" : "共享", "Security" : "安全", "Email Server" : "电子邮件服务器", "Log" : "日志", "Authentication error" : "认证错误", "Your full name has been changed." : "您的全名已修改。", "Unable to change full name" : "无法修改全名", "Files decrypted successfully" : "文件解密成功", "Couldn't decrypt your files, please check your owncloud.log or ask your administrator" : "无法解密您的文件,请检查您的 owncloud.log 或询问管理员", "Couldn't decrypt your files, check your password and try again" : "无法解密您的文件,请检查密码并重试。", "Encryption keys deleted permanently" : "加密密钥已经永久删除", "Couldn't permanently delete your encryption keys, please check your owncloud.log or ask your administrator" : "无法永久删除您的加密密钥,请检查 owncloud.log 或联系管理员", "Couldn't remove app." : "无法删除应用。", "Backups restored successfully" : "恢复备份成功", "Couldn't restore your encryption keys, please check your owncloud.log or ask your administrator" : "无法恢复加密密钥,请检查 owncloud.log 或联系管理员", "Language changed" : "语言已修改", "Invalid request" : "无效请求", "Admins can't remove themself from the admin group" : "管理员不能将自己移出管理组。", "Unable to add user to group %s" : "无法把用户增加到组 %s", "Unable to remove user from group %s" : "无法从组%s中移除用户", "Couldn't update app." : "无法更新 app。", "Wrong password" : "错误密码", "No user supplied" : "没有满足的用户", "Please provide an admin recovery password, otherwise all user data will be lost" : "请提供管理员恢复密码,否则所有用户的数据都将遗失。", "Wrong admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again." : "错误的管理员恢复密码。请检查密码并重试。", "Unable to change password" : "不能更改密码", "Enabled" : "开启", "Saved" : "已保存", "test email settings" : "测试电子邮件设置", "If you received this email, the settings seem to be correct." : "如果您收到了这封邮件,看起来设置没有问题。", "Email sent" : "邮件已发送", "You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails." : "在发送测试邮件前您需要设置您的用户电子邮件。", "Email saved" : "电子邮件已保存", "Are you really sure you want add \"{domain}\" as trusted domain?" : "你真的希望添加 \"{domain}\" 为信任域?", "Add trusted domain" : "添加信任域", "Sending..." : "正在发送...", "All" : "全部", "Please wait...." : "请稍等....", "Error while disabling app" : "禁用 app 时出错", "Disable" : "禁用", "Enable" : "开启", "Error while enabling app" : "启用 app 时出错", "Updating...." : "正在更新....", "Error while updating app" : "更新 app 时出错", "Updated" : "已更新", "Uninstalling ...." : "卸载中....", "Error while uninstalling app" : "卸载应用时发生了一个错误", "Uninstall" : "卸载", "Select a profile picture" : "选择头像", "Very weak password" : "非常弱的密码", "Weak password" : "弱密码", "So-so password" : "一般强度的密码", "Good password" : "较强的密码", "Strong password" : "强密码", "Valid until {date}" : "有效期至 {date}", "Delete" : "删除", "Decrypting files... Please wait, this can take some time." : "正在解密文件... 请稍等,可能需要一些时间。", "Delete encryption keys permanently." : "永久删除加密密钥。", "Restore encryption keys." : "恢复加密密钥。", "Groups" : "组", "Unable to delete {objName}" : "无法删除 {objName}", "Error creating group" : "创建组时出错", "A valid group name must be provided" : "请提供一个有效的组名称", "deleted {groupName}" : "已删除 {groupName}", "undo" : "撤销", "never" : "从不", "deleted {userName}" : "已删除 {userName}", "add group" : "增加组", "A valid username must be provided" : "必须提供合法的用户名", "Error creating user" : "创建用户出错", "A valid password must be provided" : "必须提供合法的密码", "__language_name__" : "简体中文", "SSL root certificates" : "SSL根证书", "Encryption" : "加密", "Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" : "所有(灾难性问题,错误,警告,信息,调试)", "Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" : "信息,警告,错误和灾难性问题", "Warnings, errors and fatal issues" : "警告,错误和灾难性问题", "Errors and fatal issues" : "错误和灾难性问题", "Fatal issues only" : "仅灾难性问题", "None" : "无", "Login" : "登录", "Plain" : "Plain", "NT LAN Manager" : "NT LAN 管理器", "SSL" : "SSL", "TLS" : "TLS", "Security Warning" : "安全警告", "You are accessing %s via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your server to require using HTTPS instead." : "您正通过 HTTP 访问 %s。我们强烈建议您配置你的服务器来要求使用 HTTPS。", "Setup Warning" : "设置警告", "PHP is apparently setup to strip inline doc blocks. This will make several core apps inaccessible." : "PHP 被设置为移除行内 块,这将导致数个核心应用无法访问。", "This is probably caused by a cache/accelerator such as Zend OPcache or eAccelerator." : "这可能是由缓存/加速器造成的,例如 Zend OPcache 或 eAccelerator。", "Database Performance Info" : "数据库性能信息", "Module 'fileinfo' missing" : "模块'文件信息'丢失", "The PHP module 'fileinfo' is missing. We strongly recommend to enable this module to get best results with mime-type detection." : "PHP模块'文件信息'丢失. 我们强烈建议启用此模块以便mime类型检测取得最佳结果.", "PHP charset is not set to UTF-8" : "PHP字符集没有设置为UTF-8", "PHP charset is not set to UTF-8. This can cause major issues with non-ASCII characters in file names. We highly recommend to change the value of 'default_charset' php.ini to 'UTF-8'." : "PHP字符集没有设置为UTF-8。这会导致非ASC||字符的文件名出现乱码。我们强烈建议修改php.ini文件中的'default_charset' 的值为 'UTF-8'", "Locale not working" : "本地化无法工作", "System locale can not be set to a one which supports UTF-8." : "系统语系无法设置为支持 UTF-8 的语系。", "This means that there might be problems with certain characters in file names." : "这意味着一些文件名中的特定字符可能有问题。", "URL generation in notification emails" : "在通知邮件里生成URL", "No problems found" : "未发现问题", "Please double check the installation guides." : "请认真检查安装指南.", "Last cron was executed at %s." : "上次定时任务执行于 %s。", "Last cron was executed at %s. This is more than an hour ago, something seems wrong." : "上次定时任务执行于 %s。这是在一个小时之前执行的,可能出了什么问题。", "Cron was not executed yet!" : "定时任务还未被执行!", "Execute one task with each page loaded" : "每个页面加载后执行一个任务", "cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 15 minutes over http." : "cron.php 已注册于一个 webcron 服务来通过 http 每 15 分钟执行 cron.php。", "Use system's cron service to call the cron.php file every 15 minutes." : "使用系统 CRON 服务每 15 分钟执行一次 cron.php 文件。", "Allow apps to use the Share API" : "允许应用软件使用共享API", "Allow users to share via link" : "允许用户通过链接分享文件", "Enforce password protection" : "强制密码保护", "Allow public uploads" : "允许公开上传", "Allow users to send mail notification for shared files" : "允许用户发送共享文件的邮件通知", "Set default expiration date" : "设置默认过期日期", "Expire after " : "过期于", "days" : "天", "Enforce expiration date" : "强制过期日期", "Allow resharing" : "允许再次共享", "Restrict users to only share with users in their groups" : "限制仅与组内用户分享", "Exclude groups from sharing" : "在分享中排除组", "These groups will still be able to receive shares, but not to initiate them." : "这些组将仍可以获取分享,但无法向他人分享。", "Enforce HTTPS" : "强制使用 HTTPS", "Forces the clients to connect to %s via an encrypted connection." : "强制客户端通过加密连接连接到%s。", "Please connect to your %s via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement." : "请经由HTTPS连接到这个%s 实例来启用或禁用强制SSL.", "This is used for sending out notifications." : "这被用于发送通知。", "Send mode" : "发送模式", "From address" : "来自地址", "mail" : "邮件", "Authentication method" : "认证方法", "Authentication required" : "需要认证", "Server address" : "服务器地址", "Port" : "端口", "Credentials" : "凭证", "SMTP Username" : "SMTP 用户名", "SMTP Password" : "SMTP 密码", "Test email settings" : "测试电子邮件设置", "Send email" : "发送邮件", "Log level" : "日志级别", "More" : "更多", "Less" : "更少", "Version" : "版本", "More apps" : "更多应用", "by" : "被", "Documentation:" : "文档:", "User Documentation" : "用户文档", "Admin Documentation" : "管理员文档", "Enable only for specific groups" : "仅对特定的组开放", "Uninstall App" : "下载应用", "Cheers!" : "干杯!", "Administrator Documentation" : "管理员文档", "Online Documentation" : "在线文档", "Forum" : "论坛", "Bugtracker" : "问题跟踪器", "Commercial Support" : "商业支持", "Get the apps to sync your files" : "安装应用进行文件同步", "Show First Run Wizard again" : "再次显示首次运行向导", "You have used %s of the available %s" : "你已使用 %s,有效空间 %s", "Password" : "密码", "Unable to change your password" : "无法修改密码", "Current password" : "当前密码", "New password" : "新密码", "Change password" : "修改密码", "Full Name" : "全名", "Email" : "电子邮件", "Your email address" : "您的电子邮件", "Fill in an email address to enable password recovery and receive notifications" : "填入电子邮件地址从而启用密码恢复和接收通知", "Profile picture" : "联系人图片", "Upload new" : "上传新的", "Select new from Files" : "从文件中选择一个新的", "Remove image" : "移除图片", "Either png or jpg. Ideally square but you will be able to crop it." : "png 或 jpg。正方形比较理想但你也可以之后对其进行裁剪。", "Your avatar is provided by your original account." : "您的头像由您的原始账户所提供。", "Cancel" : "取消", "Choose as profile image" : "用作头像", "Language" : "语言", "Help translate" : "帮助翻译", "Common Name" : "通用名称", "Valid until" : "有效期至", "Issued By" : "授权由", "Valid until %s" : "有效期至 %s", "Import Root Certificate" : "导入根证书", "The encryption app is no longer enabled, please decrypt all your files" : "加密 app 不再被启用,请解密您所有的文件", "Log-in password" : "登录密码", "Decrypt all Files" : "解密所有文件", "Your encryption keys are moved to a backup location. If something went wrong you can restore the keys. Only delete them permanently if you are sure that all files are decrypted correctly." : "您的加密密钥已经移动到一个备份位置。如果发生了错误您可以恢复密钥,当确认所有文件已经正确解密时才可永久删除密钥。", "Restore Encryption Keys" : "恢复加密密钥", "Delete Encryption Keys" : "删除加密密钥", "Show storage location" : "显示存储位置", "Show last log in" : "显示最后登录", "Username" : "用户名", "Create" : "创建", "Admin Recovery Password" : "管理恢复密码", "Enter the recovery password in order to recover the users files during password change" : "输入恢复密码来在更改密码的时候恢复用户文件", "Add Group" : "增加组", "Group" : "分组", "Everyone" : "所有人", "Admins" : "管理员", "Default Quota" : "默认配额", "Please enter storage quota (ex: \"512 MB\" or \"12 GB\")" : "请输入存储限额 (ex: \"512 MB\" or \"12 GB\")", "Unlimited" : "无限", "Other" : "其它", "Quota" : "配额", "Storage Location" : "存储空间位置", "Last Login" : "最后登录", "change full name" : "更改全名", "set new password" : "设置新密码", "Default" : "默认" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;" }